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by PeterB. Smith and Rex

M; J. Ramsden,BritishPetroleum

o copyright 1978, European Offshore Petroleum C0nf8K?r7U?

This peper wae presented at the European Offshore Petroleum Conference and Exhlbltlon In London 24-27, October, 1978. The material ISsubject
to correction by the author, Permlealon to
copy larestricted to an bbstract ofnot

AE!STRAC1’ mean oil temperatureis low enoughto throw out of

solutionapproximately two per cent or more of the
The paper summarisesmany years’&:perlence orudewas wax, which can form an interlocking gel
in applyinglaboratoryproceduresand heat struoture. This paperdesmlbes how the likelihood
to the predictionof the of gelllngis assessed,and how the pressure
startup of flow in a gelledoil pipeline. needed to startup the flow in a gelledline is
The importanceof simulatingthe full scale
treatmentIn the laboratorytestingis emphasised P&DICTION OF GELATION
by referenceto experiencein full scale startup
trials. , A crudeoil does not necessarilygel when it
containstwo per cent of solldwax. The gelling
INTRODUCTION point dependson the size and the shape of the wax
crystalsand so anY pretreatmentwhich affectsthis
The problemsof handlingwaxy crude oils in size and shapealso affectsthe gellingpoint.
pipelinesare well-knownto oilmen. Submarine There are other complications: most crude oils
llnes carryingcrude 011 produatlonto the shore oontainresinewhich have a naturalaffinityfor
presenttheseproblemsmore aoutelythen wax crystals. The resinsact as naturalKelling
landlinesbec!ause:- pointdepressants:whentheycolleotaroundthe wax
orystalsthey tend to preventthem from lnter-
1. The ooollng rate of the cmude oil is lockingto form a gel. Thus, any pretreatment
higher at all seasonsof the year, which preventeresinsfrom collectingaroundthe
wax also raisesthe gellingpoint.
2. Shutdownsare more frequentand may last
longer than the s-day limltwhich,except To deoiilewhetheror not a particularcrude
in remoteareas,is normallyassumedfor oil, which is at the well-testingstage,is likely
and to gel in a submarinepipellne,it is therefore
necessary.tomeasureIts gellingtemperatureafter
3. Accessto the line at intermediate
pointe a pretreatment whioh simulatesthe normal
is practicallyimpo.sslble,
unlessspeoial produaticmprooedure. It may also be ueeful to
aocesspointsare providedwhen laylng. measurethe highestgellingtemperature,ie the
the Une. worst poesibleoonditlon,in orderto make sure
that the pipellneoouldh8ndl@the orudeshould”lt
Waxinesscan causetwo problemsin crudeoil attainthis conditiondue to an auiforeseen
production. One is the formationof depositson variationin the normalproductionprooedure. If
the pipewallwhloh inoreasethe pressuredrop In the highestgellingtemperatureis lowerthan 4°C
the.plpellne.This ocourswhen the plpewall there shouldEe no gelationof that arude in a
temperatureIs lowerthan the wax precipitation North Sea pipeline.
point (knownas the oloudpoint for distillate
oils, but not so easilyidentifiedfor crrudee). The gelliiig
temperatureie normallymeasured
DepositIonw211 not be consideredin this paper, by the pour point test (IP 15, AS’IMW’). Th~S
The secondproblemis the possibilityof g(~lation test Is too well-knownto need more than a cursory “
when the produotlonLs shut down, or when the”llne desorption here. The oil containedIn a one irmh
is pumpingat a low rate. !Ms oan occurwhen the diameterpour point tube is cooledin a oarefully
speaifiedcoolingbath. me tube is examinedby
cautiouslytiltingit at >°C intervals,to find the
Referencesand illustrations
at end of paper. temperatur~at which the oil creases to flow. The
— ——. .

pour point is recv.tiedas 3°c above this 1s continuedwhile the sampleis cooledfrom the
temperature.1P 15 and ASTM D97 Speoifya well-headtemperatureto a temperaturewhich is the
standardpretreatment which involvespreheating mee.ntemperatureof the crude in the flowingpipe-
the oil to 46°c beforecoollng. 97hispretreatment line. The cn?udeis then transferredto the pour
was appropriatewhen the test was appliedsimply point tube,and furthercoolingcontinuesuntil the
to fuel oils besauseit was designedto give the pour point is resched.
pour point of the fuel oil after ageing. However,
for crude oils this is no longerappropriate,and The lowestpour point for a North Sea crude is
heatingto 46°c may give a high or a low value of normallyobtainedby coolingslowlyand without
the pour point. we usuallymeasurepour point in shear frcm a high temperature, around80”c. This
two ways, one using a simulatedproduction pour point can be as much as 50°~ lower than the
pretreatmentwhich correspondsas’closelyas pour point obtainedin the maximumpour point test.
possibl>with the thermaland mechanicaltreatment This range illustrateshcw meaninglessit is to
which the crudeoil will receivein production, quotea singlepour point for a North Sea crude,
8nd the otherusing a procedurewhich is designed unlessthis is specifiedas the maximumpour point.
to g~ve the maximumpour point. Typicalresultsfor a maximumpour point test are
shown in Figure1.
In the maximumpour point test, the crudeoil
is firstheatedin a scale<bomb to a temperature The principlesfor calculatingthe coolingof
in the range80” - 90’C,wlich is sufficiently oil In flowingpipeltneshave alreadybeen
,,.. high to dissolveall wax, asphaltenesand resins. described(l). For trenchedsubmarinepipelines
The oil Is then shock-chilled to a low temperature, the wet conductivityof the sea bottommaterial
around -200C. This causesthe precipitation of a must be used, and allowancemust be made for any
largenumber of tiny wax crystals,each wtth its concretecoatingon the pipeline. Where the line
associatedresins,if they are present. The oil is exposed,naturalconvectionin the sea water
is then split into severalparts,antieach part must be allowedfor, in additionto forced
is reheatedfor ~ minutesat a certain“reheat” convectiondue to tidal currents. The internal
temperature,followedby a determination of the heat transferfrom the oil to the pipewallcan
pour point. In a typicaltest, reheattemperatures normallybe regardedas infinitewhen the oil is
of ~“, 40°, 50° and 600C might be used for the in turbulentflow,but it shouldbe taken Into
differentparts,in order to determinethe reheat accountif the oil is in streamlineflow as it may
temperaturewhich gives the maximumpour point. be in a slow startup.
The maximumpour point Is obtainedwhen the reheat
temperatureis high enoughto dissolvethe wax, In the shutdownconditionof a submarine
but not high enoughto dissolveor disassociate pipeline,the coolingrate of the oil Is very rapid.
the resin sheathsaroundthe wax crystals. Thus, Even with 2 inchesof insulationwrapping,a
on cooling,the wax repreclpitates, but the resin 20 inch line can lose half of its excessabove sea
moleculesare too tied up to reassociatewith the temperaturein 2* days. ‘l?his contrastswith a land
newly-precipitated wax, which gives a high pour pipeline,where the loss is much lowerdue to the
point. Reheatingto a higher temperaturefrees %arm ball” of soil aroundthe line in equili%ium
the resinsso that they are once mere able to operation. Even when the submarineline is
performas pour pointdepressants. trenched,the warm ball is small becauseof the
high conductivityof water-saturated material.
Althoughthe procedureused in the maximum
pour point ‘testmay seem ratherremotefrom what Becauseof the rapid coolingrate, startup
is likelyto happen in the productionof a North predictimm for North Sea pipelinesare basedon
Sea crude,the maximumpour point may be achieved the gelledoil temperaturebeing that of the sea
in other ways which are operationallypossible. bottom. The”calculationof equiltbri.umcooling
Any processwhich createsa number of smallwax duringpumpingis howeverrequiredin order to
crystalsand which preventsthe naturalpour point assessan appropriatepretreatmentfor application
depressantsfrom collecting.roundthem will result to laboratorysamplessimulatingfull scale
in a high pour point condition. Turbiilent productionconditions.
shearingover an appropriatetemperatu~erange
while coolingis one suoh processand this may MEASUREMENTOF FLON BEHAVIOLI&
well occur at productionflow rates in a North
Sea pLpeline. Anotherway in which the high pour The flow behaviourof waxy crude oils has been
point conditioncan be attainedis by mixingof studied:..full scale pipelines,,h pilot plant
hot and cold stream when crude from a remote scalelines,in laboratoryscalemodel pipelines
platformjoinsthe main stream. Here the and in 100 mi samplesusing laboratoryviscometel?s
mechanismis closerto that of the maximumpour of the concentriccylindertype. It is normally
point test. essentialin this work to baee all the predictions
of full scalebehaviouron laboratcy samples. At
It Is possibleto test for the effectof the time that the full scale line is being designed
shearingon the measuredpour pointdireotly. for an offshoreproJectand the proJecteccnomics
‘Ibisis done by pretreatingen appropriatevolume are betng evaluated,one may be fortunateto have
of the crude in an AutomaticShearingDevice,in as much as a 25 litresample.

which the orude Is forcedthroughholes in a
seriesof discs at such a rate as to elmulatethe
shearingIn the full scale line. This shearing
Above a certaintemperaturewhere the wax is curvesuoh as Al Ln Figure3, while oil which has
fully dissolved,the oil has a flow behaviourlike been shearedat a higherehear rate would have a
many other simplefluids. This temperature, which lowertrue oonslstencyourvesuch as D\. However
is usuallya few degreesabove the gelling If the oil which is in the conditionrepresentedby
temperature,is lmownas the non-Newtonian A\ is now shearedcontinuously at the high shear
temperaturelimit. Above this temperature,the rate, its true consistencywill graduallybreak
oil has a coefficient.
of visoositywhlchdecreases down to approaohthe curveD~. A homely example
with increasein the temperatureand which is of this type of ~ehaviouris tomatoketchup,whose
Independentof the rate of shear beingappliedin conaistenuybreaksdown rapidlyon shakingthe
the vlscometer. This behaviouris described&s bottle. The significanceof the equilibriumcurve
“Newtonian”. ‘ ABCD Is that It representsthe plot of shear stress
versusshear rate when the shearrate is very
cIt shouldbe recalledthat the coefficientof graduallyincreasedfrom a low value. It is not a
viscosityis definedas:- true conslsten~cycurvebut a locusof the broken
down consistencywhichwould be obtainedduringa
Shear Stress 81OW flOw buildUp. The methodshownhere for
Shear Rate obtainingthis equilibriumourve is a short aut
whloh has the advantagethat equilibriumcurvesat
For laminarflow of a Newtonianfluidin a tube:- severaltemperaturescan be obtainedfrom the set
of viscometercurvesin Figure2, This short cut
can be appliedif the ooolingrate used in
‘hear stressatthe @pewall “e obtainingthe viscometerdata is low (es 9°C/hour)
and if the oool.tngrangewit;linthe non-Newtonian
P - is the pressuredifferenceacrossthe ends of regionis not too htgh, say n~t more than 10°C.
the tube Otherwisethe equilibriumcurye must be obtained
by loadlngthe vjscometerwith oil which has
D- 1s the tube diameter receivedthe appropriatepipelinetreatment,
coolingit staticallyto the t?st temperature,and
L- is the tube length then startingup and recordingthe equilibrium
readingat a successionof increasingshear rates.
Shear rate at the pipe wall =—32Q
Any pipeline,includinga submarinepipeline,
Q- is the volume flow rate has a limitto the shearstresswhich it can apply
A plot of shearstressagainstshear rate and if the availableshearstressis less than the
using linearscaleswould appearas a straight oil’s yield stressthere is, in principle,no way
line throughthe orlgi%.ofslope equal to the in which the oil can be moved.
coefficientof viscosityfor a Newtonianfluid~
The yield stressof North Sea crudeunder
For variousprac’bicalreasonsa concentric shutdownpipelineconditionscan be studiedin the
cylindervisaometeris used for most shear stress laboratoryusing model pipelines. A 15 m x 6 mm
end shear rate measurementson crude oils below bore stainlesssteel pipe is a fairlylargepiece
the non-Newtoniantemperaturelimit in order to of apparatusto Immersein a temperaturecontrolled
obtainviscositymeasurementsat selectedrates bath and has the disadvantageof using a sampleof
of shear. Figure2 shows a typicalset of about half a litre“foreach test. Nonethelessthis
viscositydata obtainedon slowlycoolinga waxy is a very suitableinstrumentfor measuringpipe-
crudeoil from above Its non-Newtoniantemperature line yield streasee. Additionalapparatusis
limitat variousratesof shear. needed to shear tb,?oil sampleto simulatethe
kind of turbulentshear experiencedby oil being
It can be seen that the viscosityIncreases pumped in a fullscalepipeline; the oil thus
rapidlyas the temperaturedecreasesespecially treateddwn to its “intermediate &hearing
at the low shear rates belowthe non-Newtonian temperablre”is then chargedinto the test model
temperaturelimit, For any particulartemperature, pipelinewhere coolingis continuedstatically
say lb”c in Figure2, a plot of shear stress down to the test temperature.A periodof at
againstshear rate for the pointsA, B, C, D least10 hours soak:ngat the test temperatureis
gives an “equilibrium consistencycurve”as shown then requ?redand the yield stressof the gelled
ir Figure3 (peckedline). oil is then testedby applyingpressureat one end
of the pipe startingat a law pressureand
The firstpoint to note about this plot is inoreaslngin stepsup to tin. po!ntwhere flow Is
that It is not a straightline throughthe origin; detectedfrom the open end of the line.
it has an intercepton the shear stressaxis.
!me interceptis knownas a yield stress. The Yieldstressesmeasuredby thesemeans have
secondpoint Is that it is not a true consistency been shownto correlatecloselywith yield
curve. A true consistencyourve is the stressesmeasuredin full scale pipelinesunder
instantaneous relatlonbetweenshearstressand full saaie test conditions. Thereare howevera
shear rate whioh migQt be observedwith an XY numberOf factorswhich all too easilylead to
plotteron changingthe shear rate rapidly. Oil errcneousreeults(usuallythe yield stressis
which has only been shearedat a low rate at the overestimated)which are worthyof some discussion
‘testtemperaturemighthave a true consistency now.
TREATMENTOF OIL SAMPLES concentricaylindervlscometerfor the various
thermaland shearhistorieswhich we expeotour
The conditionof the sampleis all important gelledoil to have had beforestartup in the
and laok of experiencein drawing,storingand pipeline.
reconditioning of the sampl(:
is a major sourceof
potentialerror. It goes wLthoutsayingthat Let us then go on to d.scussthe startup
contamination of the samplemust be avoided,but bdwiwr On the fVll scale. In orderto do this,
this is not alwayseasy. we have had barrel referenaeis made to a full scale pipelinetrial
samplesfrom individualwildcatwells which which is one of a seriescarriedout by the authors’
oontainedrathermore of what the drillerhad put companyusing a 93 km pipelineof 300 mm diameter.
down thehole than what was down therealready. The pipelineis buriedand, a~the tire,? of the
In most casesdevelopmentdrillingproduces trial,the groundtemperatures were between13° and
sampleswhich genuinelydifferin qualityacross 14”c; the oil used had an 1P 15 pour point of 16*c
the pay zone especiallyin termsof wax, resinand and a non-Newtoni~ temperaturelimit01’23”C, in
asphaltenecontentsand gas/OilratiO,all of fact the oil characterised .tnFigures2 end 3.
which greatlyinfluenoethe low temperatureflow This test crudewas in fact a 70/30 by volumeblend
kehaviourof a waxy crude. We have also shown of a waxy North Africancrudewith a diluentMiddle
from full scale trialsthat the severe shear Easterncrude; the blendhf.da wax contentof d
experiencedby ‘thesampleon beingdrawn through nearly20 per cent by weigW;. The stock tank
a valve from a high pressure‘,lne has an adverse temperatureof the crude bl{ndwas aboutko”c. me
effecton the low temperatureflow properties oL1 enteredthe pipelineat that temperature.On
which is not normallyshown in the full scale shutdownthe temperatureprcfilealong the line was
pipelineitself. as shown In Figure4, which &lso shows the final
temperatureof the oil at the end of a two week
At a-low temperaturein the non-Newtonian shutdownperiodwith groundtemperatures also as
regiontkfe>oll’s flow behaviouris largely shown. It shouldbe noted that the pressureheld
determinedby the stractureand the quantityof in the line on shutdowngraduallyfallsdue to the
wax which has come out of solution. The size coolingof the oil until vo’idspacesbegin to form
and shapeof the wax orystalsand the forcesof at the mountainpeaks in the pipelineprofile. The
attractionbetweenseparatecrystalsare very residualpressureprofile,after the two weeks’
dependenton:- shutdownis shown in the Figure5 (peckedline).
The pressuresare correctedfor hydrostatic
1. Solventpower of the liquidphase pressuredifferencesdue to changesin elevationof
(includinglightends) the pipelineand it will be noted that our pipeline,
unlikea subseapipeline,has its two ends at the
2. Previousrate of cooling lowestpoints -in this case very nearlyOrdnance
Datum. The two ends of a sub-seapipeline
3. Temperature are normallyat high pointsin the pipellneprofile
very much llke the.50km secticnof our own
4. Shearhistory pipellnefrom 6 to 56 km. It ntaybe.noticelalso
that the shut in pressureprof~leis not abeolut.ely
5. Crystalform modifiersincludingnatura% flat and this ic became the oil, on ooolim. has
asphaltenes,resinsand artificialflow acquireda yield stressand is aile to”supp~ita
improveradditives. pressuregradientacti.gagainstthe normal
In associationwith full scale pipeline
trials,the opportunityhas arisento samplefrom In order to startup the pipeline,#e
a pipelineat temperatt-,reswell above the non- pressureat the inletend was rapidlysteppedup to
Newtoniantemperaturelimitand to test the the flallPump pressure. The wasfIn whloh this
samplesimmediatelyIn a fieldlaboratory. pressurestep propagatesalong ihe pipelineIs also
Having establisheda volumeof data on fresh shown In F@ure 5. In the trial desoribed,it was
eamplesand having latercheckedfor agreement almostan hour beforethe pr?ssurebegan to rise
with‘thefull saale behaviour,we have then been at the outletend of the pipeline- note. for test
able to buildup a fair body of knowledgeon how purposes the outlet valve r.ema~ed Shut. A
to reconditionaged sampleswhen testingback at furtherfourhours later,a pressuregradientstill
the home laboratory. In normalcircumstances the remainedin the pipelineshowingthat the gelled
bulk of the work must be done back at the home oil had a r$eidualyield stresseven afteryieldin&
laboratoryand in this ease we are forcedto allow From the i%ssuregradientsIt is possibleto
samplesto cool. Loss of lightends must be calcula$f the pipewallshear stresses~PD/4L,being
preventedand precipitatedwax, resinsand applie~.:duringthe startup and the flow rate,
asphaltenesmust be put back into solutionby althoughextremelylow, oan be convertedInto the
reheatingto high temperaturein a pressure rate Gf shear oonslstenc!y
vesselbeforecoolingto the requiredtest givingthe consistencyourvesshown in Figure6.
temperatureunder correotcond.tttons of shearand
coolingrate”. This yieldingprctcesscaueeasome breakdown
of the gel struoture,but only to a limitedextent.
YIELDINGTHE FULL SCAM PIPEL~& By the time the pressurestep hae reaohedthe
outletof the pipelineall the oil in the pipeline
Let us thereforeassumethat we pre able to is still exhibitingvery ~teep oonsistenoycwves
obtainmeasurementsof yield stressfrom a model typioalof thosemeasuredin the laboratory
pipelineand coneistenoyourvesusing a Immediatelyfollowinga long soak at the test
temperature,For the test blend the yield stress Surprisingly, ignoringthe breakdowneffect
measuredIn the laboratorymodel pipelineafter and assumingthat the oil’s aonslstencyourve is
coolingthe oil staktcallyto the test temperature the final brokendown equilibriumcurveehown
(the stat.loyield strees)was 5.6N/m2; the model (peeked)in Figure3, the calculationof the
pipelineyield stressmeasurementsperformedon progressof line olearingdoes not greatlyover
the same oil at the same temperatureshearedon estimatethe aotualfull scale line olearlngtime.
coollngto 20”c and subsequentlycooledstatically ‘IWs is shown in Figure9, where It will be noted
to the test temperatureof 14°C gave 1 N/m*. Over that most of the error oocursin the early stages
a seriesof full scale trials,etartup has alwaye of the lineclearingand, once about20 per oent
been possibleusing a shear stresebelow the of the line has been cleared,the calculateddata
staticyield stressand In most caees the static oloselyfollowsthe’fUllscale data. Not much more
yield stressand the yield stressafter shearing sophistication is requiredto build In to this
have not been as far apart as in the examplegiven theoreticalmodel the breakdowndata obtainedfrom
above, It is possiblethereforeto predictwith laboratorymeasurements.
some confidencethe pipellnepressurenecessary
to yield a gelledslug of oil. Curing.theactualyieldingproaessthe
progressof the pressurewave can also be
calculated,using “brokendown” consistencydata
insteadof the initialsteep consistencycurves.
‘YieldlngIs not the %nd of the start up ‘Thissignificantly underestimatesthe time required
problem; a gell(?d line must not only be yielded for the pressureto travelalong the whole length
but then cleared, In the olrcumstancos of full of the pipelineas shown in Figure10. Again,
scale startup the outletvalve to the pipellne Calculationmethodscan be improvedby using
wouldnormallybe open and the whole lengthof breakdowndata, but a secondlook at the time
the gelledslug would begin to move once the stialeswill perhapsshow that this extra
pressuregradienthas been set up along the whole sophistication is not reallynecessary, Yielding
lengthc!fthe plpellne- in this ease about took about one hour whereasline clearingtook
one hour after applyingthe full pump pressure threedays. This kind of experiencehss led the
at the Inlet. Lookingat the line clearingphase authorsto plaaemore emphasison the measurement
of the full scale trial referredto above~we see of equilibriumconsistencycurvesand not simply
a pictureas shown in Figure7. The flow rate is to rely on yieldstressmeasurements.From the
very slow at the beginningand increasein the Fipelineoperator’spoint of view it Ie perhaps
flow 1s dependenton:- academicto lmow that the availableshear stress
will producedetectablemovementof gelledoil in
1. The shear stressappliedacroesthe his pipeline; he reallyneeds to know whetherthe
gelledslug, pipelinecan be restartedand ac”lieve normal
throughputswithina practicaltime saale.
2. The.degreeof breakdownof the gel~s
structure,ie the consist.enoy
curve of It is perhapssoberingto be remindedthat the
the oil. startup trialwhiahhae been referredto involved
startingup the oil at a temperatureof merely2°C
The fasterthe fiow becomes,the fasterthe gel below the oil’s1P 15 pour point. StIll more

breaksdown,and the smallerthe proportionof the soberingwas an earl~.-$rial in the same ptpeline,
total line still ocaupiedby the gelledoil, the using an 80/20 blend by volume insteadof the
higherthe pipe wall shearstresswhich can be 70/30 blenddescrtbedabove,whichnot only proved
appliedto the gel. The flow rate therefore impossibleto yieldafter a two week shutdownat
graduallyacceleratesup to the normaldesigned the same temperature,but also provedimpossible
throughputwhen all the gelledoil has been to keep flowingwhen the line was being filled.
displacedfrom the line. On line fillingthe flow rate was initiallyhigh
and proceedednormally,but subsequentlythe flow
The full scale consistencydata from this rate was experimentally reduced; the temperature
line clearingphaseare shown in Figure8. Notice drop of the oil and consequentIncreasing
that there Is a djfferen%curve for different. consistencywere so great at the low flow rate
sectionsof the gelledslug of oil~ the oil at that regainingthe fUll flow rate of the pipeline
the inletend of the pipeline,which had was impossible- the oil continuedto cool and
expe~.tentedle s shear on coolingthan the oil the flow rate continuedto drop until the pipeline
at the outlettnd of thepipe,showeda much shut Itselfdown. The authorshastento add that
slowerbreakdo~ in consistency. this particularfull scalepipelinehad a pipeline
adjacentto It with cross over aonneotions
RELATION N LABORATORYAND FULL SCALE DATA enablingthe till pump pressureto be appliedat
severalpointsalong the line; withoutsuch
The laboratorymeasuredconsistencydata safeguardswe wouldnever have dared to approach
was given earlierin FQUreS 2 and 3. These show the test conditionsexperienced.
generallygood agreementwi~ch‘theconsistency
data measuredin the full soale onoe breakdown CONCLUDINGREMARKS
had ocourredand this providesa basts for
predictingthe time it would take for clearing Proceduresfor predictingoil gelation,
the gelledline. ooolingratesand pipelinestartup ha$e now been
testedMWgh by fullscale applioattonto give
aonfidenaein their use.

Care is requiredin takingthe samplefrom a w~ RENcE
test well for the laboratorytestingand in its
treatmentif the oorrectsimulationof full soale 1. Davenport,T.c.~ and Conti,V.J.: “Heat
productionbehaviouris to be obtained, TransferProblemsEncounteredin the Handling
of Waxy Crude Oils in Large Pipelines”,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Journal.of the Instituteof Petroleum,v. 57,
no. 355,May 1971, PP. 147-164.
Permissionto publishthis paperhas been
given by the BritishPetroleumCompanyLimited.

-5 &



/ I
x x


1 1 , 1
20 30 60 50

16 10 1? w 19 20 al 22 22 z~o01
Ffg, 1- l!eximu! pour potnt test data. lEMPERAWRE (’C I

Ffg. 2-Viscosity
varsus temperawre at various shear rates.




----- —----
& 3

10 20 30 ho so 60 70 80 w Iwo

FIG,4 - Temperature prcfi ~es during the shutdown.

10 20 30 40 600

Ffg. 3- instantaneous and eouf I ibrium consistency curves,





7 -;

/ ~- 6s

- 4W %

-’ 3



5- Prsssure profflas durtng 1 1

Fig. the line packtng. 0 !0 20 so &#’

Fig, 6- Flow da?a for f frst egction during I ine packtng.

1. INLEI ANO km 20
2. km 20 ANO km 40
S. km 40 ANO km ao
4. t,meo ANO kmSO
a. km! SO ANO km W

-# ,“’ \__
10 20 30 60 w 60 70 so ~

Fig. 7- Pressure profiles during the 1f ne clearing. L I

o 10 20 so 48

Fig. 8- Flow data f~ Ifna clearfng.

-%—— ;0 eo So

Ffg. 9- L6served and calculated 1tne clearfng data.


Ff~. 10- Frocass of pressure fronton yfeldtng.

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