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Developmental Psychology

• Stages of pregnancy • Harlow's monkeys

• Nature vs. nurture • Continuity vs. discontinuity and contact comfort
• Teratogens
• Genetic determinism or predisposition?
• Fetal alcohol syndrome • Transitional objects
• Twin studies • Maturation vs. socialization • Imprinting

Pre-natal Development,
Themes In Development Reflexes And Physical Development
• Reflexes:
• Genie & the Wild Child - rooting
• Critical/sensitive • The visual cliff - sucking
period theory - grasping
• Infant imitation - moro/startle
• Vygotsky & "socio-cultural" - Babinski
factors: zone of proximal development - stepping

• Parenting Styles
•Piaget: • Assimilation • Ainsworth's "strange situations" 1)
and "attachment styles" 2)
1) • Accommodation 1) 3) 3)
2) 4) 4)
2) • Object permanence
• Stranger anxiety • Birth Order Theory
• Separation anxiety

Cognitive Development Social Development

• Gender identity
3) • Animism • Gender constancy
• Gender role
4) • Egocentrism • Gender typing
• Gender schema
CRITICISMS: • Conservation • Androgyny
Developmental Psychology (continued)
• Erikson's Psychosocial
Stages of Development:
• Emerging adulthood
• Puberty 1)
• The social clock • The empty nest
• Menarche 2)

• Primary sex characteristics 3)

Secondary sex characteristics

Adolescence, Etc.
Adulthood And Aging
• Egocentrism? 5)

• The Personal Fable 6)

• The Imaginary Audience •Kubler-Rosson
7) death, grieving:
• The Identity Crisis? 8)

• Kohlberg and the "Heinz Dilemma" • "Stats & Research" • "Learning Theory"
- Longitudinal studies - Skinner
Level One: - Cross-sectional studies - Bandura
Level Two: - Cohort effect
Level Three:

Links To Other Units

Development Of Moral Reasoning • "Thought & Language" • "BioPsych"
- Language acquisition - Genetic
- Genetic
• "Sensation and Perception" abnormalities
• Gilligan's criticisms of Kohlberg
- A baby's senses - Arousal levels
- The visual cliff

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