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In these TOEIC questions, you will have to choose the noun form of a word from
four choices. You must understand that a noun is missing from the sentence. You
must also know which of the four choices is a noun.
The buffet table has a wide ….. of food items to choose from.
(A) selectively (B) selective (C) select (D) selection
The correct answer is (D) selection. The missing word is a noun. None of the
other choices is a noun.
+ buffet: a meal at which people serve themselves from a table and then stand or
sit somewhere else to eat: a buffet lunch / supper. Dinner will be a cold buffet, not
a sit-down meal.

DIRECTION 5: Mark the choice that best completes the sentence.

1. Your signature below will represent your ….. of this contract.
(A) accepted (B) acceptance (C) accept (D) acceptable
2. The ….. on who could be hired for that position did not seem legal.
(A) restrictions (B) restricted (C) restricting (D) restricted
+ restrict sth (to sth) to limit the size, amount or range of sth: Speed is restricted
to 30 mph in towns. We restrict the number of students per class to 10.
3. Employee ….. in this company will prove beneficial for everyone.
(A) invest (B) invested (C) investments (D) investor
+ prove sth (to sb) to use facts, evidence, etc. to show that sth is true: [vn] They
hope this new evidence will prove her innocence.
4. The contract calls for a $1,000 ….. for every day we go over the deadline.
(A) penalize (B) penalty (C) penal (D)
+ call for sth to need sth: The situation calls for prompt action. ‘I’ve been promoted.’
‘This calls for a celebration!’ / to publicly ask for sth to happen: They called for
the immediate release of the hostages. The opposition have called for him to
+ deadline: (for sth) a point in time by which sth must be done
+ penalize: penalize sb (for sth) to punish sb for breaking a rule or law by making
them suffer a disadvantage: You will be penalized for poor spelling/penalize sb
(for sth) to punish sb for breaking a rule in a sport or game by giving an advantage
to their opponent. Penalization (n)
+ penalty (for sth) a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract: to impose a
+ Penal: that can be punished by law: a penal offence
5. The manager’s ....... for next year’s profits is very optimistic.
(A) projection (B) projector (C) project (D)
+ optimistic: (about sth) | optimistic (that … ) expecting good things to happen or
sth to be successful; showing this feeling SYN positive. OPP pessimistic
+ project: [vn] [usually passive] to plan an activity, a project etc. for a time in the
future: The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March.
+ projection (n) an estimate or a statement of what figures, amounts, or events will
be in the future, or what they were in the past, based on what is happening now: to
make forward / backward projections of population figures. Sales have exceeded
our projections.
6. We have no other ….. if we want to expand the company safely.
(A) optimal (B) optimum (C) opt (D) option
+ optimum (also optimal): the best possible; producing the best possible results
+ To opt (for / against sth) to choose to take or not to take a particular course of
action: [v] After graduating she opted for a career in music.
7. I missed breakfast and lunch, so my ….. right now is to get something to eat.
(A) priority (B) prior (C) prioritize (D) priors
+ priority: something that you think is more important than other things and
should be dealt with first: a high / low priority. Education is a top priority.
+ prior: (adjective ) happening or existing before sth else or before a particular
Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable/ Noun: a
person who is in charge of a group of monks or nuns living in a priory
+ To prioritize: to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can
deal with the most important first: [vn] You should make a list of all the jobs you
have to do and prioritize them.
8. The restaurant is due for an ….. by the Health Department next week.
(A) inspection (B) inspector (C) inspect (D) inspected
+ due (to do sth) | due (for sth) arranged or expected: When’s the baby due?
Rose is due to start school in January. The band’s first album is due for release
later this month.
9. Our success is based completely on the ….. of our products.
(A) rely (B) reliable (C) reliant (D)
+ To rely to need or depend on sb/sth: reliable (adjective) unreliable
reliability (noun) ≠ unreliability
reliance noun
+ reliant on / upon sb/sth needing sb/sth in order to survive, be successful, etc.
SYN dependent: The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.
10. The low profits we’ve had over the last two quarters are due to the bad ….. .
(A) economics (B) economize (C) economic (D) economy
+ economize: (on sth) to use less money, time, etc. than you normally use:
Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health.
+ Economic means ‘connected with the economy of a country or an area, or with
the money that a society or an individual has’: the government’s economic
policy. The economic aspects of having children: social, economic and political
issues. Economic growth / cooperation / development / reform
+ Economical means ‘spending money or using something in a careful way that
avoids waste’: It is usually economical to buy washing powder in large
+ economy (often the economy) [C] the relationship between production, trade
and the supply of money in a particular country or region: The economy is in
recession. The world economy. A market economy (= one in which the price is
fixed according to both cost and demand)


See TOEIC questions, you will have to choose the verb form of a word from four
choices. You must understand that a verb is missing from the sentence. You must
also which of the four choices is a verb.
We will ……… our operation and open two new branches.
(A) expansion (B) expansive (C) expand (D)
The correct answer is (C) expand. The missing word is a verb. None of the other
is a verb.

DIRECTION5: Mark the choice that best completes the sentence.

1. If you cannot ….. those accusations, I want to hear no more about it.
(A) substantial (B) substance (C) substantiate (D) substantially
+ accusation (of sth) (against sb) | accusation (that … ): a statement saying that
you think a person is guilty of doing sth wrong, especially of committing a crime;
the fact of accusing sb: accusations of corruption / cruelty / racism
+ substantiate: (formal) to provide information or evidence to prove that sth is
true: The results of the tests substantiated his claims.
+ substance: a type of solid, liquid or gas that has particular qualities: a
chemical / radioactive, etc. substance. Banned / illegal substances (= drugs). A
sticky substance
+ substantial: large in amount, value or importance SYN considerable:
substantial sums of money. A substantial change, Substantial numbers of people
support the reforms. He ate a substantial breakfast/[usually before noun] (formal)
large and solid; strongly built: a substantial house
2. Government experts ….. the stock market to do better in the coming months.
(A) expectable (B) expect (C) expectation (D) expectant
+ expectant: (adjective) hoping for sth, especially sth good and exciting:
children with expectant faces waiting for the fireworks to begin
3. Do you ….. to increase employee benefits during the next open enrollment?
(A) intend (B) intent (C) intention (D) intently
+ Intent (n) (to do sth) (formal or law) what you intend to do SYN intention:
She denies possessing the drug with intent to supply/ (adj): showing strong
interest and attention: an intent gaze / look. His eyes were suddenly intent.
4. Whenever out-of-town clients visit us, we do our best to ….. them.
(A) entertainment(B) entertaining (C) entertainer (D) entertain
5.The auditors ….. that the bookkeepers send them figures every two weeks.
(A) preference (B) preferable (C) preferential (D)
+ auditor: a person who officially examines the business and financial records of
a company/(NAmE) a person who attends a college course, but without having to
take exams and without receiving credit
+ preferential: adjective[only before noun] giving an advantage to a particular
person or group: Don’t expect to get preferential treatment.
6. My boss’s wife loves to ….. antique bottles and jars.
(A) collection (B) collect (C) collectible (D) collector
+ antique: adjective[usually before noun] (of furniture, jewellery, etc.) old and
often valuable
+ collectable (also collectible): (adjective) worth collecting because it is beautiful
or may become valuable
7. I dislike radios playing in the office because they ….. me while I try to work.
(A) distraction (B) distracter (C) distract (D)
+ distract: sb/sth (from sth) to take sb’s attention away from what they are trying
to do
SYN divert
8. We would like to ….. that these bonuses are a one-time only thing.
(A) emphasize (B) emphatic (C) emphasis (D) emphatically
+ emphasize (BrE also emphasise) (verb)to give special importance to sth
SYN stress: [vn] His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to
the town.
9. Management likes employees who ….. to participate in company events.
(A) voluntary (B) volunteerism (C) volunteer (D) voluntarily
+ volunteer (sth) (for / as sth): to offer to do sth without being forced to do it or
without getting paid for it. volunteer to do sth: Jill volunteered to organize a
10.By law, we must ….. how much federal income tax to deduct from your pay.
(A) calculable (B) calculation (C) calculate (D) calculator


In these TOEIC questions, you will have to choose the adjective form of a word
from four choices. You must understand that an adjective is missing from the
sentence. You must also know which of the four choices is an adjective.
Please sit down and make yourself ….. .
(A) comfortable (B) comfort (C) comfortably (D)
The correct answer is (D) comfortable. The missing word is an adjective. None of
the other choices is an adjective.
DIRECTIONS: Mark the choice that best completes the sentence.
1. All staff members are ….. for the accuracy of their time cards.
(A) account (B) accountant (C) accountable (D)
+ accountable (to sb) (for sth): responsible for your decisions or actions and
expected to explain them when you are asked: Politicians are ultimately
accountable to the voters. Someone must be held accountable for the killings.
Accountability noun [U]: the accountability of a company’s directors to the
2. Everybody who works here has his/her ….. parking space in the garage.
(A) own (B) owner (C) owe (D) owing
+ owe: verb (not used in the progressive tenses) owe sth (to sb) (for sth) | owe (sb)
sth (for sth) to have to pay sb for sth that you have already received or return
money that you have borrowed
3. Some people say the ….. power in this company lies with the boss’s brother.
(A) reality (B) realism (C) really (D) real
+ realism: a way of seeing, accepting and dealing with situations as they really are
without being influenced by your emotions or false hopes: There was a new mood
of realism among the leaders at the peace talks.
4. We’re all glad that the new CEO is a very ….. leader.
(A) progressive (B) progress (C) progression (D) progressively
+ progression: (from sth) (to sth) the process of developing gradually from one
stage or state to another: opportunities for career progression.
5. It’s so nice that your assistant is such a ….. person.
(A) friend (B) friendliness (C) friendly (D) friendship
6. The new line of cleaning products is still in the ….. stage of development.
(A) experimenter (B) experiment (C) experimentation (D)
+ experiment (on sb/sth) | experiment (with sth): to do a scientific experiment
or experiments:
Some people feel that experimenting on animals is wrong/to try or test new ideas,
methods, etc. to find out what effect they have: He wanted to experiment more
with different textures in his paintings. I experimented until I got the recipe just
right. Experimenter (noun)
+ experimentation: (formal) the activity or process of experimenting:
experimentation with new teaching methods.
7. The loyalty she has from her staff is ….. of what a good manager she is.
(A) indicate (B) indicative (C) indicator (D) indication
+ loyalty: (to / towards sb/sth) [U] the quality of being faithful in your support of
sb/sth: They swore their loyalty to the king.
8. Jeanne’s ….. approach to all of her work is what makes her so valuable to us.
(A) methodical (B) methodology (C) method (D)
9. Before you go abroad, make sure you have a ….. passport.
(A) validity (B) validation (C) validate (D) valid
+ validate (V) : to prove that sth is true: to validate a theory. OPP invalidate/to
make sth legally valid:
to validate a contract OPP invalidate/to state officially that sth is useful and of an
acceptable standard: Check that their courses have been validated by a reputable
organization. Validation
+ validity (N): the state of being legally or officially acceptable: The period of
validity of the agreement has expired/the state of being logical and true: We had
doubts about the validity of their argument.
+ Valid: that is accepted by the system: a valid password OPP invalid
10. We are proud that our company has the most ….. health-care plan in the state.
(A) comprehend (B) comprehensive (C) comprehensively (D)


In these TOEIC questions, you will have to choose the adverb form of a word
from four choices. You must understand that an adverb is missing from the
sentence. You must also know which of the four choices is an adverb.
This form must be completed ….. .
(A) accurate (B) accuracy (C) accurately (D)
+ accuracy: the state of being exact or correct; the ability to do sth skilfully
without making mistakes:
The correct answer is (C) accurately. The missing word is an adverb. None of the
other choices is an adverb.
DIRECTIONS: Mark the choice that best completes the sentence.
1. When we plan out next year’s budget, let’s do it ….. this time.
(A) really (B) reality (C) realistic (D) realistically
+ budget: [C, U] the money that is available to a person or an organization and a
plan of how it will be spent over a period of time: a monthly / an annual / a family
+ realistic: representing things as they are in real life: a realistic drawing. We try
to make these training courses as realistic as possible. OPP unrealistic
2. Our books are audited ….. by an outside agency.
(A) periodical (B) period (C) periodically (D) periodic
+ Audit: to officially examine the financial accounts of a company/(NAmE) to
attend a course at college or university but without taking any exams or receiving
3. Mr. Talbot is ….. awaiting the report on his yearly evaluation.
(A) anxiously (B) anxious (C) anxiety (D)
+ To await: to wait for sb/sth: He is in custody awaiting trial. Her latest novel is
eagerly awaited/to be going to happen to sb: A warm welcome awaits all our
4. The CEO has been ….. advised by the board of directors.
(A) reliably (B) reliable (C) reliability (D)
5. Ms. Yates surprised all of us at the conference with her ….. delivered speech.
(A) impressive (B) impression (C) impressively (D)
6. We’ve never seen a more ….. organized presentation than the one you gave.
(A) profess (B) professional (C) profession (D)
7. ….. speaking, this hotel offers guests more amenities than most hotels.
(A) Generally (B) Generality (C) General (D) Generalize
8. All the candy produced in our factories is ….. wrapped for safety
(A) individuality (B) individually (C) individual (D) individualize
+ wrap: wrap sth (up) (in sth) to cover sth completely in paper or other material,
for example when you are giving it as a present: He spent the evening wrapping up
the Christmas presents.
9. The CEO’s office is so ….. decorated that I feel it’s embarrassing.
(A) expend (B) expensive (C) expensively (D)
10. From now on, any employee who is ….. late for work will be dismissed.
(A) habitually (B) habituate (C) habitual (D) habit
+ dismiss sb (from sth) to officially remove sb from their job. SYN fire, sack:


In these TOEIC questions, you will have to choose the correct form of a pronoun
from four choices. You must understand what part of speech is missing. You must
also know what part of speech the four pronouns are.
The customer called to cancel ….. order.
(A) it (B) her (C) hers (D) she
The correct answer is (B) her. The missing pronoun is a possessive pronoun. None
of the other choices is a possessive pronoun.
DIRECTIONS: Mark the choice that best completes the sentence.
1. The government has a responsibility to protect ….. citizens from inflation.
(A) its (B) it’s (C) it (D) their
+ inflation: a general rise in the prices of services and goods in a particular
country, resulting in a fall in the value of money; the rate at which this happens:
the fight against rising inflation. To control / curb inflation. To reduce / bring
down inflation. A high / low rate of inflation. An inflation rate of 3%. Wage
increases must be in line with inflation. Inflation is currently running at 3%.
2. I see you met my assistant. ….. and I go back many years.
(A) Her (B) She (C) Hers (D) We
3. Instead of filling those orders now, take care of ….. tomorrow morning.
(A) them (B) they (C) their (D) its
4. All of ….. have been invited to the boss’s cocktail party this Friday evening.
(A) we (B) our (C) us (D) ours
+ cocktail: a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more spirits (= strong
alcoholic drinks) and fruit juice. It can also be made without alcohol: a cocktail
bar / cabinet / lounge
5. The idea for the new routing system wasn’t Patterson’s; it was ….. .
(A) me (B) mine (C) my (D) I
+ To rout: to defeat sb completely in a competition, a battle, etc.: The Buffalo
Bills routed the Atlanta Falcons 41–14.
6. Telling somebody that ….. is laid off is a very unpleasant task.
(A) him (B) his (C) he (D) they
+ To lay off: to put sb/sth in a particular position or state, especially a difficult or
unpleasant one SYN place: to lay a responsibility / burden on sb. To lay sb under
an obligation to do sth
7. My computer has a lot of memory, but ….. has more.
(A) she (B) hers (C) her (D) it
8. ….. isn’t a good business practice, arriving late for meetings.
(A) He (B) It (C) She (D) You
9. When ….. probation period is up, you’ll be given the full benefits package.
(A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) our
+ probation: a time of training and testing when you start a new job to see if you
are suitable for the work: a period of probation
10. The police were right when ….. advised us to get a new security system.
(A) it (B) she (C) them (D) they

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