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Cover: Yazdan Mithra

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3: 2009 Oct 7 Wed.


1. Sources
2. Primordial Seven
3. Three Periods of Earthly Life
4. Angels
5. Arabic Parts
6. Natal Chart
7. Life Cycle Table
8. Aspects
9. Degree Symbolism

Appendix: Internet Service

Mithra’s esoteric astrology is developed using Japanese, Chinese, Iranian and Hellenistic
sources which are relevant to Mithraic cosmology and astrology. It is a system of astrology
widely used among the friends of Mithra in Japan. Commercial based internet service is also
provided from Japanese major providers.
This article is a brief but comprehensive introduction to its sources and important

1. Sources
Textual sources of Mithra’s esoteric astrology are surveyed. They are classified into (1)
Japanese and Chinese, (2) Iranian and (3) Hellenistic.

2. Primordial Seven
Gods of astrology, namely seven planetary gods (seven week-day gods) of Mithraism in
the Central Asia and Japan are introduced. Their relation to the Big Dipper and
correspondence to the seven week-day gods of Roman Mithraism and the seven archangels
of Yezidis are also introduced.

3. Three Periods of Earthly Life

Mithra’s esoteric astrology divides man’s earthly life into three periods (night, dawn and
day), and cast a horoscopes to each period. The characteristics of each period and the esoteric
psychology behind this division are surveyed.

4. Angels
Three periods are ruled by three gods (angels) respectively. Their role and identification
methods are surveyed. The interpretation keys are also surveyed.

5. Arabic Parts
Mithra’s esoteric astrology uses two kinds of Arabic parts. Their characteristics are

6. Natal Chart
The casting method of three horoscopes is introduced.

7. Life Cycle Table

For the life reading, Mithra’s esoteric astrology makes “Life Cycle Table” using profection
(1 sign 7 year) within the scheme of “three periods of earthly life”. Life Cycle Table is
introduced with a sample.

8. Aspects
Definition, meaning and usage are surveyed. Influence of Vedic astrology is also referred.

9. Degree Symbolism
Two kinds of degree symbols used in Mithra’s esoteric astrology are surveyed. One is

based on Achaemenid calendar, the other is modern Sabian symbols.

1. Sources

1. 1 Japanese and Chinese Sources

Sukuyôkyô 宿曜経 The Scripture about the Lunar Mansions and the Seven Planets
This is a Buddhist scripture (sutra) on astrology, and is a dictation of what a Buddhist
monk Amoghavajra 不空 (704-774) said by his disciple. Therefore there is no Sanskrit
original. It gives detailed explanation on planets, dragon’s head and tail, twelve signs and
houses, manzils (lunar mansions), aspects, week-day and divination techniques used in the
Central Asia. This scripture gives a complete table of correspondence among planets, Persian
gods and Hindu gods. Therefore this is the most reliable textual source (Table 1). It is written
that these are the gods worshipped by the Persians living in the Central Asia. It states that
the great teacher Mani made Mihr (Mithra) ’s-day (Sunday) holiday. They write it large with
red ink on the calendar not to forget the day. On Mihr’s-day everybody rest their work and
wear white clothes to celebrate Mihr (Mithra).

Table 1. Seven Week-day Gods in Sukuyôkyô

Week-day Planets Persian Gods Indic Gods
Sunday Sun Mithra 密 Adithya 阿儞底耶
Monday Moon Mah 莫 Sôma 蘇摩
Tuesday Mars Verethraghna 雲漢 Anga-raka 鴦哦羅迦
Wednesday Mercury Tyr 咥 Budha 部陀
Thursday Jupiter Ohrmizd 温勿司 or Gav 鶻 Brihaspati 勿哩訶婆跛底
Friday Venus Anâhitâ 那歇 Sukra 戌羯羅
Saturday Saturn Kewan 枳院 Shanaishwalaya 賖乃以室折羅

Suku 宿 means the lunar mansions (manzils), you 曜 means the seven planets and kyô
経 means scripture (sutra). Therefore Sukuyôkyô means the Scripture about the Lunar Mansions
and the Seven Planets.

Teishiseian (Cheng-shih Hsing An) 鄭氏星案 The Treatise on Astrology by Cheng the Sage
This is a textbook on astrology of the Central Asia (Sassanid time) and its Chinese
adoption. It is written about 1350 based on older sources. It contains forty examples of forty
sample horoscopes ranging from 1312 to 1376. The general description of the horoscopes and
a deailed analysis of one of them, No. 37 are given in Walteres’ Chinese Astrology (Chapter
Using this and Sukuyôkyô, it is easy to reconstruct the astrology used among Mithraists in
the Central Asia and China.

Tei/Cheng 鄭 is a surname, shi/shih 氏 means the sage, sei/hsin 星 means stars, an/an 案
means treatise. Therefore Teishi-seian 鄭氏星案 means The Treatise on Astrology by Cheng the
Sage. Teishiseian is Japanese pronunciation. Cheng-shih Hsing An is Chinese pronunciation.

Genshikimyôdan 玄旨帰命壇 Initiation into the Secret Mystery of Returning to the Starry

This is the supreme mystery of Tendai sect 天台宗. Tendai sect is a branch of Mahayana
Esoteric Buddhism, and is well known in its astrological doctrine. Its relation to Mithraism,
see “Tendai Sect” in An Introduction to the Simorghian Culture and Mithraism in the East

Gen 玄 means secret, shi 旨 means doctrine and/or mystery, ki 帰 means “returning”,
myô 命 means “starry realm” or Hakk, dan 壇 means ritual place of initiation. Therefore
Genshi-kimyô-dan 玄旨帰命壇 means Initiation into the Secret Mystery of Returning to the
Starry Realm.

Hishô 秘鈔 Extracts from Secret Mystery

This is also a scripture of Tendai sect. It is a record of important points of oral tradition.

Hi 秘 means secret, shô 鈔 means extracts. Therefore Hishô 秘鈔 means Extracts from
Secret Mystery.

1. 2 Iranian Sources
Abû Ma'šar (787-886) is a famous Persian astrologer, astronomer and mathematician. He
learned astrology in Harran. The religion of the Harranian magi has close relation to Roman

Abû Ma'šar. Kitab al-mudkhal al-kabîr ilâ ahkâm al-nugûm

English title is The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology. This is a comprehensive
work on astrology. It gives detailed explanation on conjunction, aspects, and Arabic parts.

Abû Ma'šar. Kitâb al-Milal wa-d-Duwal

English title is On Historical Astrology, The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great
Conjunctions). This is a work on astrological prediction.

Achaemenid Calendar
Iranian calendar is a limitless fountain of esoteric philosophy and astrology.

Ketab-e haftan (haft sirr)

This is an encyclopedic text edited by the author in 2000, and contained in Tojo’s Qewl
–Holy Book of Mithra. Characteristics of the seven archangels (haftan) of the Yezidis are

Ketab-e navan haftan (haft sirr)

This is a text edited by the author in 2003, and contained in Tojo’s Qewl –Holy Book of
Mithra. Manthras of the seven archangels (haftan) of the Yezidis are described.

1. 3 Hellenistic Sources
Hellenistic texts are not confirmed to be used by the magi of Roman Mithraism. However
the author thinks these texts should not be disregarded.

Plato. Timaeus
Creation of Cosmos: 31B-C, 36C-E, 41A, 7
Fixed Stars: 36C, 40A-B, 38C
Seven Planets: 36C, 37B-38C, 37E-38A, 41D
Spirit, Soul & Body: 48-49
Creation of Man & Transmigration: 41-42

Corpus Hermeticum
General: I
Primordial Seven: II:13; III:2-7
Arabic Parts & Daimons: XVI:1; XVI:13-16

Latin Asclepius I
Creatures: 2a, 2b, 3b
The Sun God: 3c, 4, 6b, 7b, 8
Heavenly Pattern (Model) and Individuality: 4
Daimons: 4-5
Spirit, Soul & Body: 6b, 7b
The Sun God and Man: 8

Latin Asclepisu III

God: 14b
Daimons: 19b, 27c-b, 19c

Origen. Contra Celsus

Seven Planets: 6.22

Julius Firmicus Maternus. Matheseos

God: 1.10.14
Cosmos: 1.5.7
Planets: 1.5.6-7
Creatures: 1.5.6-7
Human Beings: 1.7.21-22
Astrology: 1.4.5

2. Primordial Seven
They are called Seven Week-day Gods 七曜神* and/or Seven Rulers 七政* in the East Asian
scriptures. These gods (archangels) serve for Lord God Mithra to give the world the order
and the prosperity. They rule the world in rotation.

In the East Asian sources, Primordial Seven are linked to seven stars of the Big Dipper
(Ursa Major). Mithra the Lord God of Heaven corresponds to the polar star, Primordial
Seven correspond to the seven stars of the Big Dipper respectively. Seven planets are their
tools to preside the cosmos. It reminds us of the seven pole gods in Mithras Liturgy.

* Seven Week-day Gods 七曜神: Shichiyôshin. Shichi 七 means seven, yô 曜 means

week-day and/or planets, shin 神 means gods, therefore Shichiyôshin means Seven Week-day
*Seven Rulers 七政: Shichi 七 means seven, sei 政 means rulers, therefore Shichisei means
Seven Rulers.

Table 2 Primordial Seven of Mithraism

Seven Trans- Japan & the Roman Yezidi
Planets Saturnians Central Asia* Mithraism
Sun Pluto Mithra Sol/Mithras ‘Azazel
Moon Mah Luna Dardâ’il
Mars Uranus Bahram Mars ‘Israfil
Mercury Tyr Mercurius Shemnâ’il
Jupiter Neptune Ohrmizd Jupiter Azra’il
Venus Anahita Venus Jibri’l
Saturn Kevan Saturn Mika’il
*According to Sukuyôkyô 宿曜経

Note 1
There are explanations on dragon’s head (the north node of the Moon) and tail (the south
node of the Moon) in the Sutra on Houses and Planets. Dragon’s head is called Ragô 羅睺,
dragon’s tail is called Keito 計都. They are transcriptions of Sanscrit Rahu and Ketu
respectively. Dragon’s head relates into life of the native benefits due to karma. Dragon’s
tail relates into the life of the native karmic consequences which present difficulties.

Note 2
In modern Theosophy they are called the Seven Rays. Its relation to Primordial Seven is
explained in Theosophy: A Modern Revival of the Simorghian Culture.

3. Three Periods of Earthly Life

3. 1 Outline
Mithra’s esoteric astrology divides man’s earthly life into three periods. This is an adoption
of Iranian tradition (frasho kereti, frashegird). According to Zoroastrianism and
Manichaeism, the lifespan (Great Cycle) of the Cosmos is nine thousands years. It is divided
into three equal cycles. The span of each cycle is three thousands of years. The first cycle is
called bundahishn (time of creatrion), the second gumêzishn (time of mixture) and the third
wizârishn (time of separation) (Bundahishn, 1:20). In Milo-ism (Chinese Mithraism), the cycle
is called yang 陽, for a cycle is moved by a yang energy. The first cycle is called the blue

yang 青陽, the second the red yang 赤陽 and the third the white yang 白陽. Qing 青
means blue, chi 赤 means red and bei 白 means white.
Mithra’s esoteric astrology adopts this macrocosmic scheme to microcosmos, namely man,
and incorporates Tendai sect’s secret doctrine and the Hellenistic esoteric psychology on the
development of a soul (ego) within this scheme.
The earthly life is divided into three periods: night, dawn and day. In the night period, the
lower ego develops under the protection of the angel of the lower ego. The higher ego is still
sleeping in the body. This is the period for preparation. In the dawn period, the higher ego
wakes. It grows under the protection of the guardian angels. A harsh struggle occurs
between the higher ego and the lower ego. In almost case, the higher ego wins. This is the
period to live for the society through vocation. In the day period, higher ego purifies itself
under the guide of the angel of the spirit. This is the period to live for oneself to enrich own
When a human-being is born on the earth, four of Primordial Seven becomes his/her angel
of night (one), dawn (two) and day (one). These four rule a certain life period respectively.

3. 2 The Night Period

The young ages (1-21) are called the night period. It is the night of the ego, for the true-ego
is still so immature that it is ruled by the pseudo-ego. The pseudo-ego is created by the angel
of night, and controlled by the moon ray. The identification of one’s angel of night of is made
using the lunar mansions (manzil). The angel of night rules activity, courage, breakthrough
and physical strength. Both the sun and the ascendant are by-players during this period.

3. 3 The Dawn Period

The middle ages (22-42) are called the dawn period. It is the dawn of true ego. A harsh
battle occurs between the true-ego and the pseudo-ego. The true-ego gradually took the
control of body under the help of his/her guardian angel (angels of dawn). The guardian
angel uses the part of the fortune and the ascendant. He also helps the true-ego to discover
the way to contribute society through vocation. The power of the moon decreases gradually,
the power of the Sun increases in reverse until the two harmonizes during this period.

First guardian angel

The identification is made using the birthday ruler (week-day ruler) table. He rules
contract, morality and steadfastness. He gives protection of all kinds. His protection makes a
person somewhat conservative. He leaves that which is essential and cast away the rests.

Second guardian angel

The identification is made using the combination of the birth time and the week-day ruler.
He rules health, long life and purification of passion/lustrous desire.

3. 4 The Day Period

The old ages (43-) are called the day period. It is also called the day of the ego. In this
period the angel of day supplies us vital energy for long life via the Sun. He gives advices

what a human-being should do to purify his/her soul (ego) before to meet God (Mithra). He
let us prepare to say to Lord God Mithra, “I have lived as much as I can. I did my best” in
His presence. The identification of the angel of the day is made using the birth day zodiacal
degree. He rules money, finance, job, vocation and learning.

3. 5 Theosophical Interpretation
Mithra’s esoteric astrology is developed using astrological sources relevant to Mithraism
alone. However, there is a parallel with astrology of Theosophy (astrology of the Seven Rays).
The reason behind it is that both have grown from the same platform (Indo-Iranian
tradition*). In Theosophy, the angel of night is called the personality ray, and the angel of
dawn is called the soul ray. They play the same role in our earthly life as the angels play. But
there is no correspondence to the angel of day. The methods for the identification of rays are
different from Mithra’s esoteric astrology.

*Indo-Iranian tradition: See Theosophy: A Modern Revival of the Simorghian Culture.

3. 6 Summary Table
Table 3 Three Angels and Their Guardian Gods in the Japanese Scriptures
Three Periods Night Dawn Day
Ruling Angels Angel of night Angel of dawn Angel of day
(Angel of lower ego) (Angel of higher ego) (Angel of spirit)
(Fallen angel) (Guardian angel) (Myôjô 明星)
(Ganshinshô 元神星) (Honmyôshô 本命星)
(Personality Ray) (Soul Ray)
Mystic Body (Ruled) Astral body Mental Body Buddhic Body
Focus Moon Acsendant Sun
Pearl (Lot of Fortune)
Living Live for parents Live for community Live for oneself
(through one’s Live for God
Ego (Consciousness) Pseudo-ego True Ego (growing) True Ego (Matured)
(True ego is ruled by
the pseudo-ego.)
Genshikimyôdan Mahâsthâmaprâpta Avalokiteśvara 観音 Amitâbha 阿弥陀
(Ruling Gods) 大勢至 (Teireita 丁令多) (Matara 摩多羅*)
(Nishita 爾子多)
Genshikimyôdan Moon 月 Sun 日 Light 明*
(Symbolic Planets)
Roman Mithraism Cautopates Cautes Mithras
(Ruling Gods)
Manichaeism Rashnu Sraosha Mithra
(Ruling Gods)

*Matara 摩多羅: This is considered to be a transcription of the name of Mithra among

Japanese occultists.
*Light 明: This Chinese character is a synthesis of the moon 月 and the Sun 日. It is a symbol
of the central spiritual Sun.

4. Angels

Angel of Night
Angel of night rules the moon during the night period. Therefore the ruler of the lunar
mansion in which the natal moon resides becomes one’s angel of night.

The keys for interpretation:

The planet(s) ruled by one’s angel of night
The lot ruled by one’s angel of night

For example if one’s moon resides in Aquarius, and one’s angel of night is Tyr/Mercurius/
Shemnâ’il, one’s moon is affected by Tyr/Mercurius/ Shemna’il. Therefore in case of
interpreting the moon in Aquarius, one should interpret it as if Mercury in Aquarius.

Table 4 Angel of Night and Lunar Mansions

Japan & the Roman Yezidis 28 Lunar Mansions
Central Asia Mithraism I II III IV
Kevan Saturnus Mîkâ’îl ♈ 0°-13° ♋ 0°-13° ♎ 0°-13° ♑ 0°-13°
Mithra/Hvar Sol ‘Azazel ♈ 13°-26° ♋ 13°-26° ♎ 13°-26° ♑ 13°-26°
Mah Luna Dardâ’il ♈ 26°-♉ 9° ♋ 26°-♌9° ♎ 26-♏ 9 ♑ 26°-♒ 9°
Bahram Mars Isrâfîl ♉ 9°-21° ♌ 9°-21° ♏ 9°-21° ♒ 9°-21°
Tyr Mercurius Shemnâ’il ♉ 21°-♊ 4° ♌21°-♍ 4° ♏ 21°-♐ 4° ♒ 21°-♓ 4°
Ohrmizd Jupiter ‘Azrâ’il ♊ 4°-17° ♍ 4°-17° ♐ 4°-17° ♓ 4°-17°
Anahita Venus Jibr’il ♊ 17°-30° ♍ 17°-30° ♐ 17°-30° ♓ 17°-30°

Angels of Dawn
Angel of dawn rules the Ascendant during the dawn period. There are several methods to
identify one’s angel of dawn from the Acsendant. The first method uses table 5. The second
method uses table 6. The second method is useful even if one doesn’t know one’s birth time.
There also is third method. It uses the ruler of the Ascendant sign. The ruler of the ruling
planet of the Ascendant sign becomes one’s angel of dawn. If there is an ascending planet,
then the ruler of the ascending planet becomes one’s angel of dawn. Mithra’s esoteric
astrology recommends to use one of these three methods at one’s own choice.

The keys for interpretation:

Pearl (Part of Fortune)
The planet(s) ruled by one’s angel of dawn

The lot ruled by one’s angel of dawn

Table 5 First Angel of Dawn

Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Aries ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄
2 Taurus ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃
3 Gemini ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂
4 Cancer ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉
5 Leo ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀
6 Virgo ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿
7 Libra ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽
8 Scorpio ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄
9 Sagittarius ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃
10 Capricorn ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂
11 Aquarius ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉
12 Pisces ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀
1 Aries ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿
2 Taurus ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽
3 Gemini ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄
4 Cancer ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃
5 Leo ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂
6 Virgo ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉
7 Libra ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀
8 Scorpio ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿
9 Sagittarius ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽
10 Capricorn ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄
11 Aquarius ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂ ☿ ♃
12 Pisces ☿ ♃ ♀ ♄ ☉ ☽ ♂
Japan & the Central Asia:
☉=Mithra/Hvar, ♀=Anahita, ☿=Tyr, ☽=Mah, ♄=Kevan, ♃=Ohrmizd (Ahura Mazda),
Roman Mithraism:
☉=Sol, ♀=Venus, ☿=Mercurius, ☽=Luna, ♄=Saturnus, ♃=Jupiter, ♂=Mars
☉=’Azazel, ♀=Jibr’il, ☿=Shemnâ’il, ☽=Dardâ’il, ♄=Mîkâ’îl, ♃=’Azrâ’il, ♂=Isrâfîl

Table 6 First Angel of Dawn

Japan & the Roman Yezidi Birthday
Central Asia Mithraism
Kevan Saturnus ‘Azazel Sunday
Mithra/Hvar Sol Jibr’il Friday
Mah Luna Shemnâ’il Wednesday
Bahram Mars Dardâ’il Monday
Tyr Mercurius Mîkâ’îl Saturday

Ohrmizd Jupiter ‘Azrâ’il Thursday
Anahita Venus Isrâfîl Tuesday

Angel of Day
Angel of day rules the Sun during the day period. Therefore one’s angel of day is
identified from the position of the Sun using table 7. The table is taken from Sukuyôkyô and

The keys for interpretation:

The planet(s) ruled by one’s angel of day
The lot ruled by one’s angel of day

For example if one’s sun resides in Leo, and one’s angel of day is Kevan/Saturnus/Mîkâ’îl,
one’s moon is affected by Kevan/Saturnus/Mîkâ’îl. Therefore in case of interpreting the Sun
in Leo, one should interpret it as if Saturn in Leo.

Table 7 Angel of Day

Animal Planet Period Zodiacal Period
Signs Sign
Rat ☉ Dec 7-Jan 6 ♐ Dec 7-Dec 21
子 ♑ Dec 22-Jan 6
Ox ♀ Jan 7-Feb 4 ♑ Jan 7-Jan 21
丑 ♒ Jan 22-Feb 4
Tiger ☿ Feb 5-Mar 6 ♒ Feb 5-Feb 18
寅 ♓ Feb 19-Mar 6
Rabbit ☽ Mar 7-Apr 5 ♓ Mar 7-Mar 20
卯 ♈ Mar 21-Apr 5
Dragon ♄ Apr 6-May 6 ♈ Apr 5-Apr 20
辰 ♉ Apr 21-May 6
Snake ♃ May 7-Jun 6 ♉ May 7-May 21
巳 ♊ May 22-Jun 6
Horse ♂ Jun 7-Jul 7 ♊ Jun 7-Jun 21
午 ♋ Jun 22-Jul 7
Sheep ♃ Jul 8-Aug 8 ♋ Jul 8-Jul 22
未 ♌ Jul 23-Aug 8
Monkey ♄ Aug 9-Sep 8 ♌ Aug 9-Aug 22
申 ♍ Aug 23-Sep 8
Rooster ☽ Sep 9-Oct 9 ♍ Sep 9-Sep 23
酉 ♎ Sep 24-Oct 9
Dog ☿ Oct 10-Nov 8 ♎ Oct 10-Oct 23
戌 ♏ Oct 24-Nov 8
Pig ♀ Nov 9-Dec 6 ♏ Nov 9-Nov 22
亥 ♐ Nov 23-Dec 6

Japan & the Central Asia:
☉=Mithra/Hvar, ♀=Anahita, ☿=Tyr, ☽=Mah, ♄=Kevan, ♃=Ohrmizd (Ahura Mazda),
Roman Mithraism:
☉=Sol, ♀=Venus, ☿=Mercurius, ☽=Luna, ♄=Saturnus, ♃=Jupiter, ♂=Mars
☉=’Azazel, ♀=Jibr’il, ☿=Shemnâ’il, ☽=Dardâ’il, ♄=Mîkâ’îl, ♃=’Azrâ’il, ♂=Isrâfîl

Fig. 1 Zodiac and Chinese Animal Signs

Numbers correspond to planets: 1=☉, 2=♀, 3=☿, 4=☽, 5=♄, 6=♃, 7=♂. They are assigned to
Chinese animal signs symmetrically with respect to the Rat-Horse (子-午) axis.

5. Arabic Parts

5. 1 Clasification
In Mithra’s esoteric astrology, the Arabic parts are classified into two categories.

5. 2 Category 1: Lots
Here are the parts which belong to the first category. They are called lot (pars) s and play
important role in shaping one’s nativity.

Table 8 Lots
Lot Formula Meaning
Letter (Simorgh) ASC+(☉-☽) Spiritual guide
Pearl ASC+(☽-☉) Material fortune
Rod of Caduceus ASC+(☿-☉) Wisdom, advice
Cup ASC+(♀-☉) Romance, loved from
Sword ASC+(♂-☉) Courage
Pomegranate ASC+(♃-☉) Health, victory
Hourglass ASC+(♄-☉) Karmic reword, compensation
Thunder ASC+(♅-☉) Innovation, reform, radical change

Trident ASC+(♆-☉) Mystic chance, ideals
Hammer ASC+(♇-☉) Solidarity, focus of will power

5. 3 Category 2
The rests of the Arabic parts belong to this category. They amount hundred and more.
They are used in future prediction in detail. They are used in combination with Sabian
symbols and degree symbolism of Iranian calendar (Progression, Arc and Transit). Mithra’s
esoteric astrology uses the following texts:

Abû Ma'šar. The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology (Kitab al-mudkhal al-kabîr ilâ
ahkâm al-nugûm)
Guido Bonatus. The Astrologer’s Guide (Anima Astrologiae)
Robert Zoller. The Arabic Parts in Astrology

6. Natal Chart

6. 1 Elementary Use
The natal chart is cast using the equal house system. Fig. 1 is a sample chart generated by

Fig. 2 A Sample Chart

Mithra’s esoteric astrology recommends equal house system, however, it is of course possible
to use other house systems.

*MIIBOAT-Tool: This is famous astrological software designed and developed by Kana


6. 2 Advanced Use
Three charts are cast for night, dawn and day respectively.

Table 9 Three Charts

Night Chart Dawn Chart Day Chart
Ruling angels Angel of night Angels of dawn Angel of day
Focus Astral body Mental body Buddhic body
Key Moon Ascendant Sun
Pearl (POF)
Age From 0 to 21 From 22 to 42 From 43 on
House System Equal Equal Equal
(Recomendation) (Ascendant is 0° of the (Ascendant is Aries
sign where POF 0°.)

7. Life Cycle Table

In the delineation of a natal chart the life cycle table is used (Table 10). One sign seven
years system, which is a Mithraic variation of so-caled profection, is adopted to make the

Table 10 Life Cycle Table of the Sample Chart 1

Three Ages Natal Chart
Periods Signs Planets Lots Four Angels
of Fate
Night 0-7 Sagittarius Caduces Shemnâ’il Angel of Night:
8-14 Capricorn ♇’Azazel Shemnâ’il
15-21 Aquarius ♆Azra’il Letter Dardâ’il Ruler:
Sword Israfil Mercury
Dawn 22-27 Pisces ☽Dardâ’il Hourglass Mika’il Angels of Dawn:
♅Israfil 1st Jibr’il
28-35 Aries 2nd Jibr’il
36-42 Taurus ☉’Azazel
♀Jibr’il Own Ruler:
☿Shemnâ’il Venus
Day 43-49 Gemini Angel of Day:
50-56 Cancer ♂Israfil Hammer ‘Azazel ‘Azazel
57-63 Leo Pome. ‘Azra’il
64-70 Virgo ♄Mika’il Pearl ‘Azazel Sun
Trident ‘Azra’il

71-77 Libra Thunder Israfil
78-84 Scorpio Cup Jibr’il

8. Aspects

Indic Influence
In Sassanid Persian astrology aspects of Jyotiṣa (Vedic astrology) are widely used. It also
gave influence on Japanese and Chinese astrology. However, Mithra’s esoteric astrology
recommends to use only western aspects for beginners. Jyotiṣa aspects are for advanced use.

Kinds of Aspects
There are two kinds of aspects, major and minor aspects. Major aspects are conjunctions,
sextile, square, trine and opposition. Minor aspects are quintile, sesquiquadrate,
inconjunction and others (semi-sextile, semi-square, biquintile). Their meanings and orbs are
the same as modern western astrology.

Table 11 Aspects
Aspects Degrees Meanings
Conjunction 0 Intensifying the effects of the involved planets.
Most powerful.
Sextile 60 Compatibility and harmony.
Quintile 72 Moderately beneficial.
Square 90 Intensifying to the extent that it becomes stressful.
Trine 120 Most beneficial. Harmony, ease, beneficial.
Sesquiquadrate 135 Somewhat stressful.
Inconjunction 150 Difficulty and stress.
Opposition 180 Tension, conflict, confrontation. Powerful.

Aspect Patterns
Grand cross, grand trine, T-square and yod are used in chart analysis.

I-Ching Conversion
In Mithra’s esoteric astrology I-Ching conversion is frequently used in interpretation of
planetary aspects. For example, in case of interpreting Moon- Mars aspect, 42 Augmenting
益 yì ☴☳ and Persevering 恆 héng ☳☴ is referred. In case of Sun-Mercury aspect, 35
Prospering 晉 jìn ☲☷, 36 Brightness Hiding 明夷 míng-yí ☷☲, 12 Obstruction 否 pǐ☰☷,
11 Pervading 泰 tài ☷☰ are referred. Whether to take posiive meaning or negative meaning
depends upon the nature of aspect. Conjunction, sextile and trine will emphasis positive
meaning. Opposition and square emphasis negative meaning..
In order to convert planets into I-Ching Hexagram, Mithra’s esoteric astrology splits the

Sun into the ordinary Sun and the central spiritual Sun, and thinks Mithra presides the
central spiritual Sun, and Ahriman/’Azazel/Sol presides the ordinary Sun.

Table 12 Primordial Seven of Mithraism in I-Ching

Seven Trans- Japan & the Roman Yezidi I-Ching
Planets Saturnians Central Asia Mithraism Hexagram
C. S. Sun Mithra Mithras Hakk-Mithra ☰ Qián 乾 Heaven
Sun Pluto Ahriman Sol ‘Azazel ☲ Lí 離 Fire
Moon Mah Luna Dardâ’il ☴ Xùn 巽 Wind
Mars Uranus Bahram Mars ‘Israfil ☳ Zhèn 震 Thunder
Mercury Tyr Mercurius Shemnâ’il ☷ Kūn 坤 Earth
Jupiter Neptune Ohrmizd Jupiter Azra’il ☵ Kān 坎 Water
Venus Anahita Venus Jibri’l ☱ Duì 兌 Lake
Saturn Kevan Saturn Mika’il ☶ Gèn 艮 Mountain

9. Degree Symbolism

Achaemenid Calendar
Mithra’s esoteric astrology uses Achaenid calendar as its basis of degree symbolism.
According to our interpretation, each Zodiacal sign is divided into two phase. The first half
(1-14 degree) is the phase of descent into matter, the second half is the phase of ascension.

Table 13 Four Phases of 30 Degrees (Days)

Phase Degrees (Days) Meaning
I 1-7 Creation of man.
II 8-14 Nurturing of man.
III 15-22 Spiritual Guiding man.
IV 23-30 Spiritual Reward.

In table 12 Ohrmizd (Ahura Mazda) stands at the 1st day of a month, for he is Lord God of
Zoroastrians, and hi is the beginning. Mithra stands in the center of a month (15 and 16
degree/day), for he is Lord God of Mithraists and according to Mithraic tradition he always
stands in the center. In the Chaldean order of planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn), the Sun , which is Mithra’s planet, stands in the center as well.

Table 14 Degree Symbolism of a Zodiacal Sign according to Iranian Calendar

Degree Gods Notes
1 Ohrmizd (Primal Man) Spiritual essence of human beings. Particle of Light
明性, seed. Beginning of descent into material
world, âtmic body. 0 The Fool in Tarot.
2 Bahman Consciousness, Awakening. Buddhic body. IX The
Hermit in Tarot.
3 Asha Overcoming of temptation of evil. Mentalic body.

VIII Strength in Tarot.
4 Shahrevar Having ideal, Upholding ideal. Higher mentalic
body. IV The Emperor in Tarot.
5 Armaiti Nurturing, protection, womb. Physical body. Queen
of Pentacles of Tarot.
6 Haurvatat Water, astral, health. Astral body. 9 of Cups in
7 Ameredat Vital energy, immortality, purification. Ether body.
3 of Pentacles in Tarot.
8 Co-creator Atar Degree of Integration. Beginning of the second
phase of descent.
9 Atar Sacred fire, fire of creation. 1 of Wands in Tarot.
Homa 大護摩 (Fire festival)
10 Aban (Anahita) Water, river, lake, fountain, property, material
prosperity. 1 of Cups in Tarot. Goddess of Venus.
11 Hvar The Sun, support to day consciousness. 6 of Wands
in Tarot.
12 Mah The Moon, support to night
consciousness(unconsciousness). XVIII The Moon
in Tarot.
13 Tishtrya Rain, Sirius, Star of Bethlehem. God of Mercury.
XVII Star in Tarot.
14 Gosh Great sacrifice. One dies for many. XII The Hanged
Man in Tarot.
15 Co-creator Mithra Degree of Integration. Beginning of Ascension.
16 Mithra Love and friendship, promise of resurrection,
Messiah God. I The Magician, V The Hierophant, VI
The Lovers and XIX The Sun in Tarot.
17 Sraosha Guidance, advice, help, letter, enlightenment. XIV
Temperance in Tarot.
18 Rashnu Karma, the law of cause and effect. XIII Death in
19 Farvardin Favor from ancestors.
20 Bahram Victory, breakthrough, overcome. God of Mars. VII
The Chariot in Tarot.
21 Ram Harmony, peace, music, dance and rhythm. 4 of
Wands in Tarot.
22 Wata 1 of Swords, XX Judgment in Tarot.
23 Co-creator Dene Degree of integration. Beginning of the second
phase of ascension.
24 Dene Simorgh, Great Goddess Div 無極聖母. II The High
Priestess in Tarot.
25 Ashi Favor, richness. Goddess of Fortune. X Wheel of
Fortune in Tarot.
26 Arshtat Bakance, harmony, equilibrium. XI Justice in Tarot.
27 Asman Heaven.
28 Zamyat Earth. III The Empress in Tarot.

29 Manthra Manthra, prayer.
30 Asman Returning to the Root (Hakk). End of a cycle. XXI
The World in Tarot.
31 Zurwan Eterniry, Hakk, Land of Light, transcendence. Rest.
Preparation for the next cycle.
Note: 31 represents 31th day of a Month.

Sabian Symbols
In Mithra’s esoteric astrology modern Sabian symbols are also used. They are incorporated
into prediction techniques (Progression, Arc and, Transit) using Arabic parts.

Appendix: Internet Service
The internet service of Mithra’s esoteric astrology started in July 2008. It is presented by six
major providers in Japan: Yahoo! Japan, @nifty, ocn(NTT), goo(NTT), Biglobe and

Yahoo! Japan


ocn (NTT)

goo (NTT)


So-net (Sony)


Japanese and Chinese Sources

Amoghavajra. Sukuyôkyô (extracts), in Tojo Masato. Qewl –Holy Book of Mithra, MIIBOAT
Books, 2006
Walters, Derek. Chinese Astrology, the Aquarian Press, 1987

Iranian Sources
Jamshidi, Jamshid, Dr. farhang-e iran, Osaka, Japan, 2005
Ma'šar, Abû. Kitâb al-Milal wa-d-Duwal
___________ Kitab al-mudkhal al-kabîr ilâ ahkâm al-nugûm
___________ On Historical Astrology, The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great
Conjunctions), 2 vols,Brill, 2000
___________ The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology Together with the Medieval Latin
Translations of Adelard of Bath, E. J. Brill, 1994
Tojo, Masato ed. and trans. Ketab-e haftan (haft sirr) in Qewl –Holy Book of Mithra,
MIIBOAT Books, 2006
___________ ed. And trans. Ketab-e navan haftan (haft sirr) in Qewl –Holy Book of Mithra,
MIIBOAT Books, 2006

Hellenistic Sources
Copenhaver, Brian P. Hermetica, Cambridge University Press, 1992
Everard, John. The Divine Pymander of Hermes, Wizard Bookshelf, San Diego, 1994 (1650)
Manilius. Astronomica, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1977
Maternus, Julius Firmicus. Matheseos Libri VIII, Astrology Classics,1975
___________ Matheseos (extracts), in Tojo Masato. Qewl –Holy Book of Mithra, MIIBOAT Books,
Plato. IX Timaeus, Critias, Cleitophon, Menexenus, Epistles, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard
University Press, 1989 (1942)
___________ Timaeus (extracts), in Tojo Masato. Qewl –Holy Book of Mithra, MIIBOAT Books,
Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1980 (1940)
Scott, Walter. Hermetica, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1993(1924)
___________ “Latin Asclepius I-III”, in Hermetica, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1993 (1924)

Iranian Calendar
Bickerman, Elias J. "Notes on Seleucid and Parthian Chronology". Berytus 8: 73–84, 1943
Belardi, Walter. Studi Mithraici e Mazdei, Rome, 1977
___________ “Mithra ‘Arbeiter’ and ‘Rex’”, in Ugo Bianchi ed. Mysteria Mithrae,
Roma-Ostia 28-31 March 1978, E. J. Brill, 1979
Boyce, Mary ed. And trans. Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism, The University of
Chicago Press, 1984
Hinz, W. Neue Wege im Altpersischen, Wiesbaden, 1973, pp. 64-70.

Jamshidi, Jamshid, Dr. gahshomar1388, Osaka, Japan, 2009
Kent, Old Persian
Parker, R.A. & W.H. Dubberstein, Babylonian Chronology, Providence, Rhode Island,

Arabic Parts
Bonatus, Guido. The Astrologer’s Guide (Anima Astrologiae), AFA, 1970
Zoller, Robert. The Arabic Parts in Astrology, Inner Traditions International, 1989(1980)

Primordial Seven (Mithra’s Esoteric Astrology)

Tōjō, Masato. Mithra’s Haftān: Their Profile and Personality, Mithraeum Japan, 2008(2000),
___________ Origins of Seven Rays, Mithraeum Japan, 2008(2000),
___________ ed. and trans. Book of Primordial Seven in Qewl –Holy Book of Mithra,
MIIBOAT Books, 2006
___________ ed. and trans. Book of Names of Primordial Seven in Qewl –Holy Book of Mithra,
MIIBOAT Books, 2006



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