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Thermal Acoustics

Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems

& acoustical components
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Aarding Thermal Acoustics was established in 1960 and has grown to

a strong and flexible company. Our strength comes from our extensive

know-how on a wide variety of acoustical components and GT exhaust systems.

General GT exhaust gas systems

Our customers are Gas Turbine manufacturers, Power Producers or Contractors.

4 6 Whether a problem can be solved from our standard product line or needs

a tailor made solution, Aarding Thermal Acoustics takes control from design

to installation. Even for complex turn-key retrofit projects.

Aarding Thermal Acoustics is management owned therefore we can operate

flexible and fast on customers demand. It is no surprise that we have grown

Acoustical Components Markets
into an international corporation as the trusted name for acoustical

16 20 components and Gas Turbine exhaust systems for Power Plants.

Aarding projects offices around the world

26 28

Martin Pranger and Norbert Pieterse

page 5

+ Effective solutions for the Power and Petrochemical Industry worldwide.

Design , Engineering, Manufacturing and Supply of
Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems and Acoustical Components
The current market environment is pushing the ope- Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems (*)
rational conditions of Industrial Gas Turbine systems + Diffusers, Plenum and Gas Turbine Exhaust ducts
1 Exhaust Diffuser / Exhaust Plenum 5 Exhaust / HRSG Inlet Duct 8 to its limits. High cycling (high numbers of starts and + Single cycle exhaust systems
2 Exhaust Duct 6 HRSG Internal Insulation stops) as well as high local flue gas velocities and + Bypass Exhaust systems
3 Exhaust Bypass System 7 Vent Silencer temperatures are putting large stresses on the + Exhaust Stacks
4 Silencer 8 Stack exhaust gas systems. + Thermal Insulation
+ Boiler Internals
Environmental regulations require stringent and lower
7 noise levels on gas & steam turbine driven systems as Acoustical Components (*)
well as on petrochemical applications. + Vent silencers for steam and gas applications

4 + In-line diffusers
Aarding Thermal Acoustics is an established, + Flue gas silencers
independent and privately owned company with + Commissioning silencers
its headquarters in the Netherlands and supporting Both New as well as Upgrade / Retrofit systems
offices & partners worldwide (USA, Latin America, Design and Engineering is realized in-house by our
Eastern Europe/ Russia, Middle East and Asia) teams of experienced engineers specialized in
mechanical, thermal and acoustical engineering
8 Based upon a proven track record Aarding Thermal dedicated for the Power and Petrochemical Market.
Acoustics provides customized and turn-key solutions.
Our scope includes; Design, Engineering, Manufactu- Manufacturing is realized worldwide, providing
4 ring and Supply of; the most economical solution and optimal logistical
project realization. All systems are manufactured
according to strict quality levels and standards and
3 manufacturing supervision and quality control is
realized by experienced Aarding Inspectors.

4 5 6
(*) All major gas turbine, HRSG and petrochemical systems
GT Exhaust
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DIFFUSERS / PLENUMS (1) For both systems Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides
One of the major transition area’s between the gas diffusers and plenums specifically engineered to cope
turbine exhaust and the exhaust system is the diffuser with the strong GT exhaust gas swirl characteristics
duct or gas turbine exhaust plenum duct section. On as well as the high GT exhaust gas velocities and
the larger & newer type IGT’s the exhaust gas flow is temperatures. To accommodate start stop operation
directed into the exhaust system through a diffuser duct as well as operation at elevated temperatures, Cold
(straight flow) and on some specific type IGT’s through casing designs specifically engineered for the applicable
a gas turbine exhaust plenum duct section changing operational conditions are the current standard.
direction of flow into a 90 degrees bend.

GT Exhaust Systems


GT EXHAUST DUCTS (2) operational conditions. Ducts are commonly engineered

Exhaust ducts are mainly applied as transition between including additional features such as dedicated
diffuser and diverter systems or between the diverter silencer assembly supporting systems Accommodating
system and HRSG (inlet ducts). Main design focus is high gas flows and start stop operation), turning vanes,
related to the high swirls, exhaust gas velocity and fast opening & closing access doors and compensator
elevated temperatures. connection flanges. In addition, all systems are designed
to meet both thermal (maximum surface temperatures)
Aarding Thermal Acoustics designs and provides the and acoustical (noise levels) requirements based on
latest cold casing design adapted to today’s stringent either local or governmental requirements.
GT Exhaust
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+ Aarding provides the design, manufacturing, and supply of

the complete scope of supply from the inlet expansion
joint through the stack exit.

Single Cycle Exhaust Systems Aarding Thermal Acoustics will do the design,
In todays energy market there is a growing demand manufacturing, and supply of the complete scope of
for peaking power. Simple cycle operation is a fast supply from the inlet expansion joint through the stack
and reliable way to provide flexible power demand exit. Our in house acoustical capabilities are backed
at short notice. Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides a up with extensive laboratory and field measurements
range of alternatives on simple cycle exhaust systems which allow us to develop state of the art solutions for
which will support effective cyclic operation and the your noise control requirements.
changes in thermal load which are part of the frequent
start-stop cycles. Aarding has extensive experience in the supply of
simple cycle exhaust systems and supplies either
Each design is individually designed for internal stud sections of the system up to the complete exhaust
spacing, stud size, liner plate thickness, to ensure the systems including on-site erection and commissioning.
best operational conditions and unit lifetime.
GT Exhaust
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With optional seal air systems we can guarantee

zero leakage and a man safe environment
for any maintenance to the HRSG. +
Bypass Exhaust Systems
To realize higher efficiency levels gas turbine waste Aarding Thermal Acoustics Bypass Exhaust Systems
heat is used to generate process steam or steam and fitted with state of the art diverter systems from our
turbine operation. Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides partners in the USA and Canada. The diverter valves
Bypass Exhaust Systems between gas turbines and can be designed as pivot or toggle type and can
HRSGs. These Bypass systems allow flexible operation accommodate both hydraulic and electric drives.
of the power island as well as the capability of With optional seal air systems zero leakage and a
starting the gas turbine in rapid starting mode and man safe environment for any maintenance to the
allowing the HRSG to gradually come online. HRSG can be provided.
This approach gives offers the flexibility of fast power
and increases the life of an HRSG. In todays business
environment bypass exhaust systems provide a solution
for the option between baseload and peaking/
modulating operation.
GT Exhaust
page 13

Exhaust Stacks
Advanced type gas turbine operation requires high
performance of the insulation systems, silencer assem-
blies and supporting systems of Exhaust stacks. Noise
regulations often demand complex design silencer
systems and turbine exhaust gas temperatures require
a dedicated thermal design.

Existing and ageing stacks often show extensive wear

since most older designs have difficulty coping with
the current operational strains.

Aarding Thermal Acoustics has developed effective mechanical performance. A complete scope can
internal stack insulation systems and can offer a be supplied including silencers, stack dampers, FAA
combination of the most economical and effective lights, lightning protection and other related require-
stack system including stack design, support structures ments. Based upon our experience we are able to
and auxiliaries as well as a silencer system which will offer complete turnaround projects in line with industry
offer both long term operation as well as excellent requirements and leadtimes.

Aarding can supply the complete scope

including silencers, stack dampers, FAA lights,
lightning protection, and more. +
GT Exhaust
page 15

With the experience of more than 750 references

worldwide, Aarding has the know how to execute
the complete engineering in-house. +
Internal Insulation
Cold Casing Design
Aarding Thermal Acoustics has developped an With the experience of more than 750 references
in-house design of internal insulation systems based worldwide, Aarding Thermal Acoustics has the know
upon the latest operational requirements and newest how to execute the complete engineering in-house in
materials. In our cold casing design, the insulation combination with the supply of the complete
system is fitted to the casing interior using a custom insulation package.
designed support system. The protective sheeting is
engineered based upon the most economical & Boiler Internals
effective distance (insulation thickness) from the cold Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides HRSG baffles.
outer casing wall by studs, nuts and washers enabling These baffles are normally located direct within the
free thermal expansion of the metal sheeting in flow of hot exhaust gas through the heated surfaces of
relation to the outer casing wall (floating plate the HRSG / boiler (harps or modules). These baffles
principle). minimize gas bypassing the harps or modules and
maximize the exchange of heat in the harps or
Aarding Thermal Acoustics design includes: modules where steam is generated.
+ Lower exterior duct/casing temperatures resulting Aarding Thermal Acoustics design includes:
from the use of custom designed internal insulation + The most effective distribution of gas flow over
+ Eliminating or reducing external duct sliding the boiler tubes.
connections applying cold design + The optimum flue gas velocity.
+ Ease of maintenance as a result of sectional design + Elimination of hot spots caused by bypassing
of internal insulation and optimised field joint flue gas.
+ Minimizing external duct movement resulting in Typical designs;
longer duct life and less strain on flexible joints/ + Attic and basement baffles
bellows + Sealing plates
+ Options to include higher temperature operation as + Side gas baffles
a result of GT upgrade or installation of additional + Center gas baffles
burner systems + Flow baffles
+ Sound baffles
page 17

Acoustical Aardings blow-off silencer ensures

that the noise production is kept at

Components an acceptable level.

Atmospheric Vent Silencers temperature) and provides 35-40 decibles of noise

Aarding Thermal Acoustics Atmospheric vent silencers reduction. Additional reduction in total noise is
are typically used in conjunction with a relief/safety achievable if required with an acoustic splitter
valve or a start up valve. Applications are in heat package installed at the outlet of the silencer. This
recovery systems, steam boilers, and at oil/gas/ design with splitter package can provide for over
chemical processing plants. The Aarding Thermal 50 decibles of noise reduction.
Acoustics vent silencer effectively eliminates high,
unwanted noise at the source and provides for low The silencers can be rented for use during commis-
sound level discharge to the atmosphere. This type sioning of new systems or after extensive maintenance
of design is a reactive/ absorptive type of silencer. activities. The silencer is skidded for shipment and
installation. The unit can be easily installed and
Aarding Thermal Acoustics vent silencers are custom connects the supported and restrained temp
designed for each and every application ensuring the
best acoustical performance and can be designed for In-Line Diffusers
any service condtions or flow rates from as low as The Aarding In-Line Diffuser assembly is designed to
1,000 lbs/hr to upwards and exceeding 1 million reduce the noise typically associated with pressure
lbs/hr. reducing valve applications. These in-line diffusers are
of the diffusing type designed for the reduction of
Commissioning Silencers for Rental excessive noise from pressure reduction systems for
Aarding Thermal Acoustics commissioning silencers steam, gas, air, or other mixed gas type services and
are designed for steam systems to vent down during are especially effective when used in combination
commssioning allowing the systems to clean and to with a valve to achieve and/or share the total
get rid of possible remnants & deposits present within pressure drop required by the system.
the systems located upstream.
The In-Line diffusers provide several functions:
The Aarding Thermal Acoustics commissioning type Dispersing high pressure reductions typically seen
silencer is designed to reduce noise pollution caused at pressure reducing valves and regulators, and air
by high pressure gasses rapidly venting to the cooled condensers down to vacuum conditions.
atmosphere during commissioning. This silencer is Dissipating high energy noise and reshaping the
custom designed to vent approximately 1.2 million frequency spectrum, shifting the peak frequency to
lbs/hr of steam (depending on steam pressure/ a higher octave band.
page 19

Flue gas Silencer

Aarding Thermal Acoustics Flue gas silencers are The Aarding Thermal Acoustics Flue Gas Silencer
custom designed to keep noise emissions within offers the following advantages;
acceptable levels. Current gas turbine operation + In-house design by our team of acoustical
requires the latest design, engineering and engineers & experts
advanced material selections. + Most effective and economical design
+ Patented designs
Whether flue gas silencers are mounted in a silencer + Fabrication based upon a full welded construction
duct, a hot or cold stack or have to be able to
operate in high flue gas velocities or elevated and
fluctuating temperatures (start-stop mode), Aarding
Thermal Acoustics can provide the most effective
solution in line with Gas Turbine output and Single
cycle or bypass/HRSG design considering basic
design criteria such as;
+ S
 ound power level/noise output of gas turbine
+ N
 oise requirement of power plant required
dynamic insertion losses of silencer
+ P ressure drop requirements
+ D
 imensions of duct/stack
+ O
 ther noise sources, e.g burners
+ O
 ther noise reducing parts of the system,
e.g. Boiler & elbow
+ M
 aximum flow velocity

+ Aardings Flue Gas Silencers have been

designed by our in-house team of
acoustical engineers & experts
page 21


Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides products and Petro chemical Market

services from to the following markets: There where over pressure of several gasses is appli-
+ Power Energy Market cable, the products of Aarding can be delivered.
+ Petro Chemical Market
+ Aero Engine Market Aero Engine Market
Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides new as well as
Power Energy Market retrofit silencer and exhaust systems for Aero Engine
Within the Power Energy Market, the products of test cells and hush houses.
Aarding Thermal Acoustics can be placed within:
+ Coal Fired Power Plants Major strength of Aarding Thermal Acoustics is an
+ Gas and Oil Fired Power Plants extensive experience and in house engineering and
+ Nucleair Power Plants engineering techniques providing solution driven
designs, products and services. Aarding Thermal
Aarding Thermal Acoustics supplies worldwide the Acoustics focus is on high temperature insulation
products to end-users, EPC’s, turbine suppliers, boiler applications and acoustic engineering.
suppliers and engineering-contracting companies for
eventual balance of plants solutions.
page 23

Service & Retrofit Market

Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides products and widespread damage increasing the number of trips
services both for new projects as well as within the and reducing availability.
service and retrofit markets.
Repair on these ageing exhaust systems has its
Todays changing market conditions with a growing limitations as a result of damages by hot spots and
and ageing fleet of heavy industrial equipment and progressive base material degradation. As a result
requirements for a higher flexibility and higher output patch up repairs will not provide an effective opera-
is stretching the boundaries of component life. tional solution and upgrade or replacement are the
Aarding offers a range of services either extending only options for life extension of the system.
life, upgrading or retro fitting existing exhaust gas
systems and acoustical systems. Aarding Thermal Acoustics provides engineering
solutions including upgraded materials, a better
Many Older type Gas Turbine units face extensive insulation package and advanced engineering
wear and tear in the exhaust system. Minor defects simulation techniques to ensure effective thermal
in the insulation package often result in a fast and and acoustic design of the exhaust system.

page 25

A Aarding office

Aarding projects + Our strength comes from our extensive

know-how on a wide variety of acoustical
components and GT exhaust systems.

Africa + Keppel, Singapore + Mukhaizna, Oman + Hines II, USA + Manzanillo, Mexico + Baglan, UK
+ Sidikrir & El Atf, Egypt Supply of steam vent and flue gas silencers Supply of internal insulation Supply of internal insulation Supply of steam vent and flue gas silencers Supply of intern insulation system
Supply of internal insulation + BangPa, Thailand and boiler internals and boiler internals + Belgrano & San Martin, Argentina + Corby, UK
and boiler internals Supply of steam vent silencers + Brazos Valley, USA Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of exhaust ducts
Supply of internal insulation for + Samalkot, India Australia & New Zealand Supply of exhaust gas systems + Termoflores II & III, Colombia + AES ELSTA
bypass stacks Supply of steam vent and flue gas silencers + Pinjarra I & II, Australia and flue gas silencers Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of exhaust ducts
+ Arzew, Algeria Supply of exhaust gas systems + Richmond County, USA + Tamare & Bachaquero, Venezuela + Tuapse, Russia
Supply of internal insulation Middle East and flue gas silencers Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of internal insulation and Supply of steam vent
and boiler internals + Tabuk, Saudi Arabia + Yarwun, Australia + Greenfield, Canada boiler internals and flue gas silencers
Supply of bypass flue gas silencers Supply of simple cycle exhaust systems Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of steam vent silencers + Megalopolis, Greece
+ Rafha, Saudi Arabia + Huntly, New Zealand EUROPE Supply of steam vent silencers
Asia Supply of simple cycle exhaust systems Supply of exhaust gas systems Latin & South America + Hemweg & Diemen, the Netherlands + Te-to Zagreb, Croatia
+ Mapta Phut, Thailand + Al Rasheed, Iraq + Pemex Nuevo, Mexico Supply of internal insulation Supply of internal insulation system
Supply of exhaust plenum ducts Supply of simple cycle exhaust systems North America Supply of exhaust gas systems and boiler internals and flue gas silencers
+ BLNG Shell, Brunei + Rabigh 6, Saudi Arabia + Wayne County, USA + Pemex Tabasco, Mexico + Magnum, the Netherlands
Supply of exhaust ducts Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of exhaust gas systems Supply of internal insulation
+ Gwang Gyo, South Korea + Fujairah, UAE + Sutton, USA + UTE Parnaiba, Brazil and boiler internals
Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of simple cycle exhaust systems + Ivago Gent, Belgium
+ Sengkang, Indonesia + Qatargas, Qatar + El Segundo, USA + Pilar, Argentina Supply of exhaust gas systems
Supply of steam vent silencers Supply of exhaust gas systems Supply of internal insulation Supply of steam vent and flue gas silencers
and boiler internals
page 27
Industrieweg 59
P.O. Box 65
8070 AB Nunspeet
The Netherlands

T +31 341 252635

F +31 341 262112

Office Asia
21 Bukit Bakot Crescent
Wcega Tower #12-79
Singapore 658065

T +65 6631 4852

F +65 6631 4853

North america
2140 Eastman Avenue
Suite #207
Ventura, CA, USA

T +1 805 644 4629

M +1 805 603 9122

south america
Rua Henri Dunant, 1301
sala 5, Chacara Santo Antonio
Sao Paulo /sp


Agente per l'Italia

PO BOX 73 - Via Flora 43
Tel. +39 0331 546430
Fax +39 0331 1817147

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