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Proyecto 2


Inglés IV

Nombre de profesor:

Dania Longinos Castillo

Integrantes del equipo:

De Los Santos Arenas Jazziel

Eugenio García Randall Jesús
Gámez Martínez Mauricio
Martínez Estévez Rafael
What is iatrogenic?

Iatrogenesis, also referred to as iatrogenia, is a disturbance -especially negative-

that occurs in a person's state from the intervention of a doctor. The concept,
therefore, is used to name a health damage that was caused by the action of a
medical professional.

When, due to lack of skill or negligence, a doctor or a nurse causes harm to a

patient, iatrogenesis occurs. Anyway, iatrogenesis can also appear even when the
procedure is developed in the right way but, anyway, it causes an adverse or
undesired effect.
Medicine coexists with iatrogenia since its inception. In antiquity, the health
sciences were governed by the principle of primum non nocere, an expression of
Latin that is usually translated as "the first thing is not to hurt". However, for
multiple reasons, the medical act can result in injury to the patient.
An error in the medication that harms the person, an unnecessary surgical
intervention or an intrahospital infection acquired by the patient are examples of
iatrogenic cases. The fortuitous facts and the intentional facts, on the other hand,
turn out to be different.
It derives from the word iatrogenesis that has literal meaning 'caused by the doctor
or healer' (iatro means 'doctor' in Greek, and genesis: 'create').
Iatrogenesis still has a high incidence in the 21st century although it was intended
that with the development of scientific medicine (also called biomedicine), it could be
expected that the cases of iatrogenic diseases or deaths would be reduced
considerably or disappear being easily avoidable. It was said that with the discovery
of antiseptics, anesthesia, antibiotics and new surgical techniques, iatrogenic
mortality would greatly decrease. However, by way of example, iatrogenia is the third
cause of death in the United States according to recent studies.
Medical errors can be of many types:
They include:
1. Mistakes in blood transfusions
2. Adverse drug events
3. Surgery in the wrong place
4. Surgical injuries (even forgetting material inside the patient)
5. Preventable suicides (psychiatry)
6. Nosocomial infections
7. Intra-institutional burns
8. Pressure sores (bed sores or sores due to being immobilized for several
9. Confusion of identity, clinical history or patient.

Adverse events: Usually caused by medications. They are undesirable side effects,
which may involve a study, a curative therapy, or a drug.
For example: to reduce a malignant cancer tumor, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
It is the total or partial lack of technical
knowledge, experience or skill in the
practice of medicine.
That is to say, it is the lack of minimum
or basic knowledge necessary for the
correct performance of the medical
Lack of expertise or experience
Ineptitude, inability, awkwardness,
incompetence. Inexperience. It is
assumed that a doctor who understands that he can not do so, should refer the
patient to another doctor who can provide the care that the patient needs.
This is a standard that also applies to dentists and other health professionals. If the
doctor does not act in accordance with what has been expressed, he may incur
liability for professional malpractice, known in English as "medical malpractice".

It is an act with lightness, without the proper precautions; That is to say, it is the lack
of temperance or moderation.

Or, the behavior contrary to good sense advises, undertake unusual acts out of the
ordinary, do more than what is necessary; is or implies dangerous behavior.

It is the active violation of the rules of care or caution that prudence establishes,
acting without cord, moderation, discernment, good sense or good judgment.

In the strict sense it is identified with the practical knowledge and therefore suitable
and apt for the realization of the medical act (experience, understanding of the case
and clarity).
Negligence: Conscious or ignorant omission, guilty, derived from an improper
Medical negligence: Medical malpractice is an act or omission on the part of a
health care provider that deviates from accepted standards in the medical
community and causes some injury to the patient.

In short, medical malpractice is the physical damage caused to a patient by the care
of negligent doctors.

It is ethically reprehensible, regardless of whether or not it causes harm to the


It is the carelessness, omission or lack of application or diligence, in the execution

of a medical act. That is to say, it is the lack of attention during the medical exercise.

You can configure a defect or an omission or do less, stop doing or do what you do
not owe.

It is not to keep the necessary precaution or to be indifferent to the act that is


Negligence is synonymous with carelessness and omission.

It is the passive form of imprudence and includes the forgetting of the precautions
imposed by prudence, whose observation would have prevented the damage.

Neglect or failure, lack of effort. Disinterest, laziness, apathy, carelessness, neglect,

apathy, indolence.

Medical responsibility: Originates the duty to attend and the other positive
duties of the doctor, as well as the duty to repair iatrogenic injuries.

This last duty, if it is possible to carry it out, is bound by the courts when they are
due to negligence.

It is the obligation of doctors to give an account to society for acts performed in

professional practice, whose nature and results are contrary to their duties, for failure
to comply with the means and / or appropriate care in the patient's care, acquiring
legal relevance.

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