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Chapter I Executive Summary

Considering Lipa city as one of the blooming cities nowadays, it is surely a great

opportunity for a starting business to be established in Lipa. Several business

establishments are already existing in Lipa City, particularly, food businesses. It is very

typical for Filipinos to want or to try something new every time, especially with the food

they eat. They always look for something innovative and mouth – watering to satisfy

themselves with their cravings.

The unique taste of the Filipinos when it comes to food is what encouraged

Delicadeza to put up a business offering authentic Filipino delicacies with a twist

emphasizing, meringue fudge, variants of brownies. Meringue fudge is the final product

that the proponents agreed to market. It is a combination of meringue, a local

sweet/dessert of the Filipinos, which actually serves as a filling or as a topping/coating

and brownies, a luxurious dessert which is like a cake and a soft cookie in texture.

Choosing one of the most common and least expensive sweet of the Philippine culture,

meringue, paired with a luxurious dessert known almost in every part of the world,

brownies, is what makes Delicadeza’s product new and one-of-a-kind. The workforce of

Delicadeza sharing one common goal will be the reason behind its success. This will

provide all the manpower that the business needs in order to achieve that one particular

goal. Delicadeza aims to become one of the leading food industry in Batangas by catering

affordable and quality product to customers. The SWOT analysis helps in determining

how strong or weak every business is and what are the possible opportunities and threats

every business may face. It serves as the first basis of Delicadeza on whether they are

capable of establishing their business. Coming up with this analysis shows what are the

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good points of Delicadeza as well as some of its weak points and at the same time it

indicates some of the opportunities it can try and threats it can get ready to in the near


A target market is a particular group of consumers at which a product is aimed.

Delicadeza focuses in obtaining High Schools and Colleges students to patronize their

product. Despite the target market of Delicadeza, their customers may actually be of any

age, of any gender, and may belong to any class.

As a starting business, setting goals is integral to attain success and Delicadeza

has their own set of goals to achieve in its first year of operation. At the end of the year,

Delicadeza aspires to covered 32% of the market share; retained 40% of the total

customers coming; has a total sales of 2,000,000; obtain a total of 75,000 transactions;

have an ROI of 20% from an investment of Php 2,500,000; convert 60% of the total site

visitors into purchasers; attain at least 3,000 followers in social media; reached 18% of

the total market recognizing Delicadeza; and to have been known nationally and

internationally by being featured in news and blogs of a popular blogger or influencer.

If a marketing strategy is not carefully planned and carried out, the goals of the

business will not be attainable, which is why marketing strategies are considered as the

foundation of every marketing plan. Delicadeza wisely strategize its marketing plan

consisting information about Meringue fudge, the product itself; what is/are the strategies

used in pricing the product; the exact location of the business at CM Recto Avenue, Lipa

City; and the advertising plan in marketing the product to the market.

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A lot of tasks are required to be implemented to confirm whether each marketing

strategy is successfully carried out. Delicadeza made up a lists of all the errands to be

done starting from the planning of the marketing plan to the actual making of it; and the

processes involved in new product development up to the promotion of the product to the


A forecast of the budget and sales is also made to assure that Delicadeza will be

able to obtain the desired income and return of investment at the end of the year. It shows

how the Php 500,000 total net income of Delicadeza is achieved.

These are all the vital information of the marketing plan of Delicadeza. It shows the

gist of every chapter in the marketing plan.

Chapter II Business Overview

A. Name of business and Owner

Delicadeza, Sherilyn C. Bunag

Throughout the years, Lipa City is continuously developing and progressing.

Different businesses and industries are still emerging nowadays, some of these are

clothing lines, salons and most of all, food industries like restaurants and fast food

chains. In establishing a business, there are a lot of things to consider like what product

the business should offer, what is the appropriate price for the product, where will the

product be accessible to customers and how will this product be known to a lot of

consumers. Considering these, Delicadeza came up with the idea of putting up a

business in Lipa City. Since most of the Filipinos spend their money with food typically

by eating through fast food chains, restaurants and other eateries, Delicadeza decided

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to put up a food business that will cater the unique taste of the Filipinos when it comes

to food. Delicadeza does not only want to offer simple delicacy to its customers. Its

main goal is to offer a delicacy like no other, a delicacy with a twist. Delicadeza chose

meringue, a low-cost and common sweet/dessert for the Filipinos. The Philippines has

meringue because of the Spanish colonization, with it being part of our culture already,

Delicadeza aims to preserve that culture by using meringue in the product that the

business will offer. Meringue will be combined with brownies, a cake – like luxurious

dessert with a soft cookie texture that is popular in a lot of countries. Meringue fudge,

combination of meringue and brownies, is one of a kind and with it being so unique,

Delicadeza expects the product to hit the market. All of this will result to Delicadeza

being known as “The Home of Authentic Delicacies.” Competing in the market is not

easy but offering such a unique product in Lipa City will help Delicadeza obtain a spot

in the market to gain loyal customers and attract new ones.

B. Employees / designation

The workforce of a company or a business are the people engaged in work.

Without them, no company will emerged. Without them, no one will operate a

business, without them, a business is nothing. These are why the workforce

are very significant. They are the ones who water the roots of every business.

It is them who flourished the business. It is because of them that a business is

prospering. They are the one involved in the actual making of a product. They

are the one responsible in making strategies that the business could do. They

are the brain of a business. A business won’t work efficiently without them.

Every employee in a business plays an integral role to ensure success no

matter how small that role is they are still contributing in the business’

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development and even small contributions if combined together will result to a

big achievement.

Delicadeza has their own workforce / own set of employees with their respective

designations. In each position, there are set of responsibilities and/or tasks that each

employee should accomplish. In this table, the employees of Delicadeza are listed

along with their contact information.

Responsibilities Contact Person Contact Details

Assures that the 0916 154 7494

different staffs are  Joshua Noel S.
doing their Las
Staff 0916 636 6581
assigned tasks and
works  Sherilyn C. Bunag

0975 249 2944

 Ashley E. Cuenca
Production Making of the
Staff product.  Ma. Isabel A. 0921 778 6067

0936 992 7142

In-charge in  Archel Kim G.
promoting the Catalon
Staff 0948 990 3067
 Kayla Q. Malaluan

0915 228 1685

To record and to  Joshua L. Lopez
Accounting keep track of all the
Staff transactions  Patrish Camille V. 0918 550 5464
involved Sayas

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C. Mission and Vision

A statement of purpose, this is what a mission statement of a business is. A

mission statement is essential in serving as a guide for the decision making of a

business. It helps the workforce of a company decide what task or strategy best aligns

in the mission or the main objective of a company. On the other hand, a vision

statement provides a direction for the company for the next five to ten years. It

indicates the business goals of the company and what path does it moves forward to.

Delicadeza is a food business that abides with the following mission as they

continue as an emerging business based on what they envision.


Delicadeza Company aspires to provide unique Filipino delicacies with a twist that

will satisfy the cravings of our customers. We exist to share affordable and quality

product to customers and intend to attract new customers as well as to maintain loyal

customers. As we adhere to this, quality services will be provided to exceed the

expectations of our customers.


Delicadeza Company will be one of the leading food industry in Batangas

dedicated to promote Filipino delicacies. It intends to immortalize the culture of the

Filipino through reviving these delicacies and giving them a twist to cater the taste of

the consumers.

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D. SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a study undertaken by an organization to identify its internal

strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats. This

analysis is done as part of the overall corporate planning process in which financial

and operational goals are set along with the strategies to accomplish these goals. It is

integral in using resources efficiently.

Every business has a finite source of manpower, production capacity and capital

and with the help of SWOT analysis, the business will be able to use all the resources

available efficiently. Another significance of this analysis is that it contributes in the

improvement of the operations of the business. Identifying the weaknesses of the

business actually aids in the improvement of the business for they will be able to apply

tactics to mend that particular weakness. With the weaknesses identified, the business

will lessen their risks of involving in transactions that will result in the business’ loss.

Discovering opportunities is one of the things SWOT analysis do. There are a lot

of opportunities out there but without proper plan, these opportunities will all be put to

waste. For the development of the business, certain opportunities must be recognized

as well as the risks that the business may face. Aside from the opportunities, threats

are also inevitable. Pinpointing the threats that a business is likely to go through will

help the business plan ahead to lessen or to control those risks factors outside the

business’ control.

Once the SWOT analysis is finalized, the business will be able to position itself in

the market against its competitors. Delicadeza being an emerging business also has

their own strengths and weaknesses. Likewise, Delicadeza also has certain

opportunities and threats and in this table below is the list of the key strengths and

weaknesses of Delicadeza along with their own opportunities and threats in the near


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Strengths Weaknesses
 Excellent staff who are well – versed  Utility bills are likely to hike from time
and are customer attentive who are to time because of the 24/7
willing to serve customers 24/7. operation.
 Financially capable to maintain and  The supplier of the raw materials for
eventually improve its good quality the production of the product is
service. beyond the control of the company.
 Franchising of the business will not  As franchising is not allowed, the
be allowed to maintain the good number of customers the business
quality of the products offered. may serve will be limited only to
 High standard of customer service those who will come to the shop.
will be provided to retain and gain  A starting business with no loyal
customers. customers yet.
 The interior design of the shop will  The business will not be able to
provide an ambiance that will make easily position itself in the market
every customer comfortable enough because of existing competitors.
to relax and enjoy.
 The surroundings of the business
will always be kept tidy to ensure the
cleanliness not only of the product
but also of the whole shop.

Opportunities Threats
 A lot of Filipino always wants to try  Increasing number of competitors in
something new and be in trend with the market.
what is popular.  A downfall in the economy that will
 Increasing number of teenagers decrease spending scheme of the
who choose unique and new Filipinos.
delicacies instead of foreign  Threat of terrorism.
products.  Existing products in the market that
 The improving social media that are almost alike with the product of
may be an avenue for promoting the the business.
products.  Other competitors lowered their
 Creating web pages and accounts in prices and started a price war
social media to promote the product,  Changing market tastes
to connect with loyal customers and  Upcoming markets showcasing new
to encourage new and potential products.
customers.  The increasing tax implemented by
 Ability to expand/open branches in the government.
other areas.
 Larger scope of market as the
location of the shop is within the city.
 Seasonal high demand of the
products offered.

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Chapter III Target Market

Target market is a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed.

Choosing a specific target market will help Delicadeza focus in a specific group of people.

Focusing only to a specific group of people sharing common things will assist Delicadeza in

formulating the best strategies to be implemented. Delicadeza aims to obtain the following group

of people as their potential loyal customers:

 High Schools and Colleges students – (12 – 22 years old) Delicadeza intends to appeal

to the high schools and colleges students because the ambiance of the business is very

suitable for them. This will be a great opportunity for the business to offer their

entertainment set and open – mic stage to the students who wish to express themselves

by singing or by spoken poetry which is totally in trend nowadays.

 Children – (3 – 11 years old) Offering a sweet delicacy will surely become a talk to the

children especially to those who likes brownies or meringue very much. Even though they

are too young, the business took the liberty of offering premium promotional program

wherein the children buying variants of meringue fudge will have a free toy. Targeting the

children is only a bridge in targeting bigger market like families and group of elementary


 Passengers – standing beside the point of loading and unloading zone of public utility

vehicles (PUV) with Lipa City – Tanauan City route, Delicadeza grabbed the opportunity

to target passengers and turn them into loyal customers of the business in its long run in

the industry. The convenience of operating 24/7 provides an excessive break for the

business to be able to cater these customers by providing them a place to relax and rest

after or before a ride.

 Businessmen – Being one of the group of people who are financially capable to purchase

the products of the business, Delicadeza took the liberty of targeting businessmen by

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providing them a place for business transactions or business meetings. Providing an

ambiance of formality and elegance, Delicadeza will surely be a great avenue for business

transactions and if these businessmen became very satisfied with the products and

services provided by Delicadeza, they will serve as a link to other possible customers.

 Family – To serve as an avenue for family gatherings and family occasions is not the main

of reason of Delicadeza in targeting families. Actually, there are several families who does

not have enough time to prepare snacks so they are an easy group to market because

their lifestyle is very specific. The business aggressively targets the families who tend to

choose fast and convenient food or snack choices to accommodate their demands. The

satisfaction from the group will create long term customers who are willing to pay a

reasonable price for the business’ products.

It is very apparent that Delicadeza’s customer may be of any age, of any gender, and may

belong to any class. As Delicadeza put up with its mission and vision, the culture of the Philippines

will be well – preserved as the business offer local delicacies to the youth of today’s generation.

Delicadeza’s target market are all expected and assumed to continuously support the product in

the market along with some possible products soon.

Chapter IV Marketing Goals

Marketing is not only about advertising and promoting, it is also about setting goals for

product development, brand management, pricing, distribution, and communication. As a starting

business, setting goals is integral to attain success. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.

Marketing goals will enable the proponent to keep track with the sales activities of the business

to create a stronger business. The proponent aims to achieve the following goals in every quarter

for its first year in operation.

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 Market share. To increase the market share is the ultimate goal of any small business

marketing plan. Having a share in the market brings the business one step closer in being

the market leader which is why the proponents anticipates to have an increasing market

share throughout its first year in operations.

 Covered 8% of the market share in the first quarter

 Covered 16% of the market share in the second quarter

 Covered 24% of the market share in the third quarter

 Covered 32% of the market share in the fourth quarter

 Rate of customers retained. Gaining new customers is not the only thing to consider in

every business, to keep existing customers happily coming back on a regular basis is also

significant. To assure the increasing percentage in market share, retaining customers is


 10% of the total customers are coming back in the first quarter

 20% of the total customers are coming back in the second quarter

 30% of the total customers are coming back in the third quarter

 40% of the total customers are coming back in the fourth quarter

 Sales. To see the effectiveness of marketing strategies and to see whether the other goals

are being attained, monitoring the sales is vital. An increasing sales means that the

business is growing.

 Php 300,000 sales in the first quarter

 Php 450,000 sales in the second quarter

 Php 600,000 sales in the third quarter

 Php 750,000 sales in the fourth quarter

 Average Revenue of Php 30 per customer transaction

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 Customer Transactions. Keeping track of the transactions of the business to its customers

will lead to the value equivalent to the average revenue the business earns in every

customer. Identifying the number of transactions of the customers will lead to the

development of more strategies necessary for the improvement of the business.

 10,000 transactions in the first quarter

 15,000 transactions in the second quarter

 20,000 transactions in the third quarter

 25,000 transactions in the fourth quarter

 Return on investment. To have an ROI of 20% from an investment of Php 2,500,000 after

the first year of business operations.

 Website traffic. The advancement of technology nowadays paved way in promoting a

business or a particular product by creating a web page or a web site. This web page

serves as the digital home – base of the business. This will indicate the increasing site

visits of the business’ web page in the first year of its operation.

 25% monthly increment

 Conversion Rate. In marketing, conversions are defined as the act of converting site

visitors into paying customers. Having a lot of site visitor is nothing if they will not become

paying customers. Focusing on the students as one of the target market of the business

who are surely capable of using the internet and accessing the web page of the business

ensures that the increase in website traffic also guarantees the increase in conversion


 15% of the total site visitors are purchasing in the first quarter

 30% of the total site visitors are purchasing in the second quarter

 45% of the total site visitors are purchasing in the third quarter

 60% of the total site visitors are purchasing in the fourth quarter

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 Engagement rates in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Engagement rates

indicate the frequency at which internet users interact with the posts of the business’

accounts in social networking sites. It is determined with the number of comments and

shares of each and every post.

 500 comments and shares in each post in the first quarter

 1,000 comments and shares in each post in the second quarter

 1,500 comments and shares in each post in the third quarter

 2,000 comments and shares in each post in the fourth quarter

 Follower counts in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Compared with

engagement rates, the number of follower counts is not as meaningful as it is but

increasing number of followers will make the business more well – known resulting in the

increasing rates of engagement. The more followers the business have, the more people

will be able to see and engage with its posts.

 750 followers in the first quarter

 1,500 followers in the second quarter

 2,250 followers in the third quarter

 3,000 followers in the fourth quarter

 Name Recognition. One of the targets of the proponents is to have the business name,

“Delicadeza,” be recognized in the market. This will gain the trust of the customers as well

as their loyalty since a brand/business name that is trusted and well – known always gets

the attention of the market first.

 3% of the total market are aware of the existence of the business in the first quarter

 8% of the total market are aware of the existence of the business in the second


 13% of the total market are aware of the existence of the business in the third


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 18% of the total market are aware of the existence of the business in the fourth


 Brand Awareness. As the business grows and the number of people aware of the

business’ existence increases, brand awareness plays a vital role in gaining not only local

area customers but also customers in nearby localities as well as from around the country.

 The business is featured in the local news within the first quarter

 The business is featured in news articles nationwide in the second quarter

 The business is featured in national news in television and radio in the third quarter

 The business is featured in website or blog of a popular blogger or influencer.

 Other goals

 Appear in the first page of google and other search engines as one of the best


 Attract strategic business partners

 Build a dignified reputation as one of the trusted and leading food business

 Build trust and rapport with the staff, crew and customers.

 Deepen loyalty with existing customers

 Develop new business ideas and strategies

 Develop several branches in the local area and other nearby localities.

Chapter V Marketing Strategies

The marketing strategies are the foundation of every marketing plan. A good marketing

strategy is crucial in achieving the maximum potential profit and sustaining the business. It is

through this that different marketing approaches fits in place that results in the increase of sales.

The goals of the business will not be probable if the strategies are not carefully planned and

carried out. The proponents made this marketing strategy consisted of the information about the

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product and how it is made, how the proponents price the product, where will the business be

accessible to customers and how will the product be advertised or marketed in the market. These

will all be substantial in maintaining the position of the business in the market and in achieving its

target and goals.

A. Product/Service Strategy

This strategy will explain what Delicadeza’s product is and how it meets the customer’s

cravings as well as how it is made and on what way was it different from the products of the

business’ competitors.

1. Product

To adhere with the mission of Delicadeza, the proponents came up with the idea

of creating a unique delicacy that will cater the unique taste of Filipinos when it comes

to food. This product is the meringue fudge that is made of no bake brownies and the

traditional dessert/sweets for Filipinos, the meringue. It may seem like the usual

brownies available in the market, but its unique ingredients made it different from other

existing brownies in the market.

One of the main things that made it different is the way it is made. Instead of

baking or steaming, the usual way of making brownies, the proponents came up with

the idea of making it in an unusual way, by cooking it on the stove and putting it in a

refrigerator. Its consistency and texture are not also the same with the usual brownies

since meringue fudge will be more chewy and soft.

The brownies of the fudge will come in variants depending on the customer’s

preference. It may be filled or topped with soft meringue. Local products like nuts will

also be used as a topping to add another taste/flavor in the meringue fudge.

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Delicadeza does not only ensure quality product but also excellent customer

service. As one of its strength, the staff and crew of Delicadeza are well – versed and

are customer attentive to everyone. Fair treatment and respect towards the customers

are also prioritize to provide the best service.

2. Packaging and Labelling

The meringue fudge will be serve on a saucer through dine – in orders but those

who prefer to have it as a take – out will have their meringue fudge packed in a

transparent cellophane locked with an abaca string along with a tag that says,

“Delicadeza. Thank you.” The tag will also include Delicadeza’s logo. A small specialty

paper will also be place at the base which will indicate the date the product is made

together with a quote or a verse printed onto it. What’s surprising is that the tag is

actually a small card wherein the buyer can write anything on it and keep it as a

remembrance or a message to someone that the meringue fudge is brought for.

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3. Ingredients

For the meringue:

 Egg whites

 White Sugar

For the brownies/fudge:

 Oreos

 White Marshmallows

 Butter

 Condensed Milk

 Cocoa Powder

 Nuts

4. Procedure in Making the Product

For the meringue:

1. Prepare all the materials and ingredients needed.

2. Preheat the oven to 120°C

3. Prepare baking trays with non – stick baking paper

4. Separate the egg whites from the egg yolk.

5. Use an electric mixer to whisk the egg and sugar (added gradually) until soft

peaks are formed

6. Once all the sugar has been added, continue to whisk on high for 3 minutes

7. Use teaspoons to spoon the meringue onto the trays.

8. Bake meringues for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

For the brownies/fudge:

1. Prepare all the materials and ingredients needed

2. Remove the cream of the Oreo

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3. Place the Oreo cookies in the food processor and crush it until it becomes fine


4. Set it aside in a bowl

5. Place the nuts in the food processor and crush it until it becomes fine crumbs


6. Set it aside in a different bowl.

7. Put the cocoa powder onto the crushed nuts and mixed it.

8. Put the crushed Oreos onto the mixture.

9. Set the mixture aside.

10. Turn on the gas stove and set it in low heat.

11. Place a deep sauce pan onto the stove.

12. Put the butter into the sauce pan.

13. Pour the condensed milk onto the pan when the butter is halfway melted


14. Stir it slowly until the butter is completely melted and mixed with the milk

15. Pour the mixture of cocoa powder, Oreos and nuts into the sauce pan


16. Keep stirring it so that it will not stick into the sauce pan.

17. Stop stirring when the desired texture and thickness is achieved.

18. Turn off the heat and remove the mixture from the sauce pan.

19. Set it aside to cool down for 5-10 minutes.

20. Put the mixture in a square pan with parchment paper or plastic so that it will

not stick into it.

21. Put it in the fridge for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

22. Remove it from the fridge and cut it down into several squares/rectangles.

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For the meringue fudge:

1. Prepare all the materials and ingredients needed.

2. Spread enough meringue onto the brownies/fudge, you can even topped it with

more nuts.

B. Pricing Strategy

Delicadeza already have existing competitors in the market. In this strategy, the

proponents will discuss what will be their pricing strategy is and how it will affect their sales

and their target markets as well as their competitors. Competing with already successful

business is surely a gamble but Delicadeza have what it takes to position itself in the market.

1. Cost of Production

In this part, the total production cost in making the product will be elaborated which

includes the expenses in the direct materials used, the direct labor and the direct



Number of Products
Item Price in Bulk / = Unit Cost
that can be produced
Egg (Tray) 160 / 900 = 0.18
Sugar (Sack) 2,180 / 8,823 = 0.25
Oreos (Box) 1,700 / 480 = 3.54
Butter (Pail) 2,200 / 3,214 = 0.68
Condensed Milk (Box) 3,212 / 960 = 3.35
Cocoa Powder (Sack) 2,200 / 4,000 = 0.55
Nuts (Sack) 2,700 / 5,000 = 0.54
Transparent Cellophane
5,600 / 38,000 = 0.15
Roll (Box)
Abaca String Roll (Box) 7,650 / 3,600 = 2.13

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Elit Specialty Paper
9,500 / 20,000 = 0.48
Ream (Box)
Transparent Sticker
32,500 / 20,000 = 1.63
Paper Ream (Box)
Print (Sheet) 10 / 8 = 1.25


Average number
Payment for Number of Total Payment for
of meringue fudge Unit Cost
Labor (Day) Laborer Labor (Day)
150 x 2 300 / 200 1.50


Number of Products
Quarter Utility Cost Unit Cost
First Gas 1,000 / 10,800 0.09
Quarter Electricity 4,500 / 10,800 0.42
Second Gas 1,000 / 16,200 0.06
Quarter Electricity 4,500 / 16,200 0.28
Third Gas 1,000 / 21,600 0.05
Quarter Electricity 4,500 / 21,600 0.21
Fourth Gas 1,000 / 27,000 0.04
Quarter Electricity 4,500 / 27,000 0.17

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Price per Unit Price per Unit Price per Unit Price per Unit
Egg whites 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18
Sugar 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Oreos 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54
Butter 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68
Condensed Milk 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35
Cocoa Powder 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
Nuts 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Abaca String 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13
Elit Specialty paper 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63
Sticker Paper
Printing 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Gas 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.04
Electricity 0.42 0.28 0.21 0.17
Labor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
PRODUCT PER 16.74 16.57 16.49 16.44
13.39 13.26 13.19 13.15
30.13 29.83 29.68 29.59
Less 30 13.26 13.43 13.51 13.56


TOTAL 75,600

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2. Pricing Strategy

Among the several pricing strategies applicable, the proponents decided to use

the mark – up pricing which allows the seller a fixed markup every time the product is



First Quarter 16.74 80% 30.00(30.13) 13.26
Second Quarter 16.57 80% 30.00(29.83) 13.43
Third Quarter 16.49 80% 30.00(29.68) 13.51
Fourth Quarter 16.44 80% 30.00(29.59) 13.56

3. Comparison to competitor if any

Delicadeza’s meringue fudge has existing competitors already. It is the Dulcissima

whose product’s prices are lower than that of Delicadeza’s, however Delicadeza is not

bothered by how low Dulcissima’s price is since Delicadeza has their own strategy to

gain customers. Another competitor of Delicadeza is Brownies Unlimited whose price

is about the same as that of Delicadeza’s which indicates a balance competition

between them in market and the only challenge for Delicadeza is to compete against

a business whose name is already trusted in the market.

C. Place / Location Strategy

Delicadeza will be located at CM Recto Avenue, Lipa City, Batangas which is just

around the public market and the Cathedral San Sebastian, a Catholic Church in Lipa City.

It is also near Lipa City Colleges were a lot of students are currently studying. These area

is also near STI Lipa (school). Placing Delicadeza in this area is surely an advantage since

a lot of people are passing by this road and it is near a loading/unloading zone for public

utility vehicles (PUV’S) wherein passengers are anticipated to hop in Delicadeza and

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savor its offers of delightful meringue fudge. Delicadeza will be very accessible to

students, one of their target market, who wants to have fun with family of friends or just sit

alone to relax and study. The business will rent in a commercial building around CM Recto

Avenue, Lipa City with a total rent expense of Php 96,000 annually.

NOTE: The layout of Delicadeza’s business building and interior design will be attached at the end.

D. Promotional Strategy

Delicadeza plans to use multiple methods of promotional strategy that will attract a diverse

range of customers. The proponents are hoping to establish a reputable cliental base through

several advertising methods.

 Launch Day Event / Grand Opening Day

Delicadeza will be holding a launching day party to promote the opening of the

business. Customers will be invited through pamphlet drop. Delicadeza will offer free

tasting or free sample to the random customers.

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 Flyers / Leaflets / Pamphlets

Delicadeza will be giving out flyers or leaflets. Printed in these are the products

that the business offer along with its prices, the name of the business with its logo, the

contact number and social networking sites accounts that the customer can contact if

they have concern/inquiry or they have to order.

 Posters / Billboards

Delicadeza will be posting several posters through the city and will place a billboard

along the Highway to attract possible customers. These will include the name of the

business and its logo, its products and its promo or event to encourage customers in

visiting Delicadeza at CM Recto Avenue.

 Web Pages/ Web sites and Social Media accounts

Delicadeza will have an official webpage and accounts in Facebook, Twitter, and

Instagram in order for the market to see what the business offers. It is also vital in the

interaction of the customers and the business itself.

 Survey Questionnaire

Delicadeza will be conducting a survey of what the customers like about the

product of the business along with their comment or suggest for the business to further

develop and enhance their service or product.

 Television and Radio Advertisements

Since the business is financially capable, they can broadcast/endorse their product

in radio and television to gain more patronage.

 Seasonal Promos / Discounts

Freebies, discounts or promos will be provided seasonally for the customers. It can

be during the first days of the business or during regular season holidays like

Valentine’s Day and Christmas Day.

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Chapter VI Implementation Activities

In determining the effectiveness of every marketing strategy, certain activities must

be done. The following information shows a list of every task together with a detailed

description on how it is carried out or how will it be done, the person or group of people

responsible in that particular task and when it is done or when will it be done.

Person Completion
Task Description
Responsible Date
Joshua Las
The first stage in everything we Cuenca,
should do is to always have a Isabel
plan. In this task, the planning of Landicho
what will be our business is and (Production
what will be its name is completed. Staff)
January 8,
Planning Sharing of possible names for the Archel
business until finally coming up Catalon,
with Delicadeza, which is the Kayla
Spanish for delicacy, from Malaluan
Delicasia, the first name of the (Marketing
business. Staff)
Patrish Sayas

Conducting a brainstorming on Sherilyn

what product is best to offer to the Bunag,
January 12,
Idea generation market is done in this task. Joshua Las
Suggesting every idea that comes (Management
to the mind and providing a unique Staff)

Page | 25
twist to those ideas is very Ashley
observable in this activity. Cuenca,
Patrish Sayas

Joshua Las
All the ideas generated are
carefully analyzed and discussed
in this stage wherein ideas are
Staff) January 13,
Idea Screening gradually removed from the list
Archel 2017
until finally coming up with only
one product left, the brownies with
a twist using meringue.
Patrish Sayas

Page | 26
Joshua Las
The remaining product idea, (Management
Concept brownies and meringue, is Staff)
January 22,
Development and converted into an innovative Ashley
testing product to be marketed to sample Cuenca,
consumers Isabel
Developing the concept and Bunag,
testing it to sample consumers Joshua Las
helped in determining the possible (Management
expenses for the product as well Staff)
February 3,
Business Analysis as the possible pricing strategy for Ashley
it to assure that the business will Cuenca,
earn their desired profit and Isabel
achieved the expected ROI along Landicho
with the expected sales. (Production
The finalized concept about the Catalon and
Product product is converted into a Kayla February 8,
Development tangible product which will be soon Malaluan 2017
marketed to different consumers. (Marketing
Eye – catching posters will be
posted in various places that are
noticeable to a lot of potential Archel
customers. Tarpaulins will be Catalon and
placed specifically in areas near Kayla April 22,
posters, tarpaulins
with schools and any other Malaluan 2017
and billboards
populated establishments. (Marketing
Billboards will be placed along the Staff)
highway to attract visitors coming
to the city.

Page | 27
Before the launching of the
business, Delicadeza will be
distributing flyers / leaflets /
pamphlets to the market to obtain
Catalon and
Dissemination of customers coming in the
Kayla May 15,
flyers / leaflets / launching. These will be done 3
Malaluan 2017
pamphlets weeks prior to the launching day
and will be done in various areas
in the city within the span of 3

The emerging technology

nowadays will be of good use for
Delicadeza to reach its target
market, the students. That is why Archel
Creating web Delicadeza will use social media to Catalon and
pages / websites easily publicize the business. Kayla February
and social media Delicadeza will be having an Malaluan 22, 2017
accounts official website and social media (Marketing
accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and Staff)
Instagram) which will be essential
in developing a better engagement
with the customers.
Delicadeza will be featured in Catalon and
Television and
television advertisements as well Kayla December
as radio commercials in local TV Malaluan 8, 2017
and radio stations. (Marketing
Delicadeza will provide its Catalon and
June 8,
Seasonal promos customers with freebies, discounts Kayla
/ Discounts or promos during special Malaluan
occasions. (Marketing
Discussing where the business will Sherilyn
be took quite some time until Bunag and
March 8,
Setting the place finally deciding with renting a Joshua Las
commercial space along CM (Management
Recto Avenue. Staff)

Page | 28
Renovation of the business based Bunag and
March 15,
Renovation on the layout. Replacing the Joshua Las
fixtures and placing the furnitures. (Management
Joshua Las
The actual making of the Landicho
marketing plan is made possible (Production
Making of by all the members contributing Staff) March 22,
marketing plan what they can give to finished and Archel 2017
passed the marketing plan on Catalon,
time. Kayla
Patrish Sayas

Chapter VII Budget and Sales Forecast

Sherilyn Bunag, the owner of Delicadeza will invest 2,500,000 for the business.

The following tables will show projection on the budget, sales and income of Delicadeza

in its first year of operations.

Page | 29
Expenses Allotted Amount
Production Cost 1,249,290
Rent Expense 96,000
Salary Expense 288,000
Promotional Expense 73,000
Appliances and Equipment 150,400
Furniture 75,800
Cooking Tools and Eating Utensils 308,000
Renovation 220,000
Permits 2,100
TOTAL 2,462,590

Appliances and
Price per unit Total Price Life span Expense
per year
3 Microwave Oven 12,000 36,000 8 years 1,500
3 Gas Stove 1,500 4,500 5 years 300
3 Electric mixer 1,800 5,400 3 years 600
3 Air Conditioner 15,000 45,000 8 years 1,875
5 food processor 1,500 7,500 5 years 300
2 Refrigerator 22,000 44,000 15 years 1,467
Entertainment set 8,000 8,000 5 years 1,600
TOTAL 150,400 7,642

Page | 30
Furniture Price per unit Total Price Life span Expense per
2 sets of couch 22,000 44,000 8 years 2,750
5 dining table 2,200 11,000 15 years 147
16 chairs 1,300 20,800 15 years 87
TOTAL 75,800 2,984

This table will show the net income of the Delicadeza after its first year in operating.

It shows that the net income of Delicadeza is more than 500,000 which means that the

business was able to have a 20% return of investment to the owner after the first year.

Shown below is the statement of profit or loss of Delicadeza Company in its first

year in operation from June 2017.

Delicadeza Company
Statement of Profit or Loss
For the year ended, May 31, 2018

Sales 2,268,000
Less: Cost of Goods Sold 1,249,290
Promotional Expense 73,000
Depreciation of Equipment 7,642
Depreciation of Furniture 2,984
Salaries Expense 288,000
Rent Expense 96,000
Taxes and Licenses Expense 2,100
NET INCOME 548,984

Delicadeza will open on June 8, 2017 and operate 24/7. The business has

successfully obtained the 20% ROI of Sherilyn’s investment. At the end of the year,

Delicadeza successfully achieved their goals, all because of the effective utilization of the

strategies in the marketing

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Appendix A (Promotional Materials and Building layout)

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Appendix B (Curriculum Vitae)


#429 Anilao, Lipa City


Date of Birth: April 27, 2000

Place of Birth: Pasig Ciy
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Gender: Male


Senior High School: Lipa City Colleges Senior High School

Academic Year 2016-2017

Junior High School: Anilao National High School

Academic Year 2012-2016

Elementary: Anilao Elementary School

Academic Year 2006-2012


2016 Academic Scholarship

2016 Second Honors
2012 Top 6

Page | 37
#224 Zone 3 Brgy. Pinagkawitan, Lipa Ciy,Batangas
0915 228 1685


Birthdate: September 19, 1999

Place of Birth: Lipa District Hospital
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino


 Secondary (Senior High) :LCC Silvercrest SHS (June 2016-Present)

Strand :Accountancy, Business and Management

 Secondary (Junior High) :Pinagkawitan National High School (2012-2016)

 Primary :Pinagkawitan Elementary School (2006-2012)

Page | 38
#218 Int. B. Morada Street, Barangay Dos, Lipa City
757 4897 / 0916 636 6581


Date of Birth: January 15, 2000

Place of Birth: Lipa City
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Gender: Female


Senior High School: Accountancy, Business and Management

LCC Silvercrest Senior High School
SY 2016 – Present

Junior High School: The Lipa Grace Academy

SY 2012 – 2016

Elementary: Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School

SY 2006 – 2012

Page | 39
A Bonifacio St. Barangay 10, Sabang, Lipa City


Date of birth : October 05, 1999

Place of birth : Olongapo City, Zambales
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female


Senior Highschool : LCC Silvercrest School

Academic Year : 2016-present

Junior Highschool : The Mabini Academy

Academic Year : 2012-2015

Elementary : Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial School

Academic Year : 2011-2012
Elementary. : Columban College
Academic Year : 2006-2011

Page | 40
#266 B. Morada St., Lipa City, Batangas

Birthdate: October 27, 1999
Place of Birth: Pag-olingin West, Lipa City, Batangas
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino

Senior High School Lipa City Colleges Silvercrest Senior High School
Accountancy and Business Management
Academic Year 2016-2017

Junior High School The Lipa Grace Academy

#556 Int. B. Morada St., Lipa City Batangas
Academic Year 2015-2016

Saint Bridget College

M.H. Del Pilar, Poblacion, Batangas City
Academic Year 2014-2015

Carmel School of Batangas

Potenciana Village, Pallocan West, Batangas City

Page | 41
Academic Year 2013-2014

The Lipa Grace Academy

#556 Int. B. Morada St., Lipa City Batangas
Academic Year 2012-2013

Elementary Padre Valerio Malabanan Memorial School

Brgy. Uno, Lipa City, Batangas
Academic Year 2006-2012


 Bonilla Scholarship
 Achievers
 Best in MAPEH
 Best in Values

Page | 42
#36 Suna-Sabang, Lipa City


Date of Birth: Septembr 22,1999

Place of Birth: Lipa City
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Gender: Female


Senior High School: Lipa City Colleges Sivercrest School

Academic Year 2016-present
#10 G.A. Solis St., Lipa City, Batangas

Junior High School: Lipa City Colleges Silvercrest School

Academic Year 2015-2016
#10 G.A. Solis St., Lipa City, Batangas

Batangas College of Arts and Sciences Inc.

Academic Year 2012-2015
Banay-Banay Concepcion, Lipa City

Elementary: Brion-Silva Elementary School

Academic Year 2006-2012
Muntingpulo, Lipa City


2016 Ricardo Bonilla Scholarship

Page | 43
154 Poblacion 1 Balete Batangas


Date of Birth : November 9, 1999

Place of Birth : Chinese General Hospital
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female


Senior High School : LCC Silvercrest School

Academic Year : 2016-Present

Junior High School : Balete National High School

Academic Year : 2012-2016
Elementary : Balete Central School
Academic Year : 2007-2012

Page | 44
102 Tubigan St. Sico, Lipa City
Phone (+63) 9185505464

Date of Birth : April 14, 1999
Place of Birth : Sico, Lipa City
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female

Accountancy, Business and Management
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School
SY 2016-Present

Fernando Air Base National High School

SY 2012-2016

Sico Elementary School

SY 2006-2012


2016 Bonilla Scholarship

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