Practical Microwave Filter Design

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Modern design of microwave filters has evolved to a specialization, yet it
can be handled in a step-by-step fashion, as this author shows.

by Michael Ferrand
Microlab/FXR, Livingston, NJ

Introduction ence the design choice, as will be frequency of the desired filter to cor-
he design of filters is a spe- shown. Reference 1 gives perhaps

responding reference frequency of
cialized area of microwave the clearest curves. The tabulated the particular prototype filter.
engineering that is a daunting response families and their charac- Except for Elliptic and Chebyshev
first experience. However, when car- teristics arc: filters the 3 dB points on the edge of
ried out in a step by step basis, it can Buttenvorth:also known as maximal- the passband are selected as the cut-
be handled in a straight-forward ly flat off. In the case of our lowpass proto-
manner. This paper shows the steps Chebyshev: equal-ripple amplitude type with the radian cutoff frequency
to designing a waveguide bandpass response in passband normalized to one we specify a stop-
filter using impedance inverters, Bcssel: linear phase band frequency and corresponding
along with practical results. Gaussian: linear or equal-ripple de- attenuation value at that frequency.
lay response For example, one could select a 0.01
The Lowpass Prototype Legendre: least-squares amplitude dB passband ripple Chcbyshev with
Starting with the calculation of the response a stopband frequency that is 2.4
number of sections required we will Elliptic: equal ripple amplitude re- times the cutoff, at which the attenu-
step thru a design for a waveguide sponse in passband and stopband ation is to be 60 dB.
filter. Several parameters are used to Thc most commonly used rc- The required order may be calcu-
characterize a filter's performance. sponse families are the Butterworth lated or read from the curve in [2].
The starting requirement most often and Chebyshev. The equations to We find that a 6 section filter will
spccificd is frequency response. calculate the response for these two satisfy the requirement. In practice,
When given a frequency-response types are given in [l] and Figure 1. one usually selects an order that is
specification, the designer must se- higher than required to meet the
lect a design that meets thcsc rc- Impedance and Frequency specified attenuation and allow for
quircmcnts. This is accomplished by Scaling dissipative losses and manufacturing
transforming the required response The basis for normalization of fil- tolerances that would otherwisc
to a normalized lowpass specifica- ters is the fact that a given filter's cause the practical filter execution to
tion having a cutoff frequency of 1 response can be scaled to a differcnt fall short of the theoretically achiev-
radianJsecond. frequency range by dividing the rcac- able performance.
This normalized response curve tivc elements by a scaling factor. For The calculation of the required
may be compared with curves for example, if you have a filter design number of sections for a bandpass is
lowpass prototype filters (which also with a 1 Hz cutoff frequency which quite similar to that of the lowpass
have 1 radisec cutoff. From these uses inductances in henrys and ca- filter. We may use the bandwidth of
curves a prototype filter of the prop- pacitors in farads, you can scale it to the bandpass filter normalized to 1
er order (number of scctions) may be 1 GHz by using the same numeric radisec. and relate it to a normalized
designated. Curves for the normal- values for the elements but changing stopband bandwidth. For example if
ized frcqucncy verses amplitude re- their dimensions to nanohenries and we set our normalized bandwidth to
sponse have been tabulated for nanofarads respectively. For any 1 and have 60 dB attenuation at 2.4
many families of filters, each having other case, the frequency scaling fac- radisec, then our ratio is 2.4. Wc can
auxiliary characteristics which influ- tor is just the ratio of the reference use this value, along with the desired
atcnuation level (60 dB) to calculate For ~ ~ ~ responayc
t t ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ t h
the number of sections needed.

Design by Normalized Element

We can relate a normalized fre-
quency response to our filter and cal-
culate the required order of t h e fil-
ter. We may also design our
prototype filter through the use of
normalized element values. By this
method we set the lowpass cutoff IS required a t tenua tion
where a d/l'
frcquency to 1 radisec and the
source and load resistances to 1 w is /he stopband /passband ratio
ohm. After the calculation of the
lowpass prototypc filter's element
values, we frcquency and impedance
scale the lowpass filter to the desired
final frequency and impedance.
Fortunately there are published
tables of these element value^^,^. For
convcnience, the equations for Che-
byshcv and Buttcrworth filters arc
included in Figure 2. Having calcu-
lated the required number of sec-
tions, it merely is required to consult
~ppropriait:iabh lo read the d e -
ment values.

Waveguide Filter Design

The proccdure is easier to follow
with an actual example. For this ex-
ample, choose a filter to be realizcd
in WR-75 waveguide having:
Passband: 15.675 to 16.425 GHz.
StopbandiAttenuation: 45 dB. mini-
mum at 14.050 GHz.
45 dB. minimum at 17.000 G H L . Figure 1. The formulas used to
Passband Insertion Loss: 0.5 dB. calculate Butterworth and Cheby-
max. shev insertion loss as a function of
Passband VSWR: 1.3:l max. the normalized frequency.
The most common filtering func-
tion used is the Chebyshev response.
This gives the most rectangular pass- 4. Calculate a normalized stop- We have now found that the wave-
band response. We will choose a very bandipassband ratio from the pre- guide filter must have a minimum of
low ripple design, say 0.1 dB, to as- vious values. For thc upper stop- 5 poles to meet our stopband1attcn-
sure that there arc no large ampli- band, 1.90i0.750 = 2.533, we will call uation requirements. With this in-
tude variations in the passband. this the normalized 45 dB band- formation we continue the design
Using these specifications we will width. Then for the lower stopband, using the normalizcd lowpass ele-
design our device from the proce- 2.2010.750 = 2.033. We can see that ment values. Again using' (or Figure
dures described above via the follow- the upper stopband represents the 2) wc apply the tables for a 0.1 dR
ing steps. tighter requirement. Chebyshev design. Reference to thc
1 . Calculate the filter bandwidth 5. Using Figure 1 or the charts in table yields:
(BW), 16.425 - 15.675 = 0.750 GHz. [3]calculate the necessary order, or RL = 1.0000
2. Calculate the filter center fre- number of poles. We calculate 5 C1 = 1.1468
quency (Fo), 15.675 + (0.7512) = poles necessary for 2.533 ratio and 4 L2 = 1.3712
16.050 GHz. poles for the 2.933 ratio, choosing C3 = 1.0750
3. Calculate the stopband width the higher integer number of poles L4 = 1.3712
by, 2(Fo-14.05) = 2.20 and Z(17.00 - to assure that the attenuation rc- C5 = 1.1468
Fo) = 1.900 G H L . quiremcnts are met. KS = 1.0000
The fact that these values are sym-
metrical suggests that the final dc-
for Butterworth response
sign will bc, too. Notc that thcsc nor- G0 - 1
malizcd clement values arc
conventionally designated as G1,
G2, G3 . . . in other references. We
will usc this convcntion also. k-- 1’ to n
Filter designs using inverters are
the most common in the microwave
frequency range. Direct-coupled fil-
tcrs may be found in vcry low frc-
quency through the upper micro-
wave frequencies, often in such ior Clhebyshev response
different forms as to appear totally
unrelated. The formal basis for the
use of inverter networks is attributed
to Dishal(1949) and Cohn (1957). In
it’s simplest form an inverter may be B
represented as a quarter wavelength = SJNH-
of transmission line. Inverters in
combination with other rcactivc cle-
ments will help us to realizc a band-
pass filter at microwave frequencies. ak=SIN
In it’s simplest form an inverter may
be considered a lossless quarter
wavelength of transmission line. The
invcrtcr will help us dircctly convcrt b’y
our normalized lowpass filter to the k
microwave bandpass filter we wish to
design. The use of inverters is simple
and their descriptions may be found 2a,
in [ l ] thru [3].
The waveguide filter scrvcs as an
GI y
excellent inverter design example.
The filter consists of shunt inductive G = 4 a k - l ak
posts separated by lengths of trans- k-2 to n
mission linc (in this case lengths of
k b
G k-1
wavcguide). The actual design is car-
ried following the procedure given in
131, and Figure 3. G =1 for n odd
;I+ 1
1. Calculate the guide wave-
lengths per step 1 of Figure 3. for /I even
w-Lambda = .072228
Lambda-gO = .913415 Figure 2. The equations used to
Lambda-gl = .947800 calculate the prototype element
Lambda-g2 = .881826 values, g, for Butterworth and Che-
2. Now calculate the inverter val- byshev filter responses.
ues from step 2 of Figure 3.
KO, I/Zo = .3 14535 X4,5/Zo = ,091223 ized reactance X/Zo for each post.
K1,2/Zo = .090476 X5,6/Zo = 34873 1 To get the post diameters use a pub-
K2,3/z0 = .(I68943 4. Now calculate the post spac- lished chart such as [3] Fig.8.06-3(a).
K3,4/Zo = .068943 ings, Theta from step 3. For very thick posts there is a correc-
K4,5/Zo = .090476 Thcta( 1 ) = 2.74700 radians tion in the electrical reference plane
K5,6/Zo= .314535 Theta(2) = 2.98278 for the post. Where this correction is
3. Now the shunt reactances Theta(3) = 3.00414 needed, refer to [3] Figure 8.03-3(a)
Xi,i l/Zo from step 3 of Figure 3. Theta(4) = 2.98278 and equation 5b. In this case we will
XO,l/Zo = .348731 Theta(S) = 2.74700 ignore the correction. A computer
X 1,2/Zo = .(I91223 We need to calculate the ratio of program which is available to read-
X2,3/Zo = .(I69272 the post diameter to the guide width, ers automates this correction, more
X3,4/Zo = .069272 dia, to produce the required normal- about the program later.
Using such a chart or the equa-
tions on which it is based, the nor-
malized post diameters arc calculat-
ed and the results multiplied by the
/ I

\ - involves some
the design
h2% * approximations. . . the final
wh= x gn response usual& can be

compensated by tuning

waveguide width, for this design a =

0.750 inches, giving for the respec-
tive post diameters the following val-
Post(l)= .07145 inches
Post(2) = .14636
Post(3) = .16032
STEP 2 Calculate impedance inverters Post(4) = .16032
Post(5) = .14636
Post(6) = .07145
and the post spacings, converted
- -
',,,+I -
from radians to inches,
Gn t I Spacing( 1,2) = .39992 inches
Spacing(2,3) = .43425
Spacing(3,4) = .43425
Spacing(4,5) = .39992
Given the post diameters and
their spacings in the specified wavc-
guide, WR 75, the filtcr design is
complctcd from a theoretical stand-

The measured results of the dc-
vice are plotted in Figure 4 and a
photograph of the model is shown in
Figure 5 . Although the design in-
volves some approximations, step 2
concerning the inverter values, the
final response usually can be com-

~ ~

The design equations . . . are

easily implemented in a
computer program

pensated by tuning adjustments, as

was the case with this model. Tuning
Figure 3. Guide wavelength, im- screws, size 2-56, were located on the
pedance inverter and shunt re- waveguide broadwall midway be-
actance calculations. tween the posts. The data shown
were obtained aftcr judicious twcak-
ing with the screws, to make the res-
onance of each section of the filter
equal to the center frequency of the
design. Begin at either end and work
through the filter. There is very little
interaction with the adjustments.
0 The design equations given in Fig-
ure 2 are easily implemented in a
computer program which can climi-
nate the tedious calculations. The
program also builds in the correction
for thick posts mentioned earlier. A
program based on the design equa-
tions used herein and approxima-
tions for the post diameters and
spacings given in [4] is available from
the author. For a handling chargc of
$25.00 the FORTRAN source codc
and an executable file will be sent on
a %OK, 5 Y d inch, MS-DOS floppy
disk suitable for use on an IBM com-
FREQ. IN G H z patible XT or AT personal comput-
Figure 4. Insertion loss and return
loss measurements for the wave-
guide filter model.
1 . S.B. Cohn Parallel-Coupled Trans-
mission Line Resonator Filters IRE
Trans. MTT Apr. 1958
2. G.L. Matthaci, L. Young. EMT
Jones. Microwave Filters, Impedance
Matching Networks and Coupling
Structures. McGraw-Hill, 1964.
3. A. Zvcrev - Handbook of Filter Syn-
thesis. J. Wilcy and Sons, 1967.
3. SIFILSYN - Filter synthesis pro-
gram by D r . George Szentermai,
DGS Associates.

Michael K. Fer-
rand is 11 senior
mirrown1.e engi-
neer with Micro-
1ubiFXR in Liv-
His responsibili-
ties inclutle the
ilesigti of microwa1.e
jilten and other
microwave c o n p -
rientb, unrl he hus
specialized in the compiiter-aided design of
these components. Hc is the author of
Figure 5. Photograph of the 5 sec- sameral jxipcrs on filter desigtis based on the
tion WR-75 waveguide filter. lire of the compicter:

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