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In the current situation of the technology all the devices has been established
as the wireless controlled machines which is being used in industries, factories and
hospitals. Any equipment that can be controlled wirelessly is more easy to
maintain and it responds very fast comparing to the manual operation .Smart
generator monitoring system is used to control systems and machines to reduce the
need of human work in the production of goods, service and Industry. Smart
generator monitoring system is used to control the generators in industry or
hospital in case of Emergency. Industry/hospital automation is one of the most
exciting developments in technology for the home that has come along in decades.

The use of Generators has become a very common in almost every passive
infrastructure companies, Industries, hospitals, Townships etc. While using these
Generators a number of challenges are faced by the user such as maintaining the
Quality of grid power, asset protections, generator maintenance, capturing real
time data, Remotely monitoring of the generator, fuel theft monitoring, data
collection analysis issues, Human dependency etc. The Generator Monitoring
System (GMS) is designed specifically for emergency power generators to monitor
engine operations and detect pre-alarms or failures.
This ensures you a increased generator availability and a rapid response to
service problems. The Generating Monitoring System(GMS) monitors the power
generators placed at the remote areas and increases its Efficiency by monitoring
the various parameters of generator, Reporting critical Problems minimizes down
time and maximizes availability by sending generator failure messages instantly to
you for diagnosis and emergency service dispatch if required.

It works on GSM technology, GMS can monitor various parameters such as

external power supply, the battery voltage, fuel level, etc. This system provides
ideal solution to the problems caused in situations when a wired connection
between a remote appliance/device and the control unit might not be feasible. The
project is aimed to analyzing and testing the use of mobile phones to remotely
monitor an appliance control system through GSM based wireless communication.


The main objective of this project is ,

• To switch ON the generator from the current location using the mobile
phone .

• To monitor the voltage, current, temperature after the generator is being

switched ON from the mobile phone.

• It can be used in the case of the emergency during the power shut down
in the hospital or industry.

• To easily operate the switching functions of the generator.


Technology has been improved to a very advanced rate in the last decade,
Since in that improved method of that technology the controllability of device from
one place to another place is quite difficult, because it degrades the time of the
operation and also increases the difficulty of the operation. Hence to overcome this
limitations, we proposed a new method which will ease the operation of the
authorized person without any restrictions. Since in this proposed system the
authorized person can able to monitor the generator parameter of the device which
is situated in the other place from his current location with his mobile phone.


The scope of the project is to design a system that is used to control the
switching operations and to monitor the parameters of the generator. The main
focus of this work is to switch ON and OFF the generator in case of the emergency
which can be occurred in the hospital and Industry. Hence authorized person has
the main advantage of controlling the operations by using the mobile phone in their
current location.


In this project, an automatic remote controlled based hand gesture for physically
impaired people is modelled and implemented. A brief outline of the project is
given as follows.

• Chapter 1 deals with introduction.

• Chapter 2 deals with Proposed method.

• Chapter 3 deals with Literature survey.

• Chapter 4 deals with software implementation.

• Chapter 5 deals with merits and demerits.

• Chapter 6 deals with application.

• Chapter 7 deals with conclusion and future work.



In this system Arduino is the heart of the system which takes control of
whole the system process. In here a GSM module is used for sending and receiving
the message. A 16x4 liquid crystal LCD for displaying the appliances status and
process like SYSTEM READY,GENERATOR ON, light 1 ON, light 1OFF, light 2
ON, light 2 OFF etc. Here AC load is used for demonstration in which one zero
watt bulb indicated is generator by sensor. In this system it has an additional
function in which you will get the notification or status message for ON and OFF
the generator by the mobile .

Figure 2.1.System overview

Figure 2.1 describes the system containing hardware and software, The
hardware architecture consists of a stand-alone embedded system that is based on
Microcontroller a GSM handset with GSM Modem and a driver circuit. The GSM
modem provides the communication by SMS messages. The SMS message
consists of commands to be executed. The SMS message is sent to the GSM
modem via the GSM public networks as a text message with a definite predefined
format. Once the GSM modem receives negative signal from the EB supply, it
sends the SMS to the user consisting of non-availability of power supply, Voltage
level , Current level, temperature of the coolant, etc.

The user can decide whether to switch the generator on/off and issue the
command. Based on the message, the commands sent will be extracted and
executed by the Microcontroller. In this case, if the EB power supply resumes,
again the user is made to know the status of on-site.. bit microcontroller with 8K
bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory.

The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory

technology and is compatible with the industry standard 80C51 instruction set and
pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-
system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer.

Figure 2.2. Smart generator

Figure 2.2 shows a smart generator which is also called as an electrical

generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of
alternating current. For reasons of cost and simplicity, most alternators use a
rotating magnetic field with a stationary armature. A linear alternator are a rotating
armature with a stationary magnetic field is used. In principle, any AC electrical
generator can be called an alternator, but usually the term refers to small rotating
machines driven by automotive and other internal combustion engines. Large 50 or
60 Hz three phase alternators in power plants generate most of the world electric
power, which distributed by electric power grids.
Before the connection between magnetism and electricity was discovered,
electrostatic generator were invented. They operated on electrostatic principles, by
using moving electrically charged belts, plates and disks that carried charge to a
high potential electrode. The charge was generator using either of two
mechanisms: electrostatic induction or the triboelectric effect. Such generators
generated very high voltage and low current. Because of their inefficiency and the
difficulty of insulating machines that produced very high voltages, electrostatic
generators had low power ratings, and were never used for generation of
commercially significant quantities of electric power.

1.Operational flexibility

The fast-responding and efficient engines make Smart Power Generation

power plant suitable for various tasks:

• Use for base load, peaking and load-following generation

• Back up the intermittent output of wind and solar energy

2. Energy Efficiency

The modular design of multiple cascading engines makes Smart Power

Generation fuel efficiency at any load.

• Get more energy from the same amount of fuel

• Save money and cut CO2 emissions

3. Fuel Flexibility

Smart Power Generation plants can use any gaseous and liquid fuels
including bio fuels. They can even switch from one fuel to another without

• Gain fuel security

• Use the cheapest and the cleanest fuels available


Figure 2.3.Block diagram of Voltage Sensor Diagram

Block diagram of Voltage Sensor is shown in the figure 2.3, AC voltage

measurement can be carried out by converting AC voltage into proportional DC
Voltage using rectifier and filter circuits. For low AC voltage (mili volts)
measurement precision rectifier is used as diode knee voltage is 0.7 Volt. Similar
to DC voltage measurement voltage divider is constructed using 47 K Ohm
variable resistor R1.5V zener diode is used to protect Arduino from accidental
excess voltages. Adjust the resistor R1 (47K) to calibrate the voltage. Here the AC
voltage that we can give to transformer is from 50V to 230V depending on its
ratings. Rectified DC is fed to the voltage divider circuit.

1. 1N4007 Diodes – Qty. 4
2. Arduino Uno
3. Connecting Wires
4. Step down transformer 230V to 6V
5. Variable resistor 47K Ohm
6. Capacitor 1uF 25V
7. 5V Zener Diode
Adjust the resistor R1 to get proper reading. When AC Voltage is 250V we
get 5V output. So calibration formula is,
AC Voltage = (250/1024) * ADC _Value
In case if the voltage reading is fluctuating then increase the value of C1
from 1uF to 10uF.


2.4(a).Block Diagram of Current Sensor

Fig.2.4 (a) Shows the block diagram of Current sensor, This is a bi-
directional measuring device and therefore this can be used for both AC and DC
current sensing. The ACS712 sensor is designed for three current ranges 5A, 20A
and 30A. The sensor consists of an integrated circuit which works according to the
Hall effect principal. This Integrated chip generates a voltage proportional to the
current flowing in the circuit. Breakout board of current sensors based on this
device also available in the market and they make your life easier.

T1 and T2 of the sensor should be connected in series with the current path
which is need to sense. Out pin should be need to connect one of the analog input
pin available in the Arduino. VCC and GND pins should be connected to 5V and
GND pin of the Arduino respectively.
The sensor outputs an analog voltage correspondence to the current flow.
Therefore to get the current reading from the Arduino. So we need to perform
analog to digital conversion inside the Arduino and multiply with calibrating
constant to get the actual value. We need to use little bit of mathematics for the
actual current value calculation. Arduino has 10 bit analog to digital converter
register. So ADC value is in range of 01023. Then the actual sensor voltage output
can be obtained from,
Output Sensor Voltage = analog Read (sensor Pin)*5.0/1023.0

Fig.2.4(b) Current Sensor

In this system we are using the current sensor ,which helps us to sense the current,
that gives the parameter details.

Figure 2.5(a). Block Diagram of Temperature Sensor

This project uses IC LM35 as a sensor for detecting accurate centigrade

temperature. Linearity defines how well over a range of temperature a sensor’s
output consistently changes. Unlike Thermistor, linearity of a precision IC sensor
are very good of 0.5˚c accuracy and has wide temperature range. Its output voltage
is linearly proportional to the Celsius temperature.

The LM35 is rated to operate over a -55˚ to +150˚c temperature range. it

draws only 60 µA from its supply, it has very low self-heating, less than 0.1˚c in
still air. LM35 Operates from 4 to 30 volts.

Output of IC is 10mv/degree centigrade for eg if the output of sensor is 280

mV then temperature is 28 degree c. so by using a digital multi meter we can
easily calculate the degree temperature. For trigger point you should set the voltage
of pin 2 of IC 741 by using preset or potentiometer.
Our aim of this project is not to construct a thermometer but to activate or
deactivate a device at a particular margin temperature. For simplicity we have used
2 LED for indication of both low and high temperature.

Figure 2.5(b). Temperature Sensor


• Calibrated directly in Celsius(centigrade)

• Linear +10-mV/˚c scale factor

• 0.5˚c ensured accuracy (at 25˚c)

• Rated for full -55˚c to 150˚c range

• Suitable for remote applications

• Low cast due to water level trimming

• Operates from 4 v to 30 v

• Less than -60µA current drain

• Low self heating.0.08˚c in still air

• Non-linearity only ±1/4˚c typical


• Battery management

• Power supplies


• Appliance


Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that comes from resources

which are naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight, wind, rain,
tides, waves and geothermal heat. Solar is an important source of renewable energy
and its technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar
depending on the way they capture and distribute solar energy or covert it into
solar power. Solar photovoltaic in solar panel modules generate electricity from
sunlight. the solar energy can be directly converted into electrical energy by means
of photovoltaic effect, i.e, conversion of light into electricity. Generation of an
electromotive force due to absorption of ionizing radiation is known as
photovoltaic effect.

• The energy conversion devices which are used to convert sunlight to

electricity by use of the photovoltaic effect are called solar cells.

• Photo voltaic energy conversion is one of the most popular

nonconventional energy sources.

• The photovoltaic cell offers an existing potential for capturing solar

energy in a way that will provide clean, versatile, renewable energy.
Figure 2.6.Solar Photovoltaic Array.

Figure 2.6 Shows the assembly of the solar panel, This simple device has no
moving parts, negligible maintenance costs, produces no pollution and has a
lifetime equal to that of a conventional fossil fuel. Photovoltaic cells capture solar
energy and convert it directly to electrical current by separating electrons from
their parent atoms and accelerating them across a one way electrostatic barrier
formed by the function between two different types of semiconductor material.


The simplest means of storage on a smaller moderate scale is in electric

storage batteries, especially as solar cells produce the direct electric current
required for battery charging. The stored energy can then be delivered as electricity
upon discharge. The common lead acid storage batteries, such as are used in
automobiles, are not ideal for this purpose, but they are probably the best presently
available. Extensive research in progress should lead to the development of more
suitable batteries. A possible alternative is to use the direct current from solar cells
to decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen gases. These gases would be stored
in a suitable form and utilized as needed to generate electricity in a fuel cells.
Figure 2.7.Block Diagram of Charger Circuit.

Block Diagram of Charger Circuit is shown in figure 2.7 ,Here is an energy

saving harvests solar inverter battery charger. It harvests solar energy to replenish
12 volt inverter battery. It has auto cut off facility to stop charging when the
battery attains full attains full charge. The charger uses a 24 volt solar panel as

The circuit uses a variable voltage regulator IC LM 317 to set the output
voltage steady around 16 volts. Variable resistor VR controls the output voltage.
When the solar panel generates current, D1 forward biases and regulator IC gets
input current. Its output voltage depends on the setting of VR and the output
current is controlled by R1. This current passes through D2 and R3. When the
output voltage is above 16 volts, Zener diode ZD2 conducts and gives stable 15
volts for charging.

Charging current depends on R1 and R3. Around 250 to 300 mA current will
be available for charging. Green LED indicates charging status. When the battery
attains full voltage around 13volts. Zener diode ZD1 conducts and T1 forward
This drains the output current from the regulator IC through T1 and charging
process stops. When the battery voltage reduces below 12 volts. ZD1 turns off
and battery charging starts again. Connect the circuit to the solar panel and
measure the input voltage. Make sure that it is above 18 volts. Connect the circuit
to the battery with correct polarity and adjust VR till LED lights. This indicates the
conduction of ZD2 and output voltage. Use heat sinks for LM317 and TIP to
dissipate heat.


Figure 2.8. Block Diagram of Inverter Circuit

Figure 2.8 shows the block diagram of Inverter Circuit, Since inverter, is an
electronics device or circuitry that changes direct current to alternating current.
The voltage, output voltage and frequency, and overall power handling depend on
the design of the specific device or circuitry. The inverter does can be entirely
electronic or may be a combination of mechanical effects and electronic circuitry.
Static inverters do not use moving parts in the conversion process.

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on
flexible, Easy -to use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers,
hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors
and can affect its surrounding controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.

The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino

programming language and the Arduino development environment. Arduino
projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software running on a

The Arduino uno is a microcontroller board on the AT mega328. It has 14

digital input/output pins 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHZ crystal oscillator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contain everything
needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with a AC-to-AC adapter or battery to get started.


Microcontroller: ATmega328

Operating Voltage: 5v

Input Voltage: 7-12v


Input Voltage (limits): 6-20v

Digital I/O Pins: 14(of which 6 provide PWM output)

Analog Input pins: 6

DC Current per I/O pin: 40 Ma

Dc Current for 3.3v pin: 50Ma

Flash memory: 32KB of which 0.5 KB used by boot loader

SRAM: 2KB(ATmega328)

EEPOROM: 1KB(ATmega328)

Clock Speed: 16M

Figure 2.9(a). Pin Diagram of Arduino

The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB connection or with an
external power supply it is shown in the figure2.9 (a), The power source is selected
automatically. External (non-USB) power can come either from an AC-to-DC
adapter(wall-wart) or battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1 mm
center-positive plug into the board’s power jack. Leads from a battery can be
inserted in the Gnd and Vin pin headers of the POWER connecter.

The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied

with less than 7v, however, the 5v pin may supply less than five volts and the
board may be unstable. If using more than 12v, the voltage regulator may overheat
and damage the board.

The recommended range is 7 to 12volts. The power pins are as follows:

VIN. The input voltage to the Arduino board when it’s using an external power
source (as opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or others regulated power
source). You can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the
power jack, access it through this pin.

5V. This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulated on the board. The board
can be supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7–12V). The USB
connector (5V), or the VIN pin of the board (7-12V), supplying voltage via the 5V
or 3.3v pins by passes the regulator, and can damage your board. We don’t advise

3V3. A volts 3.3 supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum current
draw is 50 mA.

GND. Ground pins


The ATmega328 has 32KB (with 0.5 KB used for the boot loader). It also
has 2KB of SRAM and 1KB of EEPROM.

Input and output

Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an input or output,
using pin mode, digital write, digital read functions. They operate at 5 volts. Each
pin can provide or receive a maximum of 40 mili ampere and an internal pull-up
resister (disconnected by default) of 20-50 K ohms. In addition, some pins have
specialized functions:

• Serial: 0(RX) and 1(TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL
serial data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the
ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL serial chip.

• External interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an

interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value.

• PWM: 3,5,6,9,10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analog
write function.

LED:13. There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is
HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it’s off.

The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of which provide
10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values).

By default they measure from ground to 5 volts, through is it possible to

change the upper end of their range using the AREF pin and analog reference
function. There are couples of other pins on the board.

AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analog reference.

Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a
reset button to shields which block the one the board.
Figure 2.9(b). Arduino Diagram

2.10 GSM

Figure 2.9 (b) Shows the Ardunio diagram, A GSM modem is a specialized
type of modem which accepts a SIM card, and operates over a subscription to a
mobile operator, just like a mobile phone. From the mobile operator perspective, a
GSM modem looks just like a mobile phone. When a GSM modem is connected to
an Arduino, this allows the Arduino to use the GSM modem to communicate over
the mobile network.

While these GSM modems are most frequently used to provide mobile
internet connectivity, many of them can also be used for sending and receiving
SMS and MMS message. It can be a mobile phone that provide GSM modem

2.10.1 GSM modem

Figure 2.10.1. GSM Modem

Figure 2.10.1 Shows a picture of a GSM modem. It is a specialized type of

modem which accepts a SIM card, and operates over a subscription to a mobile
operator, just like a mobile phone. From the mobile operator perspective, a GSM
modem looks just like a mobile phone.

A GSM modem exposes an interface that allows applications such as now

SMS to send and receive message over the modem interface. The mobile operator
charges for this message sending and receiving as if it was performed directly on a
mobile phone. To perform these tasks, a GSM modem must support an “extended
AT command set” for sending/receiving SMS messages.

• GSM architecture

A GSM network consists of the following components:

Mobile Station
It is the mobile phone which consists of the transceiver, the display and
the processor and is controlled by a SIM card operating over the network.

Base Station Subsystem

It acts as an interface between the mobile station and the network subsystem.
It consists of the Base Transceiver Station which contains the radio transceivers
and handles the protocols for communication with mobiles. It also consists of the
Base Station Controller which controls the Base Transceiver station and acts as a
interface between the mobile station and mobile switching centre.

Network Subsystem

It provides the basic network connection to the mobile stations. The basic
part of the Network Subsystem is the Mobile Service Switching Centre which
provides access to different networks like ISDN, PSTN etc. It also consists of the
Home Location Register and the Visitor Location Register which provides the call
routing and roaming capabilities of GSM. It also contains the Equipment Identity
Register which maintains an account of all the mobile equipments wherein each
mobile is identified by its own IMEI number. IMEI stands for International Mobile
Equipment Identity.

2.10.3 GSM Mobile Handset

Cellular phone containing SIM (Subscriber’s Identifying module) card has a

specific number through which communication takes place. The modem of
communication is wireless and mechanism works on the GSM (Global System for
Mobile Communication) technology. Here, the user transmits instructions to the
system to control the appliances in the form of SMS through an android

2.10.4 GSM Receiver Handset

The receiver GSM handset is used to receive the SMS send by the user and
then to transmit an acknowledgement or status to the user’s mobile. The receiver
handset has to be equipped with an AT Modem and a valid SIM card. The handset
has a built in AT modem with USART interface and supports most of the AT
commend instructions. This handset is attached with the microcontroller used to
control the appliance through USART. AT modem is a modem which supports AT
commands. The command set consists of a series of short text strings which
combine together to produce complete commands for operations such as dialing,
hanging up, and changing the parameters of the connection. Most modems follow
the specifications of the Hayes command set. AT commends are instructions used
to control a modem. AT is the abbreviation of attention. Every command line starts
with “AT” or “at”.

2.10.5 AT Command set:

• AT-Check communication between modem and computer

Ex) AT


• +CMGF- set the SMS mode

syntax : AT+CMGF=<mode>

0 – PDU mode

1 – text mode

Ex) AT + CMGF =1


• +CMGW- store message in the SIM

syntax : AT+CMGF =phone number> message to the stored ctrl+z

• +CMGF-send a sms message to a phone number

syntax : AT+CMGF = serial number of msg to be send

Ex) AT+CMGF = 1


• ATD : dail or call a number

Syntax : AT<phone number >;

Ex) ATD 1234567890 ;

• ATA : answer a call

Syntax : ATA (ENTER)

s Ex) RING

2.10.6 Features

• Support wide range of frequencies (from 850 MHZ to 1900 MHZ) for
different classification of GSM.

• Supports integration with RS232 cable (serial cable, 25 pins).

• Can be interfaced to system using USB cables.

• Input voltage varies from 5v to 30v.

• Very less weight in few grams.

• Provide with SIM holder and antenna connector.

• Programmable with AT commands.

2.10.7 Advantage of GSM

• Compatibility with ISDN using rate adaptation box.

• Use of SIM cards.

• Control of transmission power.

• Frequency hopping.

• Discontinuous transmission.

• Mobile assisted handover.


Figure 2.11(a). Block Diagram of Relay

Block Diagram of Relay is shown in figure 2.11(a) . Relay is an electrically

operated switch, Many relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a
switch, but other operating principles are also used, such as solid-state relays.
Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal
(with complete electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits), or
where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relays were used
in long distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers; they repeated the signal coming in
from one circuit.
Figure 2.11(b). Relay Circuit

Figure 2.12(a). LCD Display

A liquid crystal display (LCD) which is shown in figure 2.12(a) is a flat

display, electronic visual display, or video display that uses the light modulate.
LCDs do not emit light directly. LCDs are used in a wide range of applications,
including computer monitors, television, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit
displays, signage, etc. they are common in consumer devices such as video players,
gaming LCD devices, clocks, watches, calculators, and telephones.

This LCD’s typically have 14 data pins and 2 for the LED backlight.
Character LCDs use a standard 14-pin interface and those with backlights have 16
pins. There is also be a single backlight pin, with the other connection via ground
or VCC pin. The two backlight pins may precede the pin 1. The nominal backlight
voltage is around 4.2v at 25˚C using a VDD 5V capable model.
Figure 2.12(b).LCD feature
There are numerous published methods that describe different topologies and
different control strategies used for the Generators.This section investigates
theoretical background of the commonly used generator methods which helps in
use for the control operations.


Amitsachen et al have discussed the user can send commands in the form of
SMS messages to read the remote electrical parameters. This system also can
automatically send the real time electrical parameters periodically (based on time
settings) in the form of SMS. This system can be designed to send SMS alerts
whenever the Circuit Breaker trips or whenever the Voltage or Current exceeds the
predefined limits. This project makes use of an onboard computer which is
commonly termed as microcontroller [1].

Mallikarjun et al proposed this system is a specially designed computer

system that is completely encapsulated by the device it controls. The embedded
system has specific requirements and performs pre-defined tasks. The diesel
generator is used when electricity is not readily available, or when power failures
occur due to natural disasters such as typhoons or floods, or during other
unexpected crises. Generally, the diesel generator operates in analog. The analog
type controller cannot be processed precisely due to the distortions and noises
coming from the data. In order to increase data accuracy, the controller needs to be
digitalized [2]
Vimalraj et al have described a distribution transformers have a long service
life if they are operated under good and rated conditions. However, their life is
significantly reduced if they are overloaded, resulting in unexpected failures and
loss of supply to a large number of customers thus effecting system reliability. This
system provides flexible control of load parameters accurately and also provides
effective means for rectification of faults if any abnormality occurs in power lines
using SMS through GSM network [3].

Andriy Palamar et al proposed the system the Cellular phone containing

SIM (Subscriber’s Identifying Module) card has a specific number through which
communication takes place. The mode of communication is wireless and
mechanism works on the GSM (Global System for Mobile communication)
technology. Here, the communication is made bi- directional where the user
transmits and also receives instructions to and from the system in the form of SMS

Kwang Seon Ahn et al have discussed the Using remote management; you
can check operating hours, oil pressure, battery status, coolant temperatures,
generated power output, fuel level, GPS position and more. A notification also
could be generated whenever a critical level has been reached, such as when a
generator has been running more than expected, or when the running hours exceed
the service interval [5].

Chetan Patil et al have discussed the design of BTS safety and fault
management system the measures are taken to rectify these problems. The method
makes use of GSM modem which gives the instant message about the each activity
happening in the site. The temperature sensors will sense the temperature of the
room and if it rises above the threshold value the GSM module will send the
message to the master mobile which is already set in the system [6].

Y Jaganmohan Reddy et al is discussed the model of combination of Photo

Voltaic (PV) cell System, Wind turbine system, Fuel cell (FC), and Battery
systems for power generation, and to improve power quality they proposing
Motor-Generator model instead of using static converters, and an energy
management and control unit using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The
power transformer is regarded as the heart of any electrical transmission and
distribution system [7].



#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins

LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

#define TempPin A0

int main = 3;

int relay= 2;

int TempValue;

void setup()

// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:

lcd.begin(16, 4);

// Print a message to the LCD.

lcd.print("Genset Monitor");

pinMode(main, INPUT);



void loop()



Digital Write(relay, HIGH);

Temp Value = analog Read(Temp Pin);// read the input on analog pin 0:

int sensor Value = analog Read(A1);

float Temp Cel=(Temp Value/1024.0)*500;

float voltage = sensor Value * (250.0 / 1024.0);// Convert the analog reading
(which goes from 0 ‐ 1023) to a voltage (0 ‐ 250V):

lcd. clear();

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd. print("Temp:");

lcd.setCursor(6, 1);

lcd. print(TempCel);

lcd. setCursor(0, 2);

lcd.print("Load Volt:");
lcd. set Cursor(10, 2);

lcd. print(voltage);


Serial. Print ln("AT+CMGF=1"); //Sets the GSM Module in Text Mode

delay(1000); // Delay of 1000 milli seconds or 1 second

Serial. print("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile



Serial. print("Gen Set ON");


Serial. print("Temp:");// The SMS text you want to send


Serial. print(Temp Cel);// The SMS text you want to send


Serial. print("Load Volt");// The SMS text you want to send


Serial. print(voltage);// The SMS text you want to send

Serial. println();

Serial. println((char)26);// ASCII code of CTRL+Z




• Step 1: Start the program

• Step 2: To initialize the system

• Step 3: Get Hardware Software for relevant application.

• Step 4: To monitoring the generator status and EB power

• Step 5: If new SMS received on mobile and go to step3

else, go to step1

• Step 6: Receive SMS

• Step 7: Check SMS pattern

• Step 8: Control the device based on status and operator can

making a decision.

• Step 9: Notify end user

• Step 10: Go to step1


The components used in our projects are as follows.

• Voltage Sensor Circuit

• Step down Transformer

• Diode 1N4007 , Zener Diode

• Capacitor 1µF 25
• Variable Resistor 47kΩ

• Current Sensor

• Temperature Sensor

• Solar Panel

• Battery Charger

• LM317

• TIP122

• Variable resister

• Diode IN4007

• Zener Diode

• Capacitor

• Resister


• Inverter Circuit

• CD4047

• IRFZ44

• Resisters

• Capacitor
• Arduino Board

• GSM Modem

• Relay

• LCD Display

• Mobile Phone

• Memory Card


Figure 4.5. Hardware Implementation




This project is made with best of capabilities and dedication. Details were taken
care of in preparing it. The problems encountered in various steps were taken into
account and eliminated to much extent so that they may not harm the project
functioning. Also certain areas were thought of before hand and worked upon, so
as to prevent them from becoming a limitation for the project. But, as it is that
every system is not perfect in all the aspects. They have some associated
limitations. Here are presented the advantages, in general and comparative of the
counterparts, and disadvantage of the project.

• Generator can be controlled from long distances.

• Can be used by everyone with just the knowledge of text SMS.

• Format of the SMS is simple to understand and wire.

• Most of systems based on Internet monitoring require higher operational

• It is difficult to upgrade existing conventional control systems with remote

control capabilities.

• The GSM modem used in cellular based remote monitoring system increases
the cost of the system.

• The long term operational cost of Internet and cellular monitoring systems is
relatively high due to usage charges incurred in each message transaction.



The project can be put for use in following fields:

• Smart Generator monitoring System will help to eliminate need of human

personnel attending the device which has to be switched OFF/ON. Based on
experience of approximate time to switch ON/OFF, he/she can control the
device, saving time.

• It will also help to control device while attending to other work.

• User can control device in case of forgetting to do so while leaving for some
other place.

• Energy conservation.



With the development of this project, it makes the system more flexible and
provides attractive user interface compared to other monitoring systems. Since the
Arduino has capable of sensing and controlling the various parameter of generator
in normal and abnormal condition. This project is very useful and also very
economical. It provides simple and easy way to control the industry/hospital
appliances with a single SMS or by using an mobile application. The main
advantage of the projects is controlling can be done by the mobile application
which has safety features but in absence of an mobile phone one can control the
generator monitoring by sending a normal SMS to the GSM Modem. This system
provides the immediate solution for catastrophic failure of generator using GSM
communication. The Arduino offers a wide scope of application in the field of
remote digital controllers in the smart generator industry.


• In the future the proposed system of the work will be done in a

Raspberry pi .

• In future it will be designed to measure more number of parameters.

• The noise of the mobile phone communication can be reduced.


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