Relationship Between Compressive Split Tensile of Self Compacting Concrete

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International Journal of Mechanics and Solids

ISSN 0973-1881 Volume 3 Number 2 (2008) pp. 157–168

© Research India Publications

Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile,

Flexural Strength of Self Compacted Concrete

T. Seshadri Sekhar1 and P. Srinivasa Rao2

Research Scholar, J.N.T. University, Hyderabad.
Professor and Head, J.N.T.U. College of Engineering, Anathapur, A.P.


Concrete is a mostly used construction material in the world. As the use of

Concrete becomes more widespread the specifications of Concrete like
Durability, Quality, Compactness and Optimization of Concrete becomes more
important. Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a very fluid Concrete and a
homogeneous mixture that solves most of the problems related to ordinary
Concrete. Besides, SCC gets compacted under its own weight and there is no
need for an internal vibrator for the body of the mould. This specification helps
the execution of construction components under high compression of
The elimination of vibration for compacting concrete during placing through
the use of Self Compacting Concrete leads to substantial advantages related to
better homogeneity, enhancement of working environment and improvement in
the productivity by increasing the speed of construction The resulting concrete is
characterized in the fresh state by methods used for Self Compacted Concrete,
such as slump-flow, V-funnel and L- box tests respectively.
This paper concentrates mainly on studying the properties like Compressive
Strength, Split Tensile Strength and Flexural Strength of SCC mix proportions
ranging from M30 to M65 Grades of Concrete. An attempt also has been made to
obtain a relationship between the splitting tensile strength, Flexural Strength and
Compressive strength by the test results.

Keywords: Self Compacting Concrete, Segregation Resistance, Filling ability,

Passing Ability, Water-Powder Ratio.
158 T. Seshadri Sekhar and P. Srinivasa Rao

Self compacting concrete is a concrete which can be placed and compacted under its own
weight with little or no vibration effort, while being cohesive enough to be handled
without segregation or bleeding at the same time. It is used to facilitate and ensure proper
filling and good structural performance in restricted areas and heavily reinforced
structural members. SCC was developed in Japan in the late 1980s to be mainly used for
highly congested reinforced structures in seismic regions. Recently, this concept has
gained a wider use in many countries for different applications and structural
configurations due to the fact that it can provide a better working environment by
eliminating the vibration noise. The several advantages reported in using SCC are
reduced the construction time and labor cost, eliminating the need for vibration, reduced
noise pollution, improved compactability even in highly congested structural members,
and finally a better construction ensuring good structural performance.

Self Compacting Concrete is defined as a category of high performance concrete that has
excellent deformability in the fresh state and high resistance to segregation, and can be
placed and compacted under its self weight without applying vibration

Properties of Self Compacted Concrete in Fresh State

Filling ability: The property of Self Compacted Concrete to fill all corners of a
formwork under its own weight is known as filling ability.
Passing ability: The property of Self Compacted Concrete to flow through reinforcing
bars without segregation or blocking.
Resistance to segregation: The property of Self Compacted Concrete to flow without
segregation of the aggregates.

Performance of SCC
SCC is the modified concrete with the use of chemical and mineral admixtures in the
concrete. It is designed generally with high content of powder/fine material. To facilitate
flow and penetration through congested reinforcement zones, it is desirable to avoid 20
mm aggregate. If more coarse aggregate is used, flow rate will be diminished due to
frictional loss and stresses. The lower the maximum size of aggregate, higher would be
the permissible input of coarse aggregate, but within the range specified.
In European Method it was recommended that:
The Water-Binder ratio by volume be 0.8 to 1.10. Total binder content, including
powders if any, should be between 400-600 Kg/m3
Water to Cement ratio to be selected based on Strength and Durability requirements.
(Water content generally does not exceed 200 lt/m3)
Max Cement Content should be 350-450 Kg/m3 Cement having C3A content more
than 10% should not be used in SCC because of its role in early setting. It may cause
problems of poor workability retention.
Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile, Flexural Strength 159

There appears to be no codal specifications for SCC in any country except the
guidelines by EFNARC European Federation for Specialist Construction Chemicals and
Concrete Systems, formulated in Europe. However the Technology developers have
evolved certain study methodologies based on application needs.

Literature Review
Okamura (1) proposed a mix design method for SCC based on paste and mortar studies
for superplasticizer compatibility followed by trail mixes. However, it is emphasized that
the need to test the final product for passing ability, filling ability, and flow and
segregation resistance is more relevant
Vengala(2) found that use of fine fly ash for obtaining Self Compacting Concrete
resulted in an increase of the 28 day Compressive Strength Concrete by about 38%. Self
Compacting Concrete was achieved when volume of paste was between 0.43 and 0.45.
Subramanian and Chattopadhyay (3)described the results of trails carried out to arrive
at an approximate mix proportioning of Self Compacting Concrete. Self Compatibility
was achieved for Water to Powder ratio ranging from 0.9 to 1.1 when Coarse Aggregate
and Sand content were restricted to 46 % and 40% of the mortar volume respectively.
Dr.Srinivasa Rao. P(4) had proposed the relation ship between Splitting Tensile
Strength and Compressive Strength by the test results and found that Split Tensile
Strength is proportional to 0.78 power of Compressive Strength for normal concrete.
Dr.Malathy(5)had developed the mix design for different grades of concretes and
studied the flow properties and strength properties for Self compacting Concrete.

Research Significance
In fact, concrete researchers have shown that the true tensile strength, as determined from
the split cylinder test, is between 65 and 75 per cent of the modulus of rupture for normal
concrete. It has been well established that the splitting tensile test of the cylindrical
specimen gives more reasonable tensile strength estimation than the direct tensile test or
the modules of rupture test. The acceptance of the split cylinder test is based on the fact
that the stress distribution is reasonably uniform along the vertical diameter of the
cylinder, which has been shown to be the plane of principle tensile stress for about 80 per
cent of its length.
In a number of recent investigations of the behaviour of actual concrete dams during
earthquakes, it has become apparent that a limiting factor has been that the tensile
strength of any concrete is only a fraction of its compressive strength. However, ACI
building code provisions are primarily based on tests of relatively mature concrete
elements, and provisions may not provide consistent safety margins when applied to
young concrete. In ACI, such strengths as modulus of rupture, shear, and splitting tensile
strength of concrete are expressed in terms of the square root of the compressive strength.
These empirical relationships were derived from tests on relatively mature concrete
specimens, and the square root function was probably chosen as a matter of convenience
so that calculations could be readily performed with a slide rule. However, recent
research has shown that a square root relationship between splitting tensile strength and
160 T. Seshadri Sekhar and P. Srinivasa Rao

compressive strength is not the most appropriate relationship for maturing concrete. It is
evident that most concrete researchers believe, from analyses of test data that the true test
data is representative of power relation, which lies between 0.6 and 0.8. as given below

The Relationships between f t and f 1c Suggested by the Various Investigators for

ordinary Concrete

S Investigation Suggested ft – f1c Year of Strength valid Remarks

No. relationship ft, f1c publication upto MPa
in N/mm2
1 Akazawa ft = 0.209 (f1c)0.73 1953 ------ ------
2 Carneiro and Barcellor 1953 ------ ------
ft = 0.185 (f1c)0.735
3 Vinayaka 1959 ------ ------
ft = 0.88 (f1c)0.716
4 Sen and Desayi 1962 ------ Converted using their
ft = 0.628 (f1c)0.73 equation fc cylinder = 0.848
fc cube
5 Carino and lew 1982 ------ ------
ft = 0.272 (f1c)0.71
6 Raphael 1984 ------ ------
ft = 0.313 (f1c)0.667
7 ACI Building code 1989 Strength between For conversion fc cylinder =
318-89 ft = 0.556 (f1c)0.5 13.79 to 61.38 0.81 fc cube was used
8 N.. Gardner 1990 57.23 ------
ft = 0.313 (f1c)0.667
9 Oluokun 1991 62.07 For conversion fc cylinder =
ft = 0.206 (f1c)0.79 0.8 fc cube was used

f1c = cylinder compressive strength

For a newly development material like Self Compacting Concrete studies on

Compressive, Split Tensile and Flexural strength are of paramount important for
instilling confidence amongst the engineers and builders. The literature indicates that
while some studies are available on the Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength and
Flexural Strength of Self Compacting Concrete , a comprehension study which involve
relationship between the parameters Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength,
Flexural Strength are not available Self Compacting Concrete. Hence, considering the
gap in the existing literature, an attempt also has been made to obtain a relationship
between the splitting tensile strength, Flexural Strength and Compressive strength by the
test results.

Experimental Programme
The objectives of the experimental study that was conducted are given below.
To study the Compressive, Flexural Strength and Split Tensile Strength behavior at
28,90 and 180 days for M30 to M65 Grades of Concrete.
To develop Mathematical Relationship between Compressive Strength, Split Tensile
Strength and Flexural Strength.
Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile, Flexural Strength 161

Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grades available in local market is used in the
investigation. The Cement used has been tested for various proportions as per IS 4031-
1988 and found to be confirming to various specifications of are 12269-1987.The
specific gravity was 2.96 and fineness was 2800cm2/gm.

Coarse Aggregate
Crushed angular granite metal of 10 mm size from a local source was used as coarse
aggregate. The specific gravity of 2.60 and fineness modulus 6.05 was used.

Fine Aggregate
River sand was used as fine aggregate. The specific gravity of 2.61 and fineness modulus
2.77 was used in the investigation. The test results are shown in Table No 1.0.

Table 1.0: Properties of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

S.No Property Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate

1. Specific Gravity 2.61 2.60
2. Loose Bulk Density 1.55 1.49
3. Rodded Bulk Density 1.65 1.57

Viscosity Modifying Agent

A Viscosity modified admixture for Rheodynamic Concrete which is colourless free
flowing liquid and having Specific of gravity 1.01+0.01 @ 250C and pH value as 8+1
and Chloride Content nil was used as Viscosity Modifying Agent.

The Modified Polycarboxylated Ether based Super Plasticizer which is Brown Color and
free flowing liquid and having Relative density 1.08+0.01 and pH value as 7+ 1 and
Chloride Content nil was used was Super Plasticizer

Fly Ash
Type-II fly ash from Vijayawada Thermal Power Station was used as cement
replacement material. The chemical properties of the fly ash are shown in Table No2.0 &
Table 2.0: Physical Characteristics of VTPS fly ash

S.No Characteristics Experimental Results

1. Fineness in m2/kg (Blain’s permeability) 577
2. Lime reactivity 4.0
3. Compressive strength @ 21 days > 80% of the
4. corresponding plain cement
Drying shrinkage % mortar cubes
5. Autoclave expansion % 0.08
162 T. Seshadri Sekhar and P. Srinivasa Rao

Table 3: Chemical Composition of VTPS Fly Ash

S.No Characteristics Percentage

1. SiO2 +Al2o3+Fe2O3 86.7
2. SiO2 54.0
3. MgO 0.10
4. Total sulfur as SO3 0.11
5. Available alkali as sodium oxide(Na2O) 2.16
6. Loss of ignition 4.0

Test Specimens
Test specimens consist of 150X150X150 mm cubes, 150 X 300 mm cylinders and
100X100X 500 mm beams were casted using different concrete mixes as given in Table
No 4.0 and tested as per IS 516 and 1199.

Table 4: Mix Proportions for Various Grades of Self Compacted Concretes

Grade of Cement Fly ash Coarse Fine Water W/ P SP V.M.A

Concrete (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) Aggregate aggregate (Kg/m3) (kg/m3) (Kg/m3)
(kg/m3) (Kg/m3)
M 30 225 225 865 898 179 0.40 4.50 0.315
M 35 231 231 862 864 175 0.37 4.62 0.370
M40 258 258 835 836 176 0.34 5.16 0.413
M 45 330 220 826 827 176 0.32 5.50 0.440
M 50 360 240 797 796 180 0.30 6.00 0.480
M55 360 240 812 813 168 0.28 6.00 0.480
M 60 400 250 785 785 172 0.26 9.75 0.460
M 65 450 250 760 760 174 0.24 11.20 0.490

Discussion of Test Results

Water Powder Ratio:
The Water to Powder by weight was kept at about 0.26 for M60 grade of Concrete. For
M65 Grade of Concrete Water to Powder ratio by weight was kept about 0.24 in the Mix.
These values are given in Table No. 4.0.

Table No 5.0 provides a summary of the workability properties of the Self Compacted
Concrete mixes in the fresh state. As it is evident, the basic requirements of high
flowability and segregation resistance as specified by guidelines on Self Compacted
Concrete by EFNARC are satisfied. The workability values are maintained by adding
suitable quantities of superplasticizers.
Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile, Flexural Strength 163

Table 5.0: Rheological Studies of Self Compacted Concrete for Various grades of

M 30 M 35 M 40 M 45 M 50 M 55 M 60 M 65
Permissible limits as
per Efnarc Guidelines
( Ref 6.0)
Min Max
V-Funnel 10 sec 8 sec 5 sec 8 sec 10 sec 8 sec 5 sec 8 sec 6 sec 12 sec
Abrams slump 650mm 660mm 700mm 680mm 660mm 680mm 720mm 700mm 650mm 800mm
T 50cm slump flow 5 sec 3 sec 2 sec 2 sec 4 sec 2 sec 3sec 2 sec 2 sec 5 sec
H2/H1=0.8 0.82 0.90 0.80 0.8 0.85 0.88 0.84 0 .82 1.0
L-Box T 20= 1sec 2 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1sec 1 sec 2 sec 2 sec 1sec 2 sec
T40= 2 sec 3 sec 2 sec 2sec 2 sec 3 sec 2 sec 2sec 2sec 3sec

V-Funnel at T 5 12 sec 11 sec 11 sec 11 sec 12 sec 13sec 12 sec 14 sec 11 sec 15 sec

Compressive Strength
The Compressive Strength Values are observed to be varied from 33.94 to 66.29 N/mm2
for 28 days, 40.38 to 77.55 N/mm2 for 90 days and 43.44 to 82.19 N/mm2 for 180 days.
These Values are tabulated in Table No 6.0. The increase in Compressive Strength
Values compared with 28 days Strength is given in Table 7.0 and variation is given in fig
1.0. The Test set up is given in Plate no 1.0

Compressive Strength


60 M45
40 M50
28 90 180 M60

Age in Days M65

Figure 1: Variation of Compressive Strength with age.

Plate No 1.0: Test set up for measuring Compressive Strength

164 T. Seshadri Sekhar and P. Srinivasa Rao

The increase in Compressive strength for all the Grades of Concretes at 90, 180 days
are observed to be 20 to 30% when compared with 28 days Strength.
These results can be explained by the delayed pozzolanic activity of supplementary
powder. Initially, cement hydration and the resulting calcium silicate hydrate is the
principal source of strength in concrete. But as time progresses, the influence of
supplementary powder (Fly Ash) becomes noticeable. Largely pozzolanic in
composition, supplementary cementitious materials convert weak calcium hydroxide
released by cement hydration into calcium silicate hydrate.

Table 6: Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Split Tensile Strength of Various

Grades of Self Compacted Concretes at different ages.

Grade of No of Compressive Flexural Strength Split Tensile

Concrete Days Strength Strength
28 33.94 3.15 3.01
M 30 90 40.38 3.65 3.52
180 43.44 3.90 3.68
28 38.90 3.49 3.25
M35 90 45.90 4.11 3.86
180 49.24 4.36 4.12
28 41.21 3.88 3.68
M 40 90 49.03 4.61 4.39
180 51.27 4.65 4.50
28 45.95 4.22 4.08
M45 90 54.22 5.02 4.81
180 57.88 5.14 5.12
28 53.00 4.59 4.44
M50 90 61.48 5.37 5.18
180 63.93 5.58 5.44
28 56.00 5.01 4.67
M55 90 65.70 5.87 5.48
180 68.73 6.13 5.72
28 61.64 5.46 5.21
M60 90 71.50 6.38 6.04
180 73.97 6.66 6.18
28 66.29 5.95 6.44
M65 90 77.55 6.96 7.54
180 82.19 7.40 7.62
Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile, Flexural Strength 165

Table 7: Percentage increase Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Split Tensile

Strength of Various Grades Of Self Compacted Concrete Compared with age (28 Days)

Grade of No of Days Compressive Flexural Strength Split Tensile

Concrete Strength Strength
28 ---- ---- ----
M 30 90 19 16 17
180 28 23 23
28 ---- ---- ----
M35 90 19 18 19
180 28 25 27
28 ---- ---- ----
M 40 90 19 19 19
180 25 20 22
28 ---- ---- ----
M45 90 18 19 18
180 26 22 26
28 ---- ---- ----
M50 90 16 17 17
180 21 22 23
28 ---- ---- ----
M55 90 17 17 17
180 22 23 23
28 ---- ---- ----
M60 90 16 17 16
180 20 22 19
28 ---- ---- ----
M65 90 17 17 17
180 24 24 18

Split Tensile Strength

The Split Tensile Strength Values are observed to be varied from 3.01 to 6.44 N/mm2 for
28 days, 3.52 to 7.54 N/mm2 for 90 days and 3.68 to 7.62 N/mm2 for 180 days. These
Values are tabulated in Table No 6.0. The increase in Split Tensile Strength Values
compared with 28 days Strength is given in Table 7.0 and variation is given in fig 2.0.
The Test set up is given in Plate no 2.0.
Split Tensile Strength (Mpa)

6 M40

4 M45
2 M50
28 90 180
Age in Days

Figure 2: Variation of Split Tensile Strength with Age

166 T. Seshadri Sekhar and P. Srinivasa Rao

Plate No 2.0: Test set up for measuring Split Tensile Strength

The Split Tensile Strength for all the Grades of Concretes at 90, 180 days are observed
to be varied from 15% to 25% when compared with 28 days Split Tensile Strength

Flexural Strength
The Flexural Strength Values are observed to be Varied from 3.15 to 5.95 N/mm2 for 28
days, 3.65 to 6.96 N/mm2 for 90 days and 3.90 to 7.40 N/mm2 for 180 days. These
Values are tabulated in Table No 6.0. The increase in Flexural Strength Values
compared with 28 days Strength is given in Table 7.0 and variation is given in figure 3.0
The Test set up is given in Plate no 3.0.

28 90 180
Age in Days

Figure 3: Variation of Flexural Strength with Age.

Plate No 3.0: Test set up for measuring Flexural Strength

Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile, Flexural Strength 167

The Flexural Strength for all the Grades of Concretes at 90, 180 days are observed to be
varied from 15% to 25% when compared with 28 days Flexural Strength.

Mathematical Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile and

Flexural Strength:
Mathematical equations were obtained expressing Compressive Strength, Split Tensile
Strength and Flexural Strength for Self Compacted Concrete. fig 4.0 shows the graphical
behaviour of Compressive Strength and Split Tensile Strength , fig 5.0 shows the
graphical behaviour of Compressive Strength and Flexural strength . The mathematical
relationship between both between Compressive Strength – Split Tensile Strength and
Compressive Strength – Flexural Strength of Self Compacted Concrete depicts that they
are obeying Power Law.

Split Tensile Strength

y = 0.0753x 1.0382
5 R2 = 0.9574

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
C ompre ssi ve Stre ngth (Mpa)

Figure 4: Relationship between Compressive Strength and Split Tensile Strength

Flexural Strength (MPa)

6 y = 0.119x0.929
5 R 2 = 0.9908
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
C ompre ssi ve Stre ngth (MPa)

Figure 5: Relationship between Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength at 28 days.

The Relation between Compressive Strength – Split Tensile Strength is given by ft 28 =

0.08 fck 1.04
The Relation between Compressive Strength – Flexural Strength is given by fcr28 =
0.12 fck
168 T. Seshadri Sekhar and P. Srinivasa Rao

1. The Relation between Compressive Strength – Split Tensile Strength is given by
ft 28 = 0.08 fck 1.04
2. The Relation between Compressive Strength – Flexural Strength is given by
fcr28 = 0.12 fck .09
3. The increase in Compressive Strength for all the grades of SCC mixes compared
with 28 days strength varied between 20 to 30% .
4. The increase in Flexural Strength for all the grades of SCC mixes compared
with 28 days Flexural strength varied between 15 to 25%.
5. The increase in Split Tensile Strength for all the grades of SCC mixes compared
with 28 days Split Tensile strength varied between 15 to 25%.
6. The Relationship between Compressive, Split Tensile and Flexural Strength
designed SCC mixes are In accordance with power’s law.


[1] Okumura.H, Ozawa. K. Ouchi. M. (2000), “Self Compacting Concrete”,

Structural concrete, No.1.
[2] Jagadish Vengala Sudarsan, M.S., and Ranganath, R.V.(2003), “Experimental
study for obtaining self-compacting concrete”, Indian Concrete Journal, August,
pp. 1261-1266.
[3] Subramanian .S and Chattopadhyay (2002),”Experiments for Mix Proportioning
of Self Compacting Concrete”, Indian Concrete Journal, January, Vol., PP 13-20.
[4] Dr.P.Srinivasa Rao and P. Sravana (2005)” Relationship between Splittting
Tensile and Compressive Strength of Concrete” , Construction Review Journal
June, 39-44.
[5] Dr.R.Malathy and T.Govindsamy (2006) “ Development of Mix Design Chart
for various Grades of Self Compacting Concrete”, Indian Concrete Institute
Journal Oct-Dec ,pp 19-28.
[6] EFNARK, “Specifications and guidelines for self compacting concrete”,

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