Answer Keys HSSC Field Inspector Store Noon Slot PDF

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Field Inspector (Store)

Noon Slot Date : 30-6-2017
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
1. The length and breadth of a rectangle 1. EH$ Am`V H$s bå~mB© Am¡a Mm¡S>mB© H«$_e: 8 go._r.
are 8 cm and 6 cm respectively. Find Am¡a 6 go._r. h¡Ÿ& CgHo$ {dH$U© H$s bå~mB© nVm
the length of its diagonal. H$s{OEŸ&
(A) 12 cm (B) 11 cm (A) 12 go._r. (B) 11 go._r.
(C) 10 cm (D) 9 cm (C) 10 go._r. (D) 9 go._r.

2. D is the daughter of A. B is the wife of 2. D `h A H$s ~oQ>r h¡Ÿ& B `h D Ho$ ~hZ Ho$ {nVm H$s
the father of the sister of D. How is A nËZr h¡Ÿ& A H$m B go Š`m ZmVm h¡ ?
related to B ?
(A) ~oQ>m (B) nmoVm
(A) Son (B) Grandson
(C) Husband (D) Son-in-law (C) n{V (D) O_mB©

3. Expand UPSC. 3. ` (UPSC) H$m {dñV¥V ê$n h¡

(A) United Public Service Community (A) `wZmBQ>oS> npãbH$ g{d©g H$å`w{ZQ>r
(B) Union Public Service Commission (B) `y{Z`Z npãbH$ g{d©g H${_eZ
(C) United Public Service Centre (C) `wZmBQ>oS> npãbH$ g{d©g g|Q>a
(D) Union Public Security Commission (D) `y{Z`Z npãbH$ goŠ`w[aQ>r H${_eZ

4. What is the name of the garden situated 4. {n§Om¡a _| pñWV JmS>©Z H$m Š`m Zm_ h¡ ?
in Pinjore ? (A) `mXdoÝÐ JmS>©Z
(A) Yadavendra Garden (B) H$U© boH$ JmS>©Z
(B) Karna Lake Garden
(C) Rose Garden (C) amoO JmS>©Z
(D) Sultanpur (D) gwëVmZnwa

5. When a book is sold for Rs. 60, there is 5. O~ EH$ {H$Vm~ é. 60 _| ~oMr OmVr h¡, V~ é. 10
a profit of Rs. 10. What is the percentage H$m _wZmµ\$m hmoVm h¡Ÿ& _wZmµµ\o$ H$m à{VeV Š`m h¡ ?
of profit ?
(A) 20% (B) 16.25%
(A) 20% (B) 16.25%
(C) 12% (D) 15% (C) 12% (D) 15%

6. C is taller than A but shorter than B. E is 6. C `h A go D±$Mm h¡ bo{H$Z B go ZmQ>m h¡Ÿ& E `h B go

taller than B but shorter than D. Who is D±$Mm h¡ bo{H$Z D go ZmQ>m h¡Ÿ& g~go D±$Mm H$m¡Z h¡ ?
the tallest ?
(A) A (B) D (A) A (B) D
(C) B (D) C (C) B (D) C

7. Ashwaghosha who lived in the court of 7. AídKmoe Omo amOm Ho$ Xa~ma _| ahVm Wm,
king _________ wrote Buddha Charita. CgZo ~wÕM[aV {bIrŸ&
(A) Kaniska (B) Babur (A) H${ZîH$ (B) ~m~a
(C) Vikramaditya (D) Ashoka (C) {dH«$_m{XË` (D) AemoH$
8. In Kurukshetra district, where is the 8. Hw$éjoÌ {Obo _| MrZr {_b {H$g ñWmZ na h¡ ?
sugar mill located ? (A) emh~mX (B) bmS>dm
(A) Shahabad (B) Ladwa
(C) Pehwa (D) Thanesar (C) nohdm (D) WmZoga

A -2-
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)

80 = ? 80 = ?
9. 9.
? 20 ? 20
(A) 50 (B) 40 (A) 50 (B) 40
(C) 30 (D) 20 (C) 30 (D) 20

10. Raju walks 25 m straight towards west, 10. amOy npíM_ H$s Amoa grYo 25 _r. MbVm h¡ {\$a
then turns right and walks 20 m straight, dh Xm{hZr Amoa _w‹S>H$a grYo 20 _r. MbVm h¡
then turns right and walks 50 m straight, {\$a Xm{hZr Amoa _w‹S>H$a 50 _r. grYo MbVm h¡Ÿ&
then turns right and walks straight 20 m {\$a dh Xm{hZr Amoa Ky_ H$a 20 _r. grYo MbVm
and again turns right and walks straight h¡ Am¡a {\$a Am¡a EH$ ~ma Xm`t Amoa Ky_ H$a 20
for 20 m. How far is he from his starting _r. MbVm h¡Ÿ& Amapå^H$ {~ÝXw go A~ dh {H$VZr
point ? Xyar na h¡ ?
(A) 30 m (B) 10 m (A) 30 _r. (B) 10 _r.
(C) 5 m (D) 15 m (C) 5 _r. (D) 15 _r.

11. The capital city of Chalukya was 11. MmbwŠ` H$m amOYmZr eha Wm
(A) Srirangapatna (B) Badami (A) lra§JnQ>Zm (B) ~mXm_r
(C) Madhurai (D) Kanchipuram (C) _XwamB© (D) H$m§{Mnwa_²

12. In which district is the Gharounda Nagar 12. Kam¡ÊS>m ZJa {H$g {Obo _| pñWV h¡ ?
situated ? (A) H$aZmb (B) H¡$Wb
(A) Karnal (B) Kaithal
(C) Panipat (D) Jind (C) nmZrnV (D) OtX

13. Security Council of UNO consists of 13. `w.EZ.Amo. Ho$ gwajm n[afX _| ñWm`r
______ permanent members. gXñ` hmoVo h¢Ÿ&
(A) 3 (B) 4 (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6 (C) 5 (D) 6

14. Who was the first non-congress Chief 14. h[a`mUm Ho$ àW_ J¡a H$m§J«ogr _w»`_ÝÌr H$m¡Z Wo ?
Minister of Haryana ? (A) Mm¡. ~§grbmb
(A) Chaudhary Bansilal (B) amd draoÝÐ qgh
(B) Rao Virendra Singh
(C) Mm¡. Xodrbmb
(C) Chaudhary Devilal
(D) Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma (D) n§. ^JdV X`mb e_m©

15. Who is regarded as the pioneer of white 15. ^maV H$s œoV H«$m§{V Ho$ {bE {H$go AJ«oga _mZm
revolution in India ? OmVm h¡ ?
(A) Dhiru Bhai Ambani (A) {Yê$ ^mB© A§~mZr
(B) Varghese Kurian (B) d{J©µO Hw$[a`Z
(C) Swaminathan (C) ñdm{_ZmWZ
(D) S. K. Birla (D) Eg. Ho$. {~‹S> bm

-3- A
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
16. ? % of 150 = 40 16. 150 H$m ?% = 40

3 (B) 5 3 5
80 80 (A) 80 (B) 80

2 2
(C) 26 3 (D) 3 3 (C) 26 3 (D) 3 3
4 4

17. The market value of a share of 100 is <

17. < 100 Ho$ eo`a H$m ~mOmé _yë` 120 h¡Ÿ& <

< 120. A person invests 24,000 in


EH$ AmX_r BZ eo`am| _| 24,000 {Zdoe


this share. If the dividend declared is H$aVm h¡Ÿ& `{X 10% H$m bm^m§e Kmo{fV {H$`m
10%, what is his earnings in that year ? OmVm h¡, Vmo Cg gmb CgH$s H$_mB© {H$VZr hmoJr ?
(A) <2,200 (B) 2,050

(A) <
2,200 (B) <
(C) <2,000 (D) 1,200
(C) <
2,000 (D) <
18. In 1857, which of the following Nawab 18. 1857 _| \$ê$IZJa Ho$ {H$g Zdm~ Zo A§J«oµOm| go
of Farukh Nagar took on British ? Q>ŠH$a br ?
(A) Muhammad Tughlaq (A) _moh_X VwJbH$
(B) Balban (B) ~b~Z
(C) Gyasuddin (C) ½`mgwÔrZ
(D) Dalel Khan (D) Xbob ImZ

19. Raja Ravi Varma was a 19. amOm a{d d_m© WoŸ&
(A) Painter (B) Musician (A) {MÌH$ma (B) g§JrVH$ma
(C) Dancer (D) None of these (C) ZV©H$ (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
20. If log 8 = 0.9031, log 8000 = ? 20. `{X log 8 = 0.9031 h¡, Vmo log 8000 = ?
(A) 1 .9031 (B) 3.9031 (A) 1 .9031 (B) 3.9031
(C) 1.9031 (D) 0.9031 (C) 1.9031 (D) 0.9031

21. A basket contains different coloured 21. EH$ Q>moH$ar _| {d{^ÝZ a§Jm| Ho$ \y$b h¢Ÿ& N>h H$mo N>mo‹S>
flowers. Colour of all but 6 is rose, colour g^r Jwbm~r a§J Ho$ h¢, N>h H$mo N>mo‹S> g^r bmb a§J
of all but 6 is red, colour of all but 6 is
Ho$ h¢, N>h H$mo N>mo‹S> g^r H$m a§J gµ\o$X h¡Ÿ& Cg
white. What is the total number of
flowers in the basket ? Q>moH$ar _| Hw$b {H$VZo \y$b h¢ ?
(A) 6 (B) 12 (A) 6 (B) 12
(C) 18 (D) 9 (C) 18 (D) 9

22. Who is the first state poet of Haryana ? 22. h[a`mUm Ho$ àW_ amO H${d H$m¡Z h¢ ?
(A) Udaybhanu Hans (A) CX`^mZw h§g
(B) Tulsidas Sharma (B) VwbgrXmg e_m©
(C) Leeladhar (C) brbmYa
(D) Balmukund Gupt (D) ~mb_wHw$ÝX JwßV

A -4-
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
23. _________ is regarded as the architect 23. H$mo ^maV Ho$ g§{dYmZ H$m dmñVwH$ma
of the Indian Constitution. _mZm OmVm h¢Ÿ&
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru (A) Odmhabmb Zohê$
(B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (B) ~mb J§JmYa {VbH$
(C) B. R. Ambedkar (C) ~r. Ama. Aå~oS>H$a
(D) C. Rajagopalachari (D) gr. amOJmonmbmMmar
24. Which canal of Haryana is originates from 24. VmOodmbm Zm_H$ ñWmZ go h[a`mUm H$s H$m¡Z gr Zha
place called Tajewala ? {ZH$mbr JB© h¡ ?
(A) Gurgaon canal (A) Jw‹S>Jm±d Zha
(B) Bhakhra canal (B) ^m§I‹S>m Zha
(C) Western Yamuna canal (C) npíM_r `_wZm Zha
(D) Bhiwani canal (D) {^dmZr Zha
26. How many shares of Rs. 100 sold at a 26. 15% Ny>Q> na ~oMo OmZo dmbo é. 100 Ho$ {H$VZo
discount of 15% can be purchased by eo`a é. 7,225 {Zdoe H$a IarXo Om gH$Vo h¢ ?
investing Rs. 7,225 ?
(A) 75 (B) 85 (A) 75 (B) 85
(C) 95 (D) 115 (C) 95 (D) 115
27. Find the missing item in the following 27. {ZåZ l¥§Ibm _|, {X`o J`o {dH$ënm| _| go bmnVm
series from the alternatives provided. g§»`m nVm H$s{OEŸ&
4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, ?, 123, 199 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, ?, 123, 199
(A) 87 (B) 71 (A) 87 (B) 71
(C) 76 (D) 82 (C) 76 (D) 82
28. Metro first reached in which city of 28. h[a`mUm Ho$ {H$g eha _| _¡Q´>mo g~go nhbo nhþ±Mr ?
Haryana ? (A) JwS
‹ >Jm±d (B) gmoZrnV
(A) Gurgaon (B) Sonipat
(C) Faridabad (D) Rohtak (C) \$arXm~mX (D) amohVH$
29. In a certain code language, ‘1, 2, 3’ 29. {H$gr {ZpíMV Hy$Q> ^mfm _| "1, 2, 3' H$m _Vb~
means ‘bright little boy’, ‘1, 4, 5’ means h¡ "~«mBQ> {bQ>b ~m°`', "1, 4, 5' H$m _Vb~ h¡
‘tall big boy’ and ‘6, 3, 7’ means "Q>m°b {~J ~m°`' Am¡a "6, 3, 7' H$m _Vb~ h¡
‘beautiful little flower’. Which numerical "ã`w{Q>\w$b {bQ>b âbm°da'Ÿ& Cg ^mfm _| "~«mBQ>' Ho$
in that language means ‘bright’ ? {bE Š`m g§»`m h¡ ?
(A) 7 (B) 2 (A) 7 (B) 2
(C) 6 (D) 5 (C) 6 (D) 5
-5- A
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
30. Kurukshetra’s Sthaneshwar temple was 30. Hw$éjoÌ Ho$ ñWmZoída _pÝXa H$m nwZ{Z©_m©U {ZåZ{b{IV
rebuilt by whom ? _| go {H$gHo$ Ûmam H$adm`m J`m ?
(A) By Raja Harshawardhan (A) amOm hf©dY©Z Ûmam
(B) By Maratha Sadashiv Rao (B) _amR>m gXm{ed amd Ûmam
(C) By Prabhakar Wardhan (C) à^mH$a dY©Z Ûmam
(D) By Chandragupt Vikramaditya (D) MÝÐJwßV {dH«$_m{XË` Ûmam

6 , 8 and 4 . 6, 8 4 H$m\$. nVm H$s{OEŸ&

31. Find the HCF of
7 3 21 31. 7 3 Am¡a 21

(A) 12 (B) 24 (A) 12 (B) 24

21 7 21 7

(C) 2 (D) 3 2 3
8 (C) (D) 8
21 21

1 37 1 ? 37 1 _| {H$VZo 1
33. How many
8 ’s are there in 2
2 8 h¢ ?
(A) 300 (B) 400 (A) 300 (B) 400
(C) 500 (D) None of these (C) 500 (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
34. Kothli gift is given on which of the 34. H$moWbr Cnhma {H$g Adga na {X`m OmVm h¡ ?
following occasion ? (A) Xrdmbr
(A) Diwali
(B) hmobr
(B) Holi
(C) Makar Sankranti (C) _H$a g§H«$mpÝV
(D) Teej (D) VrO

35. The ratio of the surface areas of 2 spheres 35. Xmo Jmobm| Ho$ n¥îR>-joÌ\$b H$m AZwnmV 4:9 h¡Ÿ&
is 4 : 9. Find the ratio of their diameters. CZHo$ ì`mgm| H$m AZwnmV nVm H$s{OEŸ&
(A) 5 : 6 (B) 2 : 3 (A) 5 : 6 (B) 2 : 3
(C) 1 : 3 (D) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 1 : 2

36. 18 22 17 36. 18 22 17
5 15 12 5 15 12
13 7 ? 13 7 ?
(A) 5 (B) 6 (A) 5 (B) 6
(C) 7 (D) 8 (C) 7 (D) 8

A -6-
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
37. Sihi village is considered as the birth 37. {ghr Jm±d H$mo {H$g gÝV-H${d H$s OÝ_^y{_ _mZm
place of which poet saint ? OmVm h¡ ?
(A) Saint Ravidas (B) Saint Haridas (A) gÝV a{dXmg (B) gÝV h[aXmg
(C) Saint Surdas (D) Saint Tulsidas (C) gÝV gyaXmg (D) gÝV VwbgrXmg
38. Find the median of 7, 8, 4, 3 and 10. 38. 7, 8, 4, 3 Am¡a 10 H$s _mpÜ`H$m nVm H$s{OEŸ&
(A) 4 (B) 3 (A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 3.5 (D) 7 (C) 3.5 (D) 7

39. In Haryana, King Janmejay is associated 39. h[a`mUm _| amOm OZ_oO` H$m gå~ÝY {H$g ZJa go h¡ ?
with which of the following city ? (A) PÁOa (B) g\$sXmo
(A) Jajjar (B) Safeedo
(C) OtX (D) OJmYar
(C) Jind (D) Jagadhari
40. The base of a triangle is 3 cm more than 40. EH$ {ÌH$moU H$m Vb CgHo$ D±$MmB© go 3 go._r.
its height. If the area of this triangle is 20 A{YH$ h¡Ÿ& `{X Cg {ÌH$moU H$m joÌ\$b, find its base. 20 dJ© go._r. h¡, Vmo CgH$m Vb {H$VZm hmoJm ?
(A) 5 cm (B) 8 cm (A) 5 go._r. (B) 8 go._r.
(C) 10 cm (D) 6 cm (C) 10 go._r. (D) 6 go._r.

41. Vikas starts walking straight towards 41. {dH$mg grYo nyd© {Xem H$s Amoa MbZm Amaå^ H$aVm
East. After walking 75 metres he turns h¡Ÿ& 75 _rQ>a MbZo Ho$ ~mX dh ~m`t Amoa _w‹S>H$a
to the left and walks 25 metres straight.
Again he turns to the left, walks a distance grYo 25 _rQ>a MbVm h¡Ÿ& {\$a dh ~m`t Amoa _w‹S>H$a
of 40 metres straight, again he turns to grYo 40 _rQ>a MbVm h¡Ÿ& {\$a dh ~m`t Amoa _w‹S>H$a
the left and walks a distance of 25 25 _rQ>a MbVm h¡Ÿ& A~ dh Amapå^H$ {~ÝXw go
metres. How far is he from the starting
point ?
{H$VZr Xyar na h¡ ?
(A) 140 m (B) 50 m (A) 140 _r. (B) 50 _r.
(C) 115 m (D) 35 m (C) 115 _r. (D) 35 _r.

42. The First Battle of Panipat was fought 42. nmZrnV H$s nhbr b‹S>mB© BZHo$ \$m¡Om| Ho$ ~rM hþB©
between the forces of (A) AH$~a Am¡a ho_w
(A) Akbar and Hemu
(B) AãXmbr Am¡a _amR>m
(B) Abdali and the Marathas
(C) Humayun and Sher Shah Suri (C) hþ_m`yZ Am¡a eoa emh gwar
(D) Babur and Ibrahim Lodi (D) ~m~a Am¡a B~«m{h_ bmoXr

43. Maharaja Agrasen is associated with 43. _hmamOm AJ«goZ H$m gå~ÝY {H$g ZJa go h¡ ?
which place ? (A) amohVH$ (B) {gagm
(A) Rohtak (B) Sirsa
(C) Agroha (D) Pehwa (C) AJ«mohm (D) nohdm

-7- A
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)

x1.5 6 x1.5 6
44. If = 1.5 , find x. 44. `{X = 1.5 h¡, Vmo x H$m _yë` h¡
288 x 288 x
(A) 12 (B) 18 (A) 12 (B) 18
(C) 15 (D) 13 (C) 15 (D) 13
45. If ‘ × ’ means ‘ ÷ ’, ‘–’ means ‘+’ and ‘+’ 45. `{X ‘ × ’ H$m _Vb~ ‘ ÷ ’ h¡, ‘–’ H$m _Vb~ ‘+’ h¡ Am¡a
means ‘ × ’; 5 + 4 – 18 × 3 = ? ‘+’ H$m _Vb~ ‘ × ’ h¡, Vmo 5 + 4 – 18 × 3 = ?
(A) –34 (B) 6 (A) –34 (B) 6
(C) 14 (D) 26 (C) 14 (D) 26
46. Which of the following battle was fought 46. _amR>m| VWm Ah_Xemh AãXmbr Ho$ ~rM h[a`mUm
between Marathas and Ahmed Shah _| H$m¡Zgm `wÕ b‹S>m J`m Wm ?
Abdali in Haryana ?
(A) nmZrnV H$m Xygam `wÕ
(A) Second battle of Panipat
(B) Third battle of Panipat (B) nmZrnV H$m Vrgam `wÕ
(C) First battle of Panipat (C) nmZrnV H$m nhbm `wÕ
(D) None of the above (D) CnamoŠV _| go H$moB© Zht
47. Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary is located 47. Bg amÁ` _| _Xw_bmB© O§Jb _¥J dZ pñWV h¡
in the state of (A) Ho$ab
(A) Kerala
(B) H$Zm©Q>H$
(B) Karnataka
(C) Tamil Nadu (C) V{_bZmSw>
(D) Andhra Pradesh (D) AmÝY«àXoe
48. National Milk Production Research 48. amîQ´>r` Xw½Y CËnmXZ AZwgÝYmZ g§ñWmZ {H$g ZJa _|
Institute is located in which of the pñWV h¡ ?
following city ?
(A) nmZrnV (B) `_wZmZJa
(A) Panipat (B) Yamunanagar
(C) Karnal (D) Faridabad (C) H$aZmb (D) \$arXm~mX
49. Face value of each share is ` 25. It is 49. àË`oH$ eo`a H$m _wI _yë` 25 h¡Ÿ& Cgo 3
< <

sold at a premium of ` 3. How many of Ho$ àr{_`_ go ~oMm OmVm h¡Ÿ& 5,600 Ho$ {Zdoe

these shares can be purchased by go Eogo {H$VZo eo`a IarXo Om gH$Vo h¡ ?

investing ` 5,600 ?
(A) 224 (B) 1533.3 (A) 224 (B) 1533.3
(C) 240 (D) 200 (C) 240 (D) 200
50. Ajit was born 5 years before Rajesh, 50. A{OV H$m OÝ_ amOoe Ho$ OÝ_ go nm§M gmb nhbo
Rajesh is 3 years younger to Aneesh. hþAm, A{Ze go amOoe VrZ gmb N>moQ>m h¡Ÿ& `{X
If Ajit is now 17 years old, how old is A{OV H$s dV©_mZ C_a 17 gmb h¡, Vmo A{Ze
Aneesh ? H$s C_a Š`m h¡ ?
(A) 12 years (B) 15 years (A) 12 gmb (B) 15 gmb
(C) 19 years (D) 8 years (C) 19 gmb (D) 8 gmb

A -8-
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
51. Haryana’s first university was established 51. h[a`mUm _| àW_ {díd{dÚmb` {H$g ZJa _| ñWm{nV
in which city ? hþAm ?
(A) Kurukshetra (A) Hw$éjoÌ
(B) Karnal (B) H$aZmb
(C) Rohtak (C) amohVH$
(D) Murthal (D) _waWb

52. In Δ ABC, PQ is drawn parallel to BC. 52. ABC {ÌH$moU _|, PQ Ho$ BC $go g_mÝVa qIMm
AP = 5, PB = 3, AQ = 3x – 1, QC = x + 1,
OmVm h¡ Ÿ&
AP = 5, PB = 3, AQ = 3x – 1, QC = x + 1,
find x.
Vmo x H$m _yë` nVm H$s{O`o Ÿ&
(A) 4 (B) 3
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1
(C) 2 (D) 1

53. The world famous Ajanta caves are 53. Bg amÁ` _| {díd à{gÕ AO§Vm Jw\$m`| pñWV h¡Ÿ&
situated in the State of (A) _Ü`àXoe
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) _hmamîQ´>
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Karanataka (C) H$Zm©Q>H$
(D) Orissa (D) Amo{S>em

54. In which city Kanod’s fort is situated ? 54. H$mZmo‹S> H$m {H$bm {H$g ZJa _| pñWV h¡ ?
(A) Narnaul (B) Mahendragarh (A) ZmaZm¡b (B) _hoÝÐJ‹T>
(C) Thanesar (D) Hansi (C) WmZoga (D) hm±gr

55. ‘Dead Sea’ is located in 55. "_¥V gmJa' `hm± pñWV h¡

(A) Philippines (B) Israel (A) {\${b{nÝg (B) BµOa¡b
(C) Lebanon (D) Holland (C) bo~ZZ (D) hm°b§S>
56. Who was the first Chief Minister of 56. h[a`mUm Ho$ àW_ _w»`_ÝÌr H$m¡Z ~Zo ?
Haryana ? (A) amd {daoÝÐ qgh
(A) Rao Virendra Singh
(B) Mm¡. Xodrbmb
(B) Chaudhary Devilal
(C) Chaudhary Bhajanlal (C) Mm¡. ^OZbmb
(D) Bhagwat Dayal Sharma (D) ^JdV X`mb e_m©

57. Which is the capital of Odisha ? 57. Amo{S>em H$s amOYmZr H$m¡Zgr h¡ ?
(A) Bhubaneswar (B) Puri (A) ^wdZoída (B) nwar
(C) Ranchi (D) Vijayawada (C) am§Mr (D) {dO`dmS>m

-9- A
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
58. First Governor General of India, after 58. ñdV§ÌVm Ho$ ~mX ^maV Ho$ nhbo JdZ©a OZab Wo
independence was (A) Odmhabmb Zohé
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) amOoÝÐ àgmX
(B) Rajendra Prasad
(C) Climent Atlee (C) Šbo_ÊQ> EQ>br
(D) Lord Mountbatten (D) bm°S>© _mD§$Q>~¡Q>Z

59. Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary is located in 59. gwëVmZnwa njr {dhma h[a`mUm Ho$ {H$g {Obo _| h¡ ?
which district of Haryana ? (A) JwS‹ >Jm±d (B) amohVH$
(A) Gurgaon (B) Rohtak
(C) Panchkula (D) Faridabad (C) n§MHw$bm (D) \$arXm~mX
60. Natyashastra, in which all performing 60. "ZmQ>çemñÌ' {Og_| g^r A{^Z` H$bmAm| H$mo
arts are well structured is a work of AÀN>r Vah go g§a{MV {H$`m h¡, BgH$s aMZm h¡
(A) Bhavabhooti (B) Bhasa (A) ^d^y{V (B) ^mg
(C) Bharatamuni (D) Kalidasa (C) ^aV_w{Z (D) H$m{bXmg

61. Which disease has been eliminated 61. Q>rH$mH$aU Ho$ Ûmam H$m¡Zgm amoJ {díd go hr Xÿa H$a
from the world by vaccination ? {X`m J`m h¡ ?
(A) Typhoid (B) Malaria (A) Q>mB\$m°BS> (B) _bo[a`m
(C) Small pox (D) TB (C) MoMH$$ (D) Q>r.~r.
62. Which of the following sage’s monastery 62. AñWb ~moha _| {H$g F${f H$m _R> h¡ ?
is situated in Asthal Bohar ? (A) H${nb (B) À`dZ
(A) Kapil (B) Chyawan
(C) Ved Vyas (D) Mastnath (C) doX ì`mg (D) _ñVZmW
63. December 22, the day on which genius 63. {Xgå~a 22 , {Og {XZ à{V^membr lr{Zdmg
Srinivas Ramanujan was born would be am_mZwOZ H$m OÝ_ hþAm Wm, dh {XZ Bg àH$ma
celebrated as _Zm`m OmEJmŸ&
(A) National Members Day (A) amîQ´>r` gXñ` {Xdg
(B) National Mathematics Day (B) amîQ´>r` J{UV {Xdg
(C) Numerical Mathematics Day (C) gm§p»`H$ J{UV {Xdg
(D) National Science Day (D) amîQ´>r` {dkmZ {Xdg
64. Acid found in lemon is 64. Zt~y _| nmE OmZodmbm E{gS> h¡
(A) Citric acid (B) Acetic acid (A) {g{Q´>H$ E{gS> (B) Ego{Q>H$ E{gS>
(C) Tartaric acid (D) Nitric acid (C) Q>mQ>m©[aH$ E{gS> (D) Z¡{Q´>H$ E{gS>
65. Most of the part of Haryana is 65. h[a`mUm H$m A{YH$m§e ^mJ h¡
(A) Desert (B) Plain (A) aoVrbm (B) _¡XmZr
(C) Hilly (D) Fenland (C) nhm‹S>r (D) XbXb

A -10-
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
66. Myanmar is the new name of 66. å`mZ_ma BgH$m Z`m Zm_ h¡
(A) Mali (B) Bali (A) _mbr (B) ~mbr
(C) Burma (D) Bhutan (C) ~_m© (D) ^yQ>mZ
67. Which is not a Rabi crop ? 67. BZ_o§ go Š`m a~r \$gb Zht h¡ ?
(A) Wheat (B) Maize (A) Johÿ± (B) _H$B©
(C) Gram (D) Mustard (C) MZm (D) gagm|
68. ‘Hari Bhoomi’ newspaper is published 68. h[a`mUm _| "h[a ^y{_' g_mMma nÌ {H$g ZJa go
in which city of Haryana ? {ZH$bVm h¡ ?
(A) Rohtak (B) Hissar (A) amohVH$ (B) {hgma
(C) Panipat (D) Fatehabad (C) nmZrnV (D) \$Vohm~mX
69. International Worker’s Day is celebrated on 69. AÝVaam©îQ´>r` _OXya {Xdg _Zm`m OmVm h¡
(A) April 14 (B) May 1 (A) Aà¡b 14 (B) _B© 1
(C) August 1 (D) May 10 (C) AJñV 1 (D) _B© 10
70. Enzymes are 70. E§OmB_ h¡
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Fats (A) H$m~m}hmBS´>oQ (B) dgm
(C) Proteins (D) Vitamins (C) àmoQ>rZ (D) {dQ°>{_Z
71. Chudani Dham is associated with 71. Nw> ‹S>mZr Ym_ H$m gå~ÝY {H$g _hmnwéf go h¡ ?
which of the following great soul ? (A) ñdm_r {ZË`mZÝX
(A) Swami Nityananda (B) g§V h[aXmg
(B) Saint Haridas
(C) Saint Ravidas (C) g§V a{dXmg
(D) Saint Gareebdas (D) g§V Jar~Xmg
72. State of Goa has _________ districts. 72. Jmodm amÁ` _| {Ob| h¢Ÿ&
(A) 2 (B) 3 (A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5 (C) 4 (D) 5
73. Which Vitamin is synthesized when 73. H$m¡Zgm {dQ>°{_Z g§ûco{fV hmoVm h¡ O~ h_mar ËdMm
skin is exposed to sunlight ? na gyaO H$s amoeZr n‹S>Vr h¡ ?
(A) Vit. A (B) Vit. B6 (A) {dQ°>{_Z A (B) {dQ>°{_Z B6
(C) Vit. C (D) Vit. D (C) {dQ°>{_Z C (D) {dQ°>{_Z D
74. Which of the following national route 74. H$m¡Zgm amîQ´>r` amO_mJ© h[a`mUm go hmoH$a Zht
is not passes through Haryana ? OmVm ?
(A) NH 5 (A) EZ. EM. 5
(B) NH 2 (B) EZ. EM. 2
(C) NH 1 (C) EZ. EM. 1
(D) NH 10 (D) EZ. EM. 10

-11- A
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
75. “Wings of fire” is a book authored by 75. ""qd½O Am°\$ \$m`a'' nwñVH$ Ho$ boIH$ h¡
(A) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (A) AQ>b {~hmar dmOno`r
(B) Amit Chaudhary (B) A{_V Mm¡Yar
(C) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (C) E. nr. Oo. AãXwb H$bm_
(D) Girish Karnad (D) {Jare H$Zm©S>

76. ‘Hyper inflation’ in the economy will 76. AW©ì`dñWm _| A{V_wÐmñ\$s{V (hmBnaBÝâboeZ)
lead to H$m n[aUm_ hmoJm
(A) Easy loans (A) AmgmZ F$U
(B) Increased production of goods (B) dñVwAm| Ho$ CËnmXZ _| d¥{Õ
(C) Fall in value of money (C) _wÐm H$s H$s_V _| {JamdQ>
(D) Increased deposits in banks (D) ~¢H$m| _o§ O_m _| d¥{Õ

77. In which district of Haryana has a 77. h[a`mUm Ho$ {H$g {Obo _| aobdo H$m dH©$emn h¡ ?
railway workshop ? (A) Jw‹S>Jm±d
(A) Gurgaon (B) {gagm
(B) Sirsa
(C) Faridabad (C) \$arXm~mX
(D) Yamuna Nagar (D) `_wZmZJa

78. Kathakali is a dance form of 78. H$WH$br Bg amÁ` H$m Z¥Ë` àH$ma h¡
(A) Karnataka (A) H$Zm©Q>H$
(B) Kerala (B) Ho$ab
(C) Tamil Nadu (C) V{_bZmSw>
(D) Andhra Pradesh (D) AmÝY«àXoe

79. ‘Birju Maharaj’ is a famous exponent of 79. "{~aOy _hmamO' _________ Ho$ EH$ à{gÕ
(A) Kathak dance à{VnmXH$ h¢ &
(B) Sitar (A) H$WH$ Z¥Ë`
(B) {gVma
(C) Tabla
(C) V~bm
(D) Sarangi
(D) gma§Jr

80. Owner of the company that makes Reva 80. aodm BbopŠQ´>H$ H$ma ~ZmZodmbr H$ånZr H$m Zm_ h¡
electric car is (A) Q>mQ>m _moQ>g©
(A) Tata Motors
(B) gwµOwH$s
(B) Suzuki
(C) Mahindra and Mahindra (C) _{hÝÐm E§S> _{hÝÐm
(D) TVS (D) {Q.>{d.Eg.
A -12-
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
English Language 84. According to the writer, life is indeed
Directions (Qs. 81-84) : Read the passage (A) A comedy
given below and based on this, answer these (B) A tragedy
questions that follow : (C) A mystery
It is no doubt true that we cannot go through (D) What we make of it
life without sorrow. There can be no sunshine 85. “The world is like a looking glass.”
without shade. We must not complain that
The figure of speech found in this
roses have thorns, but rather be grateful that
thorns bear flowers. Our existence here is so above sentence is
complex that we must expect much sorrow and (A) Metaphor (B) Simile
suffering. Many people distress and torment (C) Hyperbole (D) None of these
themselves about mystery of existence. But 86. Choose the opposite of the word
although a good man may at times be angry
with the world, it is certain that no man was
ever discontented who did his duty in it. The (A) Acceptance (B) Disliking
world is like a looking glass. If you smile, it (C) Refusal (D) Available
smiles, if you frown, it frowns back. Always try Directions (Qs. 87-88) : In each of the
then to look at the bright side of things. Life has
sentences given in these questions, some
been a comedy to those who think and a
tragedy to those who feel. It is indeed a tragedy sentences have errors and some have none.
at times and comedy very often, but as a rule, it Find out which part (A) or (B) or (C) of the
is what we choose to make it. sentence has an error. If there is no error your
answer is (D).
81. We should expect much sorrow and
suffering in life, because 87. I shall go to Australia (A)/for higher
(A) Every rose has a thorn studies (B)/if you like it or not (C)/No
(B) We think too much error (D).
(C) Our life is so complex
(D) Our own actions are responsible for 88. They refused (A)/staying in that hotel
them (B)/as it was too crowded (C)/ No error
82. What do people distress and torment
about ? Directions (Qs. 89-90) : Fill in the blanks with
(A) Life consists of both joys and the most appropriate alternative :
(B) The world is like a mirror 89. Since Robert is _______ photographer,
(C) Life is a tragedy at times he did not charge us any money for
(D) Secrets of life unknown to man taking our photograph.
83. What sort of man is never dissatisfied ? (A) A professional
(A) Who does his duty in the world (B) An unknown
(B) Who never gets angry with the (C) An amateur
world (D) A qualified
(C) Who only looks at the bright side of
things 90. You are ready to go, ________ ?
(D) Who has no complaint about roses (A) Isn't it (B) Aren't you
having thorns (C) Are you (D) Is it

-13- A
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)

{hÝXr ^mfm 96. "_rR>m' eãX H$m ^mddmMH$ g§km ê$n h¡

91-92 : ZrMo {X`o J`o eãXm| H$m {dbmo_ {b{IEŸ& (A) {_R>mg
91. gXþn`moJ (B) {_R>mB©
(A) Xþén`moJ (C) _rR>r
(B) {Zén`moJ (D) _rR>
(C) {dén`moJ
97. {dOmVr` eãX H$mo MwZH$a {b{I`o &
(D) Cn`moJ
(A) H$m\$s
92. XþamMma
(B) Mm`
(A) AmMma
(B) gXmMma (C) XÿY
(C) {ZamMma (D) ^mV
(D) AZmMma
98. "XmoñV' H$m {déÕmW©H$ eãX {b{I`o&
93-94 : ZrMo {X`o J`o eãXm| H$m VËg_ eãX {b{I`o : (A) eÌwËd
93. gmV (B) XmoñVr
(A) gmW (C) {_Ì
(B) gmR>
(D) Xþí_Z
(C) gßV
(D) gmX 99. "~wam' BgH$m ^mddmMH$ g§km ê$n h¡

94. ZtX (A) ~wamB©

(A) {ZÐm (B) ~wamnZ
(B) {ZÐ (C) ~wamnm
(C) qZX (D) ~wamB©nZ
(D) ZrV
100. BZ_| ghr Aja {dÝ`mg H$m eãX h¡
95. ‘7½’ H$mo {hÝXr _| __________ H$hVo h¢&
(A) AÜ`mnH$
(A) gmV Am¡a AmYm
(B) gmT>o gmV (B) AÚmnH$
(C) gmS>o gmV (C) AXçmnH$
(D) gmS>o gmW (D) AÚmnH$m
A -14-
Field Inspector (Store) (Noon)
a\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ñWmZ

-15- A

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