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It is pity very less people know how to use microcontrollers which are basic
building block of almost all digital electronic devices. There was thus a need to
hold an event which will create interest in people to learn about this basic
element of all digital electronic devices.

General Theme/Idea of the event

Participants will be required to make a hand held electronic circuit based game.
Using simple microcontroller programming simple games can be made. The
games could be like Tic-Tac-Toe using bare-minimal requirements, or slightly
advanced like Hangman using LCD screens, or much more advanced games like
Tetris with Graphic LCD’s. The users will be emphasized to create their own
innovative games thus creativity on part of user is essential part of the event.
The participants will be asked to make the product considering user friendliness
as the priority.

Problem Statement Tab:

1. In details the Problem Statement

Design a electronic circuit based hand-held game. Apart from the

execution of the logic of the game, you will also have to work on the
basic appearance of the game. The game should eventually look like
a box with input/output interface.
Rules & Regulation:

1. The game could be made using any 8-16 bit microprocessor/

microcontroller subject to the following restrictions. A maximum of one
microcontroller can be used. Apart from the microcontrollers, glue
logic is permitted.
2. Any use of DSPs is not permitted.
3. The participants are expected to get their power requirements from the
on-board battery.
4. All parts should be designed and assembled by the teams themselves;
using any part from any readymade circuit is not permitted.
5. The components may be assembled on bread boards, tag boards etc..,
however assembly on Printed Circuit boards can be done only if these
have been specially fabricated by the participants, boards from
readymade kits should not be used. Participants using PCBs should have
there participants name etched on the PCB and also bring Gerber files as
a proof of originality. Do note that the judging criteria favor a proper
layout of the circuit components.
6. The electronic circuits and battery should not be visible from outside
and should remain inside the box. Only I/O interface devices should be
visible. However the box should be made such that it can be opened any
time for inspection.
7. The teams may implement any of the sample games given or create their
own games.
8. On a single A2 size poster, the team should explain their device with
figures, diagrams and relevant material. A detailed report in support of
the design and highlighting the important aspects should also be brought
in print.
9. The report along with the poster will have to be submitted to the
competition coordinator at the time of the competition.
10. The teams must adhere to the spirit of HEALTHY COMPETITION. The
teams must not damage their fellow participants’ circuit in any
way. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulged in
11. Judges decision shall be final and binding on all.

General Rules for the Problem Statement:

1. Teams will be given a 30 minute time period at the venue to set up their
desk. After this time, the competition shall be made open to visitors
for the next four hours. Please note that your circuit must be functional
throughout this time period, any repairs, additions or change of program
will not be permitted. However change of battery is permitted. This will be
followed by a half an hour break followed by a judging session.

2. All teams have to bring their own equipment such as soldering and de-
soldering equipment, bread boards, wires, batteries, multi-meters etc. No
requests shall be entertained in this regard.
3. The circuit must be accommodated on a table of size 3 ft X 4 ft. No
additional space will be provided for the circuit placement

Judging Criteria :

1. Judging shall be subjective.

2. Judging shall be done on basis of the:
1. Overall user friendliness of the game (Aesthetic/Ergonomic).
2. Actual hardware implementation of the circuit design.
3. Creativity of the game implemented.
4. Algorithm Used
5. Display Interface.

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