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Look at Bayan!

18 April 2018. Written by T Liz.

Asalamo Alaikom and Kia Ora Bayan. I have noticed that over the last few weeks you have
become more confident in the Nursery, and you are comfortable with Teacher Farah. Today you
watched me take some photos of Zahra. You told me ‘Zahra’ when I showed you both the photos
I had taken of Zahra. I explained that one of the photos was going to go on the wall, and I was
taking photos of all the children.
When I had finished taking photos of Zahra, I explained ‘’’Bayan, it’s your turn now’’. At first you
were quite shy but then Zahra and I started smiling and making funny faces, which made you
smile a little. Teacher Farah came and stood beside us and called your name. You grinned when
she started talking to you and started playing ‘peek a boo’ with you. You responded by leaning one
way, then the other, to try and see her which made us all laugh.

What learning happened?

Bayan’s learning pathway this term is deepening her Sense of Belonging as she copes with the
change of a new Nursery teacher. She is now secure with Teacher Farah. Bayan’s trusting
relationship with her sister Zahra supports her to participate in new experiences. She is
empowered as teaches know and understand ways to encourage Bayan to join in an activity, such
as having her photo taken today. It is lovely to see Bayan start to become more playful as she
feels comfortable at preschool. Kei te kaha koe (you are capable) Bayan!

How can we extend this learning?

Our teachers will support Bayan’s increasing confidence by having Zahra visit the Nursery

when Bayan needs her. We will also encourage her to participate in new activities by having a

teacher close by to support her.

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