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Y E A R 9 , I S S U E 1 0 • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2

NTC graduates Child development workers

students from
13 nations train for holistic ministry
By Graham Meiklejohn
Special to Eurasia Region Communications

Manchester, United Kingdom -- In

the life of Nazarene Theological
College (NTC), graduation is an
annual high point enjoyed by the
whole community. At the end
of October, the results of many
hours of studying and researching
reached their culmination as
students donned their caps and
gowns, receiving their hoods and
degrees. The grandeur of the venue,
the University of Manchester’s
Whitworth Hall, matched the
significance of the ceremony in the
life of the graduands. Graduation In September, more than 40 child development practitioners from 11 countries in Eurasia joined their
weekend at NTC celebrates the counterparts from around the world to meet at a child development conference in Singapore. Photo
courtesy Trino Jara.
whole college community, in
recognition of the many people planners decided to open it up to child
By Sunita Meshramkar
who contribute to a student’s study
Special to Eurasia Region Communications development workers from the other five
and life at NTC. Nazarene regions, as well.
Around 40 students, The main objective of the conference

representing 13 different countries, ingapore -- In September, more than was to enhance the coordinators’ skills in
graduated from NTC this year with 40 child development practitioners working with children and their families,
a range of degrees and specialisms. from 11 countries in Eurasia joined and for these coordinators to train
Particularly noteworthy were the 40 of their counterparts from around the others in their countries. Participants
six students who graduated with world to meet at a child development held workshops and shared with each
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy conference in other what they
(PhD), representing the vibrant Singapore. Child Child development has have learned
research community at NTC. development is a about ministering
Commendation was given by Dr. focus of Nazarene
been a critical ministry of holistically to
Jacqueline Suthren Hirst, speaking Compassionate the Nazarene church. children and their
on behalf of the University of Ministries (NCM) ~ Sunita Meshramkar families in their
Manchester. She noted that since around the world. distinct cultural
the relationship began with the Representatives came from Ukraine, contexts.
University of Manchester, “almost Russia, Hungary, Albania, Romania, Child development has been a critical
650 students from the college have India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, ministry of the Nazarene church. Around
graduated with awards from this Lebanon and Jordan. The conference the world, and across the Eurasia Region,
university. We are encouraged to see was organized by child development the denomination has been instrumental
links between the college and the volunteers from South Asia, India in reaching out to children, especially
university continuing to develop.” and the Philippines. Originally it was those who are less-privileged, vulnerable
This year NTC was privileged intended only for workers in South Asia and lost.
to have General Linda Bond, the and India, in the Eurasia Region, but As a child development worker
see “NTC” • page 3 see “CHILD” • page 4
Gina Pottenger
Eurasia Region

M any people outside of Israel may

not know that Arabs and Jews live
side by side throughout the Near Eastern
outreaching,” Butros said. “The church
grew. When we moved, we had around 60
people in the hospital, which seems to be
a gift they have. One time they prayed
for a sick man who was a believer in Jesus
country, and that a small number of those In 1990, Browning asked them to Christ. While Butros was at the hospital,
Arabs have been Christian in culture and move to Haifa to pastor the Nazarene another family noticed his prayers and
birth for centuries. church there. Haifa is a city of about asked if he would come and pray for a
Rev. Butros and Mrs. Remona Grayeb 400,000 people, among whom about man who was in a coma. The man and his
are two of those Arab Christians, with a 50,000 are Arabs. Some are Christians, family were members of another religion.
heart to reach other Arabs in the Holy but most are members of another Butros prayed over the man and
Land with Jesus Christ through pastoral religion. then left. The next time he came to the
ministry and an evangelical school for The Haifa Nazarene Church is made hospital, someone recognized him and
children. up of Arab Christians and services are asked, “Do you want to see the man you
conducted in Arabic. The Grayebs began prayed for?” The man who had been in a
Slow and steady with just a handful of members. Over the coma wasn’t in bed – he was fully clothed
Remona Grayeb grew up and walking around,
in a Christian family, but “The mother [was] completely Communist. healthy. Butros believes
faith wasn’t personal for her She [started] talking to me about Stalin, Marx. this act of God was a
until her sister invited her to witness to this family who
a Nazarene youth camp. It
The Lord opened my mouth how to deal with did not believe in Jesus
was at church where she met this lady and before I left, she was on her Christ.
Butros, now her husband. knees with her daughter, accepting the Lord.” The church offers a
They became engaged ~ Butros Grayeb free packet to those who
and were the first Arab are interested. The packet
Nazarenes to be married in the Eastern years, the church grew, mostly with young contains a Bible, a video and some other
Mediterranean Field. Lindell Browning, people. literature about the Christian faith. One
field strategy coordinator, performed the “We used to have 45-50 young people, woman and her daughter had contacted
wedding. but the Intifada came and it destroyed a them asking for the packet, so the couple
They began their ministry by pastoring lot from this ministry,” she said. “They visited the women.
a Nazarene church in Jerusalem from moved away or they were afraid.” (The “The mother [was] completely
1984 to 1990. When they took the Intifada was a period of Israeli-Palestinian Communist,” Butros said. “She [started]
church, there was just one local member, violence from 2000 to 2005.) talking to me about Stalin, Marx. The
and the rest who came on any given Lord opened my mouth how to deal with
Sunday were tourists or visitors. Healing prayer this lady and before I left, she was on her
“We worked hard visiting and The Grayebs enjoy praying with sick knees with her daughter, accepting the
see “ISRAEL” • page 3
ISRAEL: Dream to expand preschool
from page 2
Lord.” families on Christmas. There are around movement in the Nazarene church in
It is a steep uphill climb to bring 30 Christian families need help on the Holy Land, to plant more churches,
people into a relationship with Jesus Christmas, and this will be like an open raise up more pastors and to send much
door to get to these families.” needed support.
The couple has four children: Fadi,
“I am praying for Back to school 17; Raneen, 22; Nardeen, 24; and Rasha,
that vision, to see In 1991, they opened a Christian
preschool at the church as a means for
27. Nardeen leads songs during worship
in the church while Raneen plays the
a Nazarene school building neighborhood contacts, serving keyboard; Fadi plays the violin and
operates the sound system. Rasha, who
from grade 1 to 12 the community and to financially support
themselves and the church. lives in Nazareth, is married to an elder
in Haifa. Through While the church has struggled in the church there. Raneen is engaged to
to attract new and young people, the a Christian man and they are planning to
the students you preschool has thrived, with currently get married next year.
can make a good about 40 students – from Jewish, Muslim “Praise the Lord for my family,” said
Butros. u
and Christian families.
outreach.” Butros leads the school
~ Butros Grayeb with Remona, and there are
three other staff members.
He dreams of expanding
Christ. Many Arabs who grew up in the school.
Christian homes think it’s good enough “I am praying for that
to be born in a Christian family, and vision, to see a Nazarene
aren’t interested in a personal relationship school from grade 1 to 12 in
with Jesus Christ, he said. Others are Haifa, because Haifa has a
attracted to the Jehovah’s Witness sect. lack of private schools, and
The church also tries to share food and sometimes people don’t
clothes with the many poor people who know where to put their
live in the surrounding area. Sometimes children in school,” he said.
resources fall short, however. “Through the students you
“Sometimes we need some help for can make a good outreach.” In 1991 the Grayebs opened a Christian preschool at the church
this issue,” he said. “We are praying and Remona is praying as a means for building neighborhood contacts and serving the
thinking how to give food and gifts for that God would inspire a community. About 40 students attend. Photo courtesy Butros Grayeb.

NTC: Salvation Army general spoke

from page 1
worldwide leader of the Salvation Army,
as the guest speaker. The involvement
of General Bond is an expression of
the valued links that NTC has with the
Salvation Army. It was particularly fitting
that John Read, a serving Salvation Amy
officer, graduated from NTC’s PhD
programme with research on “Catherine
Booth: The Formulation of a Salvationist
With each graduating year, NTC
continues to look to serve the worldwide
Church of the Nazarene in the
preparation of pastors and leaders, both
for the church and in its educational
NTC is a partner institute of the
University of Manchester, offering
theological education from certificate
Forty students, representing 13 different countries, graduated from Nazarene Theological College this year level through to postgraduate research
with a range of degrees and specialisms. Photo courtesy NTC Manchester. degrees. Visit u
CHILD: Moving to transformation
from page 1
in India, I was amazed to see the
development made by Nazarenes as a
denomination globally, and more so in
South Asia. It was inspiring to witness
how we have moved forward in enabling
our local churches to follow the path
toward change and transformation from
the child, to the family, to the community
and church at large.
We learned that there are different
types of ministry in child development,
varying from country to country, as well
as region to region. Some of them are still
in the compassionate yet charity/welfare
stage, while the others are slowly moving
towards the welfare/development stage.
In South Asia, especially countries
such as Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, as
well as in India, child development is
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries began Nazarene child sponsorship in 1983 by supporting pastors’
structured and tied to the church because children’s education. In the next decade, NCM launched the Child Development Center model. Photo
of our denomination’s close association courtesy Trino Jara.
with Compassion International and other
organizations that share the same ethos. from the pool of experiences we already The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
In these countries the development stage have richly available inside the church Opportunites and Threats) analysis was
is fairly evident. However, the need to itself. a good exercise and tool that helped me
move towards “transformation” is much Leaders emphasized the Child re-examine myself and ministry work.
needed. This will only sustain the efforts Protection Policy and the need for us I do trust that alongside the church we
made, and thus the need to sustain our to implement it in every country. This certainly will see child development soar
child development programs and projects drives home that child ministry needs to greater heights.
is an important subject of learning. to be taken seriously with a sense of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
Almost all the representatives of accountability to one another. There began Nazarene child sponsorship in
countries and regions did share the best was also training in how to run a child 1983, supporting pastors’ children’s
of their practices and approaches. This development center in a sustainable way. education. Over the years, NCM Child
platform of being able to see, understand The conference introduced us to the Sponsorship grew into holistic ministry
and exchange has strengthened my new Sprout concept, which will allow for children and their families. NCM
learning. Most of the participants have in all global child development ministries has 11,000 children in its sponsorship
fact already started exchanging notes with to access data about sponsored children program, and feeds 50,000 children
one another for better learning. as it happens now. Also, we will be able through nutrition programs. There are 123
Forming a team that will facilitate to track many other elements about the child development centers globally.
training and equipping all NCM child holistic development of each sponsored Learn more at u
development coordinators in different child, or children, from other ministries
parts of the world will surely hasten the that churches may be conducting. This -- Sunita Meshramkar is Nazarene
process of growth. How to and why to do development seems challenging and Compassionate Ministries child development
things in a particular way can be learned exciting. coordinator for India.

‘Family of children’ transformed through Albania church

By Steve Beiler
were Mirsada’s siblings: three sisters, church member brought the boy to the
The Church of the Nazarene in Suela, 20; Emine, 16; and Shkurta, 14; and church where he was washed up, given
Albania is intentionally reaching out to one brother, Ndrec, 9. The father of the clothes. A few days later, this church
entire families through child-centered older siblings left many years ago, and the member walked with Ndrec to his home,
compassionate ministries. mother was hit and killed by a car in the which was part of an old communist
In January, the Kombinat Church of summer of 2011. factory that was mostly destroyed in 1997.
the Nazarene was brought into contact Ndrec was the church’s first contact When the church realized Ndrec’s
with a family of eight. The family of eight with the family, as someone from the family’s need, immediately, the church
included a mother, Mirsada, only 22 years church spotted him walking the street surrounded “this family of children” in
old, with three children the ages of 5, 2, alone, with oversized pants and shoes love. Firewood was provided for them
and 6 months. The rest of the family (two different shoes on), and dirty. A for the rest of winter, church members
see “ALBANIA” • page 5
ALBANIA: Church members offer homes
from page 4
began to take them food, and they were discovered she had found a way out of the stay with us in our home for a week. The
surrounded by love. The young family country and had been making a living on local church surrounded them with love
responded positively by acquainting the streets. A few months ago, a similar and prayer and continuing help with the
themselves with the local church. thing happened to Shkurta. She was needed medication.
Ndrec had already gotten involved suddenly married off and now is living When Samuel was well enough to
with life on the street; a group of men outside of the country. We are concerned return to church, he noticed a picture of
(possibly mafia) were using him to steal that she may have been a victim of praying hands on the door. He went up,
goods for them. He even stole from his trafficking, and we somehow missed it!
own home, which had practically nothing This breaks our heart!
to begin with. The church began to look The church has been working with
for a children’s home for him, but due to this family on their legal documents, and
systemic bureaucracy, it was not possible. is partnering with the local government
During this time, Suela suddenly left, to get them registered for services in the
returning months later, pregnant. We area. This will enable them to receive
some government assistance. Elena,
Mirsada’s 5-year-old daughter, had also
received registration in the local school
system with the help of the church
but, due to other circumstances, is not
The family moved from their old home. (above)
currently attending. They will soon be moving into a new home with a
Today, Ndrec is in a children’s home church family. Photos courtesy Steve Beiler.
and doing well. Mirsada and her three
children, and Emine and Ndrec, are all an pointed to the praying hands, and said,
active part of the church. “lutet” (Albanian meaning, “praying”). At
Just this month, Mirsada was able to 2 years old, he is already being trained in
find a job. And a young lady associated the importance and power of prayer.
with the church is opening a room in her Members of the church have been
home with her parents for this family to helping Emine in visits to a local dentist
live. They will be moving into that home for several gum infections in her mouth,
soon, and the church will be helping to and she is feeling better.
support them with $50 a month for this In working together with the
arrangement. government, the local community, and
The Kombinat Church of the Nazarene in Albania
has been working closely with a family of eight and Recently, when the 2-year-old, Samuel, the members of the church, this family’s
bringing them food and firewood. As a result, the was sick in the hospital with his mother, situation is transformed compared to 10
family started getting acquainted with the church. the rest of the family had the chance to months ago. Praise the Lord! u

Register now for

conventions in 2013
Indianapolis, Indiana -- The next General will have the opportunity to participate
Assembly and Global Conventions for in the conventions in Razgrad, Bulgaria;
the Church of the Nazarene will be held Hyderabad, India; and Indianapolis,
in June 2013. These events take place USA. Other cities expecting to host the
once every quadrennium, or four years. conventions include Manila, Philippines;
This time the General Assembly will Johannesburg, South Africa; and Quito,
take place in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Ecuador, to name a few.
and the Global Conventions will take The General Assembly will take place
place in 11 locations around the globe at 22-27 June 2013. The Conventions will
the same time. take place 19-21 June 2013. Visitors may
The NMI and NYI Global attend at any of the locations. All visitors
Conventions will conduct business via and delegates must register to attend
interactive video conference with all sites through their respective district office. The 2013 General Assembly will take place 22-27
at the same time. The SDMI Convention More information can be found at June, in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Photo courtesy
will offer workshops locally. u
Delegates and visitors from Eurasia
Bangladesh Nazarenes give to Hurricane Sandy victims
In November, Nazarene staff members On November 11, several Bangladesh Christ, we are bound to do that…. He can
in Bangladesh gave an offering of churches added offerings of $766 USD use this small gift in a bigger way.”
$1,424 USD – an equivalent of one day’s to help their brothers and sisters in the “It’s a great privilege for us,” said Mr.
salary for each person – to Nazarene West, according to Rev. Nathan, a district Karim. “Although we don’t have enough...
Compassionate Ministries International superintendent. We want to share something with them so
for clean-up and relief efforts related to “Although we are poor country, but that they can feel that they are precious
Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged seven we have a heart for them, we want to to us because we are Body of Christ. I feel
countries in the Caribbean, including the show our love to them,” said Mrs. Mina, proud that I got the opportunity through
East Coast of the United States. a Bangladeshi Nazarene. “As we follow Nazarene Church." u

Register now for the EuNC Leadership Conference 2013

Gelnhausen, Germany -- The annual morning devotions and evening services South Africa and lecturer in missiology
EuNC Leadership Conference will be will be Dr. Daniel Boone, president at the Theological Seminary of the
held January 28 to 30 at the Gelnhausen of Trevecca Nazarene University in Free Evangelical Church in Ewersbach,
Church of the Nazarene. The event will Nashville, Tennessee, U.S. He will address Germany.
be hosted by the Germany Learning current issues in Western societies from For more information and the online
Centre. The theme will be “Making a a Christian viewpoint. The seminar registration form, please visit the website
Difference.” speaker is Dr. Johannes Reimer, professor at u
The devotional speaker for the of mission studies at the University of
“And the peace of God, Follow us on Facebook
which transcends all
understanding, will guard
your hearts and your
minds in Christ Jesus.”
~ Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

Upcoming Events
14-17 Jan • World conference for JFHP
regional coordinators,
Johannesburg, South Africa
23 Jan • Ordination assembly,
26 Jan • Ordination assembly,
Bangladesh- South
28 Jan • Ordination assembly,
Due to the holidays in December, there will be no
29 Jan • Ordination assembly, Where Worlds Meet newsletter in January 2013. We will
Bangladesh-North resume in February.
1-11 Feb • JFHP team will dedicate
new ministry center in
All content in Where Worlds Meet is permissible to
Kathmandu, Nepal be republished within the Church of the Nazarene.
23 Feb • Ordination assembly, Sri Simply include this statement: “Reprinted with
Lanka permission from Where Worlds Meet; December 2012
issue, available at”

Prayer Requests Where Worlds Meet is the monthly

• Pray for the child development practitioners from the Eurasia community as newsletter for the Eurasia Region
they work toward transformation of children and their families, and better train of the Church of the Nazarene. To
others in their countries. subscribe, e-mail whereworldsmeet@ or visit
• Pray for Rev. Butros Grayeb and his wife, Remona, as they reach out to Arabs in
the Holy Land through pastoral ministry and a preschool. Pray God will provide
support to their Christmas giving. We welcome stories, photos and
prayer requests. E-mail submissions to
• Pray for the Kombinat Church of the Nazarene in Albania as they reach out to
local families by sharing Christ’s love through the giving of food and shelter.
Dennis Mohn, Communications
• Pray for persecuted Nazarenes across the region: that they will have the Holy Coordinator
Spirit’s endurance, strength, abundant joy, courage and forgiveness.
Gina Pottenger, Editor in Chief
• Christ commands us to pray for more workers for the harvest in Luke 10:2:
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, Ritiksha Lobo, Assistant Editor
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (NIV). Pray that God
would raise up and equip new workers across the region. Gustavo Crocker, Regional Director

Transforming Our World:

In Christ • Like Christ • For Christ
Eur asia Regional Office • Postfach 1217 • 8207 Schaffhausen, Switzer land
Phone (+49) 7734 93050 • Fax (+49) 7734 930550 • E-mail wherewor ldsmeet@eur asiaregion.or g

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