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The International Journal of Robotics Research

Research Robots for Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Teleoperation and Entertainment

S.C. Jacobsen, M. Olivier, F.M. Smith, D.F. Knutti, R.T. Johnson, G.E. Colvin and W.B. Scroggin
The International Journal of Robotics Research 2004; 23; 319
DOI: 10.1177/0278364904042198

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© 2004 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
Keynote Address

S.C. Jacobsen Research Robots for

M. Olivier
F.M. Smith Applications in
D.F. Knutti
R.T. Johnson
Artificial Intelligence,
G.E. Colvin Teleoperation and
W.B. Scroggin
Sarcos Research Corporation (SRC) Entertainment
360 Wakara Way, SLC, Utah 84108, USA and
Center for Engineering Design (CED)
University of Utah, SLC, Utah 84104, USA

Abstract (simple) commands, with system and existing environmental states,

to make decisions for the management of the robot. As with the play-
Sarcos Research Corporation, and the Center for Engineering De- back systems, AI-based systems are programmed earlier to perform
sign at the University of Utah, have long been interested in both the later operations. In the AI case, however, adaptive intelligence and
fundamental and the applied aspects of robots and other computa- sensory capabilities reside in the robot.
tionally driven machines. We have produced substantial numbers of Our general design approach has been to begin with the defini-
systems that function as products for commercial applications, and tion of desired objective behaviors, rather than the use of available
as advanced research tools specifically designed for experimental components with their predefined technical specifications. With the
use. technical specifications of the components necessary to achieve the
This paper reviews various aspects of the design and control of desired behaviors defined, the components are either acquired, or in
a number of robot-like machines ranging from our first projects, most cases, developed and built.
the Utah Arm and the Utah/MIT Dextrous Hand, to present work on The control system, which includes the operation of feedback
humanoid robots and the Wearable Energetically Autonomous Robot approaches, acting in collaboration with physical machinery, is then
(WEAR). Our systems have been used in: entertainment, operator defined and implemented. Control is considered a function of both
remotization from hazardous environments, R&D, and medicine. feedback, and the designed-in performance of the robot’s physical
In addition to the robots and their subsystems, extensive work machinery. It has not been true that bad performance from physical
has been devoted to command systems that drive the robots. Com- machine elements can be simply compensated out via innovative
mand systems have been: playback supervisors, teleoperation mas- control methods and faster computers.
ters, and various higher level approaches based on work from the After the completion of many projects we believe that the fi-
AI community. Playback interfaces have included motion capture nal frontier(s) of robotics reside at both ends of the brain and
mechanisms that provide movement-stream information to storage brawn spectrum. Both frontiers (barriers) are related to autonomy—
systems configured for later, repeated and coordinated, operation of intelligence/computation and energy/power. Recently, energetic au-
many robots and associated mechanisms. Play-back command sys-
tonomy has become a major interest at Sarcos and projects are un-
tems use human commands, from an “earlier” time, to command
derway to develop appropriate fuel-based servo-actuators to satisfy
motions that are played out, over and over, mindlessly. Teleopera-
tion“masters”, that operate in real-time with the robot, have ranged that need. Our objective is to develop power systems that are capa-
from simple motion capture devices, to more complex force reflective ble producing high performance servo-quality actuation for extended
exoskeletal masters. Teleoperation interfaces have been composed operating times without reenergizing the system. At the other end of
of complex kinematic structures designed to perform motions com- the spectrum, we are working in collaboration with various groups
patible with operator movements and are attached via appropriate to supply physical robots capable of operation under the control of
soft tissue interfaces. The masters emit lower level commands (joint advanced AI-based systems.
angles) in real-time using the natural intelligence and sensory sys-
tems of the operator. AI-based command sources, blend higher level KEY WORDS—robotics, high performance robots, teleoper-
ation, sensors, exoskeleton, control
The International Journal of Robotics Research
Vol. 23, No. 4–5, April–May 2004, pp. 319-330,
DOI: 10.1177/0278364904042198
©2004 Sage Publications

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1. Systems Developed by Sarcos and the CED lection of system parameters, such as motor parameters, gear
reduction ratios, and structural stiffness and damping, which
As shown in Figures 1–9, a variety of systems have been de- is based upon the overall desired robot behaviors such as struc-
signed and manufactured. Examples of products include: the tural smoothness, quickness, static force accuracy, load move-
Utah Artificial Arm, electro-myographically controlled (elec- ment grace, and others. The behavior-based design (BBD)
tric; four degrees of freedom (DoFs) each; 2000 produced); method was investigated for the simple case briefly discussed
life-sized humanoid robots for Disney and other clients (hy- below and proved to be one of the reasons for our growing lack
draulic; from 5 to 50 DoFs each; 100 produced); large robotic of confidence in electrical actuation systems for ambulatory
dinosaurs for the Universal Studios Jurassic Park. The Ride robots. Although we did not pursue the approach for systems
in Hollywood (from 4 to 18 DoFs each; 16 produced); large of higher complexity, we have confidence in the method. We
programmable robotic fountains at the Bellagio Hotel in Las plan to begin working in this area again, and hope that others
Vegas. will also search for better methods to define the required per-
Systems have also been designed and fabricated for re- formance of subsystems based upon the desired robot perfor-
search purposes, including: the TOPS, force-reflective master mance, rather than guessing or using successive simulation.
and slave robot with hand, arm, torso, and head (hydraulic; The process includes five steps: (1) identifying the desired
22 DoFs each), UMDH slave and master for studies in ma- system behavioral objectives; (2) defining quantitative perfor-
chine dexterity (pneumatic; 16 DoFs each), DA and the larger mance criteria; (3) establishing a minimum complexity sys-
GRLA slave arm with their force reflective master (hydraulic; tem model; (4) determining parameter constraint equations;
10 DoFs each, including three DoFs in each end-effector), Sar- (5) applying parameter constraint equations.
cos humanoid robot for AI research and Sarcos Sensuit Master The specific example in the paper uses second-, third-, and
(ATR, Japan; hydraulic; 39 DoFs each), and the Primus head fifth-order linear models of a system with only one external
and eyes with four cameras and lasers (Riken, Japan and USC; DoF. The approach, available at the time, used Root Locus
electric; 7 DoFs). Associated body parts have also been devel- plots and certain system simplifications to define the charac-
oped including head, eyes, eyelids, ears, neck, faces, mouths, teristics of the subsystems required to produce behaviors as
torsos, tails, wings, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes. defined by 11 quantitative performance criteria (QPCs), as
Components developed have included controllers, actuators, follows:
servo-valves, load cells, position sensors, digital sensor net-
works, tactile sensors, and complex structures. 1. structural smoothness—absence of structural
Present efforts are focused on: WEAR, an exoskeletal oscillations;
robot, which is in development along with actuation sys-
tems specialized for this project (hydraulic and combustion) 2. structure/actuator stability assurance;
with force-reflective, close proximity teleoperational con-
3. static force accuracy;
trol, a fully instrumented version of WEAR intended for au-
tonomous operation, and an advanced version of Primus, a 4. quickness—inverse of rise time;
9-DoFs high-performance electronic robotic head.
5. positional accuracy;
2. Behavior-Based Design
6. load movement grace;
As mentioned above, it has not been true that bad performance
can be simply compensated out using innovative control meth- 7. strength;
ods and faster computers. Past attempts to trick energy with
algorithms, or use clever mechanisms to achieve one type 8. saturation avoidance;
of performance at the expense of others, have always pro-
duced systems with unacceptable behavioral limitations and 9. response of the load to insults—carried load;
behaviors. 10. response of the structure to insults—passive impedance;
Our general design approach has been to first define the
desired objective behaviors in a global way. We then proceed 11. force generation quickness—application of force.
with the specification of the characteristics of the physical
components, and related computational elements necessary A simple demonstration case is a robot with an electric
to implement control functions. These behavioral features, motor connected to a flexible beam with a mass at its ends as
although less familiar in technical environments, are in fact used by Jacobsen et al. (1987). The robot was combined with
the objective to a sponsor. a controller to form the model shown in Figure 10.
An approach for the design of robotic actuation systems The model shows a controller with position and load feed-
based upon global behavior objectives was presented by Ja- back, a motor, a rack-type gear reducer, a compliant arm, and
cobsen et al. (1987). This method allows the quantitative se- a mass/spring/damper as a load impedance.

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Jacobsen et al. / Research Robots 321

Fig. 1. Photographs showing (left) the Utah Arm, an electric prosthetic limb commanded by electro-myographic signals, and
(right) the UMDH and its master glove.

Fig. 2. Humanoid entertainment robot developed for the Carnegie science museum (left) and the Dextrous Arm (DA) and DA
Master (right), a combined 20-DoFs force-reflecting teleoperated system.

Fig. 3. Photographs showing T-Rex, one of the 16 “life form” robots developed by Sarcos for Universal Studios Jurassic Park
The Ride, CA, and, on the right, one of the 225 vector fountains installed the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.

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Fig. 4. Photographs showing two humanoid robot systems developed for research in AI. Left: 34-DoFs hydraulic-driven
humanoid robot. Right: Primus™ , an electrically-driven, biomimetic robotic head.

Fig. 5. Concept drawing (left), passive structure (center) and single leg (right) of an exoskeleton system currently being
developed by SRC.

Fig. 6. Photograph showing tactile sensors for the UMDH (left) and BiASTT M , a bi-axial, multiplexed, digital extensometer.

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Jacobsen et al. / Research Robots 323

Fig. 7. The Morph Hand can be used to grasp delicate objects as well as standard tools.

Fig. 8. The SenSuit® (left), the GRLA force reflecting 20-DoFs master–slave (center) and the space suit tester developed for
NASA (right).

Fig. 9. Photographs showing vector fountains developed by SRC during their installation at the Bellagio Hotel (left). Chore-
ographed light and water ballet at the Bellagio (right).

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Additionally, the system is mounted on a base with a cer- (b) Teleoperation. Real-time commands are issued by
tain mass connected to the ground by a damper and spring. an operator using a force-reflective, motion capture,
The base can shake in response to movement of the actu- master. Also included are vision systems and other
ated systems. The model also includes a supplemental mass application-specific subsystems. The master sends out
(touching) that can be connected to alter the impedance seen commands (joint angles) with low latencies at high fre-
by the arm. Using these additions, the approach can include quencies to insure stability. With the proper communi-
additional QPCs such as: cation system, the operator can be great distances from
the tele-robot. For example, the Utah DA can operate
1. response to shove; 20,000 feet below the ocean surface with the operator
on a shipboard command station.
2. stability margin when touching external loads;
(c) Artificial intelligence. The AI controller issues real-
3. response to base shaking; time commands to the robot. A typical system includes:
(i) arrays of externally-looking sensors which assess
4. performance in operation with a compliant base; the state of the environment; (ii) high-level commands
from a local operator at the beginning of a mission;
5. operation with non-collocated sensors; (iii) computational elements that formulate strategies
for execution of the task by the robot, operating in its
6. intrinsic qualities.
environment, with contingencies to deal with unfore-
seen circumstances. AI systems are typically thought of
The analysis defines a number of equations that receive
as capable of operating “intelligently”, for substantial
QPCs as inputs and which produce relationships between
duration, without continual commands from a human
model parameters necessary to achieve desired behaviors.
operator. In order to achieve the desired objectives in
the presence of realities imposed by the various states
3. Control Approach of the machine and its environment, AI commands can
be (i) high level from the past (go get the code book),
High-performance systems, especially high-performance, (ii) real-time changes in strategy, or (iii) real-time com-
force-reflective teleoperators with many DoFs, require control mands from the AI controller.
approaches with numerous capabilities. The following sec-
tion is a discussion of specific performance capabilities, but Level 2: Variable Autonomic Control. The controller can
not how they were achieved. Ideally, a synthesis approach, adjust system characteristics, but slower than operational
such as BBD, would make the process rigorous. However, in speeds and slower than command signals. Level 2 can include
reality, we attempt to define the objectives, and then work iter- various functions such as: (i) self-modeling along with a dis-
atively, via experimentation, analysis, and simulation in order play of variations in system properties (slow alterations up
to achieve a compromise solution. The compromise produces to failure of a component); (ii) gravity compensation (during
the best overall robot performance that can be achieved given orientation variations); (iii) compensation for system varia-
the realities of the hardware, the controller, and the method(s). tions; (iv) force gain adjustment in teleoperation; (v) manage-
Our approach considers seven levels of control subdivided ment of mechanical impedance and stability during contact
into three categories. The categories are (A) variable control, with external objects; (vi) ensuring stability during loading
(B) intrinsic control, and (C) power systems control. insults; (vii) coordination of joints; (viii) trading off proper-
ties to achieve quickness versus smoothness during variable
speed movements.
3.1. Category A
Variable control is subdivided into two levels: command signal 3.2. Category B
production, and variable autonomic. Intrinsic control is subdivided into three additional levels:
fixed autonomic control, servo-control, and passive intrinsic
Level 1: Command Signal Production (brain-like). Com-
properties. Categories B and C are designed for maximum
mands in this group can be generated in three ways:
simplicity and autonomy with respect to category A. The sys-
tem should be operational with category A systems in a non-
(a) Playback. The robot is commanded via signals from a
functional state.
pre-programmed, stored database. Commands, which
are defined, are generated at an earlier time by an op- Level 3: Fixed Autonomic Control. This uses fixed pa-
erator using a motion capture master of some sort. No rameter settings (via sensing or physical constraints such as
real-time interaction occurs between the robot and the stops) for: (i) strength and work space limiting—structures
operator. and controls; (ii) gravity compensation; (iii) control of fixed

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Jacobsen et al. / Research Robots 325

Fig. 10. One-dimensional linear effector model.

impedance at joints (first the Utah Arm, then the Disney An- Level 6: Actuation Systems. Actuation systems produce the
imatronics); (iv) achievement of grace in movement while speed, strength, bandwidth, impedance, stiction, and backlash
minimizing internal structural loads; (v) ensuring stability characteristics required for effective implementation of level 1
in force-reflective teleoperation, and trajectories; (vi) main- commands. Actuators are also the major consumers of energy
taining stability while coordinating multi-jointed compliant and are typically prime determinants of weight. Furthermore,
robotic structures. support systems for actuators, such as control hardware and
Level 4: Servo-Control. This manages single-joint actu- electronics, along with conduits (wiring and power), add to
ators using PID-like approaches with certain included non- the weight, cost, and complexity of any robot.
linearities. Levels 2 and 3 might have hooks into level 4 in Level 7: Energy Storage Systems. Energy storage systems
order to adjust characteristics such as joint impedance. are the prime determinants of maximum available power us-
Level 5: Passive Intrinsic Properties. Passive intrinsic age rates and fundamentally limit the range/duration of op-
properties are a result of inherent characteristics of the ma- eration of any ambulatory, or otherwise energetically au-
chine being controlled. Note that, although ignored by many, tonomous system. Because of the fundamental limitations
passive intrinsic properties substantially determine ultimate of electrical energy storage systems, as well as electronic
system performance via features such as kinematics config- actuators, these systems are inappropriate for practical au-
uration, mass distribution of moving elements, stiffness and tonomous, dynamic operation. Hydraulic systems are more
damping in structures, stiction and/or backlash in joints, and suitable if driven by fuel-based hydraulic pumps coupled to
other factors. Note that, in terms of behaviors, damping pro- hydraulic valves and actuators, but these are not the long-term
duced via velocity feedback or physical viscosity produces answer either. Therefore, many groups are investigating alter-
the same effect. More importantly, poor, designed-in, physi- native systems based upon the use of fuels to drive servo-level
cal machine properties, especially non-linear ones, can per- performance actuators.
manently compromise machine performance. Very often it is
impossible to compensate out inbred properties such as exces-
sive stiction, excessive backlash, excessive mass, poor mass 4. Discussion
distribution, and others.
A review of a number of specific systems is presented be-
3.3. Category C low. Specific characteristics are reviewed, such as application,
Category C (power systems) is subdivided into two additional motivation for the development, system configuration, DoFs,
levels: actuation, and energy storage systems. These two levels control approach, actuation and energy storage and modula-
are fundamental determinants of both performance and the tion systems, speed, strength, grace, sensing systems used,
potential for energetic autonomy. and others.

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4.1. Utah Arm actuators with low piston mass and stiction (glass cylin-
der/graphite piston) supplied by high bandwidth, high flow
The Utah Arm (Figure 1) is a high-performance, battery- rate, zero-stiction servo-valves that allow the actuators to op-
powered, electric motor-driven and electro-myographic erate as a force source.
(EMG) signal commanded, 3-DoFs (elbow, forearm rotation, The UHM (Figure 1) measures the motion of the thumb,
terminal device open-and-close) upper extremity prosthesis index, middle and ring fingers of the operator’s hand by means
for above-the-elbow amputees and bilateral amputees. of Hall effect sensors mounted on a carbon-fiber composite
Similar to other systems developed by the team from SRC exoskeleton structure, which is attached to the surface of a
and the CED, the Utah Arm implements hardware-based glove. The UHM linkage is designed such that the exact lo-
low-level control functions that provide desired behaviors cation of the attachment pads does not affect the joint angle
including: (i) an actively controlled “dangling”, which per- measurement; thereby, accommodating a wide variety of hand
mits the arm to swing freely while the wearer is walking; sizes.
(ii) an activity-type-based, non-linear gain parameter adjust-
ment that improves the performance of the arm during high-
speed, low-precision movements (low impedance), as well as 4.3. Dextrous Arm and Force-Reflective Master
for operations that require high precision but low speed (high
The DA slave and the fully force-reflective dextrous arm mas-
ter (DAM) (Figure 2) have been developed for a broad range of
applications where high fidelity dexterity and proprioception
4.2. Utah/MIT Dextrous Hand and Master must be achieved for conducting operations in environments
that are inhospitable to people. For instance, in its original con-
The multi-fingered, high-performance, quasi-anthropomor- figuration the DA and DAM were developed to perform under-
phic, UMDH and the Utah Hand Master (UHM) (Figure 1) water tasks at a depth of up to 20,000 feet (substantially deeper
were developed to provide the research community with than humans can dive). The system is also well suited for tasks
multi-purpose tools for the study of machine dexterity, rang- such as (i) nuclear plant maintenance, (ii) hazardous waste
ing from the investigation of concepts in manipulation theory handling, (iii) high-voltage live-power line maintenance, and
and control strategies, to tactile sensing. other applications in harsh environments. In summary, the DA
In as much as it was conceived as a provocation to facilitate and DAM are able to carry out tasks with little or no oper-
physical experiments of previously untested theories on dex- ator training, and are therefore able to provide certainty in
terity, the system was designed to have sufficient functional unstructured environments.
richness to allow researchers to work without being unduly When used alone the DAM can command and receive sig-
encumbered by fundamental performance limitations of the nals from virtual slave manipulators operated in synthetic
system. For this reason, the UMDH has many DoFs (16), very environments.
high active and passive performance characteristics (compara- The DA is a human-scaled, 10-DoFs manipulator (with
ble to, and in some cases exceeding, human capabilities), was three intersecting axes of rotation at each of the shoulder and
designed to be a vehicle for a broad variety of tactile sensing the wrist, and one axis at the elbow joint), which is kinemat-
element designs, and was made modular and reconfigurable ically equivalent to a human being (Jacobsen et al. 1991). Its
to a limited extent. anthropomorphic configuration makes its use totally intuitive
The UMDH itself is configured to be (i) tendon-actuated for the operator and ensures that its “reach space” is not very
(to “remotize” the actuators and servo-valves), (ii) electro- different from its workspace (close to being the same as that
pneumatically powered, (iii) equipped with four digits (three of a human).
fingers and one thumb, each having four DoFs), and (iv) quasi- The arm and its the end-effector are hydraulically powered
anthropomorphic (Jacobsen et al. 1986). It is designed to using low stiction rotary actuators and a supply pressure of ap-
achieve the speed, strength, and grace of motion (an intrinsic proximately 21 MPa. The hydraulic fluid flow to the actuators
level of control), required to perform dynamic manipulation is modulated by means of very high bandwidth servo-valves
on a broad range of human-scale objects. developed by SRC (Smith et al. 1992). These components,
For instance, in order to perform manipulation tasks on combined with high-resolution force and position sensing at
slippery hard or fragile objects, the individual digits have each joint, make the arm nimble, easy to control, and precise.
been configured to achieve operational frequencies larger than For instance, the arm can be made to free swing, with low
60 Hz for the most distal DoFs. In order to permit handling damping under the influence of gravity, and can also be used
of human-scale objects, such as a styrofoam cup, a metal rod, to thread a needle, put a nut on a bolt, pick up an egg, or screw
or lubricated surfaces, the UMDH was designed to generate a light bulb into a socket.
large finger tip forces up to 27 N. Other impressive capabilities include: (i) lifting up to 180 N
The desirable qualities, outlined above, have been achieved minimum, anywhere in its workspace; (ii) the operator in the
by using antagonistic tendons, pulleys with low friction, master being able to detect as little as a 0.15 N force applied to

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Jacobsen et al. / Research Robots 327

the slave (the system is far more sensitive than this, but that is tive way to attract and educate customers using high technol-
what the human can feel when using it); (iii) applying torque ogy. “Sarcos”, as the robot was named, traveled North Amer-
of up to 95 N m at the end-effector; (iv) achieving unloaded ica and Europe for the major car shows from 1995 to 1997.
joint speeds up to 600 deg s−1 at the wrist joints and 450 deg “Sarcos” was operated by two methods: live, real-time tele-
s−1 at the elbow and shoulder joints. In addition, its ranges of operator control, and the playback of pre-programmed skits.
motion are comparable to, and in some cases exceed, those of During interactive segments, a stand-up comedian in a Sarcos
a human. SenSuit® controlled the robot. The SenSuit® and the exhibit
Several modular 3-DoFs end-effectors have been devel- area were equipped with a series of cameras, monitors, mi-
oped and used on the DA. Each of these end-effectors was crophones, and speakers that allowed the robot perceive and
equipped with thumb up–down and side-to-side rotation mo- actively interact with Ford spokes-models and visitors to the
tions, and two fingers that moved like a two jaw gripper. All Ford display. The SenSuit® was fitted with special helmet-
three DoFs were equipped with force and position sensors. mounted displays, headphones, and a microphone to provide
The most interesting end-effector developed for the DA was the operator with a “robot view” and facilitate communication
the Morph Hand (Figure 7), which has a 2-DFs thumb (again and interactive body movements.
with up–down and side-to-side rotation) and two fingers that SRC humanoid robots can be programmed to recreate
can be operated as a parallel jaw gripper. It possessed an addi- smooth, graceful, fast human actions so effectively that they
tional “DoF” in the form of reconfigurable finger tips, which are frequently mistaken for human actors. Under a contract
could be oriented straight out as in a standard two jaw grip- with the Disney organization, SRC and its affiliates provided
per, and could also be bent over towards the thumb at a right approximately 90 anthropomorphic robots for European Dis-
angle (a hook-like configuration) to facilitate trapping spheri- neyland, as well as Disney World and Disneyland. These
cal and cylindrical shapes; thereby, minimizing the grip force robots are constructed in a modular fashion, typically have
necessary to effectively handle/grasp a large class of objects. between 12 and 52 DoFs, and are actuated using both pneu-
The combination of a dexterous end-effector installed on matic and hydraulic power. They have moving arms, legs,
the end of an anthropomorphic arm makes the DA system torsos, necks, eyes, and mouths and are capable of a variety
inherently adapted to work with standard human tools in en- of facial expressions.
vironments and workspaces originally configured for use by
humans. Viewed in the context of full-system costs, an arm
4.5. Life Forms and Non-Humanoid (Fountains) for
able to avoid the requirement of custom-designed specialized
tooling can result in significant overall savings, in addition to
providing superior capabilities. In 1994, SRC was asked to provide Universal Studios with
Different control methods include: (i) position and force a collection of 16 robotic dinosaur figures for the Jurassic
feedback with PID servo-control loops; (ii) gravity com- Park Ride attraction in Los Angeles, CA, which opened in
pensation, so that the operator does not have to carry the May 1996. These animated dinosaur figures are exceptionally
weight of the slave and master while performing dextrous realistic in both their appearance and their movements, and
tasks; (iii) “Tap Response”, which provides enhanced force were all the more challenging, since they were viewable from
feedback to the operator when the slave contacts an object; all sides in many cases, and they did not wear clothing.
(iv) on-the-fly force-reflection ratio scaling capability to ad- The development of these figures presented difficult engi-
just the relative strengths of the master and slave consistent neering and control problems which involved multiple con-
with the application requirements; (v) a novel control strat- straints such as: (i) operational seven days per week, year
egy that allows the master–slave system to have significantly round, in harsh environments (e.g. water spray, direct sun
higher inter-system stiffness and low slew drag, making the exposure, partial and total submersion); (ii) stringent safety
system fast and graceful when moving freely, and have high factors; (iii) lots of variety (of the 16 figures, 13 were differ-
impedance when in contact with fixed objects. ent from the rest, varying in weight from 30 kg to 35,000 kg);
(iv) four levels of control (low-level force, position, and veloc-
4.4. Humanoids for Entertainment ity, figure level, system level, and ride level); (v) demanding
aesthetic requirements.
The SRC humanoid robots are the most advanced and life-like A simulation-based design methodology was implemented
anthropomorphic robotic figures in the world. SRC involve- from the outset and was used throughout the design phases
ment with humanoid robots began in the 1980s when Disney of the project. A three-dimensional (3D) computer model of
wanted to improve upon their audio-animatronic robots by each figure was constructed, complete with the DoFs that were
making the motions more graceful and realistic. anticipated. Then these models were programmed with show
SRC has supplied its humanoid robot to numerous other programs by the customer’s creative team using the SenSuit®
customers. For instance, to introduce their newly redesigned as the human–dinosaur interface (Figure 8). This approach
Taurus in 1995, the Ford Motor Company sought an innova- provided the customer with a tool to work out “the look” of

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the ride in a virtual environment with virtual dinosaurs and Primus™ (Figure 4) is an electrically-driven, biomimetic
to obtain management buy-off, and at the same time it pro- robotic head that has human-like performance characteris-
vided the engineers with a reliable, customer-generated mo- tics. Primus™ is designed for AI research and applications
tion database (position, velocity, and acceleration versus time, involving head motion, vision, and hearing. For this purpose,
and ROMs) which could then be used to construct the engi- each independent eye has two DoFs: (i) 75◦ side-to-side and
neering models of the figure designs and to calculate the static (ii) 75◦ up–down. These allow both conjugate and disjunc-
and dynamic loads applied to the various structures when per- tive eye movements and can operate at up to 26 Hz for small
forming their show programs. amplitude motions and up to 3.3 Hz for full range of motion.
In 1996, SRC began work to develop a robotic fountain for Each eye is also equipped with: (i) separate wide angle and
the Bellagio Casino in Las Vegas, NV. Each fountain is 3 m foveal cameras, the outputs of which are combined to emulate
tall, weighs 1400 kg, has four lights that move with the nozzle, the characteristics of the human eye; and (ii) two lasers which
and has five controlled DoFs, including: (i) an adjustable water add alignment, aiming, and ranging capabilities. The neck has
jet height (0–27 m); (ii) a two-axis vectoring gimbal (electrical three actuated DoFs that emulate the motions of the human
motor actuated); (iii) a 2-DoFs pneumatically actuated lift head with ranges of motion of up to 100◦ at 2 Hz.
device that can locate the gimbal in “day”, “night”, and fully The Primus™ head can have its appearance altered through
submerged positions. the use of interchangeable head coverings, which can be used
SRC built 225 of the waving fountains and installed them in to create different personalities. Moreover, the system has
the summer of 1998. The fountains are in the water 24 h a day been designed to allow the future implementation of: (i) ac-
and operate up to 14 h per day. Choreographed music, light, tuated plate-based shell and soft coverings to permit mouth
and the synchronized “water ballet”, such as the one illustrated motion and facial expressions; (ii) inertial sensing modules
in Figure 9, blend to create a unique show experience. (multi-axis accelerometers and gyroscopes); and (iii) micro-
phones for binaural hearing.
4.6. Humanoids for R&D and Primus Head
4.7. Exoskeletal Robot
SRC has developed two specialized humanoid figures for
research purposes. The first is a 39-DoFs, pelvis-mounted, The ability to augment human performance by means of me-
hydraulically actuated figure developed for the Kawato Dy- chanical systems is an ongoing quest. Despite much effort, the
namic Brain Project (KDBP), under the direction of the Japan development of efficient, powered, legged machines, which
Science and Technology Corporation (JST). The JST/KDBP can augment the capability of a human operator and, at the
figure (Figure 4) is being used in advanced computational same time, achieve a large range of autonomy, has remained
algorithm research related to the adaptive learning of sys- an elusive target.
tem dynamics for model-based control of vision-based tasks, SRC, in collaboration with the CED at the University
such as juggling, human movement tracking and emulation, of Utah, Boston Dynamics Inc., the University of Southern
and other high-level control algorithms. California and Reaction Engineering International, has re-
The JST/KDBP figure is pelvis-mounted on a movable cently undertaken the development of a series of human-scale
base. As a result, unlike the entertainment humanoid figures, WEARs (Figure 5).
which are fixed at the feet, the legs of the JST/KDBP figure The efficient mobility of legged machines over rugged ter-
can emulate walking and running motions. rain as well as the ability of the WEAR to increase the effec-
The second research figure is the NASA Space Suit Tester tive stamina, mobility, speed and strength of the user is the
(Figure 8). NASA’s research interests centered on two main basic motivation for this development. These qualities can
areas, as follows: (i) what were the force-versus-position char- in turn open the door to a very broad range of applications,
acteristics of each of the spacesuit’s joints; (ii) what were the such as: (i) carrying heavy payloads or equipment over ex-
fatigue capabilities of the spacesuits. Both of these had been tended ranges, or for long periods of time, while reducing
explored using human operators in the past, but it was difficult operator fatigue and risk of injuries; (ii) increasing the oper-
to obtain consistent and reliable results. There was clearly a ator’s mobility while transporting protective shields for heat,
need for a less subjective, more repeatable method of obtain- flames, radiation, and chemical and biological contaminants;
ing the desired information. To address this problem, SRC (iii) providing assistance during physical rehabilitation ther-
designed and fabricated a system that was a hydraulically apy, as well as a new means of locomotion for people suffering
(using water–glycol mixture to avoid oil contamination of the from neuromuscular disorders.
very expensive spacesuit in the event of a leak) actuated fig- The technical challenge is substantial. WEAR systems re-
ure having greater than human strength, and which could go quire: (i) compact, robust, lightweight, kinematically and dy-
through the human ranges of motion in a controlled, repro- namically compatible structures; (ii) suitable interfaces be-
ducible manner, while sensing the force and position at each tween the machine and the operator’s soft tissues as well as
joint. haptic interfaces; (iii) new control strategies that minimize

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Jacobsen et al. / Research Robots 329

the impact of the system on the user’s mobility; (iv) the inte- tors used in the second generation LE-WEAR will achieve
gration of a large number of sensors; (v) compact, integrated, unprecedented performance, including high power density,
high-power density actuators, which efficiently convert en- servo-controllability, and high conversion efficiency, by using
ergy from high-energy density portable fuel sources, while fast energy extraction mechanisms, high-energy density gas
delivering a high bandwidth servo-controllable output. or liquid fuels (e.g. propane), and new system configurations
The general conceptual configuration is illustrated in Fig- that minimize the number of inefficient energy conversion
ure 5. WEAR includes (1) a base unit (BU) and (2) application- steps and also allow high bandwidth operation.
specific packages (ASPs). Preliminary experimental tests and dynamic simulations
The BU is a self-contained, human-compatible powered indicate the following. The overall power density is in the
robot that includes structures, actuators and the energy re- range of 150–300 W kg−1 (i.e., including all energy conversion
serves required for energetically autonomous operation, as and modulation steps). The overall conversion efficiencies are
well as sensors, structures, and controllers, which can be com- of the order of 10–20%. The system will have low quiescent
bined to form an exoskeletal system with various configura- power consumption, and servo-quality force control will be
tions of legs, torso, and arms. The ASP, which is attached to obtained. Details of the operation and performance of these
the BU, consists of outer coverings tailored for various appli- new actuators will be presented elsewhere.
cations such as those briefly discussed above. A hierarchical control architecture similar to that described
The structure is designed to be kinematically compatible earlier is being developed and will be implemented on the
with the human skeleton, and the system’s mass properties and WEAR system. The most basic level starts with the achieve-
passive characteristics are set to ensure that the gait of the user ment of desired passive characteristics, supplemented by low-
is not significantly altered while using the system. Figure 5 level PID position–force control (with non-linear and model-
shows a photograph of a prototype structure having the desired based inclusions) to manage individual joint actuators and
kinematics. So far, this structure has been used to investigate supplies. Other layers of control will include: (i) distributed
actuator and sensor placement and conduits routing, it has non-linear “get-out-of-the-way” control aimed at minimizing
been instrumented with joint position sensors and used as a the contact force between the human and the machine and
motion capture system (similar to the SenSuit® ), it has been to produced the desired force amplification; (ii) gravity com-
used to experimentally confirm its compatibility with human pensation, and fault recognition; (iii) adaptive control for joint
kinematics and ROMs, and it has been used to identify suitable coordination and gait emulation, as well as for compensation
soft tissue attachment points. of operator and system variations.
Work on the kinematics configuration of a full-body
WEAR is ongoing, but the first series of fully powered sys- 4.8. Sensor Systems
tems will consist of a lower extremity (legs and pelvis) WEAR
(referred to as LE-WEAR). While developing the various sensor-intensive, servo-
Figure 5 shows a photograph of a LE-WEAR experimental controlled systems discussed in the previous sections, the SRC
leg. The leg is equipped with hydraulically actuated knee and team encountered a recurring problem: sensors and wiring
hip joints, which allow a peak speed of approximately 500 deg harnesses have high costs and poor reliability. The entertain-
s−1 and torque of up to approximately 230 N m at the knee ment robotics projects alone have used over 4000 sensors and
joint. Position and torque sensors are also used for control. 2500 actuators. In these systems, the sensors have accounted
The first complete LE-WEAR system will have 14 DoFs, for up to 30% of the system cost, and up to half of the system
and will be hydraulically actuated using an external hydraulic failures have occurred in the supporting wiring harnesses and
supply (tethered system). The system is being designed to connectors.
allow an operator to perform tasks such as climbing stairs, as In order to address these problems, since the early 1980s
well as to walk at speeds in the range of 1.5 to 1.8 m s−1 on flat SRC has been working on the development of a series of high-
and hard terrain while carrying a load of approximately 60– resolution, absolute, digital multiplexed output, compact, ro-
70 kg, and, most of all, to perform such tasks while minimizing bust, high bandwidth, low-cost sensors. These efforts have
the forces exerted by the payload and the WEAR structure resulted in a new generation of strain, rotation, multi-axis
on the operator. Initial tests will be performed on a large- strain, load, shear stress, pressure, and other types of sen-
scale treadmill developed by Sarcos as a mobility interface sors, which are ideally suited for high-performance robots and
for synthetic environments. other information-driven machines that move. Details have
The second generation of LE-WEAR will weigh approxi- been presented in Jacobsen et al. (1998).
mately 35 kg (not including the fuel), will have performance
characteristics that are comparable to those of the first gen- Acknowledgments
eration tethered system, and, most importantly, will achieve
energetic autonomy by using a new type of chemo-hydraulic Support for the work described in this paper has been
supply that is currently under development. The new actua- provided by the Defense Advanced Research Projects

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Agency (contracts F33615-82-K5125, DABT63-98-C-0048, Jacbosen, S. C., Smith, C. C., Biggers, K. B., and Iversen,
and MDA972-01-C-0023), the Office of Naval Research (con- E. K. 1987. Behavior-based design of robot effectors. Pro-
tract N00014-82-K-0367), the Department of the US Navy, ceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Robotics
the National Institute of Health, the Department of Veter- Research, Santa Cruz, CA, August 10–15, pp. 41–55.
ans’ Affairs Rehabilitation R&D, Westinghouse Idaho Nu- Jacobsen, S. C., Smith, F. M., and Backman, D. K. 1991.
clear Company (Department of Energy funding), Bell Lab- High performance, dextrous telerobotic manipulator with
oratories, Universal Studios, the Bellagio Hotel and Casino, force reflection. Proceedings of the Intervention/ROV ’91
Carnegie Science Museum, Ford Motor Corporation, as well Conference, Hollywood, FL, May 21–23, pp. 213–218.
as ATR and Riken Japan. Jacobsen, S. C., Olivier, M., Maclean, B. J., Mladejovsky,
M. G., and Whitaker, M. R. 1998. Multi-regime integrated
References transducer networks. Proceedings of the Solid-State Sen-
sor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, June
Jacobsen, S. C., Iversen, E. K., Knutti, D. F., Johnson, R. T., 8–11, pp. 136–143.
and Biggers, K. B. 1986. Design of the Utah/MIT dextrous Smith, F., Jacobsen, S., Potter, D., and Davis, C. 1992. Minia-
hand. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference ture high performance servo-valves. Proceedings of the
on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA, April 7– International Fluid Power Exposition and Technical Con-
10, pp. 1520–1534. ference, Chicago, IL, March 24–26.

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