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| Technical analysis |

What is Technical Analysis?

It's the study of market action primarily through the use of charts

S WE DISCUSSED in week five of However, Rom The pure
this series, there are two broad schools says that the two technical
of investment analysis: fundamental approaches do not analyst
and technical analysis. We have explored fun- invalidate each attempts to
damental analysis – finding the intrinsic value other and in fact bypass the
of a share through detailed investigation of are complemen- uncertainty of
the economy, industry and company itself – in tary. fundamental
some detail in the past few weeks. Now we will The beauty of
Yonatan Rom
examine technical analysis: understand what it technical analysis
is, provide a few pointers on how to get started is that it uses only
and where to find more information. publicly available
Yonatan Rom, CEO of The Winning Edge share price infor-
and a technical analysis expert, describes tech- mation to iden-
nical analysis as: “The study of market action tify trends in share basic and R650 for the advanced.) There’s
primarily through the use of charts for the pur- prices and markets. These trends are then used also a free interactive basic technical analysis
pose of forecasting future price trends.” to make investment decisions. As a result, course available online for Online Share Trad-
Rom says that technical analysis differs technical analysis can be far more clinical than ing clients.
from fundamental analysis in two key ways. fundamental analysis and technical traders are Thirdly, there’s a charting tool available on
Firstly, technical analysts study market less likely to become too emotionally involved the website that uses ten years’ data.
action (that is price) whereas fundamental with their portfolio and so are more willing to For those who want to combine technical
analysts look at the factors affecting supply cut their losses rather than hanging on in the and fundamental analysis, Online Share Trad-
and demand. Secondly, technical analysts look hope that the fundamentals will, ultimately, ing has just introduced a new and exciting
at the effects of market movements whereas reassert themselves. investment tool called ShareMagic. ShareMag-
fundamental analysts look at the cause of mar- There are a number of books available on ic is a technical (charting) and fundamental
ket movements. “The pure technical analyst technical analysis for novices interested in pur- analysis package from ProfileData, the same
attempts to bypass the uncertainty of funda- suing this further. In addition, the process can company from which Online Share Trading
mental analysis and takes out the ambiguities be simplified – and its accuracy increased – by sources company profiles and research tools
of what factors are driving supply and demand. using technical analysis software. Standard’s for its website. Online Share Trading from the
It just looks at price action as simply as Online Share Trading customers can download Standard has negotiated a 50% discount for its
possible.” daily technical analysis data at discounted clients who will pay just R2 995,00 (including
The result, as Richard Seddon – head of prices through the website www.securities. VAT) for the software package. This is subject
Online Share Trading at the Standard – points at R90 a month. to a 12-month download subscription. Online
out, is that technical analysis is useful in timing Online Share Trading also offers its cli- Share Trading clients also qualify for a dis-
the market when used with other confirming ents face-to-face basic and advanced courses count on the monthly download service fee and
data. on technical analysis for a low fee (R350 for pay just R134 a month (including VAT). ¤

The three key concepts of Technical Analysis

FOR TECHNICAL ANALYSTS, it’s irrel- market discounts everything”. Fundamental and market psychology, are all priced into the
evant whether a stock is expensive or cheap purists criticise technical analysis on the stock, removing the need to actually consider
relative to its fundamentals. The only thing grounds that it looks only at price movements these factors separately. This only leaves the
that matters, according to, and completely ignores the fundamental driv- analysis of price movement, which technical
is “a security’s past trading data and what ers of profitability. However, as Investopedia. theory views as a product of the supply and
information this data can provide about where com notes: “Technical analysis assumes that, demand for a particular stock in the market.”
the security might move in future”. Technical at any given time, a stock’s price reflects eve- Secondly, technical analysis is based on
analysis is based on three key assumptions: rything that has or could affect the company the premise that prices move in trends. In a
the market discounts everything, share prices – including fundamental factors. Technical nutshell this means that once a trend in the
move in trends and that history repeats itself. analysts believe that the company’s funda- direction of a share price has been estab-
The first key assumption is that “the mentals, along with broader economic factors lished, the next move in share prices is more


likely to be in the same direction as that trend The last key assumption upon which the ket stimuli over time. Technical analysis uses
rather than in a different direction. In other discipline of technical analysis is built is chart patterns to analyse market movements
words, if a share price is firmly established that history tends to repeat itself, especially and understand trends.
in a bull (or upward trend), the share price in share price movement. Although many of these charts have been
is more likely to continue increasing rather says: “The repetitive nature of price move- used for more than 100 years, they are still
than decrease in the next trading period. Most ments is attributed to market psychology. believed to be relevant because they illustrate
technical trading strategies are based on this In other words, market participants tend to patterns in price movements that often repeat
assumption. provide a consistent reaction to similar mar- themselves.” ¤

First Steps in Technical Analysis: Charts

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS is the study of to seconds. The most frequently used time rithmic chart shows you the percentage move
market action (in prices), mainly using charts. scales are intraday, daily, weekly, monthly, in a share price, which is what investors are
In this article, we’ll discuss what charts are quarterly and annually. The shorter the time interested in.
and the different types of charts used by tech- frame, the more detailed the chart. Each data These two concepts are illustrated in
nical analysts. point can represent the closing price of the graph 2.
In simple terms, charts are the basic period or show the open, the high, the low From this basic discussion, let’s look at
building blocks of technical analysis. They and the close depending on the chart used. the four most common types of technical
can provide buy or sell signals to those who The second key thing to note is the price analysis charts and what they’re used for. The
know what they are looking for. scale on the right hand side of the chart. The chart types are: the line chart, the bar chart,
Technical analysis charts look exactly price scale moves from low prices to high the candlestick chart and the point and figure
the same as any other business-related chart. prices, but the catch is that it can be con- chart. says: “A chart is simply a structed using either a linear (or arithmetic) says: “The most basic
graphical representation of a series of prices or logarithmic scale. of the four charts is the line chart (graph
over a set time frame. For example, a chart notes: “If a price scale 3) because it represents only the closing
may show a stock’s price movement over is constructed using a linear scale, the space prices over a set period. The line is formed
a one-year period, where each point on the between each price point (10, 20, 30, 40) by connecting the closing prices over the
graph represents the closing price for each is separated by an equal amount. A price time frame. Line charts do not provide visual
day the stock is traded.” (See graph 1.) The move from 10 to 20 on a linear scale is the information of the trading range for the indi-
time scale runs at the bottom (or x-) axis, same distance on the chart as a move from vidual points such as the high, low and open-
while the share price is shown on the vertical 40 to 50. In other words, the price scale ing prices. However, the closing price is often
(or y-) axis. Graph 1 shows that this particular measures moves in absolute terms and does considered to be the most important price in
share price was R245 in October 2004 (point not show the effects of percentage change. stock data compared to the high and low for
1) and rose to R265 in June 2005. If a price scale is in logarithmic terms, then the day and this is why it’s the only value used
There are two key things to note when the distance between points will be equal in in line charts.”
you look at a chart: the time scale and the terms of percentage change. A price change The second type of chart is the bar
price scale. from 10 to 20 is a 100% increase in the price chart (graph 4). says it’s an
According to, the time while a move from 40 to 50 is only a 25% improvement “on the line chart as it adds sev-
scale refers to the range of dates at the bottom change, even though they are represented by eral more key pieces of information to each
of the chart, which can vary from decades the same distance on a linear scale.” A loga- data point. The chart is made up of a series of »

> GRAPH 1: Basic Share price chart > GRAPH 2: pricing sCales > GRAPH 3: line chart

275 50 1315
Point #2 45 Linear (Arithmetic) Price Scale
Logarithmic (Log) Price Scale

Point #1 1285

Notice how the scale is 1270

215 15
not evenly spaced. The
Notice how the scale
distance between $10
and $20 is the same as
increases by $5 and is
equally spaced.
the distance beween 1255
195 $20 and $40
5 1245
2004 2005 Aug Nov 05 Apr Aug Nov 05 Apr 2006 Feb Mar Apr May
Source: Source: Source:


2 vertical lines that represent each data point. value over that period. When this is the case, colours to explain what has happened during
« A vertical line represents the high and low the dash on the right (close) is lower than the the trading period.”
for the trading period, along with the closing dash on the left (open).” Candlestick charts use different colours
price. The close and open are represented on Thirdly, technical analysts commonly use depending on whether a share price increased
the vertical line by a horizontal dash. The the candlestick chart (graph 5). Investopedia. or fell in a trading day.
opening price on a bar chart is illustrated by com says, it “is similar to a bar chart, but The last commonly used chart is the point
the dash that’s located on the left side of the it differs in the way that it’s visually con- and figure chart (graph 6). According to
vertical bar. Conversely, the close is repre- structed. Similar to the bar chart, the candle- “This type of chart reflects
sented by the dash on the right. Generally, stick also has a thin vertical line showing the price movements and is not as concerned
if the left dash (open) is lower than the right period’s trading range. The difference comes about time and volume in the formulation of
dash (close) then the bar will be shaded black, in the formation of a wide bar on the vertical the points. The point and figure chart removes
representing an up period for the stock, which line, which illustrates the difference between the noise, or insignificant price movements,
means it’s gained value. A bar that’s coloured the open and close. And, like other charts, in the stock, which can distort traders’ views
red signals that the stock has gone down in Candlesticks also rely heavily on the use of of the price trends.” ¤

> GRAPH 4: A BAR CHART > CHART 5: CANDELSTICK CHART > GRAPH 6: point and figure chart

1315 1300

1305 1250
1275 1150
1260 1100
2006 Feb Mar Apr May 2006 Feb Mar Apr May 04 05 06 05
Source: Source: Source:

The Advantages of Technical Analysis

ALTHOUGH TECHNICAL ANALYSIS can to any trading medium or time horizon. Techni- The last key advantage of technical analysis
appear to be incredibly complicated and not cal analysis can be used on any financial secu- over fundamental analysis is that investors can
for the “fundamental investment purist”, it does rity with a trading history, including shares, unit look at any market instead of just focusing on
have some advantages over fundamental invest- trusts, commodities, foreign exchange, fixed a narrow range of investment instruments as
ment analysis. income securities or futures. fundamental analysts do, which can be very
Yonatan Rom, CEO of The Winning Edge, In addition, technical traders can change time-consuming.
says that technical analysis has three key advan- their investment horizon to whatever they want Technical analysis is an important tool in
tages over fundamental analysis. as you get daily, weekly, monthly or intraday the investor’s arsenal and is increasingly used by
The first key advantage of technical analy- charts that can go from minute-to-minute or both professional and personal investors to aid in
sis, according to Rom, is that it can be adapted 30-minute charts. making and timing investment decisions. ¤

EACH WEEK we’ll publish three ques- each week’s questions. 1. What is technical analysis?
tions related to the week’s content. At To take part in the draw just 2. What are the three key concepts of
the end of the 12 weeks Online Share answer the following questions and technical analysis?
Trading will give R10 000 worth of submit your answers either online to 3. What are the building blocks of
Satrix shares in an online account to or by fax to technical analysis? ¤
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COPY: Kirsty Laschinger ADVERTISING: Shaun Besarab


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