What Is "Static Head" in ASME Section VIII Vessels?

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What is "Static Head" in ASME Section VIII Vessels?

In designing the pressure vessels according to ASME Section VIII Division 1, we must consider the
pressure or design pressure within the pressure vessel. We also need to consider the weight of
liquid or liquid inside the Vessel with it. The pressure caused by the weight of the liquid inside
the Vessel is "Static Head, “which depends on the density of the liquid (Liquid Density, p), and it is
higher in relation to the liquid height. consider (At the bottom of the tank or bottom of
the Vessel will be worth Static Head most), so the design of Pressure Vessel according to ASME
VIII will have to use pressure or Internal Pressure equals Design- , Pressure +, Static Head 's
1. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) (units: Psi).

The MAWP for a vessel is the maximum permissible pressure at the top of the vessel in its normal
operating position at the specific temperature, usually the design temperature.

The MAWP is the maximum pressure allowable in the "hot and corroded" condition. It is the least of the
values calculated for the MAWP of any of the essential parts of the vessel and adjusted for any
difference in static head that may exist between the part considered an the top of the vessel.

This pressure is based on calculation for every element of the vessel using the nominal thickness
exclusive of corrosion allowance. it is the basis for establishing the set pressure of any pressure-
relieving devices protecting the vessel. The design pressure may be substitute if the MAWP is not

The MAWP for any vessel parts is the maximum internal or external pressure, including any static head,
together with the effect of any combination of loading listed in UG-22 which are likely to occur,
exclusive of corrosion allowance at the designated coincident operating temperature. The MAWP for
the vessel will be governed by the MAWP of the weakest parts.

2. Maximum Allowable Pressure (MAP) (units Psi).

The term MAP is often used. it refers to the maximum permissible pressure based on the weakest part
in the new ( uncorroded) and cold condition, and all other loadings are not taken into consideration.

3. Design Pressure (DP) (units Psi)

the pressure used in the design of a vessel component for the most severe condition of coincident
pressure and temperature expected in normal operation. There is a maximum design temperature and
minimum design temperature for any given vessel.

The minimum design temperature would be the MDMT, as the lowest allowable temperature for vessel
under external pressure shall not exceeds the maximum temperatures given on external pressure

4. Operating Pressure

the pressure at the top of the vessel at which it normally operates. it shall be lower than the MAWP,
design pressure, or the set pressure of any pressure relieving device.

5. Operating Temperature

The temperature that will be maintained in the metal of the part of the vessel being considered for the
specified operation of the vessel.

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