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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region No.Vill (Easter Visayas) Division of Leyte Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte January 15, 2019 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. TO “Synchronized Election Calendar for Supreme Student Government/Supreme Pupil Government Organizations 052, §. 2019 Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief, Schools Governance and Operations Division Chief, Curriculum & Implementation Division Education Program Supervisors Public Schoo! District SupervisorsiPrincipals- In-Charge ‘All Public Secondary Schools Junior & Secondary Senior High Schools Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads Youth Formation Coordinators. $S8GISPG Division Federated Officers and Class Advisers ‘All others Concemied (SSGISPG) for SY 2019-2020" 1.) Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 25, s, 2018, dated May 24, 2018 “School Calendar for SY 2018-2019, DepEd Order No. 47, 8. 2014 entitled “Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme Stucient Government and Supreme Pupils Government in Elementary and Secondary Schools and DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2016, ‘Additional Guidelines on the Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme Student Govemment and Supreme Pupils Government in Elementary and Secondary Schools”, the following shall be observed during the elections for ‘he 2019 Supreme Pupil Gavemment (SPG) and Supreme Student Government (SSG) Elections. SPG and SSG Activities / Date (To be facilitated by SPGISSG Comelec) | Fiing of Candidacy EE February 4, 2019 Evaluation of Certificate of Candidacy (COC) vis-a-vis Qualifcations and | Disquaitications February 6, 2019 Announcement of the Oficial List of Candidates February 8, 2019 ‘Campaign Period | Februaryt1-12, 2019 lection Day February 13, 2019 Proclamations of Winners fe He February 18, 2019 Wominaion of SPGSSG Advisers [ March 5 2019 Oath-taking Ceremony (SPG/SSG Advisers) | March 8, 2019 Deadline Submission of Election Repos | March 44, 2049 Division Federated Elections for SSG/SPG Officers & Teacher Advisers Maren 27, 2019 Peeceecee eer eee eee coerce ee eeee cee eee ce ceCe eee eee eH 2) The School Head (SH) upon the proposal of the members of the SPG/SSG Commission on elections (COMELEC) with the recommendation of the SPG/SSG COMELEC Chairperson, may also issue additional guidelines on the SPG or SSG COMELEC Standard Election Code consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the SPG and ‘SSG in Elementary and Secondary Schools to ensure a fair and successful conduct of the elections. 3) After the conduct of the SPG/SSG Elections, the SH or the person whom helshe appointed shall accomplish the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Student Government Elections for the School (CESGE) Form provided in the enclosure. Both the soft and hardcoples of their documents shall be submitted to the Division School Governance and Operations Division, Youth Formation Unit exactly two (2) weeks after the school's proclamation of winners on or before March 41, 2019 for the SPG/SSG Officers and Teacher-Advisers. 4.) The Consolidated Election Report for the SPG and SSG accomplished by the Division YFD Coordinators out ofthe collated schools’ CESGE Forms in soft copies or hard copies wil then be forwarded to the Regional office through ‘the Education Support Services Division (ESSD) on or before March 29, 2019, Piease login to your DepEd email ‘account before aocessing the form and connect to tis following lnk to bit. ly/leyteCESGE. 5.) The newly-elected SPG/SSG officers upon their oath taking ceremony shall undergo a parallel school- based training on basic skits on leadership, roles and functions, and responsibilities of each officer. The SPGISSG. ‘Adviser shall supervise the implementation ofthe said training. The newly elected SPG/SSG officers shall come up with a General Plan of action (POA) for their enti term. The project management and planning of GPOA must be facilitated by the SPG/SSG Adviser and the outgoing SPG/SSG officers during weekends immediately after ‘elections. 6.) The YFD as the lead office for the Student Govemment Program (SGP) in the Division Office is authorized to "monitor the conduct of the synchronised SPG/SSG election activities within the said schedule above mentioned, 7.) All schools are advised to coordinate with the Division YFD Coordinators as to the schedule of the conduct of Efections in their respective stations for purposes of monitoring. 8) The following documents are enclosed for reference: Enclosure No. 4: Comprehensive Evaluation for SPGISSG Elections for the Schools (CESGE) Enclosure No. 2: Division Consolidated Election Report (OCER) & Student Government Data Form Enclosure No, 3: Filing of Candidacy Packet Enclosure No. 4: Parental Consent for SPGISSG Candidates Enclosure No. 5: Certificate of Candidacy for the SPG/SSG 9) For more information, all concemed may contact the Youth Formation Unit, SGOD Division, 3¢ Floor Deped, Leyte Division, or through Facebook Page Youth Formation Unit DepEd Leyte and email address : id 10.) Immediate and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired 11.) For guidance and compliance. [dep Eé, 216.9108 OF LEYTE § CANDAHUG: PALO; LEYTE ED RONELD AL K. FIRMO, Ph.D., CESOV Division Superintendent RELE® S Enclosure: As Stated References: DepEd Order No. 25 s. 2018 dated May 24, 2018, DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2014 & DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2016, Tobe cated in the Perpetual Index under the folowing subjects: DIVISION MEMORANDUM ELECTION ‘SSISPG ORGANIZATION Lead to Go, Love to Grow, Live to Glow Facebook page Youth Formation Unit DepEd Leyte and Email address: Enclosure No. 2: Comprehensive Evaluation for SPG/SSG: Bections forthe Schools (CESGE) PES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Bureau of Learner Support Services ‘Youth Formation Division ‘Compretensive Evaluation for SPG/S5G Elections for the Schools (CESGE) (to be necomplished ie shel loel by representative designated by the Schl teu) Component Tadicators ‘aie | Bian | Waconiedaton | Teadent Commission | The mudent ad school admin were welbveprosetein = a on Election | she schoo! Commission on Eleetiens (COMELEC | (COMELEC) “Te students and schoo admin were knowledgeable and aaa pyored fr the conduct ofthe ations. ‘Fie studenis end the school admin ware actively | involved in organizing and. tanning’ the election | | procedures The staleni aad he “ehool admin “abpeavely pavtormed ttt fonctions and resined non-partisan | | Enving the conduct of eleton. 7 egies ‘The Eetion aerials were prepore'on we “The schedules and deac ‘were strictly followed. “The appicaten forms were made avaiable tal i Inorst student eres) Sadik agageient |The stages were weiinfrmed about te purpose of heStuden Covesrment election | Te sient were aware ofthe vol BOs [Fite stadensecively participa in the sectors, The adenis were encouraged to para in thef | | student government. : i eee | ‘Selection of “The inierested stadente were given the opportunity to 1 Candidates ‘participate in the elections. _ i Fil the qualified candidates were coaidered [ii appleation process was objective and in accordance with the Dep Student Government Election Code Cainpaian “The campaign was orderly organaed fa, ane pescfl “Te campaign was hold fn accordance withthe DepEd Student Government Election Code. | “Tha clacton ode was effectively evar. 1 Vain “The allows were ce and available t _] ite og was organized nd fo. i Toantinget Vores” "|The COMEIEC eectively, eicnty, conducted he courting of voles, “Fi count ws far, honest ana Wanparent “The arouncement was mnmediate and uiispulee NAMEOFSCHOOE ce a COMBLEC Chairs aver | Name and Signature: | SEE

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