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Verb forms

No Present Tense Present Tense Continuous Tense Past Tense Past Participle
(时常做的事) (时常做的事) (正在做的事) (过去某个时间做
Base Form s Form ing Form 的事)
I, You, We, He, She, It, The am, is, are, was, I, You, We, They, is, are, was,
They, The boys cat, A fish were He, She, It, The were (被)
girls, The bird, A
lady has, have, had
1. answer 回答 answers answering answered answered
2. applies applying applied applied
apply 应用
3. arranges arranging arranged arranged
arrange 整理
4. arrives arriving arrived arrived
5. arrive 到达 asks asking asked asked
6. ask 问 beats beating beat beat
7. beat 打败 becomes becoming became become
8. begins beginning began begun
become 变成
9. bites biting bit bitten
10. begin 开始 blows blowing blew blown
11. bite 咬 borrows borrowing borrowed borrowed
12. blow 吹 breaks breaking broke broken
13. brings bringing brought brought
borrow 借
14. brushes brushing brushed brushed
15. break 打破 builds building built built
16. bring 带 buys buying bought bought
17. brush 刷 carries carrying carried carried
18. catches catching caught caught
build 建
19. chooses choosing chose chosen
20. buy 买 closes closing closed closed
21. carry 提 comes coming came come
22. catch 捉 cooks cooking cooked cooked
23. crawls crawling crawled crawled
choose 选
24. cuts cutting cut cut
25. close 关 dances dancing danced danced
26. come 来 digs digging dug dug
27. cook 煮 dives diving dived dived
28. does doing did done
crawl 爬
29. draws drawing drew drawn
30. cut 切 drinks drinking drank drunk
31. dance 跳舞 drives driving drove driven
32. dig 挖 earns earning earned earned
33. eats eating ate eaten
dive 潜水
34. falls falling fell fallen
do 做
35. feeds feeding fed fed
36. draw 画 feels feeling felt felt
37. drink 喝 fights fighting fought fought
38. drive 驾 finds finding found found
39. finishes finished finished finished
earn 赚
40. floats floating floated floated
41. eat 吃 flies flying flew flown

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fall 跌倒
feed 喂
feel 感觉
fight 打斗
find 找到
finish 完成
float 浮
fly 飞
42. forget 忘记 forgets forgetting forgot forgotten
43. forgives forgiving forgave forgiven
forgive 原谅
44. fries frying fried fried
fry 炒
45. gets getting got got
46. get 得到 gives giving gave given
47. give 给 goes going went gone
48. go 去 hangs hanging hung hung
49. happens happening happened happened
hang 挂
50. has having had had
51. happen 发生 hears hearing heard heard
52. have 拥有 hides hiding hid hidden
53. hear 听 hits hitting hit hit
54. holds holding held held
hide 藏
55. hurts hurting hurt hurt
56. hit 打 joins joining joined joined
57. hold 握 jumps jumping jumped jumped
58. hurt 伤害 keeps keeping kept kept
59. kicks kicking kicked kicked
join 加入,连接
60. knows knowing knew known
61. jump 跳 lays laying laid laid
62. keep 收 leads leading led led
63. kick 踢 learns learning learned learned
64. leaves leaving left left
know 知道
65. lends lending lent lent
66. lay 躺 lights lighting lit lit
67. lead 带领 lives living lived lived
68. learn 学习 loses losing lost lost
69. makes making made made
leave 离开
70. meets meeting met met
71. lend 借 moves moving moved moved
72. light 点燃 pays paying paid paid
73. live 居住 plays playing played played
74. plucks plucking plucked plucked
lose 遗失
75. pushes pushing pushed pushed
make 制作
76. puts putting put put
77. meet 遇见 rain raining rained rained
78. move 移动 reaches reaching reached reached
79. pay 还 reads reading read read
80. receives receiving received received
play 玩
81. replies replying replied replied
82. pluck 摘 rides riding rode ridden
83. rings ringing rang rung

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84. push 推 rises rising rose risen
85. runs running ran run
put 放
86. saves saving saved saved
rain 下雨
87. says saying said said
88. reach 到达 sees seeing saw seen
89. read 读 sells selling sold sold
90. receive 收到 shines shining shone shone
91. shuts shutting shut shut
reply 回覆
ride 骑
ring 响
rise 升
run 跑
save 救
say 说
see 看
sell 卖
shine 照耀
shut 关闭

92. sing 唱 sings singing sang sung

93. sinks sinking sank sunk
sink 沉
94. sits sitting sat sat
sit 坐
95. sleeps sleeping slept slept
96. sleep 睡觉 speaks speaking spoke spoken
97. speak 讲 spends spending spent spent
98. spend 花费 spills spilling spilled/ spilt spilled/ spilt
99. spreads spreading spread spread
spill 溢出
100. stands standing stood stood
101. spread 散播 starts starting started started
102. stand 站 steals stealing stole stolen
103. start 开始 stings stinging stung stung
104. studies studying studied studied
steal 偷
105. sweeps sweeping swept swept
106. sting 蛰 swims swimming swam swum
107. study 学习 takes taking took taken
108. sweep 扫 tears tearing tore torn
109. teaches teaching taught taught
swim 游泳
110. tells telling told told
111. take 拿 thinks thinking thought thought
112. tear 撕开 throws throwing threw thrown
113. teach 教导 travels travelling travelled travelled
114. tries trying tried tried
tell 说/告诉
115. waits waiting waited waited
116. think 想/以为 wakes waking wore worn
117. throw 丢 washes washing washed washed
118. travel 旅行 watches watching watched watched
119. wears wearing wore worn

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120. try 尝试 welcomes welcoming welcomed welcomed
121. wins winning won won
wait 等
122. writes writing wrote written
wake 醒
123. yawns yawning yawned yawned
124. wash 洗 yells yelling yelled yelled
watch 观看
wear 穿/戴
welcome 迎接
win 赢
write 写
yawn 打哈欠
yell 喊

Examples : 1. I go to the library every weekend. ( Simple Present Tense)

2. My sister plays badminton with her friend every afternoon. ( Simple Present Tense)
3. The boys are swimming in the pool happily. ( Present Continuous Tense)
4. They were sitting under the shady tree when it started to rain. ( Past Continuous
5. The woman gave some money to the beggar just now. ( Simple Past Tense)
7. She has eaten all the grapes on the table. ( Present Perfect Tense)
6. The girl was saved by the life guard. ( 被字句)

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