17 Test 8

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Test paper 7th grade

I. Read and answer: (5p x 4 = 20p)

We arrived in the Lofoten Islands in Norway on a bright July evening. At this time of year, the
sun never goes down so it never gets dark because the islands are so far north. We sat for hours,
watching the sunlight shining on the mountains across the water.
We spent the next few days exploring the islands in brilliant sunshine. We travelled by car, going
from one island to another by bridge or tunnel. These bridges and tunnels have replaced the
ferries between the largest islands.
People on the islands have always made a living from fishing and farming. Fishing is still an
essential part of the economy but, although every culture is still important in some areas, the
number of farms has decreased in the past thirty years.
1. What is the text about? 3. How did the tourists travel from one
island to another?
2. Where are the Lofoten Islands located?
4. What do the islanders do for a living?
II. Circle the correct variant. (4p x 10 = 40p)
1. My dad……forty years old and he……….. in a car factory.
a)is / work b)has / works c)is / works
2…….is that man? He is my Geography teacher.
a)Where b)Who c)How
3. If the weather is nice, we…….outside.
a)go b)going c)will go
4.They have been married…..ten years.
a)for b)since c)often
5. What……your mother do?
a)does b)do c)is
6. Listen! Your baby…….very loudly.
a)cries b)cry c)is crying
7. I climbed…. the ladder and looked….at my brother.
a)down / up b)up / down c)on / in
8. If they ……..the money, they would go on a vacation.
a)had b)have c)had had
9. Did he smoke all those cigarettes?
a)Yes, I did. b)No, he did. c)Yes, he did.
10. Tom wasn’t at home last night, …..
a)was he? b)was Tom? c)wasn’t he?

III. Write a letter to a very good friend telling him/her about your winter holiday. (10-15
lines) (20p)

+20 p BONUS


 Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate prin barem.
 Se vor puncta oricare alte formulări şi modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor, în
acord cu ideile precizate în barem.
 Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

Subiectul I 20 de puncte (5 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns corect)

1. The text is about Lofoten Island.; 2. Lofoten Islands are located in Norway.; 3. They
travelled by car.; 4.Islanders make a living from fishing and farming
Subiectul II 40 de puncte (4 puncte pentru variantă aleasă corect)
1. c, 2.b, 3.c, 4.a, 5.a, 6.c, 7. b, 8. a, 9.c, 10. a
Subiectul III 30 de puncte
- organization and cohesion…………………………………………..6p
- paragraphing ……………………………………...2p
-cohesion and coherence……………………………2p
- length constraint ………………………………….2p
- language accuracy ………………………………………………….4p
- correct use of grammar structures ………………...2p
- accurate spelling and punctuation ………………...2p
- content ……………………………………………………………... 10p
- introduction: opening line ……………………….2p
- main body: listing activities………………………6p
- conclusion: closing line ………………………….2p
- range of vocabulary ………………………………………………….10p
- appropriate vocabulary ……………………………….5p
- range of vocabulary …………………………………..5p

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