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TIN: I hereby officially open the

Atty. Santos: The corporation needs to open a bank account. we are here to discuss and decide on the
following concerns, 1 as to where and when to open the account and 2 as to how the corporate banking
transactions shall be handled. We need to open the account as soon as possible granting that we are a
newly established organization. Any ideas?

Sharm: Ive been with BPI for as long as I can remember since it is the first bank I opened an acct with. I
never had any problems with them. I suggest we go we BPI.

Gav: I agree with Sharm that they have excellent service for I too have an account with them. However
if I may, I suggest something much closer for convenience as the nearest BPI branch in our location is a
bus drive away.

Atty Santos: To my knowledge we have at least 3 different banks in the Area.

GAV: so do I madam. The nearest one is BDO. I therefore suggest said bank as the option.

Atty. Santos: I think ill have to agree with you. Any objections on the table?

GAV: I have an account with BDO and im satisfied with their service that I must say, truly, they find ways.
So yeah, I move for BDO as the choice.

EVOLICE: I second the motion.

Atty Santos: in that case then, it is settled, we will open an account with BDO, Julia Vargas branch as it is
the closest one to this office location wise. Next concern is when?

GAV: today is feb 21 2019, Thursday, can we possibly open it tomorrow?

Atty. Santos: anyone available?

Gav: I take it that the long pause means no one is available for tomorrow eh?

MICHAEL: I think it is best to open the account Tuesday next week since Monday feb 25 is a non working
holiday. Is anyone available for it?

MICHAEL: apparently no one is available since no one answered.

GAV: we cant seem to arrive on a particular date. How about we agree first on who would be assigned
for such task and let them decide as to when to open the account according to their availability? But I
just wanna emphasize that it must be done ASAP.

Santos: again, I think that is a good idea Gav. The floor is now open for nominations.

TIN: I volunteer. I can do it next week but definitely not on a Tuesday.

Santos: noted Tin. By the way, should we just be deciding on who will open the account or should we
decide on who shall be in charge with transacting with the bank in general in behalf of the corp?

TIN: I volunteer for that task too if no one objects.

Atty. Santos. Ok Tin. I think we need one more rep for that post to be more efficient.

Sharm: I might as well volunteer.

Gav: if without objection, I move the nomination be closed and that Tin and Sharm be assigned to that
function by Board Resolution.

MICHAEL: I second the motion.

Santos. It is settled then, TIN and Sharm shall be the corp rep in bank transactions with BDO which
authority shall be made effective by a board reslolution to be issued this day. Michael, as the Cor – sec,
pls execute the certificate to that effect for the bank to be notified.

MICHAEL. Alright madam.

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