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NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ______________


A. Listen to two friends, Louis and Ben, talking on the phone and circle the proper answers.
1) What is Ben doing?
A) He is doing nothing. B) He is doing his homework. C) He is doing his housework.
2) Where are Louis and Mel?
A) They are standing. B) They are in the middle. C) They are in Times Square.
3) What is Mel doing?
A) She is talking to some reporters. B) She is asking questions. C) She is blocking a transporter.
4) How does Louis feel?
A) He is talkative. B) He is bored. C) He is shocked.
5) What is Ben doing later?
A) He is meeting Mel. B) He is picking gel. C) He is telling a story.

B. Listen and fill in the blanks with only ONE word.

My __________ friend is Ha. We’ve been friends My best friend is Mihn. We met in college. I was there
__________ a long time. We used to live in Nguyen singing and Mihn __________ a guitarist. So we
Con Tru Residential Area in Hanoi. Her family worked together a lot. Mihn has a great sense of
moved to Hai Phong in 1985. It is said that Hai __________, he’s very, very funny, and that’s one of
Phong people are cold but, Ha is really, really my favorite things about him.
friendly. I first started to get to __________ her when And over the years, we __________ been through
I was going on a two-day trip to Do Son last year and good times and bad times with each other, and that’s
I __________ know anybody there. one of the things I like best about him. And we have
I gave Ha a ring and she was so friendly, she said a lot of the __________ interests.
“Oh I’ll come to visit you.” So she rode on her We like to go to plays and movies together. But when
motorbike to Do Son and twenty minutes later she we’re __________ through a rough time, he’s really
was there. She happened to know a lot of people a good friend, and he’s a very good listener, and he
there, so she introduced me around, and we’ve been always helped me through.
best friends ever __________.


A. Complete the sentences with the present continuous or present simple forms of the
verbs in the parentheses.
Quentin: What (1) _____________ you _____________ (listen) to these days?
Alanna: I (2) _____________ (love) rock music, of course, but these days (3) I _____________
(listen) to a lot of classical and blues music. I want to know more about old styles of music.
Quentin: (4) _____________ you _____________ (make) a new album at the moment?
Alanna: I (5) _____________ (not record) an album at the moment, but I (6) _____________ (write)
some new songs.
Quentin: (7) _____________ you usually _____________ (create) new songs with your band?
Alanna: Yes, I always (8) _____________ (have) good ideas when my band are with me.

B. Read the sentences below and decide if they are right (✓) or not (✘). If they are wrong
correct them.
1) I have worked in this company since 8 years. ___ _____________________________________
2) André doesn’t draw cartoons. ___ _________________________________________
3) They has cleaned three bedrooms so far. ___ __________________________________________
4) He are cooking the dinner tonight. ___ __________________________________________
5) She has dance since she was little. ___ __________________________________________
6) You have studied a lot for the exam. ___ __________________________________________
7) We not play baseball yesterday. ___ __________________________________________

C. Organize the words to write sentences or questions.

1) hasn’t. / it / No, → _______________________________________________

2) do / What / do / you / ? → _______________________________________________
3) have / They / a pet. / don’t → _______________________________________________
4) Kay / Instagram. / uses → _______________________________________________
5) you / studied / Have / Italian? → ______________________________________________
6) wear / he / glasses / Does / ? → _______________________________________________
7) I / play / the piano. / don’t → _______________________________________________
8) a lot in common. / have / They → _______________________________________________


A. Read and complete the sentences with the proper expressions.

lost touch enjoy your company get to know keep in touch have the same sense of get along

1) Harry and I ___________________, we find very funny similar comedy movies.

2) My best friend lives in Canada, anyway I never feel alone because we
___________________ through internet, we video chat everyday using Skype and
3) When I’m with you, you make feel very happy and make me laugh a lot. I really
4) Hannah and Margaret ___________________ very well. They have never had a fight, I think
they are going to be best friends forever.
5) When I moved from Pereira to Bucaramanga I ___________________ with my childhood
friends. I never called them again.
6) I think Luca is a great boy, however he is too shy and never speaks too much. So, one day I
would like to ___________________ him better.

B. Read and write the correct words. First letter is provided.

1) Ben and I are doctor and we work in the same hospital. We are
C ___ - W ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
2) Wilma and I have known each other since we were in the kindergarten. She is an O ___ ___
F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
3) When I met my F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ - I ___ - L ___ ___ I was very nervous because he
is a soldier and my girlfriend is his only daughter.
4) Alex and Shane take Maths together at university, they are
C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
5) I have seen that girl once or twice at some meetings and I know her name is Bianca. She is
A ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
6) Vivian as my B ___ ___ ___ F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is always with me, no matter what.
7) I broke up with Joanna, now she is my E ___ - G ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

A. Read the text below and decide if the sentences are (T) True or (F) False.
The friends you have on a social networking site can help you enjoy your
day at work, but don’t expect too much from them as many of these
‘online friends’ prefer to stay online only.
My friend Patricia, met a friend of a friend, Howard, at a conference. They
got on really well and started an online relationship. They found that they
had a lot in common.
They shared memories, and talked about their workmates. Sometimes they swapped more than
twelve messages a day. Patricia looked forward to receiving Howard’s messages when she arrived
at work.
After a few weeks, however, Patricia asked Howard if he wanted to meet up after work, but he
always found an excuse not to. Then she received a really strange message from him explaining
how he didn’t want to have a relationship and how he had decided to stop contacting her. That
was the end of the story, and she never heard from him again.
You see, an online relationship takes a lot less energy than a face-to-face relationship. So a lot of
people who don’t really want the responsibility will try online friends instead. It’s easier and, if
you have an argument, you can always just shut down your computer!

1) Patricia and Howard talk about their colleagues. T / F

2) Patricia and Howard swapped more than 12 messages a day. T / F
3) Patricia checked Howard’s messages when she arrived home. T / F
4) Patricia heard from Howard again. T / F
5) An online relationship takes more energy than other relationships. T / F

B. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1) What was Howard for Patricia at the beginning? _________________________________________
2) What did Howard and Patricia find? ___________________________________________________
3) What did Howard and Patricia share? _________________________________________________
4) What type of people want online friends? _______________________________________________
5) With online friends, what can you do if you have an argument? ______________________________


Write a letter introducing yourself to a new classmate. Take into account the following aspects: (1) who
you are and what you do (study and/or work), (2) explain why you haven’t written before, (3) what activities
you are doing these days, and (4) invite your classmate to do something with you. Use adequate vocabulary
and expressions studied in class. (90- 100 words)



Mastery (5p) Accomplished Adequate (3p) Developing (2p) Inadequate (1p)
Content & Sentences and paragraphs are All sentences are Main idea Incomplete Many sentence
Development complete, well-constructed and of complete and somewhat development of fragments or run-
• Topic Sentence varied structure well-constructed developed with main idea. It takes on sentences
• Ideas (no fragments, no adequate details, more than one
• Support Writer makes no errors in run-ons). but were not very reading to figure No support for
capitalization and punctuation. clear out what the main idea which
Writer makes 1-2 writing was about. makes very
The writing is 45 words long. errors in grammar difficult to
and/or spelling. Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes -5 - understand the
errors in grammar 6 errors in writing.
The writing is 30 and/or spelling capitalization and
words long. punctuation. Writer makes
The writing is 25 more than 7
words long. The writing is 15 errors in
words long. capitalization and

The writing is less

than 10 words

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