Pos 100 Midterms Prep

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Draw the Politics and Governance Framework with the elements of the State; its
roles and responsibilities; the major/ fundamental powers and the kind of
governance we want completely included. Then state the SOCIAL CONTRACT
in one or two sentences.

2. In your own words, how would you differentiate Politics FROM Governance?

3. Why should we care for Philippine Politics and Governance?

4. Give one ACTUAL, DETAILED example each of how the three (3) fundamental
powers were ACTUALLY used positively and negatively. (Six examples in all)

5. Give 3 examples of political moves and 2 examples of governance moves in

the history of your State.

6. Using an ACTUAL POLITICAL FIGURE, explain the three reasons given by

Former Czech President Vaclav Havel on why people enter politics.

7. From the five (5) Philosophies of Government, which one for you is the best for
YOUR country? The worst for YOUR country? Why?

8. Explain why we never have had a majority President since the 1987 Constitution
AND how can we expect a majority President in the future.

9. Rank the six (6) MUST TO WIN criteria in an election from HIGHEST PRIORITY
to LEAST PRIORITY. Explain why you ranked them as such.

10. Name five (5) senatorial candidates whom you would likely VOTE for or NOT
VOTE for because you believe they will or will not practice good governance
principles. Cite the good governance principle you associate with the candidate.

11. What kind of government do you envision for our country in terms of legitimacy,
concentration of power, and relationship among the different branches of
government? Why do you say this is the best government for the Philippines?

12. Cite five good governance principles in PARTNERS and actual decisions of the
President Duterte that support or violate such principles. State clearly why it
supports or violates the principle.

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