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1 C: Chloe is known for her slightly quirky sense of fashion and, of Question 1 (email)

course, she looks great Style: informal

2 A: the smell of fresh baking greets US ... Chloe's been busy Content: 1 suggest places to explore and best public transport option:
3 D: It was too much to take in at nineteen. If I’d stayed longer, 2 details of interesting museums or exhibitions
I might have settled in better. 3 agree but explain limited time
4 B: Singing with a hairbrush in front of the mirror, dreaming of 4 accept DVD idea and say which one
being a star one day.
5 C: I fell as I climbed up the ladder and cracked three ribs. Part 2
6 D: while recovering from her injuries ... Chloe hit upon the idea of
staging ... vintage fairs. Question 2 (story)
7 A: Chloe had always loved vintage clothes, particularly from style: semi-formal or neutral
the 1950s. " Content: 1 what Peter did when he read the message
8 B: we had so many compliments, I decided to go ahead with more 2 how the story developed
3 how it ended
Part 2: In defence of women’s boxing
Question 3 (essay)
9 G: ’it’ refers to 'the competition'. . Style: formal or neutral
10 H: 'what this meant' refers to being accepted on to the programme. Content:. different ways to help protect and improve the environment,
11 B: 'that target’ refers to the flyweight category. with reasons to support opinions
12 C: 'this space-age training kit' refers to the titanium-based
clothing range. Question 4 (letter of application)
13 F: 'that's why'refers to'We approach it more as a skill and point- Style: formal
scoring exercise'. Content: 1 reasons for wanting to attend the course
14 E: 'those events' refers to 'martial arts such as taekwondo 2 experience of acting and/or dancing
and judo'. 3 detailed availability for attending
15 D: 'that mistake’ refers to 'people confuse amateur boxing
competitions with professional fights'. Question 5(a) (essay)
Style: formal
Part 3: Solo travel in Australia Content: description of a character who often gets into trouble,
(a) saying when this happens, (b) giving reasons why it
16 C: meal times are something I've never really got to grips with happens and (c) explaining how the character deals with
17 A: it's great to have the freedom to go with the flow. . those problems.
18 B: get an agency to take care of all the arrangements
19 D: I learnt to accept that some people have different attitudes to Question 5(b) (review)
mine style: formal
20 A: a fortnightly email home ... really cheered me up. Content: 1 enjoyable aspects of the novel
21 D: enhanced my independence and helped me feel more 2 opinion about age group who would enjoy it most, with
self-assured. reasons and examples from the novel
22 D: I fell out with the people I’d met along the way
23 A: ’What have I let myself in for?' The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.
24 C: do what you like ... without having to convince anybody else
that it's a good idea. f
25 B: you've probably got lots of ideas in common.
26 D: the pressure that you're under to make your own mind up about
27 A: catching the next bus when you’re ready to move on
28 C: stay in the nicest places your budget permits.
29 C: try a short trip to begin with, just in case it's not for you.
30 B: the support of the group leader.

The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.

Part 1 Part 1

1 C: Still, the news that he was in hospital shook ... Question 1 (letter)
2 A: I had to keep stepping aside to let people get by. Style: formal • ‘ , »•>
3 C: I'd darted into the doorway of a closed shop to avoid coming Content: 1 explain the school had
• collaborated with theatre once before
face to face with him. 2 say there were no serious delays
4 B: speaking on the phone ... the call. 3 correct the statement about costumes: made by parents
5 D: I'd no idea what my hair looked like or if I'd got a spot on 4 give the correct name of director
my chin 5 request a new article
6 B: I ... wondered what he was doing ... if he still read books by
George Orwell. Part 2
7 D: I hadn't really wanted to go but it was important for some of
Beth's coursework Question 2 (article)
8 A: no sign ... but again ... Style: formal or neutral
Content: 1 description of the computer game
Part 2: Treasure in the mud
2 reasons for recommending it to other readers
9 F: 'this wide experience' refers to 'After thirty years, there’s Question 3 (report)
barely a patch of wet mud on any tidal river in the UK that he Style: neutral or semi-formal
doesn't know'. Content: 1 what classmates like or dislike about the articles
to C: The sentence refers back to 'the everyday possessions of 2 what classmates like or dislike about the sports page
ordinary families'. 3 what classmates like or dislike about the news section
11 H: 'that sort of person' refers back to 'an activity that tends to 4 suggesting ways to improve the magazine
attract solitary characters'.
12 B: 'such objects' refers to 'the sole from a sixteenth century shoe'. Question 4 (review)
13 G: 'this scientific fact’refers to'An item is often better preserved in Style: formal
■ the mud than it would be if exposed to the air'. Content: 1 what makes the TV series plot interesting, with examples
14 E: 'It turns out to be'refers to'Ian picks up what the untrained eye 2 what makes the characters interesting, with examples
would see as a lump of stone.' 3 whether to recommend it for all ages, with reasons to back
15 D: The sentence refers to'unless you're a fisherman, it's hard up opinions
to explain.'

Part 3: What's the best advice your father ever gave you? Question 5(a) (letter)
Style: informal
16 B: his general unwavering belief in me. Content: description of the plot and characters of a novel, explaining why
17 D: just stick at something, no matter how hard things get different aspects of the book make it very interesting.
18 A: those were my dad's jokey words of wisdom
19 C: he made sure he was therefor us kids every evening too. Question 5(b) (essay)
20 A: but Dad was always telling me not to take any notice Style: formal
21 D: if you don't put sufficient effort in, you'll never get anything Content: 1 description of the good and bad qualities of one of the
out of whatever it is you're doing. characters
22 C: how much I've taken on board is another matter. 2 how these qualities affect other characters, with examples
23 A: he never said it was my fault. from the novel
24 B: He left the decision to US.
25 A: Don't worry about the car, we can always fix it. The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.
26 C: how to change the oil in my car
27 C: that being polite costs nothing.
28 B: 'When you get a chance like that, grab it with both hands.'
29 D: He had this catchphrase: 'Under-prepare, and you prepare
to fail.'
30 B: he's given me the opportunity to input ideas and have my say

The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.


Part 1: Moving house Part 1

1 B: 'I’ve shaken out all the dirt,’ she said as Lyn tipped up the nearest Question 1 (letter)
one, checking that it was empty. Style: formal ■
2 A: 'I'll do it' refers to Lyn's mother's request - that she will put her Content: 1 say that you are happy to make a contribution
belongings in boxes. 2 ask what 'small leisure budget' means
3 D: 'You could've told me,'she said.'I have got people to say 3 ask what environmental workers do
goodbye to, you know.' 4 find out when the course is
4 C: 'I don’t want that Mrs Wilson touching our things.'
5 B: She was clearly feeling the pressure, too Part 2
6 A: 'It's been agreed for a long time and it's extremely kind of her
to help.' Question 2 (report)
7 B: But what really struck Lyn most were the rectangles of lighter Style: neutral or semi-formal
coloured paint on the wall where pictures had once hung. Content: 1 activities that families do together
8 C: Everything's packed away and I can't start getting stuff out 2 grandparents' involvement
again now. 3 changes in family life

Part 2: The airport photographer Question 3 (story)

Style: semi-formal or neutral
9 D: 'Most of them' refers back to the celebrities. Content: 1 what happened
10 C: 'One of them' refers to the 'the ground and security staff'. 2 how the story developed
11 H: 'they' refers to all the stars named earlier in the paragraph. 3 how it ended
12 F: 'when that happens' refers to celebrities saying: 'no pictures'.
13 G: This sentence with 'however' tells US that we are going to Question 4 (essay)
hear about someone with a different attitude from those Style: formal or neutral
described before. Content: agreement and/or disagreement with reasons and examples
14 ' B: 'them'refers to the Duchess and her babies.
15 A: 'these' refers to 'my digital cameras and laptop'. Question 5(a) (article)
Style: formal
Part 3: I love my bike Content: a comparison of the appearance, personality and behaviour of
two characters
16 c I still get too hot... you can't really do without one, can you?
17 A: make sure the saddle's right... you don't want to be sore. Question 5(b) (letter)
18 D: I think he was making it up. 5iy/e: informal
19 C: some of my friends think that’s a bit uncool, but I don't really go Content: opinion about the way the novel ends, agreement or
along with that idea. disagreement with the views expressed by Alfie, with reasons
20 D: My advice to cyclists would be to wear fluorescent armbands and examples
21 B: try and dodge the showers
22 B: snarled up in the traffic ... a pain in a motor vehicle. The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.
23 C: the uphill trek home takes me around thirty-five minutes.
24 D: special raingear... but I don't find it very comfortable, to
be honest
25 A: I wanted a solid town bike - nothing too complicated
26 A: it makes it less of a target for thieves.
27 C: a mishap with the last one ... being run over by a bus!
28 A: the bike was a good reflection of the real me
29 D: It did get stolen on one occasion
30 B: I worked briefly as a cycle courier

The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.


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Part 1: A hop, skip and a jump away Part 1

I needed to qualify for the state championships. It was all I could Question 1 (letter)
1 C:
Style: informal ■ •
think about,
Content: 1 opinion about
■ young people and sport
2 D: the perfect jump.
I stretched them out, feeling the lump in my left one, the 2 information about most popular sports amongst teenagers
3 A: 3 say whether young people have posters of sports celebrities
remnants of a pulled muscle,
4 suggest that Carol uses a video instead of photos
4 A: forward into a sprint.
5 B: You gotta loosen up, there's too much tension.
I agreed, smiling to show my appreciation. Part 2
6 D:
7 C: I was sure my first phase was too high, that my second was
chopped and my landing was not quite what it should Question 2 (article)
Style: formal or neutral
have been.
I found Paula and ran to hug her. 'That was all thanks to you.' Content: 1 opinion about how young people feel about the future
8 B:
2 job opportunities for young people
Part 2: Would you turn off your engine, please? 3 opportunities for studying after finishing school

D. 'these conversations'
'+k/-vrr. /-rM-u/orca+innc'refers
rpfpr<;to T addressed
tn 'I addressedth the issues politely' Question 3 (letter of application)
9 B:
'after a ten-minute chat'. Style: formal
'checked this out' refers to 'there was actually a law against Content: 1 experience of organising activities for kids
10 H:
2 ability to communicate in English and in another language
engine idling'.
'them' refers to 'small business cards'. 3 skills in at least one outdoor sports activity
11 G:
12 C: 'this fact’ refers to the existence of the law about engine idling.
'I also tell them' refers to the information he passes on during his Question 4 (story)
13 A:
'discussions’. Style: semi-formal or neutral
'respond in this way' refers to 'If I get an aggressive reaction'. Content: 1 what happened
14 F: __________4-
,-v +krt ^ln+ir»r\chir» \A/ith hie nirlfripnd 2 how the story developed
15 D:
3 how it ended
Part 3: Advertising in public places: like it or love it?
Question 5(a) (essay)
16 B: endless dull adverts for banks Style: formal
it seems to be taking over our city. Content: agreement or disagreement about how the main character
17 D:
I'm not entirely comfortable with how advertising affects kids shows lack of courage and strength, with reasons and examples
18 E:
19 A: they do make a bit of a mess of the rural environment. from
20 F: I really like those that are colourful or imaginative, the book
21 C: environmentally unfriendly as ... powered by electricity,
distracted ... by the fact that a poster is there. Question 5(b) (report)
22 A:
23 F: I agree with banning posters from parks and on historic buildings Style: formal
Ads for strange things ... stick in the mind Content: 1 how interesting or uninteresting the plot is for the age group
24 E: 2 whether there IS a character that would appeal to a 1 3-year-
25 A: can be a safety hazard .
captive audience ... hanging around waiting old, with reasons
2627 B:
waiting for a train ... advertisers can't really fail to reach people 3 whether any part of the book might be difficult for a 13-year-
2627 C:
in that situation old, with reasons
28 B: an amusing advert can brighten up my day
The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.
29 D: a new angle on an issue that's really thought-provoking
30 F: allows lots of clever people to reach a wide public with
their ideas

The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.

Part 1: The reluctant hero Part 1

1 D: his refusal to accept how famous he's about to become. 'I can Question 1 (email)
walk down the street and not be hassled' Style: formal or semi-formal y, ■
2 A: The rest of the paragraph tells us what his attitude is. Content: 1 ask if teachers are available
3 B: the plot is not as straightforward as it might appear, 2 find out if fitness is required
4 A: seems to be a bit of a worrier and prefers to avoid watching 3 say 'coasteering' is unclear
himself on screen. 4 ask what equipment will be provided
5 C: He felt 'a heightened sense of responsibility' playing a real-life 5 explain accommodation requirements
person ... if he'd ... be angered
6 D: I find it a very real and profound theme in my life and, talking to Part 2
other people my age, I think it's universal.
7 B: I'm so busy working on something else and don't want to be Question 2 (essay)
distracted from that Style: formal or neutral
8 D: as if he didn't know quite why he was there. Content: agreement and/or disagreement with the statement, giving
reasons and examples
Part 2: I'm the last speaker of my language
Question 3 (letter)
9 D: 'this meant’ refers to 'sent me dictionaries'. Style: informal
10 A: 'that one too' refers to 'their language'. Content: 1 whether you like or dislike the new school and why
11 C: 'this' refers to his mother's family background. 2 how the new school differs from the old one
12 G: 'the trip' refers to 'I went to the southk 3 whether you have made new friends
13 B: 'it was slow' refers to studying the recordings.
14 H: 'is quite different' is making the contrast with Seek'nam. Question 4 (story)
15 E: 'the only one' refers to the fact that the other two band Style: formal or neutral
members are now speaking the language, too. Content: 1 how James solved the mystery
2 how his friends helped
Part 3: Future-friendly
I awards 3 how it ended

16 B: don't go expecting to see weights or rowing machines Question 5(a) (review)

17 A: improvements, which the cyclists who contact us have been Style: formal
asking for Content: 1 details of plot and reasons for (dis)liking it
18 D: refuges for endangered animals such as great crested newts, 2 details of characters and reasons for (dis)liking them
19 E: has produced a surplus to spend on environmental projects, 3 whether it can be recommended to students of English
20 C: it helped stage an exhibition of sculptures. and why
21 B: He's worked hard to raise funds but with limited success
22 A: to give newcomers the confidence to start cycling Question 5(b) (essay)
23 E: a used furniture exchange Style: formal
24 D: to collect and supply them Content: description of the event in the novel, with examples of how it
25 C: to develop a retail range of recycled products has affected some of the characters
26 B: as well as advertising for new members
27 D: that many tiles could be reused The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.
28 E: to get a better recycling facility for residents.
29 A: available in all regions nationwide.
30 C: created from rubbish such as crisp packets, plastic bags and
odd shoes.

The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.

Part 1: Part 1

1 D: The letter's from the City Council, asking if we object. Question 1 (email)
2 C: my greatest fear was that there would be nowhere for the Style: informal ■ >. .
butterflies and bees to come any more. Content: 1 opinion about
- whether football match would be interesting
3 B: I wondered why they weren't all out there ... protesting. 2 suggest a rock concert instead of a classical one
4 A: but he's on his own all day 3 explain that horse-riding may not be for everyone
5 C: he was wearing his chewed-up grey sweater, the one he puts on 4 suggest an evening activity and give reasons
when he's expecting a job to be challenging.
6 B: he thought I was in his way. Part 2
7 A: It's not going to be stopped by anything we say.
8 D: There’s a lot of silly prejudice against these developers. Question 2 (review)
Style: semi-formal or neutral
Part 2: Paddle power Content: 1 how good the performances were
2 opinion about the costumes and the audience
9 G: The sentence tells you what the'Camel Challenge'is. 3 whether musical is good enough to take to other schools
10 H: 'They're attracted here' refers to 'local residents'.
11 A: 'this massive open space' refers to 'Bala Lake'. Question 3 (story)
12 B: The sentence describes what the 'sweep stroke' is. Style: formal or neutral
•13 D: There is a link between'tipping over'and'ending up in Content: 1 what Paula and Jacky did
the water'. 2 what happened next
14 F: 'I can hardly hear myself think'refers back to'deafening'. 3 how It ended
15 E: 'going over again'refers to her earlier'ending up in the water'.
Question 4 (report)
Part 3: For the record Style: formal
Content: 1 description of attractions for children and teenagers
16 B: captain of the rowing club at school 2 opinion about facilities and prices
17 C: Hours spent on a cross-country skiing machine and dragging 3 whether It can be recommended to visitors
tractor tyres
18 C: frostbite on his thumbs ... evacuated ... so that he could receive Question 5(a) (essay)
medical attention. Style: formal
19 A: blindly follow their compass and hope Content: description of the most likeable character in the book, with
20 D: his proudest world record to date reasons and examples from the book
21 A: to sit on guard for hourly watches.
22 B: he's drawn to tackling super-human challenges. Question 5(b) (article)
23 B: we have a limited amount of time to see so many things Style: formal
24 C: hugely disappointing at the time, the pair returned ... and Content: description of two characters, with an analysis of how the
claimed the British record. relationship between them develops
25 D: a good way for non-adventurers to push themselves out of their
comfort zone. The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.
26 C: a pod of forty dolphins was swimming around the boat.
27 A: they still completed the journey in fifteen days
28 B: Adventure Hub, an activity company that offers support and
advice to people who wish to test themselves
29 D: you don't need to be a super-athlete to meet these challenges
30 C: openness and expanse of the sea ... I'd never seen sunrises and
sunsets like it.

The total score is adjusted to give a mark of 20.

Test 7, Paper 1: Reading (page 122)
Part 1: Part 1

1 C: I wasn't sure how a New Yorker would react to all this Question 1 (letter)
empty scenery. Style: formal " ! ■
2 C: What was crucial, though, was that it ended with the magic Content: 1 ask for more details about film workshop
words 'excellent bird-watching country'. 2 why meeting film stars and seeing film locations is interesting
3 A: it gave out a loud 3 explain doubts about lecture
4 B: To be fair, though, he can get quite animated 4 give and request information about dates, directions and
5 A: T think that was a "yes" to your buzzard question,' said transport
my mother.
6 C: I have to admit things weren't turning out exactly as Part 2
we expected.
7 D: this only sounds like an easy option to people who have never Question 2 (essay)
worked for my parents. Style: formal
8 A: at the waste (of an opportunity for a free holiday) Content: agreement and/or disagreement with the statement, with
reasons and examples
Part: 2: 1run up mountains
Question 3 (report)
9 H: 'these' refers to 'down jackets and heavy climbing boots'. style: formal
10 D: 'those' refers to 'the highest mountains on each continent'. Content: 1 description of most interesting museum sections, possibly
11 B: 'this' refers to 'an enormous tractor tyre'. with headings
12 E: ’the one' refers to 'Russian language’. 2 opinion about whether younger students should visit.
13 C: 'that' refers to 'Hey man, take care'. with reasons
14 F: 'It was the sound of an avalanche' refers back to 'an incredible
rumble up above US'. Question 4 (article)
15 A: The sentence provides a third example of what he did whilst Style: formal
waiting to be rescued. Content: 1 description of the most memorable childhood experience
2 reasons why the experience will never be forgotten
Part 3: starting your own business
Question 5(a) (letter)
16 B: I came across the concept... by accident Style: informal
17 A: Working for yourself is great as you can make your own mind up Content: 1 opinion about whether the plot was slow-moving or not, with
about things reasons and examples
18 B: A business ... which didn't involve such long exhausting hours ... 2 opinion about whether the main character is interesting or
appealed to me not, with reasons and examples
19 D: each morning ... I can't wait to see what challenges lie in store
for me Question 5(b) (essay)
20 B: a definite high ... seeing my staff doing a good job. Style: formal
21 c The challenge was then to work out how to deliver the mix of Content: description of two characters and of the conflict between them,
foods all at once and details about the parts of the novel where this conflict is
22 B: that had gone down really well in the USA. most noticeable.
23 D: all sorts ... surveyors, solicitors, an advertising agency and even
an author. The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.
24 C: the thrill you feel when a customer tells you they've had a
great time.
25 D: I was also fed up with sitting in traffic
26 A: worrying about how you're going to pay the rent.
27 C: six months off... a good opportunity to ponder the question:
'What next?'
28 D: in effect, I'd been a virtual PA all along.
29 B: my financial, sporting and parenting experience
30 A: the chance to interact with people more

fhe total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20.


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