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DEMETRIUS CONSTANTINE DOUNIS THE ABSOLUTE INDEPENDENCE OF THE FINGERS In Violin Playing on a Scientific Basis, Op. 15 ‘Book |: The Absolute Independence of Three Fingers CARL FISCHERs (Sec ase, Naw erm ODE Copyaget 1A by Te Sit ‘ras. acne Copy 2008 by Cat Petar LC - merci Cea Second pm Merce esos ern tt Beh “Biante Masie Ben ea FOREWORD. ‘The ability to move freely & finger or a group of fingers according to the impalser of the will power, and without amy sympathetic movement of the other finger, i ELEMENTARY INDEPENDENCE. ApsovcTx ipmrespexce is the ability to move two or three fingers ot groups of fingers, but in a FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT WAY. ‘As I have, already, said in my method * The Artist's Technique of ‘Violin Playing.” there are four movements ol the fingers: 1 Toe VeRricat o8 PaLtine movement (trill). TL Tue womzonTat om supe movement (stretch, chromatic passages). € @) ez atylll The movement from Laer te mor (eftchand piesicato), IV. The movement from mic to uerr and vice-versa (Chord- THE AUTHOR. Grace Basie Puddle a IRECTIONS FOR PRACTISING \eorar Pines asc any: atin bs pa fe ote em be or Vibrate as and as often as i ‘vibrate the ceiy veal test of Belting and the left arm, ‘hand and fingers in a correct way, As soon as a tired sensation , tea in Se Sree ree are oot re ie Geel atin af tar banca he, is a state of complete relaxation, so as to help restore normal condition. EXPLANATION OF THE DIFFERENT SIGNS. seve, SERRE Pat prt st toe tr the vs rat crt to SE) A line after a. note te the next one, eae, tae This sign @ ind aa i a a eee pa ae Ex. Modification (1) of the frst fundamental Exercise: * ‘For convenience of reading all Exercises included in this Book are written on two staves Belore attempting to the above Exercise as it is written, the Player should proven’ to practice it im six smays {a to f), a3 exemplified below,” This to enahie fo fest and. control each ‘movement separately and te. coraine them gradually bee fonr movements are performed simultancously ees, i ° Dinos = ea 3 Lot Crain Baste Puate

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