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Liver Enhancement

The Liver Enhancement eating plan will quickly get your body into fat burning.
All six fat-burning hormones do their work through the liver. A healthy liver can greatly
enhance weight loss.
You will be on this enhancement for at least 14 days. During this time the body is
switching from running on sugar fuel to running on fat fuel.
On the 14​th​ day of the program, depending on your results, you will either
continue with the liver enhancement for a longer period of time or start adding some
animal protein with each meal as you transition. If you are doing well, losing weight, not
craving protein or getting fatigued it is recommended you stay on the liver enhancement
plan as long as you can before going to the next step.
Some people may experience digestive bloating from adding raw vegetables to
their diet, if bloating, cramps and gas occur a digestive enzyme may be added. It may
also be helpful to make a log of how you feel after you eat to better understand which
foods are tough to digest or do not agree with you system, you may avoid those foods for
The bulk of the foods should be raw, nutrient-dense, high-fiber vegetables, minus
sugars, refined foods, refined fats (trans fats), and starchy foods like potatoes. The
recommended foods in this plan are high in anticancer properties, nutrient dense, high in
enzyme activity and omega 3 fats.
Food Intake
Unlimited vegetables:
-alfalfa sprouts -corn (some) -peppers (all)
-artichokes -cucumbers -pickles (w/out sugar)
-asparagus -dill -radishes
-avocado -eggplant -salsa (w/out sugar)
-bamboo shoots -escarole -sauerkraut
-beans -garlic -seaweed
-beets -ginger root -spinach
-bok choy -kale -squash
-broccoli -leeks -string beans
-brussels sprout -lettuces -sugar snap peas
-cabbage -mushrooms -swiss chard
-carrots -okra -tomatoes
-cauliflower -olives -turnip greens
-celery -onions -turnips
-cilantro -parsley -water chestnuts
-collard greens -peas -zucchini

If you are on thyroid medication add some foods containing iodine. ​Add sea kelp or
dulse to your diet, just a small sprinkle on your food or greens. Alfalfa also contains
iodine. Cruciferous vegetables have a very slight effect of reducing iodine. Iodine is used
by the thyroid gland to make its hormones. ​The vegetables may be lightly steamed,
however it is recommended that you eat at least 50% of them raw. The key is to eat
as many of these vegetables as you can, ​including between meals.

Do not drink milk or consume cream cheese or sour cream. You can include a small
amount(6 oz per day) of low-fat cottage cheese or plain low-fat yogurt, a ​small​ amount of
butter is also okay. You could eat some low-fat cheese every other day (no more than 3
oz. per day). A small amount of feta cheese can be sprinkled on your salad as well.

Do not eat starchy vegetables, such as french fries, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes,
yams and sweet potatoes. Use corn only in very small quantities.

Do not consume breads, pasta, cereal, crackers, biscuits, waffles, muffins, pancakes, rice,
rice cakes, donuts, etc., as they readily turn into sugar.

Salad Dressings:
If you use dressing on your salad, go light on the quantity (just enough to flavor the
salad). If possible use low-sugar, natural and organic dressings. Try to buy dressings with
no added sugar or food colorings, avoid high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, sugar cane,
and MSG (mono-sodium glutamate also called modified food starch.

Fruits should be eaten mostly at night with the exception of apples, which can be eaten
anytime and in as much quantity as you desire. One half cup of berries or other fruit for
breakfast is acceptable if eaten with low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat plain yogurt.
(blueberries are highly recommended, also strawberries, raspberries and elderberries)
Recommended Fruits:
-apples -kiwis -pears
-apricots -lemons/limes -persimmons
-berries -melons -pineapples(small
-cherries (tart red) -nectarines -plums
-grapefruit -oranges -tomatoes
-grapes (red and purple) -peaches

Eat only 1/3 as many fruits per day as the total amount of vegetables ​Ex: if you
consume 1 cup of vegetables you would eat 1/3 cup of fruit.
There is a chemical in grapefruit that increased the potency of some medications;
if you are taking medications avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice.
The best fruit is the apple due to its high fiber, high malic acid, pectin, high
potassium and no sodium.
Bananas, dates, figs, raisins, canned fruits, dried fruits and mangoes should be
avoided, also avoid fruit juice.
Animal Protein:
Do not eat animal proteins (meat, chicken, etc.) or fish in the first two weeks. However, if
by the second or third day you are feeling lightheaded or dizzy, or experience brain fog,
fatigue and/or overall body cold due to low blood sugar, or if you notice some hair loss or
have cravings for protein, add a small amount of animal protein each day.
If you need to eat animal proteins stick with Wild caught fish; tuna, salmon,
cod, sashimi/sushi (w/out the rice), grass-fed organic buffalo, beef, or lamb, or
free-range organic eggs. Do not overeat proteins- eat just enough to satisfy your
hunger. ​It is better to eat frequent small amounts, as overeating will stress the liver and
convert protein to fat. Fish is the best protein on this program, and raw proteins are more
easily digested.

Raw Nuts and Seeds:

You will need to eat ample amount of raw nuts and seeds between meals to prevent
hunger. Raw almonds and walnuts are best. Germinating(soaking overnight in water,
make sure to rinse well and consume with in a few days) nuts and seeds will help with
Recommended Nuts and Seeds:
-​Almonds -pumpkin seeds -pecans
-cashews -sesame seeds -pine nuts
-hazelnuts -sunflower seeds -pistachios
-hummus -walnuts -peanut butter mixed with

You could add beans and lentils to this program as well. Avoid re-fried beans and baked
beans. You will need to soak the beans overnight as you do with the nuts and seeds.
(make sure to rinse well) Another option for beans and lentils is to sprout them. (never
sprout kidney beans, they must be cooked thoroughly).

Supplement Intake:
Supplements are recommended. Recommended supplements include a quality greens
product such as Organic Cruciferous Food, Standard Process whole food supplements, Dr
Berg's Super Nutrients, Liver DTX and Betafood.

Cranberry Drink:
You will be drinking a mixture containing unsweetened cranberry juice, lemon and apple
cider vinegar.
This mixture should be taken three times per day (8 oz serving size)
first thing in the morning upon rising
before lunch
before dinner
-6 oz spring water
-unsweetened​ cranberry juice (2 oz or ¼ of a glass)
-Lemon juice 1/3 of a fresh lemon or 1 tsp lemon powder (if you have a hx of kidney
stones use a whole lemon or 3 tsp lemon powder)
-Apple cider Vinegar ½ to 1 tsp (adjust to taste as this may be too strong for some
-Apple Juice ​only use if the drink is unpalatable​, maximum amt is ¼ cup.
*some people may choose to add a fiber supplement to this drink. It may help with
hunger. Any type of psyllium seed or husk or other powdered fiber may be used, 2
tablespoons would be enough.
It is recommended that you mix the entire combination together in a container the
night before and place it in the refrigerator or cooler.

A Few Guidelines:
You can drink as much water and herbal tea as you desire, but only drink the
amount of water you are thirsty for. Naturally decaffeinated green tea is another
Drink spring water or filtered water if possible
Avoid Coffee. (you may need to mix decaffeinated coffee for one to two weeks
until you are weaned off. If possible use organic coffee
Refrain from eating anything that is not on the lists. Especially sugar and hidden
sugars-juice, sports drinks, protein bars, vanilla yogurt, etc. Consume walnuts, as
they are a superior nut.

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