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For our purpose, we shall designate the following six as the functions of a

manager: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and

 Management has been defined in many different ways by different 1. PLANNING : Planning is the most fundamental and the most pervasive of
authors. Here is a sample: - all management functions Planning is concerned with 'what', 'how, and
 Management is the art of getting things done through and with people 'when' of performance. It is deciding in the present about the future
in formally organized groups.(Haimann, T.) objectives and the courses of action for their achievement.
 Management is simply the process of decision-making and control over It thus involves: (a) determination of long and short-range objectives; (b)
the actions of human beings for the express purpose of attaining development of strategies and courses of actions to be followed for the
predetermined goals.(Vance S.) achievement of these objectives; and (c) formulation of policies, procedures,
 Management is a social process entailing responsibility for the effective and rules, etc., for the implementation of strategies, and plans. Policies,
and economical planning and regulations of the operations of an procedures and rules provide the framework of decision making, and the
enterprise in fulfillment of a given purpose or task (Brech E. F., 1957). method and order for the making and implementation of these decisions.
 Management is the coordination of all resources through the process of 2. ORGANIZING : Organizing involves identification of activities required for
planning, organizing, directing and controlling in order to attain a given the achievement of enterprise objectives and implementation of plans;
stated objective (Fayol H. 1916; & Koontz and O’Donnel, 1976) grouping of activities into jobs; assignment of these jobs and activities to
departments and individuals; delegation of responsibility and authority for
CHARACTERISTICS OF MANAGEMENT: performance, and provision for vertical and horizontal coordination of
 Management is an activity. Organizing thus involves the following sub-functions : (a) Identification of
activities required for the achievement of objectives and implementation of
 (Management is Purposeful and goal-oriented.
plans. (b) Grouping the activities so as to create self-contained jobs. (c)
 Management is a Social Process
Assignment of jobs to employees. (d) Delegation of authority so as to enable
 Management is getting things done.
them to perform their jobs and to command the resources needed for their
 Management is an intangible force.
performance. (e) Establishment of a network of coordinating relationships.
 Management is an Integrating Process.
 Management is separate from ownership. 3. STAFFING : Staffing is a continuous and vital function of management.
 Management is a Universal Activity After the objectives have been determined, strategies, policies, programmes,
 Management is a social science procedures and rules formulated for their achievement, activities for the
implementation of strategies, policies, programmes, etc. identified and
THE ART AND SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT grouped into jobs, the next logical step in the management process is to
procure suitable personnel for manning the jobs.
Management can be said to be both a science and an art. First, it is a science
because it is based on a set of organized knowledge founded on proper It comprises several subfunctions : (a) Manpower planning involving
scientific findings and exact principles. It is part of the branch of science determination of the number and the kind of personnel required. (b)
known as social science just like sociology, economics or history. The other Recruitment for attracting adequate number of potential employees to seek
branches of science are physical science, biological science etc. Management jobs in the enterprise. (c) Selection of the most suitable persons for the jobs
is also a behavioral science in which its theories and principles are based on under consideration. (d) Placement, induction and orientation. (e) Transfers,
the situation. promotions, termination and layoff. (f) Training and development of
Management can also be an art. An art refers to the best way of doing
something. Management can be said to be the process of directing scientific 4. DIRECTING : Directing is the function of leading the employees to perform
knowledge to the accomplishment of objectives. Like any other art, efficiently, and contribute their optimum to the achievement of
management is creative, develops new situations, new designs and new organizational objectives. Jobs assigned to subordinates have to be explained
systems needed to improve performance. Art therefore is the ‘know-how’ or and clarified, they have to be provided guidance in job performance and they
‘technique’ to achieve a desired result. The most productive art is always are to be motivated to contribute their optimum performance with zeal and
based on an understanding of the science underlying it. enthusiasm. The function of directing thus involves the following sub-
functions : (a) Communication (b) Motivation (c) Leadership
The purpose of science is to explain phenomena. Science is based on the 5. COORDINATION : Coordinating is the function of establishing such
belief that relationships can be found between two or more sets of events. relationships among various parts of the organization that they all together
The scientific method involves determining facts through observation of pull in the direction of organizational objectives. It is thus the process of tying
events and verifying their accuracy through continued observation. After together all the organizational decisions, operations, activities and efforts so
classifying and analyzing the facts observed, scientists establish causal as to achieve unity of action for the accomplishment of organizational
relationships known as hypotheses that they test for accuracy. When objectives. Coordination, as a management function, involves the following
hypotheses are supported, and are found to explain or predict reality they sub-functions: (a) Clear definition of authority-responsibility relationships (b)
become principles. However, principles are not permanent they can still be Unity of direction (c) Unity of command (d) Effective communication (e)
challenged by future research and analysis and either modified or discarded. Effective leadership
Principles, Theory and Concepts: Principles, theory and concepts form the
structural framework of a science. 6. CONTROLLING : Controlling is the function of ensuring that the divisional,
departmental, sectional and individual performances are consistent with the
Principles are fundamental truths or what are believed to be truths at a given predetermined objectives and goals. Deviations from objectives and plans
time, explaining relationships between two or more sets of variables. have to be identified and investigated, and correction action taken.
Theory is a systematic grouping of interrelated principles. It ties together Deviations from plans and objectives provide feedback to managers, and all
significant knowledge to form a framework. other management processes including planning, organizing, staffing,
Concepts are mental images of something formed by generalization from directing and coordinating are continuously reviewed and modified, where
particulars. Concepts are the building blocks of theory and principles. necessary
However, they tend to always imply different things to different people. For controlling involves the following process : (a) Measurement of performance
example concepts such as: management, organization, technology, labour against predetermined goals. (b) Identification of deviations from these
etc. goals. (c) Corrective action to rectify deviations.
Heading Management Administration
Meaning Management is an art of It is concerned with formulation of  Informational role
getting things done through extensive objectives / goal, plans &  Decisional role
others by directing their policies.
efforts towards achievement
of predetermined

Characteristic Management is Administration is a decision -making

s an function.
executing /
implementing function.
Process Managementdecideswho Administrationdecideswhat istobe
willdoit& done & when it is to be done. Interpersonal role
how will do it. 1. Figurehead
Purpose Management main function Administration main purpose is to  In the figurehead role, the manager is a symbol and represents the
is to get frame plans & policies. organization in matters of formality.
work done through others.  He / She performs official duties such as the signing of legal documents
Skill Technical and Human skills Conceptual and Human on behalf of the company, participation as a social necessity to greet
required. skills visito rs and customers and being available for people / agencies that
required. will only deal with him / her because of status and authority.
Level Middle & lower level Top level function.
2. Leader
 The leader role is to motivating and directing their subordinates.
 The manager also looks after the interest of his subor dinates and also
tries to solve their work related problems.
 He also sets goals / objectives for his followers, co -ordinates the
individual goals with the organizational goals.
3. Liaison
 The liaison role is to get connected between organization and outsider
 They have to interact with peers and people outside of the
 The manager’s networking skills to maintain internal and external
TOP LEVEL MANAGEMENT contacts for information exchange are essential.
 It consists of board of directors, chief executive or managing director.  The top level manager uses the liaison role to gain favors and
 The top management is the ultimate source of authority and it manages information, while the supervisor uses it to maintain the routine flow of
goals and policies for an enterprise. It devotes more time on planning and work
coordinating function.
 It controls & coordinates the activities of all the organization. INFORMATIONAL ROLE
 It prepares strategi c plans & policies for the enterprise. It also provides Monitor
direction. In the monitor role, the manager must establish and maintain information
 They also maintain the contacts with outside world. system; by building contacts both within and outside the organization and
MIDDLE LEVEL MANAGEMENT training staff to deliver information.
 The branch managers and departmental managers constitute middle level.
In the role of disseminator, the manager receives, interprets, and transmits
They devote more time to implement policies and strategies.
external information through the liaison role into the organization and
 They make plans for the sub-units of the organization.
internal information through the leader role between s ubordinates.
 They interpret and explainpolicies from top level management to lower
In the role of spokesperson, the manager disseminates the organization’s
 Theyalsosendimportantreportsandotherimportantdatatotoplevel
information into the general public, such as customers, suppliers,
government and the press.
 They are also responsible for inspiring lower level managers towards DECISIONAL ROLE
better performance. Entrepreneur
LOWER LEVEL MANAGEMENT In the entrepreneur role, the manager initiates and plans the controlled
 Lower level is also known as supervisory / operative level of management. change in the organization through exploiting opportunities or solving
 It consists of supervisors, foreman, section officers, superintendent etc. problems and taking action to improve existing operation.
 They are responsible for the quality as well as quantity of production. Disturbance Handler
 They communicate workers problems, suggestions, and other In the disturbance handler role, the manager reacts to spontaneous situ
recommendation etc. to the higher level and higher level goals and ations and unpredictable events which pose threats to the organization and
objectives to the workers. must take action to correct the situation.
 They help to solve the grievances of the workers. Resource Allocator
 They are responsible for providing training to the workers. In the resource allocator role, the manager decides where the organization
 They arrange necessary materials, machines, tools etc. for getting the will expand its efforts and makes choices o n the allocation of resources such
things done. as capital fund, time, materials and manpower.
 They prepare periodical reports about the performance of the workers. Negotiator
 They ensure discipline in the ent erprise as well as motivate workers. In the negotiator role, the manager negotiates on behalf of the organization
with other individuals or organizations for a new sales contract or
cooperation agreement.
ROLESOFMANAGER . asperMintzberg. OR
These roles can be grouped into three categories MANAGERIAL SKILLS/MANAGEMENT SKILLS

 Interpersonalrole
Conceptual Skills
 A conceptual skill is related with top level management. based on competence of workers. The competent workers are paid
 It includes analytical, creative and initiative skills. more wages than incompetent one. It also encou rages incompetent
 It helps the manager to fix goals or objective for whole organization and workers to improve their performance and achieve their standards.
plan for every situation.
 According to Prof. Daniel Katz, Conceptual skills are mostly required by LIMITATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACH OF MANAGEMENT GIVEN BY F. W.
the top level management because they spend more time in planning, TAYLOR
organizing and problem solving.  Unfair mechanism: Scientific Management main objective is to increase
Human Skills: workers’ productivitybut management didnot share thebenefitsof
 Human relations skills are also called Interpersonal skills and it is increasedproductivity with workers.
related with middle level management.  Depersonalized Work: Scientific management everything is standardized. In
 It is an ability to work with people. short, workershavetodoworkrepeatedly.Thesegeneratemonotonyand
 Manager also lead, motivate, direct, communicate and develop team boredom.
spirit.  Un-psychological: In scientific Management there is no specific information
 Human relations skills are required by all managers at all levels of given thathowwagesshouldbedistributedasaresultitbecomesun-
management. psychological.
Technical Skills:  Unoriginal:F.W.Taylor has copied this approach from someone else’s
 It is capacity to use the differ ent tools / machinery and techniques in approach.
an area in which a person is specialized.  Unrealistic: F.W.Taylor has not believed in motivation, financial needs also.
 Technical skills required particularly with lower level management. That is the reason why this concept is unrealistic
The history and theory of management are important to managers for BUSINESS OPERATION:
various reasons: According to Fayol, the business operations of an organization could be
divided into six activities.
 They help managers understand current developments and avoid
Technical: producing and manufacturing products.
mistakes of the past
Commercial: Buying, selling and exchange.
 They foster an understanding and appreciation of current situations
Financial: Search for an optimal use of capital.
and developments and facilitates the prediction of future conditions
Security: protecting an employees and property.
 They help managers organize information and approach problems
Accounting: recording and taking stick of costs, profits and liabilities, maintain
systematically. Without knowledge of theory, managers would be using
balance sheets, and compilingstatistics.
guess work, hunches, intuition and hopes which may not be useful in
the present complex and dynamic organization.
planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Fayol’s five
Classical theory is divided into scientific management and administrative
Division of work: According to Henry Fayol work should be divided and subdivided
Scientific management theory: Changes in economic and production with various individual according to their expertise skills and knowledge in a
patterns during the industrial revolution led a few practicing managers to particular area. With division of work it helps individual in acquiring speed, accuracy
examine the causes of inefficiency in production. It is these basic studies in his performance. Specialization leads to effici ency and effectiveness for
that led to a system of management known as scientific management. organization.
Scientific management has been defined as the application of scientific related. Authority was defined by Fayol as the right to give orders and powers to
method of study, analysis and problem solving in organizations. matchduty. Responsibilityinvolvesbeing accountable,andisthereforenaturally
SCIENTIFIC APPROACH OF MANAGEMENT GIVEN BY F. W. TAYLOR. Unity of command: Subordinates should receive orders and be answerable to one
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is considered “father of scientific and only one boss at a time. In other words, subordinates should not receive
management”, in other words, it is a classical management approach that instructions from more than one person. Unity of command provides the
emphasizes the scientific study of work methods to improve the efficiency enterprise of disciplined, stable and orderly existence. It creates harmonious
of the workers. relationship between superiors andsub-ordinates.
Elements of scientif ic approach given by F.W. Taylor: Unity ofDirection: the entire organization shouldbe moving towards a common
 Scientific Task Planning: Scientific task planning is all about the total direction.Accordingtothisprinciple,effortsofallthemembersoftheorganization
amount of work an average worker can do during a day under normal should be directed towards common goal.
conditions. Management should decide in advance what work is to be Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interests: The interests of one
done, by whom, where and when. personshouldnottakepriorityovertheinterestsoftheorganizationasawhole.
 Time Study: The time study indicates that minimum time required Equity: Equity means all employees should be treated in organization as equally as
finishing a particular job. The time study would indicate the time taken possible. Equity is combination of fairness, kindness and justice.
by workers to finish particular job is being recorded first and this Order: this principle is concerned with proper and systematic arrangement of things
information is being used to devel op standard time. and people. Arrangement of things is called material order and people are called
 Motion study: Motion study is useful to find out best order of activity socialorder. Materialorder –thereshould besafe,appropriateandspecificplace
to do a particular job. foreverymaterialormachinery.Socialorder–selectionandappointmentofmost
 Functional Foremanship: In order to achieve better production control, suitable person on the right place. In short, right person at right place.
Taylor has given the concept of foremanship. Where the factory has divi Scalar Chain: Managers in hierarchies are part of a chain like authority scale. Each
ded into various department. And each department has in-charge of manager, from the first line supervisor to the president, possesses certain amounts
specialist. These functional foremanshipplayingroleofspecialist and of authority. The President possesses the most authority; the first line supervisor the
provideexpertadvicetoworkers. least. Lower level managers should always keep upper level managers informed of
 Standardization:InscientificManagementstandardshavetobesetwellin their work activities. The existence of a scalar cha in and adherence to it are
advance forthetask,materials,workmethod,quality,time,andcostand necessary if the organization is to be successful.
workingcondition etc. this helps in simplifying the process of production Discipline: According to Fayol, “Discipline means sincerity, respect of authority and
and which reduce waste, improvequalityof product andmaximum observance of rules and regulation of the enterprise”. This principle applies that
utilization ofavailable resources. subordinate should respect their superiors and obey their order.
 Differential piece rate system: In order to motivate workers, incentive based Initiative:Workersshouldbeencouragedtotakeinitiativeintheworkassignedto
wage system has been developed. This concept of piece rate system is them. Fayol advised to them. Fayol advised that management should provide
opportunity to its employees to suggest ideas, experiences and new method of  Attitudes and behaviour towards other people are a reflection of the
work. assumptions we make about people.
Fair remuneration:Fayolsuggestedthatremuneration to bepaidto theworkers  McGregor’s theory X corresponds closely to Schein’s rational-economic
should be fair, reasonable, satisfactory and rewarding of the efforts. As far as man, while theory Y corresponds to self-actualizing man.
possible remuneration should satisfy employer as well as employee. Fayol also  McGregor’s assumptions have found wide application in issues of
recommended provision of other benefits such as free education, medical leadership than in general management.
and residential facilities toworkers.  Based on these assumptions, managers should consider seriously
Stability: Fayol emphasized that employees should not be moved frequently, from practices such as flexibility in working time, job enrichment,
one job toanother. performance appraisal, participation etc.
StabilityofTenureofPersonnel:Retainingproductiveemployeesshouldalwaysbe a  In real life, a blend of the two assumptions can be observed.
product-reject rates are usually associated with hiring new workers. SIX TYPES OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS
Espirit de Corps: Management should encourage harmony and general good feelings
among employees. 1. Sole Proprietorship
A sole proprietorship, also known as a consultant, independent contractor, or
NEO-CLASSICAL THEORY OF MANAGEMENT freelancer is a business owned by a single person. Sole proprietorships are
“the most common form of business organization" (Beatty, 2006, p. 755).
While the scientific management theorists were more concerned with the Pros and cons of a Sole Proprietorship
mechanics and structure of organization, the human relations school of PROS
thought was more concerned with the human factor i.e. people and their  Simplicity in retirement plans
relationship with the organization, fellow workers and the job.  Easiest form of business to set up and dissolve
 Avoids the expense of forming a partnership or corporation
The emergence of industrial psychology in 1913 provided the impetus in the  Not required to file a separate tax return (although it will be on a
studies on human problems in organizations. separate schedule)
 No need to register with the government (a few states and local
The works of Elton Mayo (1880 – 1949). governments require sole proprietorships to possess a business license)

Elton was an Australian practicing psychologist at Harvard University. He CONS

carried out experiments at the Hawthorne Plant of Western Electric over a  You are on your own
period of time and his findings can be summarized as follows:-
 Unlimited personal liability for all debts of the business
 Limited financing options (cannot raise capital from outside investors)
 Individual workers cannot be treated in isolation but must be seen as  Self-employment taxes of 15.3% on the first $106,800 of earnings
members of a group.  Business dissolves when owner dies or sells rights to business (new
 The need to belong to a group and have status within it is more owner must start new sole proprietorship)
important than monetary incentives or good working conditions.
 Informal groups at work exercise a strong influence over the behaviour 2. GENERAL PARTNERSHIP
of workers. A general partnership is formed with two or more partners as business co-
 Supervisors need to be aware of these social needs and cater for them owners.
if workers are to collaborate with the official/formal organization rather PROS AND CONS OF A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP
than work against it. PROS
You have someone to assist you in business matters allowing more time
DOUGLAS MCGREGOR (1967) away from the business
Partners provide additional financial backing as opposed to going it alone in a
Like Schein’s classifications, McGregor’s theory X and theory Y are a set of sole proprietorship.
assumptions about people. After observing the actual practice of managers, Simplicity and flexibility
he proposed that they were operating on two levels. CONS
Loss of total control resulting in decision making being done by the team
THEORY X instead of by the individual
 The average person has an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it if Each of the partners will have unlimited personal liability for all debts of the
possible. business
 Because of dislike for work, people must be coerced, controlled, Business income and expenses reported on a separate tax return
directed and threatened with punishment to get them to work.
 The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid 3. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
responsibility, has limited ambition and wants security above all else. A limited partnership is a partnership formed by two or more people having
at least one general partner and one limited partner.
THEORY Y Pros and cons of a Limited Partnership
 The use of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or Pros
rest. Limited liability for limited partner
 People will exercise self-direction and self control in the service of Easy to form
objectives to which they are committed. Perpetual existence – business continues as partners come and go
 Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with Only one partner is required to be a general partner
achievement. Cons
 The average human being learns under proper conditions not only to Selling of one’s partnership interest is only allowed if the partnership
accept but to seek responsibility. agreement permits it.
 The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, Reinvested profits are taxed at the owners’ highest marginal tax rate
ingenuity and creativity in the solution of organizational problems is Sharing profits with others
widely and not narrowly distributed. Greater expense to form than a general partnership
 Under conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities General partners liable for debt
of the average human being are only partially utilized.
“C" corporation characteristics in regards to:
Liability - When choosing a form of business, the major legal consideration is Less flexibility than a “C" corporation
limited liability protection. The business owner(s) are only liable for the Must use calendar year for tax reporting purposes (few exceptions)
capital they have invested and not their personal property.
Income taxes – Your salary is deductible as a business expense and LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
shareholders’ dividends are taxed at a 15% “qualified dividends" tax rate. A limited liability company (LLC) is a hybrid between a partnership and
Perez states: corporation.
The lowest tax bracket for a C-Corp is the 15% bracket that goes from zero to Pros and cons of a Limited Liability Company
$50,000. It may be possible to manage your small business finances so that Pros
your corporation will never pay more than 15% in taxes. (2009, p.3 ¶ 2) Limited liability
Longevity or continuity of business – Relative ease of transferring shares and Hybrid between a partnership and corporation
adding shareholders means selling your business, bringing in a new business Owners can report their share of profits or losses on their individual tax
partner, or transferring ownership to your children is easier than with a returns
partnership or sole proprietorship. Can utilize pass-through taxation (if the owners decide to treat the LLC as a
Control – Management is separate from shareholders. Managers don’t have sole proprietorship or a partnership)
any ownership responsibilities and shareholders don’t take on any Distribution of earnings among members is flexible - profits and losses don’t
management responsibilities. This separation keeps liabilities from poor have to be distributed in proportion to ownership
management decisions from depleting shareholder's personal assets. Can be managed by owner or outside manager
Profit retention – Only “C" corporations can split profits between dividends Can be single owner (a few states require more than one owner)
and retained earnings. Cons
Generally required by state law to have written operating agreements -
rights and duties of the members much like a partnership agreement
Limited tax benefits versus sole proprietorship or general partnership
Limited liability
No perpetual existence (most states require the operating agreements of an
Greater flexibility than a “S" corporation
LLC to set a limit to the company’s existence.)
Multiple classes of stock
Requirements must be met to sell ownership interests
No restrictions on eligible owners
Some states have no corporate tax
Section 179 expensing election considerably lucrative (“S" corporations are
The public sector is that part of a country’s economy that is effectively
limited to just one amount)
controlled by the government. This includes central government, state
Unlimited number and type of shareholders – beneficial when planning a
government as well as local government bodies. The public sector includes
stock offering or requiring many investors
public companies, entities and public enterprises and services. An excellent
Ease of selling or transferring stock
example of the public sector is the Indian Railways. The Indian railway system
Some states require no disclosure of corporate owners
is 100% owned and managed by the state.
Tax-free accident and health insurance to the employee
Perpetual existence – business can continue without their founders  Departmental Organisation
May elect to use a fiscal instead of a calendar tax year (ability to shift income  Public/ Statutory Organisation
between taxable years)  Government Organization
Double taxation - profits taxed at the corporate level and dividends at the DEPARTMENTAL ORGANISATION
shareholders level In this form of organisation, the public enterprise is run by a department of
Greatest startup cost (incorporation fees, etc.) the government. So they are an extension of the ministry of the government
Greatest cost of filing yearly-required paperwork (taxes, business license, itself. They are not independent entities but are a vital part of the
etc.) functioning of the government.
Departmental organisations are allocated a budget made by the legislature.
S" CORPORATION The revenue from all these enterprises goes into the Treasury of the country.
An “S" corporation is a “C" corporation that has elected for “S" corporation Usually, there are some very strict accounting controls applicable to them.
tax status. With an “S" corporation, you receive the limited liability of a They must also be audited by the appropriate authorities every year.
corporate shareholder with the benefit of paying taxes as a sole proprietor or
partner. PUBLIC ORGANISATION or Statutory Organisation
Pros and cons of an “S" Corporation Statutory organisations or corporations come into existence by an Act of the
Pros Parliament. This act will define the power, functions, responsibilities and the
Limited liability rules and regulations of the corporation. Even the management structure will
Pass-through of losses - corporate losses can pass through to shareholders be defined by the Act.
unlike in a “C" corporation (no double taxation) Such corporations are autonomous bodies under the law. They have full
No federal income taxes organisational and financial control over the commercial activity that they
No shareholder FICA tax on net income (unlike self-employment taxes of deal in. There will be a well-represented Board of directors and an elected
15.3% on the first $106,800 of earnings for a sole proprietorship) chairman or director. The employees of such an organisation are not
Perpetual existence – business can continue without their founders considered as civil servants.
Simpler than a “C" corporation While statutory corporations are fully owned by the state, they are
Cons independently financed. The government may have to provide the startup
Subject to some of the same requirements of “C" corporations (keep capital, but the corporation can borrow funds, from the government or even
corporate minutes, hold shareholders and directors meetings, allow votes on in some cases from the public. The revenue that it earns is also at its disposal
major corporate decisions by shareholders) to reinvest.
Must maintain financial exclusivity between private and corporate holdings
to avoid personal financial liability GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS
State corporate income tax return may need to be filed These are public sector companies, incorporated under the Companies Act
Must have at least one shareholder 2013. They are formed purely for business reasons and are commercial
Limited to a maximum of 100 shareholders (no foreign shareholders) concerns. The composition is so that the government (centre, state or local)
All shareholders must agree to the election of “S" corporation status owns a minimum of 51% of the company and its shares.
There can only be issuance of common shares which can limit capital raising Government organisations are a separate legal entity. They can sue and be
efforts sued. They can hold assets and properties in its
All gains and losses must be passed through to the shareholder's stock stake An example of this is the State Bank of India.
in the company proportionately
Annual state franchise fee or tax
MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEED THEORY. List and explain the qualities of a good leader.
Qualities of a good leader
Proactive vs. Reactive: The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps
ahead. Working to his/her own environment with the goal of avoiding problems
before they arise.
Howdoyouhandleyourselfinunexpectedoruncomfortablesituations? An
effective leaderwilladapt tonewsurroundingsandsituations,doinghis/herbest
AGoodCommunicator:Asaleader,one must listen...a lot! Youmust be willing to
work to understand the needs and desires of others. A good leader asks many
questions, considers all options, and leads in the right direction.
Respectful: Treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect.
Quiet Confidence: Be sure of yourself with humble intentions.
Enthusiastic: Excitement is contagious. When a leader is motivated and excited
about the cause people will be more inclined to follow.
Open-Minded: Work to consider all options when making decisions. A strong leader
will evaluatetheinputfromallinterestedpartiesandworkforthebettermentofthe
Physiological Needs: Resourceful: Utilize the resources available to you. If you don't know the answer
Physiological needs are those required to sustain life, such as: to somethingfindoutbyaskingquestions.Aleadermustcreateaccesstoi
air nformation.
water Rewarding: An exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of others and
nourishment reinforce those actions. We all enjoy being recognized for our actions!
sleep Well Educated: Knowledge is power. Work to be well educated on community
According to Maslow's theory, if such needs are not satisfied then one's motivation policies, procedures, organizational norms, etc. Further, your knowledge of
will arise from the quest to satisfy them. Higher needs such as social needs and issues and information will only increase your success in leading others.
esteem are not felt until one has met the needs basic to one's bodily functioning. OpentoChange:Aleaderwilltakeintoaccountallpointsofviewandwillbewillingto
Safety changeapolicy,program,culturaltraditionthatisoutdated,ornolongerbeneficial
Once physiological needs are met, one's attention turns to safety and security in to the group as a whole.
order tobefreefromthethreatofphysicalandemotionalharm.Suchneedsmight Interested in Feedback: How do people feel about your leadership skill set? How
befulfilled by: can youimprove? Theseareimportantquestionsthataleaderneedstoconstantly
Living in a safe area askthe chapter. View feedback as a gift to improve
Medical insurance Evaluative: Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization/group
Job security to improve and progress. An exceptional leader will constantly evaluate and
Financial reserves change programs and policies that are not working.
According to Maslow's hierarchy, if a person feels that he or she is in harm's way, Organized: Are you prepared for meetings, presentations, and events and
higher needs will not receive much attention. confident that people around you are prepared and organized as well?
Social Needs Consistent: Confidence and respect cannot be attained without your leadership
Once a person has met the lower level physiological and safety needs, higher being consistent. People must have confidence that their opinions and thoughts will
level needs become important, the first of which are social needs. Social needs be heard and taken intoconsideration.
are those related to interaction with other people and may include: Delegator: An exceptional leader realizes that he/she cannot accomplish everything
Need for friends on his own. A leader will know the talents and interests of people around
Need forbelonging him/her, thus delegating tasks accordingly.
Need to give and receive love Initiative:Aleadershouldworktobethemotivator,aninitiator.He/shemustbea
Esteem key element in the planning and implementing of new ideas, programs, policies,
Onceapersonfeelsasenseof"belonging",theneedtofeelimportantarises. events
Esteem needs may be classified as internal or external. Internal esteem needs are
those related to self-esteem such as self-respect and achievement. External esteem WHAT IS PLANNING?
needs are those such as social status and recognition. Some esteem needs are:
Self-respect Planning is deciding what objectives to accomplish, the actions to be taken in
Achievement order to achieve them, the organizational position assigned to do them and
Attention who would be responsible for the actions needed.
Maslow later refined his model to include a level between esteem needs and Planning is goal-oriented.
self- actualization: the need for knowledge and aesthetics. Planning is made to achieve desired objective of business.
Self-Actualization Thegoalsestablishedshouldgeneralacceptanceotherwiseindividualefforts&
Self-actualization is the summit of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It is the energies will go misguided and misdirected.
quest of reaching one's full potential as a person. Planningidentifiestheactionthatwouldleadtodesiredgoalsquickly&
fully satisfied; as one grows psychologically there are always new economically.
It provides sense of direction to various activities. E.g. Maruti Udhyog is
opportunities to continue to grow.
trying to capture once again Indian Car Market by launching diesel models.
Self-actualized people tend to have needs such as: Planning is lookingahead.
Truth Planning is done for future.
Justice It requires peeping in future, analyzing it and predicting it.
Wisdom Thus planning is based on forecasting.
Meaning A plan is a synthesis of forecast.
Self-actualized persons have frequent occurrences of peak experiences, which It is a mental predisposition for things to happen in future.
are energized moments of profound happiness and harmony. According to Planning is an intellectual process.
Maslow, only a small percentage of the population reaches the level of self - Planning is a mental exercise involving creative thinking, sound judgment and
actualization. imagination.
It is not a mere guesswork but a rotational thinking.
A manager can prepare sound plans only if he has sound judgement, foresight Ithelpsinfindingoutproblemsofworkperformanceandaimsatrectifyingthe
and imagination same.
Planning is always based on goals, facts and considered estimates. Planning improves employee’s moral.
Planning involves choice & decision making. Planning creates an atmosphere of order and discipline in organization.
Planning essentially involves choice among various alternatives. Employees know in advance what is expected of them and therefore conformity can
Therefore, if there is only one possible course of action, there is no need be achieved easily.
planning because there is no choice. Thisencouragesemployeestoshowtheirbestandalsoearnrewardforthesame.
Thus,decisionmaking isanintegralpartof planning. Planning creates a healthy attitude towards work environment which helps in
A manager is surrounded by no. of alternatives. He has to pick the best depending boosting employees moral andefficiency.
upon requirements & resources of the enterprises. Planning helps in achieving economies.
Planningistheprimaryfunctionofmanagement/ PrimacyofPlanning. Effective planning secures economy since it leads to orderly allocation of resources
Planning lays foundation for other functions of management. to various operations.
It serves as a guide for organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Italsofacilitatesoptimumutilizationofresourceswhichbringseconomyin
Allthefunctionsofmanagementareperformedwithintheframeworkofplanslaid operations
out. It also avoids wastage of resources by selecting most appropriate use that
Therefore planning is the basic or fundamental function of management. will contribute to the objective of enterprise. For example, raw materials can be
Planning is a Continuous Process. purchased inbulkandtransportation costcanbeminimized.Atthesametimeit
Planning isaneverending functiondue tothe dynamicbusinessenvironment. ensuresregular supply for the production department, that is, overall efficiency.
Plansarealsopreparedforspecificperiod of time andat theendofthat period, Planning facilitates controlling.
plans aresubjectedtorevaluationandreviewinthelightofnewrequirementsand Planningfacilitatesexistenceofcertainplanned goalsandstandardof
changing conditions. performance.
Planning never comes into end till the enterprise exists issues, problems may It provides basis ofcontrolling.
keep cropping up and they have to be tackled by planning effectively. Wecannotthinkofaneffectivesystemofcontrollingwithoutexistenceofwell
Planning is allPervasive. thought out plans.
It is required at all levels of management and in all departments of enterprise. Planningprovidespre-determined goalsagainst whichactual performance is
Of course, the scope of planning may differ from one level to another. compared.
The top level may be more concerned about planning the organization as a In fact, planning and controlling are the two sides of a same coin. If planning is
whole whereas the middle level may be more specific in departmental plans and root, controlling is thefruit.
the lower level plans implementation of the same. Planning provides competitiveedge.
Planning is designed for efficiency. Planning provides competitive edge to the enterprise over the others which do
Planning leadsto accomplishment of objectivesat theminimumpossiblecost. not have effective planning. This is because of the fact that planning may involve
It avoids wastage of resources and ensures adequate and optimum utilization changing in work methods, quality, quantity designs, extension of work, redefining
of resources. of goals, etc.
A plan is worthless or useless if it does not value the cost incurred on it. Withthehelpof forecastingnot onlythe enterprisesecuresitsfuturebutat the
Therefore planning must lead to saving of time, effort and money. same time it is able to estimate the future motives of its competitor which
Planningleadstoproperutilizationofmen,money,materials,methodsand helps in facing future challenges.
machines. Therefore, planning leads to best utilization of possible resources, improves quality
Planning is Flexible. of production and thus the competitive strength of the enterprise is improved .
Planning is done for the future. Planning encourages innovations.
Since future is unpredictable, planning must provide enough room to cope with Intheprocess ofplanning,managershavetheopportunities ofsuggesting ways
the changes in customer’s demand, competition, govt. policies etc. and means of improvingperformance.
Under changed circumstances, the original plan of action must be revised and Planningisbasicallyadecisionmakingfunction whichinvolvescreativethinking
updated to make it morepractical and imagination that ultimatelyleads to innovation ofmethodsandoperations
forgrowth and prosperity of the enterprise.
Planning facilitates management by objectives.
Planning begins with determination of objectives. 1. Establishment ofobjectives
It highlights the purposes for which various activities are to be undertaken. Planning requires a systematic approach.
In fact, it makes objectives more clear and specific. Planning starts with the setting of goals and objectives to be achieved.
Planning helps in focusing the attention of employees on the objectives or Objectives provide a rationale for undertaking various activities as well as
goals of enterprise. indicate direction of efforts.
Without planninganorganizationhasno guide. Moreoverobjectivesfocustheattentionofmanagersontheendresultstobe
Planning compels manager to prepare a Blue-print of the courses of action to achieved.
be followed for accomplishment of objectives. As a matter of fact, objectives provide nucleus to the planning process.
Therefore, planning brings order and rationality into the organization. Therefore, objectives should be stated in a clear, precise and unambiguous
Planning minimizes uncertainties. language. Otherwise the activities undertaken are bound to be ineffective.
Business is full of uncertainties. As far as possible, objectives should be stated in quantitative terms. For
There are risks of various types due to uncertainties. example, Number of men is working, wages given, units produced, etc. But
Planning helps in reducing uncertainties of future as it involves anticipation of such an objective. cannot be stated in quantitative terms like performance
future events.
of quality control manager, effectiveness of personnelmanager.
Although future cannot be predicted with cent percent accuracy but planning
helps management to anticipate future and prepare for risks by necessary Such goals should be specified in qualitative terms.
provisions to meet unexpected turn ofevents. Henceobjectives shouldbe practical,acceptable, workableandachievable.
Therefore with the help of planning, uncertainties can be forecasted which
helps in preparing standbysas aresult, uncertainties are minimizedtoagreat 2. Establishment of PlanningPremises
extent. Planningpremisesaretheassumptionsaboutthe livelyshapeofeventsinfuture.
Planning facilitatesco-ordination. They serve as a basis of planning.
Planning revolves around organizational goals. Establishment of planning premises is concerned with determining where one
All activities are directed towards common goals. tends to deviate from the actual plans and causes of such deviations.
It is to find out what obstacles are there in the way of business during the
There is an integrated effort throughout the enterprise in various departments
and groups. course of operations.
It avoids duplication of efforts. In other words, it leads to better co -ordination. Establishmentofplanning premisesisconcerned to takesuch stepsthat avoid
these obstacles to a great extent.
Planning premises may be internal or external. Internal includes capital Single use plans – are developed handle non-programmed decision making
investment policy, management labor relations, philosophy of management, etc. in an unusual or unique situation, e.g. specific action plan to complete a
Whereas external includes socio- economic, political and economic changes. project or programme.
Internal premises are controllable whereas external are non- controllable.
3. Choice of alternative course of action Long-range planning – covers several time periods from 5 years. They are
When forecast are available and premises are established, a number of mostly associated with with activities such as major expansion of facilities,
alternative course of actions have to be considered. development of top managers, change of manufacturing systems etc.Top
Forthispurpose,eachandeveryalternativewillbeevaluatedbyweighingitspros managers are responsible for long range planning (modernization of Kenyan
and consin thelight of resources available and requirements of theorganization. airports is a KAA long range plan driven by top management)
The merits, demerits as well as the consequences of each alternative must be
examined before the choice is being made.
Intermediate planning – they are less than five years and because of the
After objective and scientific evaluation, the best alternative is chosen.
The planners should take help of various quantitative techniques to judge the stability uncertainty associated with long-range plans, intermediate plans are the
of an alternative. primary concern of most organizations. They are usually developed by both
top and middle management. They are the building blocks in the pursuit of
4. Formulation of derivativeplans
long range plans.
Derivative plans are the sub plans or secondary plans which help in the achievement
of main plan.
Secondary plans will flow from the basic plan. These are meant to support and Short range planning – These cover time periods of one year or less. They
expedite the achievement of basic plans. focus on day to day activities and provide a concrete base for evaluating
Thesedetailplansincludepolicies,procedures,rules,programmes,budgets, progress towards achievement of intermediate and long range plans e.g. the
schedules, etc. For example, if profit maximization is the main aim of the economic survey.
enterprise, derivative plans will include sales maximization, production
maximization, and cost minimization. Levels of planning
Derivative plans indicate time schedule andsequence of accomplishing various tasks. Planning takes place at three levels of management: corporate, business and
5. Securing Co-operation functional.
After the plans have be en determined, it is necessary rather advisable to
take subordinates or thosewho have to implement these plans into confidence. Corporate level strategy: The corporate level plan contains top management
The purposes behind taking them into confidence are :- decisions pertaining to the organization’s mission and goals, overall strategy
and structure. The corporate level strategy indicates the industry and
markets the organization intends to operate in. It also provides the
The organization may be able to get valuable suggestions and improvement
in formulation as well as implementation of plans. framework within which managers create their business level plan.
Also the employees will be more interested in the execution of these plans.
Business level strategy: states the methods the division or business it intends
6. Follow up/Appraisal of plans
to use to compete against its rivals in an industry. The business level plan
After choosing a particular course of action, it is put into action.
Aftertheselectedplanisimplemented,itisimportanttoappraiseitseffectiveness. provides the framework within which functional managers propose to pursue
This is done on the basis of feedback or information received from to help the division attain its business level goals which in turn will allow the
departments or persons concerned. organization to avhieve its corporate goals.
This enables the management to correct deviations or modify the plan.
This step establishes a link between planning and controlling function. Functional level strategy: These set out the actions managers intend to take
The follow up must go side by side the implementation of plans so that in the light at the level of departments such as manufacturing, marketing, and research
of observations made, future plans can be made more realistic. and development to allow the organization to attain its goals.

TYPES OF PLANS Consistency across the three levels is important for success. Functional
strategies should be consistent with divisional goals while business goals
Plans are hierarchical. They range from the broad mission or purpose of the should in turn be consistent with corporate strategies.
organization to specific strategies.
Strategic planning
Strategic planning is the formalized long-range planning process used to
define and achieve organizational goals. It involves: selecting an
Strategic plans - These are broad plans developed by top managers to guide
organizational goal, determining the policies and strategic programmes
the general direction of the firm. They follow from major goals of the firm
necessary to achieve specific objectives, establishing the methods necessary
and indicate what business the firm is in or what business it intends to be in.
to ensure that policies and strategic programmes are implemented. A vital
They show where the firm will position itself within its environment.
component in strategic planning is organizational goals. They provide a sense
Tactical plans - They have a moderate scope and immediate timeframe. They
of direction for organizational activities. Goal includes purpose, mission and
are concerned with how to implement the strategic plans that are already
developed. They deal with specific resources and time constraints. They
mainly focus on people and action. They are mainly associated with middle Characteristics of strategic plans
- deals with fundamentals of basic problems by providing answers
OPERATIONAL PLANS questions such as: what business should we be in? who are our
customers or who should they be?
They have the narrowest focus and they fall into many types. They include: - Provides the basis for detailed planning and the day to day
managerial decisions
Standing plan- these are developed to handle recurring and relatively - Involves a longer time-frame than other forms of planning
routine situations. When the same situations occur repeatedly, managers - It is a top management activity as they have the information
have to develop policies, rules and standard operating procedures to control necessary for strategic decisions
the way employees perform their tasks. - Helps integrate and unify the actions of the organization over
- It provides guidance and boundaries for potential planning management which benefits the overall organization in carrying out their
business. Delays in daily operations will not be hindered frequently. Also,
MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES (MBO) problematic issues can be identified more rapidly. Further, as employees are
given a task and less supervised, they are indirectly motivated by a self-
MBO owes its importance to Peter Drucker (1954). driven approach to attaining the given goals / tasks.

MBO is a comprehensive managerial system that integrates many key MBE has its disadvantages too:
managerial activities in a systematic manner, consciously directed towards
the effective and efficient achievement of Organization and individual
objectives. 1. Mistakes in calculations the budgets can lead to higher variances
and finding the root causes can be a time-consuming task.
2. Dependency on accounting department is too high, and the
MBO – is a technique designed to achieve the integration of individual and
probability of accurate forecasting is questionable.
organizational goals.
3. Important decisions will be with senior management and
participation of employees is less. This can be a demotivating factor.
The process of MBO involves: -


 Planning premises should have support of top management and
subordinates should understand the process. Identifying and Enumerating the Activities: After the objective is selected,
 Subordinates should have clear understanding of Org. purpose, mission, the management has to identify total task involved and its break -up
goals and strategies. closely related component activities that are to be performed by and
individual or division or a department.
 Initial discussion between managers and subordinates to formulate
goals. Assigning the Duties: When activities have been grouped according to similarities
 Check points established to measure progress. and common purposes, they should be organized by a particular department.
 Evaluation of degree of goal attainment to analyze results achieved. Within the department, the functional duties should be allotted to particular
Benefits of MBO.
Defining and Granting the Authority: The authority and responsibility should
Better managing – MBO forces managers to think of planning for results be well defined and should correspond to each other. A close relationship
rather than merely planning for activities betweenauthority and responsibility should be established.
 Clarify organization roles and structures. Forces managers to make use
of the people around them through delegation, decentralization to Creating Authority Relationship: After assigning the duties and delegations of
work e.t.c. authority, the establishment of relationship is done. It involves deciding who will
 Encourages personal commitment: a ct under whom, whowillbehissubordinates,whatwillbehisspanofcontroland
what will be his status in the organization. Besides these formal relationships,
 Clearly defined objectives encourage commitment as people know someinformalorganizations should also bedeveloped.
exactly what is expected from them.
 People become masters of their own fate. Specialization and division of work: The entire philosophy of organization is
 Development of effective controls. centered on the concepts of specialization and division of work. The division of
 Involves measuring results and taking action to correct deviations from work is assigning responsibility for each organizational component to a
plans to ensure goals are reached. specific individual or group thereof. It becomes specialization when the
 Improved communication because of the process of goal discussion responsibility for a specific task lies with a designated expert in that field. The
between managers and subordinates. efforts of the operatives are coordinated to allow the process at hand to
function correctly. Certain operatives occupy positions of management at
Weaknesses of MBO. various points in the process to ensure coordination.

 Failure to teach the philosophy of MBO. Orientation towards goals: Every organization has its own purposes and
 Not all managers are familiar with MBO and may not be able to explain objectives. Organizing is the function employed to achieve the overall goals of the
it to subordinates. organization. Organization harmonizes the individualgoals of the employees with
 Failure to give guidelines to goal-setters. overallobjectives of the firm
 Cannot work if Org. goals, mission and purpose are not clear to the Composition of individuals and groups: Individuals form a group and the groups
managers who are expected to implement MBO. Managers need
form an organization. Thus, organization is the composition of individual
planning premises – i.e. assumptions as to the future, knowledge of
and groups. Individuals are grouped into departments and their work is
major Org. policies.
coordinated and directed towards organizational goals.
 Difficulty of setting goals.
 Goal setting can be technical and complex, requires thorough
Continuity: An organization is a group of people with a defined relationship in
knowledge and study.
which they work together to achieve the goals of that organization. This
 Dangers of inflexibility.
 Managers are reluctant to change objectives or allow subordinates to relationship does not come to end after completing each task. Organization is a
change them due to obsolescence. neverendingprocess.


intervene the work of employees only when they work outside the Facilitated Administration and management:
prescribed scope or when they can't meet the standard. Manager leaves
employee free till they work within the scope and within they meet the  Stimulates Creativity:
standard."  Co-ordination in the Enterprises
 EliminatesOverlappingandDuplicationorwork:
The key benefit of MBE is managers do not have to overlook all monitoring  Helps to achieve organizational goal:
procedures. They can concentrate on their core responsibilities and can only  Optimum use ofresources:
respond to important deviations. This saves precious time and energy of the  To perform managerial function:
 facilitates growth and diversification: Purpose:Thepurposeofstaffingistoensurethattherightnumberandtherighttype
 Humane treatment of employees: of thepeopleareworkingontherightjobsattherighttimeandrightplace.Its
objectiveis to ensure optimum and efficient manpower in the enterprise.

Identification and Division of Work: Facilitating the availability of competent staff: The efficient performance of
The first step of organizing is the identification and division of work. At this step, the company depends upon the quality of the people employed. Staffing
the total work is divided into various activities. discovers the efficientandtalentedstaffforthevariouspositionsinthe
Forexample,thevariousactivitiesofamobilephonemanufacturingcompanycan organization,whichproveas an asset for the enterprise.
be like this (i) purchase of raw material, (ii) purchase of manufa ctured parts, Optimum use ofhuman resources: Recruitment, selection, training, and
(iii) Production, (iv) stocking of goods, (v) research, (vi) advertisement, (vii) development of the human resources require a large amount of outlay and cost of
sales, (viii) financial arrangement (ix) maintenance of accounts, (x) the companies. So for getting themaximum output from thepersonnel sta ffing
correspondence (xi) arrangement of employees,etc. function is requiredto be performed in the efficient manner.
Departmentalization: Development of human resources: Staffing adopts various measures to develop
The departmentalization of activities starts once the various activities have the managers to their maximum sothat they canaccept more challenging jobs and
been designedto achieve the objectivesof the company. The activities ofthe same shoulder moreresponsibilities.Staffingtrainsanddevelopsthepersonnel'sforthe
nature are grouped together and assigned to a particular department (It is known futurejobs.
as grouping.) e.g., purchase of raw material, purchase of manufacturedparts, etc. Motivating thehumanresources: Staff is placed onthejob, forwhichtheyarebest
aregiven to the purchase department. suitable, which gives them sense of satisfaction and pleasure. Staffing also help
And productions, stocking the goods, research activities are given to the in determining the capability of employees for the promotions and the other
production department. Similarly, advertisement and sales can be given to financial
the marketing department and the financial arrangements, maintenance of non-financial incentives. So suitable incentives are provided to the employees
accounts and correspondence can be put in the charge of finance department. which motivates them to perform better at work.
Assignment of Duties: Supplying the necessary information: Staffing provides the info rmation
At this stage, the responsibility of each individual or post is decided, e.g., the regarding promotion,transfer,retirement,anddemotionofemployeesinthe
purchase manager will be given the task of purchasing goods, the sales manager will organization.This informationhelpsintakingvariousimportantdecisions
be given the workofsaleofgoods,theadvertisingmanagerwillbegiventheworkof regardingtheemployees.
advertisement and in the same way the finance manager will be given the Ensuring the maximum productivity: Selection of the most suitable employee for
responsibility of making financial arrangements. the every job provides the right men on the right job. This ensures the
While assigning these duties, it is important to match the nature of the work and maximum productivitywiththeminimumwastage.Staffingalsoincreasesthe
the capabilities of the person to whom the work is given. productivityofthe workers as they are placed on their best suited jobs.

Establishing Reporting Relations: PROCESS (STEPS) OFSTAFFING

When two or more than two persons work for the attainment of common goa ls
their interrelationshipmustbedefinedveryclearly.Everybodyshouldknowasto Determining manpower requirement: The first step in the process of staffing is
whoishis superior and subordinate? to determine the number and type of manpower required in the
For example, the purchase manager will be the superior for all the employees of organization. In this complicated environment this determination is done by
the purchasedepartment;theywillreceiveordersfrom himandwillalsobe the top management. The period for which the personnel's are required is also
responsibleto him. determined. This determination of the manpower requirements is made after
considering the acquisition, utilization, improvement, and preservation of the
Staffing is a function of management: Staffing is one of the important functions of Recruitment and selection: In this step the acquisition of the most competent
management. Previously the staffing was considered as the part of the and qualified staff to meet the manpower requirements is made. After this the
organizing function but now it is considered as a separate and distinct function of applicants are evaluated for the different positions. The best candidates are
management and provides the due importance to the manning of the selected and the right jobs are assigned to them.
organizational roles Training and the development of the personnel: In this step the training and
Managerial Responsibility: Staffing is an integral part of the management process and developmentoftheemployeesisarrangedtosecuretheefficiencyofthe
also it is the responsibility of every manager. In the large or big organization operations. Trainingincreasestheefficiencyoftheemployeesandmakes them
staffing function is performed by the separate personnel department. It is the morecompetent and useful for the organization.
duty of every manager to perform the staffing activities such as selection, Performance appraisal: Periodic evaluation of the employees is made to know
training, performance appraisal, and remuneration of the employees. about their capabilities. This evaluation of the employees is made in the terms of
Affected by internal and external environment: The performance of the verifiable objectives.
staffing functiondependsuponboththeinternalandexternalfactors.Internal Compensation: In this stepthe compensation and remuneration of the
factorsinclude the policies and rules of the company regarding the recruitment, employees or workers is determined. While determining the remuneration it is
selection, promotion, and transfer of employees. Further the external factors considered that the personnel's should get the remuneration according to the
include the government policies and the education policies which affect the work done by them. Further, the incentives are also determined for motivating the
demand a nd supply of the suitable manpower in theeconomy. employees for performing better at work.
Concerned with the humanelement: Thefunction of staffing is concerned with Job Changes: According to the needs of the enterprise the suitable employees
the recruitment and selection of the human resources. Additionally the human are promoted to the higher ranks.Alsoifthere is requirement the employeescan
relation skills are required for training, development, and performance appraisal of alsobe shiftedfrom onejob to another with thesamelevelof responsibilities and
the employees in theorganization.Soifthefunctionofstaffingisperformed rank.
properlyitwillcertainlyhelp in improving the human relations in the
Staffing is a continuous function: Staffing function is continuously performed in Pervasive Function: Directing is required at all levels of organization. Every
the establishedaswellasintheneworganization.Intheneworganizationthe manager provides guidance and inspiration to his subordinates
functionsof recruitment and selection are given more importance and in the Continuous Activity: Direction is a continuous activity as it continuous throughout
established organizations the functions of promotion, development, training , the life of organization.
and the performance appraisal of the employees is given more importance. So Human Factor:Directing function is related to subordinates andtherefore it is related
staffing is the continuous and neverendingprocessbecauseofthechangesinthe to human factor. Since human factor is complex and behavior is unpredictable,
workforceoftheorganization. direction function becomesimportant.
Creative Activity: Direction function helps in converting plans i nto ControlisaContinuousProcess:Controllingisnotthelastfunctionofmanagementbut
performance. Without this function, peoplebecome inactiveandphysical resources itisacontinuousprocess.Controlisnotaone-timeactivity,butacontinuous
aremeaningless. process. The process of setting the standards needs constant analysis and
Executive Function: Direction function is carried out by all managers and executives revision depending upon external forces, plans, and internal performance.
at alllevelsthroughouttheworkingofanenterprise;asubordinate receives ControliscloselylinkedwithPlanning:Planningandcontrollingarecloselylinked.The
instructions from his superioronly. two are rightly called as ‘Siamese twins’ of management. “Every objective, every
Delegate Function: Direction is supposed to be a function dealing with human goal, every policy, every procedure and every budget become standard against
beings. Human behavior is unpredictable by nature and conditioning the which actu al performanceiscompared.Planningsets theship’scourseand
people’s behavior towards the goals of the enterprise is what the executive controllingkeepsiton course. When the ship begins to veer off the course, the
does in this function. Therefore, it is termed as having delicacy in it to tackle navigator notices it and recommends a new heading designed to return the
human behavior. ship to its proper course. Once control process is over its findings are
integrated into planning to prescribe new standards for control
It Initiates Actions: Directions is the function which is the starting point of the PurposeofControllingisGoalOrientedandhencepositive:Controlistherebecause
work performance of subordinates. It is from this function the action takes withoutit thebusinessmaygooffthetrack.Thecontrollinghasposit ivepurpose
placed, subordinates understand their jobs and do according to the instructions both fortheorganization(to makethings happen)andindividuals (to giveupapart
laid. Whatever are plans laid, can be implemented only once the actual work oftheir independence for the attainment of organizational goals).
starts. It is there that direction becomes beneficial.
It Ingrates Efforts: Through direction, the superiors are able to guide, inspire IMPORTANCE (ADVANTAGES) OFCONTROLLING
and instruct the subordinates to work. For this, efforts of every individual GuidestheManagement inAchievingPre-determinedGoals:Thecontinuous flow of
towards accomplishment of goals are required. It is through direction the informationaboutprojectskeepsthelongrangeofplanningontherighttrack.It
efforts of every department can be related and integrated with others. This helps in taking corrective actions in future if the performance is not up to the
can be done through persuasive leadership and effective communication. mark.
Integration of efforts bring effectiveness and stability in a concern. Ensures Effective Use of Scarce and Valuable Resources: The control system helps in
Means of Motivation: Direction function helps in achievement of goals. A improving organizational efficiency. Various control devices act as motivators
manager makes use of the element of motivation here to improve the to managers. The performance of every person is regularly monitored and any
performances of subordinates. This can be done by providing incentives or deficiency if present is corrected at the earliest. Controls put psychological
compensation, whether monetary or non - monetary, whichserves as a “Morale pressure on persons in the organization. On the other hand control also
booster” to thesubordinates Motivation is also helpful for the subordinates to enables management to decide whether employees are doing right things.
give the best of their abilities which ultimately helps ingrowth. Facilitates Coordination: Control helps in coordination of activities through unity
It Provides Stability: Stability and balance in concern becomes very important for of action.Everymanagerwilltrytocoordinatetheactivitiesofhissubordinatesin
long term sun survival in the market. This can be brought upon by the managers orderto achieve departmental goals. Similarly the chief executive also
with the help of four tools or elements of direction function - judicious blend coordinates the functioning of various departments. The control acts as a check on
of persuasive leadership,effectivecommunication, strict supervisionandefficient the performance and proper results are achieved only when activities are
motivati on.Stability isveryimportantsincethatisanindexofgrowthofan coordinated.
enterprise.Thereforeamanager canuseofallthefourtraitsinhimsothat Leads to Delegation and Decentralization of Authority: A decision about follow-
performancestandardscanbemaintained. up actionisalsofacilitated. Controlmakes delegationeasier/better. Decentra
lizationof authority is necessary in big enterprises. The management cannot
Copingupwiththechanges:Itisahumanbehaviorthat humanbeingsshow
delegate authority withoutensuringpropercontrol.Thetargetsorgoalsofvarious
resistance to change. Adaptability with changing environment helps in
departmentsareused as a control technique. Various control techniques like
sustaining planned growth and becoming a market leader. It is directing budgeting, cost control; pre actionapprovalsetc.allowdecentralizationwithout
function which is of use to meet with changes in environment, both internal losingcontroloveractivities.
as external. Effective communication helps in coping upwiththe changes. It is Spares Top Management to Concentrate on Policy Making: For control
theroleof managerhere to communicatethe nature and contents of changes processes management’s attention is not required every now and then. The
very clearly to thesubordinates. This helps in clarifications, easy adaptionsand management by exception enables top management to concentrate on policy
smooth running ofanenterprise. Forexample, if aconcern shifts from formulation.
handlooms to power looms, an important change in technique of production
takes place.Theresultingfactorsarelessofmanpowerandmoreofmachinery. PROCESS (STEPS) OFCONTROLLING
Thiscanbe resisted by the subordinates. The manager here can explain that the c Establish the Standards: Within an organization’s overall strategic plan,
hange was in the benefit of the subordinates. Through more mechanization, managers define goals for organizational departments in specific, precise,
production increases and thereby the profits. Indirectly, the subordinates operational terms that include standards of performance to compare with
are benefited out of that in form of higher remuneration. organizational activities. However, for some of the activities the standards
cannot be specific and precise. Standards, against which actual performanc e
Efficient Utilization of Resources: Direction finance helps in clarifying the role of every will be compared, may be derived from past experience,statisticalmethodsand
subordinate towards his work. The resources can be utilized properly only when less benchmarking(baseduponbestindustry practices). As far as possible, the standards
of wastages, duplication of efforts, overlapping of performances, etc. don’t take are developed bilaterally rather than top management deciding unilaterally,
place. Through direction, the role of subordinates become clear as manager makes keeping in view the organization’s goals. Standards may be tangible (clear,
use of his supervisory, the guidance, the instructions and motivation skill to concrete, specific, and generally measurable) – numerical standards
inspire the subordinates. This helps in maximum possible utilization of resources of monetary,physical,and time standards; and intangible
men, machine, materials andmoney whichhelps in reducing costs and increasing (relating to human characteristics) – desirable
profits. attitudes, high morale , ethics, and cooperation.
CHARACTERISTICS (NATURE, PRINCIPLES) OF CONTROLLING Measure Actual Performance: Most organizations
ControlisaManagerialProcess:Managementprocesscomprisesoffivefunctions, viz., prepare formal reports of performance measurements
planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Thus, control is part both quantitative and qualitative (where quantification is not possible) that the
of the process of management. managers review regularly. These measurements should be relatedtothe
Control is forward looking: Whatever has happened has happened, and the standardssetinthefirststepofthecontrolprocess.Forexample,ifsales growth is a
manager can take corrective action only of the future operations. P ast is relevant to target, the organization should have a means of gathering and reporting sales
suggest what has gone wrong and how to correct the future. data. Data can be collected through personal observation (through management
Control exists at each level of Organization: Anyone who is a manager, has to involve by walking around the place where things are happening), statistical reports
intocontrol–maybeChairman,ManagingDirector,CEO,Departmentalhead,or (made possible by computers), oral reporting (through conferencing, one -to-one
first line manager. However, at every levelthe control will differ – top meeting, or telephone calls), written reporting (comprehensive and concise,
management would be involved in strategic control, middle management into accounting in formation
tactical control and lower level into operationalcontrol.
– normally a combination of all. To be of use, the information flow should be understanding opinions ideas, feelings, information, views etc, in flow of
regular and timely. information.
Compare Performance with the Standards: This step compares actual activities Principle of personal ability: For sound organization, human resources are
to performance standards. When managers read computer reports or walk t important. Employees must be capable. Able employees can perform higher.
hroughtheir plants, they identify whether actual performance meets, Mainly training and developmentprogramsmustbeencouragedtodevelopthe
exceeds, or falls short of standards. Typically, performance reports simplify skillintheemployees.
such comparison by placing the performancestandardsforthereporting period Principle of flexibility: Organizational structure must be flexible considering
alongsidetheactualperformancefor thesameperiodandbycomputingthe the environmental dynamism. Sometimes, dramatically change may occur in
variance—thatis,thedifferencebetweeneach actualamountandtheassociated the organization and in that condition, organization should be ready to accept the
standard.Themanagermustknowofthestandard permitted variation (both change .
positive and negative). Management by exception is most appropriate and Principle of simplicity: This principle emphasizes the simplicity of
practical to keep insignificant deviations away. Timetable for the comparison organizational structure, the structure if organization should be simple with
depends upon many factors including importance and complexity attached with minimum number of levels do that its member an understand duties and
importance andcomplexity. authorities
Take Corrective Action and Reinforcement of Successes: When performance deviates
from standards,managers must determine what changes,if any,are necessary and FORMAL ORGANISATION:
how to apply them. In the productivity and quality -centered environment, Whenthemanagersarecarryingonorganisingprocessthenasaresultoforganising
workers and managers are often empowered to evaluate their own work. process an organisational structure is created to achieve systematic working
After the evalua tor determines the cause or causes of deviation, he or she and efficient utilization of resources. This type of structure is k nown as formal
can take the fourth step — corrective action. The corrective action may be to organisational structure.
maintain status quo (reinforcing successes), correcting the deviation, or changing Formal organisational structure clearly spells out the job to be performed by
standards. The most effective course may be prescribed by policies or may be each individual, the authority, responsibility assigned to every individual, the
best left up to employees’ judgment and initiative. The corrective action may superior - subordinate relationship and the designation of every individual inthe
be immediate or basic (modifying the standards themselves). organisation. This structure is created intentionally by the managers for
PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION achievement of organisational goal.
Features of Formalorganisation:
Principle of unity of objectives: Organizational goals, departmental goals, and The formal organisational structure is created intentionally by the process of organisi
individual goals must be clearly defined. All goals and objectives must have ng.
uniformity. When there is contradiction among different level of goals desired Thepurposeofformalorganisationstructureisachievementoforganisational
goals can’t be achieved. Therefore, unity of objectives is necessary. goal.
Principleofspecialization: Soundandeffectiveorganization believes on Informalorganisational structure each individual is assigneda specificjob.
organization. The term specialization is related to work and employees. When an In formal organisation every individual is assigned a fixed authority or decision -
employee takes special type of knowledge and skill in any area, it is known as making power.
specialization. Modern business organization needs the specialization, skill and Formalorganisationalstructureresultsincreationofsuperior-subordinate
knowledge by this desired sector of economy and thus, efficiency would be relations
established. Formal organisational structure creates a scalar chain of communication in
Principle of coordination: In an organization many equipment, tools are the organisation.
used. Coordination canbeobtained by groupeffort that emphasizeonunity of
Principleofauthority:Authorityisthekindofrightandpowerthroughwhichit Systematic Working: Formal organisation structure results in systematic and
guides anddirectstheactionsofotherssothattheorganizationalgoalscanbe smooth functioning of anorganisation.
achieved.Itis alsorelated with decision making. It is vested in particular position, Achievement of Organisational Objectives: Formal organisational structure
not to the person because authority is given by an institution and therefore it is is established to achieve organisational objectives.
legal. It generally flows from higher level to lowest level of management. NoOverlappingofWork:Informal organisationstructureworkissystematically
Principleofresponsibility:Authenticbodyofanorganizationistoplevelmanagement, divided among various departments and employees. So there is no chance of
top level management direct the subordinates. Departmental managers and duplication or overlapping of work.
other personneltakethedirectionfromtoplevelmanagementtoperformthe Co-ordination: Formal organisational structure results in coordinating the
task.Authority is necessary to perform the work .only authority is not activities of various departments.
provided to the people but Creation of Chain of Command: Formal organisational structure clearly defines
obligation is also provided. So the obligation to perform the duties and task is known superior subordinate relationship, i.e., who reports to whom.
as responsibility. Responsibility can’t be delegated. It can’t be avoided. MoreEmphasison Work: Formal organisational structure lays more emphasis on
Principle of delegation: Process of transferring authority and creation of work than interpersonal relations.
responsibility between superior and subordinates to accomplish a certain task is
called delegation of authority. Authority is only delegated, not responsibilities in DISADVANTAGES OF FORMALORGANISATION:
all levels of management. The authority delegated should be equal to DelayinAction:Whilefollowingscalarchainand chain of commandactions getdelayed
responsibility . in formal structure.
Principleofefficiency:Inenterprisedifferentresourcesareused.Theseresourcesmust Ignores Social Needs of Employees: Formal organisational structure does not
beusedineffectivemanner.Whentheorganizationfulfilltheobjectiveswith give importance to psychological and social need of employees which may
minimum cost, it is effective. Organization must always concentrate on lead to demotivation of employees.
efficiency. EmphasisonWorkOnly:Formalorganisationalstructuregivesimportancetowork
Principleofunityofcommand: Subordinatesshouldreceiveordersfromsingle only; it ignores human relations, creativity, talents, etc.
superior at a time and all subordinates should be accountable to that superior.
More superior leads to confusion, delay and so on. INFORMAL ORGANISATION
Principle of span of control: Unlimited subordinates can’t be supervised by In the formal organisational structure individuals are assigned various job
manager, this principle thus helps to determine numerical limit if subordinates to be positions. While working at those job positions, the individuals interact with
supervis ed by a manager. This improves efficiency. each other and develop some social and friendly groups in the organisation. This
Principle of balance: The functional activities their establishment and other network of social and friendly groups forms another structure in the
performances should be balanced properly. Authority, centralization, organisation which is called informal organisational structure.
decentralization mustbebalanceequally. Thisisverychallenging jobbutefficient The informal organisational structure gets created automatically and the main
management must keep it. purpose of such structure is getting psychological satisfaction. The existence
Principle of communication: Communication is the process of of info rmal structure depends upon the formalstructure because people
transformationof information from one person to another of different levels. It working at different job positions interact with each other to form informal
involves the systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and structure and the job positions are created in formal structure. So, if there is no
formal structure, there will be no job position, there will be no people working  The jobs or positions in an organisation can be categorized as:
at job positions and there will be no informal structure.  Lineposition: A position in thedirect chainof commandthat is responsible
for the achievement of an organization’s goals and
FEATURES OF INFORMALORGANISATION:  Staffposition: Apositionintendedtoprovideexpertise,adviceandsupport
Informal organisational structure gets created automatically without any forthe line positions.
intended efforts of managers  Theline officers ormanagershavethedirect authority(knownas line
 Informal organisational structure is formed by the employees to get authority)to be exercisedbythemtoachievetheorganisationalgoals.The
psychological satisfaction. staffofficersormanagers havestaffauthority(i.e.,authoritytoadvicethe
 Informalorganisationalstructuredoes notfollow anyfixedpathofflow of line)overtheline.Thisisalsoknownas functional authority.
authorityor communication.  An organisation where staffs departments have authority over line personnel
 Source of information cannot be known under informal structure as any in narrow areas of specialization is known as functional authority
person can communicate with anyone in the organisation. organisation.
 The existence of informal organisational structure depends on the formal  In the line organisation, the line managers cannot be experts in all the functions
organisation structure. they are required to perform. But in the functionalauthority organisation,
staff personnel who are specialists in some fields are given functional
ADVANTAGES OF INFORMALORGANISATION: authority (The right of staff specialists to issue orders in their own names in
Fast Communication: Informal structure does not follow scalar chain so there can designated areas).
be faster spread ofcommunication. The principle of unity of command is violated when functional authority exists
Fulfills Social Needs: Informal communication gives due importance to i.e., a worker or a group of workers may have to receive instructions or orders
psychological and social need of employees which motivate the employees. from the line supervisor as well as the staff specialist which may result in
CorrectFeedback:Throughinformalstructurethetoplevel managerscanknowthe confusion and the conflicting orders from multiple sources may lead to
real feedback of employees on various policies and plans. increased ineffectiveness. Some staff specialists may exert direct authority over
Strategic Use of Informal Organisation. Informal organisation can be used to get the line personnel, rather than exert
benefits in the formal organisation in the following way: advice authority (for example, quality control inspector may direct the worker as
Theknowledgeofinformalgroupcan be usedto gathersupport ofemployees and well as advise in matters related to quality).
improve theirperformance. While this type of organisational structure overcomes the disadvantages of a pure
Through grapevine important information can be transmitted quickly. line organisaional structure, it has some major disadvantages:
By cooperating with the informal groups the managers can skillfully take the Thepotentialconflictsresultingfromviolationofprincipleofunityofcommandand
advantage of both formal and informal organisations. Thetendencytokeepauthoritycentralizedat higherlevelsintheorganisation.


Spread Rumors: According to a survey 70% of information spreads through  Most large organisations belong to this type of organisational structure.
informal organisational structure are rumors which may mislead the employees. These organisations have direct, vertical relationships between
No Systematic Working: Informal structure does not form a structure for different levels and also specialists responsible for advising and assisting line
smooth working of anorganisation. managers. Such organisations have both line and staff departments. Staff
MayBringNegativeResults:Ifinformalorganisationopposesthepoliciesandchanges departments provide line people with advice and assistance in specialized
ofmanagement,thenitbecomesverydifficult toimplement theminorganisation. areas (for example, quality control advising production department).
More Emphasis to Individual Interest: Informal structure gives more importance  The line functions are production and marketing whereas the staff
to satisfaction of individual interest as compared to organisational interest. functions include personnel,quality control,researchand development,
LIST AND EXPLAIN DIFFERENT TYPES OF ORGANIZATION . finance, accounting etc. Thestaff authority of functional authority
organisational structure is replaced by staff responsibility so that the
A LINE ORGANISATION has only direct, vertical relationships between different principle of unity of command is not violated.
levels in the firm. There is only line departments-departments directly involved in  Three types of specialized staff can be identified:
accomplishing the primary goal of the organisation. For example, in a typical firm, line  Advising,
departments include production and market ing. In a line organisation  Service and
authority follows the chain of command  Control.
Line organization has an only direct vertical relationship between different levels in  Line and staff have direct vertical relationship between different levels.
the firm.  Staff specialists are responsible for advising and assisting line
managers/officers in specialized areas.
ADVANTAGES:  These types of specialized staff are (1) Advisory, (2)Service, (3) Control
 A line structure tends to simplify and clarify responsibility, autho rity and  Advisory: Management information system, Operation Research and
accountability relationships. The levels of responsibility and authority Quantitative Techniques, Industrial Engineering, Planning etc
are likely to be precise and understandable.  Service: Maintenance, Purchase, Stores, Finance, Marketing.
 Tendstosimplifyandclarifyauthority,responsibilityandaccountability  Control: Quality control, Cost control, Auditing etc.
relationships ADVANTAGES:
 Becauselineorganisationsareusuallysmall,managementsandemployees  Use of expertise of staff specialists.
havegreater closeness.  Span of control can be increased
 A line structure promotes fast decision making and flexibility.  Relieves line authorities of routine and specialized decisions.
 Simple to understand.  No need for all round executives.
 As the firm grows larger, line organisation becomes more ineffective.  Conflict between line and staff may still arise.
 Improvedspeedand flexibilitymaynot offset thelackofspecialized  Staff officers may resent their lack of authority.
knowledge.  Co-ordination between line and staff may become difficult
 Managers may have to become experts in too many fields.
 There is a tendency to become overly dependent on the few key people EXPLAIN (DIFFERENTIATE) CENTRALIZATION AND DECENTRALIZATION
who an perform numerous jobs. Basis of Comparison Centralization Decentralization
 Neglects specialists inplanning
 Overloads key persons.


Meaning The retention of powers The dissemination of Abilities of the manager: Some managers are better organized, better at
and authority with respect authority, responsibility and explaining things to subordinates, and more efficient in performing their jobs. Such
to planning and decisions, accountability to the various managers can functioneffectivelywithawiderspanofmanagementthanaless
with the top management, management levels, is skilledmanager.
is known as known as Technology: Cell phones, email, and other forms of technology that facilitat e
Centralization. Decentralization. communication and the exchange of information make it possible for
managers to increase their spans of management over managers who do not have
Communication Flow Vertical Open and Free access to or who are unable to use the technology. and also explain its
Decision Making Slow Comparatively faster advantages (benefits/merits) .

Advantage Proper coordinationand Sharing of burden and DEPARTMENTATION

Leadership responsibility  Departmentalization is an aspect of organizational design that includes the
subdivision of a business into units based on their function or other criteria.
 In departmentalization, similar activities are grouped together to form
Powerofdecision Lies with the top Multiplepersonshavethe various departments.
making management. power
 For example, all the activities relating to accounts are grouped together to
of decision making.
make the accounts department.Similarly,wehavepurchasedepartment,
Reasons Inadequate control overthe Considerable control production department, salesdepartment,financedepartment,human
organization over the resource(HR)department,etc.
 So, departmentalization is the process of dividing the organization into
Best suited for Small sized organization Large sized organization different departments. It is the process by which an organization expands
horizontally. There are many bases or types of departmentalization. A
FACTORS AFFECTING CENTRALIZATION AND DECENTRALIZATION department consists of, head of department, specific functions and staff.
 Importance of the decision: How would be decision made affect the culture The head of department (HOD) is responsible to the CEO of the organization
and image of the organization. for the functions of his department.
 Size of the organization: A larger organization with several duties and
function would highly need a much decentralized structure on its divisions. ADVANTAGES OF DEPARTMENTATION
 Willingnessoftoppeopletodelegatepower:Leadershipstyleatthetop Develop specialization: Departmentalization leads to the benefits of
contributesso much to any kind of organization structure. Democratic specialization. In departmentalization, works are divided into different
leadership is much more willing to discuss and delegate some duties to departments on the basis of their nature and responsibility is entrusted to
others. skilled and efficient manager. When a manager is involved in one specific
 Willingness of the subordinates to accept responsibility: There should be function, his expertise and efficiency increases in that particular field
interest from the subordinates to take responsibility and assume authority Administrative control: In departmentalization, the standard of performance of
to enable delegation of duties to takeplace. each department and objective to be achieved is planned. Whenactual performance
 Availabilityofmanagementtalents:Thesubordinatesshouldhaveenough deviates withplannedperformance,correctivemeasuresaretakentoremovethe
managerial know-howandskillstobeabletomakejustandproperdecisions barriers.
thatisintheinterest of the organization. This would mean training them Fixation ofresponsibility: Departmentalization divides works into different units on
to be in a position to carry out decision making efficiently. the basis of nature and responsibility is entrusted to departmental managers.
 Rate of growth: Organization which is static would remain for long time And the departmental managers are accountable to the job performed by
centralized as there are no more duties and programmes to be the staff of their concerned departments.
decentralized as opposed to continually growing organization which Helpful for expansion: Departmentalization facilitates top manager to direct
could have a branch in a different area, be it geographical or operational and supervise the work performed by subordinate managers. It also helps to
that will need line managers. divide work into different units on the basis of nature, and responsibility is
entrusted to departmental managers. Such division of work, thus, is helpful
SPAN OF CONTROL for expansion of business.
 Span of Control means the number of subordinates that can be managed Management development: Departmentalization helps to develop new man
efficiently and effectively by a superior in an organization. It suggests how agers by providing them opportunity to take independent decision and initiatives.
the relations are designed between a superior and a subordinate in an Consequently, ahighskilledsubordinatelevelmanagercanget opportunityto
organization. promotetothehigher level.
Span of control is of two types:
 Narrow span of control: Narrow Span of control means a single manager or METHODS (TYPES/ BASES) OF DEPARTMENTATION
supervisor oversees few subordinates. This gives rise to a tall organizational Functionaldepartmentalization: Grouping activities by functions performed.
structure. Activities canbegroupedaccordingtofunction(workbeingdone)topursue
economiesofscale by placing employees with shared skills and knowledge into de
 Wide span of control: Wide span of control means a single manager or
partments for example human resources, IT, accounting, manufacturing, logistics,
supervisor oversees a large number of subordinates. This gives rise to a
and engineering. Functional departmentalization can be used in all types of
flat organizational structure.
Product departmentalization: Grouping activities by product line. Tasks can also
be groupedaccordingtoaspecificproductorservice,thusplacingallactivities
Job complexity: Subordinate jobs that are complex, ambiguous, dynamic or
relatedto the product or the service under one manager. Each major product
otherwise complicated will likely require more management involvement
area in the corporation is under the authority of a senior manager who is
and a narrower span of management
specialist in, and is responsible for, everything related to the product line. LA
Gear is an example of company that uses product departmentalization. Its
structure is based on its varied product lines which include women’s footwear
the span of management that will likely be effective.
Physical proximity of subordinates: The more geographically dispersed a group
Customerdepartmentalization:Groupingactivities onthebasisofcommon
of subordinates the more difficult it is for a manager to be in regular contact
customers ortypesofcustomers.Jobsmaybegroupedaccordingtothetypeof
with them and the fewer employees a manager could reasonably oversee,
customerserved by the organization. The assumption is that customers in
resulting in a narrower span ofmanagement.
each department have a common set of problems and needs that can best be
Abilities of employees: Managers who supervise employees that lack ability,
met by specialists. The sales activitiesinanofficesupplyfirmcanbebrokendown
intothreedepartmentsthatserve retail, wholesale and government accounts.
result will be that the manager cannot supervise as many employees and
Geographic departmentalization: Grouping activities on the basis of territory. If
would be most effective with a narrower span of management.
an organization's customers are geographically dispersed, it can group jobs
based on geography. For example, the organization structure of Coca-Cola has This refers to the process by which a supervisor gives a subordinate the
reflected the company’soperationintwobroadgeographicareas–theNorth authority to do the supervisors job. A manager, however, cannot delegate
Americansectorand the international sector, the functions of planning, organizing, leading and control as this would lead
Process departmentalization: Grouping activities on the basis of product or service to breakdown in organizational performance.
or customer flow. Because each process requires Delegation of responsibility
different skills, process departmentalization allows
Responsibility cannot be delegated. A supervisor’s responsibility is not
homogenous activities to be categorized. For example, the applicants might need
to go through several departments namely validation, licensing and treasury, diminished because of delegation of authority to a subordinate. In fact,
before receiving the driver’s license. responsibility may increase because in addition to ensuring that the
Divisionaldepartmentalization:Whenthefirmdevelopsindependentlinesof delegated work is done, he has to supervise the subordinate. Whether a
business that operate as separate companies, all contributing to the corporation manager does the work or chooses to delegate to a subordinate, he retains
profitability, the design is called divisional departmentalization or (M-FORM). complete responsibility for the accomplishment of the task.


Effective organizations are guided by the following principles: Departmental specialization can take many forms such as functional,
 Division of work and specialization – involves dividing total workload product, geographical or matrix designs.
into tasks that can be logically and effectively performed by individuals What are the advantages and disadvantages of each design? What factors
with specialized knowledge
would organizations consider when choosing a particular design?
 Departmentation – refers to the logical grouping into manageable sizes
of organizational activities belonging together. The departments Functional design: Each major function reports to the CEO and other sub
created constitute the organization’s structure and appear on the functions report to the major functional heads. The idea is to group
organizational chart. (A department is a distinct area, division or branch specialists with similar interests and training together e.g. marketing, HRM,
over which a manager has authority over performance e.g. production, finance or IT. This is the most common design
accounts or sales) Product design: this is common in organizations that deal in multiple
 Coordination - the process of integrating departments both products. It is a modification of the functional design. Each major product or
horizontally and vertically. It is achieved through authority line is managed by an executive who reports to the CEO. The product
relationships, which involve allocation of responsibility and authority to manager has control over the functions in his division such as sales,
each position in the organizational structure. marketing, HR and finance.
 Chain of command – defines the reporting lines of individuals and
Geographical design: Where an organization operates in a wide geographical
groups in the organizations
area, territorial groupings are designed. A company’s activities are divided
 Unity of command – implies that each subordinate must have only one
manager to report to into regions with a manager for each with a home office for coordinating the
 Span of control – refers to the number of subordinates working under activities of the geographical units.
one manager Customer design: Activities are structured to respond to specific groups of
customers. For example, the lending activities in banks that are tailored to
DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY meet the needs of different customers say business/corporate clients,
Delegation is the process by which managers assign a portion of their total personal, mortgage or small business.
workload to others. It includes assigning formal authority and responsibility Matrix design: this involves a grid or matrix of authority flows. Authority
for completion of specific activities. flows both vertically and horizontally while vertical authority is exercised by
Why delegate? functional managers, horizontal authority is vested in project managers so
 Get more work done that some employees find themselves reporting to two managers. Project
 Subordinates may have some unique expertise which the manager lacks managers have formal authority over budgetary funds, time and tasks.
 Helps develop subordinates managerial skills Advantages
 Enhances prompt action Matrix designs are useful when:
 Superiors can take higher level tasks The activity has a definite completion date
 Better decisions as they are made lower down where the problems are Cost constraints are a critical factor
What are the barriers to delegation? Specialized skills are required for the completion of a project
 Reluctance/inability to delegate due to lack of planning what to and not Activity is new or unfamiliar to the participants
to delegate When a high degree of competence is required and flexibility is needed
 Insecurity due to fear that subordinates may do better and threaten The need to share resources and reduce costs
their positions
 Lack of confidence in the subordinate to do the job
Conflict over allocation of resources and division of authority
 Reluctance by subordinate to accept delegation due to fear of failure,
Dilution of functional authority
lack of rewards, risk avoidance tendencies etc.
Divided loyalty for project teams
 Incompetent subordinates
It sacrifices the principle of unity of command
Some guidelines to effective delegation
 Free communication to ensure subordinates understand their
responsibility, authority and accountability
The concepts of line and staff can be viewed both as functions and as
 Balance responsibility and authority- give enough authority to
authority relationships.
achieve desired results
 Define the expected results clearly
Line functions: Refers to those functions that have direct responsibility for
 Evaluate the experience and competence of the subordinate
accomplishing the objectives of the firm. The managers responsible are line
before delegating
managers and the others are line employees.
 Be flexible with delegation- modify, increase, decrease or
withdraw Line authority: refers to the chain of command where line officials have
 Supportive managerial climate free from fear, frustration and authority over subordinates e.g. a manager and a subordinate. This is
threats exercised by all managers irrespective of whether they are line or staff.
 Put in place checks and controls to ensure delegated authority is
not abused
Staff functions: refer to those functions that support the line functions by Functional Leaders – Are those whose influence comes from the work done
providing expertise, advice and support. Examples are HRM, finance or rather than position such as experts.
research and development
 Status conflict- who is more important or strategic to the organization APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP STUDIES
than the other in terms of contribution
Three approaches have been used in the study of leadership. These are:
 Failure to understand the line–staff roles - e.g. forcing policies that
 Trait
make the line to feel that their authority to manage is being  Behavioural
undermined  Situational/contingency
 Lack of clear responsibility between line and staff (I) TRAIT APPROACH
 Staff see line management as resistant to attempts to provide
assistance and guidance The earliest studies on leadership focused on the qualities of effective
leaders such as bravery, loyalty, honesty, and compassion. However, as
NB: The distinction between a line manager and staff manager is not traits are many, research findings often disagreed on which are the most
absolute. There is a fine line between offering professional advice and giving important traits. Keith Davis (1972), in human behaviour at work,
instructions summarized the traits and gave four general characteristics namely:-

COORDINATION Intelligence – leaders tend to have higher intelligence than their followers.
Social maturity and breadth – leaders tend to be emotionally mature and
have broad range of interests.
This is the process of linking the activities of the various departments of the
Inner motivation and achievement drives – leaders want to accomplish
organization. Coordination is maintained through rules and procedures such
things, achieve goals and are intrinsically motivated.
as standard procedures. Human Relations attitudes - leaders are able to work with others, and tend
to respect others.
Liason roles – act as a common point of contact e.g. a spokesperson who
facilitates flow of information between units. Criticisms of the Trait Approach
Not all leaders possess all the traits.
Task force – involves representatives from various groups coming together Many non-leaders possess most of the traits.
to work on a common project and dissolve thereafter. The trait approach gives no guidance as to how much of any trait a person
should have.
Research findings do not agree as to which are leadership traits and what
their relationships are to instances of leadership.
Management characteristics Leadership Characteristics The so called traits are nothing but patterns of behavior
Administers and problem-solves. Innovates- means alertness to
(ii) Behaviourist Approach
Works within a system. opportunities, uses imagination and
Focuses on control. vision to capitalize on them. As a result of the failure of the trait approach to leadership, the focus shifted
Short range view. Works on the system
on the individual behaviours of leaders. The main concern was on the
Accepts the status quo. focuses on people. leadership styles of leaders. Leadership styles refer to the way a leader
Sets things in motion by means of Inspires trust. typically behaves towards his followers/group members. These styles have
methods and techniques. Long range view. been classified into:
Attitude of doing. Challenges the status quo.
Is a natural unforced ability to inspire
Autocratic Leadership – This approach refers to where all authority centers
people. around the leader. The manager enforces decisions by use of rewards and
Attitude of serving punishments (ability to withhold or give rewards and punishment),
communication is in one direction - from manager to subordinate and
conformity and obedience on the part of followers is expected.


Has negative effect on group morale – decisions may not be supported.

Can create ‘yes’ mentality among group members.

TYPES OF LEADERS. (ii) Democratic/Participative Leadership.

Considers the suggestions of members and leader. It is a human relations
Charismatic Leaders – These are those whose influence is derived form the approach where all group members are seen as important contributors to
personality e.g. Napoleon, Kenyatta, Billy Graham, Nelson Mandela, decision.
Desmond Tutu etc. This type resides only in a few people and cannot be
acquired by training – it is natural. Advantages:
- increased morale of members.
Traditional Leaders –These are those whose position is assured by birth e.g. - support for final decision.
Kings, Queens, tribal chieftains etc. It is limited and not applicable to - better decisions through shared ideas.
workplaces except in family businesses.
Situational Leaders -Their influence is effective by being in the right place at - Slower decision.
the right time – It is impromptu and temporary eg. One who steps to direct - Diluted accountability for decisions.
traffic in a jam. - Possible compromises designed to please all.

Appointed Leaders –Refers to those whose influence arises from position (iii) Laisser Faire Leadership
e.g. managers and supervisors. It is a bureaucratic type of leadership where
legitimate power comes from the position in the hierarchy. ‘Allow (them) to do’ style – leadership exercises very little control or
influence over group members. Members are given a goal and left alone to
decide how to achieve it. Role of leader is facilitative.
Strategic benchmarking. Managers use this type of benchmarking to identify
Advantages the best way to compete in the market. During the process, the companies
Increased opportunity for individual development. identify the winning strategies (usually outside their own industry) that
All persons are given a chance to express themselves and function successful companies use and apply them to their own strategic process. It is
independently. also common to compare the strategic goals in order to spot new strategic
Disadvantages Performance benchmarking. It is concerned with comparing your company’s
Lack of group cohesion and unity toward org. goals. products and services. According to Bogan & English[8] the tool mainly
Lack of direction and control. focuses on product and service quality, features, price, speed, reliability,
Inefficiency and chaos. design and customer satisfaction, but it can measure anything that has the
measurable metrics, including processes. Performance benchmarking
CHAIN OF COMMAND determines how strong our products and services are compared to our
In an organizational structure, “chain of command” refers to a company's competition.
hierarchy of reporting relationships -- from the bottom to the top of an Process benchmarking. It requires to look at other companies that engage in
organization, who must answer to whom. The chain of command not only similar activities and to identify the best practices that can be applied to your
establishes accountability, it lays out a company’s lines of authority and own processes in order to improve them. Process benchmarking is a separate
decision-making power. A proper chain of command ensures that every task, type of benchmarking, but it usually derives from performance
job position and department has one person assuming responsibility for benchmarking.
COMMAND CHAIN FORMATION Technological interdependence is the degree to which different parts of the
The command chain doesn't happen accidentally. Organizational designers organization must exchange information and materials in order to perform
lay it out as the last step in creating an organizational structure. Planners first their required activities. There are three major types of technological
consider a company’s goals since organizational structure must support interdependence:
strategy. Designers next determine the tasks needed to reach the goals. Pooled interdependence
Departmentalization follows as designers decide how to group the tasks. The type that involves the least interdependence is known as a pooled
Grouping affects resource sharing and the ease with which people interdependence, in which units operate independently but their individual
communicate and coordinate work. After departmentalizing, designers assign efforts are important to the success of the organization as whole. For
authority for tasks and areas. Once authority is assigned, planners can finally example, if the local branch of the bank performs poorly and loses
lay out the relationships between positions, thereby creating a chain of customers, its problems will have negative effect on the health of the bank as
command. a whole.
Sequential interdependence
BENCHMARKING With sequential interdependence, one unit must complete its work before
the next unit in the sequence can begin work. For example, a strike over a
is a strategy tool used to compare the performance of the business processes local issue at one plant of General Motors frequently causes workers at other
and products with the best performances of other companies inside and plants to be laid off temporarily.
outside the industry. Reciprocal interdependence
Benchmarking is the search for industry best practices that lead to superior The most complex situation is reciprocal interdependence, in which one
performance unit's outputs become inputs to other unit and vice versa. When an airplane
lands, the flight crew turns the plane over to the maintenance crew. After
refuelling the plane, and performing other necessary activities, the
WHEN. maintenance crew releases the plane back to the flight crew so that the
plane can continue its journey. Reciprocal interdependence is likely to
 Benchmarking can be used at any time, but is usually performed in require greater efforts at horizontal coordination than do the other two
response to needs that arise within a company. According to C.J. types of technological interdependence.
McNair and Kathleen H.J. Leibfried in their book Benchmarking: A Tool Thus managers need to give some thought to technological interdependence,
for Continuous Improvement, some potential "triggers" for the when developing organization structur
benchmarking process include:
 quality programs
 cost reduction/budget process
 operations improvement efforts
 management change
 new operations/new ventures
 rethinking existing strategies
 competitive assaults/crises


 This is the most important question in management's decision to begin

the benchmarking process. McNair and Leibfried suggest several
reasons why companies may embark upon benchmarking:
 to signal management's willingness to pursue a philosophy that
embraces change in a proactive rather than reactive manner;
 to establish meaningful goals and performance measures that reflect an
external/customer focus, foster "quantum leap" thinking, and focus on
high-payoff opportunities;
 to create early awareness of competitive disadvantage; and
 to promote teamwork that is based on competitive need and is driven
by concrete data analysis, not intuition or gut feeling.


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