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I. Fill the blank with the correct answer!

Read the dialogue below to fill the blank number 1-5!

Mr. Leo : What are you doing students?

Students : We have lunch, Sir.
Mr. Leo : Don’t eat in the classroom.
Students : Sorry, Sir
Mr. Leo : Eat in the canteen!
Students : Yes, Sir

1. The teacher’s name is…………………………………………………………………………

2. The students……………………………………………………….in the classroom.
3. Mr. Leo says “Don’t……………………………………………………………………………!”
4. The students have to eat in the…………………………………………………………………..
5. Don’t shout! Keep…………………………………….., please!
6. Teaher : Let’s go to the yard. I want to play football.
Students : ………………………………, I can’t.
7. The picture shows : “Don’t………………………………………………!"

8. Mr. Alan : Let’s go to the canteen!

I want to ……………………………… and drinks.
Steven : Okay, Dad.
9. Don’t sit on the floor! Sit on the…………………………………………….!
10. Miss. Alya : Don’t stand on the table! Stand on the………………………………………..!
Donni : Okay, Ma’am.
11. Mathew : Let’s go to the field! I want to fly kites!
Andrew : All right. Let’s ………………………now.
12. ………………………………………the ball in the yard!
13. Let’s go to the swimming pool. I want to……………………………………………………….
14. Donny : Do you want to go to the bathroom?
Sandy : ………………………, I don’t.
15. Don’t shout!………………………………………………………….slowly!
16. Arnetta : Let’s go to the…………………………..! I want to play rope jumping.
Dio : Ok. Let’s go now.
17. Miss Anna : ………………………………..…………… ball in the classroom!
Students : Yes, maam.
18. Let’s go to the bookstore. I want to …………………………………… story books.
19. Rita : What do you do in the classroom?
Anne : I ……………………………………………in the classroom.
20. I want to wash my hands. Let’s go to the…………………………………………………….
21. They don’t …………………………………… the classroom.
22. Elsa : Let’s go to the…………………………………………..
I want to borrow some books
Anna : Sorry, I can’t.
23. Throw the rubbish in the……………………………………….……………………………….
24. Adela : Let’s go to the swimming pool! I want to swim.
Renata : Sorry, ………………………………………………………………………….
25. They want to go to the………………………………………… They want to buy orange juice.
26. Don’t……………………………………………………………….!

27. I want to go to the post office. I want to……………………………………………………….

28. Don’t…….………………………….. the table!

29. Let’s go to the ……………………………………….…….. I want to buy a book.

30. Don’t……………………………………………….on the chair!

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