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Informatics Practices (065)

Class – XI
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks :

S.NO. Sub Questions Marks

Q1. Answer the following questions:
(a) Shruti wants to make a new email id. What prevention methods she should 2
keep in her mind regarding password and style of e-mail address?
Ans. 1) Keep your email address private.
2) Use alternate style of writing your email addresses on the web and
create your password in alphanumeric with special symbols.
3) Change the password after every 15 days.
4) There should not be any space in between email id.

(b) Computers can be put to use virtually in every possible field. Name any two 2
Ans. Some major applications are:
1. Reservation System
2. Hotel Management
3. Inventory
4. Payroll
5. Human Resource Management System
(c) (i) Define Serial port. 2
(ii)Name the Port which gives us an easier, single and standardized way to
connect a variety of devices to a computer.

Ans. i) Serial port is a serial communication physical interface through which

information transfers in or out one bit at a time.

ii) USB (Universal Serial Bus) Port

(d) Suman wants to purchase a new printer. Please help her to buy a printer with 2
good resolutions, cheap, small, fast, quiet features. Write its disadvantages

Ans. i) Ink Jet Printer – Suman Should buy Ink Jet Printer according to given
Disadvantages of Ink Jet Printers are:
1) Slow as compare to Laser Printer.
2) Running cost is very high.
3) If left unused for long periods of time, the cartridges dry out.

(e) Classify size and performance wise Digital Computers. 2

Ans. Digital computers are classified as:
i) Embedded Computers ii) Micro Computers iii) Mini
Computers iv) Mainframe Computers v) Super Computers
Q2 Answer the following question:
(a) Explain about e-Learning technologies. 1
Ans. E learning is a flexible term used to describe a means of teaching through
technology such as network, browsers, CD- ROM/ DVD, multimedia
(b) Name any two major e-Business portals. 1
Ans. IRCTC, Online Reservations. LIC – Life Insurance Corpporation
(c) What are the two advantages of using e-Business? 1
Ans. E- Business refers to a broader definition of ECommerce. It is not just the
buying and selling of goods and services, but also servicing customers,
conducting electronic transaction within an organization.
(d) What are the major challenges of today’s e-Governance? 1
Ans. (i) To make all government services accessible to common man in
his locality
(ii) Ensure efficiency and transparency
(iii) Services available at affordable costs

(e) Write the full forms for the following. 1

(a) G2C (B) B2G

Ans. (a) Government to Citizen

(b) Business to Government

Q3. Answer the following questions:

(a) What do you understand by column alias? Explain with an example. 2
Ans. In order to give a different name to selected column in a query only for
output purpose we can use column alias name. Example:

Select Department_name as dept from emp;

Here dept is alias name of column Department_name.

(b) What do you understand by the following terms: 4


Ans. Cardinality is the number of tuples(rows) in a relation.

Relation (Table) is the data arranged in rows and columns and has certain
DML stands Data Manipulation Language. DML enables users to access or
manipulate data as organized by the appropriate data model.
Degree is the number of attributes (columns) in a relation.
(c) What is the difference between Delete and Drop command? 2
Ans. Delete is used to remove all the records from the table but the structure will
remain the same. Drop command is used remove the structure and records
permanently from the database.

(d) Can we use arithmetic expression with SELECT command? Explain with an 2
Ans. If you want to perform simple numeric computations on the data to put it in
a form more appropriate to your needs, SQL allows you to place arithmetic
operators and constants among the selected fields.

Select sal, sal*12 as “Annual Salary” from emp;

Section B
Q4. Answer the following questions in Java:
a) Name any two integer data type in Java. 1
Ans. i] int ii] long

b) Why comments are used in program coding? 1

Ans. Comment line is used to make program more readable and understandable.
as well as for future reference to maintain the program.

c) Write the proper control name to design the form for the following 2

Sr. No. Control used for Description

1 Name To accept Name
2 Choose class [1-12] To select the class
3 Sex [must be M / F] To select either ‘F’ or ‘M’
4 Show button To display personal form detail

Ans. Sr. No. Control used for Control Name

1 Name jTextField
2 Choose class [1-12] jComboBox, jListBox
3 Sex [must be M / F] jRadioButton
4 Show button jButton

d) 2
Differentiate between the following :
i] jTextField and jLabel.
ii] jRadioButton and jCheckBox .
Ans. i] jTextField is editable control whereas jLabel is non-editable control.
ii] jRadioButton is round in shape whereas jCheckBox is square in shape.
e) What are these methods used for?
i] setText()
Ans. ii] getText()
setText(): It is used to set the text to display through the different
getText(): It is used to return the value of text property.
f) Find the errors:
int sum=0;
for( int i=1,i<=5;++i)
sum+ i=sum;
Correct code Description
for( int i=1;i<=5;++i) 1) ; was missing in loop.
{ 2) Wrong expression
sum=sum+i; 3) Concatenation and ;
} was missing in
jLabel2.setText(“ “ +sum); statement.

g) Find out the output for following code segment: 2

int Z=5;
for(int I=10;I<=50;I+=10)
jTextArea1.append(“ Z= ”+Z);
Ans. Z = 155

Q5. Answer the following questions in Java:

DAV CMC has computerized its Salary Generation; the following is the data entry
form in Java used by them.

Control Control Name Description

Frame jFrame1 The Form Object
Panel jPanel1 To Display Radio Buttons in jPanel1
of title ‘ Job Type’.
Radio Button jRadioButton1 To Display text ‘Permanent’
Radio Button jRadioButton2 To Display text ‘Adhoc’
Text Box jTextField1 To Enter teacher’s Name

jTextField2 To Enter Dept Name

jTextField3 To Enter Basic Salary

jTextField4 To Display Dearness Allowance

To Display House Rent Allowance

To Display Provident Fund to be deducted

jTextField7 To Display IT (if applicable)

jTextField8 To Display Gross Salary

jTextField9 To Display Net Salary

Button jButton1 To set the controls with initial values
in the question.
jButton2 To Calculate the gross Salary and Net
jButton3 To clear the contents of all Text Fields

jButton4 To close the Application.

(a) On clicking Set Initial button Job Type should be Permanent and jTextField4, 2
jTextField5, jTextField6, jTextField7, jTextField8, jTextField9 should be non-

(b) On clicking the Calculate Salary button the Salary should be displayed based 8
on the following criteria:

DA : 60% of Basic
HRA : 30% of Basic
PF 10% of Basic (will be deducted)
IT 5% of gross

There are two Job Types:

 Permanent
 Adhoc

For permanent employee calculate gross salary as :

Gross salary is sum of basic, hra and da
Net salary = gross salary – PF - IT

For Adhoc employee calculate gross salary as :

Gross is sum of basic, hra and da
Net salary = gross salary - PF

(c) Clicking the clear button will clear all the contents of jTextFields. 2

(d) Clicking the Exit Button will close the Application. 1

jTextField7.setEditable (false);

b) double da, hra, pf, it=0, gross, netsal=0;

double basic = Double.parseDouble ( jTextField3.getText());
da = basic * 0.60;
hra = basic * 0.30;
pf = basic * 0.10;
gross =basic + hra + da -pf;
if (jRadioButton2.isSelected())
netsal = gross - pf;
else if (jRadioButton1.isSelected())
it = basic * 0.05;
netsal = gross - it;

c) jTextField1.setText("");

d) System.exit(0);

Section C
Q6. Refer the table EMPLOYEE given below and write the SQL Commands for (i) 10
to (x)
Srno Name Extno Salary DOJ Dept Age Gen
1 Jugal 231 25400 2009-12-10 Marketing 35 M
2 Sharmila 232 17800 2009-10-08 HR 40 F
3 Rakesh 237 30000 2008-05-04 Finance 35 M
4 Shyam 235 38000 2008-06-05 IT 38 M
5 Sangeeta 236 28000 2009-06-08 IT 32 F
6 Shalakha 239 36000 2008-06-08 Finance 30 F
7 Sandeep 238 24000 2010-08-05 HR 28 M
8 Vikas 233 33000 2009-12-05 Marketing 31 M
9 Mohan 234 25000 2009-10-15 HR 32 M
10 Arun 240 27000 2009-12-15 Marketing 28 M
i) Create the table with appropriate data type.
ii) Display the different types of department.
iii) Display name and age of the employees who have joined in 2009 and
iv) Display all the information in descending order of Age.
v) Company has thought to raise their salary by 2%. Display name, sal
and raised salary by 2% as New Salary.
vi) The extension number of all the employees have changed and it is
added 2 before their old extension number. Write the command to
change their extension number in the table.
vii) Display name, dept, salary of female staff in ascending order of their
viii) Add one more column as City.
ix) Company has decided to close IT department and get this work done
from a party outside on a contract basis. So, write the command to
remove all the employees of IT department.
Ans. (i) CREATE TABLE employee
(srno INTEGER,
name VARCHAR(30),
extno INTEGER,
salary INTEGER,
dept VARCHAR(30),
gender CHAR
(ii) SELECT DISTINCT dept FROM employee;
(iii) SELECT name, age FROM employee WHERE doj > ’2090-01-01’;
(iv) SELECT name, sal, sal+(sal*0.02) as New Salary FROM employee;
(v) SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY age DESC;
(vi) UPDATE employee SET extno=2000+extno;
(vii) SELECT name, dept, salary FROM employee WHERE gender=’F’
(viii) ALTER TABLE employee ADD City VARCHAR(30);
(ix) DELETE FROM employee WHERE dept=’IT’;

Q7. (a) Do as directed: 5

(1) Predict the output of the following
SELECT RIGHT(‘USS/23/12/09’,2)
(2) Write the command to extract the word ‘ratica’ from ‘Quadratically’
(3) Write a command to count the number of characters of employee’s name
from given the table EMPLOYEE above.
(4) If 65 is A, write a command to make the word ‘BAG’
(5) There are three words, 1) Best, 2) of, 3) Luck. Merge them to make one
1) 09
2) SELECT MID(‘Quadratically’,5,6);
3) SELECT LENGTH(name) FROM employee
4) SELECT CHAR(66,65,70);
5) SELECT CONCAT(‘Best’, ‘of’, ‘luck’);
(1 Mark for each correct answer. ½ for correct function name)
b) Refer the following HOSPITAL table and write the output for the (i) to (V) 5
Srno Name Age Charges Gender
1 Arpit 58 300 M
2 Zarina 42 200 F
3 Zubin 30 500 M
4 Ketaki 34 100 F
5 Shilpa 39 500 F
(i) SELECT * FROM hospital WHERE age > 40 ORDER BY name;
(ii) SELECT Name, Charges FROM hospital WHERE gender = ‘M’;
(iii) SELECT * FROM Hospital WHERE charges > 300;
(iv) SELECT * FROM Hospital WHERE age in (42,34);
(v) SELECT * FROM Hospital WHERE name LIKE ‘%a%’.
Srno Name Age Charges Gender
1 Arpit 58 300 M
2 Zarina 42 200 F
Name Charges
Arpit 300
Zubin 500
Srno Name Age Charges Gender
3 Zubin 30 500 M
5 Shilpa 39 500 F
Srno Name Age Charges Gender
2 Zarina 42 250 F
4 Ketaki 34 150 F
Srno Name Age Charges Gender
2 Zarina 42 200 F
5 Shilpa 39 500 F

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