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Correct and Complete Work and Messages

of Truth Concerning

I. Moral Philosophy
11. Scientific Knowledge
Ill. Essentials of True Religion
lv. Prayers, Odes, Charges, Addresses, etc.
V. Glossary of Acimnos Informalion
vi. A Choice Selection of Acimnos Poetry


Eighteenth Edition

Opening 5
Work, 1st Section 11
Lecture, 1st Section 29
Lecture, 2nd Section 37
Lecture, 3rd Section 41
Closing 53
BY Opening 57
W. W. DAGGETT PUBLISHING Co Work, 1st Section 62
Lecture, 1st Section 96
Lecture, 2nd Section 102
Closing 110
Opening 114
Work, 1st Section—Raising 120
Work, 2nd Section 134
Lecture, 1st Section 152
Lecture, 2nd Section 158
Lecture, 3rd Section 166
Closing 174
Calling from Labor to Refreshment 177
Refreshment to Labor 177
Changing the Lodge 179
Opening a Special 180
Calling Down to F. C. Degree 181
Resuming on M. M. Degree 182
AppendiK, Oaths, Prayers, Charges,
Addresses, Etc. 194
Masonic Glossary 225
E. A. Degree
W. M.~* (Ofers tk thr stns a pies, a mbra
cith thmsl a tk sts. J. D. cis dr.) Br. S. W.,
(S. W. ris.) prcd t satfy yrslf tt al pr ar E. A.
S. W. may asrtn fr hmslf by gineg abt th L.
S. W.—W. M., al prsnt ar E. A.
If not satfd, tim prcd as flws~
S. W.—(Ds tk rds, mt wst of A, pro t th
W.) Br S. a J. Ds, prc t stfy yrsls tt al prs
arE. A.
S. D. pe I frt of bin in the N, 3. D. ps I fint of bin
in the S, pausing in fint of any wbm thy cnnt vch fin,
a fcg W, rprt:
Br S. •W., an uxskn in th N. (or 5, as th es
S. W.—Cn an br vch fr th unkn in th N 7
(or S. If vchd fr, th Ds ps on; if nt vch fr, th
unkn inst r~r.)
Da rtrn t wst of A a rpt:
S. D.—Br S. W.. al ar E. A. i th N.
J. D.—Br S. W., al ar E. A. I th S.
S. W.—(Ds tic sts.) W. M., al pr ar E. A.
(Tics st.)
W. M.— (Dr ris.) Br J. D., wt is th fst gt
cr of Ms whn I L asmbd?
6 7
~f. D.—T s tt tli L is dl tid, W. M. W. M.—Wt a ssi
W. M.—Prfm tt dt; in~rn th T. tt I am abt S. W.—Rt an, hz, a ppds.
t op a L of E. A., a drc hm to ti acd W. M.—Wt I a tkV
J. D. (Opns dr, w k.—Br T., I am ord by S. W.—A crt fr a bri g b wh o M m kn an i
the W. M. t infm yu t~ h is abt t op a L of th dk a wi a i th 1.
E. A., a yu ar drc t ti acd. W. M..—Whr wr y md a E. A.?
T.—It shi b dn. S. W.—In a js a ifi cnstd L o E. A.
J. D. (Cis dr.)—Th L is dl tid, W. MI. W. M.—Hw mny andy cmpd a L o E. A.?
W. M.—Hw ar w ti, br J. D.? S. W.—Sv or mr.
J. D.—By a br M. M. wtht th dr, ard wth W. M.—Whn cmpsd o on1 sv, wh wr th?
S. W.—Th W. M., S. W, J. ‘W., Trs., Sec.,
th prpr inst of his ofc. S. D. a J. D.
W. M.—Wht ar hs du thr ~ W. M.—Wh i th J D plc i th LV
J. D.—To kp of al ens a evds, at se ft nn S. W.—On th rt o tb S. W. i th W.
or rps but seb as ar di qifd a by prms fm th W. M.—(Ds ris.) Wt ar yr ds thr, hr J. D.V
W.M. J. D.—To cr msgs fm th S. W. in th W t th
W. M.— (Ds tic sts.) Br S. W., (S. W. na.) J W. in th S, a e]swr aht th L as h ma dre. a t
as an E. A., fm whnc cm yu? s tt th L i di ti.
S. W.—FmthLofthIIS~JatJer
W. M.—Wh I th S. D. plc i tli 12.?
W. M.—Wht cm y hr t dV
J. D.—On th rt o th W. Mi. i tii E.
S. W.—To irn t sbd m psns a iniprv msi in
W. M.—Wht ar yr dts thr, hr S. D ?
S. D.—To er ords fm th W. M. I ~h E t th
W. M.—Thn I prsm y ar a MV
S. W.i th W, aeiswahtthL a h ma dre; to
S. W.—I am so tkn a acpd amg brs a aws.
wiem a acom vstg bin; to re a cndt cndts.
W. M.—Wt inks y a MV
W. il1.—Wh I th Sec. plc i th LV
S. W.—My oh.
S. D.—On th if o th W. M. in th E
W. M.—Hw d y knw ysi t b a M?
W. M.—~ (S. W., J. W., Trs. a S. ris.)
S. W.—By hvg bn ofn t, a nvr d, a am wig
Wht ar yr dts thr, hr Sec. V
t b t agn.
W. M.—Hw s I kuw y t b a MV Seo.—To ohsv th W. M. wi a pis; to reerd th
S. W.—B ctn ss, a tk, a w, a th pr pts o m prcdgs o th L; t recv al inns a pa thin mt th
hds o th Tr..~
8 9
W. M.—Wh i th Trs. plc in th LV so ris th W. M. i th E, t op a gvn hs L; t set th
Sec.—On th rt o th W. M. in th E. crf to wk a gv thin gd a whis instrcn fr thr lbs.
W. M.—Wh ar yr dts thr, hr Trs. V W. M.~~~*** (Ris.) Br S. W., it i in wi a pis
Trs.—To rcv al inns fm th hds o th Sec.; kp tt—L, N—, b nw op on th fst dg o Msy fr th
jet a reg acs o th Sm, a pay thin ot at th W. M. dsp o sch bs a in rgl cm bfr i, und th usi Msc
wl a pis, wth th cnsnt o th L. rstens. Cinc ths ord t th J. W~ in th S, a h t
W. M.—Wh is th J. W. stn i th L? th crf fr thr gvt.
Trs.—In th S. S. W.—Br j. W., i is th wi a plsr o th W. M.
W. M.—Why ar yu in th 5, hr J. W.V Wht in th E tt—L, N—, b nw opn on th fst dg o
ar yr dts thrV Msy fr th dsp o sch bs as ma rgi cm bfr it, und
J. W.—As th sn in th S at its mrd ht is th th usi Msc rstens. Cinc ths ord t th crf fr thr
gir a ht o th da, so stns th J. W. in th S, th htr gvt.
to ohs th tin; to ci th crf fm lb to rfsin; to sptd I. W.—Brn, it i th wi a pis o th W. lvi. in
thin drg th hrs ~hrf, a se tt thy d nt cnvt th th E, cmct t in b th S. W. in th W, tt— L, N—,
prpss of rtsmt mt intinprc a xcs; to ci thin on b nw opd on th fst dg o Msy fr th dsp o sch bs
agn i dii ssn, tt th W. M. ma by pis a th crf as ma rgl cm bfr i, und th usi Msc rstcns. Tk
prft thby. ntc ~ gvn yrsis acd.—Lk I th E!
W. M.—Wh is th S. ‘W stn in th LV Sns of E. A. gvn tkg tm Em th E.
J. W.—I•th W.
W. M.—Why ar y in th W, hr S. W.V Wht W. M.—Let us pray. Supreme Ruler of the
ar yr dts thrV Universe, we would reverently invoke Thy bless-
S. W.—As th sun is i th W at th cis o th da, ing at this~ time. Wilt Thou be pleased to grant
s I th S. W. in th W, t ast th W. M. in opng a that this meeting, thus b~;’un in order, may be
clsg hs Ii; to pay th crf thr wgs, if aght h dii, conducted in peace, and closed in harmony!
a se tt nn go awa dsatfd; hrinny hng th str a Amen.
suprt o al socits, mr espci of ours. All—So mote it he.
W. M.—Wh is th W. M. stn i th LV Any appropriate j,rayer may be used, in the discre-
S. W.—In th E. tion of the W. M. For other forms of prayer see
W. M.—Why is h in th E, hr S. W.V Wht Appendix.
ar hs dts thrV An ode may also be sung.
S. W.—As th sn rs ith E top a gvn th da, W. M.—In th nm o G a th H S J, I dcl —

—I— __
—, opd in fin on th fst dg. Br J D., inf
(Attic sts.)
E. A. Degree
S. D.—(Atds t th its, while—)
J. D.—~ (T. ops dr.) Br T., I am ord by Work, 1st Sec.
th W. M. t inf yu tt —L, N —,is op in fin on
W. M.—Brn, ths L o E. A. hs hn opd for th
th fst dg, a y ar drc t ti acd.
prps o cnfrng fit fst dg on Mr. (A. B.) If thr
T.—It shi h dn. is no objn, w wl prcd wth th writ. (Thr bng
J. D. ((Its dr, slt.)—Tt dt is pfd, W. M. no obin.) Br Stds, (Stds rise a tic rds.)
W. M.— (Ds tic sts.) W. M.—Aprh th A.
Wrdns rvrs thr clmns, erct In the W, dwn In th S.
Stds go to west of A and salute.
W. M.—Br Sr. S., hw shd a cdt b prd t b md
The Initiate. a MV
By Bro. Chas. F. Forshaw, LL. D. Sr. 5.—By brig (1V5 o al mtls; nth nk nr cld,
FROM darkness unto light I Re only knows brft nr shd, h-w a a c-t abt hs nk.
Part of the truths which yet may wake his mind W. M.—Yu wi rpr t th ant-rn, whr yu wi fd
From out its former languorous repose, Mr. (A. B.) i wtg, o whin yu wi dc th rqrd fe,
And make him feel how truly he was blind.
He scarce can grasp th’ unfolded mysteries, a to whin yu wl prpd th nssry intrgtns; a, if
Nor can he comprehend the secret ways ansd in th aFint, yu wl prpr hin as std, a whn s
Which he has still to trend, e’er he portrays ppd caus hm to gv th nssry a1n~ at th dr o th
To some apprentice their immensities, Dprn-rin.
In Masonry he ‘s but a child in arms,
And should be quite content to rest a while. Stds elt and retr to th prpn-rm.
Until the future all his fear disarms,
Until he’s safely crossed the last crook’d stile, Sr. S.—Mr. (A. B.), evry cndt, prvs t lis
Which leads him from the maze into the plain, rcptn, is rqd t gv hs fr a ful asnt to th flwg
Where all is clear like sunshine after rain. in~rogts:
Do you seriously declare, upon your honor,
before these gentlemen, that, unbiased hy
friends, and uninfluenced hy mercenary motives,
you freely and voluntarily offer yourself a can- ing admission there, he inust hecoune poor and
didate for the mysteries of Freemasonry V penniless, hlind and naked, dependent on the
Candidate—] do. sovereign will of our Supreme Grand Master;
Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, and, in order to impress these truths more for-
cibly upon your mind, it is necessary that you
hefore these gentlemen, that you are prompted
to solicit the privileges of Masonry by a favor- be divested oF your outward apparel, and clothed
in a garinent furnished you by the Lodge. Are
able opinion conceived of the institution, a desire
of knowledge, and a sincere wish of heing you willing to submit to these regulations V
serviceable to your fellow creatures V Candidate—I am.
Sr. S.—We will prepare you in a suitahle
Candidate— ~ do.
manner for your initiation, as all have heen pre-
Do you seriously declare, upon your honor,
pared who have gone this way hefore you.
hefore these gentlemen, that you will cheerfully
(Clots fe a pprs edt.)
conform to all the ancient estahlished usages and
customs of the fraternity?
S. D. (Riss, tics rd a slt.)—W. M., thr i an
Candidate—I do.
ahn at th dr o th prp-rin.
Sr. S.—Mr. (A. B.), the institution of which W. M.—Atnd t th al.
you are about to become a meinher is one by no S. D. (Gs t ~h dr.)—~’ ~Stds prtly op dr.)
means of a light and trifling nature, hut of high ‘Wh ems hrV
importance and deep solenmity. Masonry con- Sr. S.—A pr hl cdt, wh is dsrs o bng hrt fm
sists of a course of ancient hieroglyphical and dkns to lt, a rcvg a prt o th rts, lts a hnfs o ths
moral instructions, taught according to ancient wfl L, erc t G a ddc to ti. H S J, a inny a hr a
usage, by types, einhlems and allegorical figures. fi hs dn hfr hni.
Even the ceremony oF your gaining adinission S. D.—My fr, ii o yr own fr wl a acd?
within these walls is einhlematic of an event Cndt.—It is.
which all must sooner or later experience. It is S. D.—Br. Sr. Std, is h dl a trl prpd?
emhlematic of your final exit froin this world to Sr. S.—H is.
the world to come. You are doubtless aware S. D.—Is h wth a wl qif?
that whatever a man inay possess here on earth, Sr. S.—H is.
whether it he titles, honors, or even his own S. D.—By wt fth rt or hnf cia h xp t gn
reputation, will not gain bin admission into the adms V
Celestial Lodge ahove; hut, previous to his gain-
14 15
Sr. S.—By bng a inn, fr bin, o lfl ag a wl thsshp ins atyrnlb. Itistshwttasthsis
rcmd. an inst o trt to th fls, so shi th rmbrnc throf b
S. D.—Lt bin wat wth patnc untl th W. M. to yr cnsc, shd yu ev prsin to rvl any o th scta
is infd o hs rqs a hs ans rtnd. o Msy unlfly.
S. D. ci. dr, gs t A, sits W. M. a gvs *** w hs rd S. D. tks his place at ift of cndt.
on th fir. W. M.—My find, no inn shd evr ent upn any
FV. M.—WII cins thr V gr a impt undtkg wtht fst invk th h~s o D. Yu
S. D.—A pr bl cdt, wh is dsrs o bng brt fm wl h cndct to th cntr o th L, a cad to kn a
dims to lt, a rcvg a prt o th rts, Its a hnfs o ths atn pr. -

wfl L, erc t G a ddc to th H S J, as inn a hr a S. D. cndcs cndt and drets hin t kn.
fl hs cm hfr hin. The W. M. gvs ***, uncvrs and rpts th foig pr:
W. M.—Is i o hs ow f wi a acdV Vouchsafe Thine aid, Almighty Father of the
S. D.—It is. Universe, to this, our present convention, and
W. M.—Is h dl a tri prp V grant that this candidate for Masonry may dedi-
S. D.—H is. cate and devote his life to Thy seryice, and be-
W. M.—Is h wth a wl ql? come a true and faithful brother among us.
S. D.—H is. Endue hun with a competency of Thy Diyine
W. M.—By wt fth rt o bnf ds h xp t gn wisdom, that, by the secrets of our art, he may
adin? he better enabled to display the beauties of
S. D.—By bng a inn, f bn, o lfl ag a wI Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, to the honor
rcmd. of Thy Holy name. Amen.
W. M.—Snc h cras endd wth al ths essntl All—So mote it he.
qlfctns, iti mwl apltthent Ihs L o E. A., Aftr prayer th W. M. re~covers, ga t th cndt, pica
a tt y rcv hm in du a anc fin. bs rt h on hs lid a says:
The S. D. aftr sltg the W. M., rtrns to the dr, W. M.—In whin d yu pt yr trs?
opns it wide, wtht airm, and says: Cndt.—In G.
S. D.—It ith wla plo th W M tt th pr hi No one I aid to print th end, nr shd any ans b acpt
as satafy, tht da at evac a fin rilac a trat In G.
cdt ent ths L o H. A.
Stsentwthcdtbtwnth~atk~.~thdrwhu~ W. M.—Yr trs hng in G, yr fth i wl fnd.
S. D. (Tics chrg o, a pis ics 1 hn on cdts rt Itkyubythrthn. Aria, flw yr gui a fr n
is th wl a p1 o th W. W. M. rtns to th E a ste th L.

~~HH HUH ~ ______ __________

16 17
S. D. tks cnds if hd by th peck gp of th crf a cdts J. W.—Cdc th cdt t th S. W. in th W fr fth
hmnthaestarnth A. Asl,heyps—
J.w._a S. D. (In tic W.)—’
W. M. (Reads.) —Behold, how good and how S. W. (Ris.)—Wh cins hrV
pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
S. D.—A pr bl cdt, wh is dsrs o hng brt fm
unity! dkns to 1, a rcvg a prt o th rts, lts a bnfs o ths
S. W. wfl L, erc t 0 a ddc t th H S J, as inn a hr a
W. M. (Contu rdg.)—It is like the precious fl hs dn bfr hm.
ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the S. W.—My fd, i it o yr ow fr wl a ac V
heard, even Aaron’s beard, that went down to Cndt.—It is.
the skirts of his garments; S. W.—Br. S. D., is h dl a trl prpdV
As the dew of Flermon, and as the dew that
S. D.—H is.
descended upon the mountains of Zion;
S. W.—Is h wth a wl qlfV
W. M.—’~ (Contu rdg.) For there the Lord
S. D.—H is.
commanded the blessing, even lire for evermore. - S. W.—Bwtfthrtohnfdshxpctgnadin?
—Psalm cxxxiii. S. D.—By hng a inn, fr bn, o lfl ag a wl
S. D. In the Sth ***** on the fir w rd.
J. W. (Ris.)—Wh cins hrV
S. D.—A pr hl cdt, wh is dsrs of bng hrt fin S. W.—Cdc th cdt to th W. M. in th H fr fnl
dims t 1, a rcvg a prt o th rts, lts a bnfs o ths xmtn a insten.
wfl L, erc t G a ddc 1 th H S J, as inn a hr a S. D. (In tic E.)—~
fi hs dn bfr hin. W. M.—Wh cins hr V
J. W.—My fd, i it of yr ow fr wl a ac? S. D.—A pr bIn cdt, wh i dsrs o bng brt fm
Cndt.—It is. dkns t 1, a rcvg a prt o th rts, lts a bnfs o ths
J. W.—Br S. D., is h dl a trl prpd? wfl L, et’c t G a ddc t th H S J, as inn a hr a fi
S. D.—H is. hs dn bfr hin.
J.W.—Ishwthawlqll? W. M.—My fd, is i o yr ow fr wl a acd?
Cdt.—It is.
S. D.—H is.
W. M.—Br S. D., is h dl a trl prpd?
J~ W.—Bwtfthrtobnfdshxpctgna~Im? S. D.—H is.
S. D.—By bng a inn, fr hn, o IfI ag a wl W. M.—Is h wth a wI qif?
rcmd. S. D.—H is.
ii ~ - - -~—

18 19
W. M.—B wt fth rt o hnf ds h xpe t gn Yu hv bn dc th mbrs o ths L, upn yr own
adin V vintry pettn, t bcm unitd wth us in ths grt a
S. D.—By hng a inn, fr bn, o lfl ag a wl gd wk. At yr entrc mt th L, yu prfsd fth in G;
rcmd. tt G whm we, as IV!sns, rvrnc a srv. Tb sl
W. M.—Yu wl b recndc t th S. W. in th W, engints wch yu wi b rqd to ink bfr yu cn prtcipt

‘I wh wl tch yu t aph to th E, advg b on up,

stp, yr ft ring th rt ang o an oh sqr, yr hd erc
rgl 1 ou lbs a prvligs ar ind in th nin o G, a whn
onc tkn thy cn nvr be repultd or Id asid.

4 to th W. M. in th E.
S. D. (Cdcs cdt on sth sd t S. W.)—Br S. W.,
(S. W. ris.) it is th wla plo th W. M. ith E
Yt, I am fre t infin yu tt ou ohs cntn nthg
wch cn cnfic with yr dts t G, yr cnt, yr nb 0
tt ths cdt h tght t aprh to th E, advg b on uprt, Wth ths pIg on in prt, as the Mst o th L, I ask
rg stp, hs ft fmg th rt ang o an oh sq, ha bdy yu, ar yu wig to tk sch an oh as al Ms hv dn
crc t th W. M. in th E. bfr yu?
S. W.—Yu wl se tt th W. M. ords ar ohd. Cndt.—I ain.
S. D. (Assts cdt.)—Yu wl fc t th E. Stp W. M.—Plc th cdt in du fin to b ind a M.
off wth yr 1 f~, brg th hl o th r ft t th hlo o th S. D.—Advc, (tks cdt t A) kn on yr n 1 k,
I ft, a fin th int ang o an oh sq. Stud erc. plc yr rt k s as t fin a sq, yr bd erc, yr nk 1 hn
(Sit.) Yr ords hv bn oh, W. M. suprtg th H B, S a Cs, yr n r h rstg thr. (Sit.)
W. M.—My fd, fr th fst tin i yr lf, yu hv Th cdt is i du fin, W. M.
aprhd th A o Msy. Yu stn hfr us a cndt sekg W. M.~—*** (Gos to th A, UYtCVS hs hd.)
adms mt our frtnty. But, hfr gng fthr, b wind Yu wi sa I, rpt yr nin, a say after me:
o th slmty a [mptc o th stp yu ar abt t tk, a if
unwlg t prcd, wthdrw whl thr is yt tin.
Th dsn o th Msc instn is to mk its votins wisr, I, (A. B.), of my ow fr wi a acd, in th pr o
A G a ths wfl L, ercd to Hin a ddc t th H S J,
htr, a cnsqly hapier. We rcv nn, knwly, into
ourrnkswharnt.morlauprtbfrG,aogdrpt d hb a hrn, ins sl a snc pr a s, tt I wI alws hI,
frvr cn a nv rv any o th sct arts, pts or pns 0
bfr th wid. Sch prsns whn assoctd tghr wi
natinly sk ech oths wlfr a hpns eqly wth thr own th hd ins o Msy, wch m hv bn htfr, o shl b at
¶Pt th ma do so upn a cmn pltfin, a hcm nt weary ths tin, or at an fu prd, cmc t m as sch, t any
i wl dng, w ohlgt thin by slm a irevch[ tis t pfm prs or prss whatsvr, xcp it ,h t a tr a Ifl hr M,
th rqrmnts o, a avd th thngs prhibtd h T’vlsy. or wthn th bd o a j a ifI cnstd L o Ms; nr unt
hin or thin, unti b stc trl, du xmtn, or lfl infin,
20 21
I shi hv fud hin or thin as Ifly entid t thin as and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
I am insi. And the spirit of God moved upon the face ~
I frthrmr pr a s, tt I wi nt wr, p, p, stp, stn, the waters.
ct, cry, hw, ink or en thin on anthg, my or mv, And God said: Let there be light, and there
cpb] o rcv th 1st imprsn o a sn, wd, sib, it or was light.—Gen. 1 :1-3.
chr whb thy mgt bcin igi or intl t any pm und In si crnratn of tt sublin evt, I, in 1k mnr,
th cupy o hv, a th scs o Msy b thus unifly obtd Mciy dcl, “Lt~thr b It.”
b my unwthns. Brn—(FIns and r ft.)
Althslinslasnpas,wth a frm a stclfs S. D.—(1?mvs th h-w.)
rsln t kp a prfm th sin, wtht th is eqv, inn rs, W. M.—And thin is It. On bng brt t Msc It
or s ev wtsvr; bndg insl und n Is pn~ thin tt o hv yu bhld upn th A bf yu th thin grt Its o Msy,
m thr c fin e t e, in tg tn ot b its rts a brd i th th H B, S a Cs, b th It o th thr Isin Its, of wcb
sns o th se, at 1 wt ink, whr th td ebs a fis twc ths thr binng tps, plcd i a tr pos, ar th reps.
in twt-ro hrs, shd I in th is, kngl or wtngl, vi or Th H B i th rI a gd o fth, th Sqr t sq on
trnsgsthsin E.A.ob. SohlinGakpinstdf. actus, a th Cs t crcinscb a kp us wthn du bns
(Recvrs.) In tk (S. D. rmvs hd fm th A) o yr wth al mnkn, bt inr esp wth a br M.
snc o prps in thes sI engints, yu wi ks th H B, Th thr lsr its ar th sn, inn a Mst o th L, a
nw opn bfr yu. (Done.) arthsxpld: Asthsnristhdaathingvsth
W. M.—Br S. D., on br bng nw bnd t us b nt, so ot th W. M. t endvr t ri a gv hs L wth
a cvnt wch cunt b brkn, yu wi ris hin fin hs c-t. eqi rglty. (Rts to E a adve.)
(Done.) W. M.—Yu nw dsc me apchg yu fin th E,
W. M.—My br, fr b tt sac apltn I nw adrs und th dg a sn o an E. A.
yn, in yr prsnt bin cndtn wt do yu ins dsr? W. M.—Tbs (gvs it) is th dg, a aids t th
Cndt. (Prmtd by S. D.)—Lt. psn i wch yr hds wr plcd whn yu tk yr ob.
W. M.—Lt bng yr dsr, yu. shi rcv it. Ths (gvs it) is th sn, a aids to th pn o th b
My bin, ast m i brngg our br t It. whrin yn sd, “Bndg insi undr no is pn thn tt
The bin, xcpt th Wrdns, cm frwd a fm tw pri ins o hv in th c fin e t e, in t tn ot b its rs a brd I
fm B to W, one nth and one sth or th A, feg inwd. th sn o th se, at 1 w in, whr th td eb a fs tw I
W. M.—In the beginning God created the tw-f hs, sh I in th Is, kni or wtg, vlt or trsg ths
heaven and the earth. mE. A. ob. SohiinGakpinstd.”
And the earth was without form, and void; Ths pnl sn (gvs it) i ais th sn o salutan.

iii ~ ____________ - II

22 23
W. M.~*** (Gs t A.) My brother, I now
present you with the lamb-skin or white leather
~ apron. It is an emblem of innocence and the
wth ths sri. (Gvs it.) Als on rsng t adrs th badge of a Mason; it is more ancient than the
W. M., yu wi sit hin wth tbs sn. (Gvs it.) Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle; more honorabic
In tkn o m bthly lv a fnshp, I prs yu wth than the Star and Garter, or any other ordcr
~~~~awthitthgpawoanE.A. Thwdi that can be conferred upon you at this time, or
arvd at b inns o a diolog, xvch I wi rhrs wth th at any future period, by king, prince, potentate.
S.D. or any other person, except he be a Mason. I
hope you wili wear it with equal pleasure to
W. M.—Br S. D., I hi.
S. D.—I dc. yoarseif and honor to the fraternity. Tk it,
W. M.—Wt d y en? cr it to th S. W. in th W; he wl teb y hw t wr
5. D.—Ai th sc o Ms in Msy, xcp it b fin hm it as an E. A. (Rtns.)
or thin t whin thy o rt big. (Plcs cdt hd.) S. D. (Cndcs cdt t tic W.)—Br S. W., (S. W.
W. M. (Gvs gp.)—Wt i ttV ris.) iti thwl apioth W. M. i thE, tt ounwi-
S. D.—Th gp oan E. A. adia br b tgt hw to wr hs apn as an B. A. (S. D.
W. M.—Ils it a nin? rev ap, a ti it on.)
S. D.—It hs. S. W.—My br, at th bldg o K S T thr wr
W. M.—Gv i m. thr pruepi cls o Ms, a ea, as a dstctv bdg, wr
S. D.—I dd ut so rev it, nor can I so iinpt i. hs apr in a peir inn. E. A., bng th brrs o
W. M.—Hw wl yu dsp o i? brdns, wr drct t wr thrs wth th bb trud up,
S. D.—Lt i a hv i wth y. s as to prtct thr clthg. Thus, my br, wi y wr
W.M.—Liabg. yrs whl lbngamng us as a spelty E. A.; bt
5. D.—Na, bg y. rmbr tt altho stns upn ths grint brt erdit rthr
W. M.—No, y bg. tim dsgrc t th anc E. A., yu, as a spelt E. A.,
S. D. (l3gns.)—(Wd gvn.) inst kp ths apn, as an emblm o inocs, unsptd b
W. 211.— — is th wd o th dg, a ths (gvs it) th wld.
isthtknorgp. Ars,sitthWdflsasaE.A. S. D. (Redes cdt t th A, a sets th W. M. wth
(Rtststn,*stSL.) pn~ sn ont.)—Yr ords hv ba ob, W. M.
S. D. cndcs cdt t 3. Wa. stn. Cdt sits th 3. W. wth
4 dgasnoE.A. ThnpsontthS.W.a51thm~~1th
sinxnnr. ThntothA,asltthW.M.
W. M.—My br, agrbl t an anc estia i al rgl
a wl-gv Lis. it i nw ncsr tt y b rqrd t dpst smthg
24 25
o a intic knd, nt fr its intrnsc wth or vlu, bt tt lay out their work; but we, as Free and Acepted
it ma b lad up aing th rcrds, in th archvs o th Masons, are taught to make use of it for the
L, as a minti tt y ar nw ind a M. Exin ysl stc- more noble and glorious purpose of dividing our
a se if y cn fnd sch an obj. time. It being divided into twenty-four equal
Cndt. (Prmptd by S. D.)—I fnd msl entri parts, is emblematical of the twenty-four hours,
dst, W. M. of the day, which we are taught to divide into
W. M.—Ths rqrmt ws t rmnd y o yr nw three equal parts, whereby we find eight hours
xtrmly pr a pnils situata. Shd y evr aftwds for the service of God and a distressed worthy
int a fin, mr espcly a br, i 1k condtn, y inst brother, eight hours for our usual avocations,
cntrbu as Ibri t hs rlf as y cn do wtht incy t and eight for refreshment and sleep.
yslf. The Common Gavel is an instrument made use
Yu wi nw b rcndc t th plc fin whc y cm, of by operative masons, to break off the corner~
thi b rnvstd o wt y wr dvstd, a rtn t th L fr of rough stones, the better to fit them for the
fthr instcn. builders use; but we, as Free and Accepted
S. D. and cdt sit a rtn to th dr; Stds cdc cdt to Masons are taught to make use of it for the more
th pr-rn, rnvst a rt hm to th L. noble and glorious purpose of divesting our
S. D. agn tks chg of cdt, jst znsd th dr, unti th minds and consciences of all the vices and super-
Stds go to th A, sit a tk ats. Thn the S. D. a cdt go fluities of life, thereby fitting our bodies as liv-
t th A., sit.
ing stones for that spiritual building, that house
W. M.—My br, y wi nw b plcd in th N-E not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
cr o th L, as th yngs E. A.
S. D. cndc cdt to th N-E Cr. CHARGE.
W. M.—Frm wth yr ft th rt angl o an oh sq. W. M.~*** My brother, as you are now in
Strid wth yr bd erct to th E. Nw, in br, y stnd troduced into the first principles of Masonry,
as a js a uprt M, a I gv it y stc in chg cv t wik I congratu[ate you on being accepted into this
a ac as sch. Ancient and Honorable Order—ancient, as hay-
mw prs ywth th wkg tis o an E. A., a wl ing subsisted from time immemorial, and honor-
tch y thr uses. able, as tending, in every particular, so to render
Th wkg tis o an E. A., ar th Tw-fr-in Gg a all men who will be conformable to its precepts.
th Cm Gvl. No institution was ever raised on a better prin-
The Twenty-four-inch Gauge js an instrument ciple, or more solid foundation; nor were ever
made use of by operative masons, to measure and


26 27
more excellent rules and useful maxims laid or influence you to be guilty of a dishonorable
down than are inculcated in the several Masonic action.
lectures. The greatest and best of men in all
Although your frequent appearance at our
ages have been encouragers and promoters of the
regular meetings is earnestly solicited, yet it is
art, and have never deemed it derogatory from’ not meant that Masonry should interfere with
their dignity to level themselves with the fra- your necessary vocations, for these are on no
ternity, extend their privileges, and patronize
aeeount to be neglected. Neither are you to
their assemblies.
suffer your zeal for the institution to lead you
There are three great duties which. as a
into argument with those who, through ignor-
Mason, you are charged to inculcate—-to God,
ance, may ridieu]e it.
your neighbor, and yourself. To Cod, in never
mentioning His name but with that reverential At your leisure hours, that you may improve
in Masonic knowledge, you are to converse with
awe which is due from a creature to his Creator;
to implore His aid in all your laudable under- well-informed brethren, who will be always as
ready to give as you will be ready to receive in-
takings, and to esteem Him as the chief good
To your neighbor, in acting upon the square, strijetion
and doing unto him as you would that he should Finally, keep saered and inviolable the nlys-
do unto you. And to yourself, in avoiding all teries of the order, as these are to distinguish
irregularity and intemperance, which may im- you from the rest of the community, and mark
pair your faculties or debase the dignity of your your consequenee among Masons.
profession. A zealous attachment to these duties If, in the eirele of your acquaintanee, you
will insure public and private esteem. find a person desirous of being initiated into
In the State you are to be a quiet and peace- Masonry, be partleularly careful not to reeom-
ful subject, true to your government and just to mend him unless you are convinced he will con-
your country. You are not to countenance dis- form to our rules, that the honor, glory, and
reputation of the institution may be firmly estab-
loyalty or rebellion, but patiently submit to legal
authority, and conform with cheerfulness to the lished, and the world at large convinced of its
government of the country in which you live. good effects.
In your outward demeanor be particularly
W. M.— (All taice seats.)
eareful to avoid censure or reproaeh. Let not
interest, favor or prejudice bias your integrity Cndt is nw setd In frut of the W. M.
a 28
A Masonic Prayer.
E. A. Degree
By Bro. Cha8. F. For8haw, LL. D.
WITHIN my heart, 0 Lord of light, Lec., lit Sec.
Let no base passion come to stay;
Fill it with glory infinite, W. M.—My br, th lct o ths dg is dv hit thir
And give me still the power to pray. sctns, th fst pt I wl rhrs wth th S. W.
Keep everything within my breast Br S. W., (S. W. ris.) as an E. A., fin whe
Sacred and safe from thoughts profane;
Pardon, 0 Lord, the sin confessed, cm y?
Thy everlasting mercy deign. S. W.—Fm th L o th H Sts J at J.
Vouchsafe, Most High, to give to me W.M.—Wtcmyhrtd7
A heart to live for Thee alone—
A Heart ol! lasting Purity, S. W.—T In to sbd in ps a imp ins] ii~ Msy.
A Heart, Jehovah, like Thine own. W. M.—Thn I prsm y ar a lvi?
Unto my latest earthly hour,
S. W.—I am s tk a ac aing brs a fls.
Uphold and ever succour me;
Grant, 0 Great God, Thy perfect power, W. M.—Wt inks y a M?
Thy perfect power—Fidelity. S. W.—My o.
S. W.—By hvg bn ofn trd, a nv dnd, a am
By Bro. Cha8. F. Forshaw, LL. D.
wlg t b tr agn.
NO men are Masons till Masonic Light W. M.—Hw shl I k y t b a M?
Shines forth upon their awed and eager eyes;
Until breaks forth upon their wondering sight S. W.—By etn ss, a tkn, a w a th pr pts o
The Lodge’s form, and they are bade to rise. in ent.
And, Oh! The Light is welcomed by us all— W. M.—Wt ar ss?
What groping wanderer loves the shrouded night?
And soon we know that harm could ne ‘er befall, S. W.—Rt angs, hrzs a ppds.
For some true Brother led our feet aright. W. M.—Wt is a tkn?
This is a tender lesson to the Soul— S. W.—A ert ~-frnla brly gp, wb one M ma
A lesson fraught with all-absorbing good,
Which ever points to that ne ‘er-darkened goal, kn ath in th dk as wI as i th I.
To which we strive to lead the Brotherhood. W. M.—Gy in a sn.
Guide Thou onr feet, Oh Architect Divine, (S. W. gvs it.)
By Thine own Light and Thine own Mystic Sign!

S. W.—By thr dst ks.
W. M.——Hs tt an aisn? W. M.—Wt ws sd t y fin wthni
S. W.—It hs, t th pn o in ob. S. W.—Wh ems hr.
W. M.—Gv in a tkn. (Gvn.) I hi. W. M.—Yr ansi
S. W.—I cn. S. W.—A pr bi edt, wh i dsrs o bng brt fin
W. M.—Wt d y cn? dkns t 1, a reyg a prt o th rts, its a bnfs o thu
S. W.—A] th scs a Ms in Msy, xcp it b fin wfl L, erc t G a ddc t th H S J, as inn a br a
hrn or thin t whin thy a rt big. £1 hs dn bf hin.
W. M.—Wt i tt? W. M.—Wt wr y I~hn askd?
S. W.—Th gp a an E. A. S. W.—If it ws a in ow fr wi a aed, if I ws
W. M.—Hs it a n? dl a trl ppd, wth a wi qi; a] o weh bng ans i th
S. W.—It hs. afin, I ws ask b wt fth rt o bnf I expe t gn adin.
W. M.—Gv i in. W. M.—Yr ansi
S. W.—I dd nt so rc i, nr cn I s imp i. S. W.—By bng a inn, fr bn, o ifi ag a wi
W. M.—EIw wi y ds a it? r~md.
S. W.—L i a hv it wth y. W. M.—Wt fid?
W. M.—L i a bg. S. W.—I ws drc t wat wth ptnc unti th
S. W.—Na, bg y. W. M. ws mid a in rqs a hs ans rtd.
W. M.—No, y bg. W. M.—Wt ans dd h rtn’?
S. W.—(Bgs—-wd gvn.) S. W.—Lt hm ent, a b re i d fin.
W. M.—Whr wr y fst ppd t b ind a W. M.—IIw wr y reV
S. W.—In m hr. S. W.—On th pn a a sh inst at in n I b.
W. M.—Whr nx? W. M.—Ffw wr y tim dsp o?
S. W.—In a r ajc t a js a Ifly cnst L a Ms. S. W.—1 ws ende t th entr a th L, a esd t
jl W. M.—Hw wr y ppd? kn a atn pr.
S. W.—By beng dvst a al intis, nth n nr ci, W. M.—Aft atng pr, wt ws thn sd t yV
brft nr shd, h-w a a c-t abt in n, i wh situn I S. W.—In whin d y pt yr trs.
ws cn t th dr o the L b a fin, Whin I afwds fnd t W. 41.—Yr ans?
b a br. S. W.—I 0.
W. M.—Hw dd y k i t b a dr, bng h-w? W. M.—Wt fiwdi
S. W.—By fst mtg rst a afwds gng ad. S. W.—My trs bng I G, in fth ws wi f; I ws
W. M.—Hw gnd y adin?
32 33

thn tkn b th r hn, ordto an, fi in gad a fr n W. M.—Hwi

dngr. S. W.—By ord o th W. M. a aste o th bin.
W. M.—Whr dd y fi yr gad? W. M.—O bng bint t 1, wt dd y fs dsevV
S.W.~OncabthA,tthJ.W.ithS, whr S. W.—Th thr grt is of Msy, b th it o th
th sin qs wr askd a 1k ans rtd as a~ th dr. thr isr.
W. M.—Hw dd th J. W. dsp o yV W. M.—Wt ar th thr grt its o MsyV
S. W.—H dre in t th S. W. i th W, whr th S. W.—Th H B, S a C.
V smqswraskdaikansrtdasbf.
W. M.—Hw dd th S. W. dsp o yV
W. M.—Wt d thy Msely teh V
S. W.—Th H B is th ri a gd o fth; th St
S. W.—H dre in t th W. M. i th E, whr th sq on aetns, a th C to ereinseb a kp us wthn du
sm qs wr askd a ik ans rtnd as bf. bns wth al mnkd, bt inn espel wth a br M.
W. M.—Hw dd th W. M. dsp o yV W. ~1f.—Wtar th thr is its?
S. W.—H ord mtb rend t th S. W. ith S. W.—Th 5, NE a M o th L.
wh tgt in t ap t th E, adveng b on upr, rgi stp, W. ~W.—Hwar thy expid as seh?
m ft fing th rt angi o an ob sq, in bd ere t th S. W.—As th Sn nis th da, a th Mn gvrs th
W. M. I thE. nt, so ot th W. M. t endv t ri a gvn hs L wth
W. M.—Wt dd th W. M. thn d wth yV eqi rgity.
S. W.—H ind in a M. W. M.—Hw ar thy rpsntd V
W. M.—HwV S. W.—By thr bng tprs pied in a tri psI~n
5. W.—In d fin. th L.
W. M.—Wt i th d fin? W. M.—Wt dd y thn disc?
5. W.—Kn on in n if k, in rt fing a sq, m bd S. W.—Th W. M. aprhg in fin th E, und th
ere, in n if hn sup th H B, S a Cs, my n rt rst dg a sn o an E. A., wh, i tkn o hs br] iv a fdsh,
thin, in wch du fin I tk th ob o an E. A. prsd in wth hs rt hn, a wth i th g a wd o an
W. M.—Rpt it. (S. W. rpts th ob.) E. A., a bd n-i an a sam th Wds as ach.
W. M.—Af tkg th ob, wt wr y thn askd? W. M.—AFt sit th Ws, wt dd y thn disc?
5. W.—Wt I inst dsd. S. W.—Th W. M. aprehg in fin th E a sen
W. M.—Yr ansV tin, wh prsn in wth th im-sk or wt lea ap, a
S. W.—L. infd in tt i ws an embim o moe a th bg o a
W. M.—Dd y re i? mr ane thn th Old Fie or Rin Eg; mr hnrbi
S. W.—I dd. than th Stin a Grtr, or any oth ord tt eld b enfd
I ___

34 -
~upn in at tt tin, or at any fut pnd, b k, pre,
potn, on any othr prsn xep h b a M; a wh h hpd Ms, ar tgt to ink use o it fr th inn nbi a gins
I wd wn wth eqi pis t insi a hn t th fntn, a bd prps o dvdng our tin. It bng dvd int twn-fr
eq prts, is embici o th twn-fr hrs o th da, weh
in en i t th S. W. i th W, wh tgt in hw to wr i
as an E. A. w ar tgt t dvd mt thr eq prts, whrby w fnd egt
W. M.—Aft bng tgt hw t wn yr ap as an hrs fr th sync o 0 a a dstrsd wth br, egt lirs fr
E. A., wt wr y tim infd7 our usi avoetns, a egt fin rfshmt a sip.
S. W.—Tt agrb t a ane cst i a ngi a wi gvd Th Cmn Gvt i an inst ind use o by opntv Ms
Ls, it ws thn ncr tt I shd b nqd t dpst smthg o t bnk of th ems o rgh stns, th btr t ft thin fr
a mtc knd, nt fr ifs intrnse wth on vi, bt tt it th bids use; bt w, as F a A Ms, an tgt tin use
int b id up aing th reds i th aebs o th L, as a o i fn th inn nbi a gis prps o dvstg ou mds a
minri tt I ws thin ind a M, bt, upn stre ~inn, enes o al th yes a sprflts o if, thb ftng ou bods
I fd insi entni dst. as ivg stns fr tt sprti bidg, tt hs nt md wth hns,
W. M.—Hw wr y thn dspsd oV etnnl in th hyns.
S. W.—I ws ord t b rend t th pie fin whe I W. M.—Ths, in br, eneids th fs see o th ic,
em, thr b rnvsd o wt I had bn dys, a rtn t th L a throgh knidg o weh is nes bfn bng adv to th
fr fth insten. nxt dg.
W. AI.—On yr rtn t th L, whin wr y pled,
as th yngst E. A.?
S. W.—In th N-E ernn, in ft ring th int an o
an ob sq, in bd ere t th W. M. in th E, wh ws The Cable Tow.
pisd to sa tt I thn std as a is a uprt M, a gv it B~y Bro. C1~as. F. For8haw, LL. D.
in strel in ehg ev t wk a ae as seh.
THIS is the Mystic Tie which still unites
W. M.—Wt dd th W. M. thn prs y wthV With bonds of Love those men who ‘ye felt its cords,
S. W.—Th wkg tis o an E. A., a tght in thr Instilling sweet affection in our rites
V uss.
By aid of Symbols, Tokens, Grips, and Words.
Circling the globe—this e ‘en increasing band
I, W. M.—Wt an th wkg tis o an E. A.? Has such glad power within its many thongs,
That it enfolds the Masons of each land,
S. W.—Th twn-fn-in gg a th emn gv. And maketh one all kindreds and all tongues.
W. M.—Wt ar thr uses? All those who ‘ye seen the Light well know its strength
And only they can grasp its magnitude,
S. W.—Th Tw-fr-in Gg i a ins ind us o by They know it daily adds unto its length,
optv Ms t msr a Ia ot thin wk; bt xv, as F a A Where’er our Art has its grand habitude.
And they alone can ever hope to know—
For Light to them revealed the Cable Tow.
E. A Degree
Masonic Working Tools.
Lec., 2nd Sec.
B~y Brother Howard Lomaz.

Across the panorama of my life, W. M.—I wi nw nehins th snd see o th lee,

With measured step and cadent march, there comes
The constant keeper of my passing hours weh is an expitn o th svri einmns thino weh y
A gange he holds, whose graded surface marks hv psd.
The daily hours and moments of life
And to the fateful hour glass pointing, warns Br S. W., (S. W. ris.) why win y dvs o al
How fast the sands of time are rushing on.
He stops; and from his leathern girdle takes mts whn ind a M?
His ready gavel. With skillful blows
The roughened corners from the unhewn stone S. W.—Fr tw nsns: Frst, tt I shd cry nthg
He breaks, and fits it for the builder’s hand. ofns o dfns mt th L wth in; send, at th bldg o
Behold! the aproned fellow craft receives,
Upon the Temple’s wall, the perfect stone. K S T, thin ws nt hind th snd o ax, hinin or any
He in its fitting place, with square and plumb ti o inn.
And fault]ess level’s aid, adjusts it true.
And now the Master’s eye inspects the work; W. M.—Hw cid a bldg o seh stupds mgntd
Which being good, his approbation gains;
And o ‘er the accepted stone, with trowel bright b ene wtht th aid o sin inn ti?
He spreads cement. And ~inion makes so firm 5. W.—Bes th stns win ali hwn, sqd a ninbd
That of the wall the stone becomes a part.
So man by nature, rough as unhewn stone in th qrs whin thy wr nsd; th tinbin fid a prpd
Appears; and from his character must break th fins o Lbn, envd b se in fits t Jpa, a fin the
Those superfluities of life which mar
His perfect manhood. Wa]king by the plumb b In t JdIm, whin thy win set up b wdn mis pnpd
And acting so the square of virtue true fin th pnps; a whn th bldg w crc, its svi pints ftd
And rigid probity shall ever be
The rule and standard of his future life, wth sh exaetns tt i hd inn th apnne o bng th
Accepted by The Master he shall fill
His rightful place. It matters not to him hndywk o th Suprin Areht o th Unvrs thn tt o
If down beneath the surface of the earth hmn hns.
He lies and forms foundation for the rest;
Or in the dark recesses of the wall; W. M.—Wh win y nth n n eid?
Or corner-stone, or keystone of the arch;
Or flowered chapter of Corinthian pile. S. W.—Bes Msy ngds no inn Fr hs widi with
Enough for him that in his Master’s eye or hnrs; it ws thinfin t shw tt i ws th intnni a nt
He stands approved. That he is worthy found
To be a lively stone within that house th ex(rnl qifens o a inn tt shd nndn lim wthy t
Not made with hands; eternal in the heaven. b ind a M.

— I I I ~ IiiI~ I I
W. M.—Wh wr y nth bf nin shd? 39
S. W.—Ths ws aginbi to an ane Isitsh estin. W. M.-—Wh wry esd to kni a atd pin?
We ind in th bk o Rth tt ths ws th mnr in fmr S. W.—Bes no inn shd ev entin upn any gint
tins enerng inding a enerng ehngg, fin t enfinm~ a impint undtkg wtht fst invkg th blsg o D.
ai thgs a inn p]kd off ha sli a gv it t hs ngh, a W. M.—Wh win y askd in whin y pt yr tins?
ths ws a tstmy i Isi. Ths, thrfr, ws dn t shw S. W.—Bes, aginbiy t an ane Mse estin, n
th sneint o ou intns in th bsns w win thn enting athst ed b ind a M. It ws, thinfin, nesny tt I shd
upn. pnfs in bif i De, othws n ob wd b bndg upn in.
W. M.—Wh win y h-w a a e-t ab yr nk? W. M.—Wh win y tkn b th rI~ h, ond t ars,
S. W.—Fn thr rsns: Fst, tt as I ws thn i fiw yr gud a fin n dng?
dkns, s shd I kp th wid wtht i futin, as rits to S. W.—It ws t shw ~t aith at tt tin I eld nth
th sea o Msy, unti thy shd obt thin as ifi as I finse nin pnvt dng, I wa i th hds o a tins finn, i whs
ws thn abt t d; send, tt my hint shd b tgt t end fdlt I int wth aft enfd.
bfin my eys bhid th bts o May; thind, shd I hv W. M.—Wh win y ende once abt th A?
rfsd t sbmt t th finns a cmns o Msy, bng fnd S. W.—Tt th bnn int se I ws dl a tni pd.
unwth t b tknb th hn as abin, lint, b th hip o W. M.—Wh wr y esd t int wth thin svi
th e-t, b end out o th L wtht bng alwd to dsev obstns on yr psg?
evn th finn thnf. S. W.—Bes in ev ing a wi gvd L thin is a
W. M.—Wh win y esd t gv thin dste ka? inpsntatn o K S T, in weh w inn thin win ginds
th ~ W.—Fn tw rsns: Fst, t aim th L a infin statd at th 5, W a E gts, t se tt nn psd on nepsd
W. M. tt I ws pinpd fin initn; send, t neinnd bt seh as win di qif a hd thin pins. It wa thfn
in o a eintn txt i Sc: “Ask a ye shi rev; sk a ye nesin tt I shd int wth thse syl obstns, in oind tt
shi fnd; kn a i shi b opd unt y.” I int b di exmnd, bfn I cid b ind a M.
W. M.—Ilw d y ap tt tx t yr thn sttn? W. M.—Wh win y esd t k on yr n 1 k?
S. W.—I askd th remndtn o a finn to b ind a S. W.—Bcs th i ws supsd t b th whin pint o
M; thino hs nemdtn I sght intn; I knd at th di~ inn; it ws thinfin t shw tt it ws th wkn pint o Msy
othLaiwsopduntm. I ws thu entnng upn, it bng tt o E. A.
W. M.—Wh wry neon th pnt o ash i? W. M.—Wh win y esd to Ia yr int h on th H B,
S. W.—It ws t shw tt as tt ws an inst o fr~ Sq a Cs?
tthfis,sshdthrmbinnethinfbtinense,shdl S. W.—Bes th int h ws supsd b ou ane bnn t
evin prsm t invi any o th ses o Msy unifly. b th seat o fdlt, weh ws sd sints t b inp by tw int
hns jnd, at oths b tw hin figs hidg eh oth b th

42 43
W. M.—Why is it o! such vast dimensions? Heaven, where all good Masons hope at last to
S. W..—To show the universality of Masonry, arrive, by the aid of the theological ladder which
and that Masonic charity should be equally Jacob, in his vision, saw ascending from earth
extensive. to heaven, the three principal rounds of which
SUPPORTS. are denominated Faith, Hope and Charity, and
W. M.—What supports this great fabric? which admonish us to have faith in God, hope in
S. W.—Three great pillars. immortality and charity to all mankind.
W. M.—What are they called? W. M.—Whieh of these is the principal?
S. W.—Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. S. W.—The third, Charity.
W. M.—Why are they so called? W. M.—Why so?
S. W.—Because it is necessary there should S. W.—Beeause our Faith may be lost in
be wisdom to contrive, strength to support, and sight, Hope ends in fruition, but Charity ex-
beauty to adorn all great and important under. tends beyond the grave through the boundless
takings. realms of eternity.
W. M.—By whom are they represented? FURNITURE.
S. W.—By the W. lvi., S. and J. Wardens. W. M..—What furniture has a Lodge?
W. M.—How do they represent them? S. W..—The Holy Bible, Square and Com-
S. W.—The W. lvi. represents the pillar of passes.
wisdom, it beng supsd tt h lis ws t opn hs L, W. M.—To whom are they dedicated?
St th crf to wk a gv thin pinpin instns. 5. W.—The Bible points out the path that
The S. W. represents the pillar of strength, leads to happiness, and is dedicated to God. The
it bng hs dt t asst th W. M. i opg a eisg hs L, Square teaches us to regulate our conduct by the
tPa th crf thin wgs, if aut b du a se ft ungo principles of morality and virtue, and is dedi-
awa dstsfd; hininny bng th stinn a supt o al scits, cated to the Master. The Compasses teach us to
inn espely o ours. limit our desires in every station, and are dedi-
The J. W. represents the pillar of beauty, it cated to the Craft.
bng bs du t ohs th sn at its inrdn ht wehith W. M.—Why are they thus disposed of?
girabtyotlida. S. W.—The Bible is dedicated to the service
JI COVERING. of God, because it is the inestimable gift of God
W. M.—What covering has a Lodge? to man, a on it w oblg a nwl admtd bin; the
S. W.—A clouded canopy or starry-decked Square to the Master, because, being the proper
44 45
Masonic emblem of his office, it is constantly to
remind him of the duties he owes to the Lodge, W. M.—How are they situated?
over which he is appointed to preside; and the S. W.—East, West and South.
Compasses to the craft, because, by a due atten- W. M.—None in the North?
tion to their use, they are taught to regulate S. W..—None.
their desires and keep their passions within due W. M.—Why not?
bounds. S. W.—Bes o th situatn o K S T, it bng
ORNAMENTS. situatd so fin nth o th eclpt tt th sn or inn at thr
mrdn ht eld dint n rays in~ th nthrn pint o it;
W. M.—What are the ornaments of a Lodge?
and so wa Mely Inn th Nth a plc of dkns.
S. W.—The Mosaic Pavement, the Indented
Tessel, and the Blazing Star.
M. M.—What are they? W. M.—How many jewels has a Lodge?
S. W.—The Mosaic Pavement is a representa- S. W.—Six-—three movable and three im-
tion of the ground floor of King Solomon’s movable.
Temple; the Indented Tessel, that beautiful W. M.—What are the immovable jewels?
tessellated border or skirting which surrounds it; S. W.—The Square, Level and Plumb.
and the Blazing Star in the center, is commemo- W. M.—What do they Masonically teach?
native of the star which appeared to guide the S. W.—The Square teaches morality, the
wise men of the East to the place of our Savior’s Level equality, and the Plumb rectitude of life.
nativity. W. M.—What are the movable jewels?
W. M.—Of what are they emblematical? S. W.—The Rough Ashlar, the Perfect Ash-
S. W.—The Mosaic Pavement is emblematical lar, and the Trestle-board.
of human life, checkered with good and evil; the W. M..—What are they?
beautiful border which surrounds it, those bless- S. W..—The Rough Ashlar is a stone as taken
ings and comforts which surround us, and which from the quarry in its rude and natural state.
we hope to obtain by a faithful reliance on The Perfect Ashlar is a stone made ready by the
Divine Providence, which is hieroglyphically hands of the workman, to be adjusted by the
represented by the Blazing Star in the center. tools of the Fellow Craft. The Trestle-board
LIGHTS. is for the master workman to draw his designs
W. M.—How many lights has a Lodge? upon.
S. W.—Three. W. M.—Of what do they remind us?
S. W.—-By the Rough Ashiar we are remind-


46 47
ed of our rude and imperfect state by nature
by the Perfect Ashlar, that state of perfectiou model of King Solomon’s Temple, therefore all
at which we hope to arrive by a virtuous educa- Lodges should be situated due east and west.
tion, our own endeavors, and the blessing To WHOM DEDICATED.
God; and by the Trestle.board we are also W. M.—To whom were Lodges anciently dedi-
minded that, as the operative workman erects his cated?
temporal building agreeably to the rules and S. W.—To King Solomon.
designs laid down by the master on his Trestle- W. M.—Why so?
board, so should we, both operative and specula- S. W.—Because he was our first Most Excel-
tive, endeavor to erect our spiritual building lent Grand Master.
agreeably to the rules and designs laid down by W. M.—To whom are they dedicated in
the Supreme Architect of the Universe in the modern times?
Book of Life, which is our spiritual Trestle- S. W.—To St. John the Baptist and St. John
board. the Evangelist, who were eminent patrons of
LODGES-.-..HOW SITUATED. Masonry; and since their time there is repre-
lIT. M.—How should a Lodge be situated? sented in every regular and well-governed
S. W.—Due East and West. Lodge, a certain Point within a Circle; the Point
W. M.—Why so? representing an individual brother; the Circle
S. W.—Beean~e that was the situation of representing the boundary line of his duties to
King Solomon’s Temple. God and man, beyond which he is never to su~er
W. M..—Why was King Solomon’s Temple qo his passions, prejudices or interests to betray
situated? him on any occasion. This Circle is embordered
S. W.—Beeaus~, after Moses had safely con- by two perpendicular parallel lines, representing
ducted the Children of Israel through the Red St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist,
Sea, when pursued by Pharaoh and his hosts, he who were perfect parallels in Christianity as
then, by Divine command, erected a tabernacle well as Masonry; and upon the vertex rest the
and situated it due east and west, in order to book of Holy Scriptures, which point out the
perpetuate the remembrance of the mighty east whole duty of man. In going round this Circle
wind by which their miraculous deliverance was we necessarily touch upon these two lines, as
wrought, and also to receive the rays of the ris- well as upon the Holy Scriptures; and while a
ing sun. And as the tabernacle was an exact Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed, it is
impossible that he should materially err.


W. M.—What are the tenets of your profes- unlliienced by this principle, hypocrisy and de-
sion? ceit are unknown among us, sincerity and plain
S. W.—Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. dealing distinguish us, and the heart and tongue
join in promoting each other’s welfare and re-
joicing in each other’s Prosperity.
By the exercise of brotherly love we are
taught to regard the whole human species as
W. M.—Br, y infind in tht I shd kuw y by
one family—the high and low, the rich and crtn ss, a tkn, a wd, a th prfe pts o yr ente.
poor—who, as created by one Almighty Par- Yuhvgvnmthsst]~~~~ Inwrqryto
ent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to expln t m th pinfe pts o yr entre. Hw mny a wt
aid, support, and protect each other. On this
ar thy?
principle Masonry unites men of every coun- S. W.—Ther~ are four, th Gtrl, th Petrl, th
try, sect and opinion, and conciliates true Mul a th Pdl, web aId to th. four erdnl vrtus,
friendship among those who might otherwise Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice.
have temained at a perpetual distance. TEMPERANCE
RELIEF. Temperance is that due restraint upon our
To relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent affections and passions which renders the body
on all men, but particularly on Masons, wno are tame and governable, and frees the mind from
linked together by an indissoluble chain of sin- the allurements of vice. This virtue should be
cere affection. To soothe the unhappy, to sym- the constant practice of every Mason, as he is
pathize with their misfortunes, to compassionate thereby taught to avoid excess, or contracting
their miseries, and to restore peace to their any licentious or vicious habit, the indulgence of
troubled minds, is the grand aim we have in which might lead him to disclose some of those
view. On this basis we form our friendships and valuable secrets which he has promised to con-
establish our connections ceal and never reveal, and which would conse-
quently subject him to the contempt and detes-
Truth is a Divine attribute, and the founda- tation of all good Masons, as wI as t th pn o hs
tion of every virtue. To be good and true is the oh, wh aIds t th Gtrl.
first lesson we are taught in Masonry. On this
theme we contemplate, and by its dictates en- FORTITUDE.

deavor to regulate our conduct. Hence, while Fortitude is that noble and steady purpoi~e of
the mind whereby we are enabled to undergo

I I — ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
50 51
any pain, peril or danger when prudentially which enables us to render to every man his just
deemed expedient. This virtue is equally distant due, without distinction. This virtue is not only
from rashness and cowardice, and, like the consistent with Divine and human laws, but is
former, should be deeply impressed upon the the very cement and support of civil society;
mind of every Mason, as a safeguard or security and as justice in a great measure constitutes the
against any illegal attack that may be made, by really good man, so should it be the invariable
force or otherwise, to extort from him any of practice of every Mason never to deviate from
those valuable secrets with which he has been so the minutest principles therof, evin inmbrg th tin
solemnly intinusted, and which was emblematic- whn h ws pled in th N-E er o th L, hs ft fing a
ally represented upon his first admission into the rt ang, wh aIds t th Pdl.
Lodge, where he ws red on th pt o a shp ins at W. M.—How did Entered Apprentices serve
hs nk if b, wh aldst th Potri. their Master in former times, and how should
PRUDENCE. they in modern?
Prudence teaches us to regulate our lives and S. W.—’With freedom, fervency and zeal.
actions agreeably to the dictates of reason, and W. M.—How are they represented?
is that habit by which we wisely judge, and pru- S. W.—13y Chalk, Charcoal, and Clay.
dentially determine, on all things relative to our W. M.—Why do they represent them?
present as well as to our future happiness. This S. W.—Because there is nothing freer than
virtue should be the peculiar characteristic of Chalk, which upon~ the slightest touch leaves a
every Mason, not only for the goverument of his trace behind; nothing more fervent than Char-
conduct while in the Lodge, but also when coal, to which, when properly lighted, the most
abroad in the world. It should be particularly obdurate metals will yield; nothing more zealous
attended to in all strange and mixed companies; than Clay, our Mother Earth, which is constant-
never to let fall the least sign, token or word ly employed for man’s use, and is an emblem to
whereby the secrets of Masonry might be unlaw- remind us that as from it we came, so to it we
fully obtained, ever bring i mud tt mininbi perod,, must all return.
whn on hs If k, bin bnt, hs int finmng a sqin, hs 1 h The following may be used:
suptgthll ~,5aC,hsrtinstgthin11,whaldst Our Mother Earth alone, of all the elements,
th Mnl. has never proved unfriendly to man; the bodies
JUSTICE. of water deluge him with rain, Oppress him with
Justice is that standard or boundary of right hail, and drown him with inundations. The air

rushes in storms, prep ares the tempest, and lights

E. A. Degree
up the volcano; but the earth, ever kind and in-
dulgent, is found subservient to his wishes.
Though constantly harassed, more to furnish the Closing.
luxuries than the necessaries of life, she never
W. M.— (Ds rs.) Br J. D., wt is th 1st as
refuses her accustomed yield, spreading his path
wl as fst gt en o Ms whn i L asinbld?
with flowers and his table with plenty; though
she produces poison, still she supplies the anti- J. D.—T se tt th L i dl tld, W. M.
dote, and returns with interest every good com- W. ?JI.—Prfm tt dty; in!m th T. tt I am abt
mitted to her care; and when at last he is called t els th L a dre hin t tl aed.
upon to pass through the “dark valley of the J. ~ (T. ova dr.) Br T., I am ord by
shadow of Death,” she once more receives him tli W. M. t infin y tt h is abt t els th L, a y an
and piously covers his remains within her bosom. dine to ti aed.
This admonishes us that from it we came and to T.—It shl b dn.
it we must shortly return. J. D. (Cla dr.—Th L is dl tid, W. M.
W. M.—This, my brother, ends the lecture be-
W. M.—Hw an w tl, hr J. D.?
longing to this degree. J. D.—By a hr M. M. wtht th din, and wth th
It Is just as appropriate for the W. M. to deliver
the ,charge to the candidate after the lecture as be- prpr inst 0 hs ofc.
fore it. W. M.—Wt ar hs ds thin?
J. D.—To k off al ens a evsds, a t se tt un
p5 oin rps bt sch as an dl qlfd a hv pm fin th
W. M.—~(Ds tic ats.) Br S. W., (S. W. ris)
as an E. A., fin whne em y?
S. W..—Fm th L o th H St J at Jer.
W. M.—Wt em y hr t do?
S. W.—To Inn to sub in psus a imp ins! in
W. M.—Thn I pinsin y an a M?

r 55
5. W.—I am so tkn a aep aing bins a fis. Sec.—On th rt o th W. M. i th E.
W. M.—Wt inks y a 14? W. M.—Wht an yr dts thin, hr Tins.?
S. W.—My ob. Trs.—To rev al innys fin th hds o th See.;
W. M.—Whn winy ind an E. A.? keep jst a ingi ac o th sin, a pa thin out at th
S. W.—In a I a ifly enstd L o E. A. W. M. wi a p1, wth th ensnt o th L.
W. M.—Hw mny andy empsd a L o E. A.? W. M.—Wh i th J. W. sta i th L?
S. W.—Svn on mr. Trs.—In th S.
W. M.—Whn empsd o onl sv, wh win thy? W. M.—Why an y in th 5, hr J. W.? Wlit
S. W.—Th W. M., S. W., J. W., Tins., See., an yr dts thin?
5.D.aJ.D. J. W.—As th sn i th S at its mind ht is th gl
W. M.—Wh is th J. D. p1 i th LY a bt o th da, so stns th J. W. in th 5, th btn t
S. W.—On th rt o th S. W. i th W. ohs th tin; to ci th cnf fin lb t nfsmt; t sup-
W. M.— (Ds ris.) Wht an yr dts thin, inntnd thin ding th hrs thnf, a se tt thy do nt
hr J. D.? envrt th pnps o rfsmt mt intinpe a xes; to ci
J. D.—To ear ings fin th S. W. i th W to thin on agn i du ssn, tt th W. M. ma liv pis a
th J. W. i th 5, a elsw abt tb L as he ma dine, th enf prft thrby.
a to se ft th L i dl tl. W. M.—Wh i th S. W. stn in th L?
W. M.—Wh is th S. D. plc i th L? J. W.—In th W.
J. D.—On th rt o th W. M. i th E. W. M.—Why an y in th W, hr S. W.V Wht
W. M.—Wht an yr dts thin, bin S. D.? an yr dts thin?
S. D.—To en onds fin th W. M. i th E to th S. W.—As th sn is i th W at th els o th da,
S. W. i th W, a elsw abt th L as h ma dine; so i th S. W. i th W, t ast th W. M. in op a els
wiem a acind vis bin; t inc a ende edts. lis L; to path en! thin wgs, if augt b du, a se
W. M..—Wh is th See. plc i th L? tt nn go awa dsfd; hininny bng th strnh a supt
S. D.—On th lf o th W. M. i th E. o al soets, min espel o ours.
W. M.— (S. a J. Ws, Trs. a Sec. rs.) Wht W. 2~J.—Wh i th W. M. stn i th LV
an yr dts thin, bin See.? S. W.—In th E.
Sec.—To ohs th W. M. wl a pls; t red th W. M.—Why i he in th E, hr S. W.V Wht
pnedgs o th L; to rev al innys a pa thin mt th an hs dts thin?
hns o th Trs. S. W.—As th sn ins i th E t op a gv th da.
W. M.—Wh is th Tins, pie i th LV so ins th W. M. i th E to op a gvu hs L; t set

th crf to wk a gv thin gd a whilsin insten fr F C. Degree

thr lbs.
W. M.~*** (Ris.) Br S. W., i~ is in wi a
pisin tt
— L, N —, b nw eled. Cine ths ond to Opening.
th J. W. in th 5, a h to th enf fin thin gvint. W. M.~ (Ofers tic thr stns a pics, a mbra
5. W.—Br J. W., it is th wi a plsn o th W. M.
cith thmsl a tic ats. J. D. cis dr.) Br S. W.,
~thEtt~~IL,N~,bnwelsd. Cmethsond (S. W. rs) pined t st! yrsl tt al pins an F. C.
t th cnf fr thin gvmt.
S. W.— (Ds tic rds, mt W o th A, prod tghr
J. W.—Brn, it i th wl a pl o th W. M. i th
a eme tic ps t th S. W.) Br S. a J. Ds, pre t stf
E, eme t in b th S. W. i th W, tt — L, N—,
yrsls tt al pin an F. C.
b nw elsd. Tk nte a gvn ysls aedly.—Lk to
thE! (SsoE.A.gvn.) The brethren shd ad wbn aprhd b th Ds.
S.D.passesifrtobininthN 3.D.paeseslfrt
W. M.—Let us pnay.—Amn. o bin i th
~, pausing In frt o any whin they cnnt vch
Br n—So int it b. fr, a facng
W, rpt:

W. M.—Bn S. W., hw d Ms int? Br S. W., an unkn I th N, (Or 5, as th 08

S. W..—Upn th lyl, W. M. ma bA
W. M.—Bn. J. W., hw d Ms act? S. W.—Cn any hr vh fr th unkn in th N?
J. W..—Upn th phu, W. M. (or S.)
If vchd fr, th D~ tk th wd a Ps on; If nt vchd fr
W. M.—And thy pint upn th sq. So ma we th unkn mat rtr. Aftr recyg tb wd fin al, xcpt th
evr int, ac a prt. And now may the blessing of W. 14. a Wds~ th Ds mt In th ~ a cine th wd—J. D.
Heaven nest upon us and all regular Masons. to S. D. a be to th W. M., they tbn rtn to W 0 A a fc
May brotherly love prevail, and every moral th S. W.
and social virtue cement us. In th nin o G a W. M.—T1I ps is—.
thHSJ,IdelthLelsdillfin. BnJ.D.,inf
S. W.—~ (Ds tic sts.) Al pin an F. C., W. M.
th T.
S. D. attends to the lights, while— (Tics st.)
J. D—~~ (T. opns dr.) Br T., I am ond W. M.— (Ds ris.) Br J. D., wt is th fst gint
~ythW.M.~oinfinyttthLiselsdinf1~ en o Ms whn in L asmb?
W. M.~* (Closes tic fst d9.) J. D.—To se it th L is dl tld, W. M.
W. M.—Whn empsd o oni fy, wh win th V
W. M.—Pnfm tt dt. Infm th T. tt I am abt S. W.—Th W. M., S. W., J. W., S. D. a J. D.
to op a L oF. C., a dine hint ti aed. W. M.—Wh i th J. D. pie i th LV
J. D. (Opns dr.)—Bn T., I am ond b th S. W.—On th rt o th S. W. i th W.
W. M. t infin y tt h is abt t op a L o F. C., a y W. M.— (Ds ris.) Wht an yr ds thin, hr
an dine t ti ac. J. D.?
T.—Et shi b dn. 3’. D.—To en msgs fin th S. W. in th W t
J. D. (Cis dr.)—Th L is dl tl, W. M. th J. W. in tb 5, a elsw abt th L as h ma dine,
W. M.—Hw ar we tl, hr J. D.V a t se tt th L i d tld.
J. D.—By a hr M. M. wtht th din, and wth W. M.—Wh i tb S. D. pie i th LV
th pinpin inst o hs ofe. 3’. D.—On th rt o th W. M. i th E.
W. M.—Wht an hs dt thin V W. M.—Wht an yr dts thin, hr S. D.V
3’. D.—To kp of al ens a evs, a t se tt nn ps S. D.—To can onds fin th W. M. in th E
on nps bt seb as an dl qlf a by pins fin th W. M. t th S. W. i th W, a elsw abt th L as b in dine;
W. M.~* (Ds tic sts.) Br S. W., (S. W. ris) to wiem a acind vstng brn; t re a ende endts.
wl y b of on fmV W. M.—Wh is tb J. W. stn in th LV
S. W..—F. S. D.—In tb S.
W. ~1L—FmwtV W. M.— (S. a 3’. Ws ris.) Why an y
th 5, hr J. W.V Wht ar yr dts thnV
5. W.—Fm th deg o E. A. to tt o F. C.
W. M.—Ar y a F. C.? 3’. W.—As th sn in th S at its mrdn ht is th
5. W.—I am, tin in. glr a bt o th da, so stns th J. W. i th 5, th btn
W. M.—Hw wl y b tin? t ohs th tin; to el th erf fin lb t nfsmt; to supntd
S. W.—B th s. thin ding th bins thnf, a se tt thy d nt envrt th
W. M.—Wh b th sV prpss o rfsint hat intinpre a xes; to ci thin on
S. W.—Bes i is one o th wkg tis o in prfs. agn i du ssn, tt th W. M. ma hv pls a th enf
W. M.—Wt i a sV pnft thby.
5. W.—An ang o nty dgs, on tb frth pt o W. M.—Wh is th S. W. stn in tb LV
a crc. 3’. W.—In th W.
W. M.—Y~7hr win y ind a F. C.? W. M.—Why any in tb W, hr S. W.V Wht
5. W.—I a js a lfly enst L o F. C. an yr dts thnV
W. M.—Hw inn andy emp a L o F. C.? S. W.—As th sn is in tb W at th els o tb da,
S. W.—Fv on mr.

I 111111111 ___ _______________________________________________________________ •I—IIIII ___________________________________________________________________

so is th S. W. in tb W, t th W. M. in opng Brn.—So int it h.
a clsg bs L; to pay tb cnf thin wgs, if agt h du,
a se tt nn go awa dsatfd; hnmny hng th stin a W. M.—In tb nin o 0 a th H S J, I dcl —

suprt o al socts, inn espel o ours. N —, opnd in fin on the sec deg. Br J. D.,
W. M.—Wh is tb W. M. stn in t L V infin th T. (Al tic sets.)
S. W.—In th E. S. D. attends to the its, while—
W. M.—Why is hi thE, hr S. W.V Wht an
bs dts tbnV J. D.—~ (T. ops dr.) Br T., I am ond h
5. W.—As tb sn rs i th E to op a gvn tb da, tb W. M. t inf y tt —L, N —‘is op i fin on
so nis tb W. Mi. i th E, to op a gvn bs L; t St th sec deg, a y an dine t ti aed.
tb cnf to wk a gv thin gd a wblsm instren fr T.—It sbl h dn.
thin lbs.
W. M.—~” (Ris.) Br S. W., it is in wl a J. D. (Cis dr.)—Tt dt i pinfind, W. M.
tt —L, N —, h nw opnd on tb see dego W. M.— (Ds tic seats.)
Msy fr tb dsp o seb hs a~ ma ingly em hfn it,
und tb usl Msc rsts. Cine tha ond to tb J. W.
in th 5, a b t tb cnf fin thin gvmt.
S. W.—Bn J. W., it is th wl a p1 o tb W. M. Freemaionry Universal.
in th E tt— L, N—, h nw opnd on tb sec deg By J3ro. Chas. F. Forshaiv, LL. D.
o Msy fin tb dsp o seb hs as ma ingly em hfn i,
‘I LEFT the bustling town with all its cares,
und tb usl Msc rsts. Cine tbs ond to tb cnf fin To seek awhile fresh fields and pastures new;
thin gvt. And in sweet Lakeland ‘s paradisa] lairs
J. W.—Brn, it is tb wi a p1 o tb W. M. in I stood enchanted at each lovely view.
thE,cmdtoinhtb S. W. in tb W, tt —
I pondered long and deep in rapturej thought,
And said, ‘‘my gladness is indeed complete,”
For here in this poetical retreat,
o seb hs as ma ingly em hfn it. und tb us] Msc My soul, a glimpse of Heaven hath surely caught.
rstcs. Tk ntc a gvn ynsls acly.—Lk to tb El When lo! ‘mid all my bliss—a voice I heard,
Sns of E. A. and F. C. gvn, tkg tin frm th IL A sand grasped mine—one never fe]t before—
J. W.— S. W.— W. M. And in the ni~bt by calm Winander ‘s shore
J. W.—, S. W.— W. M. we lowly ]ettered one mysterious word.
And my joy grew! My Brother held the key
W. M.—Lt us pr. (Prayer.) Amn Which made us one by right of Masonry!
n F. C. Degree

Work, 1st Sec.

o F. C.
t~ nw wshs t rc mr it in Msy by bng psd t th

S. D.—My br, is i o yr ow fr wi a ad
Cndt.—It is
S. D.—Br Sr. S., is h dl a tri ppd?
Sr. S.—H is.
W. M.—Brn, ths L o F. C. lis bn op fr S. D.—Is h wth a wi qi?
prps o cnfng th snd dg on hr (A. B.) If thi Sr. S.—H is.
is no objn, we wi prcd wth th wk. (Thr bng n S. D.—Hs h md sutbi prfc i th prcg dg?
objn.) Sr. S.—H hs.
W. M.—Br Stds, (Stds rs a tic rds) aprh S. D.—By wt fth rt or bn ds h xp t gn adm?
Sr. S.—By th bnf o th ps.
th A. S. D.—Hs h th p5?
Stds go to Wst o th Aa sit.
Sr. S.—H hs i nt; I hv i fr hm.
W. M.—Br Sr. S., hw shd a cdt b ppd t b S. D.—Gv m th ps. (Gvn.) Lt hm wt wth
md a F. C.? ptnc unti th W. M. is infd o ha rqs a hs ans
Sr. S.—By bng dvs o al nitis; nth nk ur old, rtd. (Cis dr, gs t A, sit, ~ wth hs rd on th fi.)
brf nr slid, h-w aa c-t twc abhs nr ar, a ci as W. M.—Wh cms thr?
anE.A. S. D.—A hr wh hs bn rg mit as an E. A.,
W. M.—Yu wi rpr t th ant-rm ~vhr y wi fd a nw wshs t rc mr it I Msy b bng psd t th dg
hr (A.B.) inwtg,owhmywlclcthrqdfea 0 P.c.
ppr lim as std; a whn so ppd cs lim t gv th nes W. M.—Is i ohs ow fr wi a acd?
aiatthdrothpr-rm. S. D.—It is.
Stds sit and rtr to pp-rm, ppr cdt. W. M.—Is h di a tri ppd?
S. D.—H is.
Cndt.— W. M.—Is h wth a wi qi?
S. D. (Rs, tks rd, a slts.)—W. M., thr is an
alatthdrothppr-rm. S. D.—H is.
TV. M.—Hs h md sutbi prf i th prc dg?
W. M.—Atd t th al.
S. D.—H hs.
S. D. (Os nth o A t th dr.)—4” (Std pr~l W. M.—By wt fth rt or bnf ds h xpc t gn
ops dr.)—Wh cms hr0l
Sr. S.—A br wh lis bn rgl initd as an E. A., adm ~/
Israel; •* I will not again pass by them any-
S. D.—By th bnf o th ps. more.—Amo~ vii, 7-8.
W. M.—Hs ii th ps? An appropriate hymn may be used tnstea~ of the
S. D.—H hs i nt; I liv i fr lim. Lesson.
W. M.—Gv m th ps. (S. D. gvs ps.) S. D. (In th S.)—
W. M.—Snc h cins endwd wth aL ths esnt] J. W. (Ris.)—Wh cms hr?
qlfcns, it i m wi a pl fl h ent ths L o F. C., a S. D.—A br wh hs bn rgl mit as an E. A.,
tt y rcv lim i du a auc fin. a nw wslis t rc mr lt i Msy b bng psd t th dg
S. D. (Rtns a ops dr wd.)—It is th wi a plsr oF. C.
o th W. M. tt th br ent ths L o F. C. J. W.—My br, i it o yr ow fr wi a acd?
Stds entr wth cdt btw thin a tk sts by th dr wbl—
Cndt.—It is.
S. D. (Tks chg o cdt a plo 1 h on cdts rt shid.) J. W.—Br S. D., is li dl a tri ppd?
~~Mybr,itisthWl aplsrothW.M.ttIrCV S.D--H is.
~IntthsLoF.C.idaancfm. Ircyonth J. W.—Is li wtli a wi qlV
~.ngl o th sq at yr n r b, ~vhI t tch y tt th sq o S. D~—H is.
vtu slid b a ii a gd t yr cndc i al yr futr acns J. W.—Hs h md sutbi prfc i th PC dg?
wth rnkn. S. D.—H hs.
S. D. tI~s cdts rt Ii b th pclr g o th cft, a cndts hm
J. W.—By wt fth rt o buds li exp t g adm?
twc ab th A. As thy Ps—
5. D.—By tli bnf o th PS.
J. w.__*
J. W.—Hs li th ps?
W. M. (Rds.)—Tlius lie sliowed me;
S. D.—H hs it nt; I hv i fr hm.
S. W. J. W.—Ov m th ps. (Gvn.) Cdc th cdt t
W. M.—ADd behold, the Lord stood upon a
tli S. W. i tli W fr fth exm.
wall male by a plumb-line, witli a plumb-line
in liii hand. *
S. W. (Ris.)—Wh cms hr’~
And tlie Lord said unto me: Amos, What S. D.—A br wh hs bn rgl mit as an E. A.,
seest thou?
a nw wshs t rc mr lt i Msy b bng psd t th dg
J.w. o F. C.
W. M.—And I said: A plumb-line.
S. W.—My br, is it o yr ow fr wi a acd?
S. W. Cndt.—It is.
W. M. -Then said the Lord: Behold, I will 5. W.—Br S. D., is h dl a tr ppd ~
set a plumb-line in the midst of my people

1E 1111111 IiIIDiUhlIhlIUlDi~EiII I IlIlIllIllIllII uRN ~I~1JfVf~~ __________________

b tIm sq. (Dn, S. D. sit.)
Th cdt is in d fin, th bds o th ai as a pry, slid I in th Is, kn or
~M. wtngl,vlotrgstlisinF.C.ob. SohlmG,akp
W. M.~*.** (Os to A a uncvs.)—Y wi sa I, in stfs. (Re-cvrs.)
rpt yr nm a sa af me: S. D. rmvs cndts hds while—
Obn. W. M.—I tk o yr snc o pps in ths sl engmts,
1, (A. B.), o mon fr wi a ac, in th prs o ywlksthHB,nWOPbfy. (Done.) BrS.D.,
A (1 a ths wf[ L, erc t Hm a dd t th H S J, d our br bng nw bnd t us by a cvnnt wch cnnt b
hb a hn ins sl a sc p a s, as I liv htf dn, bt wth bkn, y wl ris lim fin lis c-L (Done.) My br,
Lhs adns, tt I wi nt cmc th sc o a F. C. to an i y prs bld cdn, wt d y ins dsr?
E. A., nr ths o a E. A. t th rs o th wid, nthr tbs Cndt. (Prmtd b S. D.)—Mr 11 i Msy.
nranyothni tanypopswbtsvr,excpibta W. M.—Mr It i Msy bng yr dsr, y shi rc it.
tr a lfl br M, or wthn th bd o a js a If cns L o his, My bin, ast in in brg ou br t mr It i Msy.
nr unt 1mm or thin mimtl b stc tl, d exm, or lfl inf, Bin, excp Wrdns, cm frwd a fin two pri Ins fin
I shl liv fd hm or thin as ifi ent t thin as I a m. B to W.
TV. M.—In the beginning God created the
First Tie.
I frthrmr p a s, tt I wi stn t a abd b al th Is, Heaven and the earth
ris a rgl o a F. C. L, so fr as thy slil cm t in kn. And the earth wa~ without form, and void;
S. T. and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And
Ifrthrmr p a s, tt IwI ans a ob al d ss a sins the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
snt in fin a L o F. C., or hnd m by a br o ths dg, waters.
if wthn th Inth o my c-t. And God said, Let there be Light; and there
T. T. was light. In sl cmrtn o tt sbl evt, I, in 1k innr,
Ifrthrmr p a s, tt Iwl hip aia ast al pr ds McI dclr: Lt thr b Lt. (Hnds a rt ft, while-
br F. C., thy apltm as sh aldm thin wthy S. D. rmvs hw.)
F. T. TV. M.—And thr is It. On bng brt t mr Ii
Ifrthrinrpas,ttlwl nt cli, wr o dfd a Msy,ybhdupnthAbfryththrgrtltsoMsry
LoF.C.orabrothsdg~g1or~~g~ as bfr, bt wth ths cif; on pt o th cps br, th oth
Althslmsslmasncpas, wthafmastdf bng hdn, wch is t tch y tt as yt y hv rcd it in
rsln kp a prf th sin, wtht th is eq murs or Msy bt prtialy. (Rtns a adveg to cdt:) Y nw
slfevwhtv,bndmslunn1spt~ tt o hv ml cisc m apchg y fin th E, und th dg a sn o a F. C.
btop,mnhrplkfmthc a gvt thbs othfld a Tlis i th dg, (gus it) a aids t tli psn in wh yr
70 71
hnswrplcwhnytkyrob Thsisthsn, (gvs it)
a aids t th pnl o th ob whrn y sd: “bndg insi S. D.—I dd nt s rc i, nr cn 1 s imp i.
lnmdnlsPnthnttohvginlbrtrop~~~p1 W. M.—Hw wI y ds o
S. D.—L it a li i wth 3.
TV. M.—L it a bg.
as a pr, slid I in th lsknl or wtlg vl or trgs ths S. D.—Na, bg y.
mF. C. ob. ShlmGakpinstdf” Thspnl
TV. M.—No, y bg.
sn is als tli sn o saIu~n.
(S. D. Bgns—wd gv’n.)
On entg or rtg fin a L o F. C., y wI adv t th
W. ill.— is th wd o ths dg a tbs (gvs it)
wst o th A whr y nw k, a slt th W. M. wth ths
is th tk or gp. Am’s, slQt th Wds as a F. C. (Rtns
en. (Gvs it.) Ala, on rsg t adre th W. M. y wi
t hs stn.)
sit hm wtli ths en. (Gvs it.) In tk o th cntnc
S. D. cndcs cdt to J. W. stn. Cndt sits the J. W.
o in br lv a fnshp, I prs y wtli in r li a wth i th wthdgasnOaF.C. TbflpsontotheS.W.,aslt
ps, tkn othps, g awd o a F. C. (Tics gp o hmintlmilinnlnr. ThntothA,asltthW.M.
L.A.) TV. 21L—My br, y wl b rcdc t th S. W. i th W,
TV. M.—Br S. D., wi y b of o fin? wh wl tch y hw t v~rr yr ap as a F. C.
S. D.—Fm. S. D. (Cndt cdt I th TV.)—Br S. W., (S. TV.
W. M.—F wt? ris) it is tli wl a p1 o th W. M. i th E, tt our nly
S. D.—Fm th gp o an E. A. t th ps g o a ~~mtdbrbtgtliwtWrh5apasaF. C. (S.D.
F. C. arangs ap.)
TV. M.—P tt. (Done.) Wt i tt cid? S. TV.—My br, at th bld o K S T, thr wr
S. D.—Tli ps gp o a F. C. eghty thsd F. C. or hwrs i th innts a in th qrs,
TV. M.—Wt i its nm? (S. D. gvs wd.) a thy wr drc t wr thr apns wth 1h bb trnd d~.
W. M.—WJ y b of o f? Ths, in br, wI y wm’ yrs whl lbg aing us as a spc
F. C., t dstg y fin th E. As.
TV. M.—.F wt?
S. D. (Cndcs cdt bck t th A, a sits wth pnl
S. D.—F tli p g o a F. C. t th ri g o th s.
sn onl.)—Yr ords liv bn ob, W. M.
TV. M.—P tt. (Done.) Wt i tt?
TV. M.—My br, y wl nw b cdc t th rt lin o
S. D.—Th g o a F. C.
TV. M.—Hs it a n? th W. M. i th E. (Done.) I nw pm’s y wth th
S. D.—It hs. wkg tls o a F. C. a wl tch y thr uses.
The working tools of a Fellow Craft are the
TV. M.—Gv i m.
Plumb, Square and Level.
72 73
The Plumb is an instrument made use of by
operative masons to raise perpendiculars; the The Plumb.
Square, to square their work; and the Level to
By Bro. Chas. F. Forshaw, LL. D.
lay liorizontals; but we, as Free and Accepted
Masons, are taught to make use of them for more ADMONISHED by the Plumb we walk upright,
noble and glorious purposes. The Plumb ad- And hold the Scale of Justice equally;
It shows to us the duty-line of Right,
nionishes us to walk uprightly in our several sta- Portraying strict impartiality.
tions before God and man, squaring our actions It teaches what the medium must be—
by the Square of virtue, and remembering that No constant gloom and no unceasing pleasure;
we are traveling upon the Level of time to that And ruled by it, Freemasons ever see
“undiscovered country from whose bourne no Their joys and sorrows in an even measure.
Straight forward conduct, fearless and erect,
traveler returns.” Putting away all prejudice and pride;
Y wl nw b rcnd t tli plc fin wlic y cm, thr b Tempering the passions, bidding us reflect,
And choose with care whom we would have for guide
rvstd o wlit y wr dvs, af wch, agrb t an anc cetni
Thus by the Plumb, we children of the Dust,
in al rg a wl gv Ls o F. C., it wl thn b nsr tt y Are taught at all times to be True and Just.
ink a rg ascnt up a fIt o wdng strs, cnstg o tlir,
fv a svn sts. mt a plc rpstg tli M C o K S T, tlir
t rc fthr insts rltv t th wgs o a F. C. The Level.
S. D. a cndt go to A, sit a rtn t th dr; cndt is gvn By Bro. Chas. F. Forshaw, LL. D.
in chg o Stwds, wh cndc Inn t th pr-mi, whr h is
rinvstd, a is tim rtd t th L wtht ancng to th W. M. WHAT does the Level demonstrate, you say7
Stds alt a tk sta. And quick the answer cometh in reply!
It tells us that we mortals are but clay,
That prince and pauper, rich or poor, must Die.
Death Levels all men !—On his darksome bed,
All men are equal in God’s Holy Sight;
For pomp and human greatness then has fled,
And “Dust to Dust” all ranks and creeds unite.
Social distinctions are-will ever be—
Without this nile, chaos would reign supreme,
But when the soul would from the body flee,
And cross, unfettered, Death ~ relentless stream,
Riches and power and titles cannot save-
All men are claimed and Levelled by the Grave.
infmd b tli W. M. tt agrbl to an anc cst i al rgl
a wI gvnd Ls o F. C., it is ncsry tt y mk a rgulr
ascnt up a fit o wndg strs, cnstng o thr, fv a svn
sts, mt a plc rpstg th M C o K S T, thr to rc
fthr instn rltv to th wgs o a F. C. In pm’sunc o
lie ords I prcd to cndc y to th M. C.
There are two kinds of Masonry—’Operative
and Speculative.
By Operative Masonry we allude to a proper
application of the useful rules of architecture,
whence a structure will derive figure, strength
and beauty, and whence will result a due propor-
tion and a just correspondence in all its parts.
It furnishes us with dwellings and convenient
shelter from the vicissitudes and inclemencies of
the seasons; and while it displays the e ~ects of
human wisdom, as well in the choice as in the
arrangement of the sun&ry materials of which an
edifice is composed, it demonstrates that a Fund
of science and industry is implanted in man for
the best, most salutary and beneficent purposes.
By Speculative Masonry we learn to subdue
the passions, act upon the square, keep a tongue
of good report, maintain secrecy, and practice
charity. It is so far interwoven with religion as
to lay us under obligations to pay that rational
homage to the Deity, which at once constitutes
our duty and our happiness. It leads the con-
templative to view with reverence and admira-
tion the glorious works of the creation, and in-
ftlir adn wth glbs on thr tps, rpsntg th trstrl a
clstl sphrs.
The globes are two artificial spherical bodies,
on the convex surface of which are represented
the countries, seas and various parts of the earth,
the face of the heavens, the planetary revolutions,
and other particulars. The sphere with the parts
of the earth delineated on its surFace is called
the terrestrial globe, and that with the constella-
tions and other heavenly bodies, the celcstial
The principal use of the globes, besides serv-
ing as maps to distinguish the outward parts of
the earth and the situation of the fixed stars, is
to illustrate and explain the phenomena arising
from the annual revolution and the diurnal rota-
tion of the e~.rth around its own axis. They are
the noblest instruments for improving the mind,
and giving it the most distinct idea oF any prob-
lem or proposition, as well as enabling it to solve
the same.
Contemplating these bodies, we are inspired
with a due reverence for the Deity and his works,
and are induced to encourage the studies of
Astronomy, Geography, Navigation, and the arts
dependent on them, by which society has been so
much benefited. They also denote the uni-
versality of Masonry.
Aftr psg tli plrs, we nxt arv at a fit o wri
strs, cnstg o thr, fv a sv sts. Tlm no thr aIds t

111111111111111 IllEhhIll 11111 III — -

78 79
th fst thr dgs o Msy; a als t th tlir prncl ofcrs
o th L. (Tics stps.) this column renders it eligible where ornament
Th no fv alds to th fv ords in arctr. would be superfluous.
By order in architecture is meant a system of Which is plain and natural, is the most ancient,
all the members, proportions and ornaments of and was invented by the Greeks. Its column is
columns and pilasters; or, it is a regular arrange- eight diameters high, and has seldom any orna-
ment; of the projecting parts of a building, ments on base or capital, except inouldings;
which, united with, those oF a column, form a though the frieze is distinguished by triglyphs
beautiful, perfect and complete whole. and metopes, and triglyphs compose the orna-
ments of the frieze. The solid composition of
Or ITS Ai~rrIQuxTy. this order gives it a preference in strnctures
From the first formation of society, order in where strength and a noble simplicity are chiefly
architecture may be traced. XVlien the rigor of required.
seasons obliged men to contrive shelter from the The Doric is the best proportioned of all the
inclemency of the weather, we learn that they orders. The several parts of which it is com-
first planted trees on end, and then laid others posed are founded on the natural position of
across, to support a covering. The bands which solid bodies. In its first invention it was more
connected those trees at the t;op and bottom, are simple than in its present state. In after times,
said to have given rise to the idea of the base and when it began to be adorned, it gained the name
capital of pillars; and, from this simple hint, of Doric; for when it was constructed in its
originally proceeded the more improved art of primitive and simple form, the name of Tuscan
architecture. was conferred on it. Hence the Tuscan precedes
CLASSIFICATION the Doric in rank, on account of its resemblance
The five orders are thus classed: The Tus- to that pillar in its original state.
can, Doric, Fonic, Corinthian, and Composite. THE IoNIC
THE TUSCA~ Bears a kind of mean proportion between the
Is the most simple and solid of the five orders. more solid and delicate orders. Its column is
It was invented in Tuscany, whence it derives its nine diameters high; its capital is adorned with
name. Its column is seven diameters high; and volutes, and its cornice has dentils. There is
its capital, base and entablature have but few both delicacy and ingenuity displayed in this
moldings. The simplicity of the construction of pillar, the inventio~m of which is attributed to the
82 83
situated in the east part of the Lodge. and is SEEING
represented by the Worshipful Master; the
Is that sense by which we distinguish objects,
Doric, from the massive strength of its structure,
and in an instant of time, without change of
is emblematic of the column of Strength, which
place or situation, view armies in battle array,
is situated in the west part of the Lodge, and is
figures of the most stately structures, and all the
represented by the Senior Warden; and the
agreeable variety displayed in the landscape of
Corinthian, from the exuberance of its orna-
Nature. By this sense, we find our way on the
ments, is emblematic of the column of Beauty,
pathless ocean, traverse the globe of earth, de-
which is situated in the south part of the Lodge,
termine its figure and dimensions, and delineate
and is represented by the Junior Warden.
any region or quarter of it. By it we measure
The number five furth~r alludes to the
the planetary orbs, and make new discoveries in
Fivs SENSES OF HUMAN NATURE, the sphere of the fixed stars. Nay, more; by it
Hearing, Seeing, Feeling, Smelling an Tasting. we perceive the tempers and dispositions, the
Hx~nINa passions and affections, of our fellow-creatures,
Is that sense by which we distinguish sounds, when they wish most to conceal them; so that,
and are capable of enjoying all the agreeable though the tongue may be taught to lie and dis-
charms of music. By it we are enabled to enjoy semble, the countenance would display the hy-
the pleasures of society, and reciprocally to com- pocrisy to The discerning eye. In fine, the rays
municate to each other our thoughts and inten- of light which administer to this sense, are the
tions, our purposes and desires, and thus our rea- most astonishing parts oF the animated creation,
son is rendered capable of exerting its utmost and render the eye a peculiar object of admira-
power and energy. tion.
The wise and beneficent Author of Nature in-
Of all the faculties, sight is the noblest. The
tended, by the formation of this sense, that we structure of the eye and its appurtenances
should be social creatures, and receive the great- evinces the admirable contrivance of Nature for
est and most important part of our knowledge
performing all its various eKternal and internal
by the information of others. For these pur-
motions; while the variety displayed in the eyes
poses, we are endowed with hearing, that by a of different animals, suited to their several ways
proper exertion of our natural powers, our hap-
of life, clearly demonstrates this organ to be the
piness may be complete.
masterpiece of Nature ‘s work.

84 85
changes which the same body undergoes in the
Is that sense by which we distinguish the differ- different compositions of art, cookery, chemistry,
pharmacy, etc.
ent qualities of bodies, such as heat and cold,
hardness and softness, roughness and smooth- Smelling and tasting are inseparably con-
ness, figure, solidity, motion, and extension. n ected; and it is by the unnatural kind of life
SMELLING men commonly lead in society, that these senses
Is that sense by which we distinguish odors, the are rendered less fit to perform their natural
various kinds of which convey different iumpres- offices.
sions to the mind. Animal and vegetable bodies, The proper use of these five senses enables us
and, indeed, most other bodies, while exposed to to form just and accurate notions of the opera-
the air, continually send forth effluvia of vast tions of nature; and when we reflect on the ob-
subtlety, as well in the state of life and growth, jects with which our senses are gratified, we be-
as in the state of fermentation and putrefaction. come conscious of them and are enabled to attend
These effiuvia being drawn into the nostrils along to them, till they become familiar objects of
with the air, are the means by which all bodies thought.
are distinguished. Hence, it is evident that there On the mind all our knowledge must depend;
is a manifest appearance of design in the great
what, therefore, can be a more proper subject

Creator’s having planted the organ of smell in for the investigation of Masons? By an ana-
the inside of that canal through which the air tomical dissection and observation we become
continually passes in respiration. acquainted with the body; but it is by the anat-
TASTING omy of the mind alone, we discover its powers
Enables us to make a proper distinction in the and principles -

choice of our food. The organ of this sense

To sum up the whole of this transcendent
guards the entrance of the alimentary canal, as
that of smelling guards the entrance of the canal measure of God ‘s bounty to man, we shall add
for respiration. From the situation of both these that memory, imagination, taste, reasoning,
moral perception, and all the active powers of
organs, it is plain that they were intended by
the soul, present a vast and boundless field For
Nature to distinguish wholesome food from that
philosophical disquisition, which far exceeds
which is nauseous. Everything that enters into
human inquiry, and are peculiar mysteries,
the stomach must undergo the scrutiny of tast-
ing; and by it we are capable of discerning the known only to Nature and to Nature’s God, to

111111111111 ______________________________________ _________________

86 87
whom all are indebted for creation, preservation, conclude, according to certain premises laid
and every blessing we enjoy. down, admitted or granted; and in it are em-
The first three, Hearing, Seeing and Feeling, ployed the faculties of conceiving, judging,
ar inst rvrd by Ms, bcs by th sns o hrg w dscv reasoning and disposing; all of which are natur-
th wd, by tt o seng w prcv th sn, a by tt o felg ally led on from one graduation to another, till
w rcgnz th gp, whby one M ma kn anth i th dk the point in question is finally determined.
as wl as in th lt. (Tic stps.) This science ought to be cultivated as the
The no sv alds to foundation, or ground-work, of our inquiries;
THE SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, particularly in the pursuit of those sublime prin-
Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, ciples which claim our attention as Masons.
Geometry, Music and Astronomy. ARITHMET[C
- GRAMMAR Teaches the powers and properties of numbers.
Teaches the proper arrangement of words accord- which is variously affected by letters, tables,
ing to ~heidiom or dialect of any particular figures and instruments. By this art, reasons
people, and that excellency of pronunciation and demonstrations are given for finding out
which enables us to speak or write a language any certain number whose relation or affinity to
with accuracy, and agreeably to reason and cor- another is already known or discovered. The
rect usage. greater advancement we mah e in the mathemati-
RHETORIC cal sciences the more capable we shall be of con-
Teaches us to speak copiously and fluently on sidering such things as are the ordinary objects
any subject, not merely with propriety alone, of our conceptions, and be thereby led to a more
but with all the advantages of force and elegance, comprehensive knowledge of our great Creator,
wisely contriving to captivate the hearer by and the works of the creation.
strength of argument and beauty of expression, GEOMETRY
whether it be to entreat and exhort, to admonish Treats of the powers and properties of magui-
or applaud. tudes in general, where length, breadth, and
LOGIC thickness are considered—from a point to a line,
Teaches us to guide our reason discretionally in from a line to a superficies, and from a super-
the general knowledge of things, and directs our ficies to a solid.
inquiries after truth. It consists of a regular A point is a dimensionless figure, or an in-
train of argument, whence we infer, deduce and divisible part of space.
88 89
A lIne is a point continued, and a figure of THE ADVANTAGES O~’ GEOMETRY.

one capacity, namely, length. Geometry or the fifth science is most revered
A superficies is a figure of two dimensions, by Masons.
namely, length and breadth. By this science, the architect is enabled to con-
A solid is a figure of three dimensions, namely, struct his plans and execute his designs; the gen-
length, breadth and thicicness. eral, to arrange his soldiers; the engineer, to
mark out grounds for encampments; the geog-
rapher, to ~give us the dimensions of the world,
Teaches the art of forming concords, so as to and all things therein contained; to delineate
compose delightful harmony by a mathematical the extent of seas, and specify the divisions of
and proportional arrangcment of acute, grave empires, kingdoms, and provinces. By it, also,
and mixed sounds. This art, by a series of ex- the astronomer is enabled to make his observa-
periments, is reduced to a demonstrative science, tions, and to ~x the duration of times and sea-
with respect to tones and the intervals of sound. sons~ years and cycles. In fine, Geometry is the
It inquires into the nature of concords and dis- foundation of architecture, and the root of the
cords, and enables us to find out the proportion mathematics. (Tic stps.)
between them by numbers. S. D. (As thy aprh th S.)—Aft psg th strs
ASTRONOMY w nx arv at th otr dr o th M C, wch w slil fnd
Is that divine art by which we are taught to read grd b th J. W., wh wl dmd o us th ps, a tkn o
thc wisdom, strength and beauty of the Almighty th ps o a F. C. ~
Creator in those sacred pages, the celestial hemis- J. W. (Ris.)—Wh cms hr?
phere. Assisted by astronomy, we can observe S. D.—A F. C. on lis wa t th M C.
the motions, measure the distances, comprehend ,J. W.—Hw ds li xpc t gn adin?
the magnitudes and calculate the periods and S. D.—By th ps a tkn o th ps o a F. C.
eclipses oF the heavenly bodies. By it we learn J. W.—Gv in th ps.
the use of the globes, the system of the world, (S. D. gvs ps a tics th ticn.)
and the preliminary law of nature. While we J. W.—Wt ds tt dnt?
are employed in the study of this science, we S. D.—Pln.
must perceive nnparallekd instances of wisdom J. W.—Hw is i rpsn?
and goodness, and through the whole creation, S. D.—By an er o crn 1mg nr a wt-fd.
trace the glorious Author by his works. J. W.—Fm whnce orgutd ths wd?
90 91
S. D.—Lt i a liv i wth y.
5. D.—In cnsqnc o a qrl btwn Jptha, Jg o
S. W.—Lt i a b.
Lsl, a th Eplims. Th Eplims lid lng bn a trchs
S. D.—Na, by y.
a rbls ppl, whin Jpth sgt to ovcm by lunt msrs,
S. W.—No, y b.
bt wtht efct. They bng lily enrgd at nt bng
(S. D. bgns—wd gvn.)
invtd t fgt a slir i th rch spls o th Amntsh war,
gthrd tgthr a inty army. Jptha als, gth tgh al S. W.—P on F. C.
S. D. (As they aprch th E.)—Aft psg th mr
th inn o Gild; gv thin btl, apt thin t fit; a,
dr w nx arv wthn th M C, whr w slil fad th
ord t mk lis vctr mr cmpl, li plc grds at th svrl
W. M., wh wl expln t y th vars obj wch liv atcd
psgs o Jrn, a cmnd tt if any slid atmp to ps tt
yr atn on yr psg litlir a wl drc yr atn t an
wa, t dmd of thin, “Sa nw S.” Bt they bng o
emblin, or th lt G. ~
a dfn trb, cld nt fin t prnc it rt, a sd ‘‘5”. Ths
trflg dfct prvd thin Eplims a cst thin thr lvs, W. M.—Wh cins lir?
a thr fl a tt tm o th Eplims frty a tw ths; snc S. D.—A F. C. dsrs t rcv lis wgs.
wch tm ths wd lis bn adp as a rgl wd t gn adm W. M.—My br, y liv bn adin mt th M C by
mt al rg a wl gvrnd Ls o F. C. vrtothltG,ttymtrcyrwgs. Atthbldngo
K S T th F. C. wr pd in wgs cnstng o cn, wn a
J. W.—P on F. C.
oi. We, as spcl Ms onl, rc as wgs th emblmatcl
S. D. (As they aph th W.)—Aft psg tI otr
cn o nrshmnt, th wn o rfshint, a th oi o joy.
dr, w nx arv at th mr dr o th M C, wch w shi
Br Sec., (Sec. rs) y wl rgistr th nm o Br (A. B.)
fnd grdd b th S. W., wh wl dmd o us th gp a
as a F. C., entlg hm t al th wgs o spcl Msy. My
wd o a F. C.
br, I sd y hd bn adin mt th M C by vrt o th 1 G.
S. W. (Ris.)—Wh cins lir?
It i unvsly dspld ov th Mst chr, as y hr dscv it.
S. D.—A F. C. on lis wa t th M C.
It is th initl o Gint.
S. W.~Hwdshxpctguadrfl?
Geometry, the first and noblest of scienccs, is
S. W.—Gv m th g. (Gvn.) Wt i tt?
the basis on which the superstructure of Masonry
S. D.—Th g o a F. C.
is erected. By Geometry, we may curiously trace
S. W.—Hs i a nm?
nature, through her various windings, to her
S. D.—It h~
most concealed recesses. By it, we discover the
S. W.—Gv i in.
power, the wisdom, and the goodness of the
S. D.—I dd nt s rc i, nr cn Is mi i.
(~rand Artificer of the Universe, and view with
S. W.—Hw wI y dsp o it?
achitecture, are selected by the fraternity to im-
print on the memory wise and serious truths, and
thus, through a succession of ages, are trans-
mitted, unimpaired, the excellent tenets of our
Th ltr G alds to th sacd nm o De, ~
(uncov ers) bfr whin we slid al, fin th yngst
E. A. in th N.E cr t th W. M. who prsds in th
E, wth rvnc inst hmb bw.
(All bow and remn stndg whl chrg is read.)

W. M.—Br. (A. B.), being advanced to the

second degree of Masonry, we congratulate you
on your preferment. The internal and not the
external qualifications of a man are what
Masonry regards. As you increase in knowledge
you will improve in social intercourse.
It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties
which, as a Mason, you are bound to discharge,
or enlarge on the necessity of a strict adherence
to them, as your own experience must have estab-
lished their value.
Our laws and regulations you are strenuously
to support, and be always ready to assist in duly
enforcing them. You are not to palliate or aggra-
vate the offences of your brthren; but, in the de-
cision oF every trespass against our rules, you
are to judge with candor, admonish with friend-
ship, and reprehend with justice.
The study of the liberal arts, that valuable
branch of education which tends so effectually to

F. C. Degree S. W.—By thr ds kns.

W. M.—To wt do ths k ald?
S. W.—To th thr jls o a F. C.—th atv er, th
ins tng a th fthfl br.
Lec., 1st Sec. W. M.—Wt ws sd t y fin wthn?
S. W.—Wh cms hr?
W. M.—My br, th lctr o ths deg is dvdjn tw W. M.—Yr ans?
sctns, th fst prt of wch I wl rhrs wth th S. W.
S. W.~AbrwhhsbnrginitasanE.A.. a
W. 211.—Br S. W., (S. W. rs) wl y b o o nw wshs t rc mr lt in Msy by bng psd t th dg
S. W.—F. oF. C.
W. 211.—F wt? W. M.—Wt wr y thin askd?
S. W.—F th dg o E. A., t tt o F. C. S. W.—If i ws o in on f wl a acd, if I ws dl
W. M.—Ar y a F. C.? a tr ppd, wth a wl ql; if I lid md sutb prfnc in
S. W.—I a, t in. th prcd dg; al o wch bng ansd i th afrin, 1 ws
W. M.—Hw wl y b t? askd by wt fth r o bnf I expc t gn adm.
S. W.—By th s. W. M.—Yr ans?
W. M.—Wh b th sV S. W.—13y th bnf o th ps.
5. W.—Bcs i is on o th wkng tls o in prfn W. M.—Dd y gv th ps?
W. M.—Wt is a sqV S. W.—I gv i nt; m gd gv i fr in.
S. W.—An ang o nty dg o th fth prt o a crcl. W. M.—Wt fld?
W. M.—Whr wry ind a F. C.? S. W.—I ws drc t wt wth ptc untl th W. M.
S. W.—In a js a lfly cns L o F. C. ws inf in 0 in rqs a lis ans rtd.
T. M.—Hw wr y ppd’i W. M.—Wt ans dd li rtn?
S. W.—By bng dvs o al mtls; nthr nkd nr S. W.—Lt h ent a b rc in d f.
W. M.—Hw wr y rcd?
cld, bE nr shd, liw a a c-t twc ab in n r ar; in
wh situ I ws cdc t th dr o th L by a br. S. W.—On tim an o th sq, at m n r b, wh ws
W. M.—Wh lid y a c-t tw ab yr n r ar? t tch in tt th sq o vrtu slid b a rl a gd t in cdc
al my fu acts wth innk.
S. W.—It ws t sliw tt as a F C: I ws mid a
W. M.—Hw wr y thin dsp o?
dbl ti t th frt.
S. W.—I ws cdc twc abt tim A t th J. W.
W. M.—Hw gnd y adin?
S. W.—By ord o tim W. M. a aste o th bin.
W. M.—On bng brt to 1, wt dd y fst dsc mr
thn y hd htfr dn?
S. W.—On pn o tim cs bre, tim otli bg hdn,
wch ws t tch in tt as yt I hd rcd 1 in Msy bt
W. M.—Wt dd y thn dsc?
S. W.—Th W. M. aplig m fin th E, undr th
dg a sn o a F. C., wh in tkn o th cntnc o hs
brthl lv a fdshp, prsntd in wth lis r li a wth i
th ps, tk o th ps, gp a wd o a F. C., a bd in an
a slt th Wds as sch.
W. M.—Af sl th Wds, wt dd y thin ds?
S. W.—Th W. M. wh ord in to th S. W.,
tgt in liw t wr m ap as a F. C.
W. M.—Aftr bng tgt hw t wr yr apin as a
F. C., liw wr y thin dsp o?
S. W.—I ws cdc t th rt li o th W. M. in th
E, wim prsnd in wth th wkg tls o a F. C. a tgt
in thin uss.

W. M.—Wt ar tim wkg tls o a F. C.?

S. W.—Th plin, sq a lvl.
W. M.—Wt ar thin uss?
S. W.—Th pim i an ins md us o by op Ms
to rs ppdcls; tim sq t ~q thr wk, a tim lv t la hzls;
bt we, as F. a A. Ms, ar tgt t mk us o thin fr
mr nb a gls prps. Th plin adins us t wlk uprt
in our svl stn bF G a inn, sqg our actns by th
sq o vt, a rmbrg It w an trv upin th lvl o tin to
It undsc cntr fin whs brli no trvl rtns.
S. W.—I ws ord t b rcdc t tim p1 fin whuc 1>
cm, thr b rvstd o wt I lid bn dvs, a infd tt agbl
t an anc cstm in al rgl a wi gvd Ls o F. C., m ws
F The Temple101of Masonry.
By Bro. W. Snewing, London, EngZand.

Lo, where yon structure rears its ample dome!

thin ncsr tt I shd ink a rgl assnt up a fit o wdg ‘Tis light’s abode, ‘tis Masonry’s high hoine;
sts, cnstg o tlir, fv a sv sts, mt a plc rpsg th See where its walls, by love cemented, rise,
M C o K S T, thr t rev fth ins rltv t tim wgs o a Till their bright turrets pierce the brighter skies;
F. C. From where the East pours forth the ruddy ray,
To where the West receives its fading ray;
From the mild South to where the gelid North
Marshals its storms and sends thein hurling forth.
In form symmetrical the pile extends,
I Am Willing to Be Tried. Nor with earth’s center nor earth’s concave endB,
Three pillars high their polished fabrics rear,
By Bra. Robt. Morris.
And with united force the structure bear.
I never have denied— This w,isdom called, that Strength, that Beauty named,
I am willing to be tried— Emblems of those whose hands the Temple frained
A call for sympathy froin sorrowing man— Of work mosaic wrought with matchless skill—
My owt~ hard griefs impel
My heart tor such to feel, The pavement formed, designed the mind to fill
And I am willing to be tried again. With truthful images of man’s estate.
To curb proud scorn and suffering truth elate.
The claim is often made A blazing sun in liquid azure glows,
For shelter and for aid
I never have refused, and never can. And o’er the starry roof its luster throws;
And though my purse is scant, While all around bright hieroglyphics gleam
The poor shall never want, Like Heaven’s jewels in a slumbering stream.
And I am willing to be tried again. Between the pavement and the starry spheres,
My brother goes astray; Of many steps a rising way appears;
Ah! I know the way— Pleasing the path to hun by faith inspired,
The slippery way that turns the thoughtless inan. By hope sustained, by charity attired.
I run to draw him b~k; But effort impotent and labor vain
I point the dangerous track.
And I am willing to be tried again. To hini who strives with carnal steps to gain;
From out the Temple, flashing with light’s beams,
Each night, on beaded knee, Three rivers gush, then inix their crystal streams;
The All-seeing eye doth see Still as they roll, their limpid waves expand,
My body suppliant at a throne divine;
And there for brother’s need, Bless every shore and gladden every land,
As for iny own, I plead, With the full tide of sweet fraternal Zove,
And I am willing to be tried again. Relief and truth, all hallowed from above.
F C. Degree 103
S. W.—Bcs i sx ds G cin ti hvs a ti erti, a
inst upn ti svh da; ti svli, tirfin, our anc bn
cnscd as a da o inst fin thr lbs, thby enjyg frqnt
Leo., 2nd Sec. optnts t cntmplt th girs wks o th creatn, a t ad
W. M.—Hw inn kns o Msy ar thr? thr gin Cratin.
W. M.—Wlir win y rc a rgstd a a F. C.?
S. W.—Tw, oprtv a spcltv. S. W.—In a plc rps th M C o K S T.
W. M.—Wt i mt b op Msy? W. 2I1.—Dd y obs antlig tt prtcl atrc yr atm
S. W.—By op Nisy w ald t a prpr aplc o th on yr psg thin?
uslf rls o arct, whnc a strc wl driv figr, str a S. W.—I dd.
bty, a whnc wi rslt a du prptn a a js crspndc W. M.—Wt?
al its prts. I frnshs us wtli dwls a cnvt slilt S. W.—Tw gt brz pls, one on ti r hn, ti oth
fm tli vcstds a inclins o th ssns; a whl i dspls on th If.
th efcts o hum wsd, as wI i th choc as i th arng W. M.—Wt i th one on th lf hn cld?~
o th sndr matrls o wch an edfc i cmpd, it S. W.—B.
dmnstrs it a fnd o scinc a indstr is implntd TV. M.—Wt ds ft dnt?
inn fr tli bst, inst slutr a bnfct prps. S. W.—Str.
W. M.—Wt i mt b spcl Msy? TV. M.—Wt i ti one on ti in in cld?
S. W.—By spc] Msy w irn t sbdu th psns, S. W.—J.
ac upn th sq, kp a tg o gd rpt, rnntn scrc a prtc
dirt. (See wic.)
W. M.—EIv y ev wkd as a M?
I TV. M.—Wt ds it dnt?

S. W.—Estblsmt.
TV. 211.—To wt d thy clcly aid?
S. W.—To th prm o G t D, tt li wd estbl ha
S. W.—I hv, as a spcl M onl, bt our anc bin kngdm i str.
wkd bth i op a spc My.
W. M.—Whr wr tha pls cst?
W. M.—Hw lng dd thy wk bf thy rc w? S. W.—In th ci gr on ti bk o J, btw Sc a
S. W.—Sx dys. Zar, win al ti vals o K S T win cat b H A.
W. A1.—Dd thy nt wk on th svnth? W. M.—Wh ws H A?
S. W.—Thy dd nt. S. W.—Th wds sn, o th trb o Naphi
W. M.—Wh nt? W. M.—Wr thy cst ho or sid?
S. W.—Fflo.
104 105

W. M.—Wi so? dstnc idea o any prblm on prpstn, as Wi an

S. W.—Ti btr to srv as a sf dpst fr ti archvs enabig it t sly th sin.
o Msy ags al cnflgtns a mu. Cntmplg tis bds, w an inspd wth a du nvnc
W. M.—Hw hi wr thy? fin th Deity a hs w1~s, a an indcd t ~encrg th stds
S. W.—Thty-fv cbts cci. o astrin, geog, nvgtn, a th arts dpndnt on thin,
W. M.—Hw win thy adn? b wch socty hs bn so inch bnftd. Thy ala dnt
S. W.—Wth cipts o fv cbts, inkng i al fint th unvinsit o May.
cbts in hght. W. M.—Aft psg th pla, win dd y nx ar?
W, M.—Hw win thse adn V S. W.—At a fit o wdg sts, cnstg o th, fv ‘i
S. W.—Wth l[-wk, ntwk a pmgts. av sts.
W. M.—Wt d thy dnt? W. M.—To wt ds tim no thin ald?
S. W.—Pc, unt a plnt. S. W.—To th fst thin dgs o Msy, a also L th
W. M.—Wh so? tlmr prnc ofcrs o tim L.
S. W.—Th 11, by its purty a tim retrd situn W. M.—To wt ds th no fv aid?
wch it grs, dnts pc; th ntwk, b ti intint cnctn S. W.—To th fv ords in arct.
o its prts, dnts unt; tim pmgts, b tim exrbc o tin W. M.—Wt i mnt b ond in arct?
sds, dnt p1. S. W.—By ond in anct is innt a sstm o al tim
W. M.—Hw wr thy ftim adn? Wt ar thr uss? mbrs, pptns a orint o chins a plstrs; on, it i a
Wt d thy ftim dnt? ing arngmt o th pnjcg pts o a bldg, wh, untd
S. W.—Wth glbs o thin tps, rpstng tim tinstl a wtlm ths o a chin, fin a btfl, pnfc a cinpit wil.
clstl sphrs. Ti glbs ar tw artfl spimcl bds, on th W. M.—Hw ar ths onds clad?
cnvx srfc o wch an rprsntd tim cntrs, ses a vrs S. W.—Th fv ords an tims clsd: Ti Tscn,
prts o tim etim, tim fc o th imvs, th plnty rvlutns a Donc, Ionc, Crnth a Comps. (See wric.)
otim prtclrs. Th spir wtim tim prts o th eth W. M.—Wch o ths an tim inst rvnd b Ms?
dlnatd on its sinfe i cld th tnstrl gib, a tt wtim S W.—Th auc a ongnl ords.
tim cnstlns a otim imvl bds, tim clstl glb. Tim prcpl W. M.—Wt ar thy?
use o tim glbs, bsds srvg as mps t dstglm tim otwd S. W.—They an tim Dric, Ionc a Crntim, wh
prts o th etim a tim situ o th fxd strs, is t ilstrt a wr invt b th Grks. To tims tim Rmns iv add tw,
expin th plinma arsg fin th anul rvltn a tim dinni th Tscn, wi thy ~mdplnn thn tim Dnic, a th Cmp,
rotatn o tim etim arn its own axis. Thy an th wi ws inn orn, if nt inn btfl, thn tim Cnntim. Th
noblst instms fr imprvg tim mnd, a gvg i tim inst frs~ thin ords aln, hwvr, siw invnt ~apntcln chnc,
F 106 107
turin cntnd; to dlnat th extnt o seas, a spcfy tim
a essntly dfn fm ecli ot[m; tim tw otim hv utig bt
dvsns o emprs, kgdms a prvncs. By it. ala, tim
wt i brd, a difin oni acdntly; tim Tscn i tim Dnc
i its earls atte, a th Cmp is tim Cnnthn eninchd astrnmn i enab t ink ha obsnvtna, a to fx tim durtn
wti tim Ionc. To tim Gnks, tinfr, a nt t th Rmns, o tins a sans, yrs a cycla. In fine Gint is tim fndtn
o ainct a tim root o tim matimmtcs.
we ar indbtd fr wht is grt, judcs a dstnc in
W. M.—Aftr psg tim ats, win dd y nx any V
W. M.—To wt ds th no fv fth aid V S. W.—At tim otr din o tim M C wcim I fd gd
S. W.—To tim fv anss o hmn natn—lmrng, b tim J. W., wi dinndd o in tim ps a tk o tim pa
o a F. C.
aeng, fing, smlg a tstng. (See wric.)
TV. M.---Gv in tim pa. (S. TV. gvs ps.)
W. M.—Wcim o ths an inst nvd by Ms V
S. W.—Th fat thn, Imrng, seng a feing. TV. M.—Wt da tt dnt?
W. M.—Wh so? S. W.—P]n.
W. 211. Hw is i npstd?
S. W.—Bcs by th sns o imrng w dscv tim wd,
b tt o seng w prcv tim an, a by tt o felg w negz S. W.—By an ear o crn hg nr a wt-find.
tim gp wimby one M in kn anti i th dk as wl as TV. M.—Fm wimnc oingntd tha wd?
tim 1. S. W.—In cnsqc o a qnl btw Jepa, Jg o lal,
W. M.—To wt ds tim no av aid? a tim Ephins. Tim Eplis imd lng bn a tincha a nbla
ppl, wimin Jpth sgt t ovcm b lnnt mars, bt wtit
S. W.—To tim sv lbrl arts a scncs—Grmr,
efct. They bng imiLy enrgd at nt bng invtd to
Ret, Log, Artim, Geo, Msc a Astrin. (See wric.)
fgt a shin i tim rch spla o tim Amntsim war, gthnd
TV. M.—Wci o tha is inst rvd b Ma?
tgthn a inty army. Jpthr, ala, gthnd tgimin al tim
S. W.—Gmt, on tim fftim scnc.
mn o Gild, gv thin btl, a pt thin to fit; a in ord
W. M.—Wt da Gmt tint o?
to mI~ ha vc inn cmpl, he plc gnds at tim avi pags
S. W.—Gmt trts of tim pws a prpts o mgntds
o Jindn, a cmnd tt if any shd atmp t pa tt wa,
in gnrl, whn Intim, bindim a thkns ar cnsdrd, Frm
t dmd o thin: “Sa nw S.” Bt thy bng o a
a pn t a in, fin a ln t a suprfcs, a fin a supnfcs
dfrnt tnb, cid nt frm t pinnc it rt, a ad “S.”
to a solid. (See wric.)
Tha tnfig dfct prvd tim Epim a cat thin thr iva:
W. M.—Wt an its advgs V
a thin fI at tt tin, o th Ephina, frty a tw thand,
S. W.—By tims snc tim artc is enab to cnstnc
ha plna a execut ha dana; th gui t ainng is sldrs; snc wcim tin tha wd ha bn adpd as a ngl wd t gn
adnm mt al ing a wl gvrnd La o F. C.
th engnn to mink out grnd f encinpmnts; tim
W. M.—Af pag tim ot dn, win dd y nx arT
geognphn t gv us th dmnsns o th wrid, a al tigs

I (I~ 109
S. W.—At th inn dr o tim M C, wch I fnd N.E cn t tim W. M. wh prads in tim E, wth rvnc
grdd b th S. W., wh dmd o in th g a wd o a
mat limbi bw. (All bow.)
F. C.
TV. M.—Tis, in bin, cnclda ti scnd deg o May.
W. M.—~Gv m ti g. (S. W. gvs gp.) Tb Sec. wi notfy y win t prant yrslf fr th
TV. M.—Wt i tt? thd deg. (Cndt is nw setd.)
S. W.—Th g o a F. C.
W. M.—Ha i a nin?
S. W.—It h.
W. M.—Gv i in. Who Would Not Be a Mason?
S. W.—I dd nt a in i, n c I a imp i. By Bro. C. F. Forahaw, LL D.
W. M.—Hw wi y dsp o it? Who would not be a Mason
And wear the apron white?
S. W.—Lt i a hv i wth y. And feel the bonds of Friendship
W. M.—Lt i a bg. The rich and poor unite?
To know Masonic virtues,
S. W.—Na, bg y. To do Masonic deeds?
W. M.—No, y bg. And sympathetic minister
Unto a Brother’s needs?
S. W. (Bgs—wd gvn.) Who would not be a Mason
W. M.—Aftn psg tim mr din, win dd y nx And join the brethren true?
To see our noble teachings
arv? Their glorious worb pursue?
S. W.—Wthn tim M C, whin I fd tim W. M., To feel a bond Fraternal
Is theirs where’er they go?
wh wa plad to expln t me th vrs obja wh hd And to find a hearty welcome
atincd my atn on in psg thin, a dnctd in atn t a As they journey to and fro?
Who would not be a Mason
embi on tim itin G, unva]y dapid ov tim Matin chin. A Craftsman just and fair
He infrmd in tt it wa tim mit o gmt. To meet upon the Level
And part upon the Square?
W. M.—Wt explntn dd tim W. M. gv y To hear the voice of Charity,
gintry? Where‘er our Lodges be?
And to know our Grips and Passwords
S. W.—Gint, tim fa a nblat o acnca, is ti basis And share in all our glee?
on wch tim aprstinctin o May is enctd. (See wric.) Who would not be a Mason
To labor day by day?
W. M.—Wt ftir expin dd tim W. M. gv y And laboring try to lessen
th Itin G? The thorns upon life’s way?
To help to form a column,
S. W.—He infd in tt i aid t th sac nin o De, All perfect and complete?
~ bfr wim w slid al, frm th ygst E. A. in th Fit for building that great Temple
Wherein we hope to meet?

____ I _ _____________________________________
F. C. Degree S. W.—By th s.
W. M.—Wi by tim a?
S. W.—Bcs i is on o th w tis o in pnf.
Closing. TV. M.—Wt i a sq?
S. W.—An ang o nt degs on tim fth prt 0 &
W. M.— (Ds rs.) Br J. D., wt is tim 1st as cinci.
wlasfsgtcnoMswhninLasind? W. M.—Whn winy ind a F. C.?
J. D.—T se ft th L i dl tid, W. M. S. W.—In a ja a if ly cns [~ o F. C.
W. M.—Pnf tt dt; inf tim T. tt I am abt t cia W. M.—TIw inn anc cm a L o F. C.?
S. W.—Fv on inn.
TV. M.—Whn cm o oni fv, wh win thy?
J. D.—~” (T. opns dr.) Br T., I am oind by
S. W.—Ti W. M., S. W., J. W., S. D. a J. D.
tim W. M. t infin y tt he is abt t cia th L, a y an
W. M.—Wi i th J. D. p1 i tim L?
dnc t ti ac.
S. W.—On th ft o tim S. W. in th W.
T.—It shi b dn. IV’. M.— (Ds ris.) Wht an yr dts thin, bin
J. D. (Cls dr.)—Ti L is dl t[, W. M. J. D.?
W. M.—Hw an w ti, bin J. D.? J. D.—To cin mag fm tim S. W. in th W t th
J. D.—By a bin M. M. wtht th din and wth tim J. W. in th 5, a els abt ti L as im ma drc, a t se
pinpin inst o is ofc. tt tim L i dl ti.
TV. M.—Wt an ha dta thin? W. M.—Wh i tim S. D. plc i tim L?
J. D.—On tim rt o th W. M. in th E.
J. D.—To kp of al cns a eva, at se tt nn pa
W. M.—Wht an yin dts thin, br S. Di!
on inpa bt scim as an dl qia iv pin fmth W. M.
S. D.—To cin onds fin th W. M. in tim E to
TV. M.— (Ds tic sts.) Br S. W., (S. W. ra) th S. W. in th W, a els ab th L as li ma drc; to
wlyboo fin? wicin a acm vstg brn; to inc a cdc cdts.
S. W.—F. W. M.—Wh i ti J. W. stn in tim L?
W.M.—Fwt? S. D.—In th S.
S. TV.—FmthdegoE.A.,tttoF.C. W. M.— (Wds ris.) Why an y i tim 5, bin
TV. M.—An y a F. C.t J. W.? Wt an yr dts thin?
S. W.—I am, tin in. J. W.—As th an in th S at its mind it is th
g] a bt o th da, a atna tim J. W. in tim 5, th btn t
W. M.—Hw wi y b t?~
112 U3

obsv th tin; to ci th crf fm lb t rfs; t sprtn thin J. Iv.—’ S. W.— W. M.—

drg th lirs thrf, a se tt thy d nt cnvt th prps o W. M.—Lt us pray. (Prayer.) Amn
rfs mt intmp a excs; to ci thin on agn in du All— So mt i b. (Music.)
ssn, tt th W. M. ma hv p1 a th crf prft thby. W. M.—Br S. W., hw d Ms mt?
W. M.—Wh i th S. W. stn i th L? S. W.—TJpn th lvi, W. M.
J. W.—In th W. W. M.—Br J W., hw d Ms act?
W. M.—Why ar y i th W, br S. W.V Wt ar J. W.—Upn th p1, W. M.
yr dts thr? W. M.—And thy prt upn th sq So ma we
S. W.—As th sn i in th W at th cis o tli da, ev mt, act a prt; a nw math blsg o liv rst upn
so is th S. W. in th W, t ast th W. M. in op a us a al reg Ms; ma bri lv prv[, a evy inn a eel
clsg hs L; to pa th crf thr wgs if aut b du, a se vrt cmt us. InthnrnoQathHSJ,Idclth
tt nn g awy dsf; hrmn bng th str a supt o al L clsd in fin. Br J. D., jaf th T.
soci, mr esp o ours. S. D.—(Atnd t th Its, whit—)
W. M.—W1L is th W. M. stn in th L? J. D.—~~• (T. ops dr.) Br ‘LX, I arm ord b
S. W.—In th E. th W. M. t inf y tt th L is clsd in fin.
W. M.—Why i h in th E. br S. W.V Wt ar W. AI.— (Cis th sec. deg.)
hs dts thr?
S. W.—As tli sn rs i th E t op a gv th da, so
rs th W. M. in th E t op a gv hs L; to st tli crf So Mote It Be.
B~, Bro. Chat. F. Forshaw, EL. D.
to wk, a gv thin gd a whism inst fr thr lbs. PEACE, perfect Peace, throughout each coming day—
W. M.—~”~ (R~s.) Br S. W., it is m wi a p1 Love, Holy Love, within each Mason ‘s heart;
tt—L,N—,bnwc1~d. Cmc ths ord to th With bright-eyed Hope to shed its sunny ray
J. W. in th S, a h t th crf fr thr gvnt. On Faith that only can with Life depart.
S. W.—13r J. W., it is th wi a p1 o th W. M. Friendship to glow within the noble breast,
Prudence to check the rash and hasty deed,
inthEtt—L,N—.bnwclsd. Ometlisord Relief for all by diresorne woe opprest,
t tli crf fr thr gvrnt. And Charity to aid and intercede.
J. W.—Brn, it is th wia plo th W. M. in th Silence to guard and curb the bitter tongue,
E,cmctmbythS.W.inthW,tt—L,N-—, Temperance to stay our every downward pace,
Justice to mete to all who would do wrong,
b nw c[sd. Tk ntc a gv yrsl ac.—Lk t th E!
And Fortitude to build upon this base
(Ss gvn.) A glorious Temple on our earthly lands
J. W.— S. W.— W. M.— So that we gain one built by perfect hands!

J. D.—To se tt th L is dl tid, W. M.

M. M. Degree W. M.—Prfm tt dty; infm th T. tt I am abt

t opn a L o M. M. a drc hin t ti aed.
J. D. (Ops dr.)—Br T., I am ord b th W. M.
to infm y tt h is abt t op a L o M. M., a y ar
W. Ill.—. (Ofcrs tk tAr stns a pbs, a mbrs drc t ti acd.
,ith thmsl a tk sts. J. D. cbs dr.) Br S. W., T.—It shi b dn.
(S. W. rs) pre t stfy yrsl tt al prs ar M. M. J. D. (Cbs dr.)—Th L is dl tid, W. M.
S. W.— (S. a J. D. tk rds, mt W o th A, prc W. M.—Hw ar w tid, br J. D.?
tgthr a cmc th ps t th S. W.) Br S. a J. D., J. D.—By a br M. M. wtht th dr, ard wth
prcd t stf yrslvs tt al pin ar M. M. th prpr inst o hs ofc.
S. D. exmns bra In th N, and 3. D. exmns bin in W. M.—Wht ar hs dts thr?
th S, pausing in frt a any wbm They cnnt vch fr. J. D.—To kp of al cns a evsd, a t se tt nn pa
Tb unkn slid ars wbn th D. Wi fc W an rprt: or inpe bt sch as ar dl qif a hv prms fm th W. M.
Br S. W., an unkn in tli N, (or 5, as th ca W. M.— (Ds tk sts.) Br S. W., (S. W. ris)
mab.) ar y a M. M.?
S. W.—Cn an br vch fin th unkn in th N? S. W.—I a.
(Or SF If vchd fr, tAD tks ps a ps on; if nt W. M.—Wht indcd y t bcm a M. MA
vchd fr tA unkn inst rir. If a br ~s fnd wtht S. W.—In ordin tt I mt rcv wgs a b th btr
thps tAD. wb fc W a rprt:) Br S. W., a br enab t sup msl a fml a cntr t th rif o pr dst8
in th N (or 5) wtht th ps. M. M., thr wd~ a ops.
S. W.—Invst th br wTh th ps. W.M.—WhrwrymdaM.M.?
Th]3.Invststhbr,aisrcitfmhm. Dsmtlnth S. W.—In a is a ifly cnst L o M. M.
E. 3. D. gvspstoth S. D.ahetth W. M.; theytbn W. M.—Hw inn andy cmps a L o M. M. V
go to wst 0 th A. a fc th S. W. S. W.—Thr or mr.
W. M.—Th PS jS— W. M.—Whn cmps o on thr, wh wr thy?
S. W.— (Ds tk sts.) Al pin ar M. M., W. S. W.—Th W. M., S. W. a J. W.
M. (Tks st.) W. M.—Whr i th J. W. stn in th LV

W. ~II.—~ (Ds ris.) Br J. D., wt is th fs gt S. W.—Tn tb S.
Cin 0 Ms whn in L asmbld? W. M.— (Ws ris,) Why ain y I th 5, br
J.W.? Wtaryrdtsthr?
th usi Mac rates. Orne ths ord t th crf fr thr
J. W.—As th an in th S at its mindn ht is th
gin a bt o th da, so stns th J. W. in th 5, th btr
J. W.—Brn, it i th wi a pls of th W. M. in
to obs th tin; to ci th cinF frm lb t rfsmt; t supr-
th E, cmc t m b th S. W. in th W, tt —L, N —,
tnd thin ding tli lira thrf, a se tt thy d nt cnvrt b nw op on th thd dg o Msy, for the dsp o sch
th pinps o infsmt mt intmpc a excs; t ci thin on bs as ma rg cm bf it, und th usi Msc instcs. Tk
agnindssn, ttthW.M.mahvplsathcrfprf
ntc a gvn yrs]a acly.—Lk t th El
thby. All gv sns tkng tm fm th E.
W. M.—Whr is th S. W. stn in th LV J. W.— .S. W.— .W. M.—
J. W.—In th W.
W. M.—Why ain y in th W, bin S. W.V Wht J. W.— .S. W.— W. M.— .

aryindtathrV W. M.—Lt us pinay. (Prayer.) Anin.

S. W.—Aathsnisinth Wathclaothda, Abt—S m i b. (Singing.)
so is th S. W. inth W, t ast th W. M. in opg a W. M.—In th nm o G a th H S J, I dc —

clsg hs L; t path cinf thr wgs, if agt b dii, a se N —, opn in fra on th thd dg. Br J. D., infm
tt nn go awa dsstfd; lirnm bng th str a suprt th T. • (Bin tk sta.)
o al socits, min eapcl o ours. (S. D. arngs th tAr bts, wlii—)
W. M.—Whin is th W. M. atn i th LV J. D.—~ (T. ops din.) Br T., I am ord b
S. W.—In th E. th W. M. t inf y tt — L, N —,is op in fra on
W. M.—Why is h in th E, br S. WA Wht th thd dg, a y ar dinc to ti acd.
ar hs dts thin? T.—It shi b dn.
S. W.—As th sn rs ith E t op a gvn th da, J. D. (Cbs dr a sbts tA E.)—Tt dty is prfd,
so rs th W. M. I th E, t op a gvn hs L; t set th W.M.
cinf t wk a gv thin gd a whla instcn fr thr lbs. W. M.— (Ds ~k seats.)
W. M.— (Ris.) Br S. W., it is ra wi a
plstt—L,N—,bnwopdonththddgoMsy, Regular Business.
Fr tli dsp o sch bs as ma rgl cm bfr i, und th Sec. rds mnts of th 1st statd cmctn, rept 0! corn
usi Mac rstcs. Cmc ths ord t th J. W. in th 5, on petn, balltg, etc.
a li to th crf fr thin gvmnt. W. M.—Br S. D., (S. D. ris a sbts) y wi asrtn
S. W.—BrJ.W.,itisthwlaplsothW.M. if thin ar any cndts in wtg, if so wh a fin wht deg.
S. D. gas to W a A, sIts a gs out thro ant-rm dr:
asrtns, rtns to W a A a ilts.
Msry, fr th dsp o sch bs as ma rg cm bf it, und

S. D.—W. M., Min. (A. B.) is in wtg to inc th
deg. (Sits a iks st.)
See elsewhere for mnr of calig fm lb to rfsmt and
fm refslunt to lb. Also the mnr of dspnsg wth lbr on
r 119

A Mason’s Landmarks.
Dedicated to Bro. Ed. Burnizam, P. G. Al.
th M. M. deg a opng an F. C. deg, and clsng a L of The first ‘‘landmark’’ of this ancient clan,
‘‘Implicit trust in God” (not in man.)
F. C. and rsnmg lbr an M. M. deg.
This “landmark,’’ if rightly understood,
Teaches ‘‘universal brotherhood.’’
‘‘Brotherhood,’’ then the second ‘‘landmark,’’
“Is light on the path,’’ where once ‘twas dark.
The. Freemason’s Creed. In every clime and in every land
These landmarks have and will ever stand.
To look, in the light of reason, to the gracious Being
above The third “landmark,” “Immortality,”
As the infinite source of wisdom, and the source of Spirit ever was and will ever be.
infinite love, Life does not consist of fleeting breath;
To follow in full submission wherever His will may lead. This “landmark’’ teaches, ‘‘there is no death.’’
Such is the Mason’s mission, and such is the Mason’s God’s Word—”the Great Light of Masonry”
creed. In its ‘‘Truth’’ reveals a mystery
“From One,” ‘‘in One,” ‘‘to One”—Cun’t you see
To trust in His infinite justice, in the light of His word, “The landmarks of the Ancient and Free?’’
which saith:
“I am thy Father in heaven, ‘ ‘—such is the Mason’s The “Square” with its angle four and three,
faith. A ‘‘landmark” reveals—Could you but see,
That the spirit of love may guide him, wherever his feet Behind this Symbol—a truth is found
may fare. That’s not exposed by speech or sound.
Such is the Mason’s wish and hope, and such is his con The ‘‘Circle’’ in perfect expression
stant prayer. To us reveals a sublime lesson,
The ‘‘point’’ within its center—Oh see
And this is the Mason’s duty—always to live, and move ‘‘Ancient landmarks’’ of eternity!
On the plains of the Square and Level, under the law of
love. The ‘‘Triangle’’ with three equal sides
Love which forgives, nor remembers the faults of a Teaches “God within us doth abide,’’
brother man; ‘‘All wise, all powerful, always here,’’
Nor fanneth the dying embers of hate into life again; A “landmark” to every Mason dear.
You on the white square—I on the black—
Which holds up the hands of the helpless, carries relief ‘‘Three, five and seven’’ on the right track,
to the poor, In health or pain, in the light or the dark,
And greets wi±ha hearty welcome the stranger within its Let us stand by the “ancient landmark.”
Which rescues a fallen brother from the gutters of grim Though slander may traduce the fair name,
despair, Though accused when we’re not to blame,
And smoothes from the brow of sorrow the wrinkles of Though assailed, let’s ever press on—
doubt and care. —Anon. Faithful to trust ‘‘as the widow’s son.’’
M. M Degree 121
S. S.—A br wh hs bn rgly mit as an E. A.,
psd t th deg o F. C., a nw waha to inc fth Ii in
Msy b bng ins t th sblm deg o M. M.
Work, 1st Sec. SiD.—My br, is i o yr ow f wi a acV
Cndt.—It is.
Raising. S. D.—Bin S. S., i h dl a tin pp?
S. S.—H is.
W. M.—Brthn, ths L o M. M. hs bn opd fin S. D.—Is li wth a wi qlV
th prps o cnfrng th thd deg on br (A. B.) H S. S.—H is.
thin is no objcn w wi pincd wth th wk. (No S. D.—Hs h md stbl prfc i th pinc dga V
o&lcn bng rnd.) S. S.—H hs.
W. M.—Bin Stds, (Stds rs a 1k inds) aprh S. D.—By wt fth int o bn ds h exp to gn admV
thA. S. S.—By th bn o th PS.
Stds go to west of the A a slt S. D.—Hs h th psV
W. M.—Br Sr Std, hw sbd a cndt b ppd t b S. S.—He hs it nt; [hv i fin hm.
S. D.—Gv m th ps. (S. S. gvs ps.)
S. D.—Lt km wt wth ptc unt[ th W. M. is
S. 5.—By bng dvstd o al mtls; nthin nkd nr inf o hs rqs a hs ans intd. (Cis din, gs t A, sits,
clthd, bin ft, hd-wk a a c-tw thin tins abt hs nkd ~‘ with rd on th fbin.)
bdy a clthd as a F. C. W. M.—Wh cms thrV
W. M.—Y wi rpr to th ante-inm, whr y wi S. D.—A bin wh hs bn rg mit as an E. A.,
I I fnd bin (A. B.) in wtg, o whm y wi cict th rqd psd t t~h dg o F. C., a nw wshs t inc fth it I Msy
fe a ppr lim as std; a whn so ppd, Cs hm t gv b bng ins t th sbl dg o M. M.
th ncs aim at th din of tli pprn-inrn. W. M.—Is i o hs ow fin Wi a acV
Stds sit, rtr to pp-rm a ppr cndt, wbn rdy— S. D.—It is.
Cndt.—5 W. M.—Is h dl a tin pp”
S. D. (Ris, tks ind a sbts.)—W. M. thr i an S. D.—H is.
aim at th din o th pp-nn. W. M.—Is h wth a wi qlV
W. M.—Atnd t th al. S. D.—H is.
S. D.—~1~ (Stds prtby opn din.) Wh cms W. M.—Hs h md stbl prfc i th pre dgs V
bin V S. D.—H hs.
house shall tremble, and the strong men shall
W. M.—By wt fth rt or bnf da h exp t gn
bow themselves.
admn V
S. D.—By th bnf o th pa. J.. w.—••
W. M.—And the grindeins cease because they
W.M.—Hshthps? are few, and those that look out of the windows
be darkened, and the doors shall be shut in the
W. M.—Gv m th ps. (S. D. gvs ps.)
W. M.—Snc he ems endd wth al tha esi streets.
qifens, it I m wi a p1 tt h ent tbs L o M. M., a S. W.—~
W. M.—When the sound of the gininding is
S. D. (Opns dr wd.)—It i th wi a p1 o th low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird,
W. M. tt th bin ent ths L o M. M. and all the daughteins of music shall be brought
Stds cndc cndt mt th L, a tk ats nr th dr whle— low. ~
S. D. (Pts As b An on cdts int sAb.)—My bin, W. M.—Also when they shall be afraid of
it i th wi a p1 o th W. M. tt I rc y into ths L that which is high, and fears shall be in the way.
oM.M.indaancfm. Ircyobthptsoth J. w.—,••
eps, eKtg fm yr n r t I b, (dn) wch i t sh tt as W. M.—And the almond tree shall flourish,
th vtl pts o mn ar cntnd wthn th brs, so th ma and the ginasahopper shall be a buinden, and de-
usI~l tnts o ou insttn ar cntnd wthn th tw pts sine shall fail; because man goeth to his long
o th cps, wch ar finnsh, minity a brly lv. home, and the mourners go about the stineets.
S. D. tkn cndt by the lf hud a cdcts hm thr tins S. W.—~
th A. As thy pass— W. M.—Oin ever the silvein coind be loosed, or
J. w.— ‘~ the golden bowl be binoken, or the pitcher be
W. M.- —Remembein now thy Cineator in the binoken at the fountain, oin the wheel binoken at
days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, the cistern. ~
nor the yeains dra’w nigh, when thou shalt say, W. M.—Then shall the dust ret urn to the
I have no pleasure in them. earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto
S.w._0 God who gave it. Eccles. xii, 1-7.
W. M.—While the sun, or the light, or the S. D. (In tA S.)— ~ (WtA ind on fbr.)
moon, or the stars, be not dainkened, noin the J. W. (Ris.)—Wh cms hin?
clouds return aftein the rain. S. D.—A br wh hs bn rg mit as an E. A., psd
W. M.—In the day when the keepers of the
124 125
t th dg o F. C., a nw wsbs t rcv fth lt i Msy b S. D.—By tli bn o th PS.
bng rs t th sb dg o M. M. S. W.—Hs h th ps V
W.—My br, is jo yr ow f wia ac V S. D.—H ha i nt; I hv i fr hm.
Cndt.—It is. S. W.—Gv m th pa. (S. D. gvs ps.)
J. W.—Br S.D., is h dl a tinl ppl S. W.—Cndc th cndt to th W. M. in th E fr
S. D.—H is. fnl exmn a instn.
~W.~IshwthawlqlV S. D. (In tA E.)— *0* (WtA ind on fin.)
S. D.—H is. W. M.—Wh cms hr V
J. W.—Hs h md stb pinfc i th prc dgsV S. D.—A bin wh hs bn rg mit as an E. A.,
S. D.—Hhs. pad t th dg o F C., a nw whs t rcv, Eth li i Msy
J. W.—By wt fth rt o bn da h exp to gn adm V b bng rsd t th ab dg o M. M.
S. D.—By th bn o th ps. W. M.—My br, is i o y ow f wl a ac?
J. W.—Hs h th psV Cndt.—It is.
S. D.—H hs int; Thy ifr km. W. 711.—Br S. D., is h dl a tr ppV
J. W.—Gv m th ps. (S. D. gvs pa.) S. D.—H is.
J. W.—Cndc th cndt to th S. W. in th W fr W. M.—Is h wth a wl qlV
fth exmntn. S. D.—H is.
S. D. (In tA W.)—’~ (WtA ind on fbin.) W. M.—Hs h md stb prfc i th prc dgsV
S. W. (Ris.)—Wh cms hrV S. D.—H hs.
S. D.—A br wh hs bn rg mit as an E. A., W. M.—By wt fth rt o bn ds h exp t gn acbn?
psd tth dg o F. C., a nw wha t rcv fth lt iMsy S. D.—By th bn o th paV
bybngrsdtthsbdgolVLM. W. M.—Ha b th ps V
5.W.~Mybr,isioyrowfwlaacV S. D.—H hs i nt; I hv i fr hm.
Cndt.—It is. W. M.—Gv m th ps. (S. D. gvs ps.)
5. W.—Br S. D., is h dl a trl ppV W. M.—Fm whc cm y a wth ar y try?
S. D.—H is. S. D.—Fm th W a try t th E.
S. W.~IshwthawlqlV W. M.—Wht ar y i prst oV
S. D.—H is. S. D.—Tt wch ws la, wch b m endvs a yr
S. W.—Hs h md stb prfc i th pinc dgsV aatc I am i bps t fd.
S.D.—Hhs. W. M.—To wt d y rfrV
5.W.~BywtfthrtOrbnd5heXPtgnadmV S. D.—To th scs o a M. M.
126 127

W. M.—Yr prsut i trl 1db; y wl b rcndc t W. M.— ~ (Gs t A a inmvc At.) Y wl sa I,

th S. W. in th W, wh wl tch y t aph t th E, inpt yr nm a sa af m:
advcg b thr upr, rgl sts, yin ft fmg th in an o a OBN.
prfsq,yrbderctthW.M.ithE. I, (A. B.), of mon fin wl a ac, in th prs o
S. D. cndcs cndt sth 0 A t th W. A G a ths wfl L, erc t km a ddc t th H S J, d
S. D.—Bin S. W., (S. W. ris) iisthwlapl hby a hrn ms sl a soc p a a, as I hv hrtfr do, bt
wth ths adns, tt I wl nt cmct th scs o a M. M.
th B, advcg b thin upin, ingl sts, ha ft fmg th int t a F. C., nr tha o a F. C. t an E. A., nin ths o
anoapfcsq,hsbdertthW.M.ithE. an E. A. to th rst o th wrld; nthr ths nin an o
thin t any psn or pins whtsvr, xcp i b t a Ir
S. W.—Y wl se tt th W. M. ords ar obd.
a lfl br M, or wthn th bd o a is a lfl cnstd L o
S.D.—YwlfctthE. Sto!asanE.A.; (dn) Ms, nr unt km or thin untl b stc tri, du xmntn
st o as a F. C.; (dn) st of wth yr 1 f, bing th hl or lfl infmtn, I shl hv fn hin oin thin as lfl entl
o th r f t th hl 0 th 1 f, a fm th int an 0 a pfc sq. t thin as I am mal.
Stn erc. (Dn; sbt.) Yr orda hv bn obd, W. M. First Tie.
W. M.—My br, y ain nw advc t th 1st a hgat I frthrmr p a a tt I wl stn t a ab by al th la,
grade o ancnt cinf May, th ablm dg o M. M. Th rls a rg o a M. M. L, s Fr as thy shl cm t m knig.
obgns o ths dg ain furs a extrmly wght. Wr it S. T.
nt tt yr tins is i G a y ar tght t apl to hm Fr I fm p a a tt I wl ana a ob al d as a ama at in
strnh a wsdm, y ut wl shrnk fm asumg tkm. finaL o M. M., or hnd mba br o ths dg, if
They cn nvin b rpdatd oin lad asid. Yt, as bfr, wthn th In o in c-t.
I am fre to inf y tt tha new oba, 1k tha y hv T. T.
hintfr tkn, cntn nthg wh cn cnflc wth yr dts t I fin p a s tt I wI hi, ai a ast al pin, da br
G, yr cntry, yr nbr oin yrsl. Wth ths rnwd plg M. M., thr wda a o, thy aplng t in as ach a I
o m pint, as th Mstr o th L, I ask y, ar y wIg t ding thin wth.
tk sch an ob as al M. M. hv dii bfr yV F. T.
Cndt.—I am. I fin p a a tt I wl k th scs o a br M. M. whn
cmc t in as sch, mdin a trs xcpd a thy lf t m
W. M.—Plc th cdt in du fm to b md a M. M.
on chc.
S. D.—Advc, (din) kI on yin n kns, yr bd erc,
yrnkhnsrstgonthflB,SaC. (Dn;sbt.) F. T.
I fm p a a tt I wl ut b prs at, nr gv m cnst
128 129
to th m1~g a win a M, an ol inn i dtg, a yg inn
nun oin Ma o a vl a win as I sbd b, ~hd I, i th la,
nonag, an aths, an iinlga lbrtn, a mdmn or a fi,
knglowtgvlointrsgsthsmyM.M.ob. Shi
1mg thin t b ach.
in G a kp in stdf. (Re-cvrs.)
S. T.
S. D. rmvs cdts hds wbl—
I fin p a a tt I wl nt via a cins L o Ma~ nin
cnvs Mcly wth a clnds M, or wth on who ha bn W. M.—In tk o yin anc o pps i tha al engmts,
sspd or xpld, whl und tt sntc, kng thin t b ach. y wl ka th HB, nw opn bf y. (Done.)
S. T. Bin S. D., ou br bng nw bnd to us b a cvt
I Em p a a tt I wl nt ch, wrg, or dfr a L o wch cnnt b bkn, y wl inla hun fin ha c-t. (Done.)
M. M., or a br o tha dg, kng thin t b ach, bt wi My bin, i yr prs bind cndtn, wt d y ma dan
gv thin d a tinly ntc tt thy ma wind o al aphg Cndt. (Prmtd b S. D.)—Fin 1 i May.
dng. W. M.—Fth 1 i May bng yr dar, y ahl inc it.
My bin, aat ni in brg our bin t fth 1 in My.
E. T.
Bin, excp Wrdns, cm unwind a fin two prl ins fin
I fin p a a tt I wl nt vl th chat o a M. M. wf,
B toW.
ha inthr, satin or dtin, 1mg thin t b ach.
NT. W. 711.—In the beginning God created the
heaven ~nd the eainth
I fin p a a tt I wI nt gv th gr Mc wd i any And the earth was without form, and void;
oth innr thn tt i wch I shl rc it, wch wi b on iii and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
fv pta o fIsh a thn in a 1 brh. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of
T. T. the waters.
I fin p asttl wi nt gvth gin hi an ods, xcp And God said, Let there be light; and there
ibincsothmaimntdg,orafgithcsoinoc was light—Gen. I: 1-3.
a vint, or i a is a lEl enat L o M. M., or i a L fr In al cmmrtn o tt abi evt, I, in 1k inn, Mancly
ins;awhnlaeorhinigvnbawthbrids,Iwl deem, Lt thin b It!
~ t th rlf o hin wh gvs i, if thin b a grtr pinbly Bra both luis a ft. S. D. rmvs hdwk at the same
o avg ha lf thn Jsg in own. time.
Al tha I ins al a ac p a a, wth a fin a std ral 1W. M.—And thr is lt. On bng hint to fth It
t kp a pfin th am, wtht th Is eq, inn ins or eel in May y bhld upn th A bf y th thin gt Is o May
ev wtav; bndg unal un n Is pn tim tt o hvg my as bfr, bt wth tha dfc, bth pta o th cpa bin. weli
bd svd in tw, in bis tk fin thc a br t ash, a tha is t tch y nv to Is aght o th Mc aplctn o tt usfl
act b th fo wa o hv, tt n mr mb int b hd aung a vlbl inst wch teha frshp, minlt a binl lv.
130 131
S. D. cndc cndt to 3. W. 3. W. na. Cndt sits th
1W. M. (Rtinns to sta; advng.)—Y nw dscv 3.W.wthdgasnoM.M. TbnpsantotbW,S.W.
in aphg y fin th E~und th dg a an o aM. M.’ nis,sltsbminthsmnuir. TbntthWothAaslts
Tha (gvs it) is th dg, a alds t th pan in wch yin W.M.
hda wr plad whn y tk yr ob. Tha (gvs it) is 1W. M.—My bin, y wI b rcnd t th S. W. in th
th an, a aIds t th pn o th ob whrn y ad, “Bnd W, wh wl tch y h t wr yr ap as a M. M.
inal und n la pn thn tt o hvg in bd sy in tw, in bla S. D. (Cdc cndt t W.)—Br S. W., (5. 1W.
t1m fin thc a bd to ash a tha actd b th fo wnda inis) it i th wl a pla o th W. M. i th E tt ou nwl
o hv, tt no mr rmbrc int b hd aing inn o Ma o ad br b tgt hw t win ha ap as a M. M.
so vl a wrh as I~ ah b, ahd I i th la, 1m1 o wtl vl
S. D. arngs aprn.
otrsgthamM.M.ob. SohmGakpmstd.”
S. W.—My bin, at th bld o K S T thr wr thin
Tha pn an (gvs it) is ala th an o altn.
thand thr hndrd mstrs or ova o th wk, a thy wr
On entrng or rtg fin a L o M. M. y wl adv
t th W o th A, whr y nw kni, a alt th W. M. drc t wr thin aps wth th cr tod up. Tha, m br,
wth tha an. (Gvs it.) Also, on rsg t adrs th shd y wr yrs t dat y as a mat or ovar o th wk.
But fin covuc, y ma wr it in F. C. fin.
W. M., y wi alt hin wth tha an. (Gvs it.)
In tkn o th fth cntnc o in binthly lv a fnshp, S. D. (Cndcs cdt t A a sits wtA pnl an.)—
I pins y wth in in hn a wth i th pa a tk o th pa Yr ords hv bn obd, W. M.
oaM.M. (TkscdtbgpoF.C.) BrS.D., 1W. M.—My br, y wl n b cdc t th r h o th
~vly b o o fin? W. M. i th E. (Done.) I nw pra y wth th
S. D.—Fm. wkg tls o a M. M. a wl tch y thin uses.
1W. M.—Fm wtV Th wkg tla o a M. M. ar al th imp o May
S. D.—F th g o a F. C. t th pa g o a M. M. indacrini, bt inr eap th Tn.
1W. M.—Ps tt. (Done.) Wt i tt cld? The Trowel is an instrument made use of by
S. D.—Th pa g fin a F. C. t a M. M. operative masons, to spread the cement which
1W. M.—Wt i its nin? unites a building into one common mass; but we,
(S. D. gvs wd.) as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to
1W. M.—Wh wa T. C.? make use of it for the more noble and glorious
S. D.—Th fa kn aintfc or cng wkr i int. purpose of spreading the cement of brotherly
1W. M.— — is th pawd o tha dg, a tha (gvs it) love and affection; that cement which unites us
th tk or g. Aria, alt th Wdns as a M. M. (Rts into one sacred band, or society of friends and
t As stn.) * brothers, among whom no contention should ever
132 133

exist, but that noble contention, or rather emu-

lation, of who best can work, or best agree.
Y wl uw b rcd to th plc fin whc y cm, thin b High Twelve.
rnvstd o wt y win dv a awt th W. M. wl a p1. By Bro. Beaj. B. French
S. D. cdc cndt t th A, bth sIt W. M. a go t prp-rm List to the stroke of the bell—
dr. Stds tk chrg a, a reinvst cndt, pics 3. W. jwl a High Twelve!
Sweet on the air they swell,
rtn bm t th L, alt W. M. a al tk sta. To those who have labored well—
And the Warden’s voice is heard,
From the South comes the cheering word,
“In the quarries no longer delve.’’
Fifty Years a Mason.
Again, ‘tis the Warden’s call—
By Bra. Thomas F. Gibbs, D. G. M., District of “High Twelve!”
Columbia. Lay aside guvel, hammer and maul,
Refreshments for Craftsmen all,
To glean the wisdom from your lips we sit, By the generous Master is given,
As it becomes us, tyros, at your feet; To those who have cheerfully striven
Glad that such privileges will permit~ ‘‘Like men in the quarries to delve.’’
Our gath ‘ring from your well-filled sheaf of wheat,
Clad that we may with joy, having no fears, There is in each mortal’s life,
Draw from a store of half a hundred years. Eligh Twelve!
In the midst of hjs early strife—
With earth’s groveling luxurious rife—
A half a century filled with kindly deeds, The voice of the Warden comes,
Brotherly love, relief, justice and truth,
Unthoughtful of your own but of another’s needs, Like the roll of a thousand drums,
‘‘In earth’s quarries no longer delve.’’
Giving the care of age, the seal of youth.
In the great book where each good act appears
Your record stands—of half a hundred years. List to the tones of the bell—
High Twelve!
As if oil high they ~e1I,
The temple you have reared the world has seen, Their silvery echoes swell;
And its foundation-stone is level, square and true; And again the voice we hear,
The plumb shows the structure does not lean, As if from an upper sphere,
But stands symmetrical, that all may view, “Hence for heavenly treasures delve.’’
A life most prominent among its peers—
A Mason’s life of half a hundred years. There shall ring in the world of bliss
High Twelve!
A life begun will never have an end, When relieved from our work in this—
But, river-like, join the eternal sea, If we ‘ye not lived our lives amiss—
There with new beauties evermore to blend— The Master shall call us there,
From earthly cares and imperfections free, Our immortal crown to wear,
Your years with us are counted by the score— No more in earth ‘s quarries to delve.
Yet will we wish you a half hundred more.
entinpins as tha, y wl inpin t th A fin th pinpa o pin.
M. M. Degree IIrtfin y hd a bin t pin fin y; nw y inst pin fin yrs],
Go, thn, my bin, a ma the blag o G acm y.
S. D. (Cndc cndt on th nth t th A.) My bin,
y wl agn sfr yrsl t b h-w. (Done.) Y wl kn
Work, 2nd Sec. a pry. Yr pin ma b mntl or audhi. Whn it is
fin ins to yr ~t.
1W. M.—Br S. D., (S. D. rs a si) ende ou nwl
As th cndt kals t pray tb W. M. calls up th L b
ad br t th E. (Dons.) My br, y hv tha cv bn ““~, hmslf rsng 1st, a wlm th Pr is endd he sts th L
obgbthvrslmawtytisoaM.M. Hvgvlntinly by ‘~.

asmd tha oh y win thn bint t It a instrctd. Y hv When the prayer is concluded:
bn tgt t wr yr ap as a M. M., a ar so wrg it S. D.—My bin, hrtfr y hv rprsntd a cndt in
amng us at tha mnt. Evn ou wkg tis, th impla ach o Mac lt; nw y w1 inpat anothin cbarctr, no
o May, hv al bn xplrid to y, a y hv bn xrtd 4 la a pran tbn our G M H A, wb wa ginnd arte a
- ink a ppr us o th tinl, th pinncpl wbg ti o tha dg. thbldgoKST. Itwsthuslcstmottginta
Al tha wd imply tt y ar a M. M., a ql t try a wk gd urn, at hi twl whn th crf win cld fin lb t infa,
as ach. Na, inin, I obsrv tt y liv upn yr pran a t entin mt th S S or H o Hls, to ofin up ha adrtus
bdgo ofe, th jwl o th J. W., on o th pine ofes o t De, a din ha da upn ha trsbd. Tha y hv dn.
th L. Tha mink o daten mat b hghl plag t y, a He thn pad ot o th S gt t th wkmn as y wl nw
dtlscnfmsyithblfttyainaM.M. Isiso? do.
(Short paus.) Ja—G MH, Iamgldtomtythsa]n. Ibv
S. D. (For cndt.)—He is o tt opn, W. M. Ig sgt tha op. Y pinmad us tt whn th T wa cmpl,
1W. M.—My bin, hwev ntrl tha sppstn ma b w shd rc th sea o a M. M., whby w cld try in~finn
ty,ytitiseinons. Yuhvntytatndtthsbhn cnts a inc wg ~s ach. Bhld! th T is alms cinpi
dgolVLM. YuarntytaM. M. so fin as t a w hv nt red wht w srvd fin. At frat I dd nt
enabl y t pry yal on, or t try or wk as on, nr dt yr vinsty, bt nw I do. I thfr dind o y th sea
dlknwttevywlbCinaM.M. Yhvawat o aM. M.!
try ovin, tt is xtinnil pinla. Y wi b bat wth dngrs S. D.—Cfm. tha is nth a ppr tm nr plc. Wt
o inny kna a ma prhps int wth dth as dd one bfl unti th T i cinpi, a thn, if y ar fd wth, y shi rc
an emnt br oths dg. Btyrtrsisi G, a yr fth thin; otbws, y cnnt.
is wl fnd. Bfr sttng out, thinfin, upn a sers an Ja—Tlknttmotmorpl. Nwisthtma
136 137
hrithpl. Nnothwlatsfm. Ithfrdmdoy Jm—G M H, I fin th ac tin dind o y th sea
th sea o a M. M.! o a M. M.
S. D.—Cfm, I cnnt gv thin. S. ~).—Cfm, yr dinds ar van. I ahl nt gv
Ja~—GM H,frththda Latmldindoyth thin. Wat unti th Tinpi is cinpl, a tim I wl do

acsoaM.M.! in bat t ~ry y.

5. D.—Cfm, I cnnt a I wl nt gy thin. Jm—G M H, I fin tb thd a Is tin dind o y th
Ja sts cndt wth g acs tin S. D. cndcs cndt to W. acs o a M. M.
Jo—G M H, mat o th crf ar wtng, a inny ar S. D.—And I fr tb tbd tm infa y.
cxcdgl anx t inc th acs o aM. M.; aw cn ac no Jnv—T d. (Sts cdt wth s in.)
V gdrsnwhwainptOslg. Andsmoushydtinm Ja—Wt hv we dn ‘I
I; ttwwlwtnlngin. Ithfrdmdoyth sca o a Jo—We hv sI ou G M H A! Wt shi w d
wth th bd?
S. D.—Cfm, why tha vlnc? I cnnt gv thin; Jm—Lt us cin i t a intd coin, a br i in th inba
nincnthb gvn xcp i thprs oS K o Is, H K o th Tmpl.
oT,amsl. Ja a Jo—Agind.
Jo~GME,yrlfisidIag;thavnaotbT They tk up th bd a cry it nr th s-e cr of th L.
ar acinly gind, a cacp is impabi! I thfr dind o y Jm—Nw It us intin untl iw tw[, whn w wi int
thscsoaM.M.! hr agn.
S. D.—Cfm, I cnnt gv thin. Wat wth ptnc Ja a Jo—Agrd.
fin th ppr tin. Low tw is aw struck.
Jo~G M H, Iagn, a fin th Is tin, dind oy th
Ja—Thia is th hr.
sea o a M. M., o yr If
Jo—Tha is th plc.
S. D.—My lf y en hv; my intgrt, ny!
Jo sts cndt wth s acs b. S. D. cndcs cndt to the E. Jm—And hr i th bd. Ast in t Cr i a du watl
Jm—G M H, I hv hind yr cavlg wth Ja a Jo. era fin th T t th brw o a bl, whin I hv dg a gin
Fm thin y hv cac; bt fin in, ny. My nin is Jm. ax ft du E a W, a ax ft ppndcl i wh w wl bin i.
WhtI pinpa, ttl pfm. I hld i m ho ainsto dh. Ja a Jo—Agrd.
If yrfamnw y ditatyrprl! I sa, gy in th Plc th bd btw th A a th W; hd t th W.
acs o a 1\I. M., loin I wI tk yr UK Jrn—I wl at tha spg o ac at th h o tb gin, tt

j S.D —Ofin, I hv ofn infad y, a=~hI ~~aiwinfa

whn atckd i tha innin. Yin dmds ar
th plc ma b ku ahd ocan ev inqin it. And nw lt
us ink ou cac, b wa o Jp, ot o th cntr.
K. S.—Tht is yr sting! H ha cv bn pm a
Ja a Jo—Agind. (Th strt W a an mt se fthfl t ha trs. H mat b indap. Ordin atc arc t
captn.) b ind fin hin thro th svl apintins o th T.
Jm—Gd mrng.
G. S. 1W.—~ Cfni lt strc areh b ind thro
S. C.—Gd mrng. the avinl apintins o th T fin yr G M H A.
Jm~-I tt yr shp ynd? Cfm nw inch ar L makg inqry, wch is asia by bin.
S. C.—It is. G. S. 1W.—~ (At tk sts.) Yr orda hv bn obd,
Jm—Whin ar yu bad?
M. E. K. S. Th avl apintina o th T hv bn strc
S. C.—To Ethop. seh, b1 ou G M H A cnnt b fd.
Jm—Whn d yu al? K. S.—I fin, thn, am acdt ha bfl hin.
1st Cfm—
~ C.—Imedly.
y tk pangra? J. D.—M. E. K. S., thin i an am at th din.
S. C.—I d.yu tk us?
Jm.—WI K. S.—Atd t th alin.
J. D.—~ (Ops a els dr.) M. E. K. S., twi
S. C.—I wl if yu hv K. S. pinman t lv th F C., clad in wht glva a apn, cray aude o th
entry. Pinde yr papinta. M. E. K. S.
Jm—We wi pa yu yr dma, bt we hy n K. S.—Adm thin.
papinta. 1st Cfm (Al slt.)—M. E. K. S., w twi wh apr.
S. C.—Thn yu cnnt go, fin I ain strely frbdn bf yu ar clad i wht gla a apna in tk o ou inoc.
t tk any o th wkinn fin th T ot o th entry wtht We twi, wth thin oths, aeng th T abt t b cmplt,
K. S. xpra pinman. a bng dars o incvg th acs o a M. M., whinby w cd
Jm~—Thn It us rtn bk mt th entry. try mt finn cntra a inc wgs as ach, entind mt th
Ja a Jo—Agind. hind cnsp o xtintng thin fin ou G M H A, or tkg
Rfns tk thr seats, lts trnd np, cnfsn. ha lf; bt, infleg on th atrct o ou intns, bng strc
The W. M. is nw styld M. E. K. S. wth bin, we twl rentd; bt we fin th oth thin hv
The S. W. isnw styld G. S.W prsatd i thin inds dana; a w twl by cin bfr yu t
The SD. is fat cftmn.
1 214 The 3. D. is scnd cftmn. mk tha cnfsn a iinplr yr prdn.
K. S.—Br G. S., (Sec. ris) cl th ml o th wkin.
K. S.— Br G. S. W., (S. W. ris) why i tha
G. S. (Calls rol.)—M. E. K. S., th rl o th
enfan in th T. a why or th crft nt at thin lbs?
~vkmha bn cid a thin ar fd thin F. C. inag, viz.:
Jo. Jo a Jm
a thin ar n dagna upn ha tin-bind.
140 141
K. S.—Cfm, ar tha th thin wh win asetd wth tt tha rfna ar atl i th catin, a wthn ou pwr Yu
yu i tha nind cnaprc? wI dvd yrsls as bfr, a try as bfr. I nw gv yu
1st Cfrn—Th ar tb thin, M. E. K. S. pstv injnes t fd tha ernila, a as paty asinnc tt if
y d nt, y yrsla wI b dind tb inds, a shi afin fin
- K. S.—Itiainwlaplttytwldvdyinslsint
prtaotbratrvthinE,thrW, thin N a thr 5, th eninma em.
praut o th infa. (Sit a tinvi.) 1st Cfm (Al sit a mrch; aftr sAint siinc.)—
1st Cfm (To Wf-m.)-—Gd mrng. Wi I am wry a mat at do t ins a rfsh mal.
Wf.m—Gd mrng. 2d Cfm—Na, bin, tha i n tin fin ins, ou Iva or
~lst Cfm—Hv yu an an stings pa tha wa in jprdy. W mat fnd tha mdrs. Ara, it us
rcntly? prsu ou ach.
Wf-m——I aw am ystd—thr, wh, fin thin aprc, 1st Cfm—Ya, bin,. yu ar int; we mat nt tiny.
wr wkm fin th T. (Strts t ins a tA~s hi o spg o aca.) Ofin, wt ds
tha inn? Wh da tha spg o aca so esly gv wa?
1st Cfm—Whr
win win
skg thy gng?
Wf-m—Thy a pag mt Etlip. 2d Cfm—Ths is crtnly yr atrng, fin tt i a
1st Cfm—Dd th obtn o? pInt o dp int.
•Ja—O, tt in tht lid bn ct fin et e, in tg tn
ddnt. ot b its ints, a bd i tb ans o th se, a 1 wtr ink,
Wf-m-—Th rtd bk inI th entin. whin th td ebs a fla twc i tw-f ha, er I lid bn
1st Cfm—Lt us rtn a rpt tha t K. S. acar t th dh o a gin a gd a in as ou G M H A
2d a 3d Cfm—Agind. (Mrch to E; sit.) 1st Cfm (Lo vc.)—Tt ia th ye o Ja.
1st Cfm—Tdngs finn th W, M. E. K. S. Jo—O, tt in 1 bra hd bn tn op, in ht plc fin
K. S.—Rprt thin. thnc a gvn t th bats o th fid a th bda o th ai
1st Cfm—W thin, wh prad a d wstl cra fin as a p, er I hd bn acsr t th dth o 50 gint a gd a
thT,wntunt[wmtwthawafrginnowh5w inn as ou GM H A!
2d Cfm (Lo vc.)—Tt i th vc o Jo.
us tt if h hd
h hd, thin,anwho
strnga pa ttwrwa;
thin aprc whfin
wkin infd
T, akng a pag mt Etho, bt nt hvg obtnd one, hin! O,ttinbdhdbnavitwn,inblatknfm
bd rtd bek mt th cntr. Dmng tha o gint thuc a bod t aah, a tha sctd by th fo wna o hv,
imptnc, w 1w rtd t brng th intlgc t yu, M. E. tt n in mb int b hd, ang inn or Ma, o a vI a
K. S. wmh as I am, em I lid bn aes t th dh o a gin a gd
K. S —Yr intige prvs bt on thng t m, viz.: a inn as ou G M H A!

I 4;
142 143
3d Cfm—Tt i th ye o Jni. o hy, tt n mm mmbc int b hd, aing inn or Ma,
1st Cfm—Wt shl w do? Tha am th inda o whm o 50 vi a wrh aa I ain, em I lid bia aca to th dli
w am i acli. oaginagdamnaaourGMHA” Ijpnwch
2d Cfm~—Thy am dapint inn. It wl b a aera we mshd i, szd, bu a hv bint thin bf yu, M. E.
undmLkg t eptin tha indina. K. S.
3d Cfrn—Thm am bt thin o thin a thin ar thin K. S.—Ja, ar y gl o tha hind dd?
‘ous. ~Tehytrthajatconofl~ada outinsi Ja—I am gl, M. E. K. S.
mG. Let usrshin, az,bndatkthmbf K. S. K. 5.—Jo, ar y ala gl?
1st a 2d Cfm~—Ag~d. (lifs t1~n t tA E.) Jo—I am indd gl, M. E. K. S.
1st Cfrn (C/rn sit.)—Tdga fin th W, M. E. K. S.—Jin, ar y 1kw gl?
K.S. Jm—I am mat glt, M. E. K. S. Ya, I am
K. S.—Rpmt thin. mm gl thn th ma!
K 1st Cfm—Aa w thin, wh hd pins a du w era K. S.—Thn y ahi d! linpa winha! To cnspm
fin th T, wm rtng, on o us, bng inin wry thn th agna th If o a gin a gd a inn as yr G M ~H A.
rat, at dn on lAa brw o a hlt ma a rfah hmal; a, (To i~h tAr (Jfm.) Tk thin wtht th gta o th ct
on rag up, eglit hi o a apg o aca, wch eal gvg a xct thin agbl t thin avl iinprctns
Cfm a RfnE go t ant-rn. Cfm rtn to E, sit a rprt.
wa, xctd ha crst; a, whi w wr mdtatag ov tha
1st Cfm—M. E. K. S., yr orda liv bn obd.
anglr cmcinstc, w hind thin fmtfl xclmtns fin th
Th inds hv bn pt t dh agin t thin avl imp.
clft o an adje ink. Tli fat wa th ye o Ja,
K. S.—It is wl. Go nw, y twl Cfin, in ach
xclinng: “0, tt in th hd bn ct fine t e, in tg
o th bd o yin G M H A; and, if fnd, oba wth th
inawd,orakti,isonorabtit. (C/rn slta
ink, whin th td cbs a fis twc in tw-f ha, em Ihd
try W.)
bn aesiny t tli dh o a gin a gd ainn as ouGM
1st Cfrn—Hr i th apre o a nwl-md gin. (Al
H A.” Th and wa th vc o Jo, xclmg: “0, tt
rn1~dgasnoaF.C.) Ltuaopn it.
2d a 3d Cfm—Agind.
ha o thfld atlibda oth air as ~a pm, em I hd
2d Cfrn—Hin i a bd bt in a mngld a cndtn
- bnaeatothdhoagragdainnasouGM tt i cnnt b recgd.
H A.” Tb thd wa tli vc o Jin, xclmg mm
hind[y thn th rst: “It wa Itt gv th ftl blo! It 3d Cfm—Thr i nthg on o abt it tt ha evn
waittal bin! 0,ttmbdhdbnavitw,mbla th apinnc o a wd, or a k t it, bt hr i a iwi upn
tkn fin the a bnd t ash, a tha scd by th fo was its ba; it us my it a cry it up t K. S.

~ —
144 145
1st a 2d Cfm—Agrd. (Done. Sit.) drphdstthrsds. W.M.alongvsthGHSOdsa
wds; tim al gv th Sn a W.
1st Cfm—M. E. K. S., yr ords hv bn obd.
K. 5.—Hr tIn li tI inns o yr G M H A,
W trvld a da waly cra fin th T a on th bmw 0
atrkn dn in tI prfinc o diaty, a mrtr t ha fidit.
th hi whin ou wry bin at dii t ra a infra hinal, we
H wa bin t tha lnly apt b unhlwd hna at a
daev ti apinnc o a nwly-ind gin. Tha w opd a
mdnt hin, undin th lip tt th ey o mn wd nyr mm
devd a bd. bt in a mngld a cndtn tt i ed nt b
fnd hm, nin tI hn o ja b ld upa ha gl indina.
regnzct; nin cd th Ma wd or a k t i, b fd on or
Vai lip! Hinli tI ininna oym GM H A! Hawk
abt i. Hwv, w fud tha jI upn its ba, wcli w
want dn, yt ha chin is bkn! TI mrs ao jaly ha
minvd a liv bint up t yu.
du hv nt bn pd in. ETa dli wa untinly a ha
K. 5.—Br G. S. W., (S. W. ris) tha i th jwl bra mm! Ha bd shi bins; ahl b hnmd; alil b
othrGMHA. Nodbtcn nw mnast ha brn t tli T fin inin dent intrin; a a mnt ahl b crc
Iintbl fate. (S. W. tales seat.) Crftmn, th to cinmin ha Iba, ha fdlt a ha untinly dli. Br G.
prdn y ak fin I nw gin y, in tkn o in aprbtn o S. W., aply t tI bd th gp o th E. A. a endv t
yr endva t dtet tli inds a dacv th bd o yr G M rs 1.
H A. (Cfm sit a t1~ sts.) G. S. W. (Endvs, bt fis; slts wth dg a sn o
K. S.—Br G. S. W., (S. W. ris) y wl fin E. A.)—M. E. K. S., tli bd i ptd, it; hyg bn dcl
th crf i giniad pincan t go wth in t endv t ma th fiftn da; tI akn alpa fin tia fis, a i cnnt b a mad.
bd othr GM HA. And aath ]Mawdinw la, All gv an a dat a wd, tkg tm fm K. S.
it i in wl’ a p1 tt th fat an gvn at th gry, a th K. 5.—Br G. S. W., y Iv a stgr gin, th gin o
fat wd spkn aa th bd shl b rad, all b adp fin th tb F. C. ApI t tI bd tf’gin a endv tins i.
ingin o al M. M. La untl futm ags all fnd o th int. 0. 5. TV. (Trs a fis; gvs d.q a sn o F. C.)—
G. S. W.—’~ Ofin, fin yrala i ginnd pincan t M. E. K. S, th fis clva fin th bn, a it ennt b
g wth tli M. E. K. S. t endv t ma tli bd o yr G a ma.
All gv an a wds, tkg tm fm K. S.
MHA. AndaathMawdinwla,itilawla
ph tt tI fat an gvia at th gin, a II fat wd spkn as K. 5.—Br G S. W., our atinpa ar vn. Wt
th bd all b ma, all b adp fin tli mgltn o al M. M. shl w
[is untl fut aga all fd ot tI int. G. S. W. (Thinks a rnnt.)—Pray.
Cfm comc t cirembit th bd, lvg it on th rt.. As K. B. rmvs his ht.
All fid arms a bw hds.
thy jinny thy sing. Th S. D. rmvs hdw. Hvg jrnd
thr crcta, thy hit a fc inwd: th W. M. at hd a cdt, CAp or W. M.—Thou, 0 God! knowest our
S. W. on ha int; S. 3). on ha If. Al gv dg a TA. M. a down-sitting and our uprising, and understandc~t
our tlioughts afar off. Shield and defend us scaoaM.M. ThMawdilaithdhoyinGM
from the evil intentiona of our eneinica, and sup- H A, bt Ii wi abstt a wd wch all b adp fin ti
port us under the trials and afflictiona we are mg[tn o al M. M. La untl ftm aga ahl fd ot th int.
deatined to endure while traveling through this A th fa wd Ii utin whn th bd ia ra fin tha dd lv
vale of teara. Man that is born of a woman is to a lying prpndc, shi b ali substd wd. Ya, my
of few daya and full of trouble. He ~ometh forth bra, I iv a wd; a tho tI ak ma ~h fin ti fla, a
aa a flower, and is cut down; he fleeth alao as a ti fla clv fin th bn, thin i atinli i th “L o th trb
shadow, and continueth not. Seeing his days o Jd,” a h all pryl.
are determined, the number of his months are K. S. pas I frt a th S. W. t th rt ad a cdt, th S.
with Thee. Thou hast appointed his bounds W.gstcdsrtshd:S.D.tOcdslshd. W.M.tks
that he cannot pass; turn from hiin that he may cdts rt hn b th st gp, th S. W. a S. D. tk bid a cds
rest, till he shall accomplisli his day. shldsaasstthW.M.trabfll. S. W.stpabk intline;
S. D. bids on t cds if am a pics it am th W. M., a pica
For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, cds ft in ppr pstn. W. M. whaps th p mc wd in cds
that it will sprout again, and that the tender e,arqrsbmtrPtitithamlflflin. ThW.M.ltsga
F branch thereof will not eeaae. But man dieth stps bk.
and wasteth away; yea, man giveti up the ghost, W. M.—Ths i th grn Me wd, weli in yr ob y
and where is he? As the waters fail from the aw y wd nt gv in any otli mum thn tt i wch y
sea, and tie flood decayeth and drieth up, so slid mc it, weh wd b o th fv pts o flalip, a tIn
inan lieth down, and riseth not up till tie in a ho bin.
heavens ahall be no nToine. Yet, 0 Lord, have Thfvptsoflahpam: Ftf,ktk,bintbin,
eompasaion on the children of Thy creation, ad- h t b, c t c or in t e.
IF minister them comfort in time of trouble, ai4d F t ft, 1±w wi nyr hat t g on f, a ot o ou Wa,
I’ save them with an everlasting salvation. Amen. t ai a aucin a ndy bin.
Brn.—So mote it be. K t k, tt w wl ev rmb a bra wifin i al ou
K. 5.—Bin G. S. W., yr ensi wa tini a gd. applctna t D.
Ma shd cv rmb tt whn tI atrgh a wad o inn fails, Br t bin, tt w wl ev kp i ou ow bin a bra aca,
thin i an inxhstbl sply aby. yldd t us thro ti pwm whn cmc to ua aa ach, indin a trs xep.
of pryr. My mnd is nw chin, a th bd all b ma. H t b, tt w wl ev b indy to atm fth ou hna t
F Ofin, y Iv lId upn ti T mm tin sy yrs, Inath asat a sprt a fin bin.
ting, energd a buoyd up by th pinma tlit whn C t e or m t e, tt w wi ev wIsp gd cncl in ii
th T wa cinpld. tlos o y wi win fthfl, shd mc th em o a br. a i th ma tnd inn rind In o is fits, a
148 149
cndvr to aid ha rfrntn, a wi gv hm du a tinly H A Whn ou anc bin, in tkn o thin aro, thrc
ntc tt h in wd o al apchg dng. insd thin hns abv thin hds, xelni: 0 1, in g, i t n
I wi nw xpln t y ti atg gp o a M. M. or L p, h f ti w a?
a ti innin o gyg th gin Me wd on th fy pta o flshp. SId y b i iinnt dng, or afg i th ca o inoc a
(Stps fwd a tics cdts int hn b th ps g o a M. M.) vint. a dam astc, y xvd gv tha an (gvs it.) Win y
BinS. D., wt,i tt eld? s sit tt th an ed nt ban, y wd gy tlis wds: 0 1,
S. D.—TI pa g fin a F. C. t a 1W M. mg,itnliEtwa? Cmcinstes mt bach as t
W. M.—Wt i its nin? jatfy yr gvg bth ti an a wda i tha inn (gvn.)
S. D.—T. C. Any M aeng this an or lirug tha winds, wd b
- W. M.—Wh wa T. C.? und ob t fi t yr rlf, if thin be a grtm prbl o avg
S. D..—Th fa kn artfcr or cung wkr in intla. yr lf tin lag ha own.
W. M.—Ps tt. (Dn.) Wt i tt? w.M.rtinstthE*;atksst. Thecdtiacdcto
S. D.—Th ating go a M. M. oL p. th rt hn a th W. M. in the B a rams stndg wbi—
W.M.—Hsianin? CHARGE.
S. D —It Is. W. M.~~** My broIler, your zeal for the in-
W. M.—Gv i in. stitution of Maaonmy, the pmogreas you have made
~S. D.—I cnnt, nin cn i b gvn, xcp on ti fy pta in the myateinies, and your conformity to our
oflshp,athnialb. regulationa, have pointed you out as a proper
W. M.—Advc a gv 1. object of our favor and esteem.
S.D.—Ftf,ktk,btb,itbk,ctcorm You are now bound by duty, lionor and grati-
t e. (As pta o flshp ar eld, W. M. a cndt pie tude, to be faithful to your trust; to support the
thmsls a gv wd.) dignily of your character on every oc6aaion, and
W.M.—Thwdirt. Iwlnwxplntythg to enEorce, by precept and example, obedience to
han oda,wchiymobyswywdntgvxcpti the teneta of the Order.
bicsa o tI ma imnt dng, or sfinng in tli ca o inoc In the character of a Master Mason, you are
LI avintu,oiniajsalflycnatLoM.M.,omiaL authorized to correct tie emmora and irregulari-
fininat;awlinyswomiindigvnbawthbmi ties of your uninformed brethren, and to guard
da, y wd fit th rif o hin w gv i, if tir b a grtm them againat a breach of fidelity. To preserve
pmbosvhalf,thnlagyrow. Itimdbmsth the reputation of the fraternity unaullied must
ha ab tI id, a lwmng thin b thin da mtna, iths be your constant care; and for this purpose it is
mn, (gvs it.) It aids t ti rag o tI bd o ou G T,I your province to recommend to your inferiors,
150 151
obedienee and submission; to your equals, cour-
teay and alfability; to your auperiora, kindness The Altar.
By Bro. Chas. F. Forshaw, LL. D.
and condeacension. Univeraal benevolence you Upon the Altar lies the Sacred Law,
are alxvaya to ineulcate, and by the regularity of The Square and Compass—mystic triune great;
your own behavior, afford tie best example for Their powers, their right, no pen could overrate,
Nor yet define their trenchant repertoire.
the eonduet of others less informed.
The room is holy where the Altar stands,
The ancient landmarks of tie Order, intruated For God’s own word is read within that place,
to your came, you are carefully to preacinve, and And His own works are told with winning grace
To men with minds that Masonry expands.
never auffer them to be infringed, or countenance
F a deviation from the eatabhiahed usages and cus ‘Tis well our Craft imbues us with the Right,
Instilling many a blest and hallowed theme,
toma of the fraternity. And teaching, with a Wisdom all supreme,
Your virtue, honor and reputation are con- Our glorious Architect’s triumphant might,
Preparing us, when our frail body dies,
cerned in supporting with dignity tie character To meet Him ‘fore His Altar in the skies.
you now beam. Let no motive, therefore, make
The Beacon Light.
you swerve from your duty, violate your vows, By Bro. Robert Morris.
or betray your trust; but be true and faithful,
A city set upon a hill
F and imitate the example of that celebrated artist Cannot be hid;
whom you have this evening represented. Thus Exposed to every eye, it will
Over surrounding plain and vale,
you will mender yourself deserving of the honor In influence shed,

which we have eonfemmed upon, and merit the And spread the light o~ peace afar,
Or blight the land with horrid war.
eonfldenee that we have repoaed in you.
My bin, tha cnclds ti cminny o initn into tI Each Mason’s Lodge is planted so
For high display;
thd deg of May. You wl stp to ti Secta dak a Each is a BEACON Lionv, to show,
sgn the b-ha, thinby cnaumt yr inbinslip wth tI L. Life ‘a weary wanderers, as they go,
The better way;
Cndt signs and is std in mat a th E. To show, by ties of earthly love,
How perfect is the Lodge above I

Be this your willing task, dear friends.

While laboring here;
Borrow from Him who kindly lends
The HEAVENLY LADDER that ascends
The higher sphere;
And let the world your progress see,
Upward, by Faith, Hope, Charity.
M.M. Degree b bng rs t tI sbl deg o N. M.
W. M.—Wt win y thu ask?
S. W.—If i wa o in on f wi a aed; if I ws dl
a tin pp, wth a wl qlf; if I Id ind st pfe i th pr
Lec., 1st Sec. dgs; al o wel bng ansi tI aE, I wa askd b wt
fth int or bn I xp t gn adin.
W. M.—M bin, tI letin o Wa deg i dv mt thin W. M.—Yr ans?
aetna, ti fat pt I wi rha wth ti S. W. S. W.—B tI bnf o tI pa.
W. M.—Br S. W., (S. W. ris) ar y a M. MA W. M.—Dd y gv tI pa?
S. W.—I a. S. W.—I gv it nt; in gd gv i fin in.
W. M.—Wt md y t be a M. MA W. M.—Wt fid?
S. W.—In ord tt I mt inc ma wgs, a b ti btr S. W.—I wa dine t wt wth pte until tI W. M.
enab t spint mal a fml, a~ entin t ti rlf o pin data ws infd o in inqa a ha ans mtd.
M. M., thin wd a opha. W. M.—Wt ans dd I rtn?
W. M.—Whin win y ind a M. MA? S. W.—Lt in ent a b re i d fin.
S. W.—In a is a lwfl ens L o M. N[. W. M.—Hw win y re?
W. M.—Hw win y ppd? S. W.—On bth pts o ti es xtnd fin in n int t
S. W.—B bng dvs o al inLi; nth n nin eld, bft, I b, wel wa to ahw tt as ti vt[ pts o inn ar entd
1w a a e-t thin tins ab m n bd, i weh situ I wa wthn tI bats, a tI ins usfl tnts o ou inst ar entd
ede t ti din o ti L b a bin. wthn ti tw pta o ti es, wel ar frnsh, mrlt a
W.M.—Whhdyae-tthrtsabyinn h? bin lv.
S. W.—It ws to siw tt in dts a obs bem min W. M.—Hw win y tIn dsp o?
S. W.—I wa ede thr tma ab th A t ti J. W.
a min xtd, as I adved i May.
W. M.—Hw gnd y adin? tI 5, win ti am qa win ask a 1k ans rtd as at
ti din.
S. W.—B thin da ha.
W. M.—Wt wa ad t y fin wthn?
S. W.—H dine in t ti S. W. in th W, wIn tI
S. W.—Wh ems hr. am qa win ask a 1k ana rtd as bf.
W. M.—Yr ans? W.M.—HwddthS.W.dspoy?
S. W.—A bin wi ha bn ing mit as an E. A., S. W.—H dine in t ti W. M. in ti E, win th
pad to tI deg o F. C., a nw wha t re fti lt i May am qa w ask a 1k ana rtd as bf.
154 155
W. M.—Wt dd ti W. M. dind o y? S. W.—I dd.
S. W.—Fm whine I em a wthr I wa trvlg. W. M.—Hw?
W. M.—Yr ans? S. W.—B ord o ti W. M. a aste o tI bin.
S. W.—Fm tI W a try t ti E. W. M.—On bng bint t lt, wt dd y fa dac min
tin y Id hintfr dn?
S. W.—Wt I wa i prst o. S. W.—BtI pta o ti es bin, wel wa to tel in
W. M.—Yr ans? nv to la sgt o ti Me apletn o tt usfl a vlbl inst

S. W.—Tt weh wa is; weh, by in endvs a Is wel tels frnalp, mrlt a br lv.
aste,I wsilptfnd. W. M.—Wt dd y tin dac?
S. W.—Th W. M. ap in fm ti E, und ti dg
W. M.—Wt dd I ftlr dind o y?
a an o a M. M., who, in tkn o ti fthr entne o
S. W.—To wt I infind.
ha bin lv a finn, prsntd in wtl is int lin, a wtl,i
W. M.—Yr ans?
ti pa a tk o ti pa o a M. M., a bd in an a alt ti
S. W.—To ti sea o a M. M.; aft weh 11
Wds as ad.
obsrvd tt in praut wa tinly ldbl, a ord in t b rede
W. M.—Aft sltg tI Wds, wt d y tin da?
ttIS W.intlW,whtgtmtaprhtothE,
S. W.—Th W. M., wi ord in t th S. W., wh
adveg b thin uprt, rgl sta, in ft fing tli int angi
tgt in iw t wr in ap as a M. M.
o a pinfe sq, in bd ere t th W. M. i ti E.
W. M.—Aft bng tgt iw to win yr ap as a
W. M.—Wt dd ti W. M. tin d wth y?
]VI. M., 1w ~vr y tIn dsp o?
S. W.—H ind in a M M.
S. W.—I wa ede t th int in o ti W. M. in ti
W. M.—Hw?
E, wi pins in wtl ti wkg tla o a M. M. a tgt
S. W.—In du fin.
me thin us.
W. M.—Wt i tI d fin? W. M.—Wt ar ti wkg tls o a M. MA
S. W.—K on in n kna, in bd crc, in n ida ins
S. W.—AlI ti impl o ~VIsyindacinin, bt min
oth H B, S a C; in weh d fin I tk th ob o a
cap tI trl.
IV. M.—Wt i ti us o ti tinl?
W. M.—Rpt i. (S. W. rpts ob.)
S. W.—Th trl is an inst ind us o, by op ma,
W. M.—Aft tkg ti ob wt wr y tin askcl?
to spd th cint wel unta a bldg mt one emn mas;
S. W.—Wt I ins da.
bt w, as F a A Ma, ar tgt t ink us o i fin ti inin
W. M.—Yr ana?
nb a gi pin o spg ti cint o brl lv a aEetn; tt cint
S. W.—Fth I i May.
weh unts us mt on sed bnd or soety o frns a
W. M.—Dd y re Pt
156 157
bins, aing win a entn aid ev xst, bt tt nob en tn, Closing Ode.
or ‘intir emultn, o who bat en wk or bat agin. Hail, Brother Nasons, hail!
Let friendship long prevail,-
W. M.—Hw wr y tIn da 0? And bind us fast;
May harmony and pence
S. W.—I wa ord t b rede t tI plc fin whe I Our happiness increase,
And friendship never cease
ern,thrber-invsowtlhdbn dvsa awtth While life doth last.
May wisdom be our care;
And virtue from the square
By which we live,
That we at last may join
That heavenly lodge sublime,
When we shall perfect shine
To the Secretary. With God above.

By Bra. Robert Morris. When our last labor’s o’er,

And scenes of life no more
Make thou the record duly,— Charm our frail sight,
Our Mason life is there; Then in God’s holy care
Make thou the record truly, May each protection share,
With close and anxious care. Bliss find unending there
The labors on the busy stage,— In perfect light. —Anon.
At every step,—from age to age!
Masonic Training.
Make thou the record pLainly,— By Bra. Robert Morris.
Bow oft does error lurk.
Herein our children mainly Oh! Ladies, when you bend above
Will read their father’s work. The cradled offspring of your love,
Herein v~ill trace with joy or gloom, And bless the child whom you n ,)uld see
Our pathway to the closing tomb. A man of truth and constancy,—
Believe there is in Mason’s lore
Make thou the record kindly, A Lund of wisdom, beauty, power,
Omit the cruel words; Enriching every soul of man
The Mason spirit blindly, Wbo comprehends the mystic plan.
A gentle shroud affords.
Oh, let thy record grandly prove Then train your boy in Mason’s truth;
Freemasonry ‘s a thing of Love. Lay deep the corner-stone in youth;
Teach him to walk in virtue’s line,
Make thou the record swiftly.— To square his acts by 5QUARE DIVINE;
Time’s scythe is sweeping fast; The cement of true love to spread,
Our life, dissolving deftly, And paths of Scripture truth to tread;
Will soon, ah, soon be past. Then will the youth to manhood grow
And may a Cenerous Eye o’erlook
Our record in the Heavenly Book! To honor us and honor you.
M. M. Degree intna, bng atrek wth Inn, twi o thin rentd; th
oth thin prastd i thin inda dana.
W. M.—At wt tin wa ou G ~4 H A si?
Lec., 2nd Sec. S. W.—At I tw[.
W. M.—Hw em h t b am at tt in?
W. M.—Wt da a M. M. L inpat? S. W.—It wa is usl estrn at hi twl, wIn ti
S. W.—Th S. S., or H o Ha, o 1=5 T. ef win eld fin lb t infa, t ent mt th S. S., or H
W. M.—Dd y ev rtn t ti LI o Ha, t oI~r up Is adrtns t D a din ha dana upn
S. W.—I dd. is tr-bd.
W. M.—On yr rtn wIn win y pled? W. M.—Wt ws ti innin o Is dl?
S. W.—In ti entin; thin cad t k a inyk ti bla S. W.—Ti thin F. C. wi prsstd i thin inds
oD. dan, kng tis to b is usi estin, pled thai at tI 5,
W. M.—Wt flwd? W a E gta o tI T a thin awtd is mtn.
W. M.—Wt fld?
S. W.—I aros; a on in pag abt th A, wa ae S. W.—Ou G M H A hvg fulfd is usl estin,
b thin F. C. wI tire dmd o in tI sea o a M. M., atrnt t rtn b ti S gt, win h wa aes b Ja, wI
a on bng tire infad, tI fa gv in a hi wth tI dind o in ti sea o a M. M., a on bng infad, gv
~wn-f i gg ae in tI, tI se wth tI sq ac in brs, in a hi wth tI t-f-in gg ac lath; upn wel h
tI tid wth tI stt-ml on in fi, wel fid in on fid a atm t pa ot at ti W g’t, wIn h ws aes b Jo
tI apt. wi i 1k innin tire dind o in ti sea o a M. M.;
W. ill.—WIm dd y tIn inpat? a on ha tire infag, gv hin a bl wth ti sq ac Is
bins; upn weh h fid a atmp t ink ha ese at th E
S. W.—Ou G M H A, wi ws al ja bf th emp] gt, win h wa ac b Jin, wi in ll~ inn tire dind
o tI T. o im ti sea o a M. lvi.; a on ha tire infag, gv,Im
W. 211.—Wa Is d pinindt? a vint bl wth ti at-in] on is fhd, weh tTh in
d on ti apt.
S. W.—It wa, b fftn F. C., wi, seng tI T W. M.—Wt dd thy d wth ti bd?
abt t b empl, a bng dars o revg tI ses o a M. N., S. W.—Bn i in ti inba o ti T tinti lo twl, on
wib thy ed try mt frn entrs a inc wgs as ad, twl at nt, win thy int b aptint a erd i a du wal
entd mt tI hind enspe o xtmtng thin fin on G M cina fin tI T t th brw o a 11, win thy bin i in a
H A, or tkg Is if. Bt, rfletg on tI atrety o thin gnNdg ax ft du E a W a ax ft ppd, at ti hd o
S. W.—TI intind a hint tis intige t K. S., wi
~veh thy at a ap o ae, tt ti pie int b kwn aid ond tIn t dvd tis’ as bf a try as bf, wth pstv
aesn ev inqin it, a ind tin ese. injnens to fnd ti eininnis and wth as pstv asne
W. M.—At wt t wa ou G M H A fat mad? tt if tI d nt, thy timals wd b dind ti inds a
S. W.—O ti da flwg. aId afin tI enrms cnn.
W. M.—Hw wa ha abs dsev?
W. M.—B thin Ing n dana upn is tn-b.
S. W.—Ti tr~ as bf, a as tia wi hd prad a
W. M.—Wt fld? d wal era fin ti T win rtng, on o thin bng nr winy
S. W.—K. S. bng infind o tis, supang in t tIn tI rst, at dn on th bin o a ii t ins a infa Imal
b indap, ord stre sci t b ind fin in tiro ti avi a on nag up egt hid o a ap o aca, wei eal gvg
aptsotiT. SeIwasae~md,btiedntbfd wa, exetd is eurat; a wil ti win ndatg ov tia
W. M.—Wt fld? ang cremate, thy ird tin fntfl exelmtns fin tI
S. W.—1(. S. thn fend am aedt id bfl in a elft o an aje nk~ Th~ fa wa ti ye o Ja xelmg,
ond ti ril o th winkn-in t b eld; a on r]l.el thin “0, tt m th id bn e fm e t e, in tg tn ot b its
‘~vin fnd thin F. C. mag.
ints a bd i th sna o ti Sc, at 1 wt ink, win tI td
W. M.—Wt fid? cbs a fis tw i tw-f irs, en I hdbn acan t ti di
S. W.—Ti twl F. C, wi id rent fin thin inds os gin a gd a mn as nu GM H A.”
dana, pins timats bf K. S., clad i wt gis a aps in TI se wa ti ye o Jo, xelng, “0, tt in 1 b ~id
tk o tin in, enfad thin pnmdt glt a implind is bn tn op, in it plkd fm tine a gyn t th ha o ti
pind. fid a ti bds o ti ai as a pin, en I id bn aesr to
ti di o a gin a gd a mn as ou GM H A.”
S. W.—K. S. ord tim t dvd thins] mt prts Ti tid wa ti ye o Jn, xe]mg inn irdly tin
o thin a try, thin E, tin W, thin N a thin S in pins thnst,’’Itwlttgythftlbl! [twa Itt a]
~oti infa. in! O,ttnbdidbnsyintwnmblst~
W. M.—Wt fld? finn the a bin t ash, a tis setd b ti fo wus o iv,
S. W.—Ti twlv dvd; a tis wI praud a d wal tt n inn ninbe int b id ang inn on Ms o a vi a
era fin ti T wnt untl thy int wth a w-frg inn wni as I am, en I id bn aesy t tI dl o so gin a
o win thy inqd if h id an any stings pa tt wa, gdainnasouO MHA.” Upnwehthyrshd
wi infind thin h id, tin, wi fin thin apinne wr i, azd, bnd a bint tin bf K. S., wi ord thin t b
wkm fin ti T, skg a pag mt Eth, bt nt ivg obt tkn wtit ti gts o ti et a xetd agnbl t thin avini
on, id rtd bk mt ti entin. unpin. Thy win aedly pt t di.
W. M.—Wt flaY
S. W.—K. S. ord th twi F. C. t go i seh a th 4 in ou ow bs a bi’s ses, whn eine t us as seli,
mdratrsxcpt. Htbk,ttwwlevbrdtstrh
bd, a i fd t obs wthr th Ms wd, or a k t i, ws
fthouhnstastasprta flnbr. Cteh,ormh
on or ab i~.
t er, tt w wi evr whsp gd end in th ear o a br,
W. M.—Whr ws th bd o ou G M H A fd~
a i th ms tndr mnr, rmnd hm o hs fits a endv
S. W.—A du wsly ers fm th T, on th br o
to aidhsrfmtn, awl gvhmdu a tml nte tt h
th hi, whr ou wr br st dii t rs a rf hmsl.
ma wrd o al aph dng.
W. M.—Ws th Ms wcl, or a k t i, on or ab i?
S. W.—It ws nt. W. M.—Wt dd th thn d wth th bd~
W. M.—Wt fid? S. W.—Thy erd it t th T a brd i i ~du frm.
S. W.—K. S. thn ord thin t go wth hm t ndv And~Me trdn infns us tt thr ws a mrbl elm era
t rs th bd, a ord tt as th Ms wd ws thn is, tt th t hs mmry, upon weh ws dlnatd a btfl vgn wp;
fssngvnatthgr,athfsWdsPasthbdshdb bf hr la a bk opn; in hr rt hn asp o ae; in hr
rs, shd b adp fr th rgln 0 81 M. M. Ls unti futr if an urn, a bhn hr std tm wth hs fngrs unfid
ags shd fd ot th rt. th rnglts o hr hair.
W. M.—Wt fid? W. M.—Wt dd ths hirgiph fgrs dnt?
S. W.—Thy rtrd t th gr whn K. S. ord thin S. W.—Th bkn elm dnta th untini dth o ou
~~~~hbdbythE.A.gaseifiCld b rsd; bt G M H A; th btfl vrg wpg, th T unfnshd; th
on tkg th bd so, it ws ptrd, it hvng bn dd fftn bk op bf hr, tt hs vrts ii thr on prptul red; th
ds, th sk si fm th fis a i eld nt b s rs. sp o ae i hr rt hn, th tml dsev o lis bd; th urn
W. M.—Wt fid? hr if, tt hs ash wr thr sfly dpst t prptute th
S. W.—K. S. thu ord thin t tk i b th F. C. g, rmbe o s dstngsd a ehrctr; Tm unfid th mis o
a se if i eld b s i’s; bt on tkng th bd b tt g, th fis hr hai, tt tin, pte a prs aem al thgs.
cift fm th bn a it eld nt b so i’s. W. M.—Hv y any sns blng t ths dg?
W. M.—Wt fid? S. W.—I hv, svl.
S. W.—K. S. tim tk i b th strn g o a M. M., W. M.—Gv m a sn. (Gvn.) Wt i tt eld?
orL p, a rsdi on th fv puts o fish, weh ar ft f, S. W.—Th sri o a M. M.
k t k, b t bs, hn t bk, et e, or int e. W. M.—Hs tt an alsn?
~ S. W.—It ha, t th pn o in ob; a whn ou
tadascrandyb!. Ktk,t± w wi ev mb a bin rtd t th gr o ou G M H A, th fd thr hna plc
brswlfrialouaPletnstD. Btb,ttwwlev tha psn, (gvs dg) to grd thr nst]s fm th dsgbl
eflv tt ars thr fm th gr.
Opening Ode.
W. M.—Gv in an sn. (Gvn.) Hs tt an aPt
By Bro. R. T. Spencer.
S. W.—It hs, t th rsg o th bd o ou G M II A,
Come, brethren of the mystic tie,
wbn ou anc bin in tk o thr soro, thre rsd thr Let us together meet,
And, clasping firm each brother’s hand,
hns abv thr hds, xeiing, 0 1, m g, i thr n hip f Each other fondly greet.
th w Around our kdge room a]tar stand,
W. M.—Gv m a tk. (Gvn.) Wt i tt eld7 And pledge ourselves anew,
To emulate the virtues of
S. W.—Th ps g fm a F. C. t a M. M. The good, the brave, the true.
W. M .—Wt is its nm 7 Be sure no sELfish word or deed
Finds place within our hail;
S. W.—T. C. But strive to do a brother’s part,
W. M.—Wh ws T. C. And help not one but all.

S. W.—Th fs kn artfer or eung wkr in mtls. Let no harsh word or unkind thought
Profane this sacred place;
W. M.—Ps tt. (Dn.) Wt i tt? Drive from your brows all fretful frowns,
While smiles i]lume each face.
S. W.—Th str g o a M. M. or L p.
W. M.—Hs i a nm7
A Fallen Brother.
S. W.—It hs.
B~i Bro. Chas. F. Forshaw, LL. D.
W. M.—Gv i m.
A broken column crumbling to decay,
S. W.—I ennt, nr en i b gvn xep o th fv pta Can sometimes be restored to strength and beauty;
fis, a thu i a 1 brh. And so a Brother erring on life’s way
May be awakened to a sense of duty.
W. M.—Adve a gv i. (Dn.) Th wd i rt.
Forget his faults—forgive his fooLish deeds,
And still the hand of fellowship extend—
And if he o’er and o’er ignores your pleas,
Still o ‘or and o’er perz~uade him and befriend.
Then haply ‘round our altar’s sacred shrine
Again he’ll labor in the cause of truth;
And through your aid gain such of love divine
That age departs and leaves a lasting youth.
Thus will he cut the ignoble bonds of m eife
And like the Phoenix rise again to life.
_______ II ~I IIII~I~I ~EI I I


M. M. Degree S. W.—Three Grand Masters, three thousand

and three hundred Masters, or overseers of the
work, eighty thousand Fellow Crafts, in the
mountains and in the quarries, and seventy
Lec., 3d Sec. thousand Entered App rantiees, or bearers of
burdens. All these were elassed and arranged in
W. M.—Hw urn grd Me phi’s ar thrl such a manner by the wisdoin of King Solomon,
S. W.—Thr. that neither envy, diseord, nor eonfusion was
W. M.—Wt ar th eld? suffered to interrupt that universal peaee and
S. W.—Wsd, Strn a Bty. tranquility whieli pervaded the world at this in-
W. M.—Wh ar th s eld? portant period.
S. W.—Bes i is nes thr slid b wsd t entry, W. M.—Whr dd~E. A. frinly hid thr Ls?
strntspt,abttadnalgraimufldrtkfls. S. W.—On th ehqrd pvmt or gin fir o K S T,
W. M.—B whm ar th rprsntd 7 whr th mt ev evg t rev instes rltv t thr wk on
S. W.—B S K o Is, H K o T a H A, wh wr th flwg day.
ou fs thr M E G Ms. W. M.—Wt niab enstd a L o E. A.?
W. M.—Wh ar thy sd t rpst thin? S. W.—Sv or inr.
S.W.—SKoIs,rpsthplroWs, bes b ha W. M.—Whn einpsd o oni sv, wh wr thy?
wsd h entry th sprb mdi o exelne tt iminrtizd S. W.—On M. M. a sx E. A.
lis nin; H K o T rps th plr o strnrbes h suprtd W. M.—Whr dd F. C. frinly hid thr Ls?
K S in tt gr a imprtnt undrtkg;HA rps th pir S. W.—In th M C o K S T, whr thy mt on
o bt, bes b lis enag wkmsh th T ws btfld a theevngothsxdaoevwktrethrws.
adrnd. W. M.—Wt numbin enstd a L o F. C.?
W. M.—What supported the Teinpie? S. W.—Fv or inr.
S. W.—It was supported by one thousand four W. M.—Whn einpsd o oni fv, wh wr thy?
hundred and fifty-three eoiumns, and two S. W.—Tw M. M. a thr F. C.
thousand nine hhndred and six pilasters, all W. M.—Whr~ dd M. M. fml hid thr Ls?
hewn froin the finest Parian marble. S. W.—In tb S S or H o Hs o K S T, w thy
W. M.—How many were employed in build- mt to dvs pins fr th tr-bd.
ing the Temple? W. M.—Wt ninbr enstd a L o MI. M.?
S. W.—Thr or inr.

L -

~1 169
W. ilL—When empsd o oni thi’, wh w thy? benefleent Author of our existenee, ror the niani-
S. W.—Thr M. M., rprsntng S K o Is, H K fold blessings and eomforts we enjoy.
Is an emblem of industry, and recoinmends the
W. M.—Wt is mat by th thr stps usi dint on
practice of that virtue to all created beings, from
th Mstr’s erpt?
the highest seraph in heaven, to the lowest rep-
tile of the dust. It teaches us that, as we came
S. W.—They are emblematieai of the three
into the world rational and intelligent beings, so
pr~neipal stages of human life, Youth, Manhood
we should ever be industrious ones; never sitting
and Age. In youth, as Entered Apprentiees, we
down contented while our fellow-creatures
ought industriously to oeeupy our minds in the
around us are n want, when it is in oar power
attainment of useful knowledge; in manhood, as’
Fellow Crafts, we should apply our knowledge to relieve them without inconvenience to our-
to the diseharge of our respeetive duties to God, selves.
When we tak6 a survey of nature, we view
our neighbor and ourselves; that so in age, as
man in his infancy, more helpless and indigent
Master Masons, we may enjoy the happy reflec-
than the brute creation; be lies languishing for
tions eonsequent on a well-spent life, and die in
the hope of a glorious immortality. days, months and years, totally incapable of pro-
W. M.—How many elasses of Msts emblems viding sustenance for himself, of guarding
against the attack ~f the wild beasts of the field,
are there?
S. W.—Nine. Eight of whieh are monitorial, or sheltering hirnstilf from the inclemencies of
namely: Thh Pot of Ineense, The Bee Hive, The the weather. It inight have pleased the great
Creator of heaven and earth, to have made man
l3ook of Constitutions, guarded by the Tyler’s
independent of all other beings; but as depend-
Sword, The Sword, Pointing to a Naked Heart,
The Anehor and Ark, The Forty-seventh Prob- ence is one of the strongest bonds of society,
mankind were niade dependent on each other for
1cm of Eueiid, The Hour-Glass and The Scythe.
protection and security, as they thereby enjoy
THE POT OF INCENSE better opportunities of fulfilling the duties of
Is an emblem of a pure heart, whieh is always reciprocal love and friendship. Thus was man
an aeeeptable saerifiee to the Deity; and as this formed for social and active life, the noblest part
glows with fervent heat, so should our hearts of the work of God; and he that will so demean
continually glow with gratitude to the great and himself as not to be endeavoring to add to the
common stock of knowledge and understanding, This was an invention of our ancient friend
may be deemed a drone in the hive of Nature, a and brother, the great Pythagoras, who, in his
useless member of society, and unworthy o~ our travels through Asia; Africa and Europe, ~vaa
protection as Masons. initiated into several orders of priesthood, and
TEE BooK OF CONSTITUTIONS, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.
Guarded by the Tiler’s Sword, This wise philosopher enriched his inind abun-
Reminds us that we should be ever watchful dantly in a general knowledge of things, and
and guarded in our thoughts, words and actions, more especially in Geometry, or Masonry. On
particularly when before the enemies of this subject he drew out inany problems and theo~
Masonry; ever bearing in reinembranee those reins; and among the most distinguished he
truly Masonic virtues, Silence and Circumspec- erected this, which in the joy of his heart, he
tion. called Eureka, in the Grecian language, siguify-
THE SWORD, PoINTING To A NAKED HEART, ing, I have found it; and upon the discovery of
Demonstrates that justice will sooner or later which he is said to have sacrificed a heeatomb.
overtake us; and, although our thoughts, words It teaches Masons to be general lovers of the arts
and actions may be hidden from the eyes of man, and sciences
ALL SEEING EVE Is an emblem of human life. Behold! how swift-
Whom the sun, moon and stars obey, and under ly the sands run, and how rapidly our lives are
whose watchful care even comets perform their drawing to a close! We cannot, without aston-
stupendous revolutions, pervades the ininost re- ishment, behold the little particles which are
cesses of the human heart, and will reward us contained in this inachine, how they pass away
according to our merits. almost imperceptibly, and yet, to our surprise,
in the short space of an hour they are all ex-
Are Emblems of a well-grounded Hope and a hausted. Thus wastes man! Today he puts
well-spent life. They are emblematical of that forth the tender leaves of hope, toinorrow blos-
devine Ark, which safely wafts us over this tem- soms, and bears his blushing honors thick upon
pestuous sea of troubles, and that Anchor, which him; the next day comes a frost, which nips the
shall safely moor us in a peaceful harbor, where shoot, and when he thinks his greatness still
the wicked cease froin troubling, and the weary
shall find rest.

- 172
aspiring, he falls, like autumn leaves, to enrich
t ti’nslt us fm ths imprfe to ~tt al prfe, gli’s a
our Mother Earth.
elstl L ab, whr th Suprm Arc o th U pi’s.
Is an emblem of time, which cuts the brittle W. M.—Br S. W., (S. W. Ris a Sit) hv yn
thread of life, and launches us into eternity. anythng t em bf ths L o M. M.?
Behold, what havoc the scythe of Time makes S. W.—Nthng i th W, W. l\I.
among the human race! If by chance we should W. M.—Hv y anythng i th 5, hr J. WI
escape the numerous evils incident to childhood
J. W. (Rs a Slt.)—Nthng i th 5, W. M.
and youth, and with health and vigor arrive to
the years of manhood, yet, withal, we must soon W. M.—Br Sec., (Sec. rs) hv y anythng on
be cut down by the all .devouring scythe of Time, yr tb]?
and be gathered into the land where our fathers Sec.—Nthng, W. M. -

have gone before us. W. M.—.

W. M.—Wt i th ninth?
S. W.—Th Stg-Mi, Sp, Cf a Sp o Ac. Th
S~MwsttbywehouGN{HAwssi. ThSp
v-s tt weh dug hs grv. Th Cf ws tt weh red hs The All-seeing Eye.
rmns, a th Sp o Ac ws tt weh blind at th hd o B~y Bro. Chaa. F. Forshaw, LL. D.
hs grv. OMNISCIENT God knows all our works and ways,
M hi’, th S-M, S a C ar strkg emblms o mit His ~‘e~ all-seeing, dwell in every place;
Through good, through evil, dark or pleasant days,
a afd srs rfietn t a thnkg ind; bt thy w b stl mi’
We may not hide from His all-sacred grace,
glmy wi’ i nt fi’ th 5 o A tt bl at th hd o th gi’. Our I’A aker and Preserver reads each soul,
weh srvs t rmn us o tt imprshbl prt o mn weh Nought can escape His searching vigilance;
srvivs th gi’, a brs th nrs afinty t tt Sup Intige ‘Tis He alone unfolds our earthly scroLl
weh prvads al natr, a weh en nv, nv, nv di. And tells our joys and sorrows at a glance.
Thn, finly, m br, it us imitte ou G M H A i hs ‘Tis He alone—the One Almighty God,
Who, ~with us always, strengthens and sustains;
vrts ende, hs unfgnd pity t hs G, a hs infixbl And comforts with His staff and with His rod,
fidi t hs ti’s, 1±1k hm w ma wiem th grin tyrn And guides and guards and lovingly restrains.
dh, a re hm as a knd msngr sent b on Sup G M Watching and warding from His Heavenly throne
Until He claims His children for His own.
W. M.—Whr wry md a M. M.?
M. M. Degree S. W.—In a js a~ ifi ens L o M. M.
W. M.—Hw inn ane enips a L o M. MA
S. W.—Thr or mi’.
W. M.—Whn emps o onl thi’, wh wi’ th?
S. W.—Th W. M., S. W. a J. W.
W. M.— (Dc na.) Br J. D., wt i th 1st as W. M.—Whr i th J. W. stn i th L?
wi as th fst gr ci’ o Ms whn i L asm? S. W.—In th S.
J. D.—To se tt th L i dl tl, W. M. W. M.— U. W. ne.) Wh ar y i th 5, Br
W. M.—Prfm tt dty; infrm th T. tt I am abt J. W.? Wht ar yr dts thi’?
t els th L, a dre hm t ti aed. J. W.—As th sn i th S at its inrdn ht is th
J. D.—~ (T. ops dr.) Br T., I am ord by gl a bt o th da, so stns th J. W. in th 5, th btr
• ~~W~M.tinfytthisabttclsthLayardrc t ohs th tin; t ci th ef fm lb t rfsni; t suptd thm
t ti aed. ding th hi’s thrf, a se tt th d nt envt th prps o
T.—It shi b dn. i’fsmnt mt intmpe a xes; t ci thin on agu in dii
ssn, tt th W. M. ma hv pisi’ a th crf prf thby.
J. D. (Cia dr.)—Th L i dl ti, W. M.
W. M.—Whr is th S. W. stn in th LV
• W. M.—Hw ar w tid, br J. DI
J. W.—In th W.
J. D.—By a br M. M. wtht th di’, ard wth th W. M.—Why ar y in th W, br S. WA Wt
ppr inst 0 hs ofe. ar yr dts thi’?
W. M.—Wt ar hs dts thrY S. W.—As th sn is i th W at th els o th da,
J.D.~~Tkpoalensaevds,atOsettnnps so i th S. W. i th W, t ast th W. M. in opg a
orrpsbtschaaardlqlf a hv prmsn fm th elsg hs L; t pa th erf thi’ wgs, if agt b du, a se
W.M. tt nn go awa dsstfd; hrnin bng th sti’ a supt o
W. M.— (Sta ik Da.) Br S. W., (S. W. na) al socits, mi’ espel o ours.
aryaM.M.? W. M.—Whr i th W. M. stn in th LV
S. W.—I a. S. W.—In th E.
W. M.—Wt inded y t be a M. M.? W. M.—Why is h in th E, br S. W.? Wht
ar hs dts thi’?
S. W.—In ord tt I int re ins wgs, a b th btr
enab to spt msl a fini a entrb t th rif o pi’, dsts S. W.—As th sn i’s i th E t op a gvn th da,
M. M., thr wds a ops.
176 177

i so i’s th W. M. in th E, t op a gvn hs L; t set th

erft t wk a gv thin gd a whls insten fi’ thr lbs.
• W. M.— (RU.) Br S. W, it i m wl a p1 W. M.—Br J. W., (J. W. nis) hw gs th hi’?
tt— L, N —‘ b nw clsd. Cmc ths ord to th J. W.—Hi twl, W. M.
J. XV. in th S, a h to th crft fi’ thr gv. W. M.—It bng hi twl, y wi ci th erf fm lb t
S. W.—Br J. W., it is th wi a plo th W. M. i’fsmt fi’ th ~pe o on hr.
in th E it — L N —. b nw cls. Cmc ths ord t J. W.—””~ Bin, it i th wl a pis o th W. M.
th cift fi’ thr gvmt. in th E tt di L b nw eld fm lb t rfs fi’ th spe o
I. W.—Brn, it i th wi a p1 o th W. M. in th on hr.—Lk t th E!
E, cmc t m b th S. W. in th W; tt — L, N —, W. M.—I dcl th L at rfs fi’ th spe o on hr.
b nw cis. Tk ntc a gv yrs]s acd.—Lk t th E! Br J. D., inf th T.
Brn—-(~v ans fm M. M. to E. A.) (S. D. cis grl its while—)
J.W.— S.W.— W.M J. D.—~ (T. ops dr.) Br T., I am ord by
th W. M. t infm y tt th L is at rfs fi’ th spe o
J. W.— S. W.— W. Al. on hr. (Levs dr opn.)
W. M.—Lt us pray. (Prayer.) Amn. W. M.~* (J. W. wi nw rs hs din.)
AU—S int it b. (Music).
S. W.—Upn th lvi, W. M W. M.—’~ (Congregates the L.)
W. M.—13r J W., hw d Ms ac? W. M.—Br S. W., (S. W. nis) pred t satfy
J. W.—Upn th pim, XV. M. yrsf tt a] Pr ar M. M.
W. 211.—And they part upn th sq. So ma we S. W.— (Ds ris, tk rds, mt at W o A, inch
evi’ mt act a prt. And nw ma th blsgs o hvn t S. W. a ech whsp t hm th ps.) Br S. a
rst upn us a a] rglr Ms; ma brly lv prvl a evry pred t stfy yrsl tt al Pr ar M. M.
inn a sod vrt cmnt us. In th nm o G a th H (S. D. xmns bin in th N; J. D. ~mns bin in
SJ,IdeithLclsdin fin. BrJ.D.,infthT. th 5, pausing in frnt o any whm thy ennt vch
(S. D. ainds t th its, while—) fr. Th atnkn shd aris, whn th D. wi fac th TV
J. D.—~ (T. op dr.) Br T., I am ord by a rprt:) Br S. W., an unkn in th N. (Or S.)
th W. M. t inf y tt th L is elsd in fin S. W.—Cn any bi’ veh fi’ th unkn in th N?
(orSasthcsm’tb. IfvchdfrthD.wltkth
W. M.— (Closes the L.)
Ps; if nt vehd fr, th unkn ms intin. Shd a bin b 179
pins wtht th pspth D. wife th W a rprt:) J. W.—On hr pst hi twi, W. M.
D.—Br S. W., a hr in th N (or S aa th ca
W. M.—It bng on hr pst hi twi, y wi ci th
ma 6) wtht th PS. ef fin rfs t lb on th—deg.
S. W.—Invst th br wth th ps. (Done.) J. W~—~ Bin, i is th wi a pi o th W. M.
(D. inst re ~ fm hin. Af tin revg ps fin at prs, in th E ft th L b nw eld fin rfs t lb on th—deg.
xept th W. M. a Winds, th Da int in fint o th Tk ntc a gv yrsl aed.—Lk t th E! (Ss a kns
W.M. ~
gvn as in opg th same deg.)
they thn g to W o A, fe th W.)
W. M.—1 dcli’ th L at lb on th—deg- Br
W. M.—Th ps is— J. D., infm th T. (Al tk ats.)
S. W.—3 (Ds wi tk thin sts.) Al Pr ar M. S. D. arnga th ihr grt its, whi—)
M., W. M. (Tks st.) J. D.—’~’~ (T. ops dr.) Br T., I am ord by
W. M.— (Da ra.) Br J. P. wt i th fst gt th W. M. t infin y tt th L is at lb on th—deg,
ci’ o Ms whn i L asm?
a y ar dre t ti aed.
J. D.—T se tt th Li du tld, W. M. T.—It shl b dn.
TV. M.——Pi’fin tt dt; infin th T tt I am abt t J. D.—(Cls dr.)—Th dt i prfmd, W. M.
ci th erf fin rfs t lb on—deg a dre hm t tI ac. W. M.— (Da tk ata. Wds ang cots.)
J. D. (Ops dr.)—Br T., I am ord b th W. M.
t infin y tt h i abt t el th L fm rfs to lb on th
—deg, a y ar dre to ti aedly. CHANGING THE LODGE.
T.—It shi b dn. SHORT FORM.
J. D. (Cia dr.)—Th L is dl tld, W. M. W. M.— Wavng fthr ermn, I nw deli’ lb
W. M.—Hw ar w tid, br J. D.V dspnsd wth in th thd deg o Msy, a th L opn on
J. D.—By a hr M. M. wtht th di’ armd wth th fs (or see) deg fi’ wk a insten. Br S. D.,
th ppr inst o hs ofe. atnd at th A a dspl th thi’ gt lts in Msy.
W. M.—.-Wht ar hs dts thr? (Done.) Br J. D’~ infin th T.

I J. D.—T kp of al ens a evds, a to se Vt nn ps

or rps bt seh as ar dl qifd a hv prms fin th
J. D. (Infa T.)—W. M., th T. is infmd.
W. M.— (Seats L.)

W. M.—• (Ds tk ats.) Br J. W., (J. W. ra)

hw gs th hi’? W. M.— Wavng fthr ernm, I nw deli’ th
L cis on th fs (or see) deg o Msy a lb rsmd in
th thd deg. Br S. D., atnd at th A a dspl th
thi’ grt Its in Msy. (Done.) Br J. D., infin
th T. W. M.— (Ds ris.) Br J. D., wht is th fs
gt ci’ o Ms whn in L asmbdl
J. D. (Infs T.)—W. M., th T. is infmd.
W. M.— (Seats L.) J. D.—To se tt th L is dl tld,W. NI.
W. M.—Prfm tt dty; infm th T tt I am abt
t dspns wth lb o th NI. M. dg fi’ th prps o opag
a [~ o F. C., a dre hm t ti aed
All stated communications must be opened J. D. obeys the order in usual manner.
and closed on the third degree; a special corn- J. D.—Th dt is prfmd, W. IVI.
munication for work and instruction may be W. M.—”~ (Ria.) Br S. W., it i in wl a pi
opened on the degree for which it is intended. tt lbr b dspnsd wth on th NI. M. dg a a L o
F. C. opd fi’ th dsp o seh bsns as ma rgly cm bf
it, und th usi Me rstes. Cme ths ord t th J. W.
in th 5, a h to th erf fi’ thi’ gvmt.
5. W.—Br J W., it is th wi a pls o th W. ~M.
Corn, Wine and Oil. in th E tt Ibi’ b dspnsd wth on th M. N. dg, a a
B~y Bro. Chas. F. Foraluw’, LL. D. L o F. C. opd fi’ th dsp o seh bsns as ma rgly
Corn is a symbol of resurrection, cm bf it, und th usl Me rstcs Cine ths ord t th
And wine tells all of chrerfulness and joy; erf fr thi’ gvmt.
‘‘Wine maketh glad the heart,” dispels dejection J. W.—Brn, it is th wi a p15 o th W. NI. in
And soothes the soul when worldly woes annoy. th E, eme t in by th S. W. in th W, tt Ibi’ b
Oil is a symbol of prosperity,
Bespeaking gladness, mirth and happiness, dspnsd wth on th M. M. dg a a L o F. C. opd
Twin to the maids—Faith, Hope and Charity, fr th dsp o seh bsns as ma rgly em bf it, und th
What other virtues so combine to bless. usi Me rstcs. Tk nte a gv yrsis aed.—Lk t th
When Gabriel’s trump awakes the sleeping dead E! (Sns a nps as in full opng o a L oF. C.)

May you, my brethren of the much-loved square, W. M.—ln th nin of G a th H S J, I de ibi’
Arise triumphant from your earthly bed,
That unknown happiness and joy to share. dsp wth o th M. M. dg a a L o F. C. opd fi’ th
So living here we will not dread its blast, dsp o’bsns. Br J. D., infm th T. (Done as rn
Knowing the summons means “Eternal Efe at last.” opng a Ii~ o F. C.) (Bin tk sts.)
The cndt is thu admtd, exnind on th F. C. deg and

RESUMING ON M. M. DEGREE. The Level and the Square.

W. M.—3’ (Ds nis.) Br J. D., wt is th Is as By Bro. Robert Morris, Masonic Poet.Laureate.
wl as th fs gi’ ci’ o Ms whn i L asmhd? WE MEET UPON THE LEVEL, AND WE PART UPON THE
J. D.—To se tt th L i du tl, W. M. SQUARE,—
W. M.—Prfm tt dt; inf th T. tt I am abt t What words of precious meaning those words Masonic
cis ths L o F. C. fi’ th prps o rsmg lhr o th Come, Let us contemplate them; they are worthy of a
M. M. deg, a dre hm t tl aed. thought,—
With the highest and the lowest and the rarest they are
3. D. obeys the order. fraught.

J. D.—Th du is prfmd, W. M. We meet upon the level, though from every station
W. M.—~’~ (Ris.) Br S. W., it is mwl api come—
The king from out his palace and the poor man from his
tt ths L o F. C. h n clsd a ibi’ rsmd o th M. M. home;
For the one must Leave his diadem without the Mason’s
deg. CmcthsordtthJ.W.inthS,ahtoth door,
crf fi’ thi’ gvmt. And the other finds his true respect upon the checkered
S. W.—Br J. W., it is th wl a pls o th W. M.
in th E tt ths L o F. C. b nw clsd a lbr rsmd o We part upon the square, for the world must have its
th M. M. dg. Cine ths ord t th crf fi’ thi’ gvmt. We mingle with its multitude, a cold, unfriendly crew;
J. W.—Brn, it is th wl a pls o th W. M. in But the influence of our gatherings in memory is green,
And we long, upon the level, to renew the happy scene.
thE,cmctmbthS.W.inthW tt ths L o
F. C.bnwclsdalbrrsmdothM.M. dg. Tk There ‘s a world where aLL are equal—we are hurrying
toward it fast,—
ute a cm t ord as M. M.—In ord W. M. We shall meet upon the level tl3iere when the gates of
W. 211.—I dec ths L o F. C. clsd a ibi’ rsmd death are past;
We shall stand before the Orient, and our Master will be
onthM.M.dg. Br S. D.,ywldththrgrtlts. there,
(Done.) Br J. D., inf th T. (Done.) To try the blocks we offer by His own unerring square.
J. D.—Th dt is pfd, W. M. We shall meet upon the Level there, but never thence
W. M.— (Bin tk ats.) depart;
There’s a Mansion,—’tis all ready for each zealous,
faithful heart;
There’s a Mansion and a welcome, and a multitude is
Who have met upon the level and been tried upon ~the
1184 185
Let us meet upon the level, then, while laboring patient Thy Level rivalries subdue, thy Square to virtue tend,
here,— Thy Trowel spread that true cement which doth all
Let us meet and let us labor, though the Labor seems
severe. hearts unite,
Already in the Western sky the signs bid us prepare And darkness comprehend and glow with thy immortal
To gather up our working tools and p~ I upon the square. Light--
Live on! 0 Masonry, live on!”
Hands ‘round, ye faithful Ghiblimites, the bright fra-
ternal chain; ‘‘Live on! 0 Masonry, Live on! Thy ‘G’ forever blaze,
We part upon the square below to meet in Heaven again. To penetrate the mists of doubt, and heavenward turn
Oh, what words of precious meaning those words our gaze,
Masonic are,— To set our hearts aflame with zeal where ‘er our tasks
SQUARE! Within the quarry’s gloomy depth, or on the turret high.
Or, mingling with the outer world, amid its noisy din,
Ne ‘er, ne ‘er may ~ie forget without, the lessons taught
Live On! 0 Masonry, Live On! within.
Reflected ever may they be in upright Jives and pure,
‘‘Say not, say not, that Masonry is waning in its power, For on foundation such as this shall Masonry endipe,
Supplanted by the secret swarms which multiply each Till merged in those intenser rays that mark the Perfect
It hath no rivalry with these; it seeks not, but is sought: Day,
Relief a tenet, not an end, sole object of its thought. Its blessed Light, while earth revolves, shall never fade
Their single aims are incidents within its vast purview, away--
Which sweeps the starry universe and canopy of blue, Live on! 0 Masonry, live on!’’
Which traverses the lines of earth, the flaming sun its
With sleepless vigil seeketh truth where ‘er it may abide.
It sees the Hand Omnipotent which traced the Great Prosper the Craft.
And bows in adoration ere it graspeth square and line— By Bro. Chas. F. Forshaw, LL. D.
Live on! 0 Masonry, live on!”
PROSPER the Craft, Great Architect Divine,
‘‘Lire on I 0 Masonry, live on! Thy work bath scarce And make its votaries truly one at heart,
begun; - Shed down upon them all Thy powers benign,
Live on! nor end, if end there be, till earth’s Inst setting To each the lessons of Thy might impart.
son. Imbue them with a sense of all Thy powers,
Live on! thy work in ages past bath but prepared the Confer upon them blessings of Thine own;
wny Give unto them full days of happy hours,
For every froth thy symbols teach there’s pressing need Until they stand before Thine awful throne.
toclay. Thou art indeed Most High, and Thou art Just,
In cultured or unlettered age humanity’s the same, Therefore instruct them in Thy wondrous ways;
And ever fore the passions rage whose furies thou Teach them to ever f~el a boundless trust
wou~ ist tame;
Would but the nations heed thy Plumb—war’s carnage In Thy clear guidance through each worldly maze.
soon would end. Aid them to walk, althoagh they cannot sce,
And to repose a perfect Faith in Thee.
I —. .— —. — __________________________ -- a—.- ~E 11111 I•i
With godlike emotion that messenger hastens
To grasp me, and whisper, “My brother, I bless
The bouT of my life when I learned of the Masons
The Sign of Distress. To give and to answer your sign of distress.’’
Let a sign of distress by a craftman be given,
‘Twas a wild, dreary night in cheerless December:
‘Twas a night only lit by a meteor’s gleam; And though priceless to me is eternity’s bliss,
‘Twas a night, of that night I distinctly remember May my name never enter the records of Heaven
Should I fail to acknowledge that sign of distress.
That my soul journeyed forth on the wings of a —Anon.
That dream found me happy, by tried friends sar•
Enjoying with rapture the comforts of wealth;
Adieu, a Heart-warm, Fond Adieu!
My cup overflowing with blessings unbounded, By Bra. Robert Burns, first Masonic Poet-Laureate.
My heart fully charged from the fountains of health.
That dream left me wretched, by friendship forsaken Adieu, a heart-warm, fond adieu,
Dejected, despairing, and wrapt in dismay; Dear brothers of the mystic tie!
By poverty, sickness, and ruin o ‘ertaken, Ye favored, ye enlightened few,
To every temptation and passion a prey; Companions of my social joy!
Devoid of an end or an aim, I then wandered Though I to foreign landB mast hie,
O’er highway and by-way and lone wilderness; Pursuing fortune’s sliddery ba ‘,—
On the past and the present and fataTe I pondered, With melting heart and brimful eye,
But pride bade me tender no sign of distress. I’ll mind you still, though far awa’.
[n frenzy the wine cup I instantly quaffed at; Oft have I met your social band,
And habit and time made me quaff to excess; An’ spent the cheerful, festive night;
But heated by wine, Like a madman, I laughed at Oft honored with sporeme command,
The thought of e’er giving the sign of distress. Presided o’er the suns of light;
Bat wine sank me lower by lying pretenses, And by that hieroglyphic bright,
It tattered my raiment and furrowed my face, Which none but Cia ftsmen ever saw,
It palsied my sinews and pilfered my senses, Strong memory on my heart shall write
And forced me to proffer a sign of distress. Those happy scenes, when far awa’.
I reeled to a chapel, where churchmen were kneeling, May freedom, harmony and love
And asking their Savior poor sinners to bless; Unite you in the grand design,
My claim I presented—the door of that chapel Beneath the Omniscient Eye above,
Was slammed in my face at the sign of distress; The glorious Architect divine;—
I strolled to the priest, to the servant of Heaven, That you may keep th’ unerring line,
And sued for relief, with wild eagerness; Still guided by the plummet’s law,
He prayed that my BulB might at last be forgiven,~ Till order bright completely shine,
And thought he had answered my sign of distress. Shall be my prayer when far awa’.
I staggered at last to the home of my mother, And you, farewell, whose merits claim
Believing my prayers there would meet with success, Justly that highest badge to wear,—
II Bat father and mother and sister and brother Heaven bless your honored, noble name,
Disowned me, and taunted my sign of distress. To Masonry and Scotia dear!
T lay down to die, a Btranger drew nigh me, A last request, permit me here;
A spotless white lambskin adorning his dress; Wben yearly ye assemble a’
My eye caught the emblem, and ere he passed by me One round—I ask it with a tear,
T gave, as before, the sign of distress. To him, the Bard, that’s far awa’.
Sextennia,1. The True Mason.
Es it the lease of Life, and nothing more, Write him as one who loves his fellow-men,
When the years have come to the triple score? Who speaks no evil of an erring soul;
Is it only the close of a Winter’s day, But ever strives by action, voice, and pen,
Where the sunshine fades in the West away? To point the wanderer to the safest goal.
Is it only the tip of the mountain crest
Where the lingering rays of the sunligh’t rest; Who understands Masonic beauties rare,
And where, through the mists of the Past are seen Who metes out praise if praise is rightly due

j The ghosts of the joys that once have been;

Lie thedown in the
graves valley,
of the far of
things below,
Long Ago?
And who rehukes if straying ones should dare
To walk the path that leads them from the true.

Write him as one who sows no discord seeds,

Nay, nay. Not that. For he who holds Within whose breast there dwelleth perfect peace;
By the simple faith that the World enfolds, Whose heart rebels against ignoble deeds;
Finds, unto Life’s last, feeblest spark, Whose praise for God doth day hy day increase,
That the daylight far exceeds the dark; And who in lodge no earthly Masons know
That the Seasons bring, as they glide away, Will stand to order at die gavel’s blow!
More days of brightness than days of gray;
That the Spring gives place, in its varying moods,
To the mellowing tints of the Autumn woods; Masonic Emblems.
And stars come out in the evening air,
You wear the Square, but do you have
Which we fail to see in the noonday glare. That thing the Square denotes?
And here, as I backward turn mine eye, is there within your inmost soul
O’er the faded days that behind me lie, That principle which should control
How like a flitting glimpse appears, All deed; and words, and thoughtst
The vista made by these sixty years! The Square of virtue—is it there,
Gone; and forever. Beyond recall. Oh! you that wear the Mason’s Square?
Each deed of itself to stand or fall,
In the eyes of Him who judgeth all. You wear the Compass; ito you keep
Within that circle due,
But yet we cling to the firmer hope, That’s circumscribed by law divine,
That each will he seen in its wider scope; Excluding hatred, envy, sin,
And out of His mercy we be hailed Tncluding all that’s true?
With large allowance where we failed. The Compass—does it trace that curve?
inside of which no passions swerve?
As the day dies out with a golden gleam,
And the red West glows with its parting heam. You wear the type of Deity;
So would I, friends, when it comes my lot, Oh! brother, have a care;
Wish to depart thus calmly, and not He whose all-seeing eye surveys
As the O]d Year passes, sad and slow, Your inmost thoughts wide open gaze,
Wrapped in the shroud of the Winter’s snow, He knows what thoughts are there!
But the rather in twilight, fair and clear, Oh! send no light, irreverent word
Where the quivering discs of the staTs appear. From sinful man to sinless God.
I — ____________ _ _____
You wear the Trowel; do you have The Corner Stone.
That mortar,old and pure By Bro. Robert Morris.
Made on the recipe of God,
Recorded in His ancient Word What is the Masop’s corner-stone?
Indissoluble, sure? Does the mysterious temple rest
And do you spread with Master’s care On earthly ground—from east to west—
The precious mixture here and there? From north to south—.and tMs alone?
You wear the Cross; it signifies
The burden 3esus bore— What is the Mason’s corner-stone?
Who staggering fell, and bleeding rose Is it to toil for fame and pelf,
And bore on Calvary the woe~ To magnify our petty self,
Of all who’d gone before. And love our friends—and this alone?
The Cross! oh, let it say “forgive,
Father, forgive to all that live!’’ No, no; the Mason’s corner-stone-—
My brothers, i±~you will display A deeper, stronger, nobler base,
These emblems of our Art, Which time and foe cannot displace--
Let the great moral that they teach Is FAITH IN Gon—and this alone!
Be engraved, each for each,
Upon your honest heart! ‘Tis this which makes the mystic tie
So they will tell to God and man Loving and true, divinely good,
Our ancient holy, perfect plan. A grand united brotherhood,
—Anon. Cemented ‘neath the All-seeing Eye.

‘Tis this which gives the sweetest tone

A Sprig of Acacia. To Mason ‘s melodies; the gleam
By Bro. Rev. 3. C. Gibson. To loving eyes; the brightest gem
That sparkles in the Mason’s crown.
The Right Honorable Viscount Ridley, Right Worahipful
Grand Master of Northumi~er1and. ‘Tis this which makes the Mason’s grip
Obit. 18th Nov., 1904. A chain indissolubly strong;
Death’s call to Silence calls as well to Rest— It banishes all fraud, and wrong,
The Rest that knows no waking care— And coldness from our fellowship.
The night that ends not in the Soul’s despair,
But breaks in Day Eternal—Ever Blest! Oh, corner stone, divine, divine!
Oh, FAITH IN GOD! It buoys us up,
For one Right Worshipful, at whose behest And gives to darkest hours a hope,
And makes the heart a holy shrine.
Northumbria ‘s Masons, eager, sought to share
The common lot of service and of prayer—
We mourn today—though what is done is best! Brothers, be this your corner.stOne:
Build every wish and hope on this;
Of present joy, of future bliss,
While we, besteal, Acacia sprigs may wear, On earth, in heaveo—and this alone)
Our Brother has but reached the glittering crest
Of earthly mountains—foothills only these.
And right beyond mid lights and forms that please.
The Master of all builders shall invest
The Ronored Brother we are called to spare.

The Twenty-four Inch Gauge.

By Bra. Chas. F. Parshaw, LL. D.
~1 193

What is Freemasonry?
LET us Divide and Measure up our Time, By Bra. Palmer H. Taylor.
In Due Proportions on our way through life
And so be fitted for that Holy Clime ‘‘A soldier on the battlefield was dead
Almost with thirst. The followers of Mars
Which knows no stains of earth•born sin and strife; Have little time for pity, yet one of
Part of the Day in Labour we must spend, The pursuing gave this dying man
Part of the Day seek sweet refreshing Rest; His only cup of water and passed on.
Part of the Day must fervent Prayers ascend Years rolled by, and far away from
To Great Jehovah in His Manhions Blest. That sad field of strife two meet.
Now hear their converse:
If with a contrite heart our pleas arise, Say, Friend, thou art the man. What iianl
If Labour here is well and wisely done, The one who saw the mystic sign and
We gain Eternal Rest beyond the skies, Gave me drink when all my comrades
And have for Due a crown of glory won. Slept in death, or else had left the field
Thus to our Morals we the Gauge Apply Because a force had driven them, and from
And by its teachings even Death defy. That hour till now, in darkness or in light,
Of all the faces I have seen, thine is
The one has held me up as with a more
Than magic spell, Thou art the Man.”
The Trowel.
By Bra. Chas. F. Forshaw, LL. V. Freemasonry Triumphant.
By Bro. Chas. F., LL. V.
AS speculative Masons we adoro
Like as a rock on whom the angry sea
The precepts taught by this most honoured tool; Dashes and charges with vehement roar:
And if we minded well its gentle rule, Repelling still in steadfast majesty—
Our hearts and minds would even Heavenwards soar; Standing erect and noble as before.
In olden ilays our Brethren firmly bound So is our Art on whom its foes would frown;
The stones and lime together by its aid; It little recks the battle-cry of men
Until the edifice, compact and sound, Who knowing not its lustre and renown
Can ne’er discern it with Masonic ken.
Was in all points and parts completely made. It bids defiance to the selfish weak—
But now we use it as an emblem great, Surviving all their paltry scoffs and sneers,
Which firmly binds each true Masonic heart; And casts its Light on darkened ones who see!~
To join us in strong links that nought can part, To find its virtues known three thousand years,
A Mystic Tie which Craftsmen consecrate, Unblemished yet and soaring Heavenwards still.
To deeds which ever will their souls enshrine For on it smiles divine Gicat God’s all perfect wilIl
With love for the Great Architect Divine.

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ceed in all our doings. Grant that the sublime prin-

ciples of Freemasonry may so subdue every discor-
dant passion within us; so harmonize and enrich our
hearts with Thine own love and goodness, that the
Special attention is called to the information con-
Lodge at this time may humbly reflect that beauty
tained in the following pages, which will he found
and order which reign forever hefore Thy throne.
very valuable to the o~cers of Lodges in every juris-
diction in the United States. Amen.
Response—So mote it be.
TEST OATH. Number Four.
I, (A. B.), do hereby and hereon solemnly and sin-
Almighty and all wise Father, the Creator and
cerely swear, that I have been regularly tnitiated,
Governor of heaven and earth, we would humbly ask
passed and raised to the sublime degree of Master
Thy blessing upon this assemblage of Thy children.
Mason, in a regularly constituted Lodge of such; that
Grant that the true spirit of brotherly love and
I am not now under sentence of suspension or expul-
chsruty may so pervade our hearts at all times, that
sion, and know of no just reason why I should uiot
our work while in the Lodge and our lives while
hold Masonic intercourse with my brethren. So help
abroad in the world, may be for the best good of our~
me God.
selves and our fellow creatures, and for the further-
ance of thy honor and glory. Amen.
That May be Used at the Opening of a Lodge. Response—So mote it be.
Number One.
May Heaven’s blessing rest upon this, our meet- Number Five.
Prayer to be Used in Opening a Master Mason’s
ing, tbus bappily begun; may it be conducted in order
and closed in harmony. Amen. Lodge on Special Occasions.
Infinite Jehovah; Builder of the temple of the uni~
Respoase—So mote it be.
verse; Thou Whose dome of stars, Whose visible crea-
Number Two. tion is the temple of outward life; Who has fashioned
Almighty God, grant us grace to so conduct the the strong foundation of the spheres, and reared the
affairs of this Lodge that all we do, and all we think, pillars of the everlasting sky. Thou Who hast from
and all we say, may be inspired by Thy wisdom, to within, shaped every form of life to he the symbol of
the end that we may do Thy will, nnd to Thee shall the real life that is not seen. Oh God, within the tem-
be all honor and glory. Amen. ple of the visible universe, and before the shrine and
Response—So mote it be. altar which Thou hast made and adorned with such
Number Three. wonderful loveliness, we praise Thee, for there are
Supreme Architect of the Universe, in Thy name enshrined all forms of beauty, all the ineffable laws
we have assembled, and in Thy name we desire to pro- that proclaim the majesty of Thy being. But, beyond
the visihle, we would praise Thee in that invisible
I ---

196 197

temple of eternal glories, not fashioned of hands nor ~he everlasting foundation of that God-giveir law—
laws that are perceived, but only fashioned of life the Brotherhood of man—in the family whose Father
eternal, of Infinite truth, and wisdom and knowledge, is God. Our ~ancient and honorable Fraternity wel-
and Love. Unto that temple which is Divine, unto comes to its doors, and admits to its privileges, worthy
that altar which is perfect, before the shrines of the men of all creeds and of every race but insists that
spirit, where Thy light is kindled, we praise Thee;. all men shall stand upon an exact- equality, and re-
praise Thee for the splendor of spiritual truth, praise ceive its ins)ructions in a spirit of due humility, em-
phasizing in demeanor, in conduct, in ceremony and
Thee for the wisdom and knowledge enshrined there,
and for that eternity wherein the soul has its being in language, the helpless, groping r~ature of man at
above all the dross of earth, above the fleeting habi- his birth, an~l his need of reliance upon Divine guid-
ance through all the transactions ,of life. You will
tations of clay. May we learn to find Thee in that
inner temple, seek to know of its Divine purposes, here be taught to divest your mind and conscience of
all the vices and superfluities of life, and the Lodge
until the sacrament of the spirit eulfihled and made
perfect, shall be the eternal recognition of Thy love. into which you are now to be admitted expects you
May every heart bend, every life yield its highest to divest yourself of all those worldly distinctions
and divinest purpose, until the earth, renovated by and equipments which are not in keeping with the
this spirit, shall be the outward symbol of which the humble, reverent and childlike attitude it is now your
spirit is the inner shrine. Amen. duty to assume, as all have done who have gone this
iResponae—So mote it be. way before you.


Previous to the constitutional questions being
pro- In some jurisdictions the following address is
pounded by the Senior Deacon, it is proper Cor the given to the candidate in the first degree by the S. D.
Secretary to give the following address: after the constitutional questions have been pro-
Sec. (May ask.)—Is this your petition and signa- pounded:
ture? (Being sati.sfied, he continues.) Mr. (A. B.), S. 1%—Mr. (A. B.), as you have been elected by a
somewhat of your motives in applying for admissiou unanimous ballot to become a member of our fra-
into our ancient and honorable Fraternity, we have ternity, it becomes my duty to inform you that the
learned from the declaration, over your signature, institution of which you are about to become a mem-
contained in your petition; but, in order that you may ber, is one by no means of a light or trifling nature,
not be misled as to the character or the purpose of but of high importance and deep solemnity. Masonry
the ceremonies in which you are about to engage, the consists of a course of ancient hieroglyphical, moral
Lodge addresses to you these preliminary words of instructions, taught according to ancient usage, by
advice: types, emblems and allegorical figures. Even the cere-
Freemasonry is far removed from all that is triv- monies of gaining admission within these waIls are
ial, selfish and ungodly. Its structure is built upon L~nb1ematic of events which all mankind must sooner

Ut IL —— miii miii ___

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or later experience. They are emblematic, at least in difficulties, and beauty to adorn his moral conduct.
some small degree, of your great and last ehange; of Let Thy Fatherly hand ever be over him, and so lead
your exit from this world to the world to come. him in the knowledge and the obedience of Thy Divine
You are doubtless aware that whatever a man may Laws that, having finished his course below, he may
possess on earth, whether wealth, honor, titles, or at last pass peacefully and joyfully to those man-
even his own merits, can nevex serve him as -a pass- sions prepared for him in Thy Temple above—that
port to the Grand Lodge above; but, previous to his house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
gaining admission there, he must find himself poor Amen.
and penniless~ blind and naked, dependent upon the Response—So mote it be.
will and pleasure of the Supreme Grand Master. He The Following Hymn May be Used in Place of the
must be divested of the rags of his own righteousness the E. A. Degree:
and clothed in a garment for on high. And, in order
TUNE—Auld Lang Syne.
to imprefis this more forcibly upon your mind, it will
Beholdl how pleasant and how good,
be necessary that you be divested of yoar outward
For Brethren such as we,
apparel and clothed in a garment furnished you by
Of the Accepted Brotherhood,
the W. M. of this L. A garment similar to that worn
To dwell in unity.
by all who have gone this way before you.
Are you willing to submit to these regulations? ‘Tis like the oil on Aaron’s head
Cndt.—I am. Which to his feet distills;
I will then leave you in the hands of true and Like Herman’s dew, so richly shed,
irusty friends, who will give you the necessary in- On Zion’s sacred hills.
structions, and properly prepare you for initiation as For there the Lord of Light and Love,
all candidates have been who have gone this way A blessing sent with power;
before you. 0, may we all this blessing prove,
PRAYER B ‘en life for evermore.
Suitable to be Used at the Reception of a Candidate. On Friendship’s altar rising here,
Almighty God, in whom alone is our trust, and Our hands now plighted be,
whose watchful care is ever over us, hless us in the To live in love with hearts sincere,
exercise of those kind and social affections Thou hast In peace and unity.
given us. May we cherish and display them as our Appropriate Addresses to Candidates. Before Taking
honor and our joy. May this, our friend, who is now Obligations.
to become our brother, devote his life to Thy service, FIRST DEGREE.
and rightfully consider the principles of his engage- Number One.
ments. May he be endowed with wisdom to direct Mr. (A. B.), you are now for the first time ad
him in all his ways; strength to support him in all his mitted into a con~ocation of Free and Accept”d
20Q 201

Masons. Here in this house of God, this temple of not moral and upright before God, and of good repu-
brotherly love, and around this sacred Altar, we make tation before the world. Such persons, when asso-
our fraternal vows. On it rests the Holy Scriptures, ciated together, will naturally seek each other’s wel-
which is a text book of our faith and an emblem of fare and happiness equally with their own. That they
our principles. It points us to our coming end; it may doso upon a common platform, and become not
reminds us of our approaching destiny, and it ad- weary in well doing, we obligate them by solemn and
monishes us that our conduct should be upright be- irrevocable ties to perform the requirements’ of, and
fore God and man. He who would bow at our shrine, avoid the things prohibited by Masonry.

should come with clean hands and a pure heart, un- You have been elected by the members of this
biased by Irlends and uninfluenced by mercenary Lodge, upon your own voluntary petition, to become
motives, resolving to dedicate and devote his life to united with us in this great and good work. At your
the service of the everliving God, and become a true entrance into the Lodge, you professed faith in God;
and faithful brother among us. that God whom we, as Masons, reverence and serve.
Are these your intentions? The solemn engagements which you will be required
Cand.—They are. to make before you can participate in our labors and
But before you can be invested with the more val- privileges are made in the name of God, and when
uable secrets of this degree, it will he necessary for once taken they can never be repudiated or laid
V you to take a solemn and binding obligation apper aside.
taming thereto. Such as all Masons have taken be- Yet it becomes my duty as well as pleasure to in-
fore you. And I can assure you there is nothing foim you that this obligation contains nothing which
therein contained that will conflict wfth any of the will conflict with any duty you owe to God, your
duties arising from your various moral and social rela- country; your neighbor or yourself.
tions in life. With this assurance on my part, as the Master of
With this pledge on my part, are you willing to this Lodge, are you willing to proceed?
take the obligation? Cand.—I am
Number Two. Number One.
My friend, for the first time in your life you have Brother (A. B.), you now stand for the second
advanced to the consecratcd Altar of Freemasonry. time before the sacred Altar of Freemasonry, a can-
You stand before us a candidate seeking admis- didate for more light; but before proceeding to invest
sion into our order. But, before going further, be you with the mysteries of this degree, it will be neces~
warned of the solemnity and importance of the step sary, the same as in the preceding degree, for you to
you are about to take. take another solemn and binding obligation to keep
The design of the Masonic Institution is to make sacred and inviolable the secrets belonging to the
its votaries wiser, better, and consequently happier. same. But I am permitted to a~sure you as before,
We receive none knowingly into our order who are that there are no ppints contained therein which will
202 ance on my part, as the Master of this Lodge, are
conflict with any of the duties you owe to God, your you willing to take such an obligation as all others
country, your neighbor or yourself. With this assur- have taken before you~
ance on my part, as the Master of this Lodge, are Gund.—I am
you willing to take such an obligation as all others Number Two.
have taken before you? My brother, you are now advancing to the last and
Cund.—I am highest degree of Ancient Craft Masonry, the sublime
Number Two. ~egree of N. M., and it becomes my duty to inform
My brother, Masonry is a progressive science, and you that before you can proceed further in the cere-
as we advance in knowledge, our obligations to our- monies, you must take a most solemn and binding
selves and to our brethren, correspondingly increase. obligation; and were it not that your trust is in God,
As an E. A., you were simply bound to secrecy, while and you are taught to apply to him for strength and
the holy principles of morality and virtue were incul- wisdom, you might well shrink from assuming it. It
cated by beautiful ceremonies and lectures. As a
can never be repudiated or laid aside. Yet, as before,
F. C. your obligations will be greatly extended; and I am free to inform you that this obligation, like those
like the others, they can never be repudiated or laid
you have heretofore t&ken, contains nothing which
aside. Ye+, as before, I am free to inform you that will conflict with your duties to God, your country,
these new obligations, like those you have heretofore your neighbor, your family or yourself. With this
taken, contain nothing which will conflict with your renewed assurance on my part, at the Mastet of this
duty to God, your country, your neighbor or yourself. Lodge, are you willing to take such an obligation at
With this renewed assurance on my part, as the all M. M. have taken before you?
Master of this Lodge, are you willing to take such an
Gund.—I am
obligation as all F. C. have taken before you?
THIRD DEGREE, The Following Address May be Given Imnied.iately
Number One. After the ‘‘Lights” Have Been Explained
Brother (A. B.), you now stand for the third time In B. A. Degree:

i before the sacred Altar of Freemasonry, a candidate

for further light; but before proceeding to invest you
117. M.—I particularly direct your attention to the
Great Light in Masonry, the Holy Bible. Howsoever
with the mysteries of this degree, it will be necessary, men differ in creed or theology, all good men are
the same as in the preceding degree, for you to take agreed that within the covers of the Holy Bible are
another solemn and binding obligation to keep sacred found those principles of morality which lay the foun-
and inviolate the secrets belong to the same; but I am dation upon which to build a rigbteou~ life. Free-
permitted to assure you as before that there are no masonry, therefore, opens this Book upon its Altars,
points contained therein which will conflict with any with the command to each of its votaries that he
of the duties you owe to God, your country, your diligently study therein to learn th~ way to everlast-
neighbor, your family or yourself. With this assur-
204 205
lug life. Adopting no particular creed, forbidding and social virtue; which introduces peace and good
sectarian discussion within its Lodge-rooms, encourag- will among mankind, and is the center of union te
ing each to be steadfast in the faith of his acceptance, those who otherwise might have remained at a per.
Freemasonry takes all good men by the hand, and, petual distance. So that whoever is warmed with the
leading them to its Altars, points to the open Bible spirit of Christianity, must esteem, mast love Free-
thereon, and urges upon each that he faithfully direct masonry. Such is the nature.of our institution, that,
his steps through life by the Light he there shall find, in all our Lodges, union is cemented by sincere-
and as he there shall find it. attachment, hypocrisy and deceit are unknown, and
If from our sacred Altars the atheist, the infidel, pleasure is reciprocally communicated by the cheerful
the irreligious man, or the libertine shou]d ever be observance of every obliging office. Virtue, the grand
able to wrest this Book of Sacred Laws, and thus object in view, luminous as the meridian sun, shines
remove, or even obscure, the greatest Light in Masonry refulgent on the mind, enlivens the heart, and con-
—that light which has for ccnturies been the rule and verts cool approbation into warm sympathy and cor-
guide of Freemasons—then could we no longer claim dial affection.
for ourselves the great rank and title of Free and Though every man, who carefully listens to the
Accepted Masons. But so long as that Sacred Light dictates of reason, may arrive at a clear persuasion of
shines upon our Altars, so long as it illuminates the the beauty and necessity of virtue, both public and
pathway of the Craftsmen by the golden rays of private, yet it is a full recommendation of a society
truth, so long and no longer can Freemasonry live and to have these’ pursuits continually in view, as the sole
shed its beneficent influence upon mankind. Guard, objects of their association; and these are the laud.
then, that Book of sacred and immutable law as you able bonds which unite us in one indissoluble fra-
would guard your very life. Defend it as yau would ternity.
defend the flag of your country. Live according to
its divine teachings, with its everlasting assurance of SYMBOLISM OF THE FIRST DEGREE
a blessed immortality. (Steps back and advances.) Which May be Given After the Charge.
The first, or E. A. degree of Masonry, is intended,
symbolically, to represent the entrance of man into
If tlie
Candidate be a Clergyman, the Following May the world, in which he is afterwards to become a liv-
be Added to the Charge an the First Degree. ing and thinking actor. Coming from the ignorance
You, brother, are a preacher of that religion, of and darkness of the outer world, his first craving is
which the distinguishing characteristics are universal for light—not that physical light which springs from
henevolence and unbounded charity. You cannot, the great orb of day as its fountain, but that moral
therefore, but be fond of the Order, and zealous for and intellectual light which emanates from the primal
the interest of Freemasonry, which, in the strongest Source of all things—from the Grand Architect of
manner, inculcates the same charity and benevolence, the Universe—the Creator of the sun and of all that
and which, like that religion, encourages every moral it illuminates.—Hencc the great, the primary object

- -- ~ — ~I hEEL
206 207
of the first degree, is to symbolize that birth of intel- since we have been together; and continue to us Thy
lectual light into the mind; and the Entered Appren- presence, protection and blessing. Mako us scnsibl6
tice is the type of unregenerate nian, groping in moral of the renewed obligations we are under to love Thee,
and mental darkness and seeking for the light which and as we are about to separate, and return to our
is to guide his steps and point him to the path which respective places of abode, wilt Thou be pleased so to
leads to duty and to Him who gives to duty its re- influence our hearts and minds, that we may each one
ward. of us practice, out of the Lodge, those great moral
CLOSING PRAYERS. duties which are inculcated in it, and with reverence
study and obey the laws which Thou has given us in
One of theFollowing May be Used:
Thy Holy Word. Amen.
Number One.
Resnonse—So mote it be.
Supreme Grand Master, Ruler of heaven and earth;
now that we are about to separate and return to our The Following Hymn May be U~cd in Place of the
respective places of abode, wilt Thou be pleased so to Lesson in the F. C. Degree.
influence our hearts an4 minds that we may each one
of us practice out of the Lodge those great moral TUNE—What Fairy-Like Music.
duties which are inculcated in it, and with reverence Come, Craftsmen, assembled, our pleasure to share,
study and obey the laws which Thou hast given us in Who ~sork by the Plumb, and remember the Square;
Thy Holy Word. Amen. While tray ‘hag, in love, on the Level of time,
Response—So mote it be. Sweet hope shall light on to a far better clime.
Number Two.
Almighty Father, we ask Thy blessing upon the We ‘Ii seek, in our labors, the Spirit Divine,
proceedings of this communication, and, as we are Our temple to bless, and our hearts to refine;
about to separate, we ask Thee to keep us under Thy And thus to our altar a tribute we’ll bring,
protecting care until again we are called together. While, joined in true friendship, our anthem we sing..
Enable us, 0 God, to subdue every discordant passion

4 within us. May the blessing of heaven rest upon us

and all regular Masons. May brotherly love prevail,
and every moral and social virtue cement us. Amen.
Response—So mote it be.
Sec Order and Beauty rise gently to view,
Each Brother a column, so perfect and ttuel
When Order shall cease, and when temples decay,
May each fairer columns immortal survey. -
Number Three.
Supreme Architect of the Universe, accept our
humble thanks for the many mercies and blessings 0, welcome, brother, to our land,
which Thy bounty has conferred on us, and especially Though strong its numbers now;
for this friendly and social intercourse. Pardon, we And high its lofty pillars stand,
beseech Thee, whatever Thou hast Been amiss in us And noble arches bow.

208 209

us ever remember that the great objects of our Fra-

Now let our ardent prayers arise,
ternity are the restraint of improper desires and pas-
For blessing on his brow.
And bear our offerings to the skies, sions, the cultivation of an active benevolence, and
the promotion of a correct knowledge of the duties
For him who joins us now.
we owe to God, our neighbor, and ourselves. Let uu
be united, and practice with assiduity the sacred
0, welcome, if thy heart be truc,
tenets of the Craft. Let all private animosities, if
Thou’lt find with us a home;
any unhappily exist, give place to affection and
We’re -daily adding columns new,
brotherly love. It is a useless parade to talk of the
Unto our glorious dome.
subjection of irregular passions within the walls of
SYNThOLISM OF THE SEQOND DEGREE the Lodge if we permit them to triumph in our inter-
Which May be Given After the Charge. course with each other. Uniting in the grand design,
If the object of the first degree be to symbolize let us be happy ourselves, and endeavor to promote
the struggles of a candidate groping in darkness for the happiness of others. Let us cultivate the great
intellectual light, that of the second degree repre- moral virtues which arc laid down on our Masonic
[; sents the same candidate laboring amid all the diffi- Trestle-board and improve in everything that is good,
amiable, and useful. Let the benign Genius of the
culties that encumber the young beginner in the
attainment of learning and science. The Entered Mystic Art preside over our councils, and under her
sway let us act with a dignity becoming the high
Apprentice is to emerge from darkness to light—the
Fellow Craft is to come out of ignorance into knowl- moral character of our venerable institution.
edge. This degree, therefore, by fitting emblems, is
The Following Ode May be Sung in Place of the
intended to typify these struggles of the ardent mind
Lesson in the M. M. Dcgrce~
for the attainment of truth—moral and intellectual
truth—and, above all, that Divine truth, the compre- TUNE—Bonny Doon.
hension of which surpasseth human understanding, Let us remember in our youth,
and to which, standing in the middle chamber, after Before the evil days draw nigh,
his laborious ascent of the winding stairs, he can Our great Creator and his truth,
only approximate by the reception of an imperfect Ere memory fail and pleasures fly;
and yet glorious reward, in the revelation of that Or sun or moon or planets light,
‘‘hieroglyphic light which only Craftsmen ever saw.” Grow dark or clouds return in gloom;
CHARGE AT OPENING. Ere vital spark no more incite;
When strength shall bow and years consume.
The ways of Virtue are beautiful. Knowledge is
attained by degrees. Wudom dwells with contempla-
ict us in youth remember him,
tion. There we must seek her. Let us then, brethren,
Who formed our frame, and spirits gave,
apply ourselves with becoming zeal to the practice of
the ercellent principles inculcated by the Craft. Let Ere windows of the mind grow dim,
210 211

Or door of speech obstructed wave; their songs of praise, and laud his name who death
When voice of bird fresh terrors wake, preferred than faithless prove, than trust betray.
And music ~s daughters charm no more, Yet, though well kept, his secret stands revealed.
Or fear to rise, with trembling shake, I read it thus: the Masonic secret is in these three
Along the path we travel o’er. words contained :—Truth, Honor, Fortilude. (Low-
twelve Bell strikes.)
In youth, to God, let memory cling, But hark! The tuneful bell rings out the hour of
Before desire shall fail, or wnne, meeting. My comrades come. Now must we hasten
Or crc be loosed life’s sil ver string, away, bearing our heavy burden of remorse.
Or bowl at fountain rent in twain;
Number Two.
For man to his long home doth go,
And mourners group around his urn; ‘Tis yonder from Mount Moriah I have come,~ filled
Our dust tb dust again must flow. with soulful remorse, not knowing whether it is better
And spirits unto God return. to tarry or to flee. But, histi I am nearing the spot
of the present concealment of the body, after having
prepared a place to hide more completely from human
sight forever the victi7m of our crime. Dreaming
Number One.
I The horrid deed is done I Here, col~1 nud mute,
visions of the past, the present and the future are
flying through my distracted brain; but I will tarry
wrapped in the icy cloak of death, the Master sleeps. here and await the appointed hour, for the horrid deed
No more the pageantry and pomp of power. No more is done!
the crowd of craftsmen hastening to do his deep Here, cold and mute, wrapped in the icy cloak of
designs. No more the temple rising proudly from the death, the Master sleeps. No more the pomp and
hills and beckoning the heavens to rest upon its pageantry of power; no more the many craftsmen
stately columns. No more will this his high ambition hurrying hither and thither to do his deep designs.
gratify. Oh death untimelyl Yet, oh timely death! Yet under the direction of the masterful mind, the
Wrested from life while fresh his honors clustered, Temple in all its grandeur and beauty has arisen,
before the fetid breath of calumny had marred the towering over the hills and beckoning the heavens to
splendor of his name, or slander smirched the worth rest upon its stately columns. No more shall this, his
of his achievements. high ambition gratify. Oh death, untimely! Yet, oF
He has fallen, yielding up life rather than break timely death! Wrestled from life while fresh hb
his vow. Surrendering all—a~fl that the world holds honors cluster; before the fetid breath of calumny
dear; life, power, riches, everything; but holding fast had marred the splendor of his name, or slander
to his Masonic secret. smirched the glory of his achievements.
0, rare integrity! Oh, fortitude most grand! To He has fallen, yielding up his life rather than
him in future years will countless thousands raise break his vows; surrendering all that tho world holds
This Charge May Follow an Explanation of the
—power, riches, life itself, yet holding fast to his
‘‘Last Class of Emblems.”
Masonic secret. Oh, integrity most rare! Oh, forti-
This, my hrother, may soon designate our last rest~
tude most grand! To him in future years shall count-
ing-place in that everlasting and silent ahode, that
less Masons raise songs of praise to laud his name.
haven of rest, that peaceful home, ‘‘where the wicked
Oh, death preferred, rather than faithless prove,
cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.’’
rather than trust betray. Yet, though well kept, his
Brother, be ever mindful of that great change,
secret is revealed. I read it thus: The secret of a
when we shall he called from ]abors on earth to that
Master Mason is contained in these three words:—
everlasting refreshment in the paradise of God.
Truth, Honor, a~d Fortitude. (Low-twdve Bell strikes.)
Let me admonish you, in the most serious manner,
But, hark! The tuneful bells ring out the hour of in reference to the close of life, that, when the cold
meeting, but where are my accomplices in crime? Oh, winter of death shall have passed, and the hright
ye Gods! Must I alone, in the gloom of the midnight summer morn of the resurrection appears, the Sun
hour, in ghostly presence come? of Fightoeusness shall descend and send forth His
angels to collect our ransoined dead then, if *e are
found worthy, by the henefit of his ccpfl5S~~ we shall
gain a ready admission into that celestial Lodge
Solemn strikes the fun ‘ral chime, ahove, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe
Notes of our departing time; presides, where we shall see the King in the heauty
AB we journey here below, of holiness, and with him enter into an endless
Through a pilgrimage of woe! eternity.
Some Masters Add the Follow]ng:
Mortals, now indulge a tear, Thus, hrother, we close our -lecture o~ the emblems
For Morta]ity is near! with the solemn thought of death. We are all born
See how wide her trophies wave to die; we follow our friends to the brink of the
O’er the slumhers of the grave! grave, and standing on the shore of a vast ocean, we
gaze with exquisite anxiety until the last struggle is
Here another guest we hring; qver, and we see them sink into the fathomless ahyss.
Seraphs of celestial wing, We feel our own feet sliding from the precarious
To our fun ‘ral altar come, brink on which we stand, and a few more suns, and
Waft this friend and brother home. we wi]] be whelmed ‘neath death~’s a~vful wave, to
rest in the stifly shades, and darkness and silence will
Lord of all! be]ow—above— reign around our melancholy abode. But is this the
end of man, and of the aspiring hopes of a]l faithful
Fill our hearts with truth and love;
Masons? No! Blessed be God, we pause not our feet
When dissolves our earthly tie,
at the first or second step; but, true to our principles,
Take us to Thy Lodge on high.
look forward for greater light. As the emhers of mor. already glisten on our foreheads, with joy shall we
tality are faiutly glimmering in the sockets of exist•
ohey the summons of the Grand Warden of Heaven,
ence, the Bible removes the dark cloud, draws aside and go from our lahors on earth to everlasting re-
the sable curtains of the tomb, hids fatth and hope freshments in the Paradise of God. Then, by the
arouse us, and cheers and animates the departing
benefit of the pass—a pure and hiameless life—with
spirit. It poiuts beyond the silent toinh, and bids us a firm reliance on Divine Providence, shall we gain
look with faith and confidence upon the opening scenes ready admission into that Celestial Lodge above,
of our eternity. where the Supreme Grand Warden forever presides—
CHARGE TO THE LODGEL forever reigns. When, placed at his right hand, he
will be pleased to pronounce us just and upright
And now, my hrethren, let us see to it, and so
Masons, then shall we he fitted as living stones for
regulate our lives by the plumb-line of justice, ever
that spiritual temple, “that hbuse not made with
squaring our actions by the square of virtne, that
hands, eternal in the heavens,’’ where no discordant
when the Grand Warden of Heaven may call for us,
voice shall he heard, hut all the soul shall exper[ence
we may he found ready; ]et us cultivate assiduously
the noh]e tenets of our profession—hrotherly love, shall he perfect bliss, and all it shall express shall be
relief, and truth—and, from - the square, learn perfect praise, and love divine shall enpoble every
morality; from the level, equality; from the plumb, heart, and ha]lelujahs exalted employ every tongue.
rectitude of life. Let us imitate, in all his various

1 perfections, him who, wben assailed by the murderous

band of rebellious craftsmen, maintained his integrity,
even in death, and sealed his pledge ~vith his own
In cases where an actual gift is made of an apron,
one of the following addresses may with propriety he
used after the candidate has received the Master
hlood. Let us emulate his amiahie and virtuous con•
Mason ‘s degree, and after the charge:
duct, his unfeigncd piety to God, his inflexible in•
** Lambskin, or White Leather Apron. It is
tegrity to his trust; and as the ever-green that
an emblem of innocence and the hadge of a Mason,
bloomed at the head of the grave hetokened the p]ace
more ancient than the Golden F]eece or Roman Eagle,
of his interment, so may virtue’s everb]ooming loveli•
ness designate us as Free and Accepted Masons. more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any
With the trowel, spread liberally the cement of other order that could be conferred upon you, at this
hrotherly love and affection; and, circumscrihed by time or any future period, by king, prince,.potentate
the compasses, let us ponder well our words and ac• or any other person except he he a Mason.
tions, and let all the energies of our minds and the It may he that, in the coming years, upon your
affections of our souls he employed in the attainment hrow will rest the laurel leaves of victory; from your
of our Supreme Grand Warden’s approbation. Thus~ hreast may yet hang jewels fit to grace the diadem
when dissolution draws nigh, and the oold winds of of an Eastern potentate; nay, more than these, with
death come sighing around us, and his chilly dews light added to the coming light, your ambitious feet
may tread round after round of the ]adder that leads

216 217

to fame in our mystic circle, and even the purple of thought and life of men, who today lend dignity and
our fraternity rest upon your honored shoulders; but stability to our Craft;, while hefore us lies the future,
never again from mortal hands—never again, until resplendent with The lirightest hope.
your enfranchised spirit shall have passed upward At your initiation, and at the very threshold of
and inward through the pearly gates, shall any honor this Lodge, you were taught thal the lamliskin was an
so distinguishdd, so emh]ematical of purity and all emhlem of innocence and the hadge of a Iviason.
perfection, he bestowed upon you, as this which I The king, wrapped in his purple rohes; the judge,
clothed in his ermine; the statesman, crowned with
now confer. Let its pure and spotless surface be to
you an ever-present reminder of an unblemished the laurel wreath of fame, as well as he with sunburnt
purity of life and rectitude of conduct; a never-end- ftce, who earns his dai]y bread by the sweat of his
ing argument for nohier deeds, for higher thoughts, brow, have each deemed it an honor to wear this
for purer actions. emblem of innocence, this badge of a Mason.
And when at last your weary feet shall have come To keep alive the memory of this occasion, the
to the end of their toilsome journey, and from your brethren of this Lodge have requested me to present
nerveless grasp shall drop forever the working tools you with such an apron. Now the sunlight of hope
gladdens your heart, and the vigor of health and
of life, may the record of your life and conduct be as
manhood is pictured upon your countenance, yet on
pure and spotless as this fair emblem which I now
place in your hands. It is yours to wear throughout the morrow your eyes may he closed in eternal sleep,
an honorahie life,, and at your death be placed upon and then this apron will he laid upon your coffin.
the coffin which shall enclose your lifeless remains, But as Thug as life shall last, my lirother, wear it so
and with them he laid beneath the clods of the valley. that no word of reproach will ever come to you, or
the Fraternity which has entrusted it to your keeping.
And when at last your tremhuing soul stands naked
Accept it, then, with the hiessing and henediction
and alone hefore the Great White Throne may it be
of those who surround you.
your portion, oh, my lirother, to hear from Rim who
Finally, when the fateful hour comes, on which
sitteth as the Judge Supreme, the welcome words,
you too must descend into the narrow house, into that
“Well done, good and. faithful servant. Enter thou
hatter life, whose hullows kiss the eternal shore, may
into the joy of thy Lord.”
it he in the words of the poet:
BY PAST GRAND MASTER C. C. ROGERS. “Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
‘‘Masonry is a song of the human ~ Along ahout him and lies down to pleasant dreams.”
its pathway, for centuries, courageous, manly men BY PAST GRAND MASTER EUGENE S. ELLIOTT.
have trod the Master ‘s carpet, drawing their inspira-
I now have the p]easure of presenting you with
tion from its sacred treasures of poetry, philosophy,
the lamliskin or white apron. It is an emblem of
tradition, art, science, history. Backward lies the
innocence and tbe hadge of a Mason, more ancient
past upon whose milestones are inscribed the wisdom
than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle, more honor.
of our Masonic lore. About us, the transcendent

218 219
kg winged its flight’ to tbat house not made with
ahie than the Star and Garter, when worthily worn.
hands, and when amid the tears and sorrows of sur-
And, from a time when the memory of man runneth viving relatives and friends, and by the hands of
not to the contrary, this emblem, plain and un-
sympathizing Brother Masons, your body shall he
adorned, has been the peculiar clothing of all Free
lowered to the confines of that narrow hduse ap-
and Accepted Masons. The prince commanding the
pointed for all living, it will still he yours, yours to
resources of empires and the citizen toiling in he placed with the ever-green upon the coffin which
humhle ~toverty, have alike worn it with the con-
shall enclose your remains, and he huried with it.
sciousness that it has lightened the lahors of the one,
And may you so wear this emblem of spotless
and added dignity to the powers of the other. It
white, mj brother, that no act of yours shall stain its
may he that you are, or yet will be, so firmly in-
purity or cast reflections upon an institution which
trenched in the hearts of your fell6w men, and so has outlived the fortunes of kings and mutations of
deserving of their gratitude, that they will elevate
il you to the highest positions of honor, trust and emolu• May you so wear it and so live, my hrother, that
ment, and cause your name to he inscribed high upon
“when your summons comes to join that innumerahle
the pillars of worldly fame.
caravan which moves to the pale realms of shade,
But never before have you had, and never again,
where each shall take his chamher in the silent halls
my hrother, will you have a higber mark of favor
of death, thou go not like the quarry slave at night,
and confidence hestowed on you than this, which I,
scourged to his dungeon, but soothed and sustained
as the representative of these brethren, and oC the
by that unEaltering trust, approach thy grave ]ike
Craft throughout the world, am ahout to hestow~
one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him
This emblem, worn hy King Solomon wheft and lies down to pleasant dreams.”
arrayed in all his glory, and wbieh invested with
additional dignity the immortal Washington, and SYMBOLISM OF THE THIRD DEGREE
which has heen eagerly sought and wo~thi1y worn by Which May be Given After the Charge.
the hest men of your own generation, I now present Your representation of our G. M. H. A. is a type
to you. If you disgrace it, the disgrace will be aug- of the upright man through life. Endowed, like the
mented by the consciousness that within this Lodge widow’s son, with intellect and power to carry out
you have heen taught the principles of n correct and the designs of the Grand Architect of the Universe,
moral walk. he enters hy the South Gate upoi~ the sunny period
Its spotless white is emhlematical of that purity of youth; here he is met hy 4lurements which, like
of life and uprighteousness of personal manhood the ruffian, would turn him from the path of duty,
which, we hope and expect, will hereafter distinguish but deaf to the siren tones, and sustained by the un-
you in all your social and personal affairs. It is erring dictates of a monitor within, he moves on to
now yours to wear, so long as the vital spark of life the West Gate, or middle period of life; here he is
shall animate your mortal frame, and when at last, assafled by misfortune, hy dispase, and trials, tempt-
whether in youth, manhood or age, your spirit bar-
ing him to hetray his trust, hut with fidelity too
preceding degrees before entering upon the vast field
deeply rooted to he shaken hy the vicissitudes of
of truth presented in the suhlime degree of ****
fate, he treads the way of life unfalteringly, and
Your admission among ~ in a state of hlindness
arrives in age at the East Gate, that opening through and destitution was emhlematical of the entrance of
which he looks out upon a hetter and hrighter world.
all men upon this their mortal state of existence,
Rere he is met hy the inexorahle enemy to wbom all
when, weak and helpless, they are necessarily de-
must yield. At the fatal blow of death he sinks to
pendent upon others for protection and life.
the dust and is hurried in the ruhhish of his earthly As the nohlest emotions of the soul are called
nature, hut not forever
forth by helpless infancy, so is the degree of
By the acacia or evergreen that hloomed at the intended to inculcate the striking lesson of natural
head of his grave, we are reminded of that immortal equality and mutual dependence. It taught you, in
part which survives the tomh, and as the remains of the active principles of universal henevolence and
our lamented hrother were raised from their humhle ~hnrity, to seek a solace for your own distress by
resting-place hy the S. G. of the Grand Master and affording comfort and consolation to your fellow-
carried as near the unfinished S. S. as the Jewish law creatures in the hour of their affliction. It enabled
would permit, so when we are called from these you to free your mind from the dominion of pride
earthly tahernacles may we be conveyed to the Holy and prejudice; to look beyond the narrow limits of
i of Holies, there to rest secure in the protecting love human institutions, and ‘tO view in every son of Adam
of our Heavenly Father, through the boundless realms a brother of the dust. Ahove all and beyond all, it
of a never-ending happiness. taught you to hend with reverence and humility he-
fore the G. A. 0. T. U., to dedicate to Him your heart
SYMBOLISM OF THE THIRD DEGREE thus pu4fied from every malignant passion, and to
Which May be Qiven After the Emblems Have prepare your mind for the reception of truth aud
Been Explained. wisdom.
Thus have I rehearsed to you the legend of the Proceeding onward, still guided hy the principles
n””, a history venerated as a reminiscence of dayr of hrotherly love, relief, and truth, you were passed to
long past, and regarded hy Masons with peculiar rev- the degree of ****, where you were enabled to contem-
erence, not so much for the history itsclf, as for the plate the intellectual faculties; io trace them from
solemn and suhlime doctrine it is intended to impress their origin through the paths of heaven-horn science,
on our minds—the resurrection of the body and the even to the throne of God Himself. The secrets of
immortality of the soul. nature and the principles of moral truth were there
If, unveiled hefore you. You learned to place a just
But in order that you may fully comprehend and estimate upon those wondrous faculties wherewith
appreciate the intimate connection of the entire
God has endowed the creatures formed after his own
- system, hy the relative dependence of its several imnge, and you feel the duty He has imposed upon
parts, I will hriefiy review the teachings of the two
you of cultivating those divine attributes with unre-
222 223

mitting care and attention, that yon may therety he strong in faith and hope, he presses forward on life’s
enahled to -glorify Hini and render yourself a con~ journey to meet his second and still more powerful
trihutor to the happiness of mankind. enemy, his ****~ fitly represented hy sorrow and mis-
To the man whose mind has thus been molded to fortnne, hy disease; and poverty, hy the coldness of
virtue and science, Nature presents one more great false friends and the hostility of open enemies.
and useful lesson—the knowledge of himself. She Weary and faint from the conflict, still struggling
leads him by contemplation to the closing hours of for tbe right, upward looking with &ye of faith,
his existence; and when, by means of that contempla- though these enemies may he subdued, yet must he
tion, she has conducted him through the various wind- meet, in the evening of his days, his last and terrible
ings of this mortal life, she finally instructs him how enemy, his ****~ To him this enemy is death—death,
to die. She leads him to reflect upon his inevitable from whom there can he no escape—death, hefore
destiny, and prompts the inward monitor to say that whom all must yield, whether they he the young, the
death has no sting equal to the stain of falsehood, beautiful, or the gifted—like a relentless enemy,
P and that the certainty of death at any time is pro- Insisting upon having his victim.
ferahle to the possihility of dishonor.
To the careless and thoughtless the lesson woeld
Of this great principle **** affords a glorious end here; hut the upright and true will pursue it
example in the unshab en fidelity and nohle death of further, and apply it to the eternal salvation of his
G. M. H. A., and I trust it will be a striking lesbon to soul, so beautifully typified hy the evergreen sprig of
us all, should we ever he placed in a similar state of acacia, whicb teaches us, that although our frail
trial- hodies must, sooner or later, moulder in the hosom of
And now, my Brother, let us symholize the death our mother earth, yet tbrough the merits of the divine
of G.M H A., and apply his preparation for and promises contained in the Great Light of Masonry,
readiness in facing death to ourselves. we may confidently hope that our souls will bloom in
The legend informs us that after he had drawn immortal green.
his designs upon the Trestle-hoard, he was heset hy
Eemember, then, that as the hody of G. M. H. A.
three * *** each in turn more powerful and determined
was huried in tbe ruhhish of the Temple, so must
than the other, who finally overcame him and took
Ki his life. yours he huried in earth’s friendly hosom; as he was
raised, so likewise must you he raised—not, indeed,
Thus it is with man. Strong in youth and confi
hy the hrotherly grip of an earthly master, but at
dent in his strength, he starts forth to execute the the awful command of Him who rules the heaven and
design which he has drawn upon the great Trestle-
the earth, and in answer to whose summons and word
noard of his life; hut at tbe very outset he meets his
graves will he opened, seas give up their dead, and
first enemy, his ‘“‘~ in his own evil passions—in all the profane and the initiated will stand hefore
- envy, hate, licentiousness, and dehauchery—defacing His judgment-seat in the Grand Orient of the Uni-
the heautiful mirror of his soul hy their haneful in- verse, to render unto Him their dread account.
fluences But these may he overcome; and, still


224 225

Then, my Brother, let truth and justice, religion tnat you have here lahored in vain, and spent your
and piety, he your constant aim and end. Let the strength for naught; for your work is with the Lord
and your recompense with God.
If Temple which you have this evening partly raised,
he so heautiful, so adorned with Charity’s choicest Finally, hrethren, he ye all of one mind; live in
jewels, and so acceptahle to the All-Seeing Eye, that peace, and may the God of love and peace delight to
when, at the close of a virtuous life, you are sum- dwell with and hless you.
moned hence hy the Omnific Word, you may be ad-
mitted to that glorious and celestial Temple, that
May the blessing of heaven rest upon us and all
house not made with hands, whose architect is the
regular Masons. May hrotherly love prevail, and
G. M. 0. T U., whose throne is tim eternal heavens.
every moral and social virtue unite and cement us.
Brethren: You are now to quit this sacred re- Response—So mote it he.
treat of friendship and virtue, to mix again with the
world. Amidst its concerns and employments, forget I
not the duties you have heard so frequently incul-
cated and forcihly recommended in this Lodge. Be
diligent, prudent, temperate, discreet. Remember MASONIC GLOSSARY
that, around this altar you have promised to hefriend AARON. The first Jewish H. P.

and relieve every hrother who shall need your assist~ ABDA. Father of Adoniram.
ance. Remember that you have promised to remind Aars’. A Hehrew word, signifying “his father;” as
him, in the most tender manner, of his failings, and Huram his father.
aid in bis reformation. Vindicate his character, when If
ABRAHAM. The founder of the Hehrew nation.
wrongfully traduced. Suggest, in his hehalf, the ABRAM. Another name for Ahraham.
most candid and favorahle circumstances. Is he AcAcrA. The acacia of Freemasonry is supposed to be
justly reprehendedi Let the world observe how the Mimosa Nilotica of Linnaeus, an evergreen
Masons love one another. shruh, which grew in abundance in Palestine. it is
II These generous principles are to extend further. sometimes, hut erroneously, written ‘as.sia, a f rag-
Every human heing has a claim upon your kind rant herh or spice.
offices. Do good unto all. Recommend it more espec- Accapran. Equivalent to “initiated.” It originally
ially to the household of the faithful. alludod to the admission, or acceptance, of those
By diligence in the duties of your respective call- who were not operative Masons.

ings; by liheral benevolence and diffusive charity; AcHAD. An ancient city on the Euphrates.
hy constancy and fidelity in your friendships, dis- ADMONITION. A reprimand, or reproof. The lightest
cover the heneficial and happy effects of this ancient recognized Masonic punishment.
and honorahle institution. Let it not he’ supposed ADONAI. A word said to hare heen substituted by the
226 227

Jews for the name of Deity, which latter they were ANCIENT CRAF~t MASONRY. The degrees of Entered
forbidden to pronounce. Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, are
ADONIRAM. An officer at the huilding of the Temple. the only degrees which were anciently practiced by
ADOPvIvx MASONRY. Degrees estahlished for females. the craft, and are therefore called Ancient Craft
Principally of French invention. So called because Masonry.
lodges of such were required to he adopted hy, or ANCIENT MASONS. In 1739, severnl hrethren, who had
under the guardianship of, some regular Masonic heen expelled hy the Grand Lodge of England,
lodge. estahlished an independent Grand Lodge, took upon
ADVANCED. J?romotion to a higher degree Specially themselves the title of ‘‘Ancient” Masons, and stig-
applied to promotion from Master Mason to Mark matized the old Grand Lodge as ‘‘Moderns.” After
Master. an unhappy experience of seventy4our years, a
AFFILIATED. A Mason is said to he affiliated when he is Union was effected, (1813), under the present name
a member of some lodge. of The United Grand Lodge of England.
AFFILIATION. The act of receiving a memher. A pro- ANDERSON. James Anderson, D. D., the compiler of the
fane is initiated, hut a Mason is affiZia~ed. first printed Book of Constitutions, was a native of
AcE. The symholic age of an E. A. is three years; of Scotland, but for many years minister of the Scotch
a F. C., five years; and of a M. M., seven years. Preshyterian church in Swallow Street, Piccadilly,
AmMAN REzoN. The title of the Book of Constitu- London.
tions of the “Ancient” Masons of England, as com• ANDROGYNOUS MASONRY. Degrees invented for the
piled hy Lawrence Dermott. initiation of males and females. So called from two
AHISHAR, or ACIIISHAR. The steward or chamherlain Greek words, signifying man ~and woman. First
of King Solomon. estahlished in France in 1730, under the name
AHOLIAn. A Hehrew weaver. “Lodges of Adoption.” The degrees of Good
ALARM. In Masonic language, the signal announcing Samaritan, Heroine of Jericho, East.ern Star, etc.,
the approach of a candidate for admission. are of this class.
ALPHA. The first letter of the Greek Alphahet. ANER. A Hehrew Chief.
AMosirrE. A Canaanite. ANNIVERSARY. The t*o anniversaries of Ancient Craft
AMPLE FORM. When the Grand Lodge is opened hy the Masonry, are the festivals of St. John the Baptist,
Grand Master in person, it is said to be opened in June 24, and St. John the Evangelist, Decemher 27.
“ample form;” when hy the Deputy Grand Master, ANTI-MASONRY. The name given to the semi-political
it is in “due form;” and when hy any other officer, crusade against Masonry which commenced in the
it is simply ‘‘in form.’’ State of New York in 1826, where it was alleged,
ANCIENT CRAROES. “The old charges of the Free and one William Morgan had been murdered by this
Accepted Masons,” incorporated by Anderson into Fraternity, for disclosing the Masonic secrets. It
his Book of Constitutions. They are a part of the spread to other States, and raged with great vio-
fundamental law of Masonry lence for some ten years.
i -

228 229
APRANISM. That part of the ceremonies of the Ancient a pair of compasses somewhat extended, of tha first.
Mysteries which represented the concealing of the Crest, a castle of the second.”
hody. The Arms of Royal Arch Masonry, in this coun-
APPRENTICE. The first degree in hlasonry. try, are as follows: Party per cross vert voided or;
APRoN. This is the peculiar ‘‘hadge of a ~ in the first quarter, azure, a lion rampant, or, for
The true Masonic apron is a pure white lamliskin, the trihe of Judah; in the second, or, an ox passant,
fourteen to sixteen inches wide, and twelve to four- sable, for Ephraim; in the third, or, a man erect,
teen inches deep, with a fall, or ‘‘flap,” three to ploper, for Reuhen; in the fourth, azure, a spread
four inches deep; square at the hottom, and without eagle, or, for Dan. Crest, an ark of the covenant;
ornament. It is usually edged with hlue for the and supporters, two cherahims. all proper. Motto,
symnholic degrees, and with scarlet for the Royal “Holiness to the Lord.’’
Arch. ARMY LODGE. Sec Traveling Lodge.
ARCANA. Secret things; mysterious. ASHLAR. “Freestone as it comes out of the quarr~y.”
ARcH 01’ STEEL. In the French rite the Grand honors —Bailey.
are conferred hy two ranks of hrethren elevating ASSEISBLY. Previous to 1717, the annual meetings of
and crossing their drawn swords. In councils of the craft were usually called ‘‘General Assemblies.’’
Knights of the Red Cross, in this country, the ASTRRA. The Goddess of Justice.
Soverign Master usually enters and leaves the coun- ASYLUM. Strictly the easterly or inner part of the
cil chamher under an arch of steel. room in which a hody of Knights Templar hold their
ARABIA. A country in Asia. meetings. Generally the place of meeting of an
ARARAT. A mountain in Western Asia. Encampment, or Commandery of Knights Templar.
ARbOR. A king of Ellaser. ArsiLlEa (French.) A Lodge. A workshop.
ARK. The ark is a symhol of the divine presence and ATHEIST. One who does not helieve- in the existence of
protection. The original, ark of the covenant was God.
ahout three feet nine inches long, two feet three ATHOL MASONS. Those who, in 1739, seceded from the
inches wide, and the same in depth, overlaid, within Grand Lodge of England, and were, from 1776 to
and without, with pure gold. In the ancient mys- 1813, under the Grand l!dastership of the Duke of
teries, the ark was used as a coffin to receive the Athol. AJso called “Asicient rilasons.”
hody of the candidate, and was an emblem of regen- AT~rOUCHEMENT (French.) A grip.
eration or resurrection. AUGUST. A title sometimes given to the Royal Arch
ARK AND Dovx. A “side” degree, preparatory to the degree.
Royal Arch, hut seldom conferred. AIIM, Atni, or ON. The Hjndoo and Egptian name of
ARMS OF FREEMASONRY. Bailey says, “The Masons the Deity.
were incorporated ahout the year 1419, having been Avoucn. See Vouch.
called the Freemasons. Their ~rmorial ensigns .are, BA.BEL. A Iiehrew word, signi~ring confusion.
azure on a chevron, hetween three castles argent; BABYLON. An ancient city on the Euphrates.

230 231
BALLOT. Originally, a little ball; in modern usage, also the death of the “builder;” and in the Rose Croix,
a written or printed ticket, or vote. A blank slip of to the crucifixion.
paper is not a hallot. BLAZING S’r~am. An emhlem of Divine Providence.
BANNERS. In the Royal Arch Chapter, the Royal Arch Sometimes (hut incorrectly) explained as referring
Captain carries a white banner, as an emhlem of to the ‘‘Star in the East.’’
purity; the Master of the Third Veil, a scarlet ban. BLUE. Emhlematic of universal friendship and henev-
ncr, an emhleni of fervency and zeal; the Master of o]ence, which should he as extensive as the hlue
the Second Veil, a purple banncr,—an emnhlem of vault ~f heaven. The appropriate color of the first
union; the Master of the First Veil, a hlue hanner, three degrees of ancient craft masonry.
—an emhlem of universal friendship and benev- BLuE MASONRY. The degrees of E. A., F. C., and
olence. M. M., are sometimes called Blue Masonry; and
The four principal hanners of the Israelites ~were lodges of such, Blue Lodges.
as follows: That of Judah was a lion; that of Boaz. The name of the left-hand pillar that stood at
Ephraiin, an ox, that of Reuhen, a man; and that of the porch of Solomon’s Temple.~ It signifies in
Dan, an eagle. Hehrew, ‘‘in strength.’’
BAsiFOOT. See DiscalceaUon. BONE. From a Hehrew word, signifying “huilder.”
BATHEOL. A voice from the Holy of Holies which Supposed to refer to the builder of the Temple
made known the will of God.
BooK o~ CoasTxTu’rIoNS. A hook containing the his-
BEAUSEANT. A hanner composed of a black and a
tory, charges, and regulations of the Masonic fra-
white horizontal stripe, which was home into hattIe
ternity. Used also as a symhol of silence and cir-
by the ancient Templars. It signified white and fair
to friends, (or Christians), hut black and terrib’~ to
their enemies. BooE OF THE LAW. The Holy Bihie is among Chris-
BEEHIVE. An emhlem of indnstry tian Masons, tbe Book of the Law. In Engli2h
lodges it is opened in the first degree at Ruth iv, 7;
BELA. An ancient city in Asia.
in the second, at Judges ~ii, 6; and in the third, at
BEL, BAAR, or BUL. The Chaldean and Phoenecii’n 1 Kings vii, 13, 14. In the United States, it is
name of God. usually opened at Psalm cxxxiii, in the first degree;
BEZALEEL. One of the huilders of the Ark of the Cove- Amos vii, 7, 8, in the second; and Eccleciastes, xii,
nant. 1-7, in the third.
BENAC A corrupt form of a Eehrew word signifying BRAZEN SERPENT. A symhol of life, or of the resurrec-
‘‘the huilder.” tion to a new life.
BLACE. A symhol of grief and mourning. Among BI*~ASTPLATE. A piece of embroidery, about nine or
Knights Templar, it refers to the execution of their ten inches square, set with twelve precious stones, in
Grand Master, Jacques de Molay; in the “elu” four rows, and worn by the Jewish High Priest on
degrees of the Scotch and’ other rites, it refers to his breast.
232 233
BRIGHT MASON. One who is familiar with the Ritual; their Order, in 1118. Anno Ordinis,—in the year of
a good workman. ~he Qrder. With them 1910 was A. 0. 792.
BROACHED THURNEL. An old name for the Rougb To find the Ancient Craft date, add 4000 to the
Ashlar. Also called the Brute Stone. vulgar era; to find the date of the Scotch rite, add
BROKEN COLUMN. An emblem of the fall of a support, 3760, and after September add one year more; to
or supporter. find the Royal Arch date, add 530; to find the Royal
CABALA. A mystical science or philosophy of the and Select Master’s date, add 1000; to find the
ancient Jews; occupied in the mystical interpretation Knights Templar date, subtract 1118 from the nil-
of the Scriptures, and in speculations ctmcerning tha gar era.
Deity and the spiritna] world. Much used in the CAPITULAR. Relating to the Chapter.
‘philosophical” degrees of, so called, Freemasonry. CENTRE. English Lodges of lvi. M. are declared to be
C~r~-Tow. - An embl’ematic cord or band. The sym- ‘‘opened on the centre.’’
bolic length of an E. A. cable-tow is three English CHAMBER OF REFLECTION. A small room adjoining a
miles. Lodge, or Asylum, in which the candidate is placed,
CALENDAR. The ~?ork and French rite Masons date preparatory to initiation.
from the creation of~ the world,—’ ‘Anno Lucis,’’ CHAPTER. A convocation of Royal Arch Masons.
or A. L., in tile year of light. With them the year CHISEL. One of the working tools of a Mark Master.
1910, was A. L. 5910. CIRCUMAMBITLATION. Procession around the altar.
The Ancient Scotch rite Masons use the Jewish CLANDESTINE. Not legal.

chronology. With them the year 1910 was -A. M. CLAY GROUND. See 1 Kings vii. 42; and 2 Chron
(or Anno Mundi,—in the year of the world) 5670. iv. 17.
They also adopt the Hebrew months, lind their year CLOTHED. A Mason is properly clothed when he wear
ends on the 16th of September. white gloves and white leather apron.
COFFIN. In the ancient mysteries, the candidate was
Masons of the York rite begin the year with placed in a pastos, or coffin, as a symbolical death;
January;. but in the French rite it begins with
and his deliverance was termed a raisiimg from the
Royal Arch Masons date from the building of the COMMANDER. The first officer in a Commandery, or
second temple, by Zerubhabel in 530 B. C. With Encampment of Knights Templar.
them 1910 was A. mv. (Anna Inventionis,—in the COMMUNICATIONS. Meetings of lodges are caUed corn
year of the discovery,) 2440. municatiomis.
Royal and Select Masters properly (late from the CoMP~IoN. A title bestowed by Royal Arch Masons
completion of Solomon’s Temple; Anno Deposi- upon each other.
tionis,—in the year of the Deposit. With them 1910 COMPASSES. An implement of Masonry. An emblem
was A. Dep. 2910. of virtue.
Knights Templar date from the organization of CoNSTrruTIoN. When a lodge has been duly conse-

- - J1 it I I[HinLUJUU ________
234 235
Crated, and its officers installed, it is said to be (JRUE ANSATA. A cross surmounted by a circle; a sym-
legally constituted.
bol of eternal life.
CONVOCATION. Meetings of Chapters of Royal Arch CRYPT. A subterranean vault.
Masons are styled convocations.
CRYPTIC MASONRY. A term applied to the degrees of
COPESTONE. The topmost stone in a building.
Royal anti Select Master.
CORN. A symbol of plenty; also o~ the resurrection. DAMASCUS. A city in Syria.
CORNER-STONE. The first stone in the foundation of DARKNESS. Emblematical of ignosance.
every important building. In ancient times it was
DEACON. An officer in a Blue Lodge.
always laid in the north-east corner. DEDICATION. 1~4 asonic halls are dedicated, or set apart
CORNUCOPIA. The horn of plenty. A symbol of by solemn rite, to Masonic purposes. Masonic lodges
abundance. are solemnly dedicated, qr inscribed, to St. John the
COUNCILS. Meetings of Royal and Select Masters, of Baptist and St. Jobn the Evangelist; Royal Arch
Knights of the Red Cross, and of Princes of Jeru- Chapters, to Zerubbabel; Councils of Royal and
sa]em, are called Counci]s. The first three officers
Select Masters, to King Solomon; and Command
of a Chapter of Roya] Arch Masons, or Council of
eries of Knights Templar, to St. John the Almoner.
Knights of the Red Cross, are sometimes designated
DEGREE. A step, grade, rank, or title.
as the Grand Counci]. -
DELTA. A triangle.
COWAN. One of the profane or uninitiated. From the DEMIT. To let fall. To withdraw or release from mem-
Greek word kuon, a .dog.
CRAFT. Occupation, art, or trade; also the persons, colt
DEPUTY GRAND MASTER. The assistant, and in his
lectively, who practice it. The whole body of Free- absence, the representative of the Grand Master.
DERMOTT, LAWRENCE. Grand Secretary, and afterward
CRAFTED, or PASSED. Advancement to the second Deputy Grand Master, of the so called ‘‘Ancient
degree. York Masons,” who seceded from the Grand Lodge
CRAFTSMAN. A Fellow Craft. of England, in 1739. Also author of the Ahimar.
CREATED. When a candidate receives the degree of
Knight of the Red Cross, Knight Templar, or
Knight of Malta, he is said to be “dubbed and
uished writer and lecturer. The second Grand Mas-
created.’’ ter after the reorganization of Masonry in 1717.
CROSS. An emblem of regeneration.
With Dr. Anderson, he compiled the earliest form
CROSS-LEGGED MASONS. Knights Templar have been of Masonic lectures now extant.
called ‘‘cross-legged Masons” in allusion to the
DISCALCEATION. The ceremony of taking off the shoes,
ancient custom, in laying out the body of a Templar as a token of respect, or reverence, when on, or
after death, to cross one leg over the other. approaching a holy place, or holy ground.
Caow. One of the working too]s of a Royal Arch DISPENSATION. Permission from the Grand Master, or
Mason. his representative, to do that which, without such
236 237
permissiou, is forbidden by the constitutions, by- FAITH. The first round, or step, in the theological lad-
laws, or usages of the order. der of a Freemason.
Dr~x GUARD. A reminder of solemn vows. FEAST. The “annual feast” of the craft is held on
P EAR OF CORN. An emblem of plenty.
the 24th of June, or the 27th of ~ecember, at which
EAST. Symbolically, a place of light.
no business is in order except the installation of
EASTERN STAR. A ‘‘side” degree, conferred upon Mas- officers.
ter Masons, their wives, widows, daughters, and sis. FELLOw CR&rr. The second degree of ancient craft
ters. masonry.
FIDES. The goddess of Fidelity, or Faith.
EMBLEM. A picture, or figure, representing one thing
FIDELITY. Represented by two right bands joined; or
to the eye and another to the understanding. A by two human figures holding each other by the
symbol; a type. rigbt hand.
ENCAMPMENT. A regular assembly of Knights Templar.
FLOATS. Pieces of timber, made fast with rafters, for
Also called a Commaudery. conveying burdens down a river, with the stream.
ENTERED. Received, admitted, or initiated; as FREE-BORN. Not born a slave.
‘‘Entered Apprentice.’’ FanE-MASON. Originally, one who was free of the com-
ENTERED APPRENTICE. The first degree in Free- pany or guild of incorporated masons. Those opera-
masonry. tive masons not thus free were not permitted to
EPHOD. A garment worn by the high priest over the. work with those who were.
tunic~ and outer garment. A distinctive mark of FREEMASONRY. “A beautiful system of morality,
the priesthood. veiled in allegory, and illusttated by symbols.’’
EPERAIM. A tribe of Israel.
Old Lecture.
E~o~’r. An initiate, or eye-witness~
FURNITURE OF A LODGE. The Holy Bible, Square, and
ESOTERIC. Secret, or mysteriousi
ESSENES. A sect among the Jews; supposed by some
GAVEL. From gavael, a hold or gra sp. A stone-mason’s
writers to have been descendants of the Freemasons
hammer, with a form similar to the gavel or gable
of the Temple. end of a house.
EUPHRATES. A river in Asia.
GESERALISSIMO. The second officer in a Commandery,
EXALTED. Elevated, or lifted up. Applied to one who or Encampment, of Knights Templar.
receIves the degree of Royal Arch Mason. GWLIM, GIHALIM, or GHThI~IM. From gebal, a mason,
EECLUSIO~I. To debar, or prohibit a Mason from en- or stone-squarer.
tering a Lodge, or from meowership. GLOBE. A symbol of the universe.
EXOTERIC. Public; exterior. GOLGOTHA. From a Hebrew word, signifying “a skull.”
E~XPULSION. The highest recognized Masonic penalty. The place of a skull.
GOTHIC CONSTITUTIONS. Regulatiosis adopted in 926,
EYE. A symbol of the Omnip’esent Deity.
at a General Assembly of the craft in the city of

238 239

HIRASAITES. A name sometimes applied to Freemason8.

York, England. So called because written in the
indicate their descent from Hiram the Builder.
old Gothic character. HOLY OF HOLIES. The innermost, and most sacred,
GooD SAMARITAN. A “side’’ degree, given to Royal
part of the Temple of Solomon.
Arch Masons and their wives,—St. Luke x. 30-35.
HONORABLE. The title formerly given to the degree of
GRAND EAST. The place of meeting of a Grand Lodge,
Fellow Craft.
or other Grand Masonic body.
HONORARY DEGREES. Degrees conferred as an “honor-
GRAND LODGE. The highest body known in Ancient
arium,” or reriard, upon attaining certain offices;
Craft Masonry; and consisting of its own officer;
as Past Master, and High Priesthood.
and the Master and Wardens of every lodge in its
HOI’E. The second round or step in the theological lad-
- Masonic jurisdiction.
der of a Freemason.
GRAND MASTER. The presiding officer of a Grand Lodge.
HOST, CAPTAIN OF THE. An officer in a Chapter of
GREAT LIGHTS. The H9ly B~hle, Square, and Com-
Royal Arch Masons.
passes. HOURGLASS. An emblem of human life.
GREEN. Emblematical of tiuth.
IDIOT. An idiot, or “fool,” cannot be made a Free-
GUTTURAL. From the Latin gut tur, the throat. Sym- mason.
bolically suggestive of temperance. IkMANUEL. A Hebrew word signifying “God with
HAH. A Hebrew word siguifying “the.”
HAIL. To salute; to call to. See Hale.
IMMOVABLE JEWELS. According to the English lecture;
HALF. From a Saxon word, signifying to conceal, hide, and Webb, these are the rough ashier, the perfect
or cover. Sometimes, but incorrectly, spelled ashier, and the trestle-board; but according to the
‘‘hail.’’ Baltimore Masonic Convention of 1843, they are the
HEAL. One who has received the degrees in a clandes- square, level, and plumb. The first named are the
tine body, is lwaled by passing threugh the cere-
better authority.
InOnic9 in a legally constituted body.
IMPOSTOR. A deceiver, one who imposes.
HEROINE ~F JERICHO. An American “side’’ degree,
INDENTED TESSEL. The ornamented border which stir-
conferred upon Royal Arch IVlasons, their wives, and
rounds the Mosaic pavement. The tessellated border.
HioN PRIEST. The presiding officer of a chapter of INDUCT. To introduce. Past Masters are inducted Into
Royal Arch Masons. the Oriental Chair of King Solomon.
HIGH PRIESTHOOD. An honorary degree, or order, con- ~INEFFABLE. Not to be spoken, or expressed. Applied
ferred only on the High Priest of a Royal Arch to all the degrees above Master Mason, in the
Chapter. French and Scotch rites.
HIGH TWELVE. Twelve o’clock M., or noon. INITIATE. To begin; to instruct in the rudiments.
HIRAM. A name sometimes given to the gavel used by Proper]y applied to reception into the first degree of
the Master of a lodge. Freemasonry. -


240 241
I. N. B. I. Jesus Nararenus Rex Judaeorum; Jesus of
Nazareth, the King of the Jews. JOSHUA. Son of Nun and successor of Moses (impro-
INSIGNIA. Badges, Jewels, or distinguishing signs of perly used for Jeshua.)
office. JEWEL. According to a Masonic tradition, the jewel of
INVESTITURE. In ancient craft masonry, the presenta- Hiram Abif was the square and compasses, with the
tion of the white apron to a candidatej letter G between.
IREEGTJLAa~. Illegal, disorder]y, contrary to established JOBANNITE MASONRY The system of Masonry which
rules. dedicates all lodges to the two Sts. John.
ISH CHOTEEB. Hewers of stone in the Tyrian quarries. JOHN’S BROTHERS. The “Charter of Coke,” or
—Oliver. Hewers of timber on Mouuit Lebanon.— Cologne,—an old Masonic manuscript,—states that
Mackey. previous to the year 1440, the Masonic society was
[SH SAn&I.. Bearers of burdens at the building of the known by the name of John’s Brothers, but they
Temple. then began to be called Free and Accepted Masons.
ISH SOUDY. From the Hebrew, ish sodi, “a man who is JOPPA. The seaport where the timber for the Temple
my confidant, or familiar friend.” Masonically, was landed, when brought down on floats from
a select Mason.” Mount Libanus.
IzAsnri. Properly Zabud.—1 Kings iv. 5. JUDAH AND BENJAMIN. The only ones of the twelve
JACHIN. The right-hand pillar that stood at the porch tribes who returned, under Zerubbabel, to rebuild
of Solomon’s Temple. From the Hebrew jah, the second temple.
“God,” and iachin, “will establish;” “God will JUNIOR WaRDEN. The third officer in a lodge of
establish.” Ancient Craft Masonry.
JACQUES DR MOLAY. The Grand Master of Knights KADOSH. A Hebrew word, signifying holy, consecrated.
Templar, who was burned at the stake, in France, The name of a degree, or degrees, more or less con-
March 18, 1314, on the pretended charge of idolatry, nected with the Knights Templar.
and other enormous crimes. KEy. An emblem of power. I

JAM. The Syriac name of God; and Hebrew abbrevia- KEY-STONE. That stone of an upright arch which,
tion of Jehovah. being the last put in, keys or loclis the whole to-
JEDIDIAH. The last king of Israel. gether.
JEIIOSIIAI’HAT. In the ancient rituals, lodges were KING. The second officer in a Royal Arch Chapter~
fig~iratively said to be situated in the valley of
KNIGHT OF MALTA. The Knights of St. John of Jeru-
salem; or, Hospitallers of St. John; afterward
JEHOVAH. The ineffable name of God. In Hebrew it
called Knights of Rhodes, and finally Knights of
consists of four letters, and is hence called the tetra-
Malta, were founded in 1048, at Jerusalem. They
were at first known as Brothers of St. John; or
~rEsHUA. The associate and colleague of Zernbbabel, in
building the second temple; a Jewish H. P.

242 2~3
degree conterred on]y on Knights Templar, as
ness to light symbolizes the transition from a state
Knights of Malta.
of ignorance to that of knowledge.
KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS. A masonic order of
LILY. An emblem of purity. Also the symhol of
knighthood, given in the United States as prepara- divinity, abundance, and of “a love most complete
tory to the degree of Knight Templar. in perfection.’’
KNIGHT TEMPLAR. An order instituted just previous LILY-WORK. Lily-work, from its whiteness, denotes
to 1118, at Jerusalem. First known as Poor Fellow- peace.
SoldIers of Jesus CllrIsi; afterwar:t as Knights LINE. One of the working tools of a Past Master.. An
Templnr. emblem of moral rectitude.
LABOR. Prom its opening to its c]osing, a lodge is said
to be at labor. When, in the course of the meeting, LION’S PAW. A symbol of strength.
a recess takes place, the lodge~ is said to be ‘‘called LODGE. A regularly-constituted body of Freemasons.
from labor to refreshment.’’ Also used to designate the room in which such a
LANDMARKS. The unwritten, unrepealable, and un- body assemhles.
changeable, laws and customs of Freemasonry. LODGE OF INSTRUCTION. An assemhly of Freemasons
LECTURE. The formula or arrangement in which the
for the purpose of improvement, hy means of fre-
ceremonies, traditions, and instructions appertain• quent rehearsals of the work and lectures. They
ing to a degree, are set forth. First arranged in may be merely temporRry organiz~ions, without
catechetical form in 1720, by Drs. Desaguliers and written authority, or regularly held under a dlispen-
Anderson. sation, or warrant from the Grand Lodge.
LECTURER. One duly authorized to instruct lodges~ LOGIC. The art of reasoning.
LEGEND. A narrative, fable, or myth. A traditional LOWEN. Probably signifying a clown, or a low fellow.
tale. One unworthy to he admitted to masonic fellowship.
LESSER LIGHTS. The sun, moon, and Master of the Low TWELVE. Twelve o’clock P. M.; or midnight.
lodge. LUSTRATION. A purification by water.
LEVEL. An emblem of equality. One of the working LUX. Light.
tools of a Fellow Craft. LUX E TENEBRIS. “Light out of darkness.’’
LEWIS. (In Fretich, Louveteau.) The son of a mason. MAC. Probably from the Hebrew mak, ‘ rottenness;”
Also an instrument used for raising large stones, but said to signify ‘‘is smitten,’ ‘—from the Hebrew
and found in the English ritual upon the tracing- macha, to smite.
board of the E. A., as an emblem of strength. MAM. The Hebrew interrogative, ‘‘what?’’
LIHANUS. Th~ Latin name for Lebanon. MAHER-~HALAL-HASH-BAZ. Four Hebrew words which
LIBATION. To taste; to pour out as an offering. The Isaiah was ordered to write uppn a tablet. They
solemn pouring out as an offering to the gods. signify, “make haste to the prey; fall upon the
LIBERTAS. A Latin word, signifying liberty. spoil.”
LIGHT. A symbol of kslow]edge. Bringing from dark- M~xs~. Synonymous with initiate.
244 245
MALLET. One of the working, tools of a Mark Master. MATURE AGE. Same as “Lawful Age.”
MANNA. A Royal Arch symbol. MEDITERRANEAN PASS. A side degree, nometsmes con-
MANUAL. Relating to the hand. ferred on Royal Arch Masons.
MARK. The tessera hospltalas, or pledge of friendship MEETINGS. The meetings of a lodge are properly
of a Mark Master. termed d~communications.~~ They are either
MARK MASTER. The fourth degree in the York rite; “stated,’ ‘—i. e. those regular meetings provided
and the first degree conferred in American Royal for in the by-laws; or “special,’ ‘—i. e. those con-
Arch Chapters. vened at other times, for special purposes.
MASON. A worker in stone. According to common cus- MELITA. The ancient name of the Island of Malta.
tom, the name is synonymous with Freemason. MEMPHIS, RITE or. A so.called Masonic rite, estab-
MASON ‘S DAUGHTER. An androgynous degree, of lished in Paris, in 1839. It consists of ninety-one
American invention, given to Master Masons, their degrees.
wives, widows, unmarried sisters, and daughters.— MENATZCHIM. The 3300 oversee~s at the building of
John, chapters xi, xu. the Temple.
MASTERS CARPET. Same as ‘Floor-Cloth, which see. MIDDLE CHAMBER. I Kings vi. 5, 6, 8.
MASTER IVIASON. The third degree in all the different MILITARY LODGES. See Traveling Lodges.
masonic rites. The true summit and perfection of MISRAIM, RITE OF. A rite of ninety degrees, composed
ancient craft masonry. in 1805, and established in France in 1814.
MASTER OF A LObGE. The presiding officer in ~a blue MITRE. A kind of cap worn by the High Priest of a
lodge. His title is ‘‘Worshipful Master.’’ Royal Arch Chapter.
MASTER 91’ CAVALRY. An officer in a Council of Knights MODERN MASONS. See Ancient Mason8.
of the Red Cross. MONITOR. A book containing the exoteric portions of
MASTER or CEREMONIES. An officer in European lodges, the Masonic ritual, together with the general regula-
whose duties are principally to introduce Visiting tions, emblems, etc., of the order. A manual of in-
brethren, prepare the lodge-room for the business struction.
and work, and officiate in a similar manner at ban. MOPSES. A name assumed by the Freemasons in Ger-
quets. many, after the bull of Pope Clement xii.; in 1738,
MASTER OF DISPATCHES. The Secretary in a Council forbidding the practice of Freemasonry.
of Knights of the Red Cross. MORIAH (Mount.) This name originally included the
MASTER or FINANCES. The Treasurer in a Council of whole mountain on which the city of Jerusalem was
Knights of the Red Cross. built, but was subsequently confined to that portion,
MASTER OF INFANTRY. An officer ‘in a Council of or eminence, on which the Temple vvas erected.
Knights of the Red Cross. MOSAIC PAVEMENT. An inlaid or tessellated work, in
MASTER OF THE PALACE. The third officer in a Council imitation of painting, formed of stones, etc., of
of Knights of the Red Cross. different colors. One of the symbolic ornaments of
MASTERS of the VEILS. See Veils and Banners. a lodge, a~.d an emblem of human life.

246 247

MosT EXCELLENT MASTER. The sixth degree in the Lodge. An honorary degree conferred upon a Mas-
York rite, or third degree in American Royal Arch ter at his installation into office. A degree con-
Chapters. ferred in chapters, as a prerequisite to the degree
Mosv WORSHIPFUL. The style of a Grand Lodge, and of Royal Arch Mason.
also of its presiding officer, the Grand Master. PASTOS. From a Gicek word, signifying a couch. See
MOVABLE JEWELS. According to Webb, the square, level, Coffia.
and plumb. PECTORAL. Pertaining to the breast.
MYSTAGOGUE. The one who presided at the Ancient PEDAL. Pertaining to the feet.
Mysteries; also called the hierophant. PEDESTAL. The base or foot of a column. The altar of
MYSTERIES. Those religious rites of the ancients whose a lodge.
ceremonies were conducted in secret. A secret wor- PENCIL. According to the English ritual, one of the
ship. working-tools of a Master Mason.
MYSTES. An initiate. PENNY. The Mark Master ‘s penny was a Roman coin,
MYSTIC. Secret; sacredly obscure. equal to twelve-and-a-half cents American currency.
NAKED FEET Going with naked feet was always con- PERFECT ASHLAR. A stone of a true square. One of
sidered a token of humility and reverence. the jewels of a lodge.
NEOPHYTE. A beginner; a tyro; a young disciple. PICRAXE. One of the working-tools of a Royal Arch
NE VARIETUR. “Lest it should be changed.” Mason.
NOACHJDA.E, or NOACKITES. Sons of Noah. Sometimes PLENTY. Symbolized in Masonry by an ear of corn, or
applied to Freemasons. sheaf of wheat.
NORTH. Masonically, a place of darkness. PLUMB. One of the working-tools of a Fellow Craft.
OBLATION. An offering; a sacrifice. An emblem of uprightness.
Om. One of.. the elements of consecration. A symbol POMEGRANATE. A fruit. From its numerous seeds it
of prosperity, happiness, or gladness and peace. is sometimes used as an emhlcm of plenty.
ON. An Egyptian appellation of the sun, which they POMMEL. A ball, or knob.
worship as the Suprenie Deity POT OF INCENSE. An emblem of a pure or fervent
ORIENT. The East. The place where a lodge is situ. heart.
ated. PURSUIvANT. An officer in some Grand Lodges whose
ORIENTAL CHAIR. The seat of the W. M. is sometimes duty is to announce the names of Visitors.
called the “oriental chair of King Solomon.” PRELATE. The sixth officer in a commandery of Knights
ORNAMENTS. The ornaments of a lodge ,ire the Mosaic Templar.
pavement, tbe indented teasel, and the blazing star. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS. The Master and Wardens of a
OVERSEERS. Office’rs in a Mark ~odge. lodge. -

PASSED. Equivalent to ‘‘crafted,” as ‘‘passed to the PRIORY. The Scotch name for a commandery of
degree of Fellow Craft.” Knights Templar.
PAST NASTEL One who has served as Master of a Blue PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE. A Grand Lodge situated in
248 249
an English Province, but subordinate to the Grand REFORMED HELVETIC RITE. A modification of the “Re-
Lodge of England, which exercises ~i supervisory formed Rite,” as introduced into Poland, in 1784,
power over its proceedings. and adopted by the Grand Orient of Poland.
PROvINcIAL GRAND MASTER. The presiding officer in a REFRESHMENT. See Labor. The term had its origin in
Provincial Grand Lodge. He is appointed, by the the English custom of providing refreshments at
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England. the close of each meeting of the lodge.
PROXY. A substitute; a representative. REGALIA. The ornamental dress, badges, Jevvels, etc.,
PUEFz~. Emblematical of union, being produced by worn by members of societies, or by high officers and
the union of blue and scarlet. See Banners. dignitaries. See Clothed. - -

PYTHAGORAS. A native of Samos, born about 568 B. C., REGULAR. Legal; orderly; instituted or initiated
who, after visiting Chaldea and Egypt, established according to established rules.
a celebrated school of philosophy in Crotona, Magna RIGHT ANGLE. An angle of ninety degrecs, or the
Grecia. His instruction was both exoteric and fourth part of a circle. See Square.
esoteric; was arranged into three degrees; and in RIGHT HAND. An emblem, or symbol, of fidelity, which
many respects bore a striking similarity to Free- see.
masonry. RIGHT SIDE. The right side of a man’s body, has, from
QUALIFICATIONS. The qualifications of candidates for the remotest periods, been deemed superior to the
Freemasonry are of three kinds only,—mental, left. Dexter, or right, also signifies propitious;
moral, and physicals and sinister, or Left, unlucky.
QUARTERAGES An old name for the quarterly dues of RITE. An ordinance, ceremony, or form. The method,
a member of a lodge. order, and rules observed in the performance and
RABBONI. Master (John xx. 16); or ‘‘most excellent government of a Masonic system, or series of
master.” degrees.
RAISED. A term used to designate the rcception of a
RITUAL. Pertaining to, or consisting of, or prescribing
candidate into the third degree,—alluding to a par-
rites. The ritual of Freemasonry comprises the
ticular part of the ceremonies.
forms of conducting the public and private cere-
RECEIVED. Those admitted to the sixth degree of the monies of the order.
York rite are said to he ‘‘received and acknow-
ROLL. A record, a list, of the names of the members
ledged” as Most Excellent Masters.
of a lodge.
RECORnER. The recording officer in a Command~ry Qf
Knights Templar, and in a Council of Royal and ROSE. An emblem of silence and secrecy. Sub rosa,—
Select Mastersj ‘‘under the rose,” ox secretly.
RED CROSS KNIGHT. A knight of the Eel Cross. ROSICETJCIANS. A secret society, seci, or cabal, of her-
REFORMED RITE. A rite of five degrees, established at metical philosophers, established in Germany, about
Wilhelmsbad, Germany, in 1782, by a convention of - A. D. 1400. They had no connection whatever with
Masons. It is still practiced by a few lodges. Freemasonry
250 251

ROUGH ASHLAR. A stone as it comes from the quarry— lem.’’ It is very probable that the early lodges
rough, and unfinished. were dedicated to this saint, and not to either or
ROYAL ARCH. The seventh degree in the York rite, as both of the preseaf patron saints of American
practiced in this country; or fourth degree con- lodges.
ferred in American Royal Arch Chapters. Called SALT. A symbol of wisdom and learning, also of per-
also the Holy Royal Arch. petuity and incorruption.
ROYAL ARCH CAPTAIN. The sixth officer in a Royal Arch SANCTUARY. That part of the Temple between the
Chapter. Holy of Holies and the porch.
ROYAL ART. Freemasonry is sometimes thus called, SANCTUM SANCTORUM. Same as Holq of Holies, which
from the fact that Royal persons have so often see.
stood, and still stand, at the head of the craft. SASH. The sash is of doubtful appropriateness in Blue
ROYAL MASTER. A modern degree, explanatory of the Masonry; but if worn, the appropriate color is blue.
Royal Arch, and conferred in a Council of Royal For Royal Arch Masons, the proper color~ is scarlet;
and Select Masters. for Knights of the Red Cross, green; for Knights
RULE. An embl~m in the degree of Past Master. Templar, black.
SAINT JOHR ‘S DAY. The 27th of December is com- SCARLET. Emblematical of fervency, and Real. The
monly spoken of as the “Festival of St. John the appropriate color of the Royal Arch degree.
Evangelist,’’ or ‘‘Anniversary of St. John the SCHEOR DEE’S RITE. A rite established in Germany, in
Evangelist; ‘‘ and the 24th of June, as ‘‘Saint 1766, by one Schroeder.
SAINT JOHN’S MASONRY. The first three degrees are ACCEPTEn RITE. A rite of 33 degrees, said to have
sometimes called ‘‘St. John’s Masonry.’’ They are been organized in France early in the 18th century,
so styled by the Grand Lodge of Scotland. when it was claimed to have been originally insti-
SAINT JOHN. Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the tute’l in Scotland; hence its title, ~‘Scotch” rite.
Evangelist,—to whom all American ~V1asonic lodges It is now more usually designated the Ancient Scotch
are dedicated,—are styled the “Holy Saints John.’’ Rite, or Ancient and Accepted rite.
SAINT JOHN OF JERUSALEM. See St. Jo/ia the Atmoner. SCRIBE. The third officer in a Royal Arch Chapter.
SAINT JOHN THE ALMONER. The saint to whom En- SKULL AND CROSS-BONES. Emblems of mortality.
campments of Knights Templar are dedicated. He SCYTHE. An emblem of Time.
was a son of the King of Cyprus; was Patriarch of SECRETARY. The recording officer in a Blue Lodge,
Alexandria; and quitted his country, and the hope and in a Royal Arch Chapter.
of a throne, to go to Jerusalem, vyhere he foundeil SECRET MONITOR. A side degree, of American origin,
a hospital, and organized a fratermty to attend conferred by and upon Master Masons.
upon sick and wounded Christians. He has been
canonized - by both the Greek and Roman churches.
as, “St. John the Almoner, or St. John of Jerusa-
Ss~aEcT MASTER. A degree explanatory of the Reyal
Arch, and conferred in a Council of Royal and
Select Masters.
252 253
SENIoR WARDEN. The second officer in a Blue Lodge.
the far-famed “mysteries” of Paganiem, which,
SENTINEL. An officer of a Chapter of Royal Arch
though orig~na]ly founded on similar principles with
Masons, Council of Knights of the Red Cross, and
what is now denominated Speculative Freemasonry,
Encampment of Knights Templar. His duties are became contaminated and corrupted by idolatry, or
similar to th9se of the Tiler of a Blue Lodge. f~lse worship.
SERPENT. A symbol of Divine Wisdom;. or, when ex-
SQUARE. An angle of ninety degrees, or the fourth
hibited as a circle, of Eternity. part of a circle. One of the working tools of a Fel-
SETTING-MAUL. An emblem in the third degree. Some-
low Craft.
times confounded with the common gavel of an
STANnARD BEARER. An officer in a Council of Knights
Entered Apprentice.
of the Red Cross, and also in a Commandery of
SHEREL. A Hebrew coin, or weight, equal in value to
Knights Templar.
one-half of a dollar. STAR. in hieroglyphical language, a star denotes a god.
SHEKINAH. - A beam of glory. A symbol of Divine
The five-pointed star in the third degxee alludes to
the five points of fellowship. See Blaz&ng Star.
SHIBBOLETH. A Hebrew word, signifying “waters,” Srxi’. A degree. A certain position.
or a stream of water. STEWARDS. Officers in a Blue Lodge, whose original
SHOE. To put off the shoes anciently ~implied rever- duties were to provide the refreshments, and assist
ence. To take off a shoe and give it to another, in dispensing them. At the present time, in Ameri-
sigui~ed the confirmation of a contract. Ruth iv
can lodges, they act principally as assistants to the
7, 8. See Discalceation.
SHOVEL. One of the working tools of a Royal Arch
STEWARD’S Lonox. An English lodge, composed of
those who have been stewards in the Grand Lodge.
Siux DEGREES. Degrees not acknowledged as legal or
SUBLIME. An epithet applied to the degree of Master
regular, and which have no proper connections with Mason, and alluding to the sublimity of the doe-
the Masonic ritual. tlrines of the resurrection and immortality, which are
SKIRRET. A pin, or pointed tool, attached to a chalk
-‘taught in that degree.
line, and used in the English lodges as one of the
SUBSTITUTE Woan. A word substituted in place of one
working tools of a Master Mason.
whieh was lost.
SODALITIES. Fraternities, or brotherhoods, of congenial
SUCCOTH. A town of Judea, thirty-four miles north.
east of Jerusalem.
SoRRow LODGES. Special meetings held to commem-
SUPER EXCELLENT MASTER. A degree conferred in
orate the virtues, and deplore the loss, of departed
Councils of Royal and Select Masters in Wisconsin,
members, or distinguished worthies of the fraternity.
and some other states, after tbe select Master.
SOVEREIGN MASTER. The presiding officer in a Council
SUPPORTS. Symbolically speaking, a lodge is supported
of Knights of the Red Cross.
by three grand pillars, denominated Wisdom,
SPURIOUS FREEMASONRY. A name sometimes applied to
Strengtl~, and Beauty.

254 255
SwEDENBORO, RITE OF. A rite of six degrees, insti- THREE STEPS. An emblem in the degree of Master
toted in 1783, by the Marquis de Tliome, and still Mason.
practiced in some lodges in the north of Europe. TILER. An officer in a Blue Lodge, whose duty is to
SwxnIss~ RITE. A rite of twelve degrees, practiced by guard the entrance to the Lodge.
the Grand Lodge of Sweden. TOKEN. A sigu, mark, or symbol. A sign or grip of
SWORD BEARER. An officer in a Council of Knights of recognition.
the Red Cross, and in a Commandery of Knights TRACING-BOARD. See Floor-cloth.
Templar. TRAVELING FREEMASONS. Asociations of traveling arti-
SYMBOL. Anything cognizable by the senses that repre- sans, who, under the name of “Free and Accepted
sents something moral or intellectual; an emblem; a Masons,” perambulated Europe, during the middle
type; a sign; a token. ages, for the p01-pose of erecting religious edifices.
SYMBOLIC DEGREES. The degrees of E. A., F. C., and TRAVELING LODGE. A Lodge attached to the army, and
M. M. The remaining degrees are principally his- authorized to open and work wherever the regiment
torical. to which it is attached may chance to be. Also
SYMBOLIC LODGE. A lodge in which the first three de- called “Army Lodge,’’ and “Military Lodge.”
grees are conferred. A Blue Lodge. TREASURER. The finance officer in a Blue Lodge, and
TABERN aCLE. The room in which a Chapter of Royal other Masonic bodies.
Arch Masons meet. TRESTLE BOARD. In operative masonry, the board on
TATNAI and SHETHAR-BOZNAI. Two Persian gover- which the master workman draws his designs, to
nors who opposed the attempts of the Jews to build direct the craft in their labors. One of the immov-
the Temple. able jewels of a lodge.
TAU CROSS. A cross in the form of the Greek T. The TRIANGLE. A symbol of the Deity.
cross of St. Anthony. See Triple Tau. TRrPLE TAU. A figure formed by three tau crosses
TEMPLARS. See Knights Tern plar. meeting at a point. See Tau Cross.
TEMPLE. Order of the. An order of eight degrees in TROWEL. One of the working tools of a ~daster Mason.
France, claiming to be regularly descended from the The jewel of a Select Master.
Knights Templar. TUBAL-CAIN. The son of Lamech; the first person who
TESSELLATED BORDER. The border which surrounds the wrought in iron and brass; the inventor of edge-
Mosaic pavement. See Mosaic Pavement. tools. The Vulcan of the Pagans.
TESSERA HOSPITALIS. A token or pledge of friendship TWENTY-FOUR-II~CH GAUGE. One of the working tools
and hospitality. A mark. of an Entered Apprentice.
THREE GLOBES, Rite of the Grand Lodge of. A rite of Tmx. A city of Phoenicia, on the ~Jediterranean,
ten degrees, practiced by a large number of lodges ninety-three miles northerly from Jerusalem.
in Germany, under the immediate an~ indirect URIM and THUMMIM. Two Hebrew words, siguifying
authority of the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes, ‘‘Light and Truth.”
at Berlin. URN. A memorial of death.
VEILS. The veils of the tabernacle were of four colors, can lodges. So named from the city of York, where
blue, purple, scarlet, and white. See Banners. In the first Grand Lodge of England was held. The
Royal Arch Masonry, the first three ~cils are under York Rite originally - consisted of only the three de-
the charge of officers called ‘‘Masters of the Veils.’’ grees of Ancient Craft Masonry; but the following
VERITAS., A Latin word, signifying trath. degrees are now generally classed as belonging to
Voucn. To bear witness; to attest, declare, affirm. this rite:
WAND. A rod or staff of office, or authority; a slender 1. Entered Apprentice.
rod, borne by a Deacon, Steward, and some other 2. Fellow Craft.
officers. 3. Master Mason.
WARDENS. The second and third officers in York 4. Mark Master.
Lodges. Also officers in a Commandery of Knights 5. Past Master.
Templar. In the French rite the first three officers 6. Most Excellent Master.
are placed in the East, in a triangular form. 7. Royal Arch Mason.
WARDER. An officer in a Commandery of ~nights 8. Royal Master.
Templar, whose duties are somewhat similar to those 9. Select Master.
of the Junior Deacon of a Blue Lodge. ZEDEKIAEI. The last king of Judah before the cap~
WARRANT. The written authority, commission, or char- tivity of Babylon. He was taken captive, his eyes
ter, under whieh Freemason’s legally assemble for put out, and being loaded with chains of brass, he
work as a lodge. Sometimes called a “Warrant of was carried to Babylon, where he died.
Constitution. ZENITH. That point of the heavens directly over the
WHITR. Emblematie of innocence, or purity. head of the spectator. Supreme Councils of the
WIDOW’S SON. Hiram, the architect; also, any one thirty-third degree date their documents from the
who represents him. A Freemason. Zenith.
WINE. One of the elements of consecration; a symbol ZERADATHA. A town of Judea, thirty-five miles north
of cheerfulness, joy, and health. of Jerusalem, near whieh the holy vessels of the
WISDOM. One of the three principal symbolic supports Temple were cast.
of a lodge. ZERUSBABEL. The son of Salathiel, of the Royal race
WORK. See Labor of David. ‘‘A prince of the house of Judah.” A
WORKING TooLs. Implements of labor. member of the Grand Council.
WORSHIPSGL. The masonic title of a Blue Lodge, and ZINNENDOIIF, Rite of. A rite of seven degrees, invented
also of its Iviaster and Past Masters. in the 18th century, by Count Zinnendorf.
YEAR 05’ LIGHT. Anno Lucis. See Caflendar. ZOAR. A city in Palestine.
YORK. A city in the north of England, memorable as
the place where Freemasonry was officially reestab-
lished, in 926, by Prince Edwin.
~Yoag RITE. The Rite practiced in English and Amen-

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