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: l.

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N am e.

D irections: C hoose the w ord from the box that best com pletes each sentence.
W rite the w ord on the line to the left.
1. The m em bers o f our sc h o o l_____ the Words
began to go on stage. You Know
instrum ent
2. It was their f in a l before the big
m easures
perform ance.
3. E ach student got a n . . ready to play. rehearsal
4. From the giant tuba to the tin y .
all the instrum ents were ready.

5. As I heard the first f e w __ o f the m usic begin, I knew

the concert w ould be a success.

D irections: C ross out the w ord that does not belong in each group.

6. band stage orchestra group

7. m easures beats bars violins
8. perform er instrum ent dancer singer
ÏI 9. rehearsal practice flute w arm -up
10 . trum pet triangle conductor drum

Write a Music Review

On a separate sheet o f paper, tell about
a concert you attended. Tell why you did
or did not enjoy the concert. U se as m any
o f the vocabulary words as you can.

Notes for Home: Your child identified and used vocabulary words from “Yingtao’s New
Friend.” Home Activity: Have your child talk about a piece o f music he or she likes.
Encourage him or her to use as many o f the vocabulary words as possible.

22 Vocabulary

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