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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

“392missionmap.” 392nd Bomb Group,

Here is a photograph of a map used for bombing runs in World War II. We put this
picture in our website to give an example of bombers and the type of missions they
would perform in World War II. The source was helpful in understanding our topic
because it provided more information on bombers in World War II.
Photograph of Brown and Crew in Front of B-17. American Air Museum in Britain, 42-3167,
This is a photograph of Lt. Brown and his crew. We used it as a visual of some of the
main people from our topic. It was helpful to to understanding our topic because it shows
what American bomber crews looked like in World War II, and the B-17 visible in the
background shows how big those planes were, and how hard it is for them to be
damaged as much as Brown’s B-17 was.
Photograph of Brown’s Damaged B-17 After the Event. Crash Course,
This photograph is of Lt. Brown’s B-17 after the incident. It was used to provide a visual
of the severe damage that the plane took. This helped us to understand the magnitude
of the danger that Brown and his crew went through, since a plane as big as theirs’
became so damaged in the area they went through.
Photograph of Franz Stigler, Charles Brown, and Ernie Boyett. Aviation Humor,

This primary source is a photograph taken of Stigler and Brown with an artist
named Ernie Boyett. The three are all holding World War II artwork from Boyett. This
was a helpful picture, because we were able to use it show the audience that Stigler and
Brown reunited after the war and together spread the message they had both learned.
This is one of the main effects of our topic, so it is important that we display that.
TOPCAMERAMAN. “B17 Battle Damage This Plane Flew Home in This Condition to It's
Base the 92nd Bomb Group Podington.” YouTube, YouTube, 9 Jan. 2011,
This source is a video that shows a damaged B-17. This provides a visual of something
similar to what happened to Brown’s plane. This is also helpful because it shows how big
and bulky B-17’s are, and how they have to be hit really hard to be damaged as badly as
Brown’s was.

Secondary Sources

“Adam Makos: ‘A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat And Chivalry In The
War-Torn Skies of World War II’.” Dianerehm, December 20, 2012,
< 2012-12-20/adam-makos-higher-call-incredible-true-
In this source, a description of Adam Makos’s book on the subject, A Higher Call: An
Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II, is
given. This information was used in describing the effects of our topic and the tributes
made for Stigler and Brown. It was a helpful source since it gave us an idea of what the
book was.
ALEXANDER, LARRY. “A Higher Call.” History Magazine, vol. 14, no. 4, Apr. 2013, pp.
34–38. EBSCOhost,
This source had an excerpt from Makos’s book. The information was used in
describing Stigler and Brown. The excerpt included information on Stigler’s flight
instructor, Gustav Roedel, which was very helpful. This is because information was
given on how Roedel trained Stigler to value honor, which was a key part of Stigler’s
decision to save Brown.
“Aviation (1943).” World Book Student, World Book, 2018,
< /#/back-in-time/bt144031>. Accessed 17 Dec.. 2018.
Here is an article on aviation in World War II, specifically in the year 1943. This
was helpful because it gave us a better understanding of aviational tactics in war, which
are important to our topic because it was these tactics that led to Stigler encountering
Brown and his crew. We used this information in describing World War II in general.
Blake, John. "Two enemies discover a'higher call'in battle." CNN, <
03/09/living/higher-call-military-chivalry/index.html.> Retrieved 2013-03 9 (2013).
This was a very helpful source, because it gave us photographs and infromation on the
topic. We found it after finding a PDF version of in an online database. We used the
information it had on the actual event of Stigler saving Brown in our page on describing
the main part of the topic. We used the pictures it had to give a visual of Stigler and
Brown in the war and after the war.
“Charlie-Brown” Photograph. Valor Studios, < Commented [1]: primary??
in-a- higher-call.htm>.
Commented [2]: no it was taken off a website with a
We used a photograph of Lt. Brown from this source. This provided us with copy of the image
another visual example of Brown, one of the main people of our topic. We used this
photograph to add more to our website than just text and to help the audience follow
along with our topic.
“Chivalrous WW II German Fighter Pilot Shows Humanity the Way.” Manawatu
Standard, 10 Aug. 2013, p. WM20. EBSCOhost,
This source was one of the first articles we found on our topic. It was a book
review of Makos’s book on the topic. We used it for general information on Stigler and
Brown and what happened between them, and used the information it had on Stigler’s
act of humanity in the triumph of our overall project.
DE WIND, DORIAN. “A ‘Higher Call’ in the Skies Over Nazi Germany.” Moderate Voice,
Mar. 2015, p. 1. EBSCOhost,
< 101529785>.
Here is another article that summarizes our event. This article had a lot of
information concerning the mercy Stigler showed to Brown and his crew, so we used it in
our triumph. This source was helpful in understanding the magnitude of our topic.
“Don't Just Talk Chivalry. Live It.” Chivalry Today, <>.
In this source, the author wrote about how Brown and his crew were in a very
dangerous situation before Stigler saved them. This information was helpful in seeing
how much Stigler risked by saving them in comparison to continually trying to kill them
like the other German pilots. We used this information when building up to and
describing our triumph and tragedy.
“EDITORIAL: West Virginian’s Tale.” Charleston Gazette, The (WV), 12 Mar. 2013.
This article is another one of the first that we read on our topic, and the
information given was very helpful in understanding what happened, and why Stigler
saved Brown and his crew. We implemented the information that comes from this source
in our triumph and tragedy, since those things revolve around the event of Stigler helping
Brown, and that is what the source was focused on.
“Franz Stigler & Charlie Brown BCTV 1997” YouTube, IIJG27Rich, September 9, 2015,
This source is a documentary we found, in which both Stigler and Brown were
interviewed years after the war. We used clips of the interviews from this documentary in
our website. This helped us to let our sources inform the audience of the topic so that we
could focus more on proving our thesis and points with our writing.
French, Shannon E. "When Teaching the Ethics of War Is Not Academic." Chronicle of
higher education 49.28 SEC. 2 (2003):
This source gave information on codes of honor used within war. This helped us
to understand the normality of being ethical in war. It was important that we understood
these because it allowed us to better prove our thesis, since that revolves around
helping the enemy.
Guttman, Jon. EBSCOhost, <
&AN=84390076>. Accessed 14 Nov. 2018.
This source was a PDF of book reviews, and one was on Adam Makos’s A
Higher Call. Since his book was very in depth and was centered on our topic, we were
able to learn a lot about our topic from the book and reviews and excerpts on or from it.
The information from this review was focused on specific details of the event, such as
location, plane types, and other things, and we used in describing specific details leading
up to our triumph and tragedy.
HALTON, BOBBY. “Virtues and Codes.” Fire Engineering, vol. 169, no. 7, July 2016, p.
8. <EBSCOhost,
This was another source that had information on codes of honor that soldiers and
pilots follow in war. It gave specific information on our topic and how these codes fit into
what happened. We used this in describing the tragedy of how Stigler was forced to pick
between following his country or following his code of honor.
Hawley, Charles. “Germany Considers Rehabilitating Soldiers Executed for ‘Treason.’” Commented [3]: ?
Speigel Online, <
Commented [4]: Idk ill look it up
military-trib unals-germany-considers-rehabilitating-soldiers-executed-for-treason-a-
491332.html>. Commented [5]: yeah it was the name of the author
We used this source for information on treason in Nazi Germany, and what the who published it
rules were that went along with treason. It was important that we got this information
because we needed to show how Stigler’s act of treason was a big risk for him. We
needed to show how it was very dangerous, but he did it anyway and did not regret it.
“A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies
of World War II.” HeinOnline,
< /army
This source had information on Makos’s book. We used it to describe the actual
topic, since the book displayed the topic in a very detailed way. This information helped
us to understand more about the event and the events surrounding our topic, since
Makos’s analysis of our topic was reflected in this source. Makos had many significant
details in his book that are helpful to our project.
Makos, Adam, and Larry Alexander. A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat
and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II. Penguin, 2013.
This source is the book written by Adam Makos, which is titled A Higher Call: An
Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II.
This book is written specifically on our topic. It provides in-depth information on both
Stigler and Brown, which is very helpful to our project. We need to be able to describe
both of them, since they are the main people of our topic. We used information from this
book all throughout our project, but mainly in describing the main event of our topic
(when Stigler saved Brown and his crew).
MANSBRIDGE, PETER. “How a WWII B-17 Bomber Crew Made It Home with the Help
of the Enemy.” National (CBC Television), Nov. 2013. EBSCOhost
Here is a source that was very helpful to us. It is a transcription of an interview
between a reporter named Reg Sherren and the author Adam Makos. This source had a
lot of information on Stigler, since there were some quotes from Hyla Stigler, Franz’s
wife. We used this information on our page that was about Stigler and Brown and who
they were.
McConnell, Richard A. “Air Power History.” Vol. 61, Iss. 3, 2014,
This source was a PDF of an article on the history of aerial combat, and it gave
us information that was specifically on Stigler and Brown. From this source we learned
more about why Stigler was willing to risk so much to save Brown and his crew. The
author of the source talked about Gustav Roedel, Stigler’s squadron leader. It was
helpful to have more information on him, since he was a key factor in Stigler’s decision
to save Brown.
O’Boyle, Bill. “Author Heeds Higher Call to Save War Stories.” Times Leader, The
(Wilkes-Barre, PA), 4 Apr. 2013. EBSCOhost,
< AN=2W61008547507>.
This is an article on Adam Makos and his book. The article describes what the
book was about (our topic) and gives details on why Makos wrote the book. This
information was helpful, since the book was such a big source in our project. We talked
about Adam Makos and his book in our website when describing tributes to Stigler and
Brown, so more information on him and the book was helpful.
“Sabaton - No Bullets Fly (Lyrics English & Deutsch).” YouTube, Piscator, February 6,
2016, <>.
This is a song about Stigler and Brown written by the band Sabaton. In it they
focus on how Stigler risked his life to be humane and save Brown, which is our triumph.
So this source was a helpful example of the triumph and of the effects of the topic, since
it shows that Stigler and Brown’s message has carried on to people like the members of
this band.
Saenger, Ellen. “Glory of a Different Kind.” Alberta Report / Newsmagazine, vol. 21, no.
12, Mar. 1994, p. 38. EBSCOhost,
< &AN=9403257691>.
This source had information on the topic and the effects it had. We used it in
describing what happened after Stigler saved Brown and what happened after the war. It
was helpful since it provided quotes and specific details on the results of Stigler’s act of
“Saved by a Luftwaffe Pilot.” Southland Times, The, 29 Mar. 2014, p. A17. EBSCOhost,
This is another book review on A Higher Call. This review summarized the event
and had helpful information like the dangers Brown faced. It talked about the German
anti-aircraft guns that would have been used against Brown had Stigler not helped them.
Stokesbury, James L. "World War II." World Book Student, World Book, 2019,
<>. Accessed 23 Jan. 2019.
This source provided information on World War II in general. We used it in our historical
context. It was useful since it helped us to build up to our triumph and tragedy.
Shaw, John D. “Prey for Mercy.” 2017. Painting. Liberty Studios,
This source was also artwork from John Shaw. This one is a painting that shows Stigler
looking up at Brown’s B-17 from the ground. It represents how he saw the Americans fly
by as he was refueling his own fighter. This source was a helpful visual in our website in
demonstrating Stigler’s point of view in our topic.
Shaw, John D. “In the Presence of My Enemy.” Painting. Valor Studios,
Here is another piece of art from Shaw. It is a painting that shows Stigler flying in his
fighter next to Brown’s bomber plane, keeping the Americans safe from the German anti-
aircraft cannons below. It was a good example that helped us to display our triumph in a
different way than text.
Shaw, John D. “Return of the Pub.” Drawing. Valor Studios,
This sketch was also created by Shaw, and it shows Brown’s plane returning to safety
after the event. We used it as an additional illustration that represented the event. It was
helpful because it was different than the other artwork we were using, but still easy to
view and understand.
Wawro, Geoffrey. "Luftwaffe." World Book Student, World Book, 2018,
<>. Accessed 9 Nov. 2018.
This source was on the Luftwaffe, the German air force used during World War II. We
used it to describe Germany and the aerial strategies and resources that they were
using when Stigler saved Brown. It was helpful because it provided more general
information that could be applied in many ways.

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