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Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32

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Association between safety leading indicators and safety climate levels

Saeed Givehchi, ⁎ Ehsan Hemmativaghef, Hassan Hoveidi
Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of leading indicators for occupational health and
Received 27 July 2016 safety, particularly safety inspections and non-compliances, with safety climate levels. Methods: Nordic Occupa-
Received in revised form 29 November 2016 tional Safety Climate Assessment Questionnaire was employed to evaluate safety climate in cross-sectional de-
Accepted 4 May 2017 sign. The geographically diverse population of the inspection body made it possible to conduct the survey
Available online 18 May 2017
across 10 provinces in Iran. 89 completed questionnaires were obtained with a response rate of 47%. Except
for management safety justice, the internal consistency of other six dimensions was found to be acceptable (α
Active failures
≥ 0.7). Results: Mean scores of dimensions ranged from 3.50 in trust in the efficacy of safety systems (SD =
Just culture 0.38) to 2.98 in workers' safety priority and risk non-acceptance (SD = 0.47). Tukey HSD tests indicated a statis-
Latent failures tically significant difference of mean scores among groups undergoing different number of safety inspections and
Non-compliance those receiving different number of non-compliances (p b 0.05), with no significant differences based on safety
Safety inspection training man-hours and sessions (p N 0.05). Spearman's rank-order correlation showed no relationship between
work experience and number of non-compliances (correlation coefficient = − 0.04, p N 0.05) and between safety
training man-hours and number of non-compliances (correlation coefficient = − 0.15, p N 0.05). Conclusions:
Our results indicate that safety climate levels are influenced by number of safety inspections and the resultant
non-compliances. Practical applications: Findings suggest that safety non-compliances detected as a result of
conducting safety inspections could be used to monitor the safety climate state. Establishing plans to conduct
scheduled safety inspections and recording findings in the form of safety non-compliance and monitoring their
trend could be used to monitor levels of safety climate.
© 2017 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction elements of latent failures including organizational climate, inadequate

supervision and condition of operators; indicating that there might be a
The significant role of human factors in workplace accidents has flaw in Heinrich's and other researchers' theory in identifying merely
not changed much in decades. The old Heinrich theory holding unsafe unsafe behaviors as the main cause for occurrence of accidents, and
acts responsible for 88% of all workplace accidents (Heinrich, 1941 ), that consideration should be given to the drivers of latent failure.
and the more recent investigations attributing 76% of all accidents Nevertheless, human factors proved to be detrimental in the
to behavior and 20% to both behavior and conditions (McSween & Chernobyl accident and many of the tragic disasters in the following
Mathews, 1997); demonstrate the limitations of relying on technolog- years including Piper Alpha, BP Texas re finery, and Challenger and
ical and systematic solutions for prevention of accidents. In contrast, Columbia space shuttles explosions (INSAG-7, 1992; NASA Safety Center,
James Reason model of accident causation identi fied latent failures 2013; Outer Space Universe, 2011; Smith, 2003; CSB, 2005) which all en-
comprising organizational influences, unsafe supervision, and precon- couraged safety culture research particularly in high reliability organiza-
ditions for unsafe acts as contributing factors in accidents. It explained tions (Antonsen, 2009).
how accidents could be seen not simply as a consequence of human The prevailing health and safety culture of organizations is recog-
error, but as the result of the interaction between unsafe acts (active nized as a major influence on workers' safety related behavior (HSE,
failures) and latent failures (Reason, 2000a, 2000b). 1999). The crucial role of behavioral factors in reducing injuries has
This model and a comprehensive human error framework, the been indicated in organizational and safety culture research (Brown,
Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) developed Willis, & Prussia, 2000; Carder & Ragan, 2003; DePasquale & Geller,
later (Shappell & Wiegmann, 2000, 2001 ), further introduced the 1999; Flin, Mearns, O'Connor, & Bryden, 2000; Gershon et al., 2000;
Griffin & Neal, 2000). While safety climate levels have been demon-
strated with the ability to predict workplace injuries (Felknor, Aday,
⁎ Corresponding author at: Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, No. 25, Qods
Burau, Delclos, & Kapadia, 2000; Gershon, Pearse, Grimes, Flanagan, &
St, Tehran, Iran. Vlahov, 1999), other studies have associated a higher injury rate among
E-mail address: (S. Givehchi). groups with the poorest safety climate levels (Smith & DeJoy, 2014).
0022-4375/© 2017 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32

Research had also conveyed a significant positive relationship NOSACQ-50 questionnaire designed by a Nordic network of occupa-
between safety climate and safety performance (Guldenmund, 2000; tional safety researcher headed by the National Research Centre for the
Wiegmann, Zhang, Von Thaden, Sharma, & Mitchell, 2002; Zohar, Working Environment, Denmark, consists of 50 items across seven safe-
1980), which is fundamentally composed of leading and lagging indi- ty climate dimensions. Each dimension is composed of 6–9 items as per
cators (HSE, 2006). Lagging indicators are characterized by reporting the following: (a) management safety priority, commitment, and com-
accidents and learning from feedback (Delatour, Laclemence, Calcei, petence, (b) management safety empowerment, (c) management safe-
& Mazri, 2014) and leading safety indicators represent the current ty justice, (d) workers' safety commitment, (e) workers' safety priority
state and/or potential development of key organizational functions and risk non-acceptance, (f) safety communication, learning, and trust
or processes as well as the technical infrastructure of the system in co-workers' safety competence, and (g) trust in the efficacy of safety
(Dyreborg, 2009). systems. The questionnaire items are formulated in two groups of
The nature of leading indicators has been described as predictive, positive and reverse formats using a four point Likert scale ranging
proactive, and preventative (Grabowski, Ayyalasomayajula, Merrick, from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.” The design of positive and
Harrald, & Roberts, 2007; Hinze, Thurman, & Wehle, 2013; Hudson, reversed items is considered for control of acquiescence bias, which
2009; Toellner, 2001; Wurzelbacher & Jin, 2011). There is also extensive has the potential to introduce serious confounds that may threaten the
research on whether a correlation or link, if not causal relationship, validity of cross-cultural comparisons (Cheung & Rensvold, 2000).
exists between leading and lagging indicators of safety performance The initial interpretation of results is based on scores obtained
(Diaz & Cabrera, 1997; Iyer, Haight, Castillo, Tink, & Hawkins, 2004; in each dimension. Scores higher than 3.30 indicate a good level
Nielsen, Rasmussen, Glasscock, & Spangenberg, 2008). It is also impor- allowing for maintaining developments, while scores between 3.00
tant for leading indicators to actively monitor the state of safety perfor- and 3.30 are considered fairly good with a slight need for improve-
mance (Hopkins, 2009). These findings, and in particular the predictive ment. A score of 2.70 to 2.99 shows a fairly low level with a need of im-
and preventive role of leading indicators, may be suggestive of their provement and a score below 2.70 indicates a low level with a great
potential to act as a monitoring tool for detection and identification of need of improvement.
latent failures. Inclusion criteria for this study were: (a) employee shall be engaged
A limitation of previous research is that most studies have evaluated in operational activities, (b) either 5 personnel shall work at each loca-
trends of accident records as a lagging indicator of safety performance tion as minimum or (c) a minimum of 70% response rate is obtained in
in relation to improvements in safety climate. In other few researches, each location. In consultation with the questionnaire designer, the min-
the role of safety training in improving safety climate has been studied imum number of respondents in each location was reduced from the
(Bahari, 2011). To address the limitations of previous studies, we recommended 10 to five; as among 14 locations, 10 had b 10 personnel,
examined the association between various safety performance leading but we also considered a response rate factor in the survey. Administra-
indicators and safety climate dimensions. Moreover, we also included tive and office personnel and high level management were excluded on
occupation category, work experience, age, and gender to study any the basis of not being exposed to operational risks. Accordingly, of the
associations between these factors and dimensions of safety climate. total inspector personnel (N = 202, 14 locations), 93% of individuals
were selected to participate in the survey (N = 188, 10 locations).
2. Methods Altogether 89 inspectors (78 workers and 11 middle managers) filled
out the questionnaire, corresponding to a response rate of approxi-
2.1. Study population mately 47%.
The internal consistency of the seven dimensions of NOSACQ-50
In this study, Nordic Occupational Safety Climate Questionnaire questionnaire was tested by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient,
(NOSACQ-50) was employed to obtain employees perceptions towards which showed acceptable internal consistency of all dimensions, except
safety climate in cross-sectional design. The safety culture of an organi- for dimension three. Management safety priority and ability was
zation is defined as the product of individual and group values, measured with nine items (Cronbach's alpha = 0.77), management
attitudes, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the safety empowerment was measured with seven items (Cronbach's
commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization's alpha = 0.85), management safety justice was measured with six
health and safety programs (ACSNI, 1993). With a view to the cultural items (Cronbach's alpha = 0.62), worker safety commitment was mea-
layers of basic assumption, espoused values and artifacts discovered sured with six items (Cronbach's alpha = 0.71), workers' safety priority
by Schein (2004) the measurement of all three layers would be very and risk non-acceptance were measured with seven items (Cronbach's
time consuming (Brooks, 2008), therefore, safety climate, as a quicker alpha = 0.71), peer safety communication, learning, and trust in safety
approach, is assessed to form a snapshot (Canso, 2013) of safety culture. ability were measured with eight items (Cronbach's alpha = 0.70), and
The study evaluated safety climate among workers of an inspection workers' trust in the efficacy of safety systems was measured with
body during September 2015. Inspectors of traded goods and products seven items (Cronbach's alpha = 0.79).
at 14 geographically diverse ports and cities across Iran were chosen
for the study. Each location constituted of at least one middle manager 2.2. Statistical methods
or supervisor who engaged in routine inspections like other personnel.
Operations included verification of the quantity, weight, and quality of One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare mean
traded goods, testing of product quality and ensuring that products scores of the seven dimensions to determine significant differences
meet the requirements of standards set by governments, standardiza-
tion bodies, or customers. Inspected items included packed and bulk
Table 1
oil, gas, chemical, mineral, agricultural, consumer, and retail products. Formulas for calculation of ANOVA.
NOSACQ-50 questionnaire was sent via the organization's QHSE
Source of variation Sums of squares Degrees of Mean squares F
department e-mail to location managers or safety officers. While partic-
ipation of all workers in the survey was encouraged, emphasis was
Between groups SSB = ∑ni ð xi−x Þ
2 k − 1 and SSB MSB
made on (a) objective of the survey for assessing the level of safety MSB = F=
k−1 MSE
climate and its improvement, (b) protecting the confidentiality of
Within groups SSW = ∑∑ðx−xiÞ
2 N−k SSW
individual respondents, (c) voluntary participation, and (d) returning MSW =
of questionnaires either electronically or by post. Respondents gave N−1
Total SST = ∑∑ðx− xÞ2
their written informed consent to participate in the study.
S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32 25

based on each variable. Null hypothesis assumed equal means. Where Respondents' ratings of safety climate were entered into the analysis
ANOVA results indicated significant differences between means, as dependent variables. Leading indicators such as safety inspections
Tukey's HSD tests were performed to make comparisons between and non-compliances and demographic factors were entered as inde-
pairs of means in each variable subgroup and clarify what stratified sub- pendent variables. Raw data from the items were used to calculate
group mean differed. Before the comparison of means, Leven's test mean scores for each dimension and individual. Only answered items
was conducted to assess the homogeneity of variances with the null were used in the calculations. All answers for a dimension were ex-
hypothesis of equal variances. If homogeneity of variances was hold, cluded from the calculation if less than 50% of the items in that dimen-
then mean differences were attributable to differences between sub- sion were answered since a mean score based on less than 50% of the
groups of a variable. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used items cannot be considered reliable.
to assess non-linear relationships between non-parametric variables
and their direction. A significance level of 0.05 was chosen to reject 2.3. Study variables
the null hypothesis for all above tests (p ≤ 0.05). The statistical analyses
were carried out with IBM SPSS Statistics version 23. Formulas for calcu- Nine study variables were selected to study and determine their ef-
lation of the above statistical methods are described in the following. fects on safety climate. These variables could be divided into 2 different
Calculation of ANOVA requires that sums of squares between groups groups as leading indicators and demographic information.
(SSB), within groups (SSW), and the total sums of squares (SST) as well
as mean squares between groups (MSB) and within groups (MSW) are
2.3.1. Demographic info
computed to obtain the F score. The formula for calculation of ANOVA
Demographic variables included (a) gender, (b) occupation category
is shown in Table 1, where x represents the mean score of each respon-
(defined as worker or branch manager/supervisor), (c), (d) years of
dent to each individual question, xi represents mean score of each di-
work experience (defined as ≤ 5, 6–10 or ≥ 11 years), (e) age at time of
mension, x represents the overall mean score, k is the number of
participating in survey (defined using 10-year groupings of 21–30,
strati fied subgroups of each independent variable, and N represents
31–40, 41–50, 51–60 years), and (f) location.
the total number of respondents.
The formula for Levene's test is defined as:
2.3.2. Leading indicators
k 2 The leading indicators of safety performance considered included
N−k ∑i¼1 Ni Zi−Z::
W¼ 2: (a) number of safety inspections conducted (stratified subgroups of 0,
k−1 ∑k ∑Ni Zij−Zi
i¼1 j¼1 1–3, 4–5 and 6–7 inspections), (b) number of non-compliances and
hazards observed (groupings of ≤ 5, 6–15, 16–20 and ≥ 21 cases),
In this case, if V represents each study variable with size N, divided into (c) health and safety training (de fined as 0.1–3, 3.1– 7, 7.1 –11 man-
k subgroups, and Ni is the size of the ith subgroup and Zij = jVij−Vij, hours), and (d) number of training sessions (stratified subgroups of
then Vi can be either the mean, median or trimmed mean of the i-th b10, 11–20, 21–30 sessions) per location. Data on safety performance
subgroup. Also, Zi are the group means of the Zij while Z:: represents during the year prior to conducting the survey (from September 2014
the overall mean of Zij. to September 2015) were obtained from the organization's online data-
Tukey HSD test formula for each mean comparison is per following: base as well as QHSE division records. Number of training man-hours
was calculated by dividing total training hours per location by number
M1−M 2 of personnel.

s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
n 3. Results

While M represents the mean of each subgroup being compared, n is Of the total operational personnel (N = 202, 14 locations), 94% were
the number of cases per subgroup and MSw is the mean square within considered eligible to participate in the survey (N = 188, 10 locations).
groups. Once q is calculated, it must be compared with the degree of Altogether 89 employees filled out the questionnaire, corresponding to
freedom within (dfW) and the number of subgroups to determine a response rate of approximately 47%.
whether any of the mean comparisons is statistically significant. Out of all respondents to the survey, 47.2% were between 21
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rs), is calculated using and 30 years old, 81% were men, 87.6% were workers, 84.3% had less
the following formula: than 5 years of work experience and 47.2% were between 21 and
30 years old. Out of the 10 locations studied, 6 locations (N = 44)
Covðrgx; rgyÞ underwent 1–3 inspections, 3 locations (N = 18) had less than five
rs ¼ ρrgx; rgy ¼
σrgxσrgy non-compliances, 4 locations (N = 34) held 11–20 safety training
sessions and 3 locations (N = 43) recorded 3.1–7 man-hours of safety
Where ρ represents Pearson correlation coefficient while applied to training, all during the one year period before conducting the survey.
rank variables, Cov(rgx, rgy) is the covariance of rank variables and Detailed characteristics of the study population and mean scores of
σrgxσrgy are the standard deviations of rank variables. dimensions of safety climate among subgroups are presented in Table 5.

Table 2
Descriptives of the study population (N = 89).

Safety climate dimensions Number of items Mean Median Range Minimum Standard error Standard Variance
of mean deviation

Management safety priority and ability 9 3.30 3.22 1.38 2.63 0.041 0.38 0.15
Management safety empowerment 7 3.23 3.14 1.71 2.29 0.048 0.45 0.20
Management safety justice 6 3.17 3.16 2.33 1.67 0.046 0.44 0.19
Workers' safety commitment 6 3.37 3.50 1.50 2.50 0.044 0.41 0.17
Workers' safety priority and risk non-acceptance 7 2.98 2.85 2.17 1.83 0.050 0.47 0.22
Peer safety communication learning, and trust in safety ability 8 3.17 3.12 1.63 2.38 0.037 0.35 0.12
Workers' trust in efficacy of safety systems 7 3.50 3.57 1.29 2.71 0.041 0.38 0.15
26 S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32

Table 3
Descriptive statistics of all questionnaire items.

Mean SD

Dimension 1 — Management safety priority and ability

1.Management encourages employees here to work in accordance with safety rules - even when the work schedule is tight 3.38 0.574
2.Management ensures that everyone receives the necessary information on safety 3.36 0.549
3.Management looks the other way when someone is careless with safety 3.42 0.540
4.Management places safety before production 3.08 0.795
5.Management accepts employees here taking risks when the work schedule is tight 3.17 0.776
6.We who work here have confidence in the management's ability to deal with safety 3.35 0.480
7.Management ensures that safety problems discovered during safety rounds/evaluations are corrected immediately 3.32 0.656
8.When a risk is detected, management ignores it without action 3.44 0.543
9.Management lacks the ability to deal with safety properly 3.26 0.735
Dimension 2 — Management safety empowerment
10.Management strives to design safety routines that are meaningful and actually work 3.20 0.568
11.Management makes sure that everyone can influence safety in their work environment 3.18 0.561
12.Management encourages employees here to participate in decisions which affect their safety 3.20 0.664
13.Management never considers employees' suggestions regarding safety 3.34 0.722
14.Management strives for everybody at the worksite to have high competence concerning safety and risks 3.25 0.589
15.Management never asks employees for their opinions before making decisions regarding safety 3.27 0.635
16.Management involves employees in decisions regarding safety 3.19 0.604
Dimension 3 — Management safety justice
17.Management collects accurate information in accident investigations 3.37 0.649
18.Fear of sanctions (negative consequences) from management discourages employees here from reporting near-miss accidents 3.38 0.796
19.Management listens carefully to all who have been involved in an accident 3.20 0.760
20.Management looks for causes, not guilty persons, when an accident occurs 3.06 0.671
21.Management always blames employees for accidents 2.97 0.789
22.Management treats employees involved in an accident fairly 3.16 0.648
Dimension 4 — Workers' safety commitment
23.We who work here try hard together to achieve a high level of safety 3.29 0.643
24.We who work here take joint responsibility to ensure that the workplace is always kept tidy 3.37 0.591
25.We who work here do not care about each other's safety 3.32 0.736
26.We who work here avoid tackling risks that are discovered 3.17 0.715
27.We who work here help each other to work safely 3.56 0.563
28.We who work here take no responsibility for each other's safety 3.55 0.605
Dimension 5 — Workers safety priority and risk non-acceptance
29.We who work here regard risks as unavoidable 2.40 0.829
30.We who work here consider minor accidents to be a normal part of our daily work 2.95 0.718
31.We who work here accept dangerous behavior as long as there are no accidents 3.31 0.684
32.We who work here break safety rules in order to complete work on time 3.49 0.588
33.We who work here never accept risk-taking even if the work schedule is tight 2.92 0.838
34.We who work here consider that our work is unsuitable for cowards 2.74 0.882
35.We who work here accept risk-taking at work 3.03 0.809
Dimension 6 — Safety communication, learning and trust in co-workers safety competence
36.We who work here try to find a solution if someone points out a safety problem 3.40 0.538
37.We who work here feel safe when working together 3.35 0.548
38.We who work here have great trust in each other's ability to ensure safety 3.15 0.617
39.We who work here learn from our experiences to prevent accidents 2.59 0.721
40.We who work here take each other's opinions and suggestions concerning safety seriously 3.37 0.530
41.We who work here seldom talk about safety 3.06 0.789
42.We who work here always discuss safety issues when such issues come up 3.20 0.643
43.We who work here can talk freely and openly about safety 3.30 0.531
Dimension 7 — Workers' trust in efficacy of safety systems
44.We who work here consider that a good safety representative plays an important role in preventing accidents 3.53 0.502
45.We who work here consider that safety rounds/evaluations have no effect on safety 3.36 0.746
46.We who work here consider that safety training to be good for preventing accidents 3.60 0.492
47.We who work here consider early planning for safety as meaningless 3.47 0.624
48.We who work here consider that safety rounds/evaluations help find serious hazards 3.51 0.546
49.We who work here consider safety training to be meaningless 3.65 0.548
50.We who work here consider it important to have clear-cut goals for safety 3.40 0.598

Table 2 shows safety climate mean scores which ranged from highest introduction was made possible by Pete Kines, the main developer of
in workers' trust in efficacy of safety systems (M = 3.50, SD = 0.38), to the questionnaire. Statistically significant differences on
lowest in workers' safety priority and risk non-acceptance, (M = 2.98, (a) management safety priority, commitment, and competence,
SD = 0.47). Mean scores of (a) management safety empowerment, (b) management safety empowerment, (c) management safety justice,
(b) management safety justice, and (c) peer safety communication (d) workers' safety commitment, and (e) trust in the efficacy of safety
learning, and trust in safety ability, with scores ranging from 3.00 to systems were detected (p b 0.001); although internal consistency of di-
3.30, indicated a fairly good level with a slight need of improvement. mension 3 was questionable. There were no statistically significant dif-
Worker safety priority and risk non-acceptance pointed to a fairly low ferences in workers' safety priority and risk non-acceptance, and safety
level with a need of improvement (M = 2.98, SD = 0.47). communication, learning, and trust in co-workers' safety competence
Each item of the questionnaire and the relevant descriptive statistics among the two groups. The “worker” occupation group was considered
are shown in Table 3. for the comparison, which is shown in Table 4.
Benchmarking of present study results with overall outcomes of re- Table 5 shows results of one-way between subjects ANOVA which
searches and surveys conducted by employing NOSACQ-50 since its indicated a significant difference in worker safety commitment based
S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32 27

Table 4
Benchmarking perceptions of importance of health and safety between overall NOSACQ-50 database and workers of present study.
Table data provided by Pete Kines, November 2015.

Safety climate dimensions Number of Mean Standard Standard error P value

workers score deviation of mean

Management safety priority and ability Present study 78 3.28 0.38 0.04 0.001
NOSACQ-50 24,900 2.96 0.49 0.00
Management safety empowerment Present study 78 3.22 0.45 0.05 0.001
NOSACQ-50 24,184 2.89 0.47 0.00
Management safety justice Present study 78 3.15 0.44 0.05 0.001
NOSACQ-50 23,787 2.96 0.49 0.00
Workers' safety commitment Present study 78 3.37 0.41 0.05 0.001
NOSACQ-50 24,723 3.15 0.46 0.00
Workers' safety priority and risk non-acceptance Present study 77 2.96 0.48 0.04 N 0.05
NOSACQ-50 24,018 2.92 0.05 0.00
Safety communication, learning and trust in co-workers safety competence Present study 78 3.17 0.36 0.04 N 0.05
NOSACQ-50 24,099 3.10 0.04 0.00
Workers' trust in efficacy of safety systems Present study 78 3.51 0.39 0.04 0.001
NOSACQ-50 23,664 3.17 0.44 0.00

on the number of safety inspections; additionally, (a) management compliances. In contrast, perceptions of employees of workers' safety
safety priority and ability, (b) worker safety commitment, and commitment as well as peer safety communication, learning, and trust
(c) peer safety communication, learning, and trust in safety showed in safety ability were higher in groups with less than 5 non-compliances
a significant difference based on the number of non-compliances in comparison with groups receiving more than 20 non- compliances.
(p b 0.05). No significant difference was observed between means Various factors might have influenced the inconsistency of results.
based on number of safety training sessions, man-hours of safety While the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient showed a strong posi-
training, gender, occupation group, work experience and age (p N 0.05). tive correlation between number of non-compliances and number of
Results of Levene's test of assumptions of homogeneity of variances safety inspections (Spearman's correlation coefficient = 0.72, p b 0.01),
and Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test are also detailed the differing number of non-compliances received might have been in-
in Table 5 (Further Tukey HSD tests for comparisons between pairs of fluenced by diversities in (a) level of risks in each location (b) size of
means of locations were not performed due to insignificance of related each location and number of employees, (c) type of operations, and
results in this paper). (d) random sampling nature of inspections. However, variations in
Table 6 details the Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between non-compliances in an organization as a whole or in one of its particular
six pairs of ranked variables. No correlations were observed between sections constitute a reliable measure of its safety state and perfor-
work experience and number of non-compliances received and mance which in turn is influenced by its safety climate.
between safety training man-hours and number of non-compliances The significant differences of mean scores among various locations
(p N 0.05). demonstrate the possibility for existence of safety subcultures. These
differences indicate that a large group in an organization does not
4. Discussion have the same perception of safety climate. This is in line with findings
of Luria and Yagil (2010), who challenged safety climate as a uniform
In previous research, safety auditing has been regarded as a key concept for all employees and prescribed boundary conditions for safety
requirement in any effective safety management system (Griffiths, climate. It is also consistent with the findings of Zohar (2000, 2010) who
1985). Mearns, Whitaker, and Flin (2003) have also recommended suggested safety climate should be evaluated in group and not in an
setting of auditing goals and their achievement as a first line defense organization level.
in preventing injury. But to the knowledge of writers, no studies have Contrary to strong evidence in relation to the role of safety training
investigated the association between safety inspections and safety in promoting and developing a positive safety climate (Cooper, 1998;
climate. Wilson-Donnelly, Piet, Salas, & Burke, 2005; Cohen & Colligan, 1998),
While results indicated that workers' safety commitment was influ- neither number of safety training sessions nor training man-hours
enced by the number of safety inspections, a higher number of inspec- were associated with any differences in safety climate levels. Also safety
tions was not associated with higher perceptions of safety climate. training was ineffective in reducing number of non-compliances with
Groups undergoing 1–3 inspections demonstrated a higher perception no correlations observed between neither safety training man-hours
of worker safety commitment (M = 3.43, N = 44) in comparison nor number of training sessions with number of non-compliances. Fur-
with groups inspected 4– 5 times (M = 3.31, N = 15). Reference to ther investigations showed that self-studies of safety training materials
organization objectives showed that a target has been set to randomly are accounted in safety training man-hours. Without any mechanisms
conduct a minimum number of inspections per year, irrespective of in place for appropriate testing of learning outcomes and knowledge
variety of locations. Accordingly, a more specific and detailed schedule gained after a self-reported training course, there might be potential
with defined timelines covering all locations would be expected to for insubstantial and erroneous reporting. Studies have shown that
have a more positive effect. Special emphasis shall be made on the out- “classroom training with instructor” along with certain interactive prin-
come of safety inspections which is the prevention of potential failures ciples encompassing (a) asking questions, (b) synergy/learning with
by detection of non-compliances. others, and (c) interaction with a human instructor as the most effective
Although in certain cases, such as ISM code's guidelines, reference method for learning (Gerzon, Heuer, Kibbee, Nielsen, & Veal, 2006).
is made on the importance of reporting of non-compliances by de- There were no differences in safety climate perceptions among men
veloping a just culture (Oltedal, 2011), studies have not evaluated and women which is contrary to the findings of Fang, Chen, and Wong
the impact of safety non-com pliances a s a potential confounde r on (2006). In contrast with the findings of Khandan, Maghsoudipour, and
safety climate. Our findings indicated that perception of employees of Vosoughi (2011) who showed a significant association between age
management safety priority and ability was higher among groups with and safety climate, no significant differences in safety climate percep-
6–15 non-compliances in comparison with groups with less than 5 non- tions were observed among different age groups. In addition, work
28 S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32

Table 5
Demographic and leading indicators characteristics and differences between mean scores of safety climate levels among study populations.

N % N of locations Statistical analysis/Descriptives Dima 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Dim 4 Dim 5 Dim 6 Dim 7

21–30 (1) 42 47.2 9 Mean 3.29 3.26 3.16 3.35 2.99 3.16 3.47
31–40 (2) 30 33.7 10 Mean 3.36 3.29 3.22 3.46 2.97 3.18 3.53
41–50 (3) 12 13.5 5 Mean 3.21 3.23 3.18 3.28 2.93 3.22 3.51
51–60 (4) 3 3.4 3 Mean 3.09 2.63 2.72 3.31 2.8 3.13 3.24
ANOVA 0.6 0.12 0.34 0.61 0.93 0.82 0.56
Male (1) 72 80.9 10 Mean 3.33 3.28 3.2 3.41 3 3.2 3.51
Female (2) 17 19.1 5 Mean 3.2 3.04 3.07 3.23 2.92 3.09 3.46
ANOVA 0.21 0.05 0.3 0.1 0.57 0.25 0.65
Occupation category
Worker (1) 78 87.6 10 Mean 3.28 3.22 3.15 3.37 2.96 3.17 3.51
Manager/Supervisor (2) 11 12.4 10 Mean 3.51 3.29 3.35 3.39 3.16 3.23 3.45
ANOVA 0.66 0.67 0.16 0.85 0.19 0.62 0.68
Work experience (years)
b5 (1) 75 84.3 10 Mean 3.32 3.24 3.19 3.41 2.99 3.17 3.5
6–10 (2) 7 7.9 5 Mean 3.26 3.17 3.05 3.32 2.94 3.25 3.55
≥10 (3) 6 4.7 3 Mean 3.24 3.24 3.14 3.11 2.93 3.15 3.38
ANOVA 0.85 0.92 0.72 0.22 0.92 0.83 0.72
Number of safety inspections
0 (1) 7 7.9 1 Mean 3.19 3.08 3 3.29 2.92 3.21 3.53
1–3 (2) 44 49.4 6 Mean 3.34 3.26 3.25 3.43 2.96 3.18 3.5
4–5 (3) 15 16.9 2 Mean 3.12 3.13 3 3.31 2.91 3.18 3.43
6–7 (4) 23 25.8 1 Mean 3.39 3.29 3.19 3.33 3.11 3.16 3.55
ANOVA 0.1 0.08 0.23 0.04 0.55 0.19 0.12
P value 1–2 0.62 0.46 0.41 0.45 1 0.97 0.98
P value 1–3 1 1 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.78 0.7
P value 1–4 0.62 0.69 0.74 0.99 0.79 0.98 1
P value 2–3 0.15 0.09 0.28 0.03 0.99 0.14 0.1
Leven's t-test 0.75
P value 2–4 1 0.95 0.86 0.25 0.53 0.64 0.98
P value 3–4 0.18 0.34 0.81 0.88 0.71 0.82 0.3
Number of non-compliances
≤5 (1) 18 20.2 3 Mean 3.19 3.08 3.00 3.29 2.92 3.21 3.53
6–15 (2) 15 16.9 2 Mean 3.34 3.26 3.25 3.43 2.96 3.18 3.50
16–20 (3) 11 12.4 2 Mean 3.12 3.13 3.00 3.31 2.91 3.18 3.43
≥21 (4) 38 42.7 2 Mean 3.39 3.29 3.19 3.33 3.11 3.16 3.55
ANOVA 0.04 0.14 0.13 0.01 0.27 0.01 0.14
P value 1–2 0.03 0.17 0.08 0.06 0.96 0.27 0.28
Leven's t-test 0.09
P value 1–3 0.25 0.31 0.85 0.18 0.65 0.06 0.28
P value 1–4 0.41 0.24 0.43 0.00 0.25 0.01 0.12
Leven's t-test 0.22 0.32
P value 2–3 0.90 0.99 0.54 0.99 0.90 0.83 0.87
P value 2–4 0.29 0.92 0.55 0.99 0.64 0.83 1
P value 3–4 0.85 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.80
Training (man-hours)
0.1– 3 (1) 25 28.1 4 Mean 3.30 3.25 3.19 3.45 2.98 3.19 3.53
3.1–7 (2) 43 48.3 3 Mean 3.33 3.21 3.17 3.30 2.98 3.11 3.46
7–11 (3) 21 23.6 3 Mean 3.25 3.26 3.17 3.42 2.98 3.30 3.56
ANOVA 0.75 0.90 0.98 0.28 0.99 0.11 0.56
Number of training sessions
b10 (1) 30 33.7 5 Mean 3.31 3.23 3.18 3.44 2.86 3.20 3.55
11–20 (2) 36 40.4 4 Mean 3.25 3.19 3.16 3.34 3.01 3.17 3.42
21–30 (3) 23 25.8 1 Mean 3.39 3.29 3.19 3.33 3.11 3.16 3.55
ANOVA 0.38 0.71 0.96 0.51 0.17 0.93 0.32
Angooran 7 7.9 1 Mean 3.52 3.55 3.31 3.79 2.96 3.36 3.50
Khaf 7 7.9 1 Mean 3.14 3.22 3.26 3.45 3.06 3.04 3.62
Tabriz 10 11.2 1 Mean 3.07 3.02 2.83 3.16 2.73 3.00 3.46
Sari 6 6.7 1 Mean 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.72 3.14 3.60 3.88
Mahshahr 23 25.8 1 Mean 3.39 3.29 3.19 3.33 3.11 3.16 3.55
Karaj 4 4.5 1 Mean 3.36 3.04 3.17 3.17 3.01 3.13 3.43
Bandarabbas 15 16.9 1 Mean 3.23 3.10 3.14 3.22 3.05 2.99 3.24
Isfahan 7 7.9 1 Mean 3.19 3.08 3.00 3.29 2.92 3.21 3.53
Asaluyeh 5 5.6 1 Mean 3.36 3.17 3.13 3.40 2.26 3.23 3.69
Kharg 5 5.6 1 Mean 3.22 3.34 3.33 3.60 3.26 3.55 3.37
ANOVA 0.15 0.14 0.84 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.06

Significant differences are bolded.


experience was observed to have no influence over safety climate levels, safety perception. Safety climate perceptions seemed not to be influ-
which is contrary to previous findings (Gyekye & Salminen, 2010 ) enced by occupation category either (worker vs. manager), which is in
which demonstrated a positive relationship between experience and congruence with the findings of Neal and Griffin (2006). The reasons
S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32 29

Table 6
Correlations between non-parametric variables of the study.

Age Work experience Number of safety inspections Number of non-compliances Training (man-hours) Number of training sessions

Spearman's rho 1 0.49 0.01 − 0.17 0.12 0.05
2-tailed – 0.00 0.90 0.11 0.24 0.62
N 86 86 86 79 86 86
Work experience (years)
Spearman's rho 0.49 1 − 0.05 − 0.04 0.15 0.01
2-tailed 0.00 – 0.64 0.69 0.14 0.91
N 86 88 88 81 88 88
Number of safety inspections
Spearman's rho 0.01 − 0.05 1 0.72 0.43 0.92
2-tailed 0.90 0.64 – 0.00 0.00 0.00
N 86 88 89 82 89 89
Number of non-compliances
Spearman's rho − 0.17 − 0.04 0.72 1 − 0.17 0.67
2-tailed 0.11 0.69 0.00 – 0.11 0.00
N 79 81 82 82 79 82
Training (man-hours)
Spearman's rho 0.12 0.15 0.43 − 0.15 1 0.54
2-tailed 0.24 0.14 0.00 0.17 – 0.00
N 86 88 89 82 89 89
Number of training sessions
Spearman's rho 0.05 0.01 0.92 0.67 0.54 1
2-tailed 0.62 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
N 86 88 89 82 89 89

Correlations are bolded.

for these indifferences could be explained by the fact that all managers receiving criticism or having to deal wi th “undue consequences”
responding to the survey engaged in routine operations and therefore as a result of safety climate outcomes. Thirdly, in addition to factors
were directly exposed to the same risk level in the workplace regardless influencing number of n on-complianc es as mentioned a bove, obser-
of age or experience level, a condition not normally observed in other vations are affected by the perceptions of inspector, including their
workplaces (Neal & Grif fin, 2006 ), and, identical to workers, formed knowledge, training, education, attit ude and experience in re lati on
perceptions on safety climate levels based on interactions with higher to job tasks, proce sses and conditions whic h could not be explo red
level management. in this study.
The inter-correlations among test items in dimension three which ad- In conclusion, perceptions on the importance of health and safety are in-
dressed workers' perceptions of how management treats workers involved fluenced by variations in leading indicators. As a factor effective on workers'
in accidents fairly; indicated questionable internal consistency of this dimen- safety commitment, safety inspections need to be scheduled and conducted
sion (α b 0.7). A just culture which comprises an atmosphere of trust, where of all divisions and areas within an organization. Additionally, as number of
there is a clear line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, is deemed non-compliances was shown to indicate the perception of workers on man-
necessary in preparing workers to report errors (Reason, 1997). In contrast, in agement safety priority and ability, workers' safety commitment and safety
organizations where accountability and blame are predominant features of communication, learning, and trust in co-workers' safety competence,
the work situation, there might be a tendency to manage safety issues therefore, variations in this leading indicator could be used as a measure
through mer ely fo rmal procedu res at the expe nse of problem- of the status of safety climate. A rise of non-compliances in a specific divi-
solving and ingenuity (Je ffcott, Pidgeon, Weyman, & Walls, 2006). sion or area of the organization, compared with its previous records,
A preliminary approach to promote a just culture would be to compel could be indicative of degrading safety climate levels. However, compari-
management of the main intention of accident reporting and investi- sons shall be restricted to the specific section under evaluation and
gation which is prevention of future recurrence. benchmarking departments or organizations shall not be exercised. In mea-
To our knowledge, the present study is the first study that distinc- surement of safety climate levels and planning for its improvements, atten-
tively investigated the role of leading indicators of safety performance tion needs to be paid to different subcultures that exist within any
in relation to safety climate. Strengths of this study include a geograph- organization. On another note, counting the number of man-hours of safety
ically diverse population, access of investigators to performance training or number of safety training sessions is not an indicator of effective
indicators data contained in company maintained databases rather safety training. The principles of interactive learning need to be employed
than relying on worker self-report in each location, and familiarity of for conducting safety training in an effective manner. In situations where
the research team with company's overall circumstances. A review of personal factors such as work experience, age or occupation category
the characteristics of previous research is detailed in Appendix 0. do not have any association with safety climate, as shown in this
There are some potential limitations to our study. First, a longitu- study, an organization would bene fit by promotion of a just culture
dinal panel design would have enabled the inve stigation of in flu- through encouragement of reporting of hazards while dynamically
ence of variables on safety climate variations over time which was balancing out acceptable and unacceptable behaviors.
not possible in the current study on the basis of using cross-
sectional data. Secondly, bias due to non-response could not be Acknowledgment
ruled out. There was particularl y a low r esponse rate (15.3%) in
one of the locations with the greatest population (N = 98) indicat- The outcome of research had no implications including financial
ing a problem area which needs to be further investigated f or benefits for any of the researchers. The “assessment of safety
underlying causes, including potential for a lack of general coopera- climate” was established as one of the KPIs of the organization during
tion in tasks beyond routine duties or a negative view on safety is- the year 2015. The results obtained will be provided to the company's
sues driven by pee r group pressure f rom high status membe rs global QHSE management team for further application in its other
among workers. There might also be a potential concern over affiliates.
30 S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32

Appendix 1

A review of the characteristics of previous literature

No. Author(s) Study population Research methods Statistical methods Sample of results

1. Diaz and Cabrera n = 166, 3 airport Research design: Factor analysis, ANOVA, Pearson correlation indicated a signi ficant positive
(1997) companies cross-sectional Regression analysis, correlation between both variables (R = 0.26; ρ = 0.001).
Research tool: scale of safety Pearson correlation, An analysis of regression was carried out given the above
attitudes, safety climate MANOVA relationship and the results showed that the climate
questionnaire, safety level scale predicted 7% (F = 11.74; ρ = 0.0008) and age predicted
3.7% (F = 9.33; ρ = 0.0001) of the attitude-variance.
2. DePasquale and n = 701, 20 different Research design: Stepwise regression Employees in a mandatory BBS process demonstrated
Geller (1999) industrial sites, cross-sectional significantly greater levels of trust in management (both
31 focus groups Research tool: perception abilities and intentions), trust in coworkers (both abilities
survey questionnaire and and intentions), and overall satisfaction with the BBS
focus group discussions training received.
3. Brown et al. n total = 800, 593 Research design: Covariance structure Of the structural models evaluated, the indirect model
(2000) respondents, 551 cross-sectional analysis system–person sequence represented the best fitting
included in data Research tool: survey parsimonious model. Results from this model show that
analysis, Steel industry questionnaire developed for the presence of safety hazards can degrade perceived
this purpose safety climate (− 0.32) and increase operators' feelings of
pressure to value expediency over safety (0.29). However,
the perception of a strong safety climate can diminish
feelings of pressure (− 0.30). Thus, safety hazards influence
perceived pressure directly and indirectly through climate.
4. Felknor et al. n = 1000, hospital Research design: Not available The two most significant predictors of safety climate were
(2000) based health care cross-sectional training and administrative support for safety. Safety
workers Research tool: climate was a statistically significant predictor of
survey questionnaire workplace injuries and safety practices, respectively, and
developed for this purpose there was an underreporting rate of 71% of workplace injuries.
5. Gershon et al. n = 789, hospital Research design: Factor analysis Senior management support for safety programs, absence
(2000) based health care cross-sectional of workplace barriers to safe work practices, and
workers Research tool: cleanliness/orderliness of the work site were significantly
survey questionnaire related to compliance (P b .05). In addition, both senior
developed for this purpose management support for safety programs and frequent
safety-related feedback/training were significantly
related to workplace exposure incidents (P b .05).
6. Griffin and Neal n total = 1403, Research design: Confirmatory factor Perceptions of knowledge about safety and motivation to
(2000) 1264 included in cross-sectional analysis, structural perform safely influenced individual reports of safety
data analysis Research tool: survey equation modeling performance and also mediated the link between safety
questionnaire developed climate and safety performance. Specific dimensions of
for this purpose safety climate were identified and constituted a higher
order safety climate factor. The results support
conceptualizing safety climate as an antecedent to safety
performance inorganizations.
7. Zohar (2000) n = 534 in 53 work Research design: Exploratory factor Climate perceptions signi ficantly predicted microaccident
groups, metal cross-sectional analysis (PCA), records during the 5-month recording period that
processing plant Research tool: survey correlations, within-group followed climate measurement, when the effects of group
questionnaire based on homogeneity, ANOVA, and individual level risk factors were controlled.
critical incident technique ordinary least squares
and the use of task Load Index regression, hierarchical
(Hart & Staveland, 1988), linear modeling
supervisor and expert
ratings of risk
8. Carder and Ragan n total = 6000, estimated Research design: Pearson correlation, Sites with higher (better) survey scores tend to have lower
(2003) response rate: 80%–90%, cross-sectional chi-squared test accident rates. Reflecting the inverse nature of this
50 plants, Chemical relationship, the Pearson coefficient in this case is −.87
industry Research tool: survey and is significant beyond the .0005 level.
questionnaire evolved for
this purpose
9. Mearns et al. n = 682 in year 1, Research design: longitudinal ANOVA, Tukey HSD, Negative and significant coefficients between health and
(2003) n = 806 in year 2. Research tools: Spearman correlation safety auditing with rate of dangerous occurrence in the
Offshore Oil & Gas Offshore Safety first [rho9 = − 0.71; P b 0.05] and between health and
Questionnaire safety auditing and rate of lost time injuries
(OSQ); Safety [rho8 = − 0.85; P b 0.01] in the second year.
10. Iyer et al. (2004) 30 weeks of observations Research design: longitudinal Regression analysis, An increase of the intervention level by 47%, following as
made on hours spent Research tool: mathematical Response surface analysis, closely as possible, the directions (recipe) suggested, a
on implementation of programming model designed Mathematical decrease of 7.1% in the incident rate was observed. These
interventions vs. weekly for an effective safety and programming confirmed the strength of the relationship between the
incident rates health program incident rates and intervention application levels that was
suggested by the model.
11. Fang et al. (2006) n = 4719, 54 sites, Research design: Factor analysis, Logistic Statistically significant relationships were found between
Construction company cross-sectional regression safety climate and personal characteristics, including
and its subcontractors Research tool: safety climate gender, marital status, education level, number of family
questionnaire survey members to support, safety knowledge, drinking habits,
direct employer, and individual safety behavior.
S. Givehchi et al. / Journal of Safety Research 62 (2017) 23–32 31

1 (continued)

No. Author(s) Study population Research methods Statistical methods Sample of results

12. Neal and Griffin n total = 700, Research design: longitudinal Confirmatory factor Group safety climate in year 2 was positively associated
(2006) n = 430 (61%) in year 1, Research tools: survey analysis, ANOVA, Poisson with subsequent levels of safety motivation after we
n = 490 (52%) in year 2, questionnaire regression analysis controlled for all individual measures. This result provides
n = 301 (46%) in year 3. strong evidence for a lagged effect of group safety climate
Hospital staff on subsequent individual safety motivation. The inclusion
of safety motivation in year 2 as a predictor of safety
motivation in year 4 means that we found the lagged
effect of group safety climate after controlling for prior
levels of safety motivation.
13. Brooks (2008) n = 20, Wood products Research design: longitudinal Not available Dominant assumptions are naturally selected.
manufacturer Research tool: ethnographic The results are discussed with reference to safety systems,
research methods negative cultural elements called Cultural Safety Viruses,
and how our understanding of this particular
organizational culture might be used to build resistance
to these viruses.
14. Nielsen et al. Plant A - T0: n = 388, Research design: longitudinal Poisson regression, At follow-up accident rates were reduced at both plants
(2008) T1: n = 443 Research tool: Multi-multiple and the only significant between-plant difference was
Plant B – T0: 364, T1: 293 Danish safety culture confirmatory factor commitment to the workplace. The study demonstrates a
questionnaire (DSCQ) analysis relationship between changes in both questionnaire- and
audit-based measures of safety climate and rates of
self-reported injuries and LTIs.
15. Gyekye and n = 320, industrial Research design: Chi-squared test, ANOVA, The interaction model (age x experience x job role) was
Salminen (2010) workers including cross-sectional MANOVA, posterior t test found to be highly significant for work safety (F(26, 258) =
32% miners and 68% from Research tool: survey 18.89, p b .001). The main effects of experience
textiles, timber and questionnaire (F(4, 258) = 30.68, p b .001), job role (F(1, 258) = 75.98,
saw-mill plants, p b .001), and age (F(3, 258) = 85.87, p b .001), and the
breweries, and interaction effects of job role and experience were all
food-processing plants significant (F(3, 258) = 4.47, p b .010).
16. Luria and Yagil n = 90 in 11 Research design: ANOVA, Content analysis Two themes of general differences in safety among
(2010) manufacturing cross-sectional employee sub-groups with a frequency of 72% and
organizations, including Research tool: favorability of 3.8 and safety perceptions of employee
metal & aviation semi-structured sub-groups with a frequency of 34% and favorability
industries (5), food interview of 3.4
industries (4), chemical
industry (1) and plastic
industry (1)
17. Bahari (2011) T1: n = 330, T2: n = 402, Research design: longitudinal Exploratory factor In Time 2, levels of Knowledge and Skill Transfer
manufacturing plant Research tool: analysis, Principal (M = 54.18, SD = 5.60), Safe Work Practices (M = 21.57,
safety climate scale and safety component analysis, SD = 2.71) and the Safety and Risk Understanding
climate questionnaire Confirmatory factor (M = 19.80, SD = .687) mean score were reported to be
developed for this purpose analysis, MANOVA, slightly higher compared to Time 1.
Pearson product
moment, ANOVA
18. Khandan et al. n total = 151, 134 Research design: ANOVA, ELECTRE The results notified a significant relationship between age
(2011) respondents cross-sectional and safety climate (p b 0.05)
(89% response rate), Research tool: survey
Petrochemical industry questionnaire
19. Wurzelbacher n = 33 companies, Research design: Dichotomization of data, Higher levels of several self-reported OSH program
and Jin (2011) covered by the same cross-sectional mean and standard elements (tracking progress in controlling workplace
worker compensation Research tool: surveys deviation comparisons, safety hazards, identifying ergonomic hazards, using
insurer developed for this purpose F-test health promotion programs) were associated with lower
rates of WC lost time cases in 2003. Higher reported
exposures to noise and projectiles were also associated
with higher rates of WC cases and costs in 2003.
20. Smith and DeJoy n = 398, Fire fighters Research design: Structural equation
(2014) cross-sectional modeling, Poisson
Research tool: data collection regression analysis
by questionnaire

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