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Chapter 4


This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the research

Findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were

Analyzed to identify, describe and create a way to live by the inflation rate. Data were obtained
from self-administered questionnaires, completed by 2 Business managers.

The questionnaire comprised of three questions and data generated will be presented as


1. For your business is Inflation good or bad?

2. How do you use the rise of inflation to your advantage?
3. How do find a solution to control inflation?


Descriptive statistical analysis was used to answer all of the questions in the questionnaire. All
respondents answered all of the questions therefore we could conclude on finding a way to live
with the inflation rate.

4.3 Respondent Knowledge

This area of the poll secured the respondents' age, business name, full name, Gender, age and the
year of being in the business. In spite of the fact that not integral to the investigation, the
individual information helped contextualize the discoveries and the detailing of fitting
suggestions to empower more teenagers to use contraceptives to anticipate impromptu

4.3.1 Personal Data (Biography)

Respondent # 1

Full name: Eduardo Abenoja Marzan

Business name: Sincere Construction Development Corp.

Gender: Male

Age: 50 years old

Year of being in the business:10 years

Respondent # 2

Full name: Alice Nicolas

Business name: Shell gasoline station

Gender: Female

Age: 57 years old

Year of being in the business: 15 years

4.3.2 Knowledge about inflation rate

This area of the poll comprised of 3 inquiries on prophylactic learning. A large portion of the
inquiries were shut things requiring the respondents to answer with what they know through the
involvement in their time in the business

The principal respondent said that "For our business which we are purchasing crude materials to
the provider it isn't useful for the reason that the costs may likewise increment. For the
development organization like us it is essential to know the strength of the costs since they may
get an enormous lost to the undertaking if the cost increments since they are getting it dependent
on the materials that will be utilized on the said task" They concurred that expansion rate has an
awful impact towards their activities in doing their business

They figured out how to make a system that would help their business in living with the
expansion rate. They addressed the inquiry # 3 with finding an answer for control expansion is
by having the Central Bank of the Philippines check the cash that is coursing in the Philippines
just as the supply, request of products and the items.

An Extra inquiry was asked and the respondent replied with "We can't remove the swelling yet
we can accomplish more alternative like for instance as opposed to getting to the banks for high
premium perhaps they could discover financial specialists to contribute cash or to the current
speculators to loan they cash to the business." Thus saying that expansion would dependably be
seen through business when it's purchasing or making items.
4.4 Conclusion

This part talked about the information examination and translation with reference to the writing
survey. The point of this examination was to recognize factors contributing to how the swelling
rate would influence the course of the business. The fundamental discoveries of the examination
were condensed in each area.

Chapter 5 finishes up the examination, talks about its restrictions and makes proposals for
training What’s more, further research.

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