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G.R. No.

152651 August 7, 2006 On 7 December 1998, respondent, unaware that petitioner was
granted a study leave from October 1996 to October 1997, filed
ANDABAI T. ARIMAO, Petitioner, a complaint before the Regional Director, ARMM, relative to
vs. petitioner’s continued absence. On 24 December 1998, upon
SAADEA P. TAHER, Respondent. the complaint filed by respondent, the Executive Secretary of
ARMM, by authority of the ARMM Regional Governor and per
his Memorandum of even date, declared petitioner to have
DECISION been Absent Without Leave (AWOL) by reason of her failure to
report to her office for at least a year after the expiration of her
TINGA, J.: study leave and directed that she be dropped from the
payroll. 10 Petitioner appealed the said Memorandum to the
Before us is a petition for review of the Decision and Order Office of the ARMM Regional Governor. In Resolution No. 001-
dated 16 October 2001 and 31 January 2002, respectively, of 99 dated 17 March 1999, the said office denied the appeal,
Branch 14 of the Regional Trial Court, 12th Judicial Region, finding that from 30 October 1996 up to the opening of school
Cotabato City, in SPL. Civil Case No. 660, entitled "Saadea P. year 1997-1998, first semester, petitioner failed to report to
Taher v. Gov. Nur Misuari, in his capacity as ARMM Regional office despite the fact that she was not able to enroll
Governor, Andabai T. Arimao and Bajunaid Kamaludin, Acting immediately upon the approval of her study leave. 11Further,
Director of TESDA-ARMM," which enjoined respondents petitioner’s act of enrolling in the second semester of school
therein, including petitioner Andabai T. Arimao, from carrying year 1997-1998 in the absence of an approved extension of
out the effects of the Memorandum dated 04 August 2000 her study leave is a clear violation of the implementing
issued by then Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao guidelines of Republic Act No. 4670, or the Magna Carta for
(ARMM) Governor Nur P. Misuari. Public School Teachers. The dispositive portion of the
Resolution reads:

The facts of the case, as culled from the records, follow:

WHEREFORE, [p]remises considered, the instant letter of Mrs.
Arimao to reconsider the action of the Executive Secretary in
On 22 March 1995, petitioner was appointed as Director II, dropping her from the roll is hereby DENIED and is accordingly
Bureau of Non-formal Education, Department of Education, DISMISSED for lack of merit. Thus, the Memorandum Ordered
Culture and Sports (DECS-ARMM). Thereafter, on 17 July [sic] of the Executive Secretary on Authority of the Regional
1995, respondent was appointed Education Supervisor II. Governor dated December 24, 1998 is hereby affirmed and
Petitioner’s appointment, however, was protested by a certain remained [sic] undisturbed. Nonetheless, since the act of
Alibai T. Benito, who claimed that said appointment did not dropping one from the roll is non[-]disciplinary action on the
pass through any evaluation by the personnel selection ground of being guilty of the charge of Absence Without
board. 1 Petitioner’s appointment was eventually disapproved Approved Leave (AWOL) the respondent may be appointed to
by the Civil Service Commission-Field Office (CSC-FO), other position[s] in the Government service at the discretion of
Cotabato City, for failure to meet the experience required for the appointing authority.
the position. On 02 May 1996, the CSC, through Resolution
No. 96- 3101, affirmed the findings of the CSC-FO and ordered
petitioner to be reverted to her former position of Education SO ORDERED. 12
Supervisor II. 2Petitioner sought reconsideration of the
decision. On 20 July 2000, Datu Guimid P. Matalam, Regional Vice
Governor/Acting Regional Governor, ordered petitioner to
In the interim, petitioner applied for and was granted by the reassume her former position as Education Supervisor II, and
DECS-ARMM an academic scholarship with pay effective 30 revoked the ARMM Executive Secretary’s Resolution dated 24
October 1996 in her capacity as Education Supervisor II. The December 1998. 13 However, on 1 August 2000, the same
scholarship was limited to a period of one year. 3 Acting Regional Governor issued the following order:

Meanwhile, petitioner’s motion for reconsideration of CSC In the interest of the service and considering the need to
Resolution No. 96-3101 was denied. 4 Subsequently, she filed observe fairness and justice in dealing with our personnel, you
a petition for review of the two CSC Resolutions before the are hereby directed to implement the above mentioned
Court of Appeals 5 which, however, denied due course to the resolution rendered by the Regional Solicitor General on March
petition on 10 June 1998. 6 On 17 October 1998, the Court of 17, 1999.
Appeals issued an Entry of Judgment declaring the denial of
the petition to be final and executory. 7 As such, you are likewise directed to maintain STATUS QUO
on the part of Ms. SAADEA P. TAHER, Education Supervisor II
In the meantime, the position of Education Supervisor II being with permanent status duly approved by the Civil Service
occupied by respondent was devolved from DECS-ARMM to Commission.
the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA)- ARMM. This Memorandum Order takes effective [sic] immediately and
superscede/ revokes all previous order inconsistent herewith. 14
On 2 December 1998, petitioner informed the CSC Regional
Office in Cotabato City that she was already allowed by the However, on 4 August 2000, ARMM Regional Governor
Director of TESDA-ARMM to report for duty, only that she and Misuari issued a Memorandum 15 to the TESDA-ARMM,
respondent are reporting to the same position. 8On 10 ordering petitioner’s reinstatement, presumably in accordance
December 1998, the CSC Regional Director enjoined with CSC Resolution No. 96-3101 and CSC-ARMM directive
respondent from reporting to the TESDA-ARMM. 9 It appears, dated 26 July 2000.
however, that respondent continued to report as Education
Supervisor II.
Respondent thus filed a Petition for Prohibition before the them are automatically restored to the their former positions by
Regional Trial Court of Cotabato City, claiming that she has no operation of law. She further claims that the AWOL Order of
other plain, speedy and adequate remedy, as she stands to the CSC was previously revoked on 20 July 2000 by then
suffer grave injustice and irreparable injury if she is removed Acting Regional Governor Matalam, and that the same
from the office which she has held for more than five Memorandum revoked the 24 December 1998 Memorandum of
years. 16 On 21 August 2000, the trial court issued a writ of the Executive Secretary, Atty. Randolph C. Parcasio. 27 Finally,
preliminary injunction commanding ARMM Regional Governor petitioner argues that it is not known which position she was
Misuari and the TESDA-ARMM to desist from carrying out the being declared AWOL—when she was declared on AWOL, she
said Memorandum. 17 was ordered to revert to her former position as Education
Supervisor II, which position was already occupied by
On 16 October 2001, the trial court rendered the assailed respondent who refused to yield the position, and she was also
Decision, 18 holding that the 04 August 2000 Memorandum of prevented from functioning as Director II. 28
the ARMM Regional Governor could no longer be implemented
because the CSC resolutions ordering petitioner’s In her Comment, 29 respondent claims that since no appeal was
reinstatement, relied upon by ARMM Regional Governor taken from the AWOL order, it has become final and executory
Misuari, were superseded by the CSC resolutions finding and thus cannot be revoked by mere issuance of a
petitioner on AWOL and dropping her from the payroll. Memorandum. 30 She argues that the doctrine of primary
According to the trial court, this controversy has to be resolved jurisdiction does not apply to the case a quo because it raises
by the CSC, which has the exclusive jurisdiction over a purely legal question, that is, the propriety of petitioner’s
disciplinary cases and cases involving personnel actions assumption of her former position despite having been
affecting employees in the public service. The trial court thus declared on AWOL and dropped from the rolls. Due to the
ordered: urgency of the situation and the immediacy of the problem,
recourse through the same officials who issued the assailed
WHEREFORE, as prayed for, the respondents are ordered to memoranda would be futile. 31
cease and desist in prosecuting or carrying out the effects of
the August 4, 2000 [M]emorandum and for respondents to The Court is thus tasked to resolve the following issues:
cease and desist from continuance of any act which will be in
violation of the right of petitioner with respect to the subject 1. Whether a writ of prohibition lies to enjoin the directive of the
matter of the action or proceeding so as not to render the ARMM Governor to reinstate petitioner to the position of
judgment ineffectual. Education Supervisor II despite petitioner’s having been
declared on AWOL and dropped from the roll;
2. Whether the trial court erred in taking cognizance of the
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but the motion was petition for prohibition and whether the filing of the petition for
denied on 31 January 2002. 20 prohibition violated the doctrine of primary jurisdiction;

On 31 October 2000, petitioner moved for the issuance of a 3. Whether the AWOL order against petitioner validated
writ of execution of CSC Resolution No. 96-3101 (ordering her respondent’s occupancy of the position of Education
reinstatement to her former office). CSC issued Resolution No. Supervisor II;
01-0132, 21 dated 15 January 2001, ordering the concerned
officials of the DECS-ARMM to implement CSC Resolution No. 4. Who, as between petitioner and respondent, is entitled to the
96-3101. position of Education Supervisor II.

Meanwhile, on 22 May 2002, the CSC, acting on the letter of The petition must be denied.
the Regional Solicitor General of the ARMM regarding the
implementation of CSC Resolution No. 96-3101, issued
Resolution No. 020743. 22 According to the CSC, it issued Petitioner cannot be reinstated by mere
Resolution No. 01-0132 because petitioner did not inform the
Commission that she had been declared on AWOL and directive of the ARMM Regional Governor
dropped from the rolls since 24 December 1998. 23 ARMM
Regional Governor Misuari’s Memorandum dated 04 August The assailed Memorandum issued by ARMM Regional
2000 ordering petitioner’s reinstatement is rendered moot and Governor is reproduced in full, thus:
academic because prior to the said date she was already
separated from the service, the CSC added. 24
Petitioner now comes before us, arguing that a writ of
prohibition does not lie to enjoin the implementation of the Cotabato City
directive of the ARMM Governor implementing the CSC
Resolution reinstating her to her former position. 25 She claims SUBJECT : Implementation of CSC Resolution No. 96-3101,
that the trial court gravely erred in taking cognizance of the and CSC-ARMM Directive Order Dated July 26, 2000
petition for prohibition filed by respondent, and failed to
observe the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, considering that
DATE : August 4, 2000
the case, as declared by the trial court itself, involved
personnel actions which are within the CSC’s exclusive
jurisdiction. 26 In addition, petitioner contends that by virtue of In the highest interest of public service and consistent with the
the disapproval of her appointment, respondent’s appointment legal and constitutional precept of promoting social justice, the
to Education Supervisor II was invalidated, and thus both of above-captioned resolutions are hereby implemented.
As such, you are hereby directed to re-instate ANDABAI T. of actions. Thus, for a party to be entitled to a writ of
ARIMAO to her former position as Education Supervisor II prohibition, he must establish the following requisites: (a) it
pursuant to the foregoing resolution and the provisions of Sec. must be directed against a tribunal, corporation, board or
13, Rule VI, Book V of E.O. No, 292 which are further person exercising functions, judicial or ministerial; (b) the
buttressed by the series of communication of CSC Regional tribunal, corporation, board or person has acted without or in
Office No. XII dated September 10, 1998, October 20, 1998, excess of its jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion; and
November 03, 1998 and December 10, 1998 and directive (c) there is no appeal or any other plain, speedy, and adequate
order of CSC-ARMM dated July 26, 2000 respectively. remedy in the ordinary course of law. 35

This [M]emorandum shall take effect immediately and shall Under Republic Act No. 6734, 36 executive power in the ARMM
take precedence over all memoranda, orders and other is vested in the Regional Governor, who has control of all the
issuances [sic] inconsistent herewith. regional executive commissions, boards, bureaus and offices,
and exercises general supervision over the local government
(Signed) units within the Autonomous Region. 37 The assailed
Memorandum of ARMM Regional Governor Misuari was
presumably issued in the exercise of his power of control and
PROF. NUR P. MISUARI supervision. However, by ordering the reinstatement of
petitioner to her former position based upon an outdated CSC
Regional Governor 32 Resolution, despite the AWOL order and her being dropped
from the rolls, ARMM Regional Governor Misuari acted with
Even a cursory look at the Memorandum shows that the order grave abuse of discretion, amounting to excess of jurisdiction.
of petitioner’s reinstatement was made in reliance on, or in
implementation of, CSC Resolution No. 96-3101 and CSC- Neither is the petition for prohibition before the trial court
ARMM Directive Order dated 26 July 2000, both of which violative of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction. Said doctrine
ordained her reinstatement. However, these directives relied precludes a court from arrogating unto itself the authority to
upon by ARMM Regional Governor Misuari were resolve a controversy the jurisdiction over which is initially
rendered functus officio by no less than the CSC itself per its lodged with an administrative body of special
Resolution No. 020743, which, as previously noted, ruled that competence. 38 An exception to this rule is when the issue
the TESDA-ARMM is not under legal obligation to reinstate raised is a purely legal question, well within the competence
petitioner because she was already dropped from the rolls and the jurisdiction of the court and not the administrative
effective 24 December 1998. CSC Resolution No. 01-0132,
ordering the implementation of CSC Resolution No. 96-3101, agency. 39 In the instant case, the legal question of whether a
was issued because petitioner purposely concealed and memorandum of the ARMM Governor, ordering the
withheld from the CSC the information that she had been reinstatement of an employee declared AWOL and dropped
declared AWOL and dropped from the rolls. 33 With Resolution from the rolls, was issued in excess of jurisdiction is a legal
No. 020743, CSC Resolution No. 01-0132 was effectively question which should be resolved by the courts. For the same
revoked. reason that the issues to be resolved in this case are purely
legal in nature, respondent need not abide by the doctrine of
Likewise, with the finality of the AWOL order and her having exhaustion of administrative remedies.40 Besides, to allow the
been dropped from the rolls, petitioner legally lost her right to matter to remain with the Office of the ARMM Governor for
the position of Education Supervisor II. In any case, she has resolution would be self-defeating and useless and cause
already received from the DECS-ARMM her salaries as unnecessary delay since it was the same office which gave the
Education Supervisor II for the period October 1996 to 1997, or conflicting issuances on petitioner’s reinstatement.
the period corresponding to the time the position was still with
the said department. 34 Neither petitioner nor respondent

Petitioner argues that the 24 December 1998 Memorandum is entitled to the position of Education
finding her to be on AWOL was revoked and rendered moot by
subsequent issuances. We are not persuaded. While it is true
that then Acting Regional Governor Matalam revoked the 24 Supervisor II
December 1998 order of the ARMM Executive Secretary, he
recalled the revocation via his Memorandum dated 01 August The finality of the disapproval of petitioner’s promotion, as well
2006. Thus, the AWOL order dated 24 December 1998 was in as that of the Order declaring petitioner on AWOL and
full force and effect when ARMM Regional Governor Misuari dropping her from the rolls, is no longer disputed. Thus, as
issued the assailed 04 August 2000 Memorandum. found by the CSC in its Resolution No. 020743, TESDA has no
legal obligation to reinstate petitioner to the position of
Propriety of the Petition for Prohibition Education Supervisor II. This, however, should not be
construed as a declaration that respondent is entitled to the
position of Education Supervisor II.
The trial court did not err in taking cognizance of the petition for
Section 13, Rule 6 of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book
V, E.O. 292, provides:
The principal purpose for the writ of prohibition is to prevent an
encroachment, excess, usurpation or assumption of jurisdiction
on the part of an inferior court or quasi-judicial tribunal. It is All appointments involved in a chain of promotions must be
granted when it is necessary for the orderly administration of submitted simultaneously for approval by the Commission. The
justice, or to prevent the use of the strong arm of the law in an disapproval of the appointment of a person proposed to a
oppressive or vindictive manner, or to put a stop to multiplicity higher position invalidates the promotion of those in lower
positions and automatically restores them to their former In Monroy v. Court of Appeals, et al., 46 this Court ruled that a
positions. However, the affected persons are entitled to the rightful incumbent of a public office may recover from a de
payment of salaries for services actually rendered at a rate facto officer the salary received by the latter during the time of
fixed in their promotional appointments. his wrongful tenure. A de facto officer, not having a good title,
takes the salaries at his risk and must, therefore, account to
Section 19 of the same rule states: the de jure officer for whatever salary he received during the
period of his wrongful tenure. 47 In the instant case, respondent
should account to petitioner for the salaries she received from
SEC. 19. An appointment though contested shall take effect the time the disapproval of petitioner’s promotion became final,
immediately upon its issuance if the appointee assumes the up to the time when petitioner was declared on AWOL and
duties of the position and the appointee is entitled to receive dropped from the rolls. However, respondent may be allowed
the salary attached to the position. However, the appointment, to keep the emoluments she received during said period, there
together with the decision of the department head shall be being no de jure officer at the time, 48 following our ruling
submitted to the Commission for appropriate action within 30 in Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 49 to wit:
days from the date of its issuance otherwise the appointment
becomes ineffective thereafter. Likewise, such an appointment
shall become ineffective in case the protest is finally resolved [I]n cases where there is no de jure officer, a de facto officer
against the protestee, in which case he shall be reverted to his who, in good faith, has had possession of the office and has
former position. discharged the duties pertaining thereto, is legally entitled to
the emoluments of the office, and may in an appropriate action
recover the salary, fees and other compensations attached to
It must be noted that while respondent’s appointment to the the office. 50
position of Education Supervisor II was approved as
permanent and completed, it was nonetheless made subject to
the outcome of the protest filed against petitioner’s There is no question that respondent discharged the duties of
appointment. 41 At the back of the appointment, the following Education Supervisor II from the time she was appointed to the
appears: position and even after her appointment was invalidated as a
result of the invalidation of petitioner’s promotional
appointment. In view of the services respondent rendered to
This appointment is subject to the outcome of the protest of the TESDA and the people of the ARMM, it would be iniquitous
Alibai Benito in the appointment of Andabai Arimao former to deny her the salary appertaining to the position
incumbent to the position. 42 corresponding to the period of her service.

As a chain reaction of the disapproval of petitioner’s All the same, however, respondent cannot continue her
promotional appointment as Director II, respondent’s unauthorized occupancy, notwithstanding the fact that the
appointment to Education Supervisor II was likewise position of Education Supervisor II has been vacant since
invalidated. The efficacy of respondent’s appointment was 1999. Absent any showing that she has been reappointed to
dependent on the validity of petitioner’s promotional the position after petitioner was declared AWOL and dropped
appointment which in turn was subject to the outcome of the from the rolls, respondent cannot lay a valid claim thereto.
protest against it.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the Decision and
Thus, as of 17 October 1998—or the date of finality of the Order dated 16 October 2001 and 31 January 2002,
denial of the petition questioning the disapproval of petitioner’s respectively, of the RTC, 12th Judicial Region, Branch 14 are
appointment as Director II—both petitioner and respondent AFFIRMED.
were reverted to their former positions. Petitioner should have
been allowed to re-assume her position of Education
Supervisor II as of the said date, and thereafter remain in the Respondent is ordered to VACATE the position of Education
said office until she was dropped from the rolls in 1999. Supervisor II, TESDA-ARMM, and turn over to petitioner the
Respondent, in turn, should have been made to return to her emoluments she received for the position from 17 October
former position. 1998 to 17 March 1999.

Indeed, for all intents and purposes, respondent became the Costs against petitioner.
Education Supervisor II by virtue of her appointment as such
on 25 July 1995. However, her tenure ended when petitioner SO ORDERED.
was reverted to the same position on 17 October 1998. Thus,
during respondent’s occupancy of the position of Education DANTE O. TINGA
Supervisor II after petitioner’s promotional appointment had Associate Justice
been disapproved, respondent should be deemed a de
facto officer only. 43 A de facto officer is"one who has the
reputation of being the officer he assumes and yet is not a
good officer in point of law." He is one who is in possession of
the office and discharging its duties under color of authority,
and by color of authority is meant that derived from an election
or appointment, however irregular or informal, so that the
incumbent is not a mere volunteer. 44 The difference between
the basis of the authority of a de jure officer and that of a de
facto officer is that one rests on right, the other on reputation. 45

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