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A Working Bibliography of

ANRW for New Testament Studies

Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt

(Rise and Decline of the Roman World)

Covering vols.: 1.1-4, 7.1-2, 8, 9.1-2, 17.1-4, 18.1-5, 19.1-2, 20.1-2, 21.1-2,
23.1-2, 25.1-6, 26.1-3, 27.1, 29.1-2, 30.1-3, 32.1-5, 34.1-4, 37.1-3

Prepared by Ph.D. Students1 in

NT-2, Seminar in Greek Studies (Fall 2002) and
NT-4 New Testament Backgrounds (Winter 2006)
Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pa.
Rodney J. Decker, Th.D.

This is an exceedingly large reference set from de Gruyter that constitutes the ultimate resource on this subject.
Articles are written by the world’s foremost scholars in each area. ANRW is considered to be one of the most
reliable authorities on subjects touching the Roman world—which the NT does at many points. Please note that
this bibliography covers only the volumes of ANRW listed above. These are the volumes that have perhaps the
largest proportion of material directly related to NT studies. We hope to expand this bibliography in future years.
There is a keyword searchable index to ANRW available at the U/Kentucky’s classics department:

Aili, H. “Livy’s Language. A Critical Survey of Research.” ANRW II.30.2: 1122–47.

Amundsen, D. W. “The Perception of Disease and Disease Causality in the New Testament.”
ANRW II.37.3: 2934–56.

Applebaum, S. “Judaea as a Roman Province: The Countryside as a Political and Economic

Factor.” ANRW II.8: 355–96.

Aune, D. E. “Magic in Early Christianity.” ANRW II.23.2: 1507–57.

Baasland, E. “Literarische Form, Thematik und geschichtliche Einordnung des Jakobusbriefes.”

ANRW II.25.5: 3646–84.

Balch, D. L. “Neopythagorean Moralists and the New Testament Household Codes.” ANRW
II.26.1: 380–411.

Barnard, L. W. “The ‘Epistle of Barnabas’ and its Contemporary Setting.” ANRW II.27.1: 159–207.

Barraclough, R. “Philo’s Politics. Roman Rule and Hellenistic Judaism.” ANRW II.21.1: 417–553.

Neal Cushman, Frank Dipronio, Dan Fabricatore, Rob Green, and Wayne Slusser.

Bauckham, R. J. “2 Peter: An Account of Research.” ANRW II.25.5: 3713–52.

Bauckham, R. J. “The Apocalypse of Peter: An Account of Research.” ANRW II.25.6: 4712–50.

Bauckham, R. J. “The Letter of Jude: An Account of Research.” ANRW II.25.5: 3791–3826.

Bauckham, R. J. “The Martyrdom of Peter in Early Christian Literature.” ANRW II.26.1: 539–95.

Baumgarten, Joseph M. “The heavenly Tribunal and the Personification of Sedeq in Jewish
Apocalyptic.” ANRW II.19.1: 219–39.

Beatrice, P. F. “Apollos of Alexandria and the Origins of the Jewish-Christian Baptist

Encratism.” ANRW II.26.2: 1232–75.

Benko, S. “Pagan Criticism of Christianity During the First Two Centuries A.D.” ANRW II.23.2:

Bergmeier, R. “Die Erzhure und das Tier: Apk 12 18- 13 18 und 17 f. ine quellen- und
redaktionskritische Analyse.” ANRW II.25.5: 3899–3916.

Best, E. “Recipients and Title of the Letter to the Ephesians: Why and When the Designation
‘Ephesians’?” ANRW II.25.4: 3247–79.

Beutler, J. “Die Johannesbriefe in der neuesten Literatur (1978–1985).” ANRW II.25.5: 3773–90.

Beutler, J. “Literarische Gattungen im Johannesevangelium. Ein Forschungsbericht 1919–1980.”

ANRW II.25.3: 2506–68.

Birdsall, J. N. “The Recent History of New Testament Textual Criticism (from Westcott and
Hort, 1881, to the present).” ANRW II.26.1: 99–197.

Bocher, O. “Die Johannes-Apokalypse in der neueren Forschung.” ANRW II.25.5: 3850–93.

Bocher, O. “Die Johannes-Apokalypse und die Texte von Qumran.” ANRW II.25.5: 3894–98.

Borgen, P. “Philo of Alexandria. A Critical and Synthetical Survey of Research since World War
II.” ANRW II.21.1: 98–154.

Bouwman, G. “Die Hagar- und Sara-Perikope (Gal 4, 21–31). Exemplarische Interpretation zum
Schriftbeweis bei Paulus.” ANRW II.25.4: 3135–55.

Brashear, W. M. “The Greek Magical Papyri: an Introduction and Survey; Annotated

Bibliography (1928–1994) [Indices in vol. II 18.6].” ANRW II.18.5: 3380–3684.

Breckenridge, James D. “Origins of Roman Republican Portraiture: Relations with the

Hellenistic World.” ANRW I.4: 826–54.

Briscoe, J. “Livy and Senatorial politics, 200–167 B.C.: The Evidence of the Fourth and Fifth
Decades.” ANRW II.30.2: 1075–1121.

Bruce, F. F. “The Acts of the Apostles: Historical Record or Theological Reconstruction?” ANRW
II.25.3: 2569–2603.

Bruce, F. F. “To the Hebrews: A Document of Roman Christianity?” ANRW II.25.4: 3496–3521.

Burke, P. F. “Malaria in the Greco-Roman World: A Historical and Epidemiological Survey.”

ANRW II.37.3: 2252–81.

Capper, B. J. “Community of Goods in the Early Jerusalem Church.” ANRW II.26.2: 1730–74.

Charlesworth, J. H. “Jewish Interest in Astrology during the Hellenistic and Roman Period.”
ANRW II.20.2: 926–50.

Charlesworth, J. H. “Research on the New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha.” ANRW

II.25.5: 3919–68.

Charlesworth, J. H. “The Historical Jesus in Light of Writings Contemporaneous with Him.”

ANRW II.25.1: 451–76.

Charlesworth, James H. “A History of Pseudepigrapha Research: The Re-emerging Importance

of the Pseudepigrapha.” ANRW II.19.1: 54–88.

Charlesworth, James H. “The Concept of the Messiah in the Pseudepigrapha.” ANRW II.19.1:

Cole, S. G. “The Mysteries of Samothrace during the Roman Period.” ANRW II.18.2: 1564–98.

Colish, M. L. “Stoicism and the New Testament: An Essay in Historiography.” ANRW II.26.1: 334–

Collins, A. Y. “Numerical Symbolism in Jewish and Early Christian Apocalyptic Literature.”

ANRW II.21.2: 1221–87.

Conley, Th. M. “Philo’s Rhetoric: Argumentation and Style.” ANRW II.21.1: 343–71.

Contreras, C. A. “Christian Views of Paganism.” ANRW II.23.2: 974–1022.

Cothenet, E. “La Premiere de Pierre: bilan de 35 ans de recherches.” ANRW II.25.5: 3685–3712.

Daube, D. “Neglected Nuances of Exposition in Luke-Acts.” ANRW II.25.3: 2329–56.

Dautzenberg, G. “Der zweite Korintherbrief als Briefsammlung. Zur Frage der literarischen
Einheitlichkeit und des theologischen Gefuges von 2 Kor 1–8.” ANRW II.25.4: 3045–66.

Davids, P. H. “The Epistle of James in Modern Discussion.” ANRW II25.5: 3621–45.

de Jonge, M. “The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Central Problems and Essential
Viewpoints.” ANRW II.20.1: 359–420.

Dehandschutter, B. “The Martyrium Polycarpi: a Century of Research.” ANRW II.27.1: 485–522.

Derrett, J. D. M. “Law and Society in Jesus’s World.” ANRW II.25.1: 477–564.

Derrett, J. D. M. “Scripture and Norms in the Apostolic Fathers.” ANRW II.27.1: 649–99.

Doran, R. “The Jewish Hellenistic Historians Before Josephus.” ANRW II.20.1: 246–97.

Dunn, J. D. G. “Paul’s Epistle to the Romans: An Analysis of Structure and Argument.” ANRW
II.25.4: 2842–90.

Edouard Will, Nancy. “Rome et les Seleucides.” ANRW I.1: 590–632.

Elliot, J. K. “The Translations of the New Testament into Latin: The Old Latin and the Vulgate.”
ANRW II.26.1: 198–245.

Enslin, M. S. “Luke and Matthew, Compilers or Authors?” ANRW II.25.3: 2357–88.

Fallon, F. T. “The Gospel of Thomas: A Forschungsbericht and Analysis.” ANRW II.25.6: 4195–4251.

Fears, J. R. “The Cult of Virtues and Roman Imperial Ideology.” ANRW II.17.2: 827–948.

Fears, J. R. “The Theology of Victory at Rome: Approaches and Problems.” ANRW II.17.2: 736–

Fee, G. D. “The Use of Greek Patristic Citations in New Testament Textual Criticism: The State
of the Question.” ANRW II.26.1: 246–65.

Feld, H. “Der Hebraerbrief: Literarische Form, religionsgeschichtlicher Hintergrund,

theologische Fragen.” ANRW II.25.4: 3522–3601.

Feldman, L. H. “Flavius Josephus Revisited: the Man, His Writings, and His Significance.” ANRW
II.21.2: 763–862.

Ferguson, E. “Spiritual Sacrifice in Early Christianity and its Environment.” ANRW II.23.2: 1151–

Ferngren, G. B. “Medicine and Christianity in the Roman Empire: Compatibilities and

Tensions.” ANRW II.37.3: 2957–80.

Gabrion, Herve. “L’interpretation de l’Ecriture dans la litterateur de Qumran.” ANRW II.19.1:


Gero, S. “Apocryphal Gospels: A Survey of Textual and Literary Problems.” ANRW II.25.5: 3969–

Giesen, H. “Das omische Reich im Spiegel der Johannes-Apokalypse.” ANRW II.26.3: 2501–2614.

Goldenberg, Robert. “The Jewish Sabbath in the Roman World up to the Time of Constantine
the Great.” ANRW II.19.1: 414–47.

Goulder, M. D. “The Jewish-Christian Mission, 30–130.” ANRW II.26.3: 1979–2037.

Gowing, Alain M. “Cassius Dio on the Reign of Nero.” ANRW II.34.3: 2558–90.

Gruenwald, Ithamar. “Jewish Apocalyptic Literature.” ANRW II.19.1: 89–118.

Hanson, A. E. and Green, M. H. “Soranus of Ephesus: Methodicorum princes.” ANRW II.37.2: 968–

Hanson, R. P. C. “Dreams and Visions in the Graeco-Roman World and Early Christianity.”
ANRW II.23.2: 1395–1427.

Hanson, R. P. C. “The Christian Attitude To Pagan Religions up to the Time of Constantine the
Great.” ANRW II.23.2: 910–73.

Hay, D. M. “The Psychology of Faith in Hellenistic Judaism.” ANRW II.20.2: 881–925.

Helgeland, J. “Time and Space: Christian and Roman.” ANRW II.23.2: 1285–1305.

Hilgert, E. “Bibliographia Philoniana 1935–1981.” ANRW II.21.1: 47–97.

Hoenig, Sidney B. “The Ancient City-Square: The Forerunner of the Synagogue.” ANRW II.19.1:

Hollenbach, P. W. “The Conversion of Jesus: From Jesus the Baptizer to Jesus the Healer.” ANRW
II.25.1: 196–219.

Hollenbach, Paul. “Social Aspects of John the Baptizer’s Preaching Mission in the Context of
Palestinian Judaism.” ANRW II.19.1: 850–75.

Hopfe, L. M. “Caesarea Palaestinae as a Religious Center.” ANRW II.18.4: 2380–2411.

Howard, G. “The Gospel of the Ebionites.” ANRW II.25.5: 4034–53.


Hubner, H. “Paulusforschung seit 1945. Ein kritischer Literaturbericht.” ANRW II.25.4: 2649–

Hunter, Richard. “History and Historicity in the Romance of Chariton.” ANRW II.34.2: 1055–86.

Huzar, E. G. “Emperor Worship in Julio-Claudian Egypt.” ANRW II.18.5: 3092–3143.

Jackson, Bernard S. “The Concept of Religious Law in Judaism.” ANRW II.19.2: 33–52.

Jackson, R. P. J. “Eye Medicine in the Roman Empire.” ANRW II.37.3: 2228–51.

Jackson, R. P. J. “Roman Medicine: the Practitioners and Their Practices.” ANRW II.37.1: 79–101.

Jones, D. L. “Christianity and the Roman Imperial Cult.” ANRW II.23.2: 1023–54.

Keresztes, P. “The Imperial Roman Government and the Christian Church; I. From Nero to the
Severi.” ANRW II.23.1: 247–315.

Keresztes, P. “The Imperial Roman Government and the Christian Church; II. From Gallienus to
the Great Persecution.” ANRW II.23.1: 375–86.

Klijn, A. F. J. “Das Hebraer- und das Nazoraerevangelium.” ANRW II.25.5: 3997–4033.

Kolenkow, A. B. “Relationships between Miracle and Prophecy in the Graeco-Roman World and
Early Christianity.” ANRW II.23.2: 1470–1506.

Kottek, S. S. “Hygiene and Healing among the Jews in Post Biblical Period: A Partial
Reconstruction.” ANRW II.37.3: 2843–65.

Kraabel, Alf. “The Diaspora Synagogue: Archaeological and Epigraphic Evidence Since
Sukenik.” ANRW II.19.1: 477–510.

Kraft, Robert A. “‘Ezra’ Materials in Judaism and Christianity.” ANRW II.19.1: 119–36.

Kysar, R. “The Fourth Gospel. A Report on Recent Research.” ANRW II.25.3: 2389–2480.

Lease, G. “Mithraism and Christianity: Borrowings and Transformations.” ANRW II.23.2: 1306–

Lemonon, J. P. “Ponce Pilate: documents profanes, Jouveau Testament et traditions

ecclesiales.” ANRW II.26.1: 741–78.

Levin, S. “The Early History of Christianity, in Light of the ‘Secret Gospel’ of Mark.” ANRW
II.25.6: 4270–92.

Lewis, R. G. “Imperial Autobiography, Augustus to Hadrian.” ANRW II.34.1: 629–706.


Lichtenberger, H. “Jews and Christians in Rome in the Time of Nero: Josephus and Paul in
Rome.” ANRW II.26.3: 2142–76.

Littman, R. J. “Medicine in Alexandria:” ANRW II.37.3: 2678–2708.

Llijn, A. F. J. “Die Entstehungsgeschichte des Neuen Testaments.” ANRW II.26.1: 64–97.

Loening, K. “Das Evangelium und die Kulturen. Heilsgeschichtliche und kulturelle Aspekte
kirchlicher Realitat in der Apostelgeschichte.” ANRW II.25.3: 2604–46.

Lupieri, E. F. “John the Baptist in New Testament Traditions and History.” ANRW II.26.1: 430–61.

Mack, B. L. “Philo Judaeus and Exegetical Traditions in Alexandria.” ANRW II.21.1: 227–71.

MacKay, Th. S. “The Major Sanctuaries of Pamphylia and Cilicia.” ANRW II.18.3: 2045–2129.

Malherbe, A. J. “Hellenistic Moralists and the New Testament.” ANRW II.26.1: 267–333.

Meredith, A. “Porphyry and Julian Against the Christians.” ANRW II.23.2: 1119–49.

Merkel, H. “Der Epheserbrief in der neueren exegetischen Diskussion.” ANRW II.25.4: 3156–

Metzger, B. “A Classified Bibliography of the Graeco-Roman Mystery Religions 1924–1973 with

a Supplement 1974–1977.” ANRW II.17.3: 1259–1423.

Meyers, Eric M. “The Cultural Setting of Galilee: The Case of Regionalism and Early Judaism.”
ANRW II.19.1: 686–702.

Mitchell, S. “Population and the Land in Roman Galatia.” ANRW II.7.2: 1053–81.

Mitford, T. B. “The Cults of Roman Cyprus.” ANRW II.18.3: 2176–2211.

Mitford, T. B. “The Cults of Roman Rough Cilicia.” ANRW II.18.3: 2131–60.

Moehring, H. R. “Joseph Ben Matthia and Flavius Josephus: the Jewish Prophet and Roman
Historian.” ANRW II.21.2: 864–944.

Neusner, Jacob. “The Formation of Rabbinic Judaism: Yavneh (Jamnia) from A. D. 70 to 100.”
ANRW II.19.2: 3–42.

Neusner, Jacob. “The Jews East of the Euphrates and the Roman Empire I. 1st–3rd Centuries
A.D.” ANRW II.9.1: 46–69.

Newmyer, S. T. “Talmudic Medicine and Greco-Roman Science: Crosscurrents and Resistance.”

ANRW II.37.3: 2895–2911.

Norris, F. W. “Antioch on-the-Orontes as a Religious Center, I. Paganism before Constantine.”

ANRW II.18.4: 2322–79.

Nutton, V. “Roman Medicine: Tradition, Confrontation, Assimilation.” ANRW II.37.1: 49–78.

Oberhelman, S. M. “Dreams in Graeco-Roman Medicine.” ANRW II.37.1: 121–56.

Oberhelman, S. M. “On the Chronology and Pneumatism of Aretaios of Cappadocia.” ANRW

II.37.2: 941–66.

Oster, R. E. “Ephesus as a Religious Center under the Principate, I. Paganism before

Constantine.” ANRW II.18.3: 1661–1728.

Paul, A. “Le Toesieme livre des Macchabees.” ANRW II.20.1: 298–336.

Paul, A. “Matthieu 1 comme ecriture apocalyptique. Le recit veritable de la ‘crucifixion’ de

l’ἔρως.” ANRW II.25.3: 1952–68.

Pearson, B. A. “Philo and Gnosticism.” ANRW II.21.1: 295–342.

Pinkster, H. “Tempus, Aspect and Aktionsart in Latin (Recent trends 1961–1981).” ANRW II.29.1:

Pokorny, P. “Das Markus-Evangelium. Literarische und theologische Einleitung mit

Forschungsbericht.” ANRW II.25.3: 1969–2035.

Porton, Gary. “Midrash: Palestinian Jews and the Hebrew Bible in the Greco-Roman Period.”
ANRW II.19.2: 104–38.

Quinn, K. “The Poet and Ηis Audience in the Augustan Age.” ANRW II.30.1: 75–180.

Radista, Leo. “Julius Caesar and Ηis Writings.” ANRW I.3: 417–56.

Raisanen, H. “Romer 9–11: Analyse eines geistigen Ringens.” ANRW II.25.4: 2891–2939.

Raisanen, H. “The Nicolaitans: Apoc. 2; Acta 6.” ANRW II.26.2: 1602–44.

Rau, G. “Das Markus-Evangelium. Komposition und Intention der ersten Darstellung

christlicher Mission.” ANRW II.25.3: 2036–2257.

Rese, M. “Das Lukas-Evangelium. Ein Forschungsbericht.” ANRW II.25.3: 2258–2328.

Rhoads, D. M. “Network for Mission: The Social System of the Jesus Movement as Depicted in
the Narrative of the Gospel of Mark.” ANRW II.26.2: 1692–1729.

Riddle, J. M. “High Medicine and Low Medicine in the Roman Empire.” ANRW II.37.1: 102–20.

Rissi, M. “Der Christushymmus in Phil 2,6–11.” ANRW II.25.4: 3314–26.

Rosner, F. “Jewish Medicine of the Talmudic Period.” ANRW II.37.3: 2866–94.

Saddington, D. B. “Roman Military and Administrative Personnel in the New Testament.”

ANRW II.26.3: 2409–35.

Sanders, E. P. “Jesus, Paul and Judaism.” ANRW II.25.1: 390–450.

Sanders, J. T. “The First Decades of Jewish-Christian Relations: The Evidence of the New
Testament (Gospels and Acts).” ANRW II.26.3: 1937–78.

Sandmel, S. “Philo Judaeus: An Introduction to the Man, Ηis Writings, and Ηis Significance.”
ANRW II.21.1: 3–46.

Scarborough, J. “Roman Medicine to Galen.” ANRW II.37.1: 3–48.

Schenk, W. “Der Brief des Paulus an Philemon in der neueren Forschung (1945–1987).” ANRW
II.25.4: 3439–95.

Schenk, W. “Der Kolosserbrief in der neueren Forschung (1945–1985).” ANRW II.25.4: 3327–64.

Schenk, W. “Der Philiperbrief in der neueren Forschung (1945–1985).” ANRW II.25.4: 3280–3313.

Schenk, W. “Die Briefe an Timotheus I und II und an Titus (Pastoral-briefe) in der neueren
Forschung (1945–1985).” ANRW II.25.4: 3404–38.

Schnelle, U. “Neutestamentliche Anthropologie. Ein Forschungsbericht.” ANRW II.26.3: 2658–


Schoedel, W. R. “Polycarp of Smyrna and Ignatius of Antioch.” ANRW II.27.1: 272–358.

Schreckenberg, H. “Josephus und die christliche Wirkungsgeschichte seines ‘Bellum Juaicum.’”

ANRW II.21.2: 1106–1217.

Segal, A. F. “Heavenly Ascent in Hellenistic Judaism, Early Christianity and Τheir

Environment.” ANRW II.23.2: 1333–94.

Segert, S. “Semitic Poetic Structures in the New Testament.” ANRW II.25.2: 1433–62.

Sellin, G. “Hauptprobleme des Ersten Korintherbriefes.” ANRW II.25.4: 2940–3044.

Sherk, R. K. “Roman Galatia: The Governors from 25 BC to AD 114.” ANRW II.7.1: 954–1052.

Sherwin-White, Adrian N. “The Roman Citizenship. A Survey of Its Development into a World
Franchise.” ANRW I.2: 23–58.

Soards, M. L. “1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude as Evidence for a Petrine School (with Addenda by
V. Oliver Ward [Dayton, Ohio]).” ANRW II.25.5: 3827–49.

Sperber, D. “Aspects of Agrarian Life in Roman Palestine I. Agricultural Decline in Palestine

during the Later Principate.” ANRW II.8: 397–443.

Spicq, C., O. P. “L’Epitre aux Hebreux et Philon: Un cas d’Insertion de la litterature sacree dans
la Culture profane du Ier siecle (Hebr. V,11–VI,20 et le ‘De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini’ de
Philon).” ANRW II.25.4: 3602–18.

Stanton, G. “The Origin and Purpose of Matthew’s Gospel: Matthean Scholarship from 1945 to
1980.” ANRW II.25.3: 1889–1951.

Stiegman, Emero. “Rabbinic Anthropology.” ANRW II.19.2: 487–579.

Strange, James F. “Archaeology and the Religion of Judaism in Palestine.” ANRW II.19.1: 646–85.

Suhl, A. “Der Galaterbrief–Situation und Argumentation.” ANRW II.25.4: 3067–3134.

Sullivan, R. D. “The Dynasty of Judaea in the First Century.” ANRW II.8: 296–354.

Swartley, W. M. “War and Peace in the New Testament.” ANRW II.26.3: 2298–2408.

Swift, L. J. “War and the Christian Conscience; I. The Early Years.” ANRW II.23.1: 835–68.

Tannehill, R. C. “Types and Functions of Apophthegms in the Synoptic Gospels.” ANRW II.25.2:

Taylor, J., S. M. “St Paul and the Roman Empire: Acts of the Apostles 13–14.” ANRW II.26.2:

Taylor, J., S. M. “The Roman Empire in the Acts of the Apostles.” ANRW II.26.3: 2436–2500.

Terian, A. “A Critical Introduction to Philo’s Dialogues.” ANRW II.21.1: 272–94.

Thompson, L. L. “Social Location of Early Christian Apocalyptic.” ANRW II.26.3: 2615–56.

Tiede, D. L. “Religious Propaganda and the Gospel Literature of the Early Christian Mission.”
ANRW II.25.2: 1705–29.

Trilling, W. “Die beiden Briefe des Apostels Paulus an die Thessalonicher. Eine
Forschungsubersicht.” ANRW II.25.4: 3365–3403.

Van Der Horst, P. W. “The Altar of the ‘Unknown God’ in Athens (Acts 17:23) and the Cult of
‘Unknown Gods’ in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods.” ANRW II.18.2: 1426–56.

Viviano, B. T., O. P. “Paul’s Letter to the Romans: Trends in Interpretation 1960–1986.” ANRW
II.25.4: 2841.

Voelz, J. W. “The Language of the New Testament.” ANRW II.25.2: 893–977.

Vokes, F. E. “Life and Order in an Early Church: the Didache.” ANRW II.27.1: 209–33.

Walsh, P. G. “Livy and the Aims of ‘Historia’: An Analysis of the Third Decade.” ANRW II.30.2:

Ward, R. B. “James of Jerusalem in the First Two Centuries.” ANRW II.26.1: 779–812.

Wardy, Bilhah. “Jewish Religion in Pagan Literature during the Late Republic and Early
Empire.” ANRW II.19.1: 592–644.

Welburn, A. J. “Iranian Prophetology and the Birth of the Messiah: the Apocalypse of Adam.”
ANRW II.25.6: 4752–94.

Wengst, K. “Probleme der Johannesbriefe.” ANRW II.25.5: 3753–72.

White, J. L. “New Testament Epistolary Literature in the Framework of Ancient

Epistolography.” ANRW II.25.2: 1730–56.

Whiteley, D. E. H. “Was John Written by a Sadducee?” ANRW II.25.3: 2481–2505.

Wiens, D. H. “Mystery Concepts in Primitive Christianity and in its Environment.” ANRW

II.23.2: 1248–84.

Wilcox, M. “Jesus in the Light of his Jewish Environment.” ANRW II.25.1: 131–95.

Wilcox, M. “Semitisms in the New Testament.” ANRW II.25.2: 978–1029.

Winston, D. “Philo’s Ethical Theory.” ANRW II.21.1: 372–416.

Wiseman, J. R. “Corinth as a Religious Center under the Principate, I. Paganism before

Constantine [Hinweis auf den Nachtrag in Bd. II. 18.4].” ANRW II.18.2: 1650.

Wiseman, J. “Corinth and Rome I: 228 BC–AD 267.” ANRW II.7.1: 438–548.

Witgil, D. N. “Incorrect Apocalyptic: The Hermetic ‘Asclepius’ as an Improvement on the Greek

Original.” ANRW II.17.4: 2282–97.

Yarbro Collins, A. “Early Christian Apocalyptic Literature.” ANRW II.25.6: 4665–4711.

Zmijewski, J. “Maria im Neuen Testament.” ANRW II.26.1: 596–716.

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