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 Leadership is not a person, a leader is a person (1)

 Leadership is a process that involves a person, a leader and some followers

and organizational environment where leader and followers interact

 Leaders don’t exist in a void, Leaders can’t lead without followers

 Leadership requires the cooperation and approval of the followers or in the

case of totalitarian dictators, their submission and compliance

 Leadership is an organized social process that leads to certain outcomes

and involves a person, the leader, followers and the organizational
environment where leader-follower interactions occur

 Leadership: Themes throughout the text: Becoming a leader, Self-

awareness and rhythm of life, Mentoring and developing talent,
Communication and difficult conversations, Ethics, integrity, and credibility,
Diversity, Vision, sense-making, and culture, Crisis management, Teams,
Creativity and innovation Motivation and conflict, Toxic leadership

 Leadership Comprised of Three Elements: A Leader, Followers or

Stakeholders, Organizational Setting or Broader Context

 Components of Leadership: Group Process – Requires a leader and


Goals and Objectives – Required to give the group direction

Environmental Contexts – Define the nature and effectiveness of the

leadership process

 Three types of outcomes of leadership: derailment, constructive, and


Constructive/Destructive – Impacts the team and/or organization but can

have effects outside the organization
Derailment – Associated with a flawed leader or a poor fit between the
leader and the organization

 Power in contemporary nations and organizations is about persuasion and

not about domination//// Manipulation is tied to control and personal
interest, while persuasion tends to be collaborative and consensual

 Communication is the real work of top leaders, Communication is the tool

to shift and focus a group on adapted goals and shifting
conditions///Sense-making – understanding situations, events, and trends
and the effects on the group plans and actions
 (3) Self-Awareness is an understanding of our strengths, weaknesses, and
limitations and how we gather and process information. Serves as a
foundation for behaviors and skills goal setting, effective communication,
listening, stress and time management. Enables diagnosis of conflict

 Three Ways to Increase Self-Awareness: Through Physical and Social

Environment “Look in the mirror” – height and color of hair. Take
assessment tests and compare to others who have taken the same tests.
Obtain feedback from other people through our social interactions in
everyday life

 Elements of Self-Awareness: Individual or personal impacts: such as self

concept and identity, world view, happiness/// Interpersonal relations:
such as peer and family relationships and work collaboration///
Organizational and societal outcomes: such as occupational choice, job

 Personality: Self Awareness involves understanding our personality, a

greater understanding of our personality leads to greater self-awareness
about out motivations and preferences

Personality is defined by both genetic and environmental factors (e.g.,

culture) same for behaviors are also determined by both personality and

Personality is difficult to understand from one perspective

 The Big Five Inventory: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness,

Extraversion, Agreeableness, Emotional stability

Openness to experience : The degree to which we are open to new

experiences and ways of doing things. High - individuals tend to prefer a
variety of interests, be more creative and imaginative, and dislike dealing with
details./// Low Originality individuals tend to have more narrow interests and
deeper knowledge on subjects, they like to implement plans rather than create
new plans, less prone to take risks

Conscientiousness: The degree to which we move toward goals. Highly

Conscientious individuals tend to work toward goals in a disciplined and focused
fashion, high self-control and consistent focus on on personal goals. Low
Conscientiousness individuals are more relaxed, spontaneous, and open-ended,
usually multi-tasking and being involved in many projects and goals at the same

Extraversion: Extraverts prefer to be around other people and involved in many

activities, tend to exert more leadership and to be chosen quickly leaders by
peers, more expressive.

Agreeableness: The degree to which we defer to others, with our need to control
the situation and others. ///High Accommodation individuals tend to relate to
others by being tolerant, agreeable, and accepting of others, move toward
people.///Low Accommodation individuals tend to be tough, guarded, persistent,
competitive, or aggressive, might not be team player

Emotional stability: Individuals tend to interpret events in an optimistic manner

and to read other people’s emotions are useful skills for leaders.///High – resilient
individuals who are more rational at work and appear impervious of what’s going
on around them.///Low- worry a lot, quick to feel anger and to lose control, offer
more pessimistic explanations for events and situations

Core Self-Evaluations: Composed of: Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, Generalized

Self-Efficacy, and Low Neuroticism///Self-Esteem: the extent to which individuals
consider themselves worthy and valuable////Locus of Control: Generalized Self-
Efficacy: confidence in our ability to succeed in specific situations
Values are the Philosophies and beliefs people consider important in their lives and careers, the
standards and rules at the core of behavior and Reflect a person’s sense of right/wrong, drive
life decisions, personal tastes, and preferences

Personality defines actions and behaviors while Values are belief systems that drive personality
(2) Traits// Other traits

Self-Confidence is the ability to be certain about one’s competencies and skills, It

includes sense of self esteem and self assurance and the belief that one can make
a difference. Self confidence allows the leader to feel assured that his/her
attempts to influence others are appropriate and right

Determination is the desire to get the job done and includes characteristics
initiative, persistence, and dominance, and drive

Integrity is the quality of honesty and trustworthiness. Leaders with integrity

inspire confidence in others because they can be trusted to do what they say they
are going to do

Sociability is the leader’s inclination to seek out pleasant social relationships.

Leaders who show sociability are friendly, outgoing, tactful, and diplomatic

Best Traits: Emotional Intelligence: you can observe and control yourself and also
mediate people

Decision Maker: critical situation, u need a decision maker

Sense Making Ability – Contextual Ability: “Can you make sense of the
environment, and how to read situations about your environment.

Strategic thinking: You have to think strategically to take advantage “long term

Eye for talent: it’s all about finding talents

Learning Ability: “How quickly can you absorb learning”

Self Driven and purposeful: self motivated, set target and motivate yourself


Skill approaches 3////Technical Skill: is knowledge about a specific type of work

or activity. Includes competencies in a specialized area. “Most important at lower
and middle level of management”
Human Skill: is knowledge about the ability to work with people, while technical
is working with things. “Help leaders to work effectively with subordinates, peers,
and superiors to accomplish the organizational goals”.

Conceptual Skill: is the ability to work with ideas and concepts .A leader with
conceptual skills is comfortable talking about the ideas that shape the

Problem-solving skills, social judgment skills, and knowledge :These

competencies, if held by a leader, can allow for the leader to be extremely
effective in handling challenging situations and solving problems even in difficult

(skills) Effective problem solving and performance : As the last component, these
are greatly influence by the individual attributes and competencies. Successful
leaders that demonstrate the first two components typically have highly
successful leadership outcomes as well.

Style approach: The trait approach emphasizes the personality characteristics of

the leader, and the skills approach emphasizes the leader's capabilities. The style
approach focuses exclusively on what leaders do and how they act

The style approach expanded the study of leadership to include the actions of
leaders toward subordinates in various contexts.
(8)Path-Goal theory is about how leaders motivate subordinates to
accomplish designated goals
 A special focus of path-goal theory is helping subordinates overcome

 leader's responsibility to help subordinates by removing these obstacles or

helping them around them

Path-Goal theory: Designed to explain how leaders can help subordinates

along the path to their goals ///by selecting specific behaviors that are best
suited to subordinated needs and to the situation in which subordinates are

-Theoretically, the path-goal approach suggests that leaders need to choose a

leadership style that best fits the needs of subordinates and the work they are

-Leadership generates motivation when it increases the number and kinds of

payoffs that subordinates receive from their work

-Leaders motivates when it makes the path to the goal clear and easy to travel
through coaching and direction, removing obstacles and roadblocks to attaining
the goal, and making the work itself more personally satisfying

Steps Path goal theory defines goal, clarifies path, removes obstacles,
provides support

 Directive leadership is similar to the "initiating structure" concept

described in the Ohio State studies . Leader who gives subordinates
instructions about their task, What is expected of them, how it is to be
done, and the time line for when it should be completed.

 Supportive leadership resembles the consideration behavior construct that

was identified by the Ohio State studies. Being friendly and approachable as
a leader , Includes attending to the well-being and human needs of
 Participative leadership consists of inviting subordinates to share
in the decision making. A participative leader consults with
Leader Behaviors : Subordinates behaviors who are assertive and
authoritarian and have to work in uncertain situations

Transformational leadership is a process that changes and transforms people , A

person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of
motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower

transactional leader does not individualize the needs of subordinates or focus on

their personal development. Transactional leaders exchange things of value with
subordinates to advance their own and their subordinates' agendas

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