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News Story 1
In order to top the previous senior class prank, 20 seniors released 1000 balloons into
the hallways, with the only result of getting suspended and having to miss the all night party.
With this suspension, these seniors have planned to protest and attend the next board meeting
to appeal the suspension.
Principal Vinita Haygood said she announced many times a senior prank would not be
appropriate and further exemplifies her actions toward her students.
“I gave ample warnings to the senior class that I would not tolerate any sort of prank that
disrupts school,” Principal Vinita Haygood said. “Releasing more than 1,000 balloons between
classes did precisely that.”
Math teacher Grace Kelle, was a firshand victim of the senior prank. Between first and
second period, the time the balloons were released, students were distracted by the act and
ended up as tardy for their the next class. The school logged 150 tardies to second period on
the day of the senior prank.
“The hallways were chaotic and super loud during the balloon release,” Killen said. “The
seniors didn’t mean any harm, but the prank was disruptive. Almost half of my class was late. It
took me more than 15 minutes to get my freshmen calmed down.”
Senior Alfred Refugio had a different consequence in mind than Haygood for the
histerical senior prank.
“We really thought she would just make us pick up the trash and serve a few detentions
at the most,” Refugio said. “But we didn’t even get to pick up the balloons because she went
ballistic and suspended us that day.”
With one of the supporters of the protest, Ruby’s Mother plans to defend her daughter in
the next board meeting. As a parent, she has the perspective that it was a harmful funny prank.
“Let the punishment fit the crime. They were balloons,” Ruby’s mother, Milly Kanur, said.
They could have put shaving cream in them or glitter. But they didn’t.
With the biggest party of the year, these suspensions were the last thing these seniors
expected to cause them to miss.
“Every senior has been looking forward to the all-night party since the first day of
school,” senior Ruby Kanur said. “I can’t believe that is what she banned us from. It’s
mean-spirited, and we were anything but mean.”

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