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Tools Tips

To start using the Technique, you  A Pomodoro is indivisible.

only need some simple tools:
 If a task takes more than 5 -
 A Timer 7 Pomodoros, break it
 A Pencil down.

 An Acvity Inventory Sheet  If it takes less than one

Pomodoro, combine it with
 A To-Do Sheet
another task.
 Binder for Archived Sheets The Rules  Once a Pomodoro begins, it
(Oponal) Put all the acvies you have to has to ring. No re -dos!
 “Gone Fishing” Sign (Oponal) accomplish on the Acvity Inventory
 The technique shouldn’t be
Sheet. At the beginning of each day,
used for acvies you do in
When to Use select the MOST IMPORTANT TASKS
your free me. Enjoy free
you need to complete.
 To periodically regain control of me!
your me and refocus your
Start Working:  Use a white board (or
another visual cue) to let
 Choose your most important task
 When you need to be über - your team know when you
to work on rst. Write it in Line 1
producve, but you can’t check your next availability is
of your To -Do sheet.
out completely from your team. coming up.
 Set the mer to 25 minutes (= 1
 When you feel yourself losing  Archive your task sheets to
steam on a GANTT (God-Awful, analyze your performance
Never-Ending Terrible Task).  Work unl the mer rings.
over me.
 When you lose your sense of  Mark an X next to your task (on
how long tasks take to complete Line 1) when the pomodoro is over.
(leading to unrealisc deadlines  Take a short break (3 -5 minutes).
and schedules).
 Every 4 Pomodoros, take a longer

Benefits break (15-30 minutes).

 Fights the “dopamine squirt.”
Keep on working, Pomodoro aer
 Enhances awareness of your Pomodoro, unl the task at hand is The next
decisions. nished. Then move on to a new task

 Helps you sustain producvity. from your Acvity Inventory sheet.  pomodoro will
Helps you balance individual

producvity with team

Whenever you face an interrupon go beer! 
(external or personal distracons, such

 Strengthens your resolve to

as the impulse to check email), put a
dash on your sheet. It’s your decision

connue applying yourself in the whether to address the interrupon,
face of complex situaons. but aim for fewer and fewer with each

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