Intraband Divergences in Third Order Optical Response of 2D Systems

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Intraband divergences in third order

optical response of 2D systems

Cite as: APL Photonics 4, 034201 (2019);
Submitted: 24 August 2018 . Accepted: 27 November 2018 . Published Online: 20 December 2018

J. L. Cheng, J. E. Sipe, S. W. Wu , and Chunlei Guo


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Intraband divergences in third order optical

response of 2D systems
Cite as: APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715
Submitted: 24 August 2018 • Accepted: 27 November 2018 •
Published Online: 20 December 2018

J. L. Cheng,1,2,a) J. E. Sipe,3,b) S. W. Wu,4,c) and Chunlei Guo1,5,d)

The Guo China-US Photonics Laboratory, Changchun Institute of Optics, fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, 3888 Eastern South Lake Road, Changchun, Jilin 130033, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Department of Physics and Institute for Optical Sciences, University of Toronto, 60 St. George Street, Toronto,
Ontario M5S 1A7, Canada
State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures (MOE),
and Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627, USA

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The existence of large nonlinear optical coefficients is one of the preconditions for using nonlinear optical materials in nonlin-
ear optical devices. For a crystal, such large coefficients can be achieved by matching photon energies with resonant energies
between different bands, and so the details of the crystal band structure play an important role. Here we demonstrate that large
third-order nonlinearities can also be generally obtained by a different strategy. As any of the incident frequencies or the sum
of any two or three frequencies approaches zero, the doped or excited populations of electronic states lead to divergent con-
tributions in the induced current density. We refer to these as intraband divergences, by analogy with the behavior of Drude
conductivity in linear response. Physically, such resonant processes can be associated with a combination of intraband and inter-
band optical transitions. Current-induced second order nonlinearity, coherent current injection, and jerk currents are all related
to such divergences, and we find similar divergences in degenerate four wave mixing and cross-phase modulation under cer-
tain conditions. These divergences are limited by intraband relaxation parameters and lead to a large optical response from a
high quality sample; we find that they are very robust with respect to variations in the details of the band structure. To clearly
track all of these effects, we analyze gapped graphene, describing the electrons as massive Dirac fermions; under the relaxation
time approximation, we derive analytic expressions for the third order conductivities and identify the divergences that arise in
describing the associated nonlinear phenomena.
© 2018 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

I. INTRODUCTION circumstances under which a perturbative treatment will

fail,6–9 for many materials a useful first step towards under-
Motivated by the novel optical properties of graphene,1–3 standing the optical response is the calculation of the con-
many researchers have turned their attention to the linear ductivities that arise in an expansion of the response of the
and nonlinear optical response of 2D systems more gen- induced current density in powers of the electric field.10 In
erally.4,5 While there are certainly strong-field excitation materials where inversion symmetry is present or its lack

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-1

© Author(s) 2018

can be neglected, the first non-vanishing nonlinear response order conductivities can be analytically obtained from the
coefficient in the long-wavelength limit arises at third order, Dirac-like band structure in the single particle approximation.
and that is our focus in this paper. The simplest approach Although our discussion is in the context of such 2D systems,
one can take to calculate such response coefficients is to the underlying physics is the same for systems of different
treat the electrons in an independent particle approxima- dimensions.
tion,11 describing any electron-electron scattering effects and
Because the nonlinear transitions involve a number of fre-
interactions with phonons by the introduction of phenomeno-
quencies, these divergences can be classified into different
logical relaxation rates. Such a strategy certainly has its limi-
types, associated with different types of nonlinear phenom-
tations, but at least it identifies many of the qualitative fea-
ena. Several of these have been widely studied in the literature,
tures of the optical response, and in particular, it identifies
usually within the context of a particular material or model
what we call “divergences” in that response. We use this term
or excitation condition; yet the connection with the general
to refer to the infinite optical response coefficients that are
nonlinear conductivities is seldom discussed. Our goal here is
predicted at certain frequencies or sets of frequencies in the
to demonstrate the general nature of the expressions for the
so-called “clean limit,” where all scattering effects, includ-
response across a range of materials.
ing carrier-carrier scattering, carrier-phonon scattering, and
carrier-impurity scattering, are ignored by omitting any relax- The first type of divergence can be called “current-
ation rates from the calculation. Under these conditions the induced second order nonlinearity” (CISNL). It arises when
actual predicted magnitude of a response depends critically free electrons in the system are driven by an applied DC field;
on the values chosen for the phenomenological relaxation the induced DC breaks the initial inversion symmetry, and thus
rates. These “divergences” are of particular interest to exper- the material exhibits an effective second-order response to
imentalists because they indicate situations where the opti- applied optical fields, leading to phenomena such as sum and
cal response can be expected to be large; they are also of difference frequency generation. The nature of the divergence
particular interest to theorists since they indicate conditions here is in the response to the DC field, similar to a single intra-
under which a more sophisticated treatment of scattering band resonance, which would be infinite if phenomenological
within the material, or perhaps a treatment of the response relaxation terms were not introduced; however, when written
more sophisticated than the perturbative one, is clearly in as proportional to the induced DC, the effective second-order
order. response coefficients are finite. This phenomenon has been
investigated extensively in different materials, both experi-
The optical response of a crystal arises due to inter-
mentally14–18 and theoretically.19–21 A second type is “coher-
band and intraband transitions.11 Resonances can be associ-
ent current injection” (CCI),22–24 where the presence of fields
ated with both transitions. For linear optical response, only a
at ω and 2ω − δ leads to a divergent DC response as δ → 0 if
single optical transition is involved. A single interband tran-
the excitation at 2ω is able to create free carriers; the diver-
sition can be on resonance for a large range of photon ener-
gent response signals the injection of current by the interfer-
gies, as long as the photon energy is above the bandgap. But
ence of one-photon absorption and degenerate two-photon
the resonant electronic states are limited to those with the
absorption amplitudes. This is the most widely studied pro-
energy difference matching the photon energy, which depend
cess, both experimentally25,26 and theoretically.27–30 Recent
on the details of the band structure. A single intraband tran-
theoretical work has also identified an injection process asso-
sition can be on resonance only for zero photon energy, and
ciated with one-photon absorption and the stimulated Raman
for electronic states at the Fermi surface. Thus, whether or
process.28,31 A third type is the jerk current,32,33 which is
not these resonances lead to a divergent optical response
a new type of one color CCI with the assistance of a static
can depend strongly on the material being considered. For
electric field. It is a high order divergence involving both a
the nonlinear optical response, intraband and interband tran-
static electric field and an optical field. The static DC field
sitions can be combined, leading to complicated nonlinear
can change the carrier injection rate induced by the optical
optical transitions.12,13 As with single intraband transitions,
field, as well as a hydrodynamic acceleration of these opti-
when the nonlinear optical transitions involve the same ini-
cally injected carriers; thus, as opposed to the usual two-color
tial and final electronic states the resonant frequency, which
CCI, the injection rate of the jerk current increases with the
is the sum of all involved frequencies, is also zero. This is
injection time.
analogous to the Drude conductivity in linear response, which
diverges at zero frequency in the “clean limit.” However, due We can also identify new divergences, which have not
to the interplay of interband transitions, the incident frequen- been well recognized in the literature, for two familiar third
cies need not necessarily all be zero for there to be a diver- order nonlinear phenomena. The first arises in cross-phase
gence, and the involved electronic states need not necessarily modulation (XPM) when fields at ω p and ω s are present. The
be around the Fermi surface. By explicitly deriving the gen- response for the field at ω s due to the field at ω p can diverge
eral expressions for the third order nonlinear conductivities in when ω p is above or near the energy gap, leading to a phase
the clean limit, we show that the existence and characteristics modulation of the field at ω s that is limited by a relaxation rate.
of such divergences are of a more general nature. To high- The second also involves excitation with fields at ω p and ω s
light them in a clear and tractable way, we apply our approach but focuses on the degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) field
to 2D gapped graphene, for which the perturbative third generated at 2ω p − ω s . As ω s → ω p , this term diverges for ω p

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-2

© Author(s) 2018

above or near the energy gap. These cases merge as ω p → ω s , with bands n, m and wave vector k satisfy the equation of
which corresponds to the most widely studied nonlinear phe- motion11
nomenon of Kerr effects and two-photon absorption.34–42 The ∂ρnmk (t)
very large variation of the extracted values of the nonlinear i~ = (εnk − εmk )ρnmk − eE(t)
susceptibilities associated with these phenomena5,41,43 may X 
be related to such divergences.
×  ξ nlk ρlmk (t) − ρnlk (t)ξ lmk 
In Sec. II, we review the general expressions for the third  l,n l,m 
order optical response in the independent particle approxi- − ieE(t) · [∇k ρnmk (t) − i(ξ nnk − ξ mmk )ρnmk (t)]
mation and identify in general the divergences that appear
associated with the nonlinear optical transitions with a van- + i~ nmk . (4)
∂t scat
ishing total frequency. In Sec. III, we specialize to the case
of gapped graphene and use it as an example to illustrate the Here we describe the interaction of light with matter using the
divergences. In Sec. IV, we point out the differences between “r · E” approach rather than the “p · A” approach involving the
the divergent behavior of gapped and ungapped graphene. In vector potential A(t), for the latter can lead to false divergences
Sec. V, we conclude. associated with the violation of sum rules when the number
of bands is inevitably truncated to make any calculation. The
coefficients ξ nmk are the Berry connections, using the defini-
tion in the work of Aversa and Sipe.11 The interband optical
The general third order nonlinear susceptibility has been transitions are identified by the off-diagonal terms of ξ nmk ,
well studied in the literature for a cold intrinsic semiconduc- while the rest of terms associated with E(t) are associated with
tor,11 with a large effort devoted to working out many subtle ∂ρ
the intraband optical transitions. The last term, i~ ∂tnmk ,
features. In this section, we mainly repeat the same procedure
describes the relaxation processes. In our approach, we take
for a general band system and classify the expression in a way
a relaxation time approximation and specify different relax-
that the divergent term can be easily identified.
ation times for different transitions, as given below. We solve
Eq. (4) perturbatively by setting ρ(t) = ρ (t), where ρ(0) (t)
P ( j)
Writing the electric field E(t) as
X j≥0
E(t) = E(ωi )e−iωt , (1) = ρ0 stands for the density matrix in the thermal equi-
i librium and ρ(j) (t) ∝ [E]j . The iteration for each order is
and other fields similar to third order in the electric field, the given by
induced current density J(3) (t) is characterized by the response (j+1)
∂ρnmk (t)
coefficients σ (3);dabc (ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 ), i~
= (εnk − εmk )ρnmk − eE(t)
X ∂t
J(3);d (ω1 +ω2 +ω3 ) = σ (3);dabc (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 )Ea (ω1 )Eb (ω2 )Ec (ω3 ), X 
X (j)
ω1 ,ω 2 ,ω3 ×  ξ nlk ρlmk (t) − ρnlk (t)ξ lmk 
(2)  l,n l,m 
where superscripts a, b, . . . indicate Cartesian compo- 
(j) (j)

nents and are summed over when repeated. The coefficients − ieE(t) · ∇k ρnmk (t) − i(ξ nnk − ξ mmk )ρnmk (t)
σ (3);abcd (ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 ) can be taken to be symmetric under simul- (j+1)
taneous permutation of (bcd) and (ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 ), and since the ∂ρnmk
+ i~ , (5)
sums over the ω i are over all frequencies, there are “degen- ∂t
eracy factors” that arise under certain combinations of fre-
quencies. For example, if fields at ω p and ω s are present, we where we take the relaxation terms44 as
have (j)
∂ρ (j) (j)
Jd (2ωp − ωs ) = 3σ (3);dabc (ωp , ωp , −ωs )Ea (ωp )Eb (ωp )Ec (−ωs ). (3) ~ nnk = −Γa ρnnk , (6)
Often the response coefficient σ (3);dabc (ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 ) is written
as σ (3);dabc (−ω 1 − ω 2 − ω 3 ; ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 ). We do not do that here ∂ρnmk (j) (j)
to avoid cluttering the notation, but we consider it implicit ~ = −Γe ρnmk , for n , m. (7)

in that when we picture these response coefficients we draw scat
arrows associated with all four of the variables appearing in (j) (j)
Here the Γe and Γa are phenomenological relaxation param-
σ (3);dabc (−ω 1 − ω 2 − ω 3 ; ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 ), upward arrows associated
eters associated with interband and intraband motions,
with positive variables and downward arrows associated with
respectively, with the superscript (j) indicating the order of
negative variables.
perturbation at which they are introduced. At optical frequen-
To calculate the response coefficients in the indepen- cies, the presence of relaxation parameters removes diver-
dent particle approximation, we label the bands by lower case gences associated with the resonances, and the values of the
letters n, m, etc., and the wave vectors in the first Brillouin relaxation parameters are important for evaluating the non-
zone by k. The density operator elements ρnmk associated linear conductivities when resonant transitions exist. It is

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-3

© Author(s) 2018

natural to choose different values of Γe/a for resonant and Note that the actual value of the energy appearing in, for
non-resonant transitions. A general perturbative solution is example, v0 depends on the corresponding frequency (where
presented in Appendix A. ω 0 is a sum of two of the incident frequencies) appearing in
H (3);dabc (ω, ω0 , ω3 ). The quantities v, v0 , and v3 are associated
With the evolution of the density matrix, the current den- with the intraband motions (for carriers or excited carriers).
sity can be obtained through J(t) = e nm ∫ (2π) dk
2 v mnk ρnmk (t),
The coefficients Sdabc i
are associated with interband transi-
where vmnk are the matrix elements for a velocity operator. tions; we give expressions for them, and for the expressions
A third order response calculation10 leads to the result to which they reduce for the particular models we consider, in
Appendix B. Any divergences they contain are associated with
σ (3);dabc (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 )
" interband motion, and thus all the intraband divergences are
1 explicitly indicated by the vi in the denominators appearing in
= H (3);dabc (ω, ω2 + ω3 , ω3 ) + σ
σ H (3);dacb (ω, ω2 + ω3 , ω2 ) (i)
6 Eq. (9). Thus it is the Γa that will be of importance to us. Typ-
H (3);dbac (ω, ω1 + ω3 , ω3 ) + σ
+σ H (3);dbca (ω, ω1 + ω3 , ω1 ) ically one Γa is important for a given divergence; the other
(j) (j)
# Γa , and the Γe , to which the process is not sensitive, are all
H (3);dcba (ω, ω1 + ω2 , ω1 ) + σ
+σ H (3);dcab (ω, ω1 + ω2 , ω2 ) , (8) set equal to a nominal value Γ. These divergent processes are
summarized in Table I.
with ω = ω 1 + ω 2 + ω 3 , and the unsymmetrized coefficients
The general expression for the conductivity in Eq. (9)
H (3);dabc (ω, ω0 , ω3 ) take the form
immediately indicates the possibilities of the nonlinear phe-
1 1 dabc nomena discussed in the Introduction. For CISNL, the con-
H (3);dabc (ω, ω0 , ω3 ) =
σ Sdabc + S (w3 )
vv0 v3 1 vv0 2 ductivities σ (3);dabc (ω 1 , ω 2 , 0) include divergences associated
1 dabc 1 with v3 → 0; for coherent current injection, the conductivi-
+ S (w0 ) + Sdabc (w0 , w3 ) ties σ (3);dabc (−2ω, ω, ω) include divergences associated with v
vv3 3 v 4
1 dabc 1 → 0; the jerk current is a special case of CISNL, described by
+ S (w) + Sdabc (w, w3 ) σ (3);dabc (ω, −ω, 0), with divergences associated with v3 → 0 and
v0 v3 5 v0 6
v → 0; for XPM and DFWM, and the conductivities σ (3);dabc (ω,
1 ω p , −ω p ) and σ (3);dabc (−ω s , ω p , ω p ) include divergences asso-
+ Sdabc (w, w0 ) + Sdabc (w, w0 , w3 ), (9)
v3 7 8
ciated with v0 → 0. In special cases, there may be extra diver-
with gences identified by a combination of these limits, and the
(3) (3)
detailed divergence types are determined by the values of Si .
v = ~ω + iΓa , w = ~ω + iΓe , (10) Of course, for finite relaxation times we will not have a van-
v0 = ~ω0 +
iΓa , w0 = ~ω0 +
iΓe , (11) ishing v3 , v0 , or v. Nonetheless, for frequencies where the real
part of one of these quantities vanishes the term(s) in Eq. (9)
(1) (1)
v3 = ~ω3 + iΓa , w3 = ~ω3 + iΓe . (12) containing this quantity will make the largest contribution,

TABLE I. Illustration of the resonant processes of the divergences associated with the intraband motion. The row “Divergent contributions” illustrates the divergent transitions,
by the magenta arrows and labels in the diagram. The magenta dots show the doped or excited electronic states. The row “Resonant conditions” gives the conditions for these
33 ∼ 0 30 ∼ 0 3∼0

Conductivity σ (3) (ω 1, ω 2 , δ) σ (3) (ω 1, ω, −ω + δ) σ (3) (ω 1, ω 2 , −ω 1 − ω 2 + δ)

(1) (2) (3)
Divergence [~δ + iΓa ]−1 [~δ + iΓa ]−1 [~δ + iΓa ]−1

Nonlinear phenomena CISNL, jerk current XPM, DFWM, jerk current CCI


Resonant (right) ~ω1 + ~ω2 > 2Ec

Doped ~ω > 2Ec
conditions (left) ~ω1 > 2Ec

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-4

© Author(s) 2018

TABLE II. A short summary of the structure of the divergences in the nonlinear optical phenomena discussed in this work. Here 2E c is the gap or the chemical potential induced
gap; all the Ai and Bi are expansion coefficients. The third column lists the condition when the divergences can occur.

Nonlinear phenomenon Conductivity Condition for nonzero Ai Note/reference

σ (3) (ω1 , ω2 , 0) → 1 A1 : CISHG19–21,44

CISNL (1) A1 + B1 Doped
Γa B1 : EFISH44
XPM σ (3) (ωs , ωp , −ωp ) → (2) A1 + B1 ~ω p ≥ 2Ec

ωs ∼ ωp
1 1
DFWMa σ (3) (ωp , ωp , −ωs ) → (2) Γ A1 + A2 + B1 ~ω p ≥ 2Ec
Γa B1 : Kerr effects,44 TPA

σ (3) (ω, ω, −2ω) → 1 A1 : ~ω > Ec Usual CCI22–30

CCI (3) (A1 + A2 ) + B1
Γa A2 : ~ω > 2Ec Stimulated Raman process28,31

1 1 1
(3) (2) A1 + (1) A2
Γa Γa Γa
σ (3) (ω, −ω, 0) → A1 : ~ω > 2Ec 32,33
Jerk current 
+A3 + B1
A2 : Doped

a Here (j) (2)

we set all the relaxation parameters Γa/e except Γa equal to Γ.

and we refer to them as the “divergent contributions.” Our in Appendix B. Furthermore, the unsymmetrized conduc-
focus is the identification of these divergent contributions. tivity σ
H (3);dabc (ω, ω0 , ω3 ) can be written as the sum of two
Before getting into the details of these effects, it is helpful to terms,
isolate the divergent contributions in these conductivities, as
(3);dabc (3);dabc
shown in Table II. H (3);dabc (ω, ω0 , ω3 ) = σ
σ Hf (ω, ω0 , ω3 ) + σ
Ht (ω, ω0 , ω3 ),


includes all terms in Eq. (9) in which v3 appears,
OF GAPPED GRAPHENE (3);dabc (3);dabc
and σ
Ht includes all remaining terms. Note that σ
Hf is
We apply the approach to gapped graphene, a two dimen-
sional system. The low energy excitations exist in two valleys, non-zero only for a doped system. Induced currents in this
which can be described by a simplified two band model for the model flow in the plane in which the gapped graphene is
unperturbed Hamiltonian assumed to lie, which we take to be the (xy) plane; σ (3);dabc ,
H (3);dabc , and Sdabc
are fourth rank tensors, each with 16 com-
~vF (ikx + τky )
∆ ponents, and the independent components can be taken to be
H0τk (∆) = . (13)
~vF (−ikx + τky ) −∆ those with the components xxyy, xyxy, and xyyx. The other
The quantity k = kx x̂ + ky ŷ is a two dimensional wave vector, nonzero components can be obtained through Sxxxx j
= Sj +
xyxy xyyx
∆ ≥ 0 is a mass parameter to induce a bandgap 2∆, τ = ± stands Sj +Sj , and the symmetry {x ↔ y}. We list the independent
for a valley index, and vF is the Fermi velocity. Ungapped nonzero components of these tensors, taking Sdabc (· · · ) as an
graphene corresponds to the limit ∆ → 0. All the necessary j
 Sxxyy 
quantities for the calculation of the third order conductivity  jxyxy 
are given45 by example, as a column vector Sj =  Sj .
q  Sxyyx 
ετsk = sk with k = (~vF k)2 + ∆2 , (14a)  j 
For gapped graphene, the expressions for Si show fea-
~vF (ikx + τky )

ξ τ+−k = −i k + τk × ẑ , (14b) tures similar to the corresponding expressions for graphene:44
2k k2 k They are functions of the effective gap parameter Ec = max{∆,
1 ∆ —µ—} and ∆, in addition to the energies w, w0 , and w3 . In all
ξ τ++k − ξ τ−−k = 2 1 − τk × ẑ, (14c)
k k these expressions, Ec appears only in functions of E−5 −3 −1
c , Ec , Ec ,
v τ+−k = 2i~−1 k ξτ+−k , (14d) I(Ec ; w), H(Ec ; w), H(Ec ; w0 ), G(Ec ; w), G(Ec ; w0 ), and G(Ec ; w3 ),
v τssk = ~ ∇k ετsk .
w + 2x Re[w] − 2x
For the special two band system, we use s = ± to indicate the G(x; w) = ln + i π + arctan
w − 2x Im[w]
upper (+) and lower (−) bands.
Re[w] + 2x
In this approximation for the dispersion relation of the − arctan , (15)
bands, all the Sdabc
can be analytically obtained and are listed Im[w]

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-5

© Author(s) 2018

1 1 (j) (j)
j = 2, 3 we set Γa = Γe = Γ to give v = w and v0 = w0 in the
H(x; w) = + , (16)
2x + w 2x − w expression for σ H (3);dabc . The divergent term can be written as
1 1 iσ3 E2c − ∆2 w w0 Ec
I(x; w) = − . (17) H (3) (ω, ω0 , ω3 → 0) ≈ 5
σ Z , ; , (18)
(2x + w)2 (2x − w)2 ∆ ~ω3 + iΓ(1)
∆ ∆ ∆
We can write each Sdabc
as a linear combination of these func- with σ3 = σ0 (~vF e)2 /π, σ 0 = e2 /(4~), and
tions, with their arguments themselves being functions of w,
w0 , w3 , and ∆. All terms can be expanded in even orders of Z1 (x, x0 ; α) = 2
∆, particularly, as functions proportional to ∆0 , ∆2 , and ∆4 , as αxx0 (x2 − 4α2 ) x20 − 4α2
shown in Appendix B.  4α2 x(2x + x ) 

 0
 3  f 2  2 
−x x0 + 4α α + 3

With all these analytic expressions in hand, any third ×     
order nonlinear conductivity can be calculated and studied   x x3 + x 3x2 − 4α2 

 0 0 
directly. In the following, we consider the intraband diver-
g  1  
 
gences that are of interest here, by giving the leading contri- 


x20 2
− 2 α + 1 x0 x  1  

− 3α + 1 x − x + 4 .
butions to the conductivities. 
 1  

A. Current-induced second order nonlinearity (19)
We begin by considering the response coefficient These expressions have a number of interesting features (1)
σ (3)dabc (ω 1 , ω 2 , 0), where we assume that neither ω 1 nor ω 2 the divergent term in Eq. (18) does not include any contribu-
vanishes and that their sum is finite. This describes a second- tions from the G functions, indicating immediately that it is
order optical nonlinearity induced by a DC field (ω 3 = 0), and if the existence of free carriers that is important. Indeed, this
there are free carriers we would expect a divergent contribu- can be immediately confirmed, for if the system is undoped
tion because of the large response of the free carriers to the we have Ec = ∆, and the term in Eq. (18) vanishes. (2) The diver-
DC field. An excitation scenario is given in Fig. 1. In our expres- gent term is inversely proportional to the relaxation param-
sion for σ H (3);dabc (ω, ω0 , ω3 ), the divergence of interest is clearly eter. Since in a very rough approximation the DC satisfies
signaled by v3 → 0, and the divergent response term can be   −1
obtained from the analytic expressions. When this is isolated, JDC ∝ Γa EDC with the DC field EDC , the divergent contri-
the most important relaxation parameter is Γa , which we treat bution to σ (3)dabc (ω 1 , ω 2 , 0) can be written as a finite term pro-
differently from we treat the other relaxation parameters; for portional to JDC , hence the identification of this response as
“current-induced second order nonlinearity.” (3) The expres-
sion in Eq. (19) for Z1 (x, x0 ; α) can exhibit further divergences
as w → 2Ec and w0 → 2Ec , indicating that interband diver-
gences can arise in CISNL as well, depending on the values
of the optical frequencies ω 1 and ω 2 .
We refer to the terms in σ (3)dabc (ω 1 , ω 2 , 0) that are
not divergent as v3 → 0 as the “field-induced second order
nonlinearity.” They exist in the absence of free carriers
and have an analogue in the field induced second order
nonlinearity of usual semiconductors, which leads to pro-
cesses such as electric-field induced second harmonic gen-
eration (EFISH).44,46 Adopting this perspective, we can write
the effective second order conductivity σ (2);dab (ω1 , ω2 ) =
3σ (3);dabc (ω1 , ω2 , 0)EcDC with
(3);dabc (3);dabc
σ (3);dabc (ω1 , ω2 , 0) = σJ (ω1 , ω2 , 0) + σE (ω1 , ω2 , 0). (20)
The first term characterizes the current-induced second
order response coefficient and arises from the divergent con-
tribution in Eq. (18),
σ3 Ecdc  Ec 2
! 
σJ (ω1 , ω2 , 0) = 
(1)  ∆
− 1
6Γa  
FIG. 1. Illustration of the excitation scenario for CISNL. A general transition process dabc ~(ω1 + ω2 ) + iΓ ~ω2 + iΓ Ec
" !
is sketched on the left hand side at a k point away from the Fermi surface, and the × Z1 , ;
∆ ∆ ∆
intraband transition induced divergent term (as ~ω 3 → 0) is sketched on the right
dbac ~(ω1 + ω2 ) + iΓ ~ω1 + iΓ Ec
hand side; the latter occurs only for the electrons at the Fermi surface. The short
dashed horizontal lines stand for virtual states.
+Z1 , ; . (21)
∆ ∆ ∆

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-6

© Author(s) 2018

FIG. 2. Conductivity for second harmonic generation (a) µ

= 0 and (b) µ/∆ = 1.4 for Γ/∆ = 0.05 and Γa /∆ = 0.01.
In (b), the current induced contribution is also plotted.

All the remaining contributions are collected in the field 8(A0 + 2xx3 A4 ) 8A0
Z2 (x, x3 ; α) = +
induced response coefficient σE (ω1 , ω2 , 0). x3 x33 α 3x3 x3 α3

Figure 2 shows the spectrum of σ (3);xxxx (ω, ω, 0) with a (x2 − 4)2 A0 + 4x2 (4 − x2 )A5
+ I(α; x)
relaxation parameter Γ/∆ = 0.05 for (a) an undoped system 2x4 x3
with no free carriers, µ/∆ = 0, and (b) a doped system with
(x2 − 4)2 A0 + 32x2 A5
µ/∆ = 1.4. For both systems, there are obvious resonant peaks + H(α; x)
at ~ω = nEc for n = 1, 2 associated with interband transitions; 2x5 x3
in the response of the doped system, there is an additional + Z1 (x, x3 )G(α; x) + Z2 (x, x3 )G(α; x3 ) (23)
peak as ~ω → 0, and here the contribution from the current-
induced SHG dominates for photon energies away from the and
resonances. This divergent process results in a qualitatively x3 (x2 − 4)2 A0 + 32x2 (x3 A5 + xA4 )
Z1 (x, x3 ) = , (24)
larger conductivity σ (3)dabc (ω, ω, 0) for a doped system (b) than 2x6 (x2 − x23 )
for an undoped system (a).
x(x23 − 4)2 A0 + 32xx3 (x3 A5 + xA4 )
Z2 (x, x3 ) = − . (25)
B. Cross-phase modulation 2x2 x43 (x2 − x23 )
In cross-phase modulation the propagation of light at fre-
quency ω s is modified by the presence of an intense opti-
cal field at a different frequency, ω p ; it is characterized by
the response coefficient σ (3) (ω s , −ω p , ω p ). This conductivity
exhibits a divergence as w0 → 0. Unlike CISNL, the divergence
arises from the nonlinear response of the system and a static
field is not required. The process is shown in Fig. 3; we will see
below that the divergent term vanishes unless ~ω p is near or
above the effective bandgap 2Ec . Cross-phase modulation of
a signal frequency ω s can be affected not just by a CW beam
at ω p , but by a pulse of light centered at such a frequency.
In general, we seek σ (3) (ω s , −ω p + δ, ω p ), where knowledge
of this expression for a small range of frequencies ω p cen-
tered about a nominal pump frequency, and for a small range
of detunings δ centered around zero, will allow us to calcu-
late the cross-phase modulation of a signal by a pump pulse.
As δ, Γa → 0, the leading term of the relevant unsymmetrized
conductivity is

w w3 Ec
iσ3 2
H (3) (ωs + δ, δ → 0, ωp ) ≈ 3
σ Z 2 , ; , (22)
∆ ~δ + iΓ(2) ∆ ∆ ∆

with w = v = ~(ω s + δ) + iΓ, w3 = v3 = ~ω p + iΓ, where we set all

first order and third order relaxation energies to be the same FIG. 3. Illustration of the excitation scenario for XPM. Similar to Fig. 1, the transition
at the left hand side is off resonance, while the one at the right is on resonance.
for simplicity, and

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-7

© Author(s) 2018

1 (3);xxxx
Here we used A0 = −(A1 + A2 + A3 ), A4 = 4 (A2 − A3 ), and Figure 4 gives the spectrum of σxpm (ωs , ωp ; 0), appro-
A5 = − 41 (2A1 + A2 + A3 ), where priate for CW illumination with the pump; as above we have
 −3   1   1  taken a relaxation parameter Γ/∆ = 0.05 and Γa /∆ = 0.01,
and again consider an undoped system (µ/∆ = 0) and a doped
A1 =  1  , A2 =  −3  , A3 =  1  .
     
(26) system with µ/∆ = 1.4. The complicated dependence of both
     
 1   1   −3  the real and imaginary parts on the frequencies indicates the
rich nature of the nonlinear response. The real parts show
We note that Z1 and Z2 themselves diverge as x → −x3 (i.e.,
additional divergences as ~ω s → 0 and ~ω p → 0, as would
ω p → ω s ), which will be discussed in Sec. III C.
be expected from the discussion of CISNL above, and as
Using the expression above, we can write ~ω s → ~ω p , as we discuss in Sec. III C. As would be expected
from the discussion of CISNL above, there are other diver-
(3) (3)
σ (3) (ωs , −ωp + δ, ωp ) = σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; δ) + σxpm (ωs , ωp ; δ), (27) gences or resonant peaks associated with either ~ω s → 0 or
interband transitions; the latter are not our focus in this work.
where σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; δ) contains a divergence with respect to Away from these resonances, the values of the conductivity

 −1 for the cases ~ω p /Ec = 1.5 are much smaller than those for
~δ + iΓa , the cases ~ω p /Ec = 2.5, which include the intraband diver-
gences, and the contribution from σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; 0) is gener-
(2) −1
(3);dabc iσ3 * ~δ + iΓa + ally the largest part of σ (3) (ω s , −ω p , ω p ) away from these other
σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; δ) =
3∆4 , ∆ - divergences. We can get some insight into the importance of
pump frequency by noting that as Γ → 0 the divergent term
(3);dabc ~ωs + iΓ −~ωp + iΓ Ec
" !
× Z2 , ; (3);dabc
σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; δ) becomes
∆ ∆ ∆
(2) −1
iσ3 ~δ + iΓa +
! !
(3);dacb ~ωs + iΓ ~ωp + iΓ Ec Ec ~ωp
!# ~ωp ~ωs
+ Z2 , ; , (28) σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; δ) → 4 * h1 , T , ,
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ , ∆ - ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
and σxpm (ωs , ωp ; δ) contains the non-divergent response. Note with
that the divergent term is independent of the sequences of the (x2 − 4)2 A0 + 32x(xA5 + x1 A4 )
h1 (x, x1 ) = (30)
limits δ → 0 and Γ → 0. 6x4 x1 (x2 − x21 )

FIG. 4. Signal frequency ω s dependence of the con-

ductivity σ3−1 ∆4 σxpm (ωs , ωp ; 0) at different chemi-
cal potentials and pump frequencies for Γ/∆ = 0.05 and
(2) µ ~ω p
Γa /∆ = 0.01. The parameters of ∆ , Ec are (a) (0,
1.5), (b) (0, 2.5), (c) (1.4, 1.5), and (d) (1.4, 2.5). The diver-
gent contribution σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; 0) is also shown for

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-8

© Author(s) 2018


T(y, x) = G(y; x + i0+ ) + G(y; −x + i0+ ) = 2iπθ(x − 2y). (31)

(j) (3)
In the clean limit, where all Γa/e → 0, σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; δ) van-
ish if ~ω p is below the effective gap 2Ec . If the frequency
variation δ comes from the pumping beam, which is neg-
ligible for very long pulse duration; then σxpm;d is pure
imaginary, and the modulation is associated with refrac-
tion rather than absorption. Deviations from this arise from
the finite relaxation rate for other transition processes, but
clearly this divergence is associated with resonant excitation
from the valence to conduction band at ~ω p , as sketched in
Fig. 3.

C. Degenerate four wave mixing

In Eqs. (23) and (30), there appear to be divergences as v
→ ±v3 . Working out the expression in detail it can be imme-
diately seen that in fact no divergence results as v → v3 , but
a divergence does indeed arise as v → −v3 . The leading diver-
gence is associated with terms of the form v0−1 (v + v3 )−1 . It gives
a higher order divergence with a Lorentz type line shape, as
FIG. 5. Illustration of the excitation scenario for degeneration FWM. Similar to
shown in Figs. 4(b) and 4(d). Such a divergence also exists in Fig. 1, the transition at the left hand side is off resonance, while the one at the
the widely studied nonlinear phenomena of four-wave mixing, right is on resonance.
which is characterized by the response coefficient σ (3) (ω p , ω p ,
−ω s ). As for XPM, the divergent point is at ω s = ω p , but since
the generated field is at 2ω p − ω s rather than at ω s , the path
to the divergence is different. |µ |/∆ = 1.4. The conductivity strongly depends on the ratio
~ω/Ec . For ~ω/(2Ec ) < 1, the divergent term vanishes in
As ω s → ω p , the divergent term arises in the unsym- the clean limit and only the non-divergent term survives.
metrized conductivities σ H (3) (2ωp − ωs , ωp − ωs , −ωs ) and The features in Fig. 6(a) as ~ω s is around ~ω p are induced
H (3) (2ωp − ωs , ωp − ωs , ωp ). Taking δ = ω s − ω p and all Γa/e as by the nonzero relaxation parameters. For ~ω/(2Ec ) > 1,
small quantities, the conductivity can be approximated as the divergent term survives and to leading order varies as
~δ + iΓa (~δ +iΓ)−1 , where we separate out the second order
" !
iσ3 ∆ ∆ ~ωp Γ Ec
σ (3) (ωp , ωp , −ωs ) ≈ 4 Z 3 , ;
∆ ~δ + iΓ(2) ~δ + iΓ ∆ ∆ ∆ intraband relaxation parameter and put the rest equal to Γ.
!# The near degenerate FWM is approximately determined by
~ωp Γ Ec
+ Z4 , ; . (32) !
∆ ∆ ∆ 2πσ3 ~ωp
σ (3) (ωp , ωp , −ωp + δ) ≈ − (2)
(j) (2) ∆2 [~δ + iΓa ](~δ + iΓ) ∆
Here we set all the relaxation parameters Γa/e except Γa equal  
to Γ. The exact expression can be obtained following Eq. (22), × θ ~ωp − 2Ec .
or even from the full expression in Appendix B. The physics of
this divergence can be revealed if we consider the clean limit Note that the nonlinear response to a pulse of light can
for Z3 and Z4 . They are Zj (x, 0; α) = Zj (x)T(α, x) for j = 3, 4 with expected to be very complicated due to the strong depen-
dence on the detuning.
1 f 4 g
Z3 (x) = (x + 24x2 + 16)A0 − 48x2 A6 (33)
12x6 D. Coherent current injection
1 f 4 g
Now we turn to another divergence associated with v → 0
Z4 (x) = 7
(x − 56x2 − 48)A0 + 160x2 A6 , (34)
12x in Eq. (9), which exists in the conductivity σ (3) (−2ω + δ, ω, ω) as
with A6 = −(A1 + A2 + 2A3 )/4. Here T(α; x) survives only for δ → 0. This divergence describes coherent current injection.
(j) (3)
x > 2α [see Eq. (31)], where one photon absorption exists. Setting all the relaxation parameters Γa/e except Γa equal to
Thus a relevant picture for this kind of resonance is shown in Γ, we have the leading contribution with respect to the small
Fig. 5. (3)
quantity Γa and δ given by
We illustrate these divergences in Fig. 6 for two different
ηcci (ω, Γ)
pump frequencies, ~ω p /Ec = 1.5 and 2.5. We plot the results σ (3) (−2ω + δ, ω, ω) = +··· . (35)
for an undoped system, |µ |/∆ = 0, and a doped system with ~−1 Γa − iδ

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-9

© Author(s) 2018

FIG. 6. Conductivity σ (3);xxxx (ω p , ω p , −ω s ) for ω s around

ω p at different chemical potentials |µ |/∆ = 0 and 1.4 and
different pump frequencies ~ω p /E c = 1.5 and 2.5. The
relaxation parameters are taken as Γa /∆ = 0.01 and
Γ/∆ = 0.05, and the gap parameter is taken as ∆ = 1 eV.

While the full expressions of η cci (ω, Γ) can be obtained take the beam at 2ω as a pulse, and then the time evolution of
from our general analytic expressions, the underlying physics the current density is
can be easily shown at the clean limit; setting Γ → 0+ , we 
find dδ (3);dabc
J(3);d (t) = σ (−2ω + δ, ω, ω)Ea (−2ω + δ)Eb (ω)Ec (ω)e−iδt .

" ! ! ! !#
~ω Ec 2~ω ~ω Ec ~ω (39)
ηcci (ω, 0) = g 1 T , + g 2 T , ,
~∆3 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ With substitution of the leading term in Eq. (35), we can get
where the functions g1 and g2 are given by dJ(3);d (t) dabc (3)
= ηcci (ω, Γ)Ea2ω (t)Ebω (t)Ecω (t) − ~−1 Γa J(3);d (t). (40)
1 f gT
g1 (x) = 7
(1 − x2 )2 , 1 − x4 , 1 − x4 , (37) Here E2 ω (t) and Eω (t) are the time evolution of pulses with
3x center frequencies at 2ω and ω, respectively. The first term
at the right hand side is a source term, while the second term
1 f gT
g2 (x) = 7
−16 + 24x2 − 5x4 , −16 − 8x2 + 3x4 , −16 − 8x2 + 3x4 .
The coefficient η cci describes the two-color coherent current
injection coefficient. In the clean limit, it includes two terms:
the one involving g2 is nonzero only for ~ω > 2Ec , and the other
involving g1 is nonzero for ~ω > Ec . Both terms arise because
of the interference of one-photon and two-photon absorption
processes. However, the contribution from the term involv-
ing g1 comes from the interference between the pathways of
one-photon absorption and degenerate two-photon absorp-
tion, as illustrated in the transition process on the left side
of Fig. 7. While the term involving g2 comes from the inter-
ference between one-photon absorption and the stimulated
Raman process, as shown in the transition process on the right
side of Fig. 7. In experiments involving typical semiconduc-
tors, 2~ω is usually greater than the bandgap energy, but ~ω is
not; however, if ~ω is also greater than the gap there can be a
contribution due to stimulated electronic Raman scattering. In
the clean limit, a direct calculation of the functions gi (x) gives
g1 (1) = g2 (2) = 0. For the component σ (3);xxxx , their contribu-
tions are maximized at x ≈ 1.2 for g1 (x) and x ≈ 2.4 for g2 (x).
However, at x ≈ 2.4, the contribution from the stimulated elec-
tronic Raman scattering is no more than 20% of the contribu-
FIG. 7. Illustration of the excitation scenario for XPM. The transition at the left
tion from the usual injection process; the total contribution
hand side corresponds to the interference between one-photon absorption and
has no maximum around x ≈ 2.4. degenerate two-photon absorption, while the transition at the right hand side cor-
A direct consequence of the divergence v → 0 is the form responds to the interference between one-photon absorption and the stimulated
Raman process.
of the current response to a pulse light. For simplicity, we only

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-10

© Author(s) 2018

FIG. 8. Conductivity σ (3);xxxx (−2ω, ω, ω) for different

chemical potentials |µ |/∆ = 0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4. The relax-
ation parameters are taken as Γa /∆ = 0.01 and Γ/∆ =
0.05, the gap parameter is taken as ∆ = 1 eV.

describes the damping. This equation shows exactly how the The clean limits of Q1 and Q2 are
injection process occurs.
1 f 2 g
As an illustration, we plot the σ (3);xxxx (−2ω, ω, ω) as a Q1 (x; 0) = 6
(x − 4)2 A0 + 32x2 A6 T(α; x), (42)
function of ω for different chemical potentials |µ |/∆ = 0, 1.1,
(3) (α2 − 1)(α2 + 3) 1
1.2, and 1.4; the other parameters are taken as Γa /∆ = 0.01, Q2 (x; 0) = A0 , (43)
3α5 x
Γ/∆ = 0.05, and ∆ = 1 eV. In the clean limit, σ (3);xxxx is purely
imaginary, and although with the inclusion of damping the with α = Ec /∆. Here Q1 (x; 0) is nonzero only when the one-
real parts do not vanish, they are about an order of magni- photon absorption exists as ~ω > 2Ec , while Q2 (x; 0) exists
tude smaller than the imaginary parts, as shown in Fig. 8. In only for a doped system, where α > 1. These two terms
the calculations at finite relaxation parameters, both the real have a different power dependence, and the term involving
and the imaginary parts show obvious peaks/valleys around Q2 (x; 0) can exist for any optical field frequency. Thus the fre-
~ω ∼ Ec and ~ω ∼ 2Ec , which correspond to the contribu- quency dependence of the response can be used to distinguish
tions from the terms including g1 and g2 , respectively. In con- between them.
trast to the situation discussed after Eq. (38) for clean limits,
the appearance of the peaks for ~ω > 2Ec arises because of
the inclusion of the finite relaxation parameters. There also
exist increases in the conductivity values as ~ω → 0, mostly
for nonzero µ/∆. They are associated with a divergence Some of the phenomena discussed above have been
induced by the free-carriers, which is not our focus in this considered earlier for doped graphene.19,44,47 Although the
work. expressions we derived above are normalized to the gap
parameter ∆, it is safe to take the limit as ∆ → 0. This is
E. Jerk current because our general expressions of the conductivity can be
safely reduced to the case of graphene with taking ∆ = 0, as
Some of the divergences considered here can appear
shown in Appendix B. The results of CISNL, DFWM, and CCI
simultaneously. A good example is the recently discussed jerk
in graphene have been discussed earlier19,44,47 in the clean
current,32 which can be treated as a special case of XPM for a
limit and with finite relaxation parameters. Here we give a
zero signal frequency, or a special case of CISNL for current
brief discussion for XPM and the jerk current in graphene.
induced one-photon current injection. The corresponding
In the clean limit, the XPM for graphene can be found from
conductivity is σ (3);dabc (ω, −ω, 0), which involves the unsym-
Eq. (29) to be
metrized conductivities σ H (3);dabc (0, −ω, 0), σ H (3);dacb (0, −ω, −ω),
H (3);dbac (0, ω, 0), σ
H (3);dbca (0, ω, ω), σ
H (3);dcab (0, 0, −ω), and  
H (3);dcba (0, ω, 0). They all include intraband divergences, and (3) iσ3 T |µ |; ~ωp
σxpm;d (ωs , ωp ; δ) → A0 . (44)
the highest order is described by the limiting behavior as v, ~δ 12~ωs [(~ωp )2 − (~ωs )2 ]
v0 → 0 or v, v3 → 0. In general, the leading orders are
Here the chemical potential induced gap plays a role similar

iσ3 ∆  ∆ ~ω 
 Γa/e 
 to that of the gap parameter in gapped graphene. For the jerk
 
(ω, −ω, 0) ≈ 4 (3)  (2) Q1 .
* ;   +/ current, the leading term becomes
∆ iΓ  iΓ ∆   ∆  
a  a ,  -
σ3  1 T(|µ |; ~ω) 1 1
 
(j)  
∆ ~ω  Γa/e 
 σ (3);dabc (ω, −ω, 0) → (3)  (2) 2(~ω)2
+ (1)  A0 .
Γa |µ |(~ω) 

3iΓa  Γa

+ (1) Q2 *. ;  +/ . (41)
iΓa ∆  ∆  
 
,   -

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-11

© Author(s) 2018

V. CONCLUSIONS can be expanded in terms of electric fields as

We have systematically discussed intraband divergences X (1);c
c −iω3 t
in the third order optical response and identified the leading ρnmk (t) = P
nmk (ω3 )E (ω3 )e
terms in the corresponding third order conductivity. Due to
the combination of intraband and interband transitions, these X (2);bc
b c −iω0 t
divergences can appear at optical frequencies and lead to + P nmk (ω0 , ω3 )E (ω2 )E (ω3 )e
large nonlinear conductivities. We have shown that the exis- ω2 ω3
tence of such divergences is very general, independent of the X (3);abc
a b c
nmk (ω, ω0 , ω3 )E (ω1 )E (ω2 )E (ω3 )e
details of the band structure. We illustrated these divergences + P
H +··· ,
in gapped graphene, with analytic expressions obtained ω1 ω2 ω3
for the third order conductivities in the relaxation time (A1)
with ω = ω 1 + ω 2 + ω 3 and ω 0 = ω 2 + ω 3 . Using the iteration in
Such divergences are of interest to experimentalists Eq. (5), we can get the density matrix at different perturbation
because within the independent particle treatment presented orders. The first order terms of the density matrix are
here, the optical response is limited only by the phenomeno-
logical relaxation times introduced in the theory, and thus (1);c
H (ω ) = 1 (1);c (1);c ∂fnk
Pnnk 3 A , A1;nnk = i , (A2)
that optical response can be expected to be large. In addi- v3 1;nnk ∂kc
tion, at a qualitative level the predicted nature of the divergent
rnmk fmnk
behavior is robust against approximations made in describ- (1);c (1);c (1);c
P nmk (ω3 ) = B1;nmk (w3 ), B1;nmk (w3 ) = . (A3)
ing the details of the interband transitions. The divergences w3 − (εnk − εmk )
are also of interest to theorists because one can expect that
under such conditions, the kind of treatment presented here The second order terms are
is too naive. This could be both because more realistic treat- (2);bc 1 (2);bc 1 (3);bc
ments of relaxation processes are required and because the P nnk (ω2 , ω3 ) = A + A (w3 ), (A4)
v0 v3 1;nnk v0 2;nnk
large optical response predicted could be an indication that
in a real experimental scenario the perturbative approach (2);bc 1 (2);bc (2);bc
itself is insufficient. Thus the identification of these diver- P nmk (ω2 , ω3 ) = B (w0 ) + B2;nmk (w0 , w3 ), (A5)
v3 1;nmk
gences identifies regions of parameter space where exper-
imental and theoretical studies can be expected to lead to with
new insights into the nature of the interaction of light with (1);c
matter. (2);bc
A1;nnk = i , (A6)
More generally, we can expect that the calculation of ∂kb
other response coefficients involving perturbative expres-
(2);bc (1);c (1);c
b b
sions of the density matrix response to an electric field will A2;nnk (w3 ) = [rnmk B1;mnk (w3 ) − B1;nmk (w3 )rmnk ], (A7)
reveal similar divergences in the nonlinear contributions to m

the response of other physical quantities, such as carrier den-

b (1);c (1);c
sity, spin/valley polarization, and spin/valley current. A deep (2);bc
rnmk [A1;mmk − A1;nnk ]
understanding of these divergences can lead to new ways to B1;nmk (w0 ) = , (A8)
w0 − (εnk − εmk )
probe these quantities and to study new effects in the optical
response of materials that depend on them. (1);c


[rkb , B1;k (w3 )]nm + i B1;k (w3 )
(2);bc ;nmkb
B2;nmk (w0 , w3 ) = . (A9)
w0 − (εnk − εmk )
This work has been supported by CAS QYZDB-SSW- Here we have used the notation rnmk = (1 − δ nm )ξ nmk and
SYS038, NSFC under Grant Nos. 11774340 and 61705227. S.W.W. (1);c
is supported by the National Basic Research Program of

 ∂B1;nmk (w3 ) (1);c
b b
B1;k (w3 ) = − i(ξnnk − ξmmk )B1;nmk (w3 ). (A10)
China under Grant No. 2014CB921601S. J.E.S. is supported by ;nmkb ∂kb
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada. It shows that the diagonal terms of the Berry connections ξ nnk
appear always with the derivative ∇k to form a gauge invariant
term.11 The third order terms are
FOR GENERAL BAND STRUCTURE P nnk (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 ) = A + A (w3 )
vv0 v3 1;nnk vv0 2;nnk
In this appendix, we give the formal derivation of the third
order conductivities in terms of the electron energy, velocity 1 (3);abc 1 (3);abc
+ A (w0 ) + A4;nnk (w0 , w3 ), (A11)
matrix elements, and Berry connections. The density matrix vv3 3;nnk v

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-12

© Author(s) 2018

(3);abc 1 (3);abc 1 (3);abc analytic expressions can be obtained. By listing the nonzero
P nmk (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 ) = B (w) + B2;nmk (w, w3 )
v0 v3 1;nmk v0  Sxxyy 
 j 
1 (3);abc xyxy 
+ B
(w, w0 ) + B4;nmk (w, w0 , w3 ), (A12) components of Sj (· · · ) as a column vector Sj =  Sj
dabc  , we
v3 3;nmk 
xyyx 

 S 
with can write
A1;nnk = i , (A13)
(0) (2) (4)
∂ka Sj = iσ3 Wj + 2∆2 Wj + 2∆4 Wj θ( |µ | − ∆) for j = 1, 3, 5, 7,

(2);bc (0) (2) (4)
∂A2;nnk (w3 ) Sj = iσ3 Wj + 2∆2 Wj + 2∆4 Wj for j = 2, 4, 6, 8,
A2;nnk (w3 ) =i , (A14)
∂ka (B1)

(3);abc (2);bc (2);bc
a a
A3;nnk (w0 ) = [rnmk B1;mnk (w0 ) − B1;nmk (w0 )rmnk ], (A15)
(~vF e)2 e2
m σ3 = σ0 , σ0 = . (B2)
π 4~
Note that W ( j) (· · · ) depends on these functions
(3);abc (2);bc (2);bc
a a
A4;nnk (w0 , w3 ) = [rnmk B2;mnk (w0 , w3 ) − B2;nmk (w0 , w3 )rmnk ],
m |Ec | −5 , |Ec | −3 , |Ec | −1 ,
and I(Ec ; w), H(Ec ; w), H(Ec ; w0 ),
b (2);bc (2);bc
rnmk [A1;mmk − A1;nnk ]
B1;nmk (w) = , (A17) G(Ec ; w), G(Ec ; w0 ), G(Ec ; w3 ).
w − (εnk − εmk )

These functions depend on the photon energies and the

b (2);bc (2);bc
rnmk [A2;mmk (w3 ) − A2;nnk (w3 )] effective gap parameter Ec .
B2;nmk (w, w3 ) = , (A18)
w − (εnk − εmk )
1. W

Gapped graphene reduces to graphene44 as ∆ → 0 and Ec

(2);bc (2);bc
[rka , B1;k (w0 )]nm + i B1;k (w0 ) (0)
B3;nmk (w, w0 ) =
, (A19) → |µ |, and thus Wj should give the results for graphene, as
w − (εnk − εmk )
(0) 1
W1 = A0 , (B3a)
(2);bc (2);bc
[rka , B2;k (w0 , w3 )]nm + i B2;k (w0 )
(3);abc ;nmka (0) A3 1 A3
B4;nmk (w, w0 , w3 ) = . W3 (w0 ) =H(Ec ; w0 ) − , (B3b)
w − (εnk − εmk ) w0 Ec w0
(0) A0 1 A0
W5 (w) =H(Ec ; w) + I(Ec ; w)A1 − , (B3c)
The current density is then calculated through J(t) = w Ec w
2 vmnk ρnmk (t), and the Sj terms are given by
e nm ∫ (2π)
P d
(0) A2 A3 + A3 A2
W7 (w, w0 ) =H(Ec ; w0 )* 2 − + H(Ec ; w)* − 2+
X dk a (3);abc w
, 1 w w
0 1- ww 1 w 1 -
Sdabc (· · · ) = −e4 v A (· · · ), for i = 1, 2, 3, 4,
(2π)2 nnk i;nnk A2 1 A3
n − I(Ec ; w) + , (B3d)
(A21) w1 Ec ww0
A0 1 A0
X dk a
W2 (w3 ) =G(Ec ; w3 ) − , (B3e)
i (· · · ) = −e4 v B
(· · · ), for i = 5, 6, 7, 8. w32 Ec w3
nm (2π)2 mnk i;nmk
(A22) (0) w3 A2 + w2 A3
W4 (w0 , w3 ) = − G(Ec ; w3 )
w22 w32
(w0 + w2 )A2 + w2 A3
w02 w22
The calculation of Sdabc is straightforward. In the linear A2 1 A3
j − H(Ec ; w0 ) + , (B3f)
dispersion approximation and relaxation time approximation, w0 w2 Ec w0 w3

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-13

© Author(s) 2018

(0) wA0
W6 (w, w3 ) = −G(Ec ; w3 )
w32 (w 2 − w32 )
w3 A0 1 A0
+ G(Ec ; w) + , (B3g)
w 2 (w 2 − w32 ) Ec ww3

A2 w 2 w2 + w33 + ww3 (−3w0 + 2w3 ) 
W8 (w, w0 , w3 ) =G(Ec ; w3 )  + A3 
 (w − w3 )w w3
2 (w − w3 )3 w22 w32 

w0 w1 + w1 w2 − w0 w2 w1 w2 − w02 − w0 w2 
+ G(Ec ; w0 ) − A 2 − A3 
 w02 w12 w22 w12 w02 w22 

1 5w 2 + w3 (w0 + w3 ) − w(3w0 + 4w3 ) 

 
+ G(Ec ; w) − A2 − A3 
 ww (w − w3 )
2 ww1 (w − w3 )3
2 

A2 A3 4w 2 − 3ww0 − 2ww3 + w0 w3
+ H(Ec ; w0 )* − 2 + + H(Ec ; w) A3
w w w
, 0 1 2 w1 w2 - ww12 (w − w3 )2

A3 1 A3
+ I(Ec ; w) − . (B3h)
w1 (w − w3 ) Ec ww0 w3

Here we have used w2 = w0 − w3 , w1 = w − w0 , and Ai defined and

in Eq. (26).
(2)  1 1
 1 4 4 
 E3 3w3 + Ec w 3 − G(Ec ; w3 ) w 3  A1 ,
W2 (w3 ) = 

 (B4e)
2. W c 3 3 
j 
The ∆2 terms are given as
(2) 1 −A1 + A2 − 2A3
1 W4 (w0 , w3 ) =
W1 = A , (B4a) E3c 6w0 w3
Ec3 0

1  2(w0 − w3 )(A1 + A3 ) 2(w0 − w3 )(A2 − A3 ) 

 2 2 3 3 
1 1 1 2 2  + − +
 
W3 (w0 ) = − 3 − + HE c (w0 )  (A1 + A2 ), (B4b) Ec 
w0 w3
3 3 w2 w0 w3
3 3 
 Ec 2w0 Ec w 3 w03   

A1 + A3
− H(Ec ; w0 )
(2) 1 A0 2A0 + 2A1 1 4A1 4A1 w0 w2
W5 (w) = − − I(Ec ; w) + − H(Ec ; w) 3 ,
E3c w w2 Ec w 3 w
(B4c) 2w0 (A1 + A3 ) + 2w2 (A1 − A0 )
+ G(Ec ; w0 )
w04 w22
(2) 1 A1 + A2
W7 (w, w0 ) =
E3c 2ww0 (2w0 − 4w3 )(A1 + A3 ) − 2w2 (A2 − A3 )
+ G(Ec ; w3 ) ,
w22 w34
1  2(w − w0 )(A1 + A3 ) 2(w − w0 )(A2 − A3 ) 
2 2 3 3
 
+ +
Ec  w 3 w03 w1 w 3 w03
 
 
1  4(w + w3 )A1 4(A2 − A3 ) 
2 2
1 A1
 
2(A1 + A3 ) (2)
− I(Ec ; w) W6 (w, w3 ) = − + − +
w 2 w1 E3c 3ww3 Ec  w w3
3 3 w w3 
2 2
 

(−4w + 2w0 )(A1 + A3 ) + 2w1 (A2 − A3 ) −4w3 A1 + 4w(A2 − A3 )
+ H(Ec ; w) + G(Ec ; w)
w 3 w12 w 4 (w 2 − w32 )

−2w1 (A1 + A2 ) + 2w0 (A1 + A3 ) 4wA1 − 4w3 (A2 − A3 )

+ H(Ec ; w0 ) , (B4d) + G(Ec ; w3 ) , (B4g)
w12 w03 w34 (w 2 − w32 )

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-14

© Author(s) 2018


(2) 1 A1 − A2 + 2A3 1  2[w02 w32 + w 2 (w02 − w32 )](A1 − A2 + 2A3 ) 2[w0 (2w0 + w3 ) + w(w0 + 2w3 )](−A2 + A3 ) 
W8 (w, w0 , w3 ) =
 
+  + 
E3c 6ww0 w3 Ec 
 w 3 w3 w3
0 3
w 2 w3 w2
0 3

2(A1 + A2 ) 2(6ww1 + ww2 − 3w1 w3 )(A1 + A2 )

+ I(Ec ; w) + H(Ec ; w)
w 2 w1 (w − w3 ) w 3 w12 (w − w3 )2

2(6ww1 + ww2 − 3w1 w3 )(A1 + A2 ) 2(3w − 2w0 )

 
− G(Ec ; w)  − (A0 − A 1 ) 
 w 3 w12 (w − w3 )3 w 4 w12 (w − w3 ) 

2w1 (A1 + A3 ) − 2w0 (A1 + A2 ) 2ww0 (A0 − 2A1 − A3 ) + 2(3w02 + ww3 − 2w0 w3 )(A1 − A0 )
− H(Ec ; w0 ) + G(Ec ; w0 )
w12 w03 w2 w12 w04 w22

 2w(3ww − 4ww − 5w w + 6w 2 )(−A + A − 2A )

0 3 0 3 3 1 2 3
+ G(Ec ; w3 ) 
 3(w − w3 )3 w22 w34

2(w − 3w3 )(w + 2w0 − 3w3 )(A1 − A0 ) 

+  . (B4h)
3(w − w3 )3 w w
2 3
2 3 

3. W

(4) (4) (4)

All terms proportional to ∆4 can be written as Wj = Wj A0 , with all quantity Wj given by
1 3
W1(4) = − , (B5a)
E5c 2

1 1 1 2 1 8 8
W3(4) (w0 ) = − − − + H(Ec ; w0 ) 5 , (B5b)
E5c 2w0 E3c w 3 Ec w 5 w0
0 0

1 3 1 2 1 8 8 8
W5(4) (w) = + − + I(Ec ; w) 4 + H(Ec ; w) 5 , (B5c)
E5c 2w E3c w 3 Ec w 5 w w

1 2(w − w0 ) 1 8(w − w w0 − 2ww0 − 3w0 )

2 2 4 2 2 3 4
1 1
W7(4) (w, w0 ) = + +
E5c 2ww0 E3c w 3 w03 Ec w 5 w05
8 8(w + 3w1 ) 8(w − 2w0 )
− I(Ec ; w) − H(Ec ; w) − H(Ec ; w0 ) , (B5d)
w 4 w1 w 5 w12 w2 w5 1 0

1 1 1 2 1 8 8
W2(4) (w3 ) = − − − + G(Ec ; w3 ) 6 , (B5e)
E5c 10w3 E3c 3w33 Ec w35 w3

1 2(3w0 + 2w0 w3 + w3 ) 1 8(3w0 + 2w0 w3 + w0 w3 − w3 )

2 2 4 3 2 2 4
1 3
W4(4) (w0 , w3 ) = − − −
E5c 10w0 w3 Ec3 3w0 w3
3 3 Ec w05 w35

8 8(3w0 − 2w3 ) 8(3w0 − 4w3 )

− H(Ec ; w0 ) + G(Ec ; w0 ) + G(Ec ; w3 ) , (B5f)
w05 w2 w 6 w22 w22 w36

1 2(w + w3 ) 1 8(w + w w3 + w3 )
2 2 4 2 2 4
1 1
W6(4) (w, w3 ) = + 3 +
E5c 10ww3 Ec 3w 3 w 3 Ec w 5 w3

8w3 8w
+ G(Ec ; w) − G(Ec ; w3 ) 6 , (B5g)
w 6 (w 2 − w3 )
2 w3 (w 2 − w32 )

APL Photon. 4, 034201 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5053715 4, 034201-15

© Author(s) 2018

f   g
1 2 w 3w0 + 2w0 w3 + w3 − w0 w3
2 2 2 2 2
(4) 1 3
W (w, w0 , w3 ) = 5 +
Ec 10ww0 w3 E3c 3w 3 w03 w33
1 8 3w0 + 2w3 w0 + w3 w0 − w3 w + w3 − w0 w w0 w3 + w0 w3 (2w + 3w0 )
4 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 4
Ec w5 w5 w5 0 3

8 8(8w 2 − 7ww0 − 6ww3 + 5w0 w3 )

+ I(Ec ; w) + H(Ec ; w)
w 4 w1 (w − w3 ) w 5 w12 (w − w3 )2

8[18w 3 − 8w0 w32 + ww3 (21w0 + 10w3 ) − w 2 (15w0 + 26w3 )]

− G(Ec ; w)
w 6 w12 (w − w3 )3

8(w − 2w0 ) 8(w − 2w0 )(3w0 − 2w3 )

+ H(Ec ; w0 ) − G(Ec ; w0 )
(w − w0 )2 w05 (w0 − w3 ) (w − w0 )2 w06 (w0 − w3 )2
f g
8 (4w3 − 3w0 )w 2 + 3(3w0 − 4w3 )w3 w + 2w32 (5w3 − 4w0 )
+ G(Ec ; w3 ) . (B5h)
(w − w3 )3 (w0 − w3 )2 w36

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