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Module- 1 Machine shop: Classification and various parts of Lathe, Work holding devices, Lathe

operations, e.g. taper, turning, eccentric turning and screw-cutting, Geometry of a single point cutting
tool. , Cutting parameters and measuring too.
Module- 2 Working with various metals: Types of metal, properties and definitions of different
properties and its use, Various methods of working with metal, finishing and treatment of metal, Standard
specification, product and furniture form e.g door window jali etc, Metal and other material.
Module- 3 Metal Fabrications: Cutting, Planning, Drilling and lathing of steel section, Aluminum
section and their use in door, window and partitions
Module- 4 Welding: Introduction to welding, Classification of different welding process, Welding tool
and techniques, Types of joint and welding position, Advantages and disadvantages of welding,
Module- 4 Industrial Visit: Visit various forging and Stamping industries understand various
manufacturing and fabrication processes fabrication of metal manufacturing, Manufacturing of different

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