Name Class: Entry Test Listening Comprehension

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Name………………………………………… №…………Class:…………


I. Listening comprehension- Listen and match the sentence parts. Write the correct
1 Cats and dogs………….. A Ducks can see well under water.
2 Dogs……………. B Hamsters can’t tell different colours.
They are colour blind.
3 Some parrots……….. C Guinea pigs live on average or 4-5
years but sometimes as long as 8
4 Horses…………. D Chickens can remember and
recognize humans.
5 Cows………… E Cats and dogs can’t eat chocolate!
Some human food aren’t good for
6 Hamsters…………… F Dogs can guess when you are ill.
7 Guinea pigs…………… G Some parrots can live for over 80
8 Chickens…………… H Horses can run at around 44
kilometers per hours.
9 Ducks I Cows can’t sleep standing up.
………/ 9

II. Reading Comprehension- Put the paragraphs in the right order. Then put in the
missing headings.

A. …………………………/№……….. The prince asked Cinderella to marry him and

they lived a happy life, away from her bad stepmother and her two daughters.
B. …………………………/ №………..One day the prince asked all the girls of the
village to go to a party. Cinderella’s fairy godmother gave her new clothes and she went to
the palace. She had a great time. The prince saw her and fell in love with her.
C. …………………………/№……….. Cinderella had the most beautiful eyes in
the world and she was the nicest person in the village, but her stepmother and her
daughters were the ugliest women. They were really bad and didn’t like her at all.
D. …………………………./ №………..Once upon a time, there was a poor girl
called Cinderella. She had no mother and her father married again. Her new
mother, or stepmother, had two daughters, who were horrible.
E. …………………………./№……….. Cinderella’s room was very small and cold.
There was no fire and she didn’t have warm clothes to wear. There was a small bed, but
there wasn’t a table. She worked hard and did all the housework.
Happy end
The beautiful and the ugly
A good time
Difficult life

III. Use of English

1. Circle the correct form.

1. There are a / some sweets.

2. There aren’t some / any computers.
3. Is there any / a phone?
4. It rains / is raining a lot in April.
5. I read / am reading a very good book.
6. I read / am reading in bed every night.
7. She’s a doctor. She works / is working in St Mary’s Hospital.
8. She works / is working very hard because she has a maths test tomorrow.
9. I was talking/ talked on the phone when my mum called me for dinner.
10. Poppy was losing/ lost her purse while she was coming home from
11. Martha’s mobile rang/ was ringing while she was talking to her teacher.
12. The computer crashed / was crashing while we were writing the email.
13. It’s really cold tonight. I think it will/ won’t snow tonight.
14. Victor’s sick. He will/ won’t be at school today.
15. She buys too much/ many CDs.
16. There was/ were problems with my computer.
………………./ 16
2. Put the words in the correct order.

1. You/ play / the guitar / can

2. Victor / go / may/ to / the park/ not
3. DVDs/ than/ books/ are/ cheaper.
4. the world/ the fastest / Ferrarri is/ car / in
5. get up/ you/ late/ often / do?

......................../ 5
IV. Writing: My Worst Day at School
1. When was your worst day?/this year,last year/
2. What day was it? /Monday, Tuesday/
3. How did it start?
4. What went wrong?
5. Why did you feel bad?

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