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2) What is Welch’s objective in the series of initiatives he launched in the late

1980s and early 1990s.

Charge leadership with the task of “fix, sell, or close” down any business effort.

Serve to position GE in the top two positions in the individual industries.

Reduce the levels of management in order to make the company leaner and less bureaucratic in

Adding several new strategies for managing processes including Best in class, comparing sales
figures against the competition versus past performance.

Eliminating thousands of supervisory positions and ineffective layers of management.

Implementing organizational developmental strategies designed to change the culture from

management driven to more open and collaborative.

Work out sessions for managers and team workers.

What is he trying to achieve in the round of changes he put in motion in that


Reduce waste, lower costs, build into the organization efficiencies and stay ahead of the
competition by implementing these strategies.

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