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Republic of the Philippines

Region 6- western Visayas

Division of Iloilo
Barotac Viejo National High School
Science department
Third Grading Examination
Science 9

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade and section: ________________________ score: ________________
I. Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (NO ERASURE)
1. One hypothesis states that plate movement results from convection currents in the
A. Mantle B. Asthenosphere C. Lithosphere D. Outer core
2. Which of the following are not believe to be contributing to global warming?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Methane C. CFCs D. Water vapor
3. Which of the following affects the climate of a region?
A. Latitude B. Elevation C. Season D. All of the above
4. Which two variables defined the climate of a region?
A. Temperature and elevation B. Elevation and topography
C.Moisture and topography D. Temperature and moisture
5. In stars, energy is produce primarily as hydrogen atom are combined to form
A. Helium atom B. Carbon atom C. Oxygen atom D. Nitrogen atom
6. Ocean water absorbs energy from the sun. This can result in the following except
A. Evaporation of water and cloud formation
B. Warm ocean water currents
C. Development of hurricanes
D. The Coriolis effect
7. Which of following location were volcanic belt form?
A. Island in the pacific ocean
B. North American mountain ranges
C. The boundaries of earth’s plates
D. The coast of Antarctica
8. The formation of the Hawaiian islands is one example of
A. Volcanoes forming over a hot spot
B. Volcanoes forming along plate boundaries
C. The ring of fire
D. Continental drift
9. The viscosity of magma depends upon its silica content and its
A. Pahoehoe B. Temperature C. Magnetism D. Pyroclastic flow
10. If a volcano’s magma is high in silica, the volcano will probably
A. Erupt quietly B. Remain dormant C. Erupt explosively D. Produce dark-colored lava
11. When groundwater heated by magma rises to the surface and collects in a natural pool, it is called a
A. Hot spring B. Geyser C. Vent D. Pyroclastic flow
12. In volcanic areas, groundwater heated by magma is a source of
A. Lava flows. B. Silica. C. geothermal energy D. Pyroclastic flows.
13. Which of the following volcano hazards is made up of rocky particles about the size of a grain of sand?
A. volcanic bombs B. pahoehoe C. volcanic cinders D. volcanic ash
14. The main hazard from a quiet volcanic eruption is
A. Volcanic gasses B. Lava flows C. Geyser D. Pyroclastic flow
15. Tall, cone-shaped mountains in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash are called
A. shield volcanoes. B. cinder cone volcanoes. C. composite volcanoes. D. lava plateaus
16. Which of these was the definition of “constellation” recommended in class?
A. A group of stars that mark lines of right ascension and declination
B. A group of stars that are fairly close together in space
C. A region on the ecliptic, marking where the Sun is in some month
D. A set of stars forming a pattern-in-the-sky that can be remembered
17. A traveler at sea notices that Polaris (the North Star) is about 30 degrees above the northern horizon.
Estimate his/her geographical latitude and / or longitude.
A. latitude 60 degrees north, longitude cannot be determined..
B. latitude 30 degrees north, longitude is unknown.
C. longitude 60 degrees either east or west, latitude is unknown.
D. latitude 60 degrees north, longitude is equal to the azimuth.
18. When many layers of thin, runny lava build up a high, level area, the result is a
A. lava plateau. B. shield volcano. C. cinder cone volcano D. cinder cone volcano.
19. What is the landform that forms when a mass of hardened magma is uplifted, causing the layers of rock to
bend upward?
A. volcanic neck B. dike C. lava plateau D. dome mountain
20. Which of the following is the major ingredient of magma?
A. pahoehoe. B. silica. C. dissolved gases. D. obsidian.
21. Which constellation is outlined in the diagram below?

A. LEO B. Orion C. Ursa major D. Ursa minor

22. What is the name of the cyclic paths that all celestial bodies follow?
A. Central axis B. Geocentric C. Orbits D. Retrograde motion
23. Which would you find on the Earth’s surface?
A. Asteroids B. Comets C. Meteor D. Meteorite
24. What will a very massive star (over 25 times larger than our sun) eventually become?
A. Black hole B. Galaxy C. Nebula D. Quasar
25. What provides the force that causes magma to erupt to the surface?
A. the silica in the magma
B. dissolved gases trapped in the magma
C. gravity in the lithosphere
D. the density of the magma
26. Which of the following helps to determine how easily magma flows?
A. the amount of silica in the magma
B. the diameter of the pipe
C. the size of the crater
D. the number of vents on the volcano
27. Magma that forces across rock layers hardens into a
A. sill. B. volcanic neck. C. dike. D. batholith.
28. The huge hole left by the collapse of a volcanic mountain is called a
A. lava plateau. B. caldera. C. cinder cone. D. shield volcano.
29. How does the windward side differ from the leeward side of a high land?
A. The windward receives more precipitation than the leeward.
B. The leeward side has more vegetation than the windward side.
C. The windward side receives more heat than the leeward side.
D. The leeward side has more precipitation than the windward side.
30. What happens to the temperature of air when altitude increase?
A. Remain the same B. Increase C. Decrease D. Varies
31. Which of the following can cause global warming?
A. volcanic eruptions
B. the amount of rainfall
C. the rising of warm air into the atmosphere
D. the rising of COLD air into the atmosphere
32. When does greenhouse effect happen?
A. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the atmosphere.
B. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the earth’s interior.
C. Greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere absorb heat from outer space.
D. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorb heat from the earth’s surface.
33. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorb heat from the earth’s surface. Which of the following
cannot trigger the greenhouse effect?
A. Reforestation B. illegal fishing C. mining activities D. incineration of garbage
34. Why do mountain climbers bring thick jackets when they go up the mountain?
A. The temperature increases as the altitude increases.
B. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases.
C. The altitude increases as the temperature increases.
D. The altitude decreases as the temperature increases.
35. What will happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. Greenhouse effect occurs. B. Temperature increases. C. Water vapor condenses D. Climate changes.
36. Which condition happens during the La Niña phenomenon?
A. Air pressure in the western Pacific increases
B. Air pressure in the eastern Pacific decreases
C. Upwelling of cold water is blocked
D. Trade wind becomes stronger
37. How do stars appear to move in the night sky?
A. From east to west B. From north to south C. From west to east D. From south to north
38. If you are located at the North Pole, where will you see the Polaris?
A. Overhead
B. Just above the horizon
C. Around 45° from the horizon
D. Polaris will not be seen in the North Pole.
39. Which constellation is prominently seen in the sky during summer?
40. Based on apparent magnitude, which of the following stars is the brightest?
A. Alpha Centaur B. Betelgeuse C. Rigel D. Sirius
41. Why do stars have colors?
A. It is because of the presence of oxygen.
B. It is because of the presence of carbon dioxide.
C. It is because of varied temperatures.
D. It is because of the different locations.
42. Stars can be found in large groups throughout the universe. What are these group called?
A. solar system B. comets C. constellation D. asteroids
43. If geologists detect many small earthquakes in the area near a volcano, what can they infer about the
A. It is dormant
B. It is probably about to erupt.
C. It is extinct
D. It is a good source of geothermal energy.
44. Several kilometers from a volcano, a geologist observes an old lava flow made up of dark-colored basalt
rock. The geologist infers that the lava must have had
A. high silica content B. High viscosity. C. low viscosity. D. medium viscosity.
45. Before lava reaches the surface, the molten material is called
A. rock. B. magma. C. volcanic ash. D. liquid fire
46. In stars, energy is produced primarily as hydrogen atoms are combined to form
a. helium atoms B. carbon atoms C. oxygen atoms D. nitrogen atoms
47. An observation of the red shift of galaxies suggests that the universe is
a. Expanding B. Contracting C. Reversing D. stagnant
48. Ocean water absorbs energy from the sun. This can result in all of the following except
a. evaporation of water and cloud formation
b. warm ocean water currents
c. development of hurricanes
d. the Coriolis effect
49. The climate of a region is affected by
a. Latitude
b. Elevation
c. Season
d. all of the above
50. Which of the following is not a pollutant caused by the burning of fossil fuels?
a. carbon monoxide
b. nitrate ions
c. nitrogen oxides
d. volatile organic compounds

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