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Mechanics of Materials --- 5b --- Analysis and design of beams

Analysis and design of beams – Chapter 5

• Beams - structural members supporting loads at
various points along the member

• Transverse loadings of beams are classified as

concentrated loads or distributed loads

• Applied loads result in internal forces consisting of a

shear force (from the shear stress distribution) and a
bending couple (from the normal stress distribution)

• Normal stress is often the critical design criteria

My Mc M
x   m  
 = The Maximum value of normal stress in the
 C = to the maximum distance from the centroid of
the section (as to produce maximum stress)
 Where S is the Elastic Section Modulus of the
beam =
o The section modulus for rolled-steel
shapes is in appendix C
o The section modulus for rectangular shape

Classification of Beam Supports

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