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4 step teach you oversee the

P.05…… Summary


Design of Technology

Building and Service Description


Market Analysis Summary

Strategy and Implementation

Development Requirements


Object 目標

Gorgeous 絢麗 


Innovation 創新

                                  Unique  獨特 


Model  造型 

                                   Pragmatic  實用 


Location  位置 

                                 Green Building 綠化建築


Summary 摘要
Behind the great building,what could you
see?In this topic, you will find out the truth of
the designer design the building,
how magnificent it is!


Design of Technology

Step.1 sequential conceptual design 概念設計

Step.2 preliminary design 初步設計

Step.3 detail design 細部設計

Step.4 construction design 工程設計

In here, “design” the
building will give the
building a new face , like
the building have a soul
which originate from the
designer .Perhaps, you will find out some
character of the building which is similar to
the designer.But in this part, designer must
have to associate with the “green
conception” and “innovation” which is more
difficult to the designer during the period
of design. In following step, you will realize
how the designer overcome the problem of
the building, and also show you how to make
the design in practice!

At this part, we will
discuss about the
picture which
designer draw
preliminary. After
first step, designer
had already have the model of the building in
first hand without any modify.And now the
body of the building had done and the look of
the building will shows up.But,so far, it still not
clearly,owing to lack of more detail things of
the building description. Let us figure it out

In this section,
designer will shows
the function of the
building have. With
the Carbon
Reduction goes up,
not only the
designer but all of the people should concern
that building also need some system to
control the energy or retrofit “Solar Gener-
ator” in tall building and another one is the
“Automatic water saving system”. This will
be the two of the significant point of the
building function which we will neglect easily

                                         In the final
step,designer will
see the practice
of the building.But
in the part of the
construction.First is the realize the materials
that you need.Second,plan the table of the
schedule.Third, for the safety concern, do not
overlook the detail during the construction or
cut the line for exceeding the schedule.That will
let the building unstable.Particularly,the
building whether appeal people to buy it all
depends on the final presentation. Namely,
designer devote his everything on this building
and the feedback will be the quantities ofsales.


Building and Service Description
Here, we will invite you to enter a fabulous

building,you can choose it for your house or your

work place. In the building, many system of

control power,water,gas…and also the design of

the building will let the visitor feel fascinated.No

doubt that each part of the building has

completely test for emergency and the building

had minimized the damage to the lowest!

There is some example:

If you living the

place like this,I

think the people

who live in will

feel more

flexible and relax. Good design and warm light will

be with you in night. If you feel tired, you can sit

on the deck chair near the pool,watching the

moonlight,enjoy your rest time. How wonderful
life it is!!

However,if you

work at this


you will feel

pressure and

less pleasure on work. As cloudy day,the light

project from escalator.If you’re a wiser,choose

another one will be good for you!!

This place will

sacred most of

people who have to

across under the

bulge of the

buiding.It just use

one beam to sustain

the whole building.And the one question worth for

us to think is “when the earthquake occur,the

result of this building will……………?”

Market Analysis Summary
The market of building now is still
increasing,whatever the price high or low.
New design of the building still be adapted in
building industry.Also,when the exhibition
display need some place,the new building
construction will carry out.Thus, the
prosperity of the market of the building will
not fade away temporarily


Strategy and Implementation
Summary 策略與實施綜述
1. Trees may be protected by Tree Preservation Orders
(TPOs) or other legal procedures to make sure that

they are not lost or damaged needlessly. Your local

council can issue a TPO for specific trees. If a tree is

protected by a TPO the council's consent is required

before it may be felled or pruned. Trees located in

conservation areas also have a degree of protection. To

check whether a tree is protected you should contact your

local council.

2. You have the opportunity to express your views on

planning applications

3. This means that planning authorities create

long-term spatial plans for how an area will develop.

Once adopted, all planning decisions made by local

authorities must follow the plan for the area, unless

other material considerations apply.

4. Going green

Climate change and pollution are issues that affect all of us.

It's up to everyone to do as much as they can to help the

environment. There are solutions that can help but everyone

needs to get involved if we are going to make them work.

5. green nature house


Development Requirements   

         In the wave of seeking the green house,

Building industry now has toward the market for

green house or green building.Designer also

design a house with saving water system, auto

electricity control system and not only with this

equipment but have the magnificent exterior to

attract people to buy it!

reen house now is

a trend of all the

world.Not only

the movie says but TV


broadcast to all of us, in

order to protect our

earth avoiding the waste energy.But, inside the

great building,how many the seal demage you

would’t see it , when will it occur to harm you.

People chasing the green house, the Building

industry try their best to build the house,

however our resource is decreasing day after

day,this sign who ever seen it and concerned it!

Ironically, we say do not squander the resource in

surface,But our behavior ,indeed, do such wreck

the forest thing, and it truthly make a

contradiction to us to think again the definition

of “Green house”!!



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