Chapter Wvisser CSR Dev Countries

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A review of past studies helps any research to define its scope,

concepts, working definitions and hypotheses and also the formulation of
empirical models. Thus, it enhances the knowledge of the researcher and
makes his efforts pragmatic and highly productive. Hence a brief review of
literature related to the subject of the present study is presented in this
chapter. First, various concepts used in this study are defined by earlier
works. It is followed by a discussion of important developments since 1989
about the two-wheeler industry

Gerald D Bell (1967) studies how a new car buyer feels about his
purchase and what factors determine his reactions when he begins living with
his new car. The finding of this investigation suggests the effect of a
customer’s self-confidence his personality and the quality of service he
receives upon his cognitive dissonance.

Edward L Grubb and Greg Hupp (1968) test a methodology for

measurement of self-concept and consumer behavior in comparable terms and
therefore to further substantiate the relationship of self-theory to consumer
behavior. The author suggests that the owner of a specific make of
automobiles perceive themselves as having self-concepts similar to those of
others who own the maker of an automobile.

J.D. Singh (1981) conducted a survey on ‘a study of brand loyalty in

India.' The primary objective of this study was to examine state of the art
regarding brand loyalty among consumers in India.

Subramanian, Ramakrishna Rao & RamonaRao (1982) conducted

a survey on ‘Consumer Goods Marketing in Vishakhapatnam’ by taking a
sample of 300households equally distributed among employees, business
people and professionals

Darlin Doman (1983) in the article has mentioned that satisfied new
car buyers discuss their experiences with eight people dissatisfied buyers
complain to an average of twenty-two people.

Mason (1984) pointed out that in the case of children riding on private
ground, the parent or guardian is responsible for ensuring that their children
minimize the risks associated with motorcycling by wearing appropriate
clothing and helmets, riding safely and using suitable bikes.

Adams, Collingwood and Job (1985) investigated a training program

for Australia Post motorcycle telegram delivery staff. Injury records for the
six months before and after a training course were compared.

O’Brien (1987) examined in his study four factors namely

demographic, personality, sources of the message, and product class and their
effect on information handling. The products chosen for the study were cars
and breakfast. It was found that the factors had varying effects on information
handling; search initiation had no effect which suggested that a substantial
number of consumers failed to engage in extensive search before purchase.
However, unlike the previous search, his study focused on incentives for
information seeking for a given product, how much would a utility
maximizing consumer with a given preference gain from search.

Hill (1987) made a study on the mood of the consumer with the
objectives of looking at the mood literature and its development thereof.

Ravichandran (1988) in his research work, examined information


sources used, choice marking and discrimination between urban and semi-
urban populationwith reference to the purchase of durable goods with 550
sample consumers from Chennai city and four other towns. The products
chosen were refrigerators, television, ceiling fans and domestic mixers. The
findings revealed that urban consumers made use of commercial sources, and
semi urban, personal sources. They showed significant differences in the time
taken for decision.

Eric Greenleaf and Donald Lehmann (1991) found that intricacy of

selection and time pressure are the most important causes of consumer delay
whereas task avoidance the least important. Correlations between delay
causes and time spent in each stage of the consumer decision-making process
provide tentative evidence that the different delay causes tend to prolong
decision time in particular stages.

William B Dodds (1991) investigated the effects of the intrinsic cues

of price brand and store information on consumer perception of product
quality. They found that price had a positive effect on perceived quality but a
negative effect on perceived value and respondent’s willingness to buy.

Rogerson, Lambert and Allen (1992) argued against the introduction

of a power-to-weight restriction. The authors found that 18.7 percent of
novice riders in crashes in Victoria during the period 1987 to 1990 were not
complying with the current 260cc capacity limitation.

Ravi Dhar (1992) in his article argued and discussed that the
assumption made in Hierarchical models of consumer choice that the decision
to choose is independent of which alternative to choose may not always be
valid. Consumers may often decide whether or not to choose to depend on the
context. Furthermore, consumers may shift their preferences in the direction
of alternatives that minimize conflict.

Duncan and Olshavslay (1992) In a survey of 164 recent purchases of

two wheelers showed that consumer beliefs about the marketplace and their
capabilities as consumer accounted for 50 percent of the variance in the extent
of the external search. The types of the brand (domestic, foreign, or local)
considered by a consumer were found to be significantly related to the belief.
The main objective of this research was to study the degree of relationship
between market place related beliefs and pre-purchase external information
search behavior. The extent of the external search for information exhibited
by consumers before purchase typically had been found to be very limited. In
some cases, little or no external search occurred.

McLaren (1992) also argued that any significant beneficial effects that
did arise be more likely to be attributable to reduced exposure than to skill

Yuhara, Oguchi and Ochiai (1993) note that "the purpose of safe
driving education by the riding simulator is to predict and forecast dangerous
situations that can take place in dangerous traffic scenes and drive

Yuhara, Oguchi and Ochiai (1993) note that "the purpose of safe
driving education by the riding simulator is to predict and forecast dangerous
situations that can take place in dangerous traffic scenes and drive

Palmer (1993) has outlined actions that a motorcyclist can take to

reduce the extent of injury in an unavoidable intersection crash with a car.
Unfortunately, there has been no evaluation of the usefulness of training on
the minimising injury.

Rachel Dardis (1994) investigated the consumer decision making is

multinational, that is consumer choices are not base on a single product
attribute. Instead, consumers view products as bundles of attributes. Product
attributes (automobile attributes) as well as household characteristics. In both
instances, the higher the value of the cost index or the Trouble Index, the
more unsatisfactory the car is about other cars. A better-educated household
might be more informed about the performance properties of Japanese cars
and attracted by the higher value reliability of these cars.

Kotler and Du Plessis (1994) point out that consumers would select
the most significant information, whether it is internal, external or both, weigh
the benefits of each item and make a decision to either purchase the particular
product, not buy the specific product, postpone the purchase or even not
purchase at all. Perceived risk (such as uncertainty and self-confidence) is the
main factor that influences consumers making a purchase or not

Parker and Anderson (1994) examined the consumer’s preferential

expectation concerning attributes, the objects and their post-trial perception of
the attributes. The findings suggested that differences did exist among
individuals regarding the appropriateness of various preference models.

Sekar.S (1995) examined the "consumer values in product

consumption patterns," among the consumers in the city of Chennai, the
consumers for the purpose of the study were classified into ‘higher income,'
‘middle income' and ‘lower income' groups. The results revealed that the
product consumption patterns of lower income group of consumers appeared
to be more influenced by their "physical value" while that of the middle-
income group was more influenced by their epistemic value, and that of
higher Income consumers were influenced by their "social values", hence the
author concluded that the product consumption patterns of the three income

groups differed to their value orientation.

Nishar Ahamed N. (1997) examined the factors determining a

purchase and post-purchase behavior of two-wheeler users. His findings
revealed that friends and neighbors' form the most important source which is
followed by one's experience, family members, newspapers, and observation.

Thabet A. Edris (1998) research work result reveals that majority of

Egyptian consumers delay their buying decisions of the type of goods for a
substantial time, particularly in specific stages of the decision-making
process. Further stating that financial constraints, perceived financial and
psychological risks, lack of past experience in purchasing, need for someone
else's help and advice, and needs for more information on the competitive
brand attributes are the key reasons for delaying their purchase decision and
also total delay time is more likely to be affected by family life cycle, income,
and age, etc.

Gronroos, Zeithaml, Bitner (2000)Satisfied customers never switch

over to another brand they spread their positive word of mouth which
influence non-existing customer and indirectly force to engage with the

Ewing (2000) investigated brand loyalty by examining actual past

behavior and its impact on future behavioral intentions, as well as a
willingness to recommend the brand to another customer known to him.
Findings indicate that purchase expectation/intention remain a valid research
metric. It would appear that the brand/consumer interface offers greater
predictive ability than the retailer/consumer interface. Willingness to
recommend a brand to another consumer does not seem to be influenced by
past behavior, but the higher the respondents’ expectation to purchase the
brand, the higher will be their willingness to recommend the brand.

Darpy (2000) in consumer behavior, very few literatures discuss

consumer procrastination. Consumer procrastination refers to a chronic and
conscious tendency to slow down or hold back a planned purchase. While
making a purchase decision, consumers tend to often too deeply evaluate all
available alternatives and compare products. Then, they may buy the product
or slow down the process. Two dimensions of consumer procrastination -
indecision and avoidance are pointed out by.

Chaudhuri and Holbrook (2001) examined two aspects of brand

loyalty, purchase loyalty, and attitudinal loyalty, as linking variables in the
chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance
(market share and relative price). Information - processing theories posits that
consumers use product and psychological cues to form beliefs and to evaluate
of products. Country of origin of the brand, peer recommendation and
whether the brand is used by people who are considered affluent by the
prospective buyers, etc. are considered as an extrinsic product.

Lisa R. Klein (2003) It has been stated by the authors that the
customers can do a cost benefit analysis to choose a search strategy, i.e. what,
when, how much and where to search, but the customers do not search much,
which may be due to customers’ perception that the search costs are quite
high or that the value of the search is quite low. As a part of the pre-purchase
search for a perfect automobile as per their requirement, the customers in this
digital age take the help of internet, websites as well as social networking
sites to do a comparative study of the different models of different brands
available in the market. Hence their opinion is also influenced by the reviews
of the people already possessing the motorcycles and using it.

Pavleen (2003) in their article have perceived that the family of a

reference group has one of the strongest most immediate and most pervasive

effects on a consumer’s personality motivation and attitude. The author has

affirmed that from the marketing point of view investigating the family as a
consumption unit becomes crucial since attitudes towards saving spending
and even towards brand and products are often mobilized by the family.

Richard (2003) in their large-scale national study investigates the

influence of monthly payment incentives on the decision-making process of
the cars

V.G.Ramakrishnan (2003) the vehicle servicing business in India is

undergoing a transformation. In early days, the servicing needs of the vehicles
were undertaken mostly by roadside mechanics and a few organized
workshops. Companies need to focus on building a chain of authorized
service stations covering the entire country to service its vehicles. As the
competition in the market has intensified and profit margins squeezed,
companies need to view servicing as a money spinner for the entire operation.
In the recent years, other players have entered in the field, and the creation of
a national chain of organized workshops is underway, and that is likely to
change the nature of vehicle servicing market in India.

Lisa R. Klein and Gary T. Ford (2003) stated that the customers
could do a cost-benefit analysis to choose a search strategy, i.e. what, when,
how much and where to search, but the customers do not search much, which
may be due to customers' perception that the search costs are quite high or
that the value of the search is quite low. As a part of the pre-purchase search
for a perfect automobile as per their requirement, the customers in this digital
age take the help of internet, websites as well as social networking sites to do
a comparative study of the different models of different brands available in
the market.

A V Vedpuriswar (2003) has highlighted that ICFAI realized that the


growth is the key to long term survival and much of its growth will come
from keeping its eyes and ears tuned to environment and for this ICFAI
implemented CRM strategies specially for the students enrolment and
processing of examination hall tickets, and this lead to growth of ICFAI
which has surprised traditional m, transaction and communication channel
present new opportunities for businesses to create a long-term relationship
with their customers and the level of e-service quality is an essential
component of this customer-centric strategy, thus the companies need to
establish the optimum level of e-service quality, taking into consideration
customers' satisfaction, the competitive conditions of the market, but
however, the effective use of this method requires the implementation of e-
CRM systems, structured around a customer-centric approach.

Rajarashmi and Sudarsana (2004) revealed that almost all sample

respondents preferred branded products and if their favorite brand is not
available in the retail shop, they will go to another store and purchase their
favorite brand. If it is not available in the market, the respondents were ready
to postpone their purchase decision.

Pierre (2004) Brand image is defined as the consumer perception of a

brand and is measured as the brand associations held in the consumer
memory. To measure brand image, the marketer can either use or adapt an
existing list of brand associations (e.g. Young & Rubicam‟s brand asset
valuator or Aaker‟s brand personality list) or start from scratch by eliciting
brand associations and then measuring the strength of these associations.

Jain & Gupta (2004) Service plays an important role in today's

competitive world. It works as a double sword if the experience of customers
is positive, it will boost the sale if negative than responsible for fall in the

Jacobo, Neuman, Praes (2005) opinions that it is mandatory to

evaluate the present service quality but with the new technique of “mystery
shoppers” to see how customer are being taken care by the service centers.

Alan Smith (2006) Bmentioned that since the mid-1990s many

industries were experiencing increased demand from their customers for
higher quality and easier access to service thus corporations, and top
managers started to rethink their traditional ways of providing service and
customer relationship management start to become a strategic asset among

A Mukund (2006) has studied the role of CRM in Tesco and

concluded that the loyalty card scheme launched by Tesco in 1995, laid the
foundation of a CRM framework that made Tesco UKs number one retailer
and the data collected through these cards formed the basis for formulating
strategies that offered customers personalised services in cost effective
manner and today CRM in Tesco is more of a companywide philosophy.

BiswajitMahanty and VirupaxiBagodi (2006) The success of two

wheeler manufacturers in India depends on the competitive advantage gained
by them through after sales service and providing and maintaining customer
satisfaction in the face of rapid changes in technology is a difficult task,
which can be overcome by timely addition of capacity and upgrading of
technical manpower and focusing on the CRM programs.

Chang-Hoan Cho (2006) in their study examined overall hesitation,

shopping cart abandonment, and hesitation at the final payment stage and
found that different sets of delay factors are related to different aspects of
online shopping hesitation.

Gaurav Doshi(2006)said about the brand and how to develop a


brand. To develop it what we need to assess like brand awareness, brand

protection, design and branding and significance of sensorial practice in
branding. The brand quality and uniqueness will develop the brand image
among the customers.

Anandan (2007) studied that, the majority of the respondents

(54.00%) will buy another brand if the preferred brand is not available, 18.00
percent of the respondents will go to the nearby town for buying the preferred
brand. Fifteen percent of the respondents will postpone their purchase
decision. It was revealed from the study that customers cannot postpone the
decision of buying the detergents, as it was one of the essential commodities.

Nabil Mzough (2007) study results corroborate that negative attitude

toward online shopping, the complexity of the electronic transaction, price
perception, and perceived risk are the valid reasons of online consumer delay.
Although procrastination in purchase context researched by many researchers,
it has yet to be formally investigated in consumers purchase in collectivistic
countries and also as per the researcher's knowledge no research in India has
reported about the study of purchase procrastination in the context of two-
wheeler purchase decision. Hence the current research attempts to investigate
consumer opinion about purchase procrastination, reasons and which gender
and age group highly procrastinated their purchase decision.

BiswajitMahanty (2007) More than 55 million two-wheelers are

moving on Indian roads. Accordingly, two-wheeler service sector should have
generated revenue amounting to INR 100,000 million per year, but in reality,
this has not been realized in the organized service sector, the Indian two-
wheeler service industry has not considered servicing as a line of business and

providing conveniently reliable services is most important in two-wheeler

services in India to capture the market.

Tom Dougherty (2008) explained that the success of the beer has
nothing to do with taste and all that matters is brand preference and also says
how to build the brand image in the market. Ronald

Biswajit Mahanty (2008) It is an era of customer delight for the two

wheeler industry and the conventional measures implemented by the service
organizations tend to be inadequate to attract customers persistently.

Steve Kahl (2008) in their research paper “Product, Process, and

Service: A New Industry Lifecycle Model”, has concluded that Existing
models of industry lifecycle evolution tend to focus on changes in the
products and processes and largely overlook the dynamics of services, but
increasingly, the revenues of many firms are becoming dominated by sales of
services rather than products, or products sold through services to gain
competitive differentiation in markets marked by increasing product

Michael Cusumano (2008) in their research paper "A Theory of

services in product industries," has concluded that in many product-oriented
industries, services have become increasingly important. In the case of
automobiles, many automakers generate the vast majority of their profits from
a service activity closely tied to their product activity. The automobile
industry overall generates a large portion of its profits from other product-
related service activities such as insurance and repairs. The authors argued
that despite the seeming importance of services, there is not much theory to
help researchers or practitioners explain the conditions under which services
matter in product industries. The general view that emerges from the services

literature is that services tend to become important for manufacturing firms

once their industries reach a mature stage.

Murphy John (2008) it has been discussed that in 1948, the Bajaj
Auto Ltd came with importing and selling of Vespa scooters. The scope of the
scooters had decreased since the boom in the motorcycle market segment. The
customers’ preferences changed the automotive strategies adopted by the
Hero Honda Motor Co. in India.

Jerry Glynn (2008) said that brand is a company first chance to make
a good impression on the minds of consumers, investors, employees, and
anyone associated with, or potentially associated with, product or service.

Murphy John and Bellman Eric (2008) it has been discussed that in
1948, the Bajaj Auto Ltd came with importing and selling of Vespa scooters.
The scope of the scooters had decreased since the boom in the motorcycle
market segment. The customers’ preferences changed the automotive
strategies adopted by the Hero Honda Motor Co. in India.

Prof.S. Saravanan and Prof. N. Panchanatham (2009) discussed the

essentials for the promotion of a product .the result shows that a customer
considers all factors at the time of purchasing a two wheeler, although the
majority of customers give importance to the brand image. This study also
describes the socio-economic factors which satisfy two wheelers customers
and that the employees and students crave for show room services.

Treak Eric(2009) explains about the fixed brand preference; he says

that many customers may purchase the same brand even if they have options
because of some reasons like quality level of the product said that this online
price projector helps everyone to make a price comparison before they make a
purchase. Using this they can get to know about the products and compare it

directly and by where it is less. It helps everyone to save more money.

S.Saravanan (2009) discussed the essentials for the promotion of a

product .the result shows that a customer considers all factors at the time of
purchasing a two wheeler, although the majority of customers give
importance to the brand image. This study also describes the socio-economic
factors which satisfy two wheelers customers and that the employees and
students crave for showroom services.

S.Saravanan (2009) concluded in their research paper “Markets and

Consumers- Consumer Behavior towards Showroom Services of Two-
Wheeler with reference to Cuddalore District" that students and employees
are more satisfied with showroom service and age of consumer is an
important factor while choosing the brand of bike and all the consumers give
importance all factors relating to buying a vehicle.

N.Chandrasekaran (2009) investigated the wants of the customer are

carefully studied by conducting surveys on consumer behavior. The study
also helps to know various marketing variables such as price and product
features. This study will help gain knowledge about the influence of consumer
to prefer a particular brand and the problems faced by them.

Arvind Saxena(2010) Director and Board member (marketing and

sales), Hyundai Motor India (HMIL) “No company in automobile sector can
fight competition on price. Companies need to have the right product,
distribution, CRM and after sales service network to grow.

Sarin, Sourabh (2010) Quality is a subjective parameter which

depends upon the individual perception and expectation. Organization has to
pay individual attention towards the customers.

Dhananjoy Datta (2010). There are many factors on which the buying
behavior of the customers depends and these factors motivate them to
purchase a two-wheeler. These factors include advertisement, word of mouth,
references from family, friends, own experience, features, price, etc. The
results of the survey done were that around 51% of the customers having two-
wheelers fall in the age group of 20-30 years, while their income is below Rs.
5000. 64% people are unmarried and use Bajaj two wheelers. In most of the
cases, the motivation comes from friends (44%) and family (31%). People
also search for installment plans and finance schemes before purchasing a two

Sullivan and Chris Wright-Isak (2010) said about the concept of

ingredient branding and a model for the understanding the utility of their
brand equities the brand name of the product helps to increase the profit
through branding.

Kara DThompson (2010) said that why the brand name is identified
well with fashionable jewelry. The brand is known for its innovative ideas
and constant success. The brand has evolved into one of the topmost lifestyle
brands which target both women and men alike. The brand is known to be
popular with its enthusiasm.

Abhijeet Singh (2011) Tata Motors uses a customer relationship

management and dealer management system (CRM-DMS) which integrates
one of the largest applications in the automobile industry, linking more than
1200 dealers across India.CRM DOS has helped Tata Motors to improve its
inventory management, tax calculation, and pricing. This system has also
proved to be beneficial to dealers because it has reduced their working capital

A Hunter (2011) said by making a comparison with art clay and metal

clay and which one the customers prefer to buy and what are all the reasons
for them to make that purchase. What are all the things that customers expect
when they buy a product?

Faiz Ahmed Shaikh (2011) a critical analysis of consumers buying

behavior two wheelers (observations pertinent to the Ahednagar city,
Maharashtra. The main objective of the study focuses on identifying the most
preferred two wheeler manufacturing companies, In two wheeler marketing,
relationship with consumers is critical, and their cannot be a good relationship
with consumers is very important and their cannot be good relationship unless
we understand customer preference well. Information was collected from a
sample size of 200 respondents. The tool used in the study is just below 80%
of the total two wheelers market in India which is dominated by Hero Honda
with a market share of 59%. Scooter segment market share is about 18%
which is lead again by Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd., with a
market share of 43%.

Sardar Gugloth (2011) A study relating to the decision-making

process of purchasing two wheelers in a rural area of Andhra Pradesh. The
main objective of the study is to identify the factors influencing rural
consumers, in brand selection while purchasing two wheelers to identify the
rural consumer's choice of preference while purchasing the two wheelers. The
study was conducted on a sample of 96% consumers. The tools used in the
study are simple percentage and chi-square tests have been used to study the
objectives. The study had found that majority of respondents are influenced
by family members and friends at the time of brand selection, most of the
rural consumers are giving their performance to mileage

Abhijeet Singh and Brijesh Kumar (2011) Hero Honda Motors Ltd,
is running a program called Good life Passport to Relationship Reward, with

an objective to create an innovative environment for interaction between Hero

Honda and its customers. Members of this program are given a magnetic card
in which all information is stored, and this card is swiped when using any
service at a showroom or workshop, and it works like a loyalty benefit card.

Milind Bade (2011) GM-Marketing, Bajaj Auto, has mentioned that

Bajaj Auto Limited is currently trying to move the industry from a commuter
to a biker mindset and at present the focus of the company is on keeping the
sub-brands and the mother brand different and the main motive behind
establishing individual brand is to create differentiation which would help
Bajaj Auto, as an organization to develop relationship easily with its

Pawan Chabra(2011) Nowadays every second bike sold in the

premium segment is a pulsar and this shows the dominance of Bajaj in the
Indian marketplace, this was possible because the company has been regularly
making the alterations to make the motorbike look fresh at all times and Bajaj
today holds over 50% market in the premium segment (for FY 2010-2011)
followed by a distant second largest player Honda Motorcycle & Scooter
India with a 19% market share.

Pawan Chabra (2011) had mentioned that the death knell off Bajaj's
scooters business was sounded when the company officially stopped the
production of its flagship Chetak in December 2002, to get cracking on its
ambition of becoming a credible motorcycle brand manufacturer, the
company invested big in R&D and product development, but the company
faced challenges in the sales and distribution because their dealers had little
idea how to sell motorcycles, so the entire dealership network was trained to
sell motorcycles.

Kevin Keller (2012) Caterpillar has become a leading firm by

maximizing the total customer value with the help of effective CRM, best
after sales service in the industry and better-trained dealer. It allows the firm
to command a premium price of 10% to 20% higher than competitors such as
Volvo, Komatsu, etc.

Oyama (2012) Honda Motor wants to be number one in the Indian

market, and the company wanted 30% of Honda's global sales to come from
Indian operations by 2020. HMSI have had issues related to production in the
past with most of its models having the longest waiting period in the country;
this is reduced in Honda's penetration in the rural market, which is less than a
third of Hero Moto Corp.

Shashank Srivastava (2012) GM Maruti Suzuki has mentioned that

the consumer is price conscious and the brand loyalty is diminishing because
of the number of options in each segment Moreover the customers are ready
to experiment today.

Rajesh Mahrotra (2012) they investigated the buying behavior of the

two-wheeler users in Jaipur district. In the automobile industry, the market
has shifted from scooter to motorcycle segment. This study aims to find out
the consumer behavior towards the different types of two-wheeler existing
into the market. This study describes the major factors, which affects the
purchasing decision of an individual. A sample of 100 motorbike users
selected randomly to study their buying behavior of users in. Data is collected
through standardized questionnaires. This study concludes that and engine
power are the important factors which affect the buying behavior while
consumers demographic factors are key factors in influencing buying

Humera Banu (2013) two wheeler riding patterns, perception, and

aggressive riding behavior among college youth. The main objective of the
study to study the awareness of college youth. Information was collected from
a sample size of respondents in college students. The studies are Chi-square
tests. The sample (60%) reported riding at least a few days every week.
Typical speed in the city was reported by these riders to be 48 km per hour
while maximum speed in the city was approximately 70 km an hour and the
average speed in a high way was approximately 80 km per hour. Finally, the
concluded that this is one of the first few studies that provides the data on
perceptions of two-wheelers riding India youth.

D.V.Ramana (2013) in their study on consumer perception towards

the purchase decision of two wheeler motorcycles in Nellore district, Andhra
Pradesh. This study explores individual consumer buying dynamics and
consumer buying behavior of motorcycle users and allows the marketers to
gain insights into why individuals act in certain consumption related ways and
with learning what internal and external influences compel them to act as they
do. The present study is undertaken to access the most influencing factors of
the motorcycle and its response over the respondents and to understand their
perceptions about different motorcycle brands in the market. An analytical
study was carried out by using a questionnaire, and the collected data were
analyzed by using percentage, factor, and ANOVA. The study reveals that
Hero Honda is the most preferred brand followed by Bajaj. Moreover, it
highlights that there is a significant influence of demographic factors on the
purchase decision.

Duggani Yuvaraju (2014) investigated customer satisfaction towards

Honda Two Wheelers. In this paper they found that 60%of respondents to
know the advertisement of Honda Bike through media, 90 percent of the
respondents were completely satisfied with the mileage and performance of

the bike, 56% of the respondents are attracted the quality of the service to
choose this bike, 50% of the respondents are satisfied with the design of the
bike, 54% of the respondents considered the price of the Honda, 60 % of the
respondents felt the explanation to be “excellent”. The company should give
some incentives to the dealers for promoting the products of Honda dealers.
They should select good dealers, which they can give customer satisfaction.

M.Sakthivel Murugan (2014) perception of women consumers to

awards the purchase decision to wheelers in India-study concerning
metropolitan cities. The main object of the study on the women consumers'
awareness, preference and purchase decision of two wheelers in metro cities,
to women two wheelers. The researchers used convenience sampling method
for collecting the data from the respondents. The data was collected from the
respondents 400 questionnaires. The tools used in the study are chi-square
tests. The study had found that the researcher had investigation the extends of
perception of women consumers towards the purchase decision of two
wheelers in metropolitan cities in India. Finally, the concluded that the results
discussed above show the perception of women consumers of two-wheelers
through India.

Mohit Sharma (2014) investigated on Consumer Perception of two

wheelers for Automobile Industry. This paper presents the consumer's
behavior' concerning automobile industry (two wheeler) in Tank city
Rajasthan (INDIA). The Group surveyed 100 consumers using semi-
structured questionnaires to examine people perception about two wheelers.
The study revealed that all respondents are willing to pay a price premium,
but the level of acceptability varied considerably, and some factor work
behind this behavior show by the consumer. "The manly studies focus on
understanding the factors like demographic, social, cultural, price, quality,
product attributes, etc. for buying two wheelers. A total of 58% of the

consumers is willing to pay the premium price of bikes. Mostly consumer

wants bikes and gives preference for buying bikes that have a better design,
comfort, mileage, fuel efficiency, etc. The survey also suggested that the
consumption of two wheelers is increasing; however, product development
and innovations in certification, Processing, labeling, and packaging are
needed to stimulate demand further.

Kokila (2014) the paper brings out the customer satisfaction towards
Scotty pep+. Gearless two-wheelers are the first choice of Indian men and
women, easy to drive and easy to handle capability it very popular among
teenagers as well. A questionnaire has been designed to collect the data from
the respondents. The present study was undertaken with the aim of brand
selection and factors influence towards the customers. Convenient sampling
design has been used. Percentage analysis, chi-square test, weighted average
rank method and Friedman tool has been used to analyze the data. Finally,
this paper suggests introducing different colors in Scooty pep+.

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