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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

Mid – La Union Campus

College of Engineering

Name: Sanchez, Daniel B. Date: September 20,2018

Subject: IT 101 Yr. & Sec.: V-EB Instructor: Engr. A. Gadia

Communications, Networks and Safeguards
1. Research the role of the Federal Communications Commission in regulating the
communications industry. How are new frequencies opened up for new communications
services? How are the frequencies determined? Who gets to use new frequencies?
*The Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) is an independent Federal regulatory
agency responsible directly to Congress. Established by the Communications Act of 1934, it is
charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire,
satellite, and cable. It jurisdiction covers the 50 states and territories, the District of Columbia,
and U.S. Possessions. The FCC is directed by five commissioners appointed by the president and
confirmed by the Senate for five-year terms, except when filling an unexpired term. The
President designated one commissioner to serve as chairman. As the chief executive officer of
the Commission, the chairman delegates management and administrative responsibility to the
Managing Director. Certain other functions are delegated to staff units and bureaus and to
committees of the commissioners. The commissioners hold regular open and close agenda
meetings and special meetings. They also may act between meetings by “circulation”, a
procedure by which a document is submitted to each commissioner individually for
consideration and official action. The commission staff is organized by function. There are six
operating Bureaus and 10 Staff Offices. The Bureaus` responsibility include: processing
applications for licenses and other fillings; analyzing complaints; conducting investigations;
developing and implementing regulatory programs; and taking part in hearings. The Offices
provide support services. Even though the Bureaus and offices have their individual functions,
they regularly join forces and share expertise in addressing Commission issues.
* The Federal Communications Commission examining the use of new frequency bands
for mobile services as part of the Commission`s efforts to help meet the growing demand for
spectrum. There have been significant developments in antenna and processing technologies that
may allow the use of higher frequencies than those used today.
* Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. It is also
called referred to as temporal frequency, which emphasizes the contrast to spatial frequency and
angular frequency. The period is the duration of the time of one cycle in an repeating event, so
the period is the reciprocal of the frequency.
* People utilize free to use radio frequencies in New Zealand every day without realizing
that their use of these radio frequencies are governed by either a radio license or a spectrum
license. Devices that typically use these frequencies include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, citizen band radio,
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Mid – La Union Campus
College of Engineering

Name: Sanchez, Daniel B. Date: September 20,2018

Subject: IT 101 Yr. & Sec.: V-EB Instructor: Engr. A. Gadia

satellite earth stations, radio controlled toys, baby monitors, satellite distress beacons, cordless
telephones, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Free to use radio frequencies are controlled by
general user licenses (GULs), which allows these frequencies to be used without the need to get
an individual license and pay a license fee. It is important to note that as well as specifying the
available frequencies or frequency bands, the GUL also includes the technical and operational
parameters that apply to the radio devices covered by the GUL. It is very important that the radio
device users fully comply with the terms and conditions and restrictions on the GUL license;
otherwise Radio Spectrum Management may take compliance action against the user.

2. Would you like a job for which you telecommute instead of “going to work”? Why or why
* Yes, telecommunicating is much better than “going to work” because less hassle,
imagine if there are many people who work online we can prevent or reduce heavy traffics.

3. Research the communications Act of 1996. Do you think it had a positive or a negative effect?
* The Telecommunication Act of 1996 was the first significant overhaul of
telecommunications law in more than sixty years, amending Communications Act of 1934. The
ACT, signed by President Bill Clinton, represented a major change in American
telecommunications law, since it was the first that the internet was included in broadcasting and
spectrum allotment. One of the most controversial files was Title 3 (“Cable Services”), which
allowed for media cross-ownership. It had a positive effect because it let anyone enter any
communications business-to let any communications business compete in any market against any
other to prevent monopoly. The Legislation`s primary goal was deregulation of the converging
broadcasting and telecommunications markets.

4. From your experience with cellphones, do you think it is a wise to continue also paying for a
”land-line” POTS phone line, or is a cellphone service reliable enough to use as your sole means
of telephony? As cell service advances, how do you think the POTS infrastructure will be used?

*It is wise to continue also paying for a “land-line” POTS phone line, there are plenty
reasons to justify keeping a landline in your home.
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Mid – La Union Campus
College of Engineering

Name: Sanchez, Daniel B. Date: September 20,2018

Subject: IT 101 Yr. & Sec.: V-EB Instructor: Engr. A. Gadia

a. COST. Depending on your home service provider, the cost of a landline might not add
up to much in your bill when it is coupled with TV an internet. In fact, some plans can be
more expensive if you nix the home phone.

b. EMERGENCIES. Landline phones should work even when you experience a power
outage. This could come in handy If you live in an area prone to hurricanes or other
inclement weather.

c. QUALITY. Consumer Reports found that the sound quality on a cordless home phone
was better than any cellular device. This can be a pertinent asset if you spend a
significant amount of time on the phone or if you suffer from hearing loss.

d. SIMPLIFICATION. Many people may find they enjoy the ability to use a telephone
without the trapping of the modern technology.

e. SECURITY. Home security systems use your phone telephone line to connect to an
emergency call center. Although there are more options for wireless security services,
these present similar challenges that the cellphones do during storms or in areas with bad

f. TEACHING RESPONSIBILTY. If you have children who aren`t quite old enough to
have cell phones, maintaining a landline can be a good option for giving them some
responsibility and teaching phone manners. Instead of borrowing your cellphone to
contact their friends you can encourage them to use the landline. They will have some
access without possessing the world at their fingertips.

g. NO CONTRACT. Many phone service providers offer landline service without a

contract. This can be refreshing to anyone who has been trapped in an expensive cellular
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Mid – La Union Campus
College of Engineering

Name: Sanchez, Daniel B. Date: September 20,2018

Subject: IT 101 Yr. & Sec.: V-EB Instructor: Engr. A. Gadia

*Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) is an analog telephone service implemented over
copper twisted pair wires and based on the Bell Telephone System. This system connects homes
and businesses to neighborhood central offices. A central office is ultimately connected to other
offices and long distance facility.

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