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“Tạo lập bởi các nhà khoa học Việt Nam, vì các nhà khoa học Việt Nam!”


1. Name(s) and Affiliation(s) of Researcher(s)

Type your name and institution and other co-author(s) and their institutions (if applicable)
Quang Huy Le, University of transport and technology
2. Topic(s)
Type the specific scope of the research (E.g.: higher education, administration, evaluation)
Construction field
3. Title
Type your intended paper title if possible
Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using Different Advanced Decision Trees Methods
4. Aims and Objectives
Present an overall aim and 3 or 4 objectives that the research will address
Landslides are the movement of slope forming materials down a slope driven by the force
of gravity under impaction of many factors depending on geological, geomorphological,
land cover, meteorological, hydrological conditions. It is a well-known geo-hazard which
causes the loss of human life and properties in many countries of the world
Machine learning methods are based on the statistical approaches which determine the
spatial distribution of the historical landslides in relation with a set of the landslide
affecting parameters
5. Methodology
Present here: Logistic Model Tree , Random Forest, Alternating Decision Trees
Your intended data collection method(s) and instrument(s)
Population and sampling
Data analysis methods
I will apply and compare the predictive capability of three techniques, RF, LMT, and ADT,
for landslide susceptibility mapping. Degree of contribution of each affecting factor to
landslide modeling is evaluated using Correlation – Based Feature Selection (CFS). As a
case study, the Luc Yen district located in Yen Bai province - in the northern part of Viet
Nam is selected for development of the models
6. Expected Outcomes
Present the outcomes that you hope will result from the research
In this research, three advanced decision trees methods namely Random Forest
(RF),Logistic Model Tree (LMT), and Alternating Decision Tree (ADT) were applied for
landslide susceptibility mapping at Luc Yen district, Viet Nam.
Data of some landslides events was analyzed with ten affecting factors (land use,
elevation, slope, distance to roads, aspect, curvature, distance to faults, rainfall, lithology,
and distance to rivers) and tested using the Correlation – Based Feature Selection (CFS)

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Facebook: Công bố Quốc tế; Email:
method. The ROC curve, statistical indices (sensitivity, specificity, and kappa), and Chi-
square test were utilized for validating and comparing performance of the models.
7. List of Related Publications
List peer-reviewed publications related to your research that you ever read.
(Using APA 6th referencing guide)

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Facebook: Công bố Quốc tế; Email:

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