Chapter 25

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Complex sentence——noun sentence

Noun sentence
 Subject clauses
 Object clauses
 Predicative clauses
 Appositive clauses

Subject clauses
It was obvious that he could see nothing. (p260)
What sweet madness has seized me? (p262)

Object clauses
I can do what I like. (p262)
I had assumed that he would still want me to be his wife, and wondered why he did not ask me.
I was very relieved to discover that was all he was worrying about, because I knew that his
blindness made no difference at all to my love for him.(p264)
Until now I thought that you would never love another man! (p266)
Lately I’ve begun to understand that god has been punishing me for my pride and my past
wickedness. (p266)
I know what it is like to love and be loved. (p268)

Predicative clauses
This is what is really strange. (p268)

Appositive clauses

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